Someone had better clamp down on Buffalo and their “NonE Campaign” before they blow everything into public view….
Following yesterday’s 10 year old reg selling overpriced “leatherbounds” for the “Non Existence” campaign, here is today’s confession of insanity from the original “Ideal Org” and source of the infamous “Buffalo Pattern.”
They announce loud and proud the Fully Automated Robot TV (FART) Div 6 “strategy” of David Miscavige. All you have to do is push a button and they will cognite. OMG! For anyone who has read even the first few policies from Volume 6 this is tantamount to taking out full page ads in the local newspaper and banner ads across the internet “WE ARE SQUIRREL ADMINISTRATORS AND WE ARE PROUD OF IT”.
These poor saps must be wondering — after a full DECADE, how come the Ideal Org HASN’T “done the rest”? Why is it empty? Why can’t they pay their bills? Why are there so few staff?
But its easier to keep pretending the building/videos/MEST will “handle it all” than confront the fact they are living a lie. Fed platitudes as “Command Intention” they regurgitate them, actually shout them on promo pieces, as if they are real.
Maybe some SP infiltrator is doing a brilliant expose? The church is financing sending out the most irrational, crazy crap to the world. It’s perfect: Those being exposed are the biggest supporters because they are the only ones who don’t see their own insanity and stupidity.
One thing for sure — they are certainly making themselves known! It’s just for all the wrong reasons…
Will CoS eventually have confessional booths as predicted in George Lucas’s early film “THX 1138”? Check it out:
I remember the first time I saw one of these robot Div VI implant stations in an org. It was spooky. There must have been enough video screens and benches to seat fifty people, but no one was there but me and a couple of my kids. It was so clean and sterile. While the video played, you could have heard a pin drop in the space. There was virtually no other activity present. I may have heard a staff member shuffle some papers somewhere.
Like was mentioned upthread, I sat down and watched one video, then got up and found a live person to talk to. If I recall correctly, that person was giving my kids and I a tour of the new ‘Ideal’ org. Having been involved with church renos for nearly a decade, I wasn’t easily impressed with square feet of perfect drywall and signage. I’m an old timer, and expected to see some sort of meat on the bone, like bodies in the shop. Well, there weren’t many to speak of, but the staff and the place sure did look sharp. I mean, the empty chapel with 300 chairs was mighty impressive, as were the endless, empty course rooms. Mighty sharp, and they even had that new course room smell!
The last time I was there, the place had been open for business for well over a year, but it was just as empty as the first time I toured it. So much for cogniting at the push of a button, eh?
Why don’t they pipe “canned” crowd noises into the Div 6 area? For the sake of folks (like me) raised with more of a homey “our house is your house” attitude (mi casa es su casa, Gemütlichkeit etc.).
They dub “canned” laughter into the Int events, don’t they? I once had a private viewing of a Maiden Voyage event and free use of the controls and was able to go over COB’s jokes several times. Like on sitcoms, you hear a lot of general laughter then a couple signature cackles that betray the dub. I’d love to have someone who worked at Gold confirm this.
Heres the problem they are trying to solve. While I was Dir Bridge Control (that’s the post at AOLA that is supposed to help div sixes) in 2002 there were more or less 11 Public officers or PES’s as they are know as in class v orgs. Div six requires a LOT of confront and most of the recruiters cannot get anyone on post in Div Six. You actually have an IQ and OCA requirement to be posted in in Div Six from what I remember. There was a day when all Int Management decided to descend on PAC and some exec came by the AOLA Div Six. A general question was asked of all of us as to what we thought the problems were in lower orgs. While everyone else PR’d and fudged and just failed to ask the question from some sort of fear factor I was fairly green so I actually got to tell him that every Div six was basically fucked. No new public = no clears or OTS. No upper orgs saw the value of helping build lower org Div sixes and neither did Int Manangement. It too hard to confront and handle the real situation and man up the division, get people in on intro courses and winning in life and then move them up the bridge.
I have much experience in Div Six. I cannot tell you how disgusted and out tech and off policy this bullshit is. Go to the back of the OEC and read the checklist for quality and see how many areas this violates. Squirrely bullshit.
Great insightful post, R L-B.
David Miscavige replaces div 6 staff planet wide with robots! For robot public! Push button and cognite!
