Things are not looking up for scientology in Hungary.
This is the call that went out recently, and it is enlightening just how much trouble they are in:
Dear fellow Scientologists,
Hungary’s freedom to practice religion freely – particularly Scientology – is in danger and needs immediate help. The Hungarian government is currently working to suppress the right of Scientologists to practice our religion in Hungary. They literally have pad locked the doors to the PC folder room at the Budapest Org with an alarm system that alerts the government when someone tries to get a folder for session. The government is threatening to send agents to raid the org should people attempt to receive auditing at their local org! This is the same calibre of suppression that occurred in Portland in 1984, and we need to represent with as much, if not more power than we did then.
This is deplorable and must be stopped. There is an event being held in Budapest on January 20th to put a stop to this madness. They need as many Scientologists as possible at this event to flood Hungary with theta and get this situation handled once and for all.
This is a call to action. If you can make it go right to go to Hungary to stand with our Hungarian brothers and sisters, please do so. If you cannot, but know someone who can, please do whatever you can to alert them and get them on a plane to Hungary ASAP. Minimally, please spread the word to every Scientologist you know.
For more questions as well as help coordinating yours or another’s arrival to this watershed event, please contact Adam Viszler at
Let’s show the SP’s what we’re made of!
I am not a big fan of some of the heavy-handed tactics used by the Russian Federation, and perhaps the same can be said here.
But I will note that scientology has been very well aware of the Data Protection laws in Europe since they were enacted. Europe has very stringent laws protecting the collecting and keeping of information about individuals. Scientology has always acted as if it were above these laws as they conflict with L. Ron Hubbard’s policy and scientology’s attitude (in fact the object of Dept 20 is to bring governments in compliance with what scientology deems appropriate, not the other way around).
It would appear the conviction to keep scientology working has met an immovable object and it is going to be interesting to see where this ends. No doubt in the European Court with scientology arguing that the laws prohibit its free exercise of religion and the state arguing that they can practice anything they want but it cannot violate the law.
What I find interesting about this email is this:
- “This is the same calibre of suppression that occurred in Portland in 1984.” No, Portland was merely a civil damages case. It could not have shut down scientology other than the fact that it might have encouraged other civil litigants to try their luck in front of a jury, causing a “run on the bank.” There was no government padlocking the doors to the pc folders. No threat of criminal prosecution. Hungary is taking this seriously and they have effectively shut down scientology in the country. Often there is a “raid” and then things go back to normal while prosecutors mull over what to do. Here they are “mulling” but also taking ongoing action to prevent further violations of the law from occurring.
- “…flood Hungary with theta and get this situation handled once and for all.” This poor fellow thinks this is going to be solved with “theta” as a result of some scientologists showing up? And I think he actually believes this… But wait, this is an IDEAL org? The very epitome of a powerhouse generation plant of theta (at least according to Dan Sherman). What has gone wrong?
- “… this watershed event…” Really? I wonder if he knows what the word means or he just saw this on other promotion for events and thinks it must be a good thing to say?
- Finally, scientology (especially the IAS) likes to position Portland as the start of the IAS and some “watershed moment in whole track history.” The IAS had NOTHING to do with Portland and was in fact created to keep money OUTSIDE the US so it did not need to be brought under IRS purview and civil litigant claims. The IAS was not funding ANYTHING back in the days of Portland and certainly nothing in the US. Portland was FAR less important than the DC 9 criminal case or the Melbourne Inquiry or the FDA raid or scientology losing its tax exempt status, but it has become the stuff of legend now and “everyone knows” that “Portland” means “the ultimate proof” that “scientology theta” overcomes all. Theta über alles?
I found a Hungarian guy called Adam Viszler ( attacking Leah and Mike on twitter, upon looking at his profile you will see he is a “Top sales consultant” who hosts sales seminars around Europe – He is young, and seems to be more of a fake it till you make it kind of guy, based on his narcissistic, self righteous video that runs on his website – his company is registered to a residential address in London but in the initial paperwork filed when the company was registered, an address in East Grinstead is listed.
Is this some kind of cover organization for peddling Scientology in the UK and EU?
It makes me so angry that they can operate in my country!
Hey, Mike
Just saw the ‘fabulous’ commercial for Scientology during the opening ceremonies for the Olympics and wouldn’t you know it, the following commercial was for Cologard. How appropriate!
