Today is “Giving Tuesday” — the idea is to stimulate online charitable giving to help those in need. When I got the email from the IAS I had to google this to see if it was a “thing” or just the latest invention of scientology to get people to part with their money.
Here is the first thing that showed up on my google search — and it is a typical example of the orrganizations that participate in this:
But here is what is even more important about this organization and others who participate in this program:
Yes, 85% of the money they raise goes to those in need.
And their finances and spending are “An Open Book”.
Somehow the IAS is cashing in on this to persuade people to give them money. Money that is NOT spent to benefit starving children or needy families or provide health care to prevent disease or clean water or any of the other things normal charitable organizations do.
I doubt you could even reverse the 85%/15% ratio and say 15% of the money donated to the IAS is used to help anyone anywhere. 10% of it goes to commissions — perhaps that is “helping the needy” (Michael Roberts doesn’t seem able to do a normal job, nor does Chill EB…)
Here is the email and promo piece from IAS shill Judy Norton Taylor that started this:
Love the fact that they need to start this out with “Millions of scientologists exist around the world…”
Riiiight. What a joke. If there is ONE place that has records of precisely how many active scientologists there are in the world it is the IAS. They actually have a list of all Lifetime and Annual members of the IAS. Of course, many of them are no longer “active” but still, they have the most accurate [inflated] numbers. These are people who at one time gave money to be a scientologist and qualify for a discount on books and services. Not just a name of someone that did a free personality test or bought a book and threw it in the trash after reading the first chapter.
I am certain there are less than 100,000 who have EVER become lifetime members of the IAS. EVER. That is since the IAS was formed in 1984. And less than half of those still consider themselves scientologists. And of the remaining ones that might be willing to admit they find something valuable in scientology, less than half of them are active. They simply don’t want to be declared and lose their friends and family.
And the second most notable thing about this — they give NO SPECIFICS. Nothing. Just “We Can Change the World” and “Help create a better world and save lives”…
And finally, NO TRANSPARENCY. They would be aghast if anyone inquired what happened to the money they gave them — it would result in the person being declared SP.
Next I get a second promo piece. It would seem the only image they have to make it appear they actually help people is this one.
This is their second pitch to hand over money:
And these figures are absolute BS. Volunteer Ministers have not “helped 6 million people in the past year” — this is an abject lie. And certainly the IAS didn’t dish out money to help 6 million people even IF VM’s had helped that many people.
That this slush fund — used to finance intimidation against those exposing the abuses of scientology and to buy empty buildings — is tax exempt should be a source of national shame.
This just came in on my email. They found a new photo to use.
But note how sleazy this is. It is NOT saying “Give $10 and you will help 10 children with a pair of shoes”, it is just throwing out arbitrary numbers “give a dollar for every person we handed a booklet to last year.”
I think they could have some more accurate ones:
$457 Give one dollar for each person who felt the sting of disconnection each month
$692 Give one dollar for every person who was the victim of a gang-reg job every week of the year
$2,965 Give one dollar for every lie told at the international events last year
$1 Give a dollar for every new person in scientology each month
Nice…Judy Norton Taylor making a plea from her palatial estate in Granite Bay, Ca. Hey Judy, how about you just keep emptying your pockets and leave the peons alone. Sheesh.
I heard from a local Chiropractor in the area (Sacramento) that Judy and her chiro hubby full court press recruitment of non-SCN chiros in the area. Certified it years later with another chiro that they have taken over the local chiropractic association. Professionals in Sacto are wise to the scams and are staying away in droves.
Did they really say they SAVED LIVES at 17 disaster sites this year?! I’m guessing they ruined about 17×10,000 lives, at least.
Wow , they can easily fool people willing to give believing it is for World vision, they need to be reported, using other peoples campain motto to mix in , can they ever be original? They copy ads from Apple , steal pictures from other ads and now tho motto for world vision.
How do these big wig celebrities sleep at night, knowing that they scammed many people. Especially the retiree when they get a certain age after they work them like slaves they dump them at the side of the curb. A church doesn’t do that so the Scamology is a cult
Hey suckers, give money to scientology…
“… used to finance intimidation against those exposing the abuses of scientology and to buy empty buildings — is tax exempt should be a source of national shame.”
Hey Kirstie, John, Tom, Bart, how the hell do sleep at night? I mean REALLY, have you no morals?
