The PR machine has lifted off, straight up and vertical, in a historic display of amazing adjectives and state-of-the-art hyperbole that is 5 times the level experienced since the Wake Up Call. Then again, and all things previously mentioned pulled together into a cohesive whole, if you thought that was impressive, it was just the launching pad for a planetary assault of verbiage that dwarfs all else that has come before and when I say you cannot imagine the glories of PR puffery that are about to be unleashed I am not talking metaphorically.
From: Clive Rabey – D/CO Flag AO <[email protected]> Dear Mary, As of this writing we are gearing up for the biggest boom in Scientology history. That is not said carelessly or with any embellishment. I am sure you have heard the rumblings of what has been going down here at Flag. Hundreds upon hundreds of trainees pouring in from across the planet to train for the imminent release of Golden Age of Tech, Phase II. The FSO staff themselves going flat out in preparation for the release and delivery of Superpower and the Cause Resurgence Rundown. As an attestation to the power of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, public here at Flag who are already benefiting from this very exciting evolution are rocketing up The Bridge! We have just attained our target of making 1 Solo NOTs Completion for every day of the past year — yes, 365 OT VII Comps in just the past 12 months, up from last year’s Highest Ever of 207! Need I say more? You are about to see this same thing right there in your own area. Believe me when I tell you this is by an order of magnitude that honestly cannot be believed until experienced personally! But, and it is a very big “but,” there is still a vital component needed — Ideal Orgs everywhere. The hard truth is the existing non-Ideal Orgs simply will not be able to accommodate this new Golden Age of Tech, nor the resultant expansion and influx it will create. Spatially, lines, terminals — they are just not set up. Even more fundamentally, we need these strongholds of LRH Tech to form the base of the Bridge in every geographic zone. Including your zone. To accomplish just that, and specifically what I want to impress upon you, is the use of the brand new property — “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal” video presentation from International Management. Created with the sole purpose to help you build your Ideal Org, this video presentation is like nothing we have ever had before. This presentation has been crafted as the perfect enlightenment tool for use in Ideal Org fundraising and the manning up of your org. It is the most powerful tool in your arsenal and you must ensure it is used at every opportunity to bring public on board in your crusade to build your Ideal Org. As an OT, your own actions on this are vital. Tactically and specifically: a) If you yourself have not seen “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal” video presentation, you must do so at once. Go into your local org and watch it. You will see how invaluable it is. b) Your org will be holding regular showings of this video presentation at events and to individuals. You must ensure that every Scientologist in your field has a chance to see this presentation. So find out when these showings are and use your own comm lines and influence to get your entire field there. In summary, this is THE tool to use in enlightening Scientologists on the purpose, how’s and why’s of creating your Ideal Org. Utilize it to the max to create your Ideal Org, now! Over to you to make it happen!
ML, Clive D/CO Flag AO |
Now, that probably WAS written by Clive Rabey. It is such a mess of confused thoughts and mixed messages it is hard to follow. But you cannot fault him for trying to live up to expectations on the hype-o-meter.
The next one is definitely NOT written by Barbara Dews. This is full of Shermanspeak and is the unfiltered message Chairman of the Bored wants going out to the huddled masses yearning to be free:
From: Barbara Dews ([email protected])
Subject: What is the Golden Age of Tech Phase II?
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2013
Hi Everybody,
Believe me it is all happening at Flag right now! The Chairman of the Board is at Flag now overseeing the launch of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II and the opening of the new Flag Building including Super Power and Cause Resurgence Rundowns. He brought all the materials to Flag to begin the single largest training program in Scientology history, involving more than 1000 technical staff from orgs across the globe and another 395 from Flag itself.
Mr. Miscavige during a Flag graduation gave an overview of all that went into completing the Golden Age of Tech II materials. It was an immense program which began with a thorough search for everything LRH ever wrote from 1948 to 1986. That included all HCO Bulletins, HCO Policy Letters, Flag Orders, Central Bureaux Orders and many other issue types as well as all LRH dispatches, telexes and internal correspondence, not to mention every lecture and recorded conference. This comprehensive array of LRH material had been laid out on tables in chronological order in a warehouse in Los Angeles –larger than the entire city block where the new Flag Building resides—and meticulously reviewed.
