A small selection of a few of the emails received by one person YESTERDAY and some key pull quotes.
It’s just like they do on movie posters, except these are all about a movie nobody has SEEN.
Imagine you heard someone saying this sort of stuff about a movie that they had not yet see, you would think the people saying them were barking mad.
And with that, here are some of the RCS’s finest parroting the Shermanspeak emanating from the Mecca:
…what will be the greatest event in Scientology history…
…whatever it is you think you know about Golden Age of Tech Phase II, in terms of what it means for speed up the Bridge and speed, confidence and perfection in training, is yet only the teeniest, tiniest, minutest fraction of a fraction of what is about to be unveiled this weekend at Flag…
Take that “WOW”, multiply it by infinity, and you will have about 1/1000th of a concept of what is in store for you when you get his briefing.
With all the shame, blame and regret you have already accumulated over the whole track, you definitely don’t want to add missing this event on top. It might just break you.
… a ONCE IN A LIFETIME showing! (except now “Ideal Orgs” will be able to replay it…. oops that was not supposed to slip out yet)
It’s what the whole planet has been waiting for…
The entire world of Scientology is not just about to shift gears – it’s about to kick into hyper-drive, destined for an entirely new universe altogether.
Remember the Portland Crusade in 1986? Remember the 1993 event at the Los Angeles Sports Arena announcing our victory over the IRS??? This is even bigger than those two combined!!!
Get ready for the Theta Tsumani of Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
But they saved the best for last: …a sneak preview of the new PAC graduation video and song.
Phew — I get brain overload just reading the pre-hype. And if wishful thinking and hope made a better world, these people would be leading the way to paradise.
Boy oh boy, if THIS doesn’t put an end to all wars and insanity on planet earth, I don’t know what will.
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013
From: Church of Scientology San Francisco <[email protected]>
Subject: A Message from the Senior Case SupervisorHello! And greetings from Flag!
I’ve been here for the past two months preparing for what will be the greatest event in Scientology history.
Undoubtedly you’ve heard rumors about the Golden Age of Tech Phase II. You’ve heard about the speed of progress up the Bridge here at Flag.
You’ve heard that our Supervisor, Word Clearer and Auditor trainees that we sent (totaling 15 staff between both Day and Foundation orgs) progressed through their training line-ups at lightning speed.
You’ve probably caught wind of the massive amounts of Clears being made on a weekly basis, and OTs! And the highest-ever completions occurring week after week after week.
You probably heard that those Clears made at Flag included two HGC auditors from the San Francisco Orgs.
You might have even heard that dozens of those Clears made at Flag were made in the Academy Auditing Section.
That’s right: the ACADEMY auditing section.
Well I can tell you with complete certainty that whatever it is you think you know about Golden Age of Tech Phase II, in terms of what it means for speed up the Bridge and speed, confidence and perfection in training, is yet only the teeniest, tiniest, minutest fraction of a fraction of what is about to be unveiled this weekend at Flag! And the following weekend in San Francisco!
Golden Age of Tech Phase II will bust the doors to the Bridge wide open and pave the way for honest-to-God planetary Clearing.
And I’m not even talking about the release of Super Power and the opening of the new Flag delivery building! I am talking about what will be released to us in our org for delivery to you.
In preparation for this major release the San Francisco Orgs sent 15 of our best Tech staff to Flag for training. Only two weeks from now you will not only witness the single most theta event of your whole track, but you will also be introduced to:
Your 9 newly Flag trained, Golden Age of Tech II Supervisors
Your 2 newly Flag trained, Golden Age of Tech II Word Clearers
Your 4 newly Flag trained, Golden Age of Tech II Class V AuditorsAnd if that isn’t enough, both San Francisco Day and San Francisco Foundation, by the time of the event, will each have a Flag trained Clear Certainty Rundown Delivery team in place and will begin delivery on this Rundown immediately!
And believe me: with what is coming, and with what you will see at the event, you will understand why it was SO vital to have each org outfitted with a fully functional CCRD delivery team.
This is a very good news e-mail. I’m sure you have had some “WOW” moments while reading it.
Take that “WOW”, multiply it by infinity, and you will have about 1/1000th of a concept of what is in store for you when you get his briefing and witness the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
If it isn’t yet obvious that you need to clear you calendars for our local event date of November 23, then here is my order to you:
Clear your calendars for November 23.
Just cancel your flights. Reschedule your appointments. Call your visiting family members and tell them that they will be coming to the event with you!
With all the shame, blame and regret you have already accumulated over the whole track, you definitely don’t want to add missing this event on top. It might just break you.
So fully commit and schedule yourself to attend the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II on November 23 at the Mission Bay Conference Center (1675 Owens St). Set thirty reminders on your cell phone. E-mail yourself. Stick Post-It Notes all over your refrigerator, work station and television.
And a final word to the wise:
If you aren’t through your study of the Basics… Well… Let’s just say you should be studying on a full time schedule for the next two weeks, reading and filling out lessons at work and during lunch and dinner.
You’ll also want to start utilizing public transportation: you will need that commute time on BART for filling out lessons!