What are your crimes. I do not know how Tom, Kristie, John, Bart and the rest of the celebrities sleep at night either. They are able to check these abuses out and yet do not. I feel they are just as responsible for the child sexual abuse and other abuses as the people who actually were involved in these activities. These ads for donations are disgusting. To use the World Vision ads should be a crime. Wake up you celebritues. You need to speak out against his scam. It just proves that these celebrities have zero morals. Other parishioners do not have the advantages like the celebrities do.
There probably is millions of ex-scientologists, mind. Shits me to tears how they use these human disasters for part of their cause. But then, there are a lot of things which shit me to tears when it comes to the ‘church.’
I love you. Please don’t do a Marty Rathburn.
Give-A-Shit Update:
Something wrong with these pictures.
The windows of your Hollywood Information Center covered up following the Hollywood Christmas Parade. Is this to prevent your dupes hiding inside from seeing protest signs? Perhaps from going to Mike’s Blog URL? Or Tony’s?
Your morning motley crew getting off the white bus with blacked out windows at Deja Vu Showgirls, just a few doors down the block from the HGB. WTF? There goes the neighborhood. LOL
“…a white bus with blacked out windows…”
Seriously? BLACKED OUT windows!
No, I’m not being cute.
Their Sea Org crew travel in buses with blacked out windows…still processing this. Wow.
Talk about a Dangerous Environment. These SO must believe they are surrounded…or something. Evil all around them, closing in on them. Something like that.
Hey! Don’t forget to tune into Aftermath tonight!
The makings of Season 3: Danny is in the can, but may be let out of the bag early — before Season 3 even gets started. And, Joy didn’t pass the smell test — now being looked into for her cult connections.
The IAS discovered my then-husband was an easy mark. John was donating $10,000 to $20,000 at a time on our credit cards, I called the IAS office in Los Angeles and talked to someone there, begging them to not go after John for more money, as we couldn’t afford to give them any more.
“How am I going to feed my kids?” I asked. “Are you going to bring us food from the grocery store when we can’t pay our credit card bills and go bankrupt?”
“Sure,” said the man on the other end. “We’ll run a canned food drive just for you.”
He didn’t sound very sincere, and the IAS didn’t stop tapping John and our joint credit cards, either.
that would be so hard. .
Just awful…I was unaware of the millions the “wasband” had given to the cult throughout the 27 years of our marriage. Now i like on alimony from an amount granted to me in 2006 when i was divorced from the jerk.. There is NO increase for inflation. Divorce sucks. I was forced into it by the cult having the “wasband” walk out on me.
When the esteemed Freewinds recruiter Gavin Potter (my was bro-in-law)was called up before family court for not paying any child support for his firstborn, he pleaded to the judge that he couldn’t pay because he worked for a church and had no money. The judge told him he should quit and get a job at Mc Donald’s! Outstanding!
Then what happened?
In my case, when I found out my ex had been making donos without my knowledge or consent …………….. it was the end for me and the Cult. I knew they were a total fraud and I had been a mark for 30 years. My bad.
I tried for three years to get my family to see that the light at the end of the tunnel was really an IAS trainwreck. No Luck. The cherch came for my wife and kids. I was an Ess Pee and they needed to salvage their eternity rather than lose sleep over a this lifetime Dad.
That was then. This is now and I have moved on. I am very lucky to have a life worth living. I hope and wish the best for my ex and my kids and hope they someday wake up. I may be around or not ………….. depends on how quickly they move.
“II tried for three years to get my family to see that the light at the end of the tunnel was really an IAS trainwreck. No luck”…”…I have moved on. I’m very lucky to have a life worth living.”
Newcomer, if I may: You’re lucky because you KNOW you have a life worth living.
This knowledge will draw your family back to you, would be my bet.
And, because its obvious how much you love them, I hope for you and them that they come back while you’re still around, but more for THEIR sakes, actually, because, if at some point they want to come back, but its too late, it will go very, very badly for them, for the rest of their lives, their being too late, their missing topportunities to reconnect with a loved one after a falling out. That’s very, very rough on a person, being too late, like that. Very rough, and you don’t soundl like someone who would want that, for them.
You have a good handling:- the only handling, really – to bringing back your loved ones: being who you are. Cheers.
Oh, I had no idea I was not alone in the cult breaking up marriages over financial secrets…
The cult’s elastic morals never cease to amaze. How perfectly okay and, “All for the greater good,” to with hold financial extortion; gang reg tactics; massive credit card debt and fraud from one’s spouse.
Give every ex silentologist $100 for every divorce caused by cult’s voracious greed.
Great list, Mike. Thanks.