TOTAL ROBOTISM “THINK”. See Hubbard’s policy on ROBOTISM. David Miscavige manages Orgs planet wide with ROBOTISM views!
Omg LRH must be turning in his grave. This violates every aspect of what div six is supposed to be. I mean just look at the dissem drill. Where’s the two way comm ?
David Miscavige Logic:
Theta sells Mest,, so Mest must sell Theta.
Its only fair, after all.
Most of the world’s MEST is sold via human contact and ARC.
Can you imagine going into your local car dealership where the showroom staff were not permitted to talk to you, and where you would be given your choice of video to watch?
Really, you hafta laugh.
This “New Era Div VI” is so idiotic it boggles the mind.
I compare this with an experience I had a while back – I went to the Self-Realization Fellowship building on Sunset (for reasons unrelated to joining). Now, I know absolutely nothing about SRF or what it’s about, but I walked into the lobby and what I found there was a calm, peaceful environment. The person who was there was very pleasant. The space looked well-used but very clean and warm/pleasant to be in. As I said, I know not a thing about this group, but from being there I came away with the impression that they are peaceful and spiritual. And nice. Nobody running around with clipboards and keys hanging off their belts and harried looks on their faces. He didn’t jam a book in my hand or body-route me over to a TV screen while I waited.
I just did a quick web search and there is nothing about abusing people, or people dying, or lurid exposés, at least not on the first three pages of results. Try that with Scientology. Another thing was that there were lots of actual temples in the results – apparently they have a lot of people involved.
The point is, their “Div VI” space left me with a good impression of their church. The search results didn’t scare me, either. If I were interested, I wouldn’t be afraid to go back there and ask the gentleman at the reception desk what they are all about.
There is no way in hell I’d walk into any org reception these days – even though I speak fluent Scientologese and could probably handle it better than most. It just sounds like a hassle, and why subject myself to that?
I believe SRF is on the infamous “list of suppressive groups.” Really? Well they sure make a better impression than Scientology makes.
Wow! The Corporate Church of Scientology now has its own implant stations! Push a button and…, ZAP!!!
“The Ideal Org does the rest” …? What, do the chairs fold up, pick your pocket, and fast track imprison you in RPF, or does it just swallow you and spit out your money like a $5 milion dollar harvester? I guess those are now the NEW two routes up the Bridge, huh? I got a great idea: buy Terminator robots as regges. Cold, chrome, steel. No worry about pay, food, or toilet paper. And breaking fingers is a snap. Probably make great auditors, too, no blink, no fidget.
And ….. remind me again how Scientology makes people more aware? For a moment I thought that this was a joke ad – you know, the kind Mad magazine used to do. The Scientology public has to be one of the most gullible groups on the planet. Well, I guess if you are cause over life ……
There’s six people in those pics, so that brings the total number of people who have used the FART system to eight . Grand Openings and Gold photo shoots don’t count. Oops, I guess that makes it two.
I have observed (obnosis) these displays in a couple orgs and I can assure you that people do not sit there and watch videos. They either walk up, push a button, watch for ten seconds and then walk away, or they are routed there, watch for thirty seconds and then walk away. Nobody wants to sit there and watch these stupid PR videos- and they don’t. It’s actually an ARC Break as the communication it implies is that you aren’t important enough to have an actual person help you.
Most of the time they sit dormant, sucking up electricity. Rarely you get one or two people routed in there who kind of go “hmm” and then walk away. There’s a pretty high bar set on this, but it may be the most ridiculous, off-policy, wasteful, ineffective, failure pet project Miscavige has dreamed up yet.
That´s not true. Little farters are watching totally excited. Here is the proof:
Mike, thanks for all this news. It’s amazing how Miscavige concentrates on Quality and neglects Quantity. Of course his quality is about MEST and there is little quality in what he does as we know. All this automation reminds me of things and I consider that Miscavige has other purposes for Scientology. I don’t think he is alone in this. I see many governments supporting him or at least doing nothing about him and his crimes and just keeping him there.
The last time I pushed a button in an org was when I entered my pin number into the credit card machine and hit enter. My cognition? “Holy fuck! I can’t believe I’ve just spent that! I am soooo screwed!!”