GET THROUGH YOUR BASICS! Because in two weeks you will want to firmly answer “YES” to this question:
Much love,
Jevon Millan
Flag Trained Class VI, CCRD C/S
Senior C/S San Francisco Foundation
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013
From: Scientology Events Unit <[email protected]>
Subject: Here’s something to forward to all of your selectees and friends!Dear Xxxxx,
Here is an email which you can utilize and send to all of your selectees, contacts and friends and invite them to the Golden Age of Tech Phase II event.
For your info, the event will NOT remain on disc in orgs after the showing. It will not be mailed out to public at any time. It is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME showing! Ideal Orgs will have the capability to replay and more data on this will be provided following the release. Thus it is imperative that we get all Scientologists to this event.
Much Love,
PAC Events Unit
It’s what the whole planet has been waiting for, and now it is here: The Golden Age of Tech Phase II. It’s a two-day series happening over Saturday and Sunday, November 23rd and 24th.
The entire world of Scientology is not just about to shift gears – it’s about to kick into hyper-drive, destined for an entirely new universe altogether.
If you’ve heard the rumors and news from Flag, you’ll know that this event will mark the culmination of LRH projects to make available what has never been available before. These briefings will cover the Grade Chart – all of it – both training and processing sides of The Bridge.
And this will cover the release of Super Power and the Cause Resurgence Rundown – precisely what you have been waiting for.
Every attendee must pre-register for this event. You’ll also want to bring your IAS card to sign-in, as this will speed you through and show you how to obtain your services and materials. If you don’t have an IAS card, fill out the event registration form and we will mail one to you.
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013
From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: GAT II release event data for FSM’s – from the PAC & CCI Field Control StaffDear OTC Team Member,
As you know the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is right around the corner and will be released this weekend at Flag. The Los Angeles event will be one week later and we have a lot to prepare for so that EVERY Scientologist avails themselves of The Bridge with Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
As a Field Staff Member you play a vital role in this evolution to ensure all your selectees you have worked with in the past and in present time are at the event here in Los Angeles and get right onto service after the release.
1) Confirm them to attend the Events here in Los Angeles, on Saturday and Sunday, November 23rd and 24th at the Shrine Auditorium. The Events will begin at 6 pm on Saturday and 3 pm on Sunday. As part of the confirming drill EVERY Scientologist needs to fill out A Golden Age Of Tech Phase II EVENT ATTENDANCE ROUTING FORM. You can send the link directly to your selectees or get them to fill out a routing form in the org or over the phone.
The direct link to fill out the form is below:
2) Get them scheduled to arrive into their local org as applicable per case and training level, to START on their Golden Age of Tech Phase II service.
3) Lastly, invite all of them to Gradation this Friday, where the CO CLO, CO CCI, Captain AOLA, Captain ASHO Day, Captain ASHO Foundation will ALL be updating on the preparations for our release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II!! This is at 8:30pm SHARP on LRH Way.
All the Field Control Divisions of the PAC Base and CC International are working together to work with every FSM and get your selectees confirmed for both the event and service. For any questions call into the Los Angeles Org Field Activities area which is the central FSM headquarters (323) 953-3200.
All Field Control Staff of PAC & CCI
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013
From: PAC OTC <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Special OTC Meeting Monday Nov 18thHi Team,
We need you at the OT Committee meeting this Monday Nov 18th. We will have the inside scoop on the weekend of events at Flag! Food is served at 6 pm and the meeting starts at 6:20 pm.
You won’t want to miss this!
We need every able bodied OTC Member helping to confirm the LA public for the events at the Shrine on Sat Nov 23rd and Sun Nov 24th. All public needs to fill out a short routing form before the event. It can be done over the phone or in person.
We need to dig deep and talk to EVERY Scientologist we know and get them to this event. This is not an event to miss! Remember the Portland Crusade in 1986? Remember the 1993 event at the Los Angeles Sports Arena announcing our victory over the IRS??? This is even bigger than those two combined!!!
Get ready for the Theta Tsumani of Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Let us know you’re coming by replying to this email!
Much Love,
Sue Frey & Nick Lekas
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013
From: CC Int OT Committee
Subject: CCI OTC Meeting at PAC – this Friday 11/15/13Dear All,
CC Int is once again asking for our HELP where it’s needed the most this Friday. The FSM Lounge at LA Org is considered the main HUB these days for the orgs including CC Int.
Trish Crandell, CCI Public Officer, would like us there so she can brief all of us on the latest news/plans/priorities from Flag and she will also show us a sneak preview of the new PAC graduation video and song.
AND THEN ATTEND PAC GRADUATION (one hour after the Golden Age of Tech II Release Event has ended at Flag). Be there to be the first to hear news!!
The Jive Aces will be opening and it will only be one hour long.
7:30pm – CC Int OTC Meeting at LA Org FSM Lounge
8:30pm – PAC Graduation
I appreciate your help in advance, please try and make it this Friday.
Andrea Doven
CC Int OTC Co-Chair
WOW!!!!! OMG!!!! This is BIGGER than Dianetics!!!! LRH WHO?!?!?!! COB! COB! COB! There just are not enough ecclesiastical exclamation points to describe the, you know, WOW, of these historic events!!!!!! POW! BIFF! ZOWIE! WOWZERS!!!! COB!!!!!! DONATE DONATE DONATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reason the need a clear certainty team in every Org is simple
COB has de-attested so many people they will now call them in to re-attest and start paying in for OT levels.