“Millions of scientologists exist around the world…”
I find this phrasing amusing. As you say, this organization knows the implied meaning regarding the current number of members in this church is false. But it’s as if they’re trying to find a wording that gives them the most wiggle room. Like “no man of woman born” in fantasy tales ( Millions of scientologists could exist in spirit/thetan form, eh? It doesn’t unambiguously assert that each of said millions has a living body right now. 🙂
I believe their numbers are south of 20,000…worldwide.
They claim of millions of members. So how much would it add up to, if each of them, let’s say ten million members, donated $100 a year? enough to get every org on the planet up to ideal standards? it’s a billion dollars! And that’s just one year! Do the actual members ever ask any questions? Even to themselves.
Regardless of Hubbard’s intentions, he did provide some simple and effective means to cut through the shit.
“LOOK, DON’T LISTEN” comes to mind. Observe, see what you see and have the courage to stand by it, or however he said it. And lots of applicable tidbits that one would have to abandon, or forget, to take in all the BS they re serving. this is who I give money too. No mail from them, no phone calls, no emails, no over the top claims on what they do….so guess what…I give more.
The last couple of sentences of the second pitch make the fraudsters intentions perfectly clear. First it talks about the help that they are providing. The next sentence declares that “At the same time you make it possible to open Ideal Orgs…”
This is like a Hunger Relief organization advertising for hunger relief–by donating to their building fund. No respectable charity or church would ever think to conflate these two fundraising types. Unless, of course, they are aiming to deceive…
Disgusting and putrid bile!
I received a different email today from scn Survey Network but basically from/about IAS.
(it disgusts me to even type out the whole word!)
Since it was from an old email and I then blocked them from emailing me, I responded.
With four or five Qs, I gave the IAS a big FU and die! – to how can they improve. By being an activist against a destructive cult – on what am I doing – ha-ha! The rest I left blank.
I got curious about the links at the bottom of the page: Privacy Policy – opens a small window with every stinking book listed with prices! The Copyright, All Rights Reserved and For Trademark Information – ALL take you to the main scn homepage. Every niche is filled with propaganda and no actual legal info.
It seems to me that this would not be legal as far as websites go. Anyone know where one would report that?
Hoping just one person reads my answers and has a moment of clarity to wake the fuck up like many others have had.
This is disgusting to me!
As you said, how the hell in this country can any organization be granted a 501c3 status and not have mandatory audits, especially when one considers that it’s the IRS that decides which group is granted “religious” status. Scam is putting it mildly.
Simple, Mary. You’re not dealing with a real Church, you’re dealing with a cult. A full on cult.
Cripes, this blog is like therapy to me!
Got an Uncle Sam end of year postcard promoting tax deductible donations. I haven’t been in or done a service since I left Flag as a kid in 1974. They have followed me through two name changes and about 10 different addresses in two states. They don’t stop. They don’t even care. They are complete and utter idiots. I’m going to stop throwing these away and start keeping them as evidence of harassment and abuse of the U.S. mail. I’m so done with this crap.
Yo Dave,
Here is something you can do that won’t cost you a dime good buddy! (just like Your Ideal mORGues)
” $1 Give a dollar for every new person in scientology each month”
Bang, zoom!
But, newcomer, there won’t be any money exchanged! Oh…wait, I get it now! No dollars will EVER be exchanged.
Ahhhhhhhhh men!
I love the contrast to World Vision! Not only does WV help millions (truly) worldwide, but they also take care of their own. My aunt recently retired after 30 years working for them. During that time they helped her get financing to buy her first home, compensated her well and provided excellent benefits, when they moved their headquarters they paid for her move and covered costs for her to sell her home and now that she’s of age to retire, they threw her a huge appreciation lunch and she has a solid retirement and the satisfaction that she really did help make a difference both as an employee and as a volunteer on many international missions trips she did through WV.
After 30 years in Scamology all I seem to hear are stories of people being abandoned and left with little to nothing. That’s just horrible and they should be ashamed!
Excellent points. Financial transparency is very important for charitable organizations. I used to work in fundraising for a large international charity and had to explain a lot of the metrics to potential donors. One thing I encourage everyone to do is to look up the organization on several websites that exist to rate charities, like Charity Navigator, GuideStar or Givewell. They let you know how well the organizations do in delivering your donation to the recipient.
