The latest puffery selling the idea of constructing a completely superfluous “L. Ron Hubbard Hall” in Clearwater. I have written about this before a number of times, most recently here.
But this new magazine promoting their latest adventure, taking another “Journey with Ron,” highlights a whole new level of deception.
The trip was to Ireland and Scotland:
I won’t go into a lot of detail about Ireland. Hubbard did visit there and had an office at one point and tried to establish a “Personal Efficiency Foundation.” Nothing ever came of it, and it eventually closed down, but in the bubble of scientology, this is a part of the magnificent history of research and discovery forged by Ron.
It is Scotland that is the more interesting.
Hubbard never went to Scotland.
The entire reason for this being part of the “Journey with Ron” is this handwritten letter “personally inviting people to Edinburgh.”
Of course, what is NOT revealed in the magazine, nor to the people who flew to Edinburgh to soak up “Ron’s journey” is the fact that the “new AO” was a hasty solution to a problem that had been created in Alicante, Spain. Hubbard had rented a hotel there to serve as the “AO” to make money selling his new OT levels. The Sea Org “flotilla” was operating in the area at the time. They created terrible shore flaps in the ports, particularly Valencia. Spain became “unsafe,” Hubbard fled to a rented villa in Marseille and the “AO” was quickly set up in Edinburgh. Why was Edinburgh chosen? No idea other than it was an english speaking country that had a general animosity towards the English who were very antagonistic to scientology at this point (which was why Hubbard was with the Sea Org and not at his home at St. Hill).
The AO in Edinburgh didn’t last long either. You can bet nobody asked any of these questions.
It is enough for them that Hubbard wrote a letter soliciting people to come and buy services there. And for that, the suckers fly to Scotland in honor of Ron.
Then again, what can you expect from people who make statements that they stay on top of what’s happening in the world and then ask themselves what they can do about it. And their answer is to give money to build the L. Ron Hubbard Hall.
Such delusional insanity.
O.T. Video of Atlanta Idea Morgue during open house. No one there except a couple of SO members hanging around a car in ther one acre parking lot.
Top Gun Maverick star Tom Cruise promotes his new Superhero movie and Scientology recruitment video.
Major thing to know #1 :
A good scientologist does not look at data on the internet that states ANYTHING bad about scientology.
Major thing to know #2 :
Any current scientologist is getting the bajesus regged out of them.
Major thing to know #3 :
Humans can easily get fooled if someone wants them to be fooled. In fact, it’s so easy to fool them, they actually fool themselves most of the time. Just look around.
I think you’re just kidding me.
That was a joke relating to the previous discussion of Hubbard’s “One Was Stubborn” story where “Shellback” disagrees with the rest of the human race which has agreed that the material universe is an illusion.
No, its true. Humans can get fooled by factors in the environment. Just my beliefs. Based a little on Jung and some others. I actually hope im wrong. It doesn’t look good so far… actually I would rather not be right about this one.
O/T – I recently came across a website which has an extensive year by year chronological list of books and articles written about Scientology from 1950 to the present. Some of the books are apparently legally reprinted in full including “A Piece Of Blue Sky”. The commentary about the changes occurring over the years gives an interesting historical perspective about what people were thinking about the subject at various times.
Chronology of publications on Scientology
For curiosity I clicked on one of the links called “Boiled Engrams – An Elegy to Dianetics” by Willard Beecher & Calder Willingham, American Mercury magazine, August 1951
The person has not been born who can accuse L. Ron Hubbard of false modesty. The opening sentence of his book, which was a best-seller for many weeks, has been quoted before but it can be quoted again. Let the reader laugh and shake his head, or chill to the implications that can be drawn from the success of a work that begins in a manner such as this: “The creation of Dianetics is a milestone for man comparable to the discovery of fire, and superior to his invention of the wheel and the arch.”
[elegy – a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem, especially a funeral song or a lament for the dead.
Any two people willing to study the master’s book for a few days and work together in the prescribed manor could be saved.