This rubbish has been done so many times yet they still fall for it.
“Take that “WOW”, multiply it by infinity, and you will have about 1/1000th of a concept of what is in store for you when you get his briefing”
er “his” briefing should that be “This” briefing?
So much for Method 9 WC the right way LOL
I think was missing on that email…” at the night of the event you will fill out the survey and please attach your credit card number so we run the card for the all fucking training again thank you very much for coming to the event” jajajajaja
I just realized what was causing the involuntary spasms I was having in my lower digestive tract – the people writing these emails have absolutely have no idea what they’re actually saying. They are simply regurgitating what the “wins” will be from DM and his harpies. That’s why it sounds so over-the-top. To use their vernacular, there’s not one-tenth of one-hundredth of one percent sincerity in any of these emails. They are not even there to engage in honest communication. Wow — I need two Advil!
I admit I’m confused. This is so sickeningly pathetic.
Is it more sad than funny or is it more hilarious than tragic.
Please, friends, help me out!
ok Dani! Watch the Hitchcock film “The Trouble With Harry” 1955.
Remember the Portland Crusade in 1986?
Did they mean the Portland Crusade in 1985?
After reading these various themes in these emails of re-re-rewritten Scn memes, it’s crystal clear how analagous to the plot of The Truman Show the world of Scientology has become.
Revisit this link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Truman_Show ………scroll down to “Plot” and read and discover what I’m saying. It’s uncanny.
Time to sit back and watch the Truman Burbanks of Scientology and the bows of their Santa Marias reach the edge of the dome [tent in CW] and begin piercing through the dome’s painted sky.
Maybe these sad souls who will be attending are actually broken by shame, blame and regret from losing friends and family, torture in the SO, financial ruin, abusive confessionals, false promises, intimidation, harassment, loss of individuality, misunderstood word harassment, endless objectives, endless saunas, spiritual exploitation, shut down of ability to reason, vicious evaluation, abuse of ethics, and no more true purpose in life.
Church logic: If it isn’t written, it isn’t true. Therefore, if it IS written, it MUST be true!
This is DM’s final attempt at Rope-a-Hope. The emotional letdown in the next week or so when the applauding stops will be audible.
I have to admit it; the hype has gotten to me; it really is contagious. So this week-end, without fail, I will do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to watch and enjoy
BOWFINGER, with Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy, a deliciously funny spoof of the CULT of SCIENTOLOGY!
Hey Dave, As Dickhead-in-Chief, you are carrying the Torch of the Phallis to new eruptions of dysfunctionality.
I cannot stand the GAT 2 HYPE anymore. I’m out of microwave popcorn,frozen pizza,
pretzels ,Chips and Beer ! I mean all Black Friday I will be restocking my Theta Tsunami
Bunker for GAT 3. Hardly wait ! ,
AND we’ll throw in for FREE not one….NOT two..but THREE sets of knives so you can share with you’re whole family! Once you tell them them you have drained not only every resource you have but theirs too they will know just how to use our amazing offer.
CALL NOW to receive this limited offer. Only avaliable while stocks lasr!
This is a true test of the amound of Kool-Aid you’ve drunk. That CC form (http://mailings.celebritycentre.org/eventregistration/pac.php) is a non-secure webpage, and it asks you for personal information such as your name, phone number and email address. So sloppy and rushed is the form that you don’t even have to enter any information to be able to press the ‘Send’ button. GAT II is such a monumental event that they give you a rushed, half-assed form for your confirmation. A form so redundant they keep asking you “at which org?”
But the real point is: are you so psyched for GAT II that you’ll give your personal information to an unsecure webpage? Hello Anonymous!
Just imagine if the cherch [sic] threw an event and ALL 8 million Scientologists showed up!
Lot of food coupons, Johnny, lot of food coupons. Anyone know if they’ll have fish tacos at the events. Just askin’
Contrary to the claims spread on the fringe of the internet, here is the proof that the CoS claims are not exaggerated:
Picture of a pc after Super Power processing.
Airplanes new route when flying over Clearwater.
Theta Tsumani photographed by NASA Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Mission.
“kick into hyper-drive, destined for an entirely new universe altogether”
The worst to see was this coming from the mind of a Snr C/S:
“With all the shame, blame and regret you have already accumulated over the whole track, you definitely don’t want to add missing this event on top. It might just break you.”
You’d think that anyone having done even just the basics or even just some of them would not be hanging on to this kind of crap. She seems to think they are. It is a shame she thinks so little of the technology to even state this. Perhaps she has not let go of any of that. The good tech will not work in an out-ethics environment. In an in-ethics environment the PC says FU if he doesn’t like the C/S and is not getting gains because it OK to speak-up about it and then one gets gains even if it’s simply the fact of not doing anything after speaking up. Called Personal integrity.