Generally a good ratio is less than 17% for administrative costs. HOWEVER, please bear one thing in mind. Sometimes those administrative costs rise when the organization is growing – the money is put into the costs of expanding the infrastructure of the program, and scaling up can improve efficiencies of delivery in the future. So sometimes a rise in admin costs really indicates that an organization is becoming more successful. A good charity has to hire good people to run at least part of their organization – volunteers, while extremely important and useful, are not necessarily relevantly experienced or reliable for long-term growth.
Another thing you may want to consider is to give an “undesignated” donation. Charities are required to use the donation specifically for the use the donor tags it with. If you want your donation to World Vision, for example, to be used to help victims of a particular disaster in a certain country you can specify that. However, that money cannot be used elsewhere. Sometimes this is a good thing, but if a lot of people respond to that need and another disaster occurs elsewhere, that surplus money cannot be transferred to help a different disaster or program. (and be aware there is a difference between disaster recovery, relief and repair and some organizations are limited by charter to using their funds for one thing and not another, so that’s something to keep in mind for events that have long-term consequences and require ongoing efforts.)
Generally, a good rated charitable organization can be trusted to use the money where they need it the most, so I often recommend that folks let them decide where it should go and just make it undesignated. This works well with large or international organizations. However, you may also decide that a smaller one, often one that is local, with less administrative or infrastructure costs can have more direct impact. And that’s where those websites can help you decide.
GIF donations, or “gifts in kind” of goods are also very important, but it’s a good idea to check with the organization to see what they need most to serve their recipients. A lot of well-meaning people donate things that end up in landfills (I remember the high heels and prom dresses that went to the tsunami victims) or simply clog the system and delay truly useful help from getting through.
Of course CoS doesn’t have a rating on any of these websites – they don’t provide enough verifiable information, either financially or program-wise, for these organizations to evaluate their efforts. Avoid giving to anything you can’t check up on and determine is legitimate. Scams are everywhere, particularly during this holiday season of generosity.
Thanks for this rundown. Accountability counts for lots.
“Yes, 85% of the money they raise goes to those in need.
And their finances and spending are “An Open Book”.
Yes the International Association of Scamologists is definitely at it again. Trying to ‘associate’ with more ethical organizations in an attempt to gain an air of legitimacy is typical of the Cult.
On a brighter note, the County of Tuolumne will become a ‘cleared county’ on or about the 5th of December 2017. The last active $cientologist family will have sold their home and returned back to the nest in LA to be near other Oh Teas.
Yo Julian,
Nice work good buddy. Putting the pressure on Rod and Lori Daniells to move away from one of your favorite Ess Peas has worked out well. When their escrow closes next week what will you recommend them to do. Put some away for retirement? Or will you reg Rod withing an inch of his life for his Oh Tea Seven and Ate, a small stipend for his ethics transgressions and the rest for the Eye A Ass?
I remember back in the Fall of 2006 when he and Lori left the See Ogre and Rod was working in the woodshop in LA waiting for his OK to route out. Those were tough times but You made it go right for him. As long as Lori donated her $120,000.00 inheritance to You to cover his freeloader debt …………… he was free to go!
So then I gave him a job, a place to live and some friendly help while they got on their feet (again …… after their second stint in the SO). But alas, after You managed to convince them that the guy who helped them when they were down was actually an Ess Pea in disguise, they returned to the fold. Well, they won’t be knocking on this door again I am sure!
But I digress, Julian. The last nest egg Rod and Lori have is the equity in their home. They are in their sixties. They have spent two tours of duty in the See Ogre so their benefits are slim. What is an ethical Ethics Officer to do Julian? Their eternity is at stake good buddy!!
But thanks for helping me clear Tuolumne County of active public $cientologists. Now, how is the CST compound doing these days. Change is in the wind ………….
You still crack me up. But this is a sad story. You and I both know where the equity in that house is going – to the Eye A Ass (as you so eloquently put it).
Well, out with the old, in with the new. Heard and saw a picture of the new addition to your family. ☺️?☺️
Adorable. I’m sure will bring you both a lot of deserved love and joy.
Yes he was wearing a fine Christmas collar when I arrived home this evening. A very handsome fellow indeed.
The house is alive with cheer these days. Looking forward to our next visit! Happy holidays to you and your fanmily Mary! (not a typo)
You tell your stories with such wit (&your “Notes to Julian”) that, while fun to read your snark, also demonstrate your strength, courage and sense of humor that’s gotten you through seriously tough times! I’m so sorry for all you’ve personally gone through, and how horrid and sad for your (former) friends of whom you took such great care in their time of need!
