“Freedom” magazine recently put out this tweet:
Curious (?), I clicked on the link.
This is what it takes you to — an article reporting on their supposed accomplishments in 2017!
For the “largest private relief force on earth” it is just a little strange that they have nothing to report about for 3 years? No disasters in the intervening period is not the reason — remember the wildfires in California? The Hurricanes in Louisiana? Just this year….
The real reason for no update is no action.
This is a reflection of the fact there are no international events. David Miscavige is not presenting their “accomplishments” at numerous events. For that to happen requires a team of overworked people to try and compile numbers for him to use. They collect up hundreds, if not thousands. of false reports from organizations and people around the world trying to make themselves look good. Every one of them knows that if they report “25 Volunteer Ministers did 1,000 hour of disaster relief, working together with 1,000 other people as part of a united effort” nobody will challenge them and they will be commended for “following Command Intention.” They may be asked for a photo, but as long as they can produce something showing at least 3 people in yellow t-shirts, they will be good. This is how they get their insane (false) numbers like 1.5 million volunteers. Every org, mission, group, OT Committee etc etc is required to report.
From those events. Freedom mag then regurgitates the numbers. The people who put the magazine together know that if they take any heat for printing bs, they can simply point to Miscavige’s event and shrug their shoulders. They do not care about OUTSIDE criticism, the only thing they worry about is criticism from above. And when the capo di tutti capo has said it, they are safe. The ONLY heat they might take is for giving Miscavige enough credit for “overseeing,” “ushering in” or “being responsible for” the incredible humanitarian initiatives scientology has embarked upon on his watch.
Scientology is a collapsing house of cards.
Good riddance. Their crimes are coming back upon them 10 fold.
At least the guy at the top of the pyramid scheme is extremely light, hardly the weight of a child. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to claw his way all the way up there without tearing down the bottom layers of the structure. He waited until he controlled “everything” (that he knew about) before wantonly destroying the supporting structure.
I disagree that Dwarfenführer is presenting “many” events. At best, it’s one event re-run MANY times, beyond all usefulness.
Even the walls of JERICHO came tumbling down. Idols with CLAY FEET often fall….it takes time, lots of time, but its an eventuality.
Of course there always will be the die hard fans clinging to the ever sinking Titanic FARTWINDS life raft….they’ll die off or move on…or rebuild a similar societal “religion”.
I would love a front row seat to witness David M’s power demise…..flying off to an island without an extradition treaty living in exile scraping by & always having to continue to lock himself in a room & have a food taster for the rest of his meager squeaked out existence………or hauled off to prison
Balletlady, you describe Dwarfenführer “retiring” to a self-imposed prison where he would cower in paranoid fear the rest of his cold, loveless unimpressive life. An actual prison might be more soothing to the tiny tyrant. The worst bit would be losing what (illusional) power he thinks he has.
Balletlady, I wouldn’t call the Fartwinds a “life raft”, more a DEATH-craft, even without Bill Straass’ sad, disgusting story. From day 1, scientology makes the able less able and everyone a little less alive.
The house of cards that is the Cult of Scientology has been teetering on the brink for quite some time, it will be very interesting to see how long david continues to prop up his reign and how he distributes his ill gotten gains if & when he is shoved out by a new idiot to head what will be a shredded cult . When the money walks, nobody talks.
I really enjoy reading all the great posts here. Although my viewpoints may differ at times, all that I discover from others, teaches me new ways to see discussions and to reach higher myself. Thank you Mike.
In addition, Ann, I expect that when DM bugs out, all the keys to the kingdom will be in his pockets or luggage; No one will have access to HIS vaults of MONEY.
Hi Jere, Good to meet you here. I agree dm is a money viper along with his sadistic narcissist ways. I do think he will take all that he can if he does bug out too.
Ann, I additionally believe he’ll leave as little of his fiefdom intact as possible, perhaps boobytrapped so no one else can follow him. IMO, It would greatly please him if what is called scientology lost its IRS tax exemption AND that the top executives (other than him) were convicted for the crimes they committed.
Of COURSE he’s pure as the driven snow, guilty of nothing but pure benevolence (yeah, RIGHT!)
Big thanks to you, Leah, and all the brave folks who came forward and shed light. Your courage has helped so many families! Wish the show could go on until the whole cult implodes!