Hubbard compares the human mind to a new invention known as the Electric Brain or Electronic Calculator. . . . . . All aberrations of the mind are the result of things that get soldered into the mind when it is not conscious. The source of the soldered-in contacts is pain. Now, pain is a vulgar four-letter word in Dianetics, rather than a biological plus to aid survival. . . . . a little smidgin of pain comes along and then like an overload of electric current on a flat iron, the Analytical Mind blows a fuse and kicks out of circuit. Thus a human being can be compared to a badly wired rooming house where the lights are always going out.
Hubbard dashed madly from coast to coast giving demonstrations, very much like the General who heard the bugle blow and mounted his horse and rode madly in all directions. In fact, Hubbard has been so busy that he has had no time to become a clear himself.
Along with some serious academic discussion it goes on and on. In fairness the article was written by psychologists. LOL
Here’s the website which didn’t transfer above.
The biggest buzz of the Advanced Org in Edinburgh Scotland was the suicide of
young James Stewart.
He hurled himself off the building and was dead at 35 years old.
The SCN cult blamed it on his epilepsy.
Not that long after the AO in Edinburgh closed it doors and folded.
And that was the end of that
Truly, to remain in Scientology today with all the evidence of the scam it is and continue to hand over money or sign your life away to them is one of the dumbest things anyone can do.
The evidence speaks for itself and is only a key stroke away, but some simply refuse to look or listen.
So what if Hubbard wrote a note about Scotland in 1968 – does that mean hand over vast quantities of money today? To a Scientologist it does… Have they taken delusion to new heights or are they simply so incredibly bored to clutch onto anything that provides a sensation for them to feel “closer” to a dead Ron? Goodness me, how deluded can one get?
L Ron Hubbard Hall seems like the embodiment of ludicrous monuments. I remember being hit up for money for a bust of LRH for our local org. I didn’t want to donate. A) because I was strapped for cash and in debt, (I know, not an excuse), B) I saw a picture of the bust and it was pretty hideous, (I’m not a fan of art that makes my eyes bleed), and C) I feared that once installed we’d have to clap and do hip, hip, hoorays to it, (and seriously, I dodged that whole, accept-Jesus-into-my-heart-and-pray-to-God thing partially because of the giant bleeding Christ on a cross at the creepy church my granny took me to). Bowing to an icon of L Ron was not on my spiritual menu.
However, I did end up donating. Because, you know, pressure and shit.
“However, I did end up donating. Because, you know, pressure and shit.”
Yeah, a lot fell into that hole. Not proud of it, but shit happens, but not with them or anything like them again, that’s for sure.
Yeah, I Yawn, I’m not proud of it, but shit happens. Never again with them, fer sure.
Well, stepping back and looking at Scientology in the vein of the “LRH Image” sector, for posterity, putting the LRH name out for long range, and link it to all places in the physical universe the great RonCon actually lived and tried to spread his quackery/exorcism practice, yes, it’s in the cards to keep up the RonCon “LRH Image” spreading, through his ex houses, ex “archival” personal belongings, etc.
I used to work at ASI and was prior to ASI in the training depts of Scientology Sea Org, and “staff hatting” and unfortunately took all that seriously, so much so, that I grade all Sea Org members, including Miscavige, by how closely he hews to the Hubbard “staff orders” and policies in all of the “issue types” that Hubbard wished to have staffs follow his strategies, etc.
This Ireland ploy is for sure a layer of compiiance, by Miscavige, to multiple of the never dying LRH orders to several sectors.
a) There is LRH policy “building fund” basic level, policy that goes back decades into the 1960s even,
b) There is the final late 1970s “Int Landlord” orders outlines
c) There’s other more weeds policies on precautions of what to sensible rely upon for keeping the hierarchical whole totem pole of bureaucracy of Scientology “VIABLE”
d) There’s the “LRH products” theme in the final ASI writings, and selling the products, selling things that the ASI staff are to dream up as viable valuable exchangeable “LRH products” to sell, over and over (this repeating pattern of selling “LRH products” goes on long range)
Miscavige I rate by how good he follows what I read of Hubbard’s totem pole cult bureaucracy, and so far, I see he’s keeping the “show” on the road, in case Hubbard returns.
(But we know Hubbard told his ranch hand/security man/ friend Sarge Steven Pfauth, that Hubbard doesn’t plan to return to earth, so Miscavige didn’t get the message to stop the Hubbard boondoggle.)