I truly believe that’s what keeps so many people in, though they know they’re being fleeced within an inch of their life on some level… if they stop &open their eyes then they have to TRULY accept &process that they’ve given away everything to a scam. That’s a really tough pill to swallow! But your posts are SO important!
All the UTR’s that you KNOW are reading here, see what you’re writing, recognize some of the names but even if not, they recognize the stories since they’ve either lived it or watched someone else get harassed & robbed by their own “church.”
I’m awed by the resilience and humor you show after everything! People like you, Mary, Lois &her hubby… your history & all you’ve gone through is NOT for nothing! In the coming years I think we’ll see many more recent exes that recall watching Mary, reading Lois’ series here, your own background in comments and how those led to their own “wake-up” moments!
Hugs! I personally would give anything to have parents who’d have fought for me, given me advice and tried to guide me vs. just trying to be my “friend” after having too much of their own stuff going on to be proper parents.
Never-in or 2nd Gen and beyond Scio… no parent is perfect, but when a parent is willing to sacrifice for their child (adult or no) and say the tough things, THAT speaks loudly of love! I hope to hear your reunification story someday SOON!
Dammit, Mary Ellen Walton – aka Judy Norton Taylor – find a real charity!!
I begrudge the money I donated to the IAS.
It wouldn’t bother me if I knew it had helped people, Whenever I gave I thought it was helping.
Compared to what others gave it wasn’t a lot, only about 10K. I never achieved “Patron FuckedToTheMaximus” status, LOL.
But still, having lived in a Third World country I knew what 10K could do for desperate, impoverished, ignorant but essentially able people. I knew what much less than that could very poor countries.
So when I donated I felt good. I trusted the IAS to use it wisely.
Now I know what this money went for: lawyers, private eyes, politicians, – all to protect the cult’s crimes thereby enabling it to commit more.
Effectively I took 10 grand and lit a match to it. I gave it to help, to do good. It didn’t help. It didn’t do any good..
This is Co$’s real crime, and its a huge one, and its the same crime no matter how much, or how little is taken under the false pretense of help for mankind, from any given person.
Aqua – Perhaps this thought might help, you spent 10k for an education that cannot be taught in schools and you will never forget. Painful, yup, but perhaps, it allows those of us drawn into these cults to change in a way that is irreversible and forever. And I mean that in the most positive way. This is one way I came to terms w/ my own screwed by a cult experience.
Wise words. This is the type of advice given by sages throughout history. Good for you, CGarrison, that you learn this truth directly, firsthand.
Thanks, CGarrison. Its true what you say and I’ll keep it in mind.
Confronting that the Co$ actively, purposefully betrays this way is – hard.
Scamming people by appealing to their personal desires for financial gain is one thing; Bernie Madoff did that, I’d say the majority of financial rip offs occur using this appeal. .
But scamming people by manipulating their desire to help – in Scientology, that’s called, “Pressing the Help Button” – that’s different. And, in my opinion, much worse.
Its REALLY bad, for a person, or an organization to do that, to scam using this sort or appeal.
I squandered 10K. For others it runs into the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. etc.
For others it could have been what might be considered small sums of money.
Right here and right now there could be Still Ins giving $50 or $100 that they believe is helping, and THAT’S A BIG DEAL because of their PURPOSE in giving it.
Someone who gave $25 he or she couldn’t afford (and I knew Still Ins who were existing hand to mouth) but did so out of a desire to help are just as betrayed as someone who gave 500K out of that same desire to help.
Oh, well, the lesson I’m learning about help is that help is still good. Helping people is actually fun.
But I’m taking a page from Ronald Reagan’s textbook, “Trust, but verify”.*
Thanks for reading. Its actually therapeutic to put this down on paper.
* And you all thought I was a Liberal 🙂
“Someone who gave $25 he or she couldn’t afford (and I knew Still Ins who were existing hand to mouth)”
most of the people I have met in all the various Class V orgs I’ve been to exist hand to mouth. It goes with being staff and a large part of the public, too.
and sadly, the staff donate whatever they can, even if it means having zero in the pocket.
I donated for my lifetime as a money saving ploy after I stopped being staff. I never gave straight donations to anything as it violated policy. I am good at avoiding regges or just making them loathe me.
I love that you used World Vision as your example of a group that’s doing it right. I’m currently training for my second marathon to raise money for them. They do amazing work.
Yes they do. In a big way, I might add.
Added a new IAS fundraising piece that came to me just now…
You should be getting your “Dianetics & Scientology 2017 Holiday Catalogs” soon too. “The Gift of Source for Everyone on Your List!”