I really feel for these guys – even JoJo – I know her well and she is not this way. She is BEING a dimwit because she is following a ‘now I’m supposed to’ like the rest of them. They have a converted matter of importance going on from all these years of lies. They have forgotten about love, trust, granting beingness and helping others. I bet their TRs are way out and they truly are ‘not there’ and in other valances with tunnel vision. Much of what we came in to scientology to handle is being dramatized big time. Well, they will come around someday and unload their regrets which likely are many from the inhumane acts they are preforming against others. I think they’ll need a Leaving Scientology Correction List they can all twin up on. I’m not sure we yet have enough field auditors to handle. They may have to see a wog counselor OMG
They hyper hype aside, I am intrigued as to what is on GAT2. There can’t be “nothing” here, even GAT1 was “something” (I won’t go into the piss poor state of drilling in the 70s & 80s, but Miscavige was right about the “blind leading the blind” – and that’s when product officers even LET students drill for more than a minute or two) – the forced drilling and going over material was often times a real positive (of course there was the other little teeny thing of invalidating all training and processing prior to 1996 and this included all highly accomplished auditors, as well as most pc wins).
So? Any predictions? I have absolutely NO inside info or inside org terminals whatsoever, but I am going to make my prediction (no irony or humor on this issue folks, I’m actually wondering and am looking forward to finding out what all this hype and thousands of pages of stuff is all about).
The way I look at it, despite all the policy violations of bragging about lightning speed up the bridge, IF you wanted to ACTUALY speed up training and processing and USE LRH to do it, I think you only have one real option. And that is to go back to the 70s and once again put into practice all the successful LRH actions on auditing and training. To wit: back in the day an HCO B ACTUALLY said the words “fleeting FN” – folks, that ain’t even NECESSARILY a clean sweep ONE way, it can be “fleeting” (look it up in a dictionary if you want). There were also the words on an HCO B “that FN’d” – so you could get your fleeting FN along side VGIs and cog of course and call it.
There are NUMEROUS LRH references from DMSMH onward about not invalidating pc data and wins (see Book of Case Remedies, chapters 2 & 3 on wins). Now, you DO have to RUN a process, but if the pc RUNS CCH5 for example, gets “TA” and then voices a win that fulfills the stated purpose of the CCH (the HCO Bs have a stated purpose for every single CCH, and objective) you take it – so you UNDERSTAND the win as the CS and if it meets ANY definition of “havingness” and if that is the ep on the HCO B for a particular CCH, then YOU TAKE IT, if not, you ack win and RF more wins to be had, and run some more until the stated purpose is reached. YOU DON’T JUST RUN SOME MORE OUT OF TIME CONSIDERATION OR ANYTHING ELSE.
So, I think you may see LRH comments and data on eps, inval, eval, wins, eps, etc etc etc on every single process or group of them including FNs, and a strict emphasis on what actually an END PHENOMENA is on every process and grade (I fully understood these as an auditor and CS in the 70s and we had a ton of great auditing occurring all the time).
I think this will affect the accepting of the clear cog without endless re-do’s as well.
You may also see a cutback in sec checking, even ethics actions (if the guy is ready to win on tech going in, YOU LET HIM) and any other arbitrary (without of course Miscavige taking any responsibility for fucking things up for thirty years). In the olden days, you would have seen an amnesty too, but I don’t think that’s possible nowadays; not only because Miscavige doesn’t WANT recently declared people back, but also because most of us no longer want to be in an organized dominating church anymore (and LIKE spending our money on other things – I know I do) and so wouldn’t come back to see any injustice remedied anyway.
I can think of some stuff for training too, but the above is what I think might be coming on the processing side.
Joe — my predictions:
— New Student Hat with edited tapes (which was ordered by LRH a LOOOONG time ago and not done until now)
— Re-do of Academy Levels to match pilot Grades processes they have been doing at Flag for many years (and nobody else was allowed to do them — FSO stole Class V public in the meantime)
— The Warehouse Mark VIII which has features that allow you to record a session and the reads (“an amazing training aid”)
— “streamlining” of all other courses and auditing levels from ARCSW to FPRD (likely very little change in them, but they will be changed enough to justify the claims that “everything has been streamlined and redone”)
— Possibly one or more of the dictionaries to “make training faster and easier” and so there is something else to sell
— A LOT of materials/packs spread over huge stage displays as MEST is proof in Miscavige’s eyes (a bunch of it will be required to be bought now)
— Longwinded explanations and “discoveries” as to why it is now OK for everyone to redo Objectives and why its OK for OTs to do it in Class V orgs
All bundled up in hours of Shermanspeak and minute detail of completely insignificant things to prove just how microscopic the “care” has been to have everything right.
Makes sense Mike. I do think that there has to be SOMETHING that will speak to SOME of the other planetary hype, but as the saying goes, we shall see what we shall see. By the way, the edited study tapes were available twenty years ago at Applied Scholastics. They are pretty good too. Eliminated all of the exotic processes Ron and the BC students were working on at the time. Of course, the version I listened to had all mention of Scientology, the BC, etc also removed, not sure if a new version would do that.
I should add that I think that the Registration/Routing forms are no small part of these events AND the hype to ensure people attend (routing forms at an event – SHEESH!!!!!). The world famous CF projects have been going on for over forty years (my org started its in 1971). Ridiculous really because the reason the folder data is so fucked up is because those people didn’t want to have anything to do with the org anymore. But LRH was on the right track when he essentially said to know who your customers are and how to reach them. SO NOW, by getting EVERY single on lines Scientologist to the evenst, all at one time, the CoS can get your current address (visitors anyone?), phone number, email address, work address and no joke, it wouldn’t shock me if they asked for a couple of credit cards numbers, just to make it easier “when you did want to use them” (and of course the org could check on your balance periodically and how much you still had to use).