Further included were major projects which LRH had specifically and at great length detailed to be completed. In particular, the compilation of new reference books and verification of courses and rundowns. And all of them are now done.
With that historic completion, the pre-launch program required for the full launch across the Scientology world could now begin: precision training necessary for supervision and delivery. Given that the next phase in the Golden Age of Tech encompasses everything on the Processing side of the Grade Chart and everything on the Training side, that means training right through Class VII, Class VIII, Class XII as well as Super Power and Cause Resurgence.
Mr. Miscavige gave a sense of the magnitude of the Golden Age of Tech II materials themselves. The quantity is massive for both the Training and Processing sides of the Bridge—including 25 courses and 2,416 pages of issues, not to mention all other elements such as books, Golden Age of Tech drills binders and breakthrough training aids. Altogether it totals 2914 individual items, and all of it in 17 languages. In fact, the materials for the RTC training program at Flag were shipped to Clearwater in no less than 7,440 boxes weighing 190,800 pounds, or more than 95 tons.
Further elaborating on what it all means, Mr. Miscavige said, “We are training on the Grade Chart—all of it. We are training the supervision and precision delivery of training and auditing. On the one hand, it’s just like the Basics, with a full restoration and recovery of every single word of LRH tech and an obliteration and eradication of every last molecule of alter-is and arbitrary. But on the other hand, it is actually something much more. Because, it also represents the culmination of LRH projects to make available what has never been available before. And, in terms of training, add on ounce of ‘magic’ that results in what can only be described as total certainty.”
That training is not only what is now underway in Flag’s Coachman Building course rooms, but also what will be happening in orgs when these materials are released: training total tech experts in application and moving preclears up the Bridge to Clear in the exact time frames LRH describes in Ron’s Journal 35 “From Clear to Eternity.” And given that Ideal Orgs have been built to accommodate the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, they will be able to train armies of auditors from here on out. Moreover, when the RTC training program at Flag is completed, Class V Orgs will constitute the largest top tech corps in Scientology history—trained to total certainty.
“Even more than that,” Mr. Miscavige said, “It’s fast correct that. It’s stunningly fast. That’s not just speed. But that’s also speed with all the gains. I’m not just ‘telling’ you that’s what you’re going to see. I’m guaranteeing it.”
Where upon, Chairman of the Board proceeded to give a hint of all else there is to come, in light of what the new Flag Building will ultimately provide—including the crowning accomplishment and achievement of it all: Super Power.
While there have been glimpses of one entire floor that contains drills to restore all of a thetan’s perceptics, that only represents the last half of the tenth and final rundown of Super Power. For a sense of its immensity, Mr. Miscavige spoke of the first rundown in these terms: “It addresses the biggest button and charge on anyone’s case –Ethics, Justice and, very much, Injustice. And not just in present time, but the Whole Track.”
He further described the scope of just that first rundown in terms of the HCO Bulletin that contains the process and commands—43 pages in all. While as for its power, there is this quote from LRH: “Nothing is more likely to exteriorize a pc than this rundown.”
With that introduction to Super Power, Mr. Miscavige previewed Cause Resurgence with a single phrase: “The most basic and unlimited rundown in Scientology and the first spiritual therapy on the Whole Track.”
It is all truly happening right now at Flag!
I certainly want to help you get there and help you get ready! Call me or write anytime for anything.
Barbara Dews
Flag Service Consultant
323 872 3585
Hmmm, as usual, the significance is on “number of boxes of materials shipped” and “molecules of out tech” (WTF?)….. I could make a sarcastic comment about virtually every line of this over-inflated nuttiness. But it needs no interpretation to highlight the insanity.
But there is one final question. You may have read my recent post about the first promise on the release of OT IX and X .
According to Clive Rabey — there has been a “Solo NOTs Completion” every day for a year. So, Dave, what about OT IX and X?