– An Exciting Way To Infuse Your Home With Source
– The 2017 Insignia & Jewelry Collections Catalog
– Special Holiday Pricing
– Free Gifts
I’ll have to pass this year, I have fun things I need to spend my money on.
Oh, look – the ACC Lectures Package is $5,000 off for the holidays! It’s marked down to only $6,000 now! Maybe I’ll skip that trip to Italy I’ve been thinking about and spend the money on the ACCs instead!
Lesseee… 1,020 lectures at, well, the Fatman usually blathers on for 90 minutes or so, so that’s 1,530 hours of Fatso’s logorrhea… If I listen to it for 40 hours per week (gawwwdddd, I can’t imagine worse torture) that’s about 9 months of Full Time Fatman. Compared to only 3 weeks visiting some boring old country in Europe?? What value!
You know, I’m amazed that anyone would really spend so much money on that crap. But now that I break it out that way I would be even more amazed if anyone who bought them ever listened to them. They probably just sit in the garage taking up space otherwise handy for keeping a car clean and dry.
In 1,500 hours, somebody could learn something truly useful, like how to play an instrument or how to speak a second language. It’s 3 friggin’ years of college classes!
Jeeezus, what a waste of time and money.
Gus, that’s funny. One point though…listening to the lecture is better than visually seeing him deliver the lecture. Watching those coated, brown choppers go up and down for 90 minutes at a time might be hard to take. Just seeing them during the intro to Aftermath gives me pause.
Today is “Giving Tuesday” — the idea is to (SIMULATE) online charitable giving to help those in need.
I support the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children, it’s a good organization.
I agree, they are great and if I had extra money that’s where it would go.
St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital as well……the hospital will bill the parents’ insurance as is standard….other costs are given to aid the parents & child.
Just one more eye rolling opportunity ? provided courtesy of the cults marketing team ?
“Please email me back to confirm your support once you have donated”
Judy Norton Taylor
“…so I can claim a commission…
….because I get no residuals from The Waltons and have done nothing notable since I was 12. Scientology is the only place I’m still a star”
Judy Norton travels around the Idle Morgues – singing and performing to raise $$$$ for the International Association of $camologists.
That is her claim to fame after the Walton’s.
Bamboozling people out of their life savings…sending them into financial ruin, bankruptcy and foreclosure – so she can say she “helped”….
Cringing for Judy Norton – who can say she “helped”
She is too brain washed to know she is helping destroy peoples lives and not helping one soul except the evil dictator – Slappy Miscavige…. and a few cock roaches (lawyers) who help Slappy “Keeping $ciendollatry $camming…
Judy Norton – wearing those big boots in the sky….CRINGE
Here is a big CRINGE for you Judy Norton..who, at this point is BEING willfully ignorant and choosing to stay blinded by the $cientology LIES.
Is that the same Judy Norton who married Bob Walsh from the E-Republic days?
Oops, I meant Bob Graves, not Bob Walsh. Bob Walsh woke up years ago!
“Here is a big CRINGE for you Judy Norton..who, at this point is BEING willfully ignorant and choosing to stay blinded by the $cientology LIES.”
thissssss is interesting to me. This idea I see floating here and abouts, and if you don’t mind, I’d like to hear your thoughts on it.
Why now? Why now would one still in be “willfully ignorant” – because of all the media (Leah/Mike/Going Clear/Ron M) or the internet? Do you mean this to be for just the celebs still in, or does it apply to everyone still?
Is it the availability of the facts and all the stories that make you decide this?
I just wonder… I’m so freshly out, and needs be UTR, and am still learning to think, peel the onion, breathe, etc. I’m WAY leaning towards not being judgmental about anything or anybody in any way – It seems it may take awhile to trust any thought or idea.
So I’m just going with my gut on everything so far, and apparently I have a kumbaya, there-but-for-the-grace-go-I type of gut.
I just spent 4ish decades being a deluded judgmental know-best so I’m sitting it out for now except for handing out warm towels.
I still think that everyone except a handful are still true believers, and they do dumb awful things with the bestest intentions that I know fully well, because they still live inside me and speak to me in Hubbard. I’m trying to exorcise them. (so I think Judy does it for the money, but also, that she believes in what she’s doing)
“I just spent 4ish decades being a deluded judgmental know-best so I’m sitting it out for now except for handing out warm towels.”