I just finished the 3rd Season. What a scam! I cannot even fathom what the victims had to go through, let alone how much money they lost. And why the hell was (is) Clearwater Fla caving to these guys? Why didn’t they get state assistance? It was an attempted take over of the city! At the very least, their tax-exempt status needs reversal. They are not a church in any way and never have been. The fact that they use church jargon (parishioners, etc.) is heinous. Kudos to Leah and Mike for exposing this fraudulent and disgusting organization that masquerades as a ‘church.’ Continue to fight the good fight. The more people who denounce them, the fewer members will remain and the finances will dwindle until they have to sell off the real estate. I already donated to you and will give you more when I’m able.
Cynthia, IMO, the (dis)organization has already imploded; no new converts and a shrunken number of adherents, shrinking further as we “speak”. DM’s just lining his war chests before the final battles over his “empire”, when HE has to answer to the crimes committed under his watch, ordered by him. RICO was written for weasels like him (Apologies to innocent weasels.)
God I hope all of what you’re saying is true, and more. I just can’t stand the fact that this guy has any power whatsoever. What’s up with their tax exempt status are they addressing that yet federally? I would’ve thought the Trump administration had put a stop to that even though I’m anti-Trump, he probably would’ve smashed the exemption By the way what is RICO? Thank you for updating me and let’s keep on pushing to get rid of this scam organization
A Republican administration is less likely to go after scientology because of the support from the Christian right. They have a great deal of sway in Republican politics. They see any encroachment on any “religion” as the slippery slope that might ultimately affect them. Kenneth Copeland and others with their personal jets and mansions have a LOT to lose if the IRS starts getting ornery about religious organizations…. They think the “fringe” religions are a good bulwark to protect them.
In recent years, I have found C of S parishioners and conservative Christians to be odd bedfellows, but, Mike, as with so many things, I think you have explained it!
Hi Jere- just wondered if you know , Why the IRS wasn’t asked about the 5 year trial period to prove their tax exempt status- Scientology says that trial period never happened, then why doesn’t the IRS step in and prove that it happened? Can it be that the IRS was actually bought off? Holy shit if , If that’s true, then we’re all doomed! LOL I hope that together,as a force, we can all push them over the brink and into extinction
The 5 year oversight absolutely happened. I have never seen the IRS deny it? I prepared some of those annual meetings between Miscavige and the IRS.
If the oversight happened and was Officially documented, then how can Scientologists disprove it?
During the 2019 finance project to re-train, Word Clear, and False Data Strip registrars and fundraisers, the buzz was C of S “well child checkup” with IRS remained an ever-year affair. “Violations,” an org staff member explained, “could jeopardize our tax-exempt status with the IRS.”
Cynthia, I’m the wrong person to ask. I was dumped out on the street LONG before that mess happened.
You’re right, Vanessa. The Witnesses are fearless heroes, as is Leah for staking her professional career on getting the truth out there and known.
I agree, Mike. In addition, the recent sentencing of Keith Reniere must be creating sweaty nights for Scientology “clergy.” Although there were different horrific circumstances, a big part of the decision was based on victim testimonies. Scientology doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance against all those they’ve got aimed at them!
Kim, the only “scientologist” sweating is likely to be DM, the Dwarfenführer® in control of everything except his tiny tyrant drunken rages.
With an increasing number of people becoming aware of the sham called Scientology due to Netflix now airing Leah and Mike’s show,one day we be able to completely dismantle this already collapsing house of cards.Keep digging and investigating,Leah and Mike.One day the truth will out itself.As the saying goes,Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.
I don’t know about anyone else, but the most important words in the show’s title were “Leah Remini:”
scientology itself is a tattered shadow of what it once was; nothing to get too worked up over any more. It’s ability to reach new raw meat to infect is now nil., not that it ever had a LOT of reach or power – – except over those of us who were already trapped and had *granted* them power over their lives. Now, their traditional victims have the first impulse to google scn at its first mention to them. scientology’s worst fears are that the potential “marks” see the truth of the organization before they’re properly indoctrinated to IGNORE such things as being”entheta”.
Nancy, from my perspective, DM’s house of cards imploded already; it’s just taking awhile for gravity to take hold and plunge everything into the morass Davey has created underlying it, — Emphasis on LYING.