I dunno, Joe….what you say here makes too much sense. DM isn’t that kinda guy who would understand a Truth or something about the tech that would actually make a person better. He’s just too doggone nuts.
Excerpt from 1991 Tech Vols:
The only other conditions I know of that make an auditor mess up a pc’s TA are:
c. A “fleeting F/N” where the pc F/Ns so briefly the auditor misses it and overruns. (HCOB 23 Nov 73RB DRY AND WET HANDS MAKE FALSE TA)
Same as the only definition in the 1976 Tech Dictionary, only the Tech Dic has the date wrong.
Thanks for the reference Formost. Doesn’t sound much like “three swings.” Brings to mind something our pc examiner wrote on an exam form in the early 70s. Next to the line for the size of the FN, she wrote “Tiny FN, more like a floating tick” – ha – a floating tick, never could quite get a picture of that in my mind, yes, life was different in the pre-video days (the wonderful days when you weren’t always video’d or listened to or watched all the time, ah, freedom, it’s a beautiful thing).
Hi Joe.
’72 … way before my time, but also never saw much much of GAT I either.
I have used better hi-tech GSRs for Solo auditing than the crap CO$ pawns of as meters as these unmistakably show the “uninfluenced” aspect of the needle movement. Fleeting F/Ns are not uncommon at all, and ‘swing’ Q & A is completely irrelevant.
I found out the hard way, because I was once a “multi-swing believer.” Lots of Rehabs but no F/Ns were ever missed. Hah, they were there … lol.
I’ve learned of a few things from a friend who is on training, but it’s not much (and second-hand):
1. Student Hat was done wrong-way-to by some SP. You’re supposed to have all of study tech cold before doing the tapes (with the GAT release, they taught you a few barriers and how to use a dictionary and were then put on the Study Tapes). The tapes from the 50’s are totally forgotten, and the tapes like “Study, Gradient and Nomenclature” had all R6EW, GPM or any Class VI material references removed as it was “too steep a gradient for a student just learning the Tech”.
2. Pro TRs was done to an incorrect standard (“Dan Koon’s TRs” were incorrect). They are now done to a proper passing standard.
3. The Pro Metering course had arbitraries added onto it which slowed the students down. Drills like EM-24 and EM-25 have been removed. The passing standard is now a video of EM-26 (or EM-19, there are conflicting reports on this), and all of the TR-48Q drills have been removed from the check sheet.
4. Academy levels have been “streamlined” and “conflicting references reconciled via revision”. There was a revision to checking grades process question procedure. From my understanding, you basically don’t have to FN a grades process question before checking the next, and all processes don’t have to be run before a grade can be EP’d.
5. The Basics are a pre-requisite to any academy training.
Oh, and per verbal report, 2 hour TR0 is no longer the standard for a pass on Pro TRs. Take that with a hefty grain of salt, though.
That’s because the ideal orgs are likely manned with SO members he can trust to keep the DVD secure since the original staff either are SPs or left. Just thinking perhaps. It must drive HIM crazy to be followed everywhere like he did to Mike, Marty, Karen, John, etc. LOL
manned with SO members he THINKS HE can trust to keep the DVD secure
Oh god…oh god…I…can’t’…catch…my breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snr C/S SFO Fdn says “This is a very good news e-mail. I’m sure you have had some “WOW” moments while reading it.”
No I didn’t at all.
“This is a very good news email. I’m sure you have had some “WOW” moments while reading it”.
Jevon, don’t be modest. The “WOW”s have been non-stop..
The food coupons aren’t bad, but you have to eat a lot of them to get full.
I’m not sure, Tony, but I think this might possibly be a simple enough comm for the folks in the bubble to understand.
Miscavige will of course simply poo poo it, since he knows how often he’s lied and how many idiots…errr…public still believe his every word.
“Set 30 reminders on your cell phone, E mail yourself. Stick Post It notes all over your refrigerator, work station and television”.
How does one respond in any sane, calm way to a lunatic like this?
“Ok, Jevon. I’ll do just what you say, and in exchange I want you to do something to YOURself, and after THAT, I have some Post I notes for YOU to stick – guess where, Jevon?
That is a lot of hype to live up to. It reminds me of someone who tells me how “great” a movie was and then when I see it, I almost always think it wasn’t that great. But this is FAR worse. Here you have people hyping things they haven’t experienced yet. Another thing is that they have been saying these kind of things for YEARS and it has always been a lie. It’s like the boy who cried wolf.
Holy mother of God.
Who knew emails could be so insane?
Unfortunately, this passes for normal inside the bubble.
A lack of appropriate inappropriate enthusiasm is cause for being declared persona non grata.
If you’re not bouncing up and down whooping and a hollerin, genuflecting and kissing Dear Leader’s ring then you are VERY suspect.
These people are simply trying to earn some brownie points for “being with the program.”
But do these people know that they are acting this way? Or, more accurately, is their gung-ho make-it-happen attitude a forced facade or how they actually are when not writing emails?
I don’t know how to add links here, but regarding the speech by our Glorious Leader, I am hoping that his talk will resemble Ceausescu’s last speech on the balcony before he had to flee by helicopter.
Ceausescu was clueless as to the feeling of the people. He was surrounded by yes men who did what they were told. But after decades of lies, mistreatment, and cruelty, the Romanian masses realized that they were the powerful ones, and not the leader on the pulpit.
Watching the video, you can actually feel the crowd change second-by-second, and can see our great leader’s fragile facade crumble simultaneously. It’s incredible stuff, more so if you’re from the region, of course.
I hope the DM “speech” on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday – funny how he doesn’t tell people when it is, because then they might KNOW! – elicits a similar response…. although I would be surprised.
I don’t think DM will show.
Miscavige has gotta show.
Hey in my opinion the guy is a total moron, but in my opinion he or maybe his handlers understand elementary politics with all the hype involved.
Hey this GAT II. Supposedly the most historic event in Scientology.
I mean forget about, the PDC, Founding CSC, FCDC, SHWW, the SHSBC, R6EW, CC, the Grade Chart, Section III, Class VIII, HSDC, FEBC, Ls, ExDn etc etc. These all allegedly pale in comparison or whatever.
At least in the twisted minds of these stilted “OTs” who have had their brains sucked out by that Fifth Invader Iracnid Miscavige.
If he doesn’t show up. It’ll just prove to the faithful that he is full of shit.
I’m looking forward to the next few years as it dawns on the remaining church members that GAG II isn’t working. DM is truly pushing all of his chips in and is throwing the Hail Mary pass with GAG II & Super Power. There’s got to be a few more metaphors I can use . . . .
“Set thirty reminders on your cell phone. E-mail yourself. Stick Post-It Notes all over your refrigerator, work station and television…”
and while you’re at it, tattoo it on your sorry ass!
So the tech people who do the sound and video haven’t slept for at least two weeks; the final speech will never be”finalized” and heads will roll because mistakes happen.
Will there be flag twirlers?
Then there is another event in two weeks. So some of the tech people will be released to do their jobs, but because of the way DM can never finalize a speech, the same thing happens to the tech people in two weeks.
I am really, really hoping someone will be able to get video of the event. If one has to wait until you are released from CW, that is OK. I worry about your safety
“The entire world of Scientology is not just about to shift gears – it’s about to kick into hyper-drive, destined for an entirely new universe altogether.”
I hope it’s only hyperbole. Beginning to feel a bit Jonestown.
Figures that much of this hype is coming from one of the squirrelliest Orgs in the whole West US Network.
(At least it was when I was in West US Flub Catch Unit.
I figured it was due to its close proximity to Bezerkly or Stevens Creek or SRI or maybe they’re seeking the same thrill attained from drugs or whatever…
I did mention drugs didn’t I?
I mean these emails are so over the top you’d think they dropped acid or were toking (medicinal, since this is California) pot before sending them.
Either that or these people have achieved the state of being naturally deluded.
Oh by the way will the nice OSA person reading this tell the person who wrote that email that the Portland Crusade was in 85 not 86.
I! AM glad! that! THEY have! been properly!!! hatted ON HYPE tech!!! with the PROPER!!! placement of EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!! and such.
I am, however, worried about Jevon. He of course didn’t sink to the use of any suppressive semicolons. No one did in any of their emails, but he did sneak in two full blown colons. I hope he doesn’t get RPF’ed for that.
If you open the PAC event registration page (http://mailings.celebritycentre.org/eventregistration/pac.php), the page title is “Signin Template for Bootstrap”. Bootstrap is a free tool to create fast and cheap web pages. This was created in such a hurry they even forgot to change the name of free template… guess this wasn’t approved by RTC 🙂
Whatever happened with INCOMM and the super duper internet unit? Hm, what if some smart hackers from Anonymous got the idea to hack into the cheap stock registration system and do something fun like, oh, I don’t know, like change all the names on the attendee lists to David Miscavige…?
They could not even afford to put an SSL cert on the site to make it secure.
Put all the names from the Indie 500.
Actually, the internet unit was part of the ILO (not INCOMM). It was a special project in the Data Bureau for a while, at least until 2002. Used to be one guy who was later busted for looking at internet porn. He was put on that post because he had used the internet and had run a bbc forum for 3 months for a video game.
The “internet porn” in question was actually a dancing video of his sister’s ballet recital (on YouTube). I am not making this up. Reality is stranger than fiction.
I’ve been reading these emails on Mike’s blog for a while and I decided there must be a common explanation. In the DSM (diagnostic statistical manual) I found Narcissistic Personality Disorder as an astonishingly good fit. This personality disorder can be learned rather than innate. I’ve heard this RCS behavior described as narcissistic before. Not sure I’ve seen it described as a learned personality disorder – but it seems so obvious that I must be far from the first to comment on it.
” but it seems so obvious that I must be far from the first to comment on it.”
It is not anyone thing. Thje reasons for becoming entangled with Scientology are as individual as the people are.
And there are as many reasons for joining Scientology as there are for making a bad marriage, a business failure, or say, joining the military when you are unsuited to it.