Secret, anyone who could write this line is someone who’s going to be just fine, IMHO 🙂
thanks. I’m hopeful. It’s funny how things evolve… every day I have new insights or glimmers. I feel like every day… I’m practicing to be human and figuring out a bit more how to .. cope and grow. I keep discovering new ways I’ve been a stunted ass.
I AM interested in the question I posed, for those who think that the people still in are now “willfully ignorant”.
I see this here and there, from both never ins and exes – the idea that there is a knowing and thus – “culpable”, decision to stay in Scn despite the harm it does.
I wonder about how one comes to this opinion.
For me, I can’t see it – if it wasn’t for some very specific things, I would not have woken up, I was 100 Percent IN and Certain, I’m still shocked I was able to awaken. My friends and family who are IN are in like I was. We were just fully right, in and certain to our last breath.
It’s one thing to hide UTR after awakening, it’s another thing to wake up and then keep up the Road Show of Dedication with being on OT committees, doing call in, being on staff, and doing the IAS regging rah rahs.
I sort of figure that there may be a handful of desperate few who have awakened but are trapped by decades in the SO, and then we have a very very few senior execs who KNOW the full dirty lying truth – other than that, they’re all glassy eyed do-gooders still hoping for eternity.
I’m interested to hear other’s thoughts.
secretfornow, For myself, I didn’t know about the abuses, or I did not recognize what I did see as abuse, for many years.
I think I started to wake up around ’96 when dinky D was beginning to ramp up his rotten influence on everything. My wake up moments came from being in disagreement with the donation push from the regges and IAS. Then, it was one instance of attending one of those infamous free dinners/reg cycle at the AOLA atrium where I observed from the back of the room as the shill began the matching/up-the-ante donos. I perceived immediately that this guy was absolutely a shill, a rich one! Since I had no money, the regges pretty much left me alone. Next, came the basic books revision and selling push.. wtf is this?, I thought to myself. Seemed like a mo’ money push to me! And I became a fencesitter for the next two decades yet still calling myself a scientologist and never setting foot in any org or event. I was also one who DID read books I was told I should avoid and I did yoga since before I was in. Always being curious and a rebel, wanting to improve, had its good effect.
My true awakening started with Leah making jaw dropping remarks on DWTS on a major TV network in prime time. When her book came out, I went to the internet and found Jason Beghe, Mark Bunker and others’ YT videos. and I immediately got Leah’s book. My first Q was where were the execs, the WDC, any overseers of the tech. Finding out they were imprisoned by DM… I knew it was all over but the shouting for me. Now, I am reading the books put out so many years ago, and let the truth shine through. I wanted to have the truth and knowledge of real history to help unpack the untruths I have been living by for so long. It has helped to connect the dots with my history and it becomes my therapy with many aha moments.
One other comment… just like the millennials who have no clue who JFK, MLK, and Ronald Reagan were and what they did… those who existed prior to DM still know what happened to all of the execs and the changes to the tech and policy… yet the millennials seem to be clueless or have no desire to know and understand any history. History is damned to re-live itself unless government and justice officials intervene to put this cult to bed and left to little known history again. I feel much sympathy and empathy for those who have not awoken from the nightmare whatever their reasons be and I keep good thoughts for their enlightenment. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful influence on those who buy into it and its destructive written words and aims of a narcissist.
Agree with this wholeheartedly Aqua! Watching Secret’s posts as he/she has been processing is such a gift.
(Thank you SFN – you’re being so vulnerable & open and my heart breaks that you’ve been doing this so alone! You’re doing an amazing job!!!
My soon-to-be daughter-in-law is finishing school to be a psychologist – evil SP, I know… – if she were to read this blog she’d definitely notice & talk about how open, raw and healthy you’re being in seeking help in a community of diverse voices, other viewpoints and recognizing where your automatic responses originate – that’s the toughest part!)
Holy Cow. Thank you. This is so surprising and so much nicer than my worries of just being a pain and an eye roll.
Also, secret, this Norton woman may believe she has no other way to earn a living. Maybe she’s afraid she’d have to be Night Manager at Wendy’s or something. Of course, knowing what we know, we’d all rather that than shilling for Dave. At least there’s integrity in flipping burgers. No one need be ashamed of honest work. My father always told me that. “Hold your head up and do the best job you can and be proud of any honest work you do”. ( Greatest Generation and all that.)
I wish Mike’s site has the up and down arrow buttons. I would plush and up button for Secret for Nows comment and Idle Morgue’s comments today.