It’s up to ex’s and informed outsiders to cut Scientology pseudo-therapy/exorcism quackery empire off at the knees, and keep it exposed.
But, really, the core of the movement, the “tech” (quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism is what Scientology “tech” refers to) cannot sustain this quackery movement.
You cannot win selling quackery, and that’s what Scientology is.
Hubbard has the hood pulled over the heads of all staffs and followers, and by pronouncement (which the followers learn like sheep and trained seals to pretend to demonstrate) that all become happy improved and soul rejuvenated people. Hubbard promises soul flying powers, and ESP and telekinesis, etc, and no one obtains these soul powers.
It’s just a long drawn out scam, a very very long drawn out scam, with legal complicity.
All that the public who are uninformed about Scientology, only need, irionically, to understand and be sure to state or write two words back at Scientology, to keep Scientology away from them.
These are the two taboo words which if you say and write to Scientologists, they will leave you alone.
You have to repeat saying these words, and it’s good to know what the words mean.
XENU (pronounced ZEE NEW)
BODY-THETANS (be sure to say the two word combo word, BODY-THETANS, pronounced BODY THAY TONS)
XENU dumped “implanted” surplus souls (BODY-THETANS are the surplus bodiless souls which were implanted by XENU before the release/dumping of these surplus souls onto earth, 75 million years ago)
BODY-THETANS are the surplus souls that per Hubbard spiritual theory infest all humans today.
In the totem pole cult organizations cult bureaucracy hierarchy, the “regional” organizations of Scientology finally tell the advanced Scientologists who XENU was, and finally Scientologists get explained that “BODY-THETANS” infest them, and these regional “ADVANCED ORGANIZATIONS” of Scientology they learn to do the exorcism quackery to being the exorcism of these BODY-THETANS off their bodies.
It takes five steps of exorcism, costly, time consuming to rid oneself of all of these BODY-THETANS surplus souls that XENU dumped onto earth.
This is in fact snipe hunting (see Wikipedia).
It’s why the core beliefs of Scientology are a scam.
Hubbard when he died, his final months, are told in “Going Clear….” book and the documentary movie, both important for exiting Scientologists to read and watch.
You learn Hubbard couldn’t exorcise some pesky “BODY-THETANS” at the end of his life, and he asked Sarge to build him a special Emeter to zap the pesky BODY-THETANS away. That failed, of course.
Hubbard did briefly admit to Sarge that he’d failed, and that he wasn’t coming back to earth when he departed.
Hubbard told Sarge he planned to soul fly around in big circles around a distant star, as soul rejuvenation “therapy”. (This spiritual procedure for earthlings is called the “Running In Circles Rundown” joke, it’s really called the “Cause Resurgence Rundown” and it is based on this Hubbard spiritual theory.)
Anyways, that’s of course ludicrous, and no one can even soul fly, let alone is this therapy to a soul to do this in giant circles around a star until one is rejuvenated.
Hubbard was “way out” and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
He had himself conned by his own con pseudo-therapy/exorcism and his soul flying in circles around a star.
My tip to all newbies to Scientology, learn what XENU and BODY-THETANS mean, and share the above spoiler alert material with Scientologists every chance you get, and they will definitely leave you alone.
XENU and BODY-THETANS are Hubbard created magical words, that help outsiders out way more than outsiders will ever appreciate, but just use the two words, and watch Scientology leave you alone.
The trouble with that philosophy is, most scientolofists haven’t reached the upper levels and therefore don’t know either of those two words/expressions.
As a Scientologist, you are forever in the position to wish to know what the secret “upper levels” are about.
Plus, you are forever interested in Hubbard.
Thus, always, knowing that this XENU character relates to the secret upper levels, and learning that XENU caused the Wall of Fire and XENU also by definition thus caused the 4th Dynamice Engram, this is a huge huge final learning that XENU is important.
it takes mere seconds to give Scientologists, all of whom are lower Scientologists most likely as you of course know and stated.
But telling them XENU caused the Wall of Fire, is a huge step to defining who XENU was, and how relevant he is.