It’s interesting that the VMs haven’t done anything lately, after early attempts to distribute pamphlets that contained information that had already proven misleading or incorrect, and doing some flashy pseudo-scientific “decontamination” that may have done more harm than good the way they went about it.
My guess is that the fundamental selfishness of Scientology is being revealed in the fact that when the going gets tough, and volunteers have to mask up and assume some risk no matter how reduced, the VMs are nowhere to be found, not even members working to pack up more poorly planned and largely useless toiletry kits – though I’m sure the Red Cross and other real humanitarian organizations are still out in force (and recently election officials actually had more volunteers that they could make use of in some places, including a nearly 80 year old gentleman I know). I suspect it’s also reflective of a significant drop off in activity at local orgs, that has them scrambling for keep all-important internal “stats” and cash flow up, with no time left to put on their yellow outfits and run out for gratuitous photo ops, or waste on “wogs.”
OnceBorn has reported from the UK, that the small and failing Plymouth org was reduced to more mission-like hours even before the newest lockdown, and things like that may be happening in more places than we know about. The indie AOGP in Kansas City recently abandoned its relatively new office space (and, infamously, stuck members with some bad loans), and I wonder how many CofS-affiliated mission franchises have quietly given up the ghost, or won’t last much longer.
Peacemaker: “haven’t done anything lately”??
When have the Vultures actually DONE anything? (other than look good in pictures)
So they told 34 million the Truth about Drugs? Yet they fail to warn their own members that Hubbard–by his own admission– was a prodigious drug user and that maybe some of his writings should be critically viewed as they were produced as part of his drug binges.
And then there are the 100 of thousands of signatures gathered for Human Rights education. Human rights for all. Except for those in scientology, or more so, in the Sea Org.
Disaster relief? Always a good one. But have you ever seen a picture with a yellow shirt that didn’t look like it had come straight from the closet. How do they do it? Work so hard on filthy disaster sites with prodigious human wreckage, and keep these shirts so immaculate?
Todd asked “… have you ever seen a picture with a yellow shirt that didn’t look like it had come straight from the closet.[?]
WHO stores t-shirts in a closet? particularly miles away from home in some foreign locale? At home, my T-shirts are neatly folded in dresser drawers; on the road, they’re neatly folded in my duffel bag until I shake them out and crawl into them.
O/T. Some time ago, I cross-posted an excerpt from an article on Scientology from the website About Islam. The article has now been published as a fatwa on Academia Edu with the title:
Islam & Scientology: A Comparative Theological and Juristic Perspective.
By Hossam Ed-Deen Allam.
The conclusion remains:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The Islamic Ruling on Joining Scientology
Accordingly, in addition to the evident fact that a Muslim does not need to join scientology, it is not permissible for a Muslim to become a scientologist.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I respectfully suggest that people read the article in its entirety. Although only four pages long, the fatwa covers several important topics, is substantive, and indeed pointed, while being diplomatically worded. Allam clearly did his homework on Scientology.
Allam “is a Graduate of Al-Azhar University in Cairo” and “works as a member of Al-Azhar Fatwa Global Centre.” According to Wikipedia, Al-Azhar University is “Egypt’s oldest degree-granting university and is renowned as the most prestigious university for Sunni Islamic learning.” See:
Do you think the fatwa will be even noticed by NOI? Frankly. I bet not, as they’re about as Islamic as I’m a scientologist, which is to say “not at all.”
And I further suspect that they’ve lost their importance to the tiny tyrant™, (emphasis on the “rant” part.)
I doubt that the fatwa will ever be seen by the Nation of Islam, and I am certain that they wouldn’t care about it If they did see it.
I agree that the NOI is not Islamic. The trappings of Islam are superficial. I’ve listened to many lectures by Minister Tony Muhammad, and he quotes far more from the Bible than from the Quran. Most importantly, in my opinion, the NOI completely ignores the following passage in Prophet Muhammad’s (MPBUH) Farewell Sermon:
“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white – except by piety and good action.”
I don’t agree “that they’ve lost their importance to” David Miscavige. On the contrary, I believe the opposite may be true as the Church of Scientology faces dwindling membership.
And after an initial “stat push” surge, NOI is a significant portion of that “dwindling”. DM’s certainly not going to be impressed by their production; How many, if any, WHALES were acquired via NOI’s dalliance with scientology? I expect “None.”
