Recently, Denny Owen posted a comment about All About Radiation.
A Church of Scientology leaflet distributed for a number of years before the book was finally discarded made remarkable claims:
In All About Radiation, we have the sane and sober views of a medical doctor on the physical facts and consequences of the actual atomic blast and the diseases resulting from it.
L. Ron Hubbard, who was one of the first nuclear physicists in the United States, has interpreted these facts and related them to human livingness, governments, and the control of populaces.
These facts when presented at the Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health at the Royal Empire Society Hall, London, in April 1957, so impressed Parliamentary figures that they requested immediate transcription of these lectures.
~ Promotional leaflet, Church of Scientology, 1970s
Hubbard referred to himself as a nuclear physicist on many occasions in the 1950s, such as in the tape-recorded 1956 lecture A Postulate Out of a Golden Age, where he not only claimed to be a nuclear physicist but that he was offered (and turned down) a U.S. Government post as one. This comment has been edited out of the CD version of the lecture currently offered by the L. Ron Hubbard Classic Lectures series.
Here’s the book for your viewing pleasure
And here is the inside cover flyleaf blurb from that book:
This is Hubbard clearly claiming he was a Doctor and nuclear physicist, along with another one of his tricks — claiming his lectures to a few scientologists in a local hall so impressed members of parliament that they demanded immediate transcription of the lectures and as a public service he provided them with a book. What a laugh. Sort of like publishing his Brainwashing Manual as a “public service” pretending it was written by the Russian spy chief Beria…
The material in the book is just as untrue as the flyleaf rubbish — the primary thrust of the entire thing is Hubbard’s claim that the issue with nuclear bombs was not the destruction they caused, but the hysteria engendered in the population due to ignorance about what nuclear weapons really are.
They continued to publish the compendium of lies until the last edition in 1990. After that edition, the book was literally forgotten. It was not released in the “Basics” or in any other form. Miscavige knew that among the numerous falsehoods foisted on the world by Hubbard, this collection of lies and craziness was too much and to continue to promote it would case doubt on his other scribblings.
It’s funny, in 1957 he is claiming the problem with nuclear bombs was not understanding them, but by the early 60’s he was looking to establish operations in southern Africa as he determined that this was the safest place on earth should nuclear war break out between the US and Russia.
Oh, that Hubbard. Consistency was never his strong suit.
My dad was a Radiological Engineer. I was really shocked at the claptrap in this book, even while in Scientology. It has aged even less well than most of Hubbard’s works.
The funny Ron.
The picture on his book reminds me of a German police officer from 1920
All one really needs to know about this book is the claim it’s written by a Nuclear Physicist and a Medical Doctor. Unnamed of course. Well, sort of unnamed. Who the hell is Medicus? Based on only this information I call bullshit on any “information” that contained in this useless and embarrassing “book”. Typical scientology quackery. Dr. Hubbard indeed.
“The 1979 edition credited the “medical doctor” as Richard Farley, and copyright by L. Ron Hubbard. The 1989 edition was copyrighted L. Ron Hubbard Library with introductions written by Gene Denk and Farley R. Spink.” according to Wikipedia:
I thought I’d once seen some information about who Farley was, but can’t readily find it. There has apparently been some speculation that it was a Hubbard pseudonym (yet another), contradicted by a point of view that it shows some real scientific knowledge written in a distinctly different style.
Farley Spink was apparently a british homeopath, and I wonder if Richard Farley was a pseudonym of his.
It’s wild to me how many lies that LRH spread with his nonsense ramblings. Now all it takes is a simple Google search to debunk everything that he claims to know.
I just heard two podcasts of Mike Rinder and I am disappointed that there is no video to go with it? I look/listen on my home computer. I like you filming yourself and your guest so that we see you as we listen. Can you fix it so we see you talking and reacting with guests. Just audio is not as much fun.
Podcasts are audio only. I have stayed away from YouTube for 6 months. I might return someday but right now I am happy to do podcasts
I’m happy to hear your Podcasts, but I’d be happier to see your you tube videos.
You are much better off only doing Podcasts. Your wardrobe is so bizarre that you really don’t want people to see you. Do you buy your clothes from a clown college?
This is the best you can do for an insult?
It was poor enough to get a cynical laugh from cynical me.
Makes me imagine a combined garage sale and stand-up comedy night at the creature’s local org.
The killer punchline is ‘Dress sense? This guy is an SP, right?’