Note, many of these “comps” are reportedly what they are now calling “Expanded OT VII” completions. Who knows what that is, but given that everything else on the circular bridge to nowhere has to be “redone”, I can only presume they are “re-doing” OT VII like they are “re-doing” OT VIII and Purif and Objectives and Grades and anything else.
And the seals keep clapping. And THAT is truly amazing, astonishing and outrageous. And that’s no hype….
I have questions for David Miscavige: HOW will the new GAT II create this massive influx of people? In other words, what is your marketing plan for GAT II? Will names be culled from existing CF to come in and retrain? Is this your marketing plan?
I would love nothing better than to wake up tomorrow and realize I have been an S.P.. David is the savior that delivered Earth and all of it’s people up from the mud. I have been blind and wrong and a suppressor. All of my doubt was hallucinatory , nothing has even been wrong. We have all been delivered. And my amends is to shovel elephant poop from one location to another taking down a mountain of it and relocating it, over and over and over again for the next 50 lifetimes. That would still be a dream come true for me. To find out I was all wrong, and everything is actually alright and everyone will be O.K.. Oh God how I would love to find out I have wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
Albert Einstein once said that, “Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results, is the definition of insanity.”
GAT I resulted in the wholesale breakdown of the auditor training line. It emptied out the course rooms, which destroyed one of the two major sources of income for the church. For a time, the solution was to grab every body in sight and put them on the Basics courses, which kept the cash coming in for a while, but petered out after most public had completed them. That, of course, led to the church demanding income from their public by way of direct donations for NO exchangeable goods or services, i.e., Ideal Orgs and the IAS. That in turn led to a nearly unprecedented exodus of Scientologists out of the organization.
So what does Der Dwarfenfuhrer do to correct that historic boondoggle? Why, more of the same, of course, and in true over-the-top Miscavige style, with “95 tons” of mest to bludgeon the unblinking sheeples into massive, un-heretofore, unheard of levels of stratospheric expansion, the likes of which have never been seen in this lifetime or any other – or, in fact, in any other UNIVERSE throughout the entire whole track of theta!
Good going, DM. Perhaps you’ll get your real product this time — the total destruction of Scientology as an organized practice.
Can’t wait for phrase III.
“The most basic and unlimited rundown in Scientology and the first spiritual therapy on the Whole Track.”
Okay so I’m not a scientologist (no really I’m not, seriously, look I’m really not and I’m not about to defend the church of scientology*) but I thought Scientology was meant to provide a spiritual therapy and this is the first!? So it says on the “Whole Track” but wouldn’t all such Scientology therapies be “on the Whole Track”?
*In case you don’t know some very suspiciously supportive / troll comments would start with “…I’m not a Scientologist…”.
What a crock of shit!
Verification of courses? WTF????
They’ll be knocking on everybody’s door at 3 AM in the morning trying to move 95 tons of new compilations like they did with the Basics. Buy 25 sets.
Can be trained in Nightmarket tents in not so noisy places.
Does it really matter when the little prick incessantly picks your pockets?
Very good point. Now I see the reason for the Ideal Orgs, they need to be big enough to store all the crap for GAT II.
Divide that by 12,000 buyers max. (they’ve now been well-accustomed to race out the doors when new material is released) is approx. 16 lbs. of GAT II goodies per member, giving us the unique opportunity to throw away 10 lbs. of GAT I that was messed up by squirrels over the last 17 years.
What a wonderful world!
Dear Clive,
How about putting “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal” up on youtube to save all those poor sods gas money that could instead be handed over to the Idle Morgue funding? For that matter why no event vids on youtube? Why oh why aren’t you promoting!!!
I think you make a great point. All they have to do is invalidate previous OT VII completions or claim they need to do “Expanded OT VII.” Then RECYCLE them. The real question is? Out of the purported 365 completions, how many had previously been counted as an OT VII completion? In fact, how about this question – Out of the 207 (formally highest ever previous 12 months) completions were any of of those people counted again in the 365? This reeks of some sort of stat manipulation.
“It addresses the biggest button and charge on anyone’s case –Ethics, Justice and, very much, Injustice. And not just in present time, but the Whole Track.”
Yes you are going to have 25 years of injustice to deal with DM. Thats going to be the thousands of people you dealt it too. Asshole.
OH MY GAWD! Thank you for a **great** laugh, Mike! “Hundreds upon hundreds of trainees pouring in from across the planet to train for the imminent release of Golden Age of Tech, Phase II.” Oh Good GAWD>>>>I was there for Golden Age of *crap* ONE. I can’t believe “hundreds of thousands”…ya sure they aren’t just doing to Dating Drill on this one? “Hundreds of people, thousands of people….tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands? LOLOLOL! Thank GOD I got out of there!!!
Tory/Magoo~~ “in” for 30 years
OT 7, Grad 5, Flag Trained and Interned Security Checker
Ex-Sea Org (Briefly)
Ex-Staff (briefly)
Ex- OSA Volunteer on and off for 20 year
Escaped out 13 years ago (in a few weeks: July 21, 2000)
You are just too damn cool! I love what you do and how you do it. Keep up the good work. You will bring the “empire” down to its knees!
You got guts lady.
Church of Scientology spokesman Ken Delusion today announced that OT and long-time senior Church member Davis Jackinov has been appointed to the crucial new post of Senior Tech Terminal GAT II.
“Davis Jackinov truly defines the Golden Age of Tech II,” Delusion said from Flag Land Base where a beehive of activity has ensued in anticipation of the release of GAT 2…..
I remember Hebert quoting some reference, in mid 78 or so, that said in a time of intense attacks, one if the things to do is “release some new tech”.
Undoubtedly, Miscavige feels this period of time is such a period of intense attack, because HE is being focused on.
Do you suppose GAT 2 is his way of trying to release some “new” tech?
Based on the history of DM, the more he hypes something the more destructive the results. Ideal Orgs are a perfect example. He can’t duplicate LRH, he can only pervert LRH’s tech. With all the hype here it will be something to see the train wreck that’s about to happen.
It seems the church really likes bulk; you know lots of heavy bulky MEST. More binders, packages, documents??? More? Daves havingness must be perpetually low, he just seems to have to make more and more materials to haul around the US.
I kinda like all the hype around GAT Phase II. It’s going to cause more good folks to wake up and see what really is going on around them. Carry on Miscavige. Carry on.
The first ever spiritual therapy on the whole track? So thetans first sought enlightenment all those trillions of years ago by running endlessly around a pole?
That is an extraordinary phrase from Miscavige. Is he saying that none of the other processes developed by LRH were spiritual therapy? Or that Cause Resurgence is an old therapy dredged up from the early track (in which case it would be off-Source).
It’s more encouraging to hear of “full restoration and recovery of every single word of LRH tech” This means that he’s put back all the bits he cut out. Er, doesn’t it?
Per the original LRH materials, he ran this as a therapy on thetans without bodies on the track. He would have them circle an object out in space.
This means that David Miscavige has finally finished re-writing and re-editing and totally changing around the entirety of the written works of L Ron Hubbard. It was a massive job folks, and only those people who have paid up for their Ideal Orgs are going to be able to read the new ulta-revised, very edited David Miscavige materials! And yes, they will clap and cheer and horray and smile and dance. However the truth is that Scientology is about to take the plunge- the last materials that are recognizable as written by L Ron Hubbard are going to be taken out back and burned.
Mike: I got a great smile at the very beginning of the post a your choice of one particular word: “it was just the launching pad for a planetary assault of verbiage that DWARFS all else that has come before” LOL
I know picking on his physical size is somewhat petty, but it also describes his scio experience, his “leadership” [I use the term loosely], his intelligence and his humanity. ALL dwarf size. What a sad example of a human being.
Look at this: “including 25 courses and 2,416 pages of issues, not to mention all other elements such as books, Golden Age of Tech drills binders and breakthrough training aids”
So, the line up got bigger, not only you have to do the Basics first but add to that the 2,000 whatever pages and “other elements” (thank you for the specifics) and training aids…Oh, sorry, W/Cing Tech…Sup, that was not in the new boxes they found, so it is not used, why bother???