The NOI may not have produced many “Whales,” but at an event several years ago David Miscavige said that NOI members were at the forefront of CCHR protests against psychiatry. NOI Brother Alexander Ofori-Muhammad is a Class 5 Auditor at the Church of Scientology of London. I’m informed that NOI members have bern on staff in Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, Detroit and Chicago.
In the U.S., the Black community is probably the only demographic where Scientology is growing, and that is due to the NOI. Indeed, worldwide the U.S. Black community is probably the only demographic where Scientology is growing except for Taiwan.
To DM, if you’re not a WHALE, you’re NUTTIN! All he cares about is increase of money under his control and the sub-stat: Amount of whiskey available to drink.
As I think, I wonder if his obsession with whales is related to his dalliance with SCUBA?
HOW can anyone be a Class V without the Briefing Course? NED certainly ain’t a comparable level, having done the Original, LRH-approved course, not some adulterated variation. But that’s ALL of what’s left of the scientology that LRH would have recognized.
DM’s been a SUPERB squirrel, dismantling what SOMEtimes used to seem to be a functioning organization.
Does it really matter if some NOI guy completes an official, original, LRH-approved “Briefing Course,” or just reads the sports page then prints out a fancy graduation certificate with the name of a course of his choice? He’s just looking for a way to grab some quick cash from the local rubes.
It’s all nonsense, and a combination long-con and pyramid scheme, either way. Or at least that’s what I’ve come to believe.
I wonder how many of the NOI “faithful” have come across Ron’s more racist screes.
If they have drunk reply from the FlavorAid, they may ignore the racist remarks as not concerning them as they’re not “wogs”, any more.
“cleared cannibal” comes to mind, as does “Zulu”.
I sure hope so. 😁
So do I!!!
The house band of the collapsing house of cards is Jive Aces, of course.
Deep voice: Never before … have so many … done so little … for so few. The Vee Ems, not coming to a cinema near you.
Chorus: Never in the long span of the universe has there been a mouth so big …… attached to a body so small ………… that spews forth so much ………. all from a thetan that is so little.
Yo Dave:
What is the status of ole Eff Pee these days. We’re lookin for You to let him out into the sand box to play big boy.
says so little.
Do the “Jive Aces” even still exist? I don’t remember hearing much of them for some time.
YEs, they are still preaching the gospel of Ron to anyone who will listen.
That’s a shame as the MUST be noticing the shrinking “crowds” at their scn gigs and have to be realizing that they’re beating the dead horse calling itself scientology.
SURELY, they’ll give up the lost cause soon.
IIRC, “Jive (something)” was NOT an appealing appellation.
Their shtick is nostalgia for an amalgamation of a platonic ideal of 1940s-1960s music and dancing. I’m sure they can play “secular” as well as clam.
But…but…He has magical ways!!!
I agree that the house of Scientology cards is falling. We have been away for a few years but staying connected to friends and family. They don’t know what we know and we can’t tell them for obvious reasons. Disconnection hurts. So, we are pretending to be part of the church so we don’t lose the people we love. We are lucky in that there are no Scientology churches where we are located so that is our excuse as to why we are not moving up the Bridge or doing services at a church. What is a clue to us that helped us finally watch Mike and Leah’s show on A&E and learn the truth about Scientology, is the fact that our Ideal Org building has been sitting vacant for many years. Personally, we gave a lot of money to the Ideal Org so that they could renovate the building. They are keeping our money but there are no significant renovations happening there. We looked it up online and our Church did not pay the real estate taxes for 2020 – in excess of $50,000. As far as our Org goes, there is no expansion, no growth and in fact, we see people leaving our Org and getting out of Scientology and hiding from it. Hiding is not low on the tone scale when it comes to Scientology. We plan to stay away for a long time.
Trump Won,
An additional ‘truism’ within Scientology that is a lie is the “O/W” line that the only reason you leave XYZ is because you have overts and withholds. You left home when you grew up. You left High School when you graduated. You left a house when you bought another one. You left the theater when the movie was over. Etc.
Sadly this way of explaining to a hard core cultist goes right through their heads without touching them.
Jim, IMO, the O/Ws are all on Dwarfenführer’s® part, thoroughly and contemptuously trashing KSW and pretty much everything which built what he’s taking apart piece-by-piece. And he hasn’t even tried to hide his handiwork. I doubt any other SP could have done the fantastic job he’s done crashing the stats, (other than the “Money in DM’s pockets” one.)
I expect he’ll keep the Potemkin villages up until the bitter end, AFTER he’s arranged his safe passage to Bulgravia and set out on the first leg of his emigration to there
He’ll just run away from the scene of the crimes. The only scns left will be fighting a rearguard action to protect his diminutive backside.
Great point about arriving at the anticipated and normal conclusion of something—hence, time to move on.
If O/W was the only reason anybody was ever unhappy with any situation or person, then there would be no Doubt Formula; or the Doubt formula would read, “You have no reason whatsoever to be in any kind of Doubt. Write up your O/Ws and get on with it.”
Possibly above is more hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance. For my part, in all my years, I tried to think for myself and think with the data. When the necessity for doing this ONLY privately (can’t demonstrate intelligence or own determinism overtly or else routed to an authority for a tamp down ) became unworkable, time to leave. #ExitingThePretzel (the twistie kind)
Jim – yes, we totally agree with that tactic Scientology uses to keep people in.
It is nothing but a ploy. We did not have overt’s and that caused us to leave Scientology covertly and remain in hiding. We realized that being active in Scientology WAS an overt and doing damage to the overall society. Scientology does so much damage to it’s own members and their families. How do we know? We were in it and we got damaged. We watched our family members get damaged. We saw our own friends get damaged. Members are still getting damaged. They are not getting real, lasting, bonafide help.
We recently read where L Ron Hubbard told his staffer, Sarge or was it David Mayo, that people leave Scientology because it does not work, not because they have overt’s and crimes. LRH and the Church kept that tactic because it keeps people confused and in Scientology. The “state of confusion” is the state one reaches if they do enough Scientology. If you remain in past that confusion, you become a robot that cannot think for yourself and that is unacceptable to us.
No Name,
You are SO right!
A friend to this community—Ron Miscavige, Sr.—hosts a weekly video series available on YouTube, “Life After Scientology.” Each interview is about one hour in length.
In Episode #5 with vocalist and former ship performer, T’Shura, she reveals that LRH understood the control factor of switching the importance off ARC breaks to missed withholds and transgressions. She had considerable contact with LRH and his family (aboard the Apollo). Also, sounds like she was treated really well, has no axe to grind.
I am Class IV trained and when I heard that, I had to pause the playback, go out and take a long walk. I was #stunned.
Ron Sr.’s video series, if you have not watched, is somewhat encyclopedic in the depth and range of subjects. He is patient interviewer and, as a bonus, you get a musical interlude and short Ron, Sr. reflection on the tune at start.
Another bonus is our fave blog host, Mike Rinder, makes routine appearances and dives deep with Ron, Sr. on various topics!
AND the ultimate inversion: Leaving the theatre mid-“Battlefield Earth” means you have O/Ws against Travolta or Hubbard, NOT that it was unwatchable. I have tried to watch it a few times on TV; I couldn’t stand it even by chopping my watching it into short chunks, which works for other “Razzy winners”.
Congrats, Trump Won, on exiting to the point where you sound to be UTR – – Under The Radar. It’s a crying shame the extents you have to go through to avoid Disconnection. There’s a subgroup of us out here who are of the “rip the bandage off” mentality: getting declared quickly to not have that threat hanging over our heads. That’s a primary reason I’ve always used my real name on the scientology-watch pages. If I get expelled, that at least preserves some of the trees they’re destroying in a futile attempt to get anyone in this house to start the slog up the “Bridge” to nowhere. The darn pile of glossy paper they send us doesn’t even burn properly, so we can’t use it to lessen our heating oil bill. It’s just burnt at the county trash-to-steam plant. Then again, there have been a few reports that they STILL send all that promo to declared ex-scns. In this household, it all goes directly to the trash-to-steam plant.
Wow Jere, you’re still in and you are posting here under your real name. Have they not tried any retribution on you yet, if so, they must really be on the wane.
Andy, Flag threw me away like a used Kleenex™ 40 years ago. I’ve had no contact with the enterprise since they showed me the open road to freedom, other than to say, “Please leave me ALONE!”.