Needless to say, I didn’t get my money’s worth. Fantastic auditor. Shitty DM tech.
I’m just trying to understand this. They have a machine called FART, ok. Someone pushes a button and the visitor cognites, ok. But when I looked up the word I got this: Fart is most commonly used in reference to flatulence. The word “fart” is generally considered unsuitable in formal situations as it may be considered vulgar or offensive. Isn’t such a name a bit out PR?
Fully Automated Robot TV (FART)
This is the whole problem, no communication brtween real terminals. The whole world opporates this way now. And of course we know the world is doing so well right now.
FART is just the natural progression from GAT which is total Robotism.
(See HCOB)
You’d think this was a caculated effort by some psychotic to destroy any possible benefits of Scientology by eliminating live communication.
Thanks for clearing my MU – I always thought that FART is something like this:
Why not take it one step further? How about a FARTPhone app that allows people to push button and cognite without ever setting foot in the org? iFART for iPhones and FARTFast for Android.
I would love that app. I would just sit at home and go OTXXX
SSOA, How dare you spill the beans about what is essentially GAT 24?
Is it COBs fault that his brilliant program can’t be released out of sequence, i.e. until GAT 3-23 fail, and particularly not until there is an Ideal Orgs wlithin walking distance of EVERY remaining Scientologist.,
Do you not comprehend the brilliance of COB here? Think of it! Don’t you see that we must earnestly plan for Orgs to be in walking distance of every Scientologist given the distinct possibility that by that time every Scientologist will be so broke they won’t even be able to afford to drive or take a bus. And in fact he’ll even be be too sick to walk, but, never mind, . GAT 24 is designed to fully handle that.
Point being, COB is working his guts out for Planetary Clearing, and all you can do is joke and degrade.
The current guard is certainly suffering from stupidity and an ignorance of LRH Policy in spades.
Donate because our Div 6 promo actions don’t support the Org. screamed out in a full color add.
‘Push a button and cognite” Shazaam- all this time I thought it took personal study and auditing to cognite.
All I can do at the moment is shake my head.
Is it any wonder their world is shrinking.
And advertise their insolvency.
LRH would have crucified anyone who came up with a video intro line instead of live terminals.
This is certainly very pathetic, the fact that actual old fashioned human interaction using communication and ARC along with the Dissem drill to handle considerations have been “renovated” in Idle Orgs. It goes to show that Miscavige and the Orgs now prefer the application of his implant tech, of which those over the top International events are an example of.
As for the application of Non E, Buffalo clearly states what is wanted by them – straight cash, check or credit card donations in order to apply the condition. From this one can deduce that Idle Orgs now have Criminal Exchange as a standard (providing nothing for donations) – money for nothing operating basis as well as the viewpoint of having to have before they can do. All reflecting the changes that David Miscavige, the Pope and dear leader’s holy strategy has brought about.
Good point Sinar. The Org is telling people what THEY want and need (cash) on a non e.
Right! Its New Potential Public who need to get out of Non-E with their local Church of Scientology!
A push button Div 6. What’s next? A red light on your e-meter to tell the auditor when the needle has F/Ned?
Or maybe Green light for F/N and red light for Rock Slam. When the red light goes on, the floor beneath the pc chair opens up and the pc is thrown down the hole into The Hole so he can have his Evil Ints handled on the RPF and he can be re-programmed, oops, I mean “rehabilitated.”
“When the red light goes on, the floor beneath the pc chair opens up and the pc is thrown down the hole”. LOLOL!!!
FN light? Now THAT would be a pretty good idea actually.
You gotta know how “Dear Leader’s” convuluted mind works….Since they can’t get people to join staff and stay, and actually get paid…then replace them with MEST.
John P said it very well above….if someone enters a place of business, or a group, you want to believe that they themselves are a living breathing example of what they offer. With that in mind, if you go into the Buffalo Idle Org, you will become a computer. Perhaps that is exactly what DM wants.
That’s a really unattractive ad. The odd 70’s font, the brown color of the odd 70’s font, the cluttered composition, the cheesy burst behind the word ‘cognite’ – and most of all, the people in the ad look bored and unhappy! With all their dough you’d think they’d hire a decent art director.
It’s called being stuck on the track.