Yes, I think the narcissistic personality has been mentioned before but you make an interesting point about it being learned. I’ve seen this in children who, according to their parents, can do no wrong, and the child gets more and more self involved, undisciplined and antisocial. Gato Rojo made a point a few comments back about the lack, by rcs members, of making any attempt to reach someone else’s reality. This has increased in quantity and character over time so obviously, it’s being learned. My hubby and I call these people “read only memory”, the computer term, data is only going out and nothing can enter. haha! I think the extreme narcissist will manifest this symptom because they are the only one that matters….to them. I think the psyches would have a field day with dm, the narcissistic personality would be the least of his problems.
“The entire world of Scientology is not just about to shift gears – it’s about to kick into hyper-drive, destined for an entirely new universe altogether.”
That seems pretty accurate though. 🙂
These people don’t even have any idea how big the world actually is, yet believe they know what “the planet” (overly broad generality?) has been waiting for.
Theta tsunami… ahem… an unfortunate choice in light of recent event. Let’s go back in history a bit. How about ‘theta Fukushima’?
Overall, if I apply my somewhat rusty knowledge of the ARC triangle, I find that at least the R is rapidly receding. Oh, I’m ordered to clear my calendar and cancel my flights? There goes A. Who are they talking to, anyway?
It’s been many many years since there was only one R for DM and his PR people and damage control slaves. THEY need to get OUR Reality. (Remember the one about “I didn’t meet the President [Clinton]…he met ME.”) There is no attempt to meet anyone’s reality in the promo, the events or in the hearts of the left-over staff. They are so bullied that they can’t observe or communicate or be there calmly in the slightest.
Bingo 🙂
You do realize that most of the people who are “dedicatedly in” don’t even know about the tsunami?
I talked to two of them yesterday. It’s… mind-boggling.
I forgot, they don’t read the news. It’s entheta.
Dissemination will not be easy without the DVD and without inviting non-cult members.
I was also pointing out in the past that you have to add the time you spend on the basics. In fact this is a huge slowdown. Especially that you most likely are having no money left right now.
The Snr C/S SFO must have tons of MUs as he is in glee.
Also, he writes: “Delivery team in place and will begin delivery on this Rundown immediately!” referring to the Clear Certainty RD. I can see it, you get asked a few questions, you sort of answer them and in less that an hour you are declared Clear, but, what you don’t know, is that at Flag you will be told you are not Clear and, even mid an OT Level, you will have to pay 4-5 Intensives to “review” your Clear cycle.
This is the ultimate of delusion, blindness, abandonment of self insight and observation and being led to the quickest quickiest tech you have ever seen multiplied, as he says, to infinity and the you will be 10000000% more stupid than before.
Oh my god. That was funny stuff. But really it’s the same type of empty promises we’ve been hearing for decades, only turned up a few clicks. These guys should think about past Miscavige programs and really look at the results of those programs. Then multiply that by infinity and put it in a paper bag and mail it to the north pole and you still wont have an inking how great GATII is.
“Then multiply that by infinity and put it in a paper bag and mail it to the north pole”
Good one, Chris!
Don’t do that to Santa!
OMG, it’s The Wall Of Hype!
Mike, very informative. I’m sure Dave’s itty bitty finger is worn out hitting the refresh button so he captures your posts the millisecond you post them so he can see what leaked, literally kick someone’s ass, and get back to quarterbacking these events with yet another play from his play book Lou is dragging around .
I bet he is dreading reliving that sick feeling he had in his tummy moments before the release of Battelfield Earth . He thought his producing one of the centuries worst movies ever was bad, these events are so over hyped it makes that turd in the pool look tasty!
I wouldn’t be surprised if the wad he’s about to shoot is that he convinced TC to toss in his acting career, sign his billion year contract and got him to gag thru his GAG training and has posted him as the new Snr CS Int or IG Tech.
Thanks for all you do Brother!
— Jackson
HOLY HEBABAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. I loved this one:
“Take that “WOW”, multiply it by infinity, and you will have about 1/1000th of a concept of what is in store for you when you get his briefing.”
I have been hearing over-the-top BS from the church forever – at least since the ’80s when DM took over. It’s like these people are little children, and they need to be praised constantly so that we don’t damage their precious self esteem. “It is the biggest thing EVER!” “Yes, son, it sure is the biggest thing. Now, please go back to bed.”
Re: this bit about Ideal Orgs (only) will be able to replay the event: Now Miscavige seems to have created a new, privileged class of orgs that exists nowhere in policy. Ideal Orgs are now allowed to do things on their dissemination/promotion line that other Cl V orgs are not allowed to do. I have studied a massive amount of Policy and nowhere did I ever read anything where LRH hinted that there should be a privileged category of CL V orgs that are somehow treated better than the others. Another Miscavige innovation: discrimination against “unworthy” orgs.
I remember when poor Jevon Millan came back from Flag as our new Snr C/S. I was on a coaudit at the time, and neither my twin nor I would ever FN at Exams when Jevon was Examiner HFA (no such problem with any other Examiner). His Funeral Director TR’s — imagine saying “I am so sorry for your loss” in a professional tone — would just stop an FN in its tracks. I don’t know why he waited and waited like that, maybe waiting for “three swings.”
Definitely waiting for three swings – no doubt about it.
With all the shame, blame and regret you have already accumulated over the whole track, you definitely don’t want to add missing this event on top. It might just break you.