Scientology in Hungary has not crumbled as fast as in other countries.Of course no expansion and most missions now closed but not a meltdown.Same demographics as everywhere else minus 20 years.If you are interested gives a weekly or biweekly update in Hungarian understandable with Google translate.Now the meltdown has even started in Hungary.Scientology now on the evening news a lot.
Scientology had it’s day between 1991 and say 1996,later than other places.
The hardcore group (700 people?)is still somewhat intact.
The Hungary missions in 91-96 were a little bit like the early missions in Europe(1973-1979)or the US (1968-1974).
Kind of cheerful and fun places where you could meet cool and fun people and even a mate.
Then the Sea Org came to manage this standardly…….
“Kind of cheerful and fun places where you could meet cool and fun people and even a mate.
Then the Sea Org came to manage this standardly…….”
Pretty much sums up what I observed.
The bullies are getting bullied. Sweet…
As Teddy Roosevelt used to say, Bully! Bully.
” Let’s show the SP’s what we’re made of!”
Yo Adam,
Show me …………. but I think I already have a clue what you and your good buddies are made of and it’s nothin to write home about. A bunch of back bitin, money grubbin, lie infested shark bait ….. and that is on a good day.
On a higher note, why not add a feather to your cap while you are at it and get Joy Villa to accompany Mr. Dingleberry Cee Oh Bee to the rally and really show em how it’s done $cientology Hungary Style!
Ya’ll could lead the parade through downtown Budapest with yer 10,000,000 group thinkers in tow!
Cracking up, Newc. You are particularly blistering today. Living up to your nickname for sure!
This is the best thing I’ve read in awhile!
This afternoon there was an episode of “Law & Order Criminal Intent”….it revolved around what seemed to be a cult named “Grace Note”…wannabe & members paid for “classes” & were encouraged to continue to make large financial donations to the “group”. The classes these members paid for were “strategies for life” to help them recover from being held back to help them become “extraordinary”….from past harms they’ve suffered.
As the show progressed one former member…a dentist…says he realized after donating a lot of money that he “was being handled”…another moment was when one of the women was being “held” & she was found to be starved & dehydrated” & eventually committed suicide… the end of the show the young man who murdered his father to steal “Rico” money mentioned to the Detective that “the Detective was NOT CLEAR”…..
Wow, it was so much reminiscent of “the organization”…see if you can view it….
I’ve seen that episode. I didn’t know much about Scientology when I watched it years ago, but now I’m remembering it, you’re absolutely right.
I woz a law and order fan but in uk wer way bhind
GDPR (even tougher-than-what-we-have-already data protection regulation) becomes enforceable throughout the EU in May of this year. I really, really can’t wait to see how Scientology deals with it, especially with regards to ex members, the right to erasure and fair game. They are soooo screwed! Penalties could hurt them hard (up to EUR 20 million or 4% of global annual turnover (whichever is greater). It’s going to be so much fun. What a fabulous time to be a euro SP! Stock up on the popcorn now, people!
Here’s a link
I’m not sure how directly it applies to the CoS but I’m sure they’ll spend plenty of dollars/euros trying to get around it.
It’s not clear from the call to action WHERE the actual protest or march will be. It’s going to take place on 20 January, but where will they be marching? I’d love to go along and see who shows up.
This attempt to paint any attack on scientology as an attack on freedom of religion, and the label of bigot attached to anyone who dares question scientology, is not flying very well, nor is it a logical argument.
No, the reason your “church” is under the scrutiny of ethical people, organizations, and even governments is because scientology has a VERY bad record of human rights violations and abuse.
Any attack against scientology is because scientology CALLED IT IN. This is one time where that statement of “calling it in” is completely legitimate. So look in the mirror, scientologists, or at the VERY LEAST look at your leadership. Doing so isn’t entheta, it is demanded of you by your founder LRH.
When it happens ‘to $cientology’ it is because of the massive expansion happening which drives the Ess Pees bezerk. They in turn bring down the rafters on the cult who then, instead of cheering for the wins, cry humble pie and exude much angst.
When it happens to a ‘cult member’, what that person did to ‘PULL IT IN’ must be found out, exposed and paid for by making up damages far in excess of whatever Cee Oh Bee says. This activity usually can easily be spotted because the ‘still-innie’ runs madly about trying to borrow money from bankrupt friends……..and exudes much angst.
The bottom line is ‘if it doesn’t cause much angst then it definitely ain’t $cientology’.
Yo Dave,
How do we know You are a top level $cientologist good buddy?
Bing Fucking Go Dave …………..It’s the angst You exude from Your various and sundry orifices. Carry on and good luck in Booo Da Pest.
Excellent point!
P.S. CALLING it in is the same as PULLING it in. As in, why does Tom Cruise have crappy attendance at his movies these days? Because he pulled it in.
Church of Scientology of Hungary, GOT IT on all the suppression.
Totally understood!
Now, the question is: HOW did you pull this IN?
Out-Tech? Off- Policy? Out-KSW, possibly?
Get busy cleaning this up, people!
Hmm…someone’s probably going to need a Sec Check, but for now, all of you, get down to work, immediately!
Let us know when you’re done with your O/W Write-Ups, guys and gals!
I want t T-shirt that reads “Theta Uber Alles”
Off topic, non-sequitur and apropos of nothing,
Would someone please send Jenna Elfman a T-shirt with a pic of her on the cans being Sec Checked by her horse, with the E-meter needle way to the left, as he asks her What Are Your Crimes?
Ummmmmm…….shouldn’t it be way to the right, like it’s “reading”…?
It would be great if this was a turning point and more orgs get padlocked!
More evidence that Scientology is expanding like never before!
Obviously there’s multitude of aspects to the whole picture than just OSA’s misuse of pc files – but one has to wonder just how much of CoS’s current problems trace back to their abuse of “confidential, priest-pentinent privileged… ” pc folder data to attack defectors & dissidents. Now whose “rights” are being violated? What goes around comes around…
Another thing COS will be up against in Hungary is the zero tolerance attitude they’re been forced to take against the Islamic invasion. The gates are now shut!
Their last comment sums up the truth about scientology – no church regards people of different faiths as sps – only cults do – may transparency b their downfall
“If you can make it go right to go to Hungary to stand with our Hungarian brothers and sisters, please do so.”
It’s a good thing that I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee when I read that. My keyboard and monitor would have been a mess. In the deluded mind of the kool-aid drinking Scientologist, that was a reasonable request. In reality, getting a lot of Scientologists on a plane for Hungary is an idea that they didn’t think all the way through.
They always pull out Portland as a great victory. They lost that lawsuit twice for massive amounts, managing to overturn the loses at the 11th hour, and then quickly settled for a large amount to avoid the chance of a third loss.
How many people are going to go to Hungary. And they are going to march in the streets? I am curious how many supporters they will muster. The days of Portland are over.
Most of the people who were there are out of Scientology, under the radar, in the hole or dead. Hungary may actually be a watershed moment. When little Davey loses his water.
BK, I’m thinking around 5 to 10 people MAY show up.
The people who can’t go will be guilt-tripped and hit up for money to fund other cultees who will go but have no money. I threw $800 down the drain this way, paying someone’s air fare and what not, years ago when it was Germany giving them problems.
Lurkers and UTRs here: stay away from any “briefings” about this. Avoid at all costs. Make up some excuse – anything that keeps you away!
They’ll be lucky to get a hundred. I would say this is taking a risk of having a poor showing. Will people see how few Scio supporters there are now in Europe?
I would love to see a picture at “1300” on Saturday in front of the building. Photoshop free!
Seems like Hungary has had it’s FILL of COS, hence they are no longer “hungry” for this “organization”.
They may not be hungry, but, I’m starving! Haven’t had breakfast yet.
How ’bout dinner OSD… I am making baked bone in chicken breast & home made Mac N Cheese…..ready around 4:30 – 5 EST…..c’mon over & bring “Da Mrs”…..
Whoosh!!! I’m on my way. I’ll grab a Merlot.
This reminds me of the panic at Flag in the 80’s when Scientology was a target of
the RICO act. It was a piece of anti-racketeering legislation feared at the time.
In the USA the threat was easily blocked but I do not see the same outcome in Hungary.
hey thats bin bloody annyoing me wots the point if not guna use sum feel its people traficing sex abuises but no 1 can do wot SHAME ON THE IRS CABINH IN WELL MR CLINT woz aving head so wer his woz its baffling they woz blackmailing law-suits load thats why they got it wiv a billon €€€s swashed ……..yet dont deal wiv terioests i kinda beg to differ TRUMP IF NOT TWEETING YOU WANTED THE JOB SORT SHIT OUT
Not so sure if Budapest police would be as tolerant of demonstration as Portland!
Sherry, that’s what I’m hoping for. No tolerance for the cult!
“…we need to represent with as much, if not more power than we did then.”
It is a long way from Portland 1984, when there were so many more of us still drinking the Kool-Aid, saving the planet from SPs and fighting enemies of the church.
The church is a mere shadow of what it was then…the sun is setting on scientology.
It cannot, I repeat, it cannot set soon enough!
Hope you’re feeling better, OSD. Hope at least that your aches don’t have aches anymore.
The people writing these missives weren’t even born in 1984. They know nothing about Portland and the Christopherson case. They only know what they are spoon fed (ie force fed) by the church and accept that as truth whether it is or not.
Yo Dave,
More good news for ya good buddy. Massive attacks by governments equals $cientology must be expanding like never before.
Why not use Your IA$ War Chest to by tickets and housing for the millions of cult members who will be flooding Budapest with all of that wonnerful theda. No doubt Dave, this is Your waterloo …. I mean watershed event.
The truly inane thing about this ‘call for action’ is that the IAS will not spring for a single dollar of travel and lodging expenses for anyone. Well, make exeception for Miscavige and his entourage, but we’ll see live video of a reincarnated LRH taking the Purif before we see Miscavige in Budapest.
I wonder what would happen if the IAS said “all expenses reimbursed”. I expect they would not be believed. The only way to get hundreds or thousands of Scientologists to Hungary is to pay their way and reimburse them for time off work. But that’s just not the Scientology way.
Whales, may up. The future of your next inexplicably ugly and outsized trophy is at stake. Buy airline tickets, lots of tickets, rent motorhomes, lots of motorhomes, and don’t forget the hundreds of pairs of thermal underwear, snow boots, and fur-lined parkas that your California and Florida parishioners will need. Yellow t-shirts, even doubled-up, just won’t cut it in a Hungarian winter.
Dave, you really should heed newcomer’s words. It isn’t going to get any better for you.
“Dave, this is Your waterloo …. I mean watershed event.”
I lived in a watershed once. You talk about clean! But, the mold did get to me.
How can any form of therapy, legitimate, quack or borderline (experimental) perform any type of service without at least taking notes? A patient/client takes his or her own folders home with them?
Perhaps you should read up a bit on what the law is. You might answer your own question.
I don’t know how mainstream psychology and therapies work in the U.S. Do they record sessions in any way and confer with others in their field regarding a person’s “case”?
On the issue with Hungary I would side with the CoS. In my scn experience which ended in 1982 I willingly divulged my most personal thoughts with the idea that the things I least wanted to confront or divulge were the things which would do me the most good, getting it off my chest so to speak, which made sense. A Buddhist wouldn’t get very far hiding things from his or her teacher. That said, I had no criminal history to reveal.
I also wonder if any independent scn groups have an agreement that pc folders remain the property of the person and will be surrendered to them on request.
I only read it once because I can’t be bothered to put too much of their blather in my head, but my understanding is that they can access the files. An alarm goes off, which I guess they can silence. It’s probably a way of making certain the person they are destroy…I mean auditing is the only one whose files they have taken. How it keeps them from making copies of it for future use, I don’t know. But maybe huckster didn’t allow them to have copy machines so they don’t have one.
It would be fun to read through my pc folders if the CoS still has them stored away somewhere. A trip down memory lane.
You’re not allowed to read your own PC folder, Richard. You must know that. Its their property. All of this is in the dox you sign before getting audited.
And as regards your first comment, I agree that disclosing pent up thoughts and acts to a trusted source can be beneficial. No argument there.
But where do you stand on Co$ violating this trust, you know, when they decide that you’re like, their enemy?
You’re OK with them telling anyone who’ll listen what you divulged to them in your auditing sessions?
Maybe there’s nothing you told them that you wouldn’t want all and sundry to know, and if so, that’s fine.
But then, are you OK with Co$ refusing to divulge anything from anyone’s PC Folder (using their claim of “priest penitent privilege” ) if, or when, they consider that data harmful and unflattering – to THEMSELVES? Something that would embarrass THEM?