Miscavige’s ultimate Success. The removal of all thetans from Div 6, thus ending contamination of an entire area of orgs. All Div 6 personal who have left the building are thereby awarded (show picture of trophy). All other areas have only been reduced to non thinking roteness, but thetans are still present. Therefore, we must continue to extract money from our public in order to save Scientology from Thetans.
“Push button and cognite”. This is possibly the most stupid thing I ever saw ever coming from the church. Even if I left the church this is embarrassing to me.
this level of delusion reminds me of sitting at Flag waiting for a session and listening to “OT’s” telling me how they would pay for their bridge by winning the lottery…and they were serious. In fact, when I chuckled at them, one got upset with me for “invalidating their postulate to win.”
hahaha! That’s funny.
This pushbutton approach continues to amaze me, and not in a good way. I have been involved in various self-help disciplines over the years, starting back in the 1970s. Whenever I went to the introductory event or had a one-on-one meeting, I always responded best to the situations where:
a) I looked up to the person I was talking to because they were better dressed, more enthusiastic, sounded more confident or more compassionate, or they otherwise were somebody I would like to be like. In other words, that I was talking to somebody who actually got the benefits of whatever the program is that they were selling.
b) That I didn’t feel like I was being overly sold to be a “stat.” While all self-help groups push people to some degree to get them out of their comfort zone during the sales process, there’s a difference between that and jamming somebody up just to make a “stat.” I have been to introductory events where the pressure was ridiculous. I always felt that if they had to try that hard to sell me, then the “product” probably didn’t work.
c) That I actually felt listened to, not just that people were trying to “find my ruin” and use that to close the deal more effectively, but that they really had some understanding of what I was going through, and that they heard me well enough to respond thoughtfully to my questions about how their program was going to work in my life. Not some rote “yes, we can help you with that,” but a real answer that made sense.
How a pre-canned video can address those normal issues that everyone has walking in the door is completely beyond me. And it just shows the lunacy of David Miscavige to put the most robotic service into place at the point in the customer relationship that’s most important — closing the initial sale.
Incidentally, it’s not clear from the photographs whether the people looking at the screen are looking at a modern flat screen or whether they’re looking at an old-style CRT screen half-embedded in the back wall of the display console. If I were to walk into a place in 2013 and be shown an intro video on a CRT screen, I would immediately think that the exhibitor was an unbelievable loser and not deserving of my business, and I’d split as soon as I could. It’s not 1993 any more, Dave!
John — excellent analysis as usual. You would find considerable LRH policy that you would agree with as most is based on common sense. These people have been indoctrinated to check their common sense at the door and follow “Command Intention” to the exclusion of rational thought.
BTW — they are flat screens. In keeping with Miscavige’s obsession with only the best MEST (physical things) he requires all audio/visual to be high quality and specified by himself personally. The specs for the “AV presentations” took years to finalize as every single thing had to be approved by him, down to the way the buttons worked to start the DVDs — and he fancies himself as one of the world’s leading experts on the subject (or any subject). It’s why Buffalo had a second opening, because the first “Ideal Org” was now out of date and the reason they had not succeeded AT ALL was because they now had outdated “Div 6 displays”. They were all upgraded and that qualified for a second “Grand Opening.”
They are flat screens, but when I visited the DC Ideal Org a few weeks back, the menu text was burned into the screens from their being left on so long, and you had to fiddle with the buttons on the display for a long time and press them *just right* to make them work, making a really, really seedy impression.
The Oracle said it best the other day…” ‘Ideal Org’ in Non Existence? Certified ‘Ideal’ in Non E? Are they tripping?” Yes…they are. 🙂
It seems that the line, “it’s as eash as…push a button and cognite,” has become the stable datum for the entire Co$. Robot tech for the 21st century. It’s about as intelligent as their auditors, C/Ss, supervisors and ethics officers. No cognitive thought needed. Just push a button and the entire universe will be clear and happy and you, the ideal org staff will have all the publics money and I, david the COB miscavige will have thier devotion and obedience.
Of course the biggest lie is that dave is going to let the staff keep any of their hard earned dough.
Sorry, not my group.
The FARTScreen strategy could use a little more honesty. How about FART presentations on “Church endless rip-off fundraising,” “Disconnection and family disruption,” “Sec checking,” “Hate websites,” “Thought policing and control,” etc?