I would like those buttons too. I like so many comments and would like to push some, and bury some. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks for the reminder. I went over to The Heifer Project (great organization) and found they are doubling donations all day. I also set up an account for the first time and found – no surprise – that it included 100% disclosure about use of all funds. Maybe a fund dedicated to helping ex-scilons and funding court fees, etc, would be useful?
After watching the episode of Aftermath exposing this BS, I kind of wondered if this is actually part of a much larger issue or if this abuse on the part of Scientology was extra special. Personally, I thought giving out marketing materials at Katrina was pretty pathetic.
Do non-Scientologists give in any great amounts…such as companies that are solicited, etc.?
Keep up the great work. In the beginning I thought it must be so agonizing for ex-Scientologists. I’m beginning to understand how deeply agonizing it must be for the people inside. I just can’t imagine feeling so trapped if you’re not happy with or you question your “religion”. It’s totally amazing to me how LRH took the “questions” out of religion when thousands of theologians have questioned hundreds of religions for thousands of years. What a genius way of marketing “religion”. How sad for those inside and those outside. What a waste of the efforts of dedicated and amazing human beings that truly want to help mankind.
Beth –
I love what you said about being able to question, but LRH claiming to have ALL answers (& then making it a “sin” to question!). I’ve heard so many sermons or Bible studies on how it’s OK to question, to wonder and not giving some pat answer about how somethings wrong with me if I do. Or hearing various pastors offer insight but also willing to admit, “I don’t have all the answers… learn to trust your gut, trust God, etc…” I think I’d feel SO trapped & alone if my gut was telling me one thing but everyone close to me would write a report on me if I asked a question or showed ANY doubt!
Makes me want throw up. The nerve of these people trying to cash in on something that is actualy good and wholesome. The IAS, and CofS truly disgust me.
Chris Baranet
As you well know, if you hand out one WTH it is passed around to a hundred people and those hundred people use the tech to help a thousand of their friends. I mean, I get that. What I don’t get is the images they use. The IAS wipes dirt from children’s faces?
If they were actually doing something they would have pics. That they don’t even try to show it makes it pretty obvious nothing is happening. If there are “thousands” of VMs helping millions of people why not show thousands of VMs helping people, of even a hundred? Can’t they get a pic of like 20 VM’s doing something that actually helps people? You know if they could they would.
This statistic is probably what the OT committees keep track of. They ask everybody if they did anything, I mean anything this week. Like, you “helped someone clear a word” or mentioned the word “Dianetics” or something. Once someone from the OT committee was explaining that it could be anything, even “using the Tone Scale”. I took this to mean talking to someone one tone level above theirs to raise their tone. Not necessarily mentioning Scientology, but just acting disinterested to someone who is bored etc.
With MILLIONS of active scamologists why do they need to set up on the sidewalk and plead for money?
That’s an excellent point – why, if they have millions of dedicated, fully involved members, and if Scientology is so amazing in making your life better and you prosperous, then why do they even need to look outside of Scientology for any money.
Ummmmm…..because they have nothing better to do?
It’s fraud, plain and simple.
Yup. Yes plain and simple.
You mean it’s a plain & simple fraud?
Simply painful fraud
“The Hypocrscy of IAS” has a basic incident.
The basic on the chain of Scientology’s hypocrisy is L. Ron Hubbard’s claims about Scientology even working.
(Which to normal non-Scientologist people, Scientology smacks of crank quackery and they are right, always have been right about Hubbard’s quackery.)
Look magazine was right on the money, in December 1950.
Eternal thanks to Arnie Lerma’s site with months of media archives and history lessons for all “new era” ex’s.
The early 1950s smart media dismissals of Hubbard read well on second reading and today re-reading.
Most interesting article. Back in Dec, 1950, the author was stating much of the “disclosures” we’ve been regularly seeing in the present time exposures of the cult. Obviously a very prescient writer. Bravo to Arnie for tracking down and assembling all this evidence of Hubbard’s earliest malfeasance.
Thanks for that Chuck! Interesting the snark and blatant calling out LRH as a charlatan even then! Most interesting were his answers and his, at the time, self-deprecating jokes about his education & service. Wonder what SO many still-ins would think reading the words of so-called “Source” himself countering all those inflated claims from his history/biography?!?
This is so gross. Their constant call for money is fatiguing. Thank you for your diligent work to stop them from hurting more people. BTW, I have donated to World Vision and never been hounded after.
Yes, and World Vision actually does something to make the world a better place. (And it does not have an Armani-suited thug running it).