I’m interested, if you care to reply.
Aqua – I’m only speaking from my Old School experience back when scn was still fun. Very few of us knew of Hubbard’s vindictive and sadistic side, the criminal attacks on critics, and the idea of attaining super powers was alive and well. Luckily for me I left before engaging in any conversations with my passengers (BTs) – lol
I offer no defense of the current stupidity called the Church of Miscavige.
I still think it would be fun to read my pc folders. Maybe I can find out where they’re located and steal them. oops – that’s an evil purpose – I’m red tagged
Richard, totally understood, and agreed. Thanks for your reply. As a public and never staff or SO I also had no clue about LRH’s vindictive and sadistic side and Co$’s criminal attacks on critics and all the other dirty tricks. I loved my auditing and most of my courses. I was not abused by anyone. I got out because of Ideal Org fundraising. I knew it was totally off policy and would collapse my org, and it did. Before I that I never dreamed I’d ever leave Co$. As to my PC folders, well, I never had any real hankering to read them but if they were put in front of me I’d certainly dive right in and read everything – the good, the bad and the ugly.
Scientology did used to be fun. Then it started getting serious. Then VERY serious. Then relentless. These were indicators of a criminal organization although I didn’t know it at the time. All I knew was that It was taking over my whole life. I found out the details of the crimes later. Long story. MY instinct was to leave. Took about 3 years and I was gone for good. Thanks again for explaining your viewpoint. Peace.
Ditto you and Richard, Aquamarine. I come from a very similar place. I was on staff for about 3 years til my son was due.
It was fun and it was an honor to be on staff way back in the day, in the late 70’s. WE were honorable and did our best to care about people and deliver the tech as purely and helpfully as possible. And people were helped. I was helped. We had fun.
In 82, people started leaving and talking about Pat and Annie Broeker being Loyal Officers and that they were stripped of that position. The Finance Police came and took all of the money that the mission had squirreled away (pardon the pun). There wasn’t a “head put on a pike” but whole staffs lined up and shot in an ethics firing squad, reducing the size of the mission from 90 to 12.
From that point on, I was watching and wondering what to do about it all. Waiting to see the truth. I didn’t leave til 2010/2012. Haven’t been in an org for the last 5 years and wouldn’t go back. My girlfriend called and said, “Do you want to go on the Freewinds with me?” I said, “Are you Freakin’ NUTS?? No! And you shouldn’t go either.” …and she was under the radar and knew most of the stuff that was going on.
Anyway, Miscavige made it “Miscavology” instead of Scientology.
Most people have never experienced what we might consider “Real Scientology” or the positive aspect of Scientology. Such a shame.
<3 to ya.
As an auditor you aren’t supposed to keep an exact written record of the session. There is an HCOB that prohibits it called “Stenographic Auditing”.
What I don’t like is the video cameras. That’s what I would worry about. You go to Flag, and I assume now in the “Ideal” Orgs and they have cameras installed in the auditing rooms so “The CS can look in” or some excuse. That is 10X more creepy than auditing notes.
Most people looking though their auditing folders wouldn’t understand what they were looking at. It just shows what auditing you’ve received and how each process went, FNs, reads, etc.
I would be worried about the video cameras, OW Writeups, Sec Check KRs, etc.
Auditing with auditor notes goes into paper file? Not accessible to others? Electronic is more secure, if done properly.
Videotaped session goes to which dept? Security? How is that stored, I wonder?
Returning pc folders to apostates could be a money maker for the CoS. A substantial service charge would be requested.
Yup…from what I’ve read & heard “a written record”…..problem for THEM is just WHERE the HELL IS that damned written record………….????? Hmmmm, let me think now…in the file cabinet….Noooo….hmmm…on a desk SOMEWHERE…..
Yes, of course, it’s one of the files that “they” are always asking (demanding) help with properly filing those “written records away”…..
After decades of work on CF, you finally call it a day…and you never go back.
Ahh yes. It’s a dessert and a floor wax.
Think about every doctor or dentist visit in the past few years – if you have had any. At the counter they first present you with legal confidentiality forms to sign. They are not legally allowed to tell spouse or a consulting doctor about your diagnosis or condition without your signature on a form. “Confidentiality is standard in the United States by HIPAA laws…” says wikipedia, however “…numerous exceptions to the rules have been carved out over the years” such as reporting gunshot wounds or child abuse evidence.