Then it is noted there are 1,000 Outer Org Trainees…that is straight down as in early ’90s there used to be about 2,000… Oh, but it does not matter as the new tool for fundraising is being shown everywhere…pathetic.
This starts a whole new phase of all staff off post, selling all the new swell stuff to every single sheeple in the flock. It means the end of sleep, the beefing up of the RPF for those who don’t make their targets, the breaking up of more families as appropriate punishment for failure to fall in perfect goose step compliance.
What I know for sure is the more off-policy it is the harder it will be pushed in. This GAG II is going to have to be slammed in with a mega-nuclear branding iron at least… Sigh.
I thought shoveling lion Shit at the Zoo was the absolute bottom.
Flag has me beat there.
And to personally prepare for what is imminent: 1) Accept that all your training certs will now be null and void. 2) Get your life organized to give you the time to do both sides of the Bridge over again from the bottom up. 3) Get out your checkbooks and credit cards and gather up the documentation of all your bank accounts, investment accounts, assets of any type, and 4) Prepare to pay and pay and pay for GAT II services, and 5) To make it possible for your org to deliver all the GAT II re-do’s you are paying for, pay and pay and pay and pay and pay for all the Ideal Orgs, everywhere.
At the second paragraph from Barbara Dew’s letter I found myself “reading” it with DM’s hypnotic cadence – I couldn’t go on. Sometimes the reading of this stuff can be quite painful. Thanks anyway. 🙂
Looks like a redo of the1981/1982 Crash Training.
By the way as far as I know this „Cause Resurgence“ is a Thetan that has his body run around a pole. So I squirrel this rundown when I have a walk. But now this is done total standard with supervison and based on total L.Ron Hubbard tech without any alteration. Ensure that everyone is using the „foot to ground“ method while running and not stumbling or even fly around a bit.
So runnig round circles is the game. Redo of Crash Training (called now GAT 2), redo of Finance Police (no called „donate“), redo of Purif and Objectives especially on Clears and OTs (now called prerequisite for Super Power)! What comes next?
Dear Mike,
Your intro is really funny! Well written in the style of the leader. If I would be still in the SO and hear this PR hype, I would think: “It is about time to duck, cover and hold. The next heavy Ethics trip is upon us. I hope, I will be able to somehow do my job without being ‘discovered’ as the one being CI and to be blamed, that the predicted expansion does not take place.” Fortunately I am out.
Wait a minute, everything under the sun moon an stars was laid out on tables across a city block? Shades of the OEC project where all PLs were laid out in the Cine shooting studio 10 years ago which resulted in . . . . nothing. I wonder how many thousands of man hours were wasted on this Sisyphian exercise in futility. Here is what could have been done with GAT that would have straightened out 99% of the problems with GAT: 1) Put the Study Tech bulletins before the Study Tapes on the Student Hat, 2) Make the Pro TRs film the standard for passing the Pro TRs Course, 3) Scrap the Pro Metering Course in its entirety, 4) Offer the Certainty courses for free to any previously trained auditor, 5) cancel with authority all those stupid Snr C/S Int bulletins that fucked up the implementation of GAT. There, problems with GAT solved. And, oh, revert the HCOB What Is a Floating Needle? back to the LRH original.
As far as I’m concerned GAT was a bad idea since it violated HCOPL 16 April 65 Issue II Drills Allowed.
My suggestion when I queried GAT was if they wanted drills to drill the actual HCOB that contained the process or action. Doll Drill, Drill it with a Coach, Drill it Bullbaited like we’d been drilling for years.
I remember what a pain in the ass those Auditor “Expertise” Drills (the previous incarnation to GAT) were and was so happy to see them omitted from the new (back then) Levels checksheets.
Also I totally agree with eliminating the “Hubbard” Professional Emeter Course. What a disaster that was!!!
It was painful to watch some newbie at the meter trying to get a pass on Emeter Drill 25.