This is a Class VI, Senior C/S? Break in Auditor’s Code!
Please don’t evaluate for me or my case. Thank God I am not under the thumb of these types of people anymore. All of these emails have a tone of desperation to them. Desperate times, desperate measures.
Yea…the only blame, shame and regret I can recall having any charge on in my whole track was from a Flag D of P. Tons of shame and blame. And my only real regret was not getting out of there a hell of a lot sooner.
This is news. In my day we elites at CCI would have let the carpet I. LA Org touch our shoes and now it is the place to be??? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Wouldn’t not would. Sorry writing this from my phone. And I was in shock.
Reminds me of the hype for 50’s “B” monster movies with “D” list actors
During the launch of Super Power and GAT II, all Scientology parishioners must wear sunscreen, at least SPF 100, and very dark black sunglasses to protect their skin and eyes against the dazzling radiance and luminous effulgence of the Theta Power being transmitted in and through the human form of COB RTC David Miscavige.
Sea Org ushers will be present to attend to those who faint, fall into a swoon, break out into sudden dancing, develop hives, speak in tongues, convulse, vomit, or whose heads suddenly explode from the overwhelming spiritual intensity of the the event.
Parishioners over 50 years of age must be “Cardio Cleared” by Scientology doctors at Flag, this to ensure that their old meat bodies can stand the incredible intensity of planetary change.
Note: The local gravitational field of the Flag Land Base will change during the launch of Super Power and GAT II. We therefore cannot be held responsible for parishioners who suddenly float off into Outer Space and perish.
Very funny Jeff. 🙂
Mike, the Church of Scientology has always used hyperbole, but this latest stuff is stratospheric, highest ever, straight up and vertical hyperbole.
What this means is that the disappointment will be enormous.
A “Hyperbole Hangover” will occur when GAG II and Super Power are seen to be the same old grind covered in new marketing hype.
And yes, Jose, like an old 1950’s B monster movie, a Registered Nurse should be in attendance to handle the collective blood pressure shooting up when the audience realizes they donated $180 million for what? Super Power is a glorified gym and an old Sea Org Ethics Repair list.
Throw in some more crush regging and it sounds like a very long week in Hell.
“Super Power is a glorified gym and an old Sea Org Ethics Repair list.”
That is funny!
What makes me smile is that all this hype is creating a huge mystery which His followers have two ways of filling/resolving.
1. Put their lives on hold, fly to Clearwater, convince security your not “one of them”, avoid the IAS reg’s, stay awake and translate the Dave/newspeak into English… Then get back to Tampa airport this side of Christmas.
2. Read Tony and Mike’s blog
He really isn’t getting any smarter that Miscavige is he.
“We therefore cannot be held responsible for parishioners who suddenly float off into Outer Space and perish.”
When did you let anybody hold you responsible for anything?
When did we in RTC ever let anybody hold us responsible for anything? Let’s allow the facts to speak for themselves:
* We allowed Tom Cruise to hold us responsible for building Ideal Orgs that he would be proud to bring his upstat movie star friends into.
* We allowed Church parishioners to hold us responsible for handling the outnessess in the Tech which we did and thereby we produced the Basics. No need to thank us.
* We allowed libraries worldwide to hold us responsible to ship them entire sets of the Basics. This is a done.
There are thousands of more things for which we are responsible, but most importantly COB will soon be able to stamp “DONE” on Super Power and GAT II.
They need glasses so they don’t see how empty the place is.
Believe it or not, you’re not too far off from the truth, Grrr8!
Just got word today that anyone who is planning to come to the event (at Pac) NEEDS TO BE SCREENED THROUGH HCO BEFORE ATTENDING. Seriously.
Three words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_57hFyRY8E
Goes all the way to 11!
OH Boy ,OH Boy, OH BOY,
Like the “Welcome to Flag Package” were I was exiled to a blockhouse in the
CW Swamp and given a car with” no” brakes to commute to the Friendliest place
in technical hell. Sacrifice some whales and get on with the ORGY !
OMG! And it’s going to be the same ol’ same ol’… Davey booming his rhetoric out through the loud music that obliterates any sense you can make out of his up straight and vertical crap. Word salad, as someone else so aptly said!!
Bring it on! I’m ready for a good laugh.
I could only get through the first email and couldn’t stomach trying to wade through the ones after that. But I got a laugh out of “cancel your family plans and if you had plans with out of town family, bring them with you to the event.” Really? Will they get ID Badges too? Will they have to be IAS members and will you check their name on the list to see if they’re in good standing too? Tell them to bring their wallets with them! They’ll thank you for that.
Yeah–I couldn’t take reading them all either. Mike, thanks for the little summary up front. I enjoyed that instead! These guys are the Kings and Queens of Hyperdrive Hype. This is just beyond the beyond! “Drop what you’re doing and just show up” has been very well justified and supported by all this Extreme Wordage. All remaining sheeple will feel bad that they can’t go and some will really break their necks to get there over all obstacles. It’s at it’s pinnacle now–never seen it so…gross. And delusional.
The writing on this stuff sounds like high school promotions for the upcoming prom! It’s so incredibly overhyped, it’s laughable. And the WHOLE WORLD??? Over 99% of the world has never heard of this jerkwater town and its hysterical inhabitants. Sheesh!