As for recordings, during my tenure as a mental health professional we never recorded anything – but I was neither a licensed doctor or psych; I know they take notes at a minimum. Events which might go wrong, say because the person was in active psychosis, were done with one or more assistants present, usually police. Patient file information was never, ever released without a signed slip from the patient allowing that person or organization access. You could not review a client file unless they were assigned to your caseload, and careful records were kept of files going out and being returned.
The fact that Scn actively researches member files for dirt, and releases it to the general public, is horrifying to anyone who ever worked in the medical field. We just never dis-respected patients like that.
Almost as bad is the Scn habit of forcing members to make up stories, especially admitting to fictitious ‘crimes’ and sex perversions (from those prior lives, maybe?), just to get out of extended auditing sessions – every former Scn member I’ve heard from has mentioned making up stories just to get out of the room – and Scientology treats these stories like sworn testimony when they release them on one of their hate sites.
Scientology’s record on member confidentiality sucks – they violate local and state laws with impunity. That is exactly why they are in hot water in Hungary.
As a licensed therapist, the only session notes taken are about “progress or lack of progress” and are written from a clinical perspective. The only exception to this is when someone is a harm to themselves or others. Then details of safety steps and “key” comments made are documented. With every safety case, therapists consult with others without specific details about a client. Records belong to the therapist but, under law, clients can ask for copies (there are steps to this process).
Records can be supoened but there are steps to releasing these as well. For instance, a therapist may petition a judge for release of only the portion that pertains to the case so not all would be entered into court.
Yes, you are right about requiring “signed releases” from clients/patients to release confidential info.
Therapists are liable financially and, sometimes, with a prison sentence, if confidentiality is breached. Surely, they lose their license or its suspended. This is where the cult is violating US laws by utilizing confidential information obtained during auditing sessions for the mere purpose of smear campaigns. This is a vulnerability for the cult but one that would be hard to prove unless witnesses come forth who can blow the whistle and site cases of violations in minute detail. Clergy are not exempt from confidentiality laws….at least, not in Calif.
“This is where the cult is violating US laws by utilizing confidential information obtained during auditing sessions for the mere purpose of smear campaigns.”
That’s incorrect Teen. Those laws do NOT apply to religious practices. ONLY to the medical field.
Teen and Ammo – Thank you for the overview.
As an auditor I never forced anyone to make up stories nor did any auditor ever force me to make up stories, but then I was long gone before DM took over. The increased interrogations and security probably happened gradually over time.
It’s difficult to say if I had continued in scn for another ten or twenty years how much I would have compromised to such over time until I met my limit.
If only governments would follow their own laws.
The key concerns/issues (in the EU at least) are: what that data is being used for, how is it being used, who else is privy to it (and why), is it being transmitted outside the EU and why, is there full transparency, has full consent been obtained up front, has full consent been maintained throughout, does the individual have access to it, has it been provided (at no charge) within a month of being requested and will it be erased when the individual demands it?
EU data laws are tough…but they’re about to get even tougher. GDPR comes into full effect on the 25th May. Miscavige should be shitting himself. If he isn’t now, he soon will be.
Can’t those “OT’s” do anything….time is a wasting and they are asking for pre-clears and even “Wogs” for help! I think Adam needs an “Attitude Adjustment” from Pope Slappy !
Wogs for help??? We win! They’ve thrown in the towel! However, I’m going to need that towel back in a couple of hour. And it damn well better be clean.
The OTs are busy self-auditing and having supurb private cobnitions, hopefully with the help of a little single-malt Scotch, and a fine recording playing on their B&O surround sound system, when they should be figuring out how to make a larger donation to the IAS…
Given other things that the Hungarian government has done recently, it seems that padlocking the PC folder room to protect data is pretty benign. If Scientology itself were the problem, the government would have simply shut the doors and/or arrested people.
The fact that they’re resorting to this fairly unusual mechanism which is aimed at protecting the personal data of members makes it sound like they’re trying within the dimensions of their legal framework to implement the least restrictive solution possible to achieve the legal requirements for data protection.
Very good observation John P. Of course everything has to be blown way out of proportion if it’s to defend Scientology.