BTW the drills required for each level was in the Original Book of Emeter Drills. The one allegedly written by an “SP” who happened to be Mary Sue.
I see Dave’s twin sister happens to be on the dock for misdemeanor possession so all I can say is what goes around comes around.
And an unqualified *yes*on making the Pro TRs film the standard.
You did a great job in that movie Dan.
Too bad like the rest of the original Tech Films which are allegedly loaded with “SPs” it’ll probably never be shown again in the Church unless it’s under new management.
You’re hired Dan! Caveat on point 4….only if the auditor wants to do them for enhancement. Also stop invalidating clears, last lifers, life/job choices, stop overrunning the shit out of people on o/w’s etc, etc, etc,,,,
The reason the clubbed seals keep slapping their fins is covered in Keeping Scn Working:
“When you don’t do seven, eight, nine and ten actively, you are working for the Bank dominated mob. For it will surely, surely (a) introduce incorrect technology and swear by it. (b) apply technology as incorrectly as possible, (c) open the door to any destructive idea, and (d) encourage incorrect application.”
In my opinion the above pretty much covers the Golden Age of Tech. From what I understand the whole project was based on a survey.
Don’t get me wrong.
Surveys are nice things when you are looking for *buttons* for promotion and marketing etc. but is deadly when you are dealing with Tech.
Because tech is based on what works and not on what’s popular or the “Collective Thought Agreement” as the Ol’man calls it.
You handle PCs and Students individually not as a group.
This again is covered in the above PL.
Yet the Scientology wrecking crew, as I call ’em, or “management” seem to have the total agreement of the bank dominated Mob who are left.
Miscavige the so called leader is basically as far as I’m concerned the reactive mind incarnate. Either that or a living breathing ser fac.
It seems he takes every opportunity to covertly discredit the Ol’man. In other words make him wrong in some way.
For instance Ron didn’t have it quite down on how to train auditors so we had to develop the Golden Age of Tech, he didn’t read the galleys of the books he published and therefore we had to correct that oversight. Ron didn’t think much of big ostentatious organizations etc.
So basically he’s saying that the Ol’man was wrong on all these points.
That’s the way I see it and was the key reason why I left that Squirrel Cage calling itself the “Church of Scientology”.
Another thing.
He claims he is going to be issuing all this new tech and policy that the Ol’man for some reason didn’t see fit to release.
Well number 1) most of the tech and policy was available in practically every Qual Library or Mimeo archives in the world until they decided to rewrite all of it and burn whatever was allegedly in “error” 2) that which wasn’t was entrusted with management to release.
They are set to “release” it all again probably with covert or not so covert alterations. Yet there will be no way of telling what has been altered because the originals are safely squirreled away at Twin Peaks or Trementia or Petrolia.
And since most Scientologists left in the Organization are totally unaware of the existence of CST they are not going to ask any questions about the provence of these “new” actually more than likely altered issues and demand the originals as it says to do in the HCOB/PL on How to Defeat Verbal Tech.
That said.
And there is much more to be said about all this, but I’ll end off for now since this comment is getting lengthy.
The final point I’d like to make is that Super Power is *not* a total panacea just as power which the rundown parallels is not.
Yet he and his team of Org wreckers have managed to convinced the faithful that are left that it is.
Same with the Cause Resurgence Rundown or as we used to call it when working on the pilot the “Running Program” and it does have an EP just like any other rundown meaning you can’t run it endlessly as he seems to be implying just like any other objective rundown.
Unfortunately dear leader has not been overrun on objectives himself to gain a subjective understanding of what it’s like.
In fact from what I understand he hasn’t been near an auditor since the mid 90’s!
I agree Robin! DM is the ultimate violator of KSW because he changes everything! Asshole!
wow does this even compare to the absolutely huge number that Pat Broeker displayed as an actual date of something that occurred on the track? It sounds like we are approaching instant Scientology finally where no result is accomplished in no time. I am trembling with anticipation will Justin Beiber be there too?