The totality of the humanitarian effort buy the Cult is only to send photo shoot crews with a few extra tee shirts to observe the suffering. Oh yes, lets give credit for bringing along a tent and some water bottles ……. gotta have somethin to get a shot of.
Yo Dave,
Howz about a nervous assist good buddy? I’m a little on edge over the prospect of another down stat week fer yer mORGues.
Today is Thursday, 12 November, 2020. Stats are likely IN, FWIW, as you read this. Another thimble-full of whiskey has likely marred the only wall the tiny tyrant can reach from his barcalounger™
It’s gotten SO bad, he can’t even watch Netflix any more. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy. 😉
Ammo Alamo, you’re right that it doesn’t really matter if someone does little or no work to become “Class V” or studied the enormous volume of material of the Briefing course. It’s just that I used to hold those who honestly did the work in high esteem because I thought it “worked”. Now, 40 years after attesting”clear”, I realize it was all for nought as it doesn’t accomplish anything useful to anyone but the guy who controls the bank … accounts. Had I not attested to “clear”, I MIGHT have been able to stick it out a little longer — to my detriment. Instead, I expected my life to improve as a result. When things instead got worse, the CRASH that got me eventually thrown out hit me HARD.
Newcomer, don’t ask DM to apply the “TeK”. That would be far beneath him (Or should I say Below him”?) in his elevated status. As was learning the stuff in the first place.
I’m not entirely convinced that the PR self-portraits of the VMs are even true. Anyone wanna bet against their REALLY being shot at some back lot of some scn buildings somewhere? They wouldn’t blink an eye pulling the wool over everyone else’s eyes in that sort of a PR “caper”. Just part of the “game” they’re playing to fool every “wog”.
The truth is it is the largest private relief FARCE on Earth.
Thanks OSD
ALWAYS love the things you do!!!
I approve this message
I thought I approve all the messages!!!
OSD stated:
“I thought I approve all the messages!!!
Now, now, people, we ALL approve the messages, even as much as we revere OSD’s sage contributions.
** Strictly speaking: Mike— or his chosen moderator— actually does the initial approving.
“Scientology is a collapsing house of cards.”
I think that happened awhile back.
I wish there were upvote thing on the site cuz there are some good word plays and jokes here that I’d upvote.
Thanks for commenting back. It was an upvote regardless!
I have no idea what you just said…
Cindy, the upvotes that matter are people liking the place and the repartee, and keep coming back to contribute their opinions.
$camology VM FARCE (Fleecing All Robots Constantly and Eternally).
GGOOD one Glenn!
Does he stutter? GGOOD?
Sometimes I can stutter in amazement.
Glenn gave us:
“largest private relief FARCE on Earth”
No truer words have been spoken. PURE delusion.
Didn’t they single handedly sanitize all the government buildings here in South Africa?
Warning. Very bad pun ahead.
They had a single one armed $camologist clean all those buildings? That’s disgraceful.
A one-armed scientologist!? CAN’T be! How could he/she grip the cans to get their Jo’berg interrogation?
If he’s an O(verpowered)T(hickhead…I mean hetan) 8 he could use his super dooper super powers and create a temporary arm (just long enough to have a can session after that the strain may cause a Cronenberg type special effect).
It’s more likely with $camology: If there’s a bank account or credit card to be emptied then there’s a way.
They ran out of sanitize stuff.
Now they’re using watered down Cal Mag…..
Yeah. One guy, one day, part of one building, before their scam was publicized, ruining the PR value.
I SHOULD have played off the single-handed more:
One one-armed guy, one day, part of one building, before their scam was publicized, ruining the PR value.
NOTHING in scientology is as advertised.
The Emperor’s New Clothes.
I stole those clothes!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
perfect, OSD!
On Saturday’s, when I pass through East Tampa, I see the enthusiastic NOI members selling their newspaper in the streets. I usually buy one and read it cover to cover. Last Saturday I thought that these people could be in downtown Clearwater and use it as a base. I think they could very easily fill all of those empty Scientology buildings. They could be prosperous in a new community. Bye Bye, Davey.
I finally realized, scrolling through, “NOI” is “Nation of Islam.” Gotcha.
George, how many of the NOI are out there, how do you recognize them and what’s their newspaper? Is it possible that they’ve been bussed in from somewhere else temporarily?