Seconded. The situation in Russia will always be under the cloud of the possibility that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is persecuted for being a wrong religion (rather than for the many criminal aspects to its operation).
The data protection action, on the other hand, seems to me like it could be respectable.
Let us not forget that data protection is about to get a lot more serious in Europe. Newer, tougher, rules are coming into place, and an enforcement regime where sanctions include “a fine up to 20000000 EUR or up to 4% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year in case of an enterprise” will be the rule from the month of May.
This is when ex-victims and activists who have reasonable cause to suspect that the Co$ is Doing It Wrong regarding data protection should get in touch with their local data protection agencies.
So far, the Co$ appears to use data protection as an excuse for not handing out information to people who actually are concerned (heard about in connection with the ex-staffer in Ireland). Now it’s time to turn this on the Co$, and turn it hard!
The writer admits, “particularly Scientology” is threatened, but of course, had to claim that “Hungary’s freedom to practice religion freely” is under attack. Just be honest: $camatology is busted in Hungary. The gov’t in Hungary is on to the $cam and overall practice of religion is not threatened. $camatology is not a religion and the permissive ways of the US are not acceptable elsewhere. Thanks, Zeus!
“I am not a big fan of some of the heavy-handed tactics used by the Russian Federation, and perhaps the same can be said here.”
I would agree with you except that scientology destroys lives, whether it be with its sec checking “tech” or its disconnection policy or its Ethics “tech” (i.e., Lower Conditions, speaking-out-against-management-is-a-High-Crime bullshit, etc.) and can and does get good people into such a state of mental lock-down that any padlock on any church of scientology door is a good thing.
(I know the dangers of my kind of thinking, but I’ll play king for a day and say, “Stop the abuses of the church of scientology and padlock all its doors!”)
Better than living in the Philippines. If you’re caught smoking pot, they can shoot you.
The same law is about to be enacted in South Africa. Its called POPI – and it’s taking no prisoners – or is, as the case may be.
“For the more serious offences the maximum penalties are a R10 million fine ($800,000) or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years or to both a fine and such imprisonment.
For the less serious offences, for example, hindering an official in the execution of a search and seizure warrant the maximum penalty would be a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months, or to both a fine and such imprisonment.
Failure to comply with the requirements of the POPI Act could have dire consequences”.
I can’t wait.
Non-English speaker or Freudian slip?
‘Minimally, please spread the word to every Scientologist you know.’
to an extremely small extent; negligibly.
Snortle! Good answer!
The locks and alert system is so that OSA cannot dig through PC folders (confidential Priest privilege) to obtain blackmail & attack info on parishioners. Sounds like a GOOD idea.
I’m on board.
never mind the folders compiled about “enemies” of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.
OSA just has to try to hide one folder about a prominent critic, attempt to deny its existence when directly queried, and be found out for the Data Protection regime to come crashing down, and crash down hard.
After the 25th of May this year the sanctions include fines which are calculated as a function of the global turnover of the enterprise in question.
I can’t wait to see the Photoshopped pics from this event.Hope the airlines have enough flights to Budapest to handle everyone.
whew, I hadn’t thought about the congestion on the airlines. That’s going to be rough. I don’t know that there are enough planes in the world to carry the millions who will be making their way over there.
Ha ha! Smorbie! Yeah! Hope the airlines are prepping for the deluge.
Hey, I think you just hit on their excuse – the airlines could not handle all the Scn travelers, so most had to stay home, boo hoo hoo oh poor Scn.
Scn would never think of simply complying with local and state and federal laws to get out of their troubles, never.
But wait, that’s where the Whales can come in to save the day!
See, all the floods of people unable to get to Budapest via commercial airline can be taken via private planes hired by Co$!
Expensive, surely, but these Dave’s Whales, these Big Beings can afford it. In fact, they can’t WAIT to fund hundreds, thousands of Scientologists from every corner of the globe to Hungary, all expenses paid!
Whattya say, Whales? Are you with us? COB is counting on you Like Never Before!
Remember: “The Expansion of Your Beingness Is In Direct Proportion to The Expansion of Your Wallet” – DM.
So Tom, JT, Krusty, right here and now is your opportunity to Unstick Those Flows!
Shatter that suppression; shake off that PTSness, Tom!
Win a starring role in an important film, JT.
And Krusty, just think: a date this Saturday night!
The time is now.