It sounds like “the new Flag Building” is the new name for what has heretofore been the Super Power Building. Maybe in the ~79 years since groundbreaking, and in the wake last summer’s hit film The Avengers, the term “super power” has come to sound too stupid even for David. So now it’s just a big-ass building where Super Power will be /delivered/.
Scientology Kremlinologists (Hemetologists?) must be scratching their beards over this. It must mean something. Personally I’ve been waiting to see what kind of cosmetic changes David and his architects would make to this New Reich Chancellery project to prove that Tony Ortega’s big scoop — publishing the pirated architectural renderings — was not a scoop after all, but a triumph of OSA disinformation. Is a different name all we get? Screw that. The Volk demand more. A nude statue of Tom Cruise in the atrium! Heroically larger than life, of course (not much of a challenge, but still), and in full view of the Cafe.
I’ve set aside money for the tour. I don’t care if I have to wait until the foreclosure auction. I just viscerally need to see this place.
Richard — I had heard that it was renamed as part of an effort to end the practice of calling it the “Mecca building.” which Miscavige and everyone else had been using for decades.
I don’t know if this had anything to do with the merger with the NOI or if he was just worried about the bad PR of muslims (sort of a funny thought — Scientology’s PR is so much worse than Muslims…)
It’s possible that Farrakhan / the NOI complained. After all, Clearwater is not Mecca.
Now they use only Dear Leader’s quotes. None of LRH’s. And the reference for Ideal Orgs is a F****** video “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal” with no molecules of out tech nor off policy nor out ethics nor off source…
I don’t know many current org auditors anymore, but one I met recently had gone to Flag in the early 2000’s as an Outer Org Trainee to train from the ground up. From zero to Class 6 Auditor & C/S, Clear Rundown C/S, KTL C/S, course supervisor training, ethics officer training, the whole kit and caboodle, so he could anchor the top tech post for his org. He also made it up to Grade 2 on a co-audit while there.
He was there a full eight years, he told me. I was stunned and in disbelief. Rechecked. Yes, full eight years.
In the real world, you can’t run a business where it take you eight years to train one of your technical people. Math doesn’t work. The person dies or leaves (or “blows”) or gets a bad illness or gets hit by a car crossing the street and you’ve lost an enormous investment (eight years) that’s impossible to recoup or make up for.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH is all it really is after all. Same crap different day. One would think that some would recognize the repetitiveness of it all……for years ALL THE SAME and no product. Very sad.
It’s nitpicking, I know, but going from 207 comps to 365 is NOT orders of magnitude. In the traditional usage, one order of magnitude would be 2070 comps, and two orders of magnitude would be 20,700. Not that they couldn’t use at least an order of magnitude here. Remember that target of 10,000 on Solo NOTS? At this rate it will only take 27 years to get them all through it. And the rest of the planet? That could be done in less than 20 million years! Now THAT’s some orders of magnitude, and I don’t mean that metaphorically!
At least it’s good to know there are 95 tons of materials waiting for us. I feel lighter and more free already!
Tut, tut! You know Scientologists don’t do math.
I love your blog Mike! I wish to make you a lovely cup of tea! 🙂 x x x
OMG! My head feels like it has a tight band around it….seriously!
Yes, it is a piece of lost tech. As the band tightens around your head, it forces you to exteriorize.
This is utterly amazing and fantastic and unbelievable and …well…I’ll stop the adjectives at unbelievable.
Just think, in only ten years we’ll have over 3,650 OT VII completions all set up and ready to do the GAT III objectives, Gat III grades, GAT III Clearing Course and, of course, most importantly…the GAT III Super special, Flag only Security checks which will of course be required prior to getting on to the universe shattering GAT III NOTs and Solo NOTSs.
So now they are calling it “GAT Phase II” like this was the plan all along. Do Phase I then do Phase II. I am guessing that everyone that did Phase I needs to do Phase II. When will Phase III come out? I just can’t wait …
“Non-Ideal Orgs simply will not be able to accommodate this new Golden Age of Tech?”
What a crock! Better pony up that cash by the bucketload sheeple or no shiny new tech for you! You’ll be stuck with that crummy old GAT1 tech (which Davey claimed was the be all and end all last time).