And then telling Scientologists, that XENU dumped BODY-THETANS (implanted with the R6 implants, and lower Scientologists know what the R6 implants are, they are pretty extensively defined in the Tech Dictionary), and that on OT 3,4, 5, 6 and 7 (the SECRET levels) the upper Scientologists do exorcism, this is a huge spoiler alert and finally give them the simple definition of what their upper Scientology consists of.
I ought to write a book and explain this, because this really is simply defining Scientology, which all Scientologists are crippled on this score, due to Hubbard crippling them with his conditions they are penalized for defining XENU and defining BODY-THETANS publicly.
It’s the biggest problem theoretically Hubbard was even criticised for by the UK Reporter who interviewed Hubbard for several hours, and the reporter stated in all that time, Hubbard was incapable of simple defining Scientology.
Later, a few years later, Hubbard ordered the “What Is Scientology” book be compiled.
That book grossly fails, due to never defining Scientology’s secret parts. Hubbard had painted his Scientology into a corner, where he couldn’t authorize a full defining.
So, today, ex’s, who wish to help define Scientology fully merely have to define XENU and BODY-THETANS and connect the dots between XENU and OT 3, 4, 5 ,6 and 7 exorcism steps, and then add in the secret levels of Scientology to the already summarized part of lower Scientology.
Lower Scientology is the pseudo-therapy leading up to Clear.
Upper Scientology has the secret exorcism steps.
That pretty much is the full definition of the subject.
It’s pseudo-therapy and gets you into repairing for past lives karma.
And then the upper Scientology exorcism rids you of the surplus souls that leak their bad karma on you.
Almost no one sees this sadly.
So, not just annoy Scientologists, but educate them in what their practice is theoretically aiming at, and let them see if they still wish to continue.
Interesting that you say he fled to a rented villa in Marseille. Was not one of the defense points in the later criminal fraud case in France against LRH that he had never been in France?
I just can not comprehend how people think building buildings or redoing buildings will change the world or how the world thinks.
I really can’t. but that is just me.
It’s not just you, Safety Guy.
I think that the explanation is that, ironically, David Miscavige and many members of the COS are closet materialists who worship material wealth and think everyone else does too.
I really don’t think corn cob is a closet materialist. He is quite open about it. If there is one thing I learned many years ago it is that money does not bring happiness.
Never has, never will. If one makes it their “god” it will leave them miserable with disappointment. Strangely happiness in life is truly brought by the things this “religion” says are not important. Family, friends an other loved ones. Now, money does allow me to enjoy two of the luxuries in life that I have become accustomed to. Eating and living indoors but it does not give me happiness.
Money is simply a means to an end. The end is Human Life. Not everyone gets it.
Is there any other reason for existence ?
Evert Cult is power hungry which is directly proportional
to either number or financial strength of followers.
It’s keep on going till they hit Age of Extinction.
I think it’s just the most blatant example of the sort of magical thinking that Hubbard’s Scientology is shot through with. “Build it and they will come,” literally. “Postulates” i believe they call it internally.
But in this case it is the ad hoc definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
New Agers had the “hundredth monkey” principle (claimed to be based in fact, though it doesn’t pan out), from essentially the same counterculture era.
” Build it and they will come”. Isn’t that the same line of thinking that Joseph Smith put to his adherents years ago? And look what happened with that very expensive idea.
Scientology = Delusion, Deception and Desperation. Scientology is following Hubbard’s path to non-existence.
I wonder how much money so far has been extorted for this Hall which may never be built. It certainly isn’t needed for the ever dwindling members. Miscavige might as well bilk remaining members for all he can while he can. With credit card fraud out of the question, heh why not.
I’ll bet Miscavige is regging Tom Cruise for a quarter billion, and have Tom Cruise’s name put on the cornerstone of the LRH Hall.
Longer range, after the LRH Hall is built, and Tom Cruise finally wises up and quits, even with his name on the cornerstone of the LRH Hall, THEN a new final book summarizing the folly of following a megalomaniac prolific ex sci fi writer who turns one of his sci fi stories (“One Was Stubborn”) into “reality.”
Given that so much of what Ron spoke and wrote was dream-world reality it only follows that his followers would continue with the dream-world fantasies.
Authority must be questioned WITHOUT exception.