Easy to recognized them. Well dressed with suits and hats usually a red bowtie. Very very polite. The paper is called I think “The Final Call”. I have seen as many as 6-8 selling newspapers. East Tampa is a diverse community. I do see thousands of blacks.
IMO Scientology fell into treason spiritually in the late 70’s when NOTs replaced the OT levels 4-7. Scientology fell into treason for humans when the training levels were corrupted or removed from public access. Now they are going into treason to the MEST universe by allowing their property to become abandoned to the elements. Collapsing is the operative word.
Scientology began collapsing when Hubbard first hit a keystroke for what became the book Dianetics.
Garbage in, Garbage out. An undeniable fact of the universe, be it MEST or just messy.
There is no “there’, there, when it comes to Scientology. There is no ‘tech’, because it is and was a money-making scam. Neither the ‘good old’ OT 4-7 or the ‘bad new’ NOTS do anything except create massive cash flow to the guy at the top.
Anything even slightly good within the writings of Scientology must contain a nugget of a control indoctrination, to satisfy Hubbard’s need to control his subjects. When some level of indoctrination is always present, Hubbard had to ask himself ‘who likes to be indoctrinated?’ He realized the answer was ‘Nobody,’ so he had to bring the indoctrination in through the back door, flavor it with lots of sugar and love bombing, and have a host of old timers proclaiming that the emperor’s new clothes are the finest in all the land.
Despite having the good fortune to be written at a point in time when people were looking for something new, and were primed by world wars for something, anything to bring sanity, it was bound to fail, because it was all lies and a money-making scam created by a penny-a-word short story writer who could not make a living at his chosen trade, and did not have the skill to write best-selling novels.
That it lasted this long is a testament to the inner desire of people to not die. Humans want to live forever; the thought of dying once and for all time is a void of blackness too horrible to contemplate. So we create gods, God, and cult leaders who promise that we either will live forever (or burn in hell forever, but it’s still ‘forever’), or promise that we have already lived forever and will continue to reincarnate, if only we follow the rules set up by some very expensive guru.
As for me, give my dead body to a hole in the ground, to the beetles and worms. They are down near the bottom of the almost-eternal food chain. I will not go away. No atoms will be destroyed when the little critters use my atoms to fuel other critters made up of atoms, and so on up the food chain. Someday the heat-death of the universe will bring this whole wonderful process to a stop. Scientists are not entirely sure what comes next, but they have wonderful theories that give hope to a future bunch of atoms creating a new universe, or at least giving it the old college try.
Only thing I disagree with here is your plan for your dead body. Mine is going to the local teaching hospital – the best use I can think of for it once I’m done with it. ( Granted, this plan does arise from being the great-grandaughter of a doctor who had to raid graveyards for corpses to learn on – there are some amazing family stories about that!)
Briget, I agree, but first, if there are any useable parts of this ancient relic, use them to extend lives. THEN let science poke around and discover how it lasted that long. Then fire up the funeral fires when the students are done. It’ll be of no use to me.
The truth! It was all a money-making scam. It still takes time for a lot of exes to come to grips with this fact. Hopefully in time they will all see the scam for what it was.
To us neverins, it was pretty obvious from the get-go.
There are a lot of levels of lies to peel away before we can admit to ourselves that we were so thoroughly scammed. And we thought we were smarter than THAT!
Right, Ammo Alamo,
It was all MEST up from before the beginning . 🙂 🙂 🙂
In my will it stipulates that I am to be cremated with books so I won’t be bored.
Kronomex stated:
“In my will it stipulates that I am to be cremated with books so I won’t be bored.”
I LIKE that sentiment, but HATE damaging real books. I have a good 60 feet of shelf-space dedicated to my favorite 1,000 or so books just to my left.
I just looked this up: “IMO” means “In my opinion.” #LearningSomethingNew #SoHelpful !
Peridot, there’s also:
IMHO – in my Humble opinion
IMNHO – in my Never Humble opinion
The last describes me to a “T”.
Jere Lull: “IMNHO” In my Never Humble opinion Crack me up
You have schooled me!
Right, Jim. There’s NO dynamic they’re not destroying. And Dwarfenführer® is single-handedly destroying the 7th D (spirits/spiritual) by guzzling so much fine whiskey untasted. At least he’s getting instant Karma from the next day’s hangover. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving alcoholic.