GAST indeed (Golden Age of Squirrel Tech)
I hope “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal,” and all other internally-focused videos will be premiering here (or somewhere on the internet) soon: few things make the craziness of Miscavige as plainly evident as those videos.
Isn’t this guy the same guy that has confined and imprisoned veteran Sea Org member in the “HOLE” ?
Isn’t this the same guy that is using phisycal torture and beatings on staff at the INT base as testimonied in court by Debbie Cook?
Isn’t this the same guy that is plugging himself to a copper rod in order to discharge mental charge?
Isn’t this the same guy that constantly changed his mind lying about the delivery of OT IX and X?
Isn’t this the same guy that before releasing the BASICs told ME that THAT was what was holding back Scientology since 50 years?
Isn’t this the same guy…..
Claudio, tell me more about the copper rode.
The DM copper rod tech is explained here:
Sad isn’t it
If we all just turned our backs and ignored them from here on out I’m convinced they would destroy themselves in no time at all.
Pete — I think you are right. I would just like to hurry the process along a bit as I have some people I would like to talk to….
Mike, you’re helping hurry the process with this blog! Thanks for keeping it going!!
I was at Flag when GAT was introduced. The only people doing GAT were those who were retraining! Very few new people. There were lots of training and auditing problems pre-GAT and GAT was going to correct and handle all that. GAT destroyed stats and the church would be gone now except for all the aggressive fund raising.
GAT 2 will probably increase stats for a couple years while everyone retrains (again!). After that all the stats will fall once more. Although I’ll bet even more dramatically this time!
The church may well survive GAT 2 with all the billions they have stashed away. The church won’t completely die until that money is gone.
That money won’t be gone in our lifetime, you can take that to the bank. With Ron stashing money and bullion in Lichtenstein starting in the late 70s, plus the accumulation of income the past 35 years, there may well be in excess of $1.5 billion in cash and CDs. Add to that the investments in real estate et al, the asthmatic Machiavellian Monster dwarf has enough ammunition to last his lifetime and yours. Alas.
“Ideal Orgs have been built to accommodate the Golden Age of Tech Phase II”…wait a second. Is Dews/Sherman/whoever at RTC wrote this nonsense implying a new rationale for the Idle Morgues? Is that going to be the new party line? Is that the reason for the rededication ceremonies? The Morgues weren’t Idle enough for GAT 2: Electric Boogaloo, so they were made more Idle in preparation for the grand experiment by The Dark Lord Chuckles The Silly Piggy?
It doesn’t seem like a very good excuse for harpooning the whales for each bit of ambergris they possess, does it?
If they’re going to cite the time scales from RJ35, how about being as strict on The Ideal Org PL, and do a good tidy on the orgs to make them clean and not repulsive to the public? You can start with Chicago. The org there is a dump, and the unopened Idle Morgue looks like a derelict.
There’s a phrase that goes “If you can’t dazzle them with facts, baffle them with bullshit.” Scientology is the only organization that I know of that regularly tries to do both at the same time.
That’s pretty simple, 95 tons of material brought in for the seals to buy, in order to obliterate and eradicate of every last molecule of alter-is and arbitrary which was created by David Miscavige!
Clive forgot to mention about the 10,000 figure on Solo NOTs which he has been pushing for years, what was the result of that?
Sinar == yeah, the 10,000 on (or through) Solo NOTs is their decades old target that STILL hasnt been met.
It is perhaps the best indicator that the “straight up and vertical” expansion is a mirage. With all these millions pouring onto an up the Bridge at a rate never before seen in history during this time of greatest expansion ever, after more than 20 YEARS there are STILL not 10,000 CUMULATIVE people on Solo NOTs IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. There are 385,000 people born EVERY DAY!
Don’t forget though that some of that 95 tonnes of material are Golden Age of Tech binders!
“including 25 courses and 2,416 pages of issues, not to mention all other elements such as books, Golden Age of Tech drills binders and breakthrough training aids.”
I bet those binders are extra heavy to provide cover for the lack of content.