The zombods don’t know what to make of this and have long been programmed against laughter, so the local OTVIII mounts the stage, indicates the nearest bust of Fatty, and leads them all in a rousing round of ‘hip, hip, hoorays’, which lasts for at least half an hour.
Everybody has so tired themselves in the process that the other stand-up contenders are cancelled.
The marks go home, and the staff and Sea Org types return to their squalid quarters.
The longer I was in Scientology, the more problems I had with Hubbard’s utterings on Physics and the other physical sciences because, unlike Hubbard I do have a BSc in Physics.
Some of the mistakes he makes when he talks Science would make a tenth grader blush.
One of my favorites was where he rails against that “wretched table in Chemistry which is only used for metallurgy these days.” This was his take on the Periodic Table of the Elements, which is one of the most important discoveries ever made in Chemistry. I remember feeling excited when I first learned about this because, all of a sudden. a light was shone onto so much that had been mysterious.
In “Battlefield Earth”, the Psychlos breathed an unknown gaseous element.
If Hubbard had studied this wretched able, he would have learned that there is no gap where such an element could reside. Everything has already been discovered.
Scientology 8-80 and All About Radiation were the two books I had the most issues with.
The final version of All About Radiation was completely rewritten with Hubbard’s contribution to it removed altogether so far as I could see.
I did a lot of word-clearing in order to clear up my disagreements, before finally concluding that Hubbard had it all completely wrong. I did not share this conclusion with any supervisor, but quietly stopped bothering to word-clear anything Science related.
Regarding Scientology 8-80, one of my favorite books. I was a course room word clearer in the 70’s. But these days I just use book auditing on my own applying it to self. Mostly 1952 to 1953 methods. I have had my best auditing results working with these techniques exploding ridges and and erasing masses associated with entities. Start out with Concept Processing. I have six sheets of auditing commands for this. If you wish, I can mail you copies for your use.
If you think about it, it’s incredible the amount of lies and nonsense this man has spouted in just a few decades.
According to the latest definition of clear, one is only clear on the first dynamic ‘self’ (here’s another record-breaking nonsense).
So the ego should become so peripheral as to never cause disturbance.
Meanwhile, hubbard’s ego was completely central regardless of whether he was clear or OT, and it influenced everything he said and did. Truly pathological.
Also I discovered another plagiarism of Hubbard’s. “The way out is the way through” is in DMSMH, in the Pro TR’s Course, in various auditor training. It’s probably the most quoted quote in Scn. But he wasn’t the one who made that up. It is credited to the poet, Robert Frost. But it goes back further to the Bible. People make excuses for LRH by saying, “well he didn’t really mean to plagiarize; he just must have read it somewhere and forgot where he read it so he thought he made it up.” In other words he did it unknowingly. I don’t let him off the hook as easily. I think if he liked a concept or word he would just appropriate it as his own. End of story.
Cindy, yes, the famous phrase that everyone used to ‘confront’ things and get them done.
It’s a concept that has always existed, even in the East. But hubbard twisted it to his advantage. In reality, it would be to see things as they are, as they have already happened, and accept them as they are. Only then, without generating internal resistance or disagreements, do things flow.
But this was too spiritual for him and didn’t contain a means to control. So ‘force yourself through the thing at all costs’ was more congenial. But it didn’t meant the same thing in terms of self awarness.
I’ve posted the entire book. It’s rather enjoyable

if you consider the fact that he “borrowed” the technical content from academic sources of the day.
Thanks Denny. This link is also in the body of the post.
When I joined in the Ivy Viewpoints discussion on All About Radiation , I said that it met the standards for 1957 tenth grade high school science. ‘Nothing to see here, move along move along.’
If you are Imhotep (well, I know you are), thank you for making the second most informative site (after clambake). Some links are broken now, the post-epilogue account of Paulete Cooper seems to have vanished. Not your fault, I am sure.
Also, I preferred the collage of (presumably) your face to the new generated one.
Fatty was such a liar, at least he wrote some entertaining pulp fiction.
Also, I look forward to struggling through ‘All about ,,,’, although having studied physics to a far higher level than Fatty, I would expect some laughs. Thank you in advance and seriously and sincerely, thanks for your efforts in general.
Thanks … comments are appreciated. The “old” face was my senior photo from college, circa 1970. Just changed on a whim.
The new URL was retrieved from & fixed.:
My updated version is available at my alternate site: