I was waiting for the latest IAS chapter of disaster capitalism, and once again they have not disappointed. You can always count on the IAS Regges to use a disaster to try to cash in.
Here is IAS Hall of Famer Freddy Hunkeler doing what IAS Regges do best: Highlighting how terrible things are and that if you just hand over your cash to the IAS you will be “making a difference.” Actually the ONLY thing you will accomplish is to increase Freddy’s stats. Absolutely nothing else. The IAS is doing nothing to “help bring sanity and calm to our environment.” The extent I& their accomplishments is to take credit for any photo ops the Volunteer Ministers can pull off, but you will notice the VM’s beg for donations to make their handing out of hygiene supplies possible.
These people have no shame.
The perfect symbol for the IAS — this is the image that should be on their letterhead:
I consider the IAS a far greater threat to one’s well-being than the CoronaVirus.
Surely vampires is a more apt comparison – at least vultures have the decency to wait until you’re dead.
The IAS outside the cult couldn’t exist. It’s like a virus or bacterium that needs a host to live in.
But the host looks getting sick pehaps losing weight and health….
A gentle reminder to any new churchies lurking…
Despite the fact you’ve been told IAS membership is mandatory when paying for services, this is what the church told the IRS in order to secure US tax exemption:
“You have called our attention to an advertisement in issue 75 of SOURCE magazine containing statements to the effect that IAS membership is required in order for a parishioner to participate in religious services. These statements are erroneous. There is no Church policy or directive which sets forth such a requirement, nor has there ever been such a Church policy or directive. The relevant Church policies approving IAS as the official membership organization, previously furnished to you, contain no such requirement. Neither HASI nor any other membership system in the United States has ever required membership as a condition of participating in religious services at a Scientology church.
“…We are taking steps to ensure that all future advertisements and other statements regarding IAS membership made by Church organizations correctly state the facts of the matter as described above. Keeping certificates in force was and continues to be a benefit of IAS membership; requiring membership in the IAS in order to participate in religious services never has been valid and membership in the IAS was and remains wholly voluntary.”
wow amazing they denied their own policy letter.
Change is a part of life. It’s only the dead who never change.
I called the Utah police station that they sterilized the vehicles of and complained.
Example of a Scientology briefing for their sales people, like Hunkeler:
Pluvo. Thanks for this link. The bottom line is always the same:
“Don’t trust them when they say having no money. If we squeeze (crush) them enough you will get some more juice coming out“
In other words “we don’t give a hell if is their OWN money or they may need them. THE LOOT MUST BE OURS!
The IAS forces scientologists to take out loans they can’t afforded, and they’re never around to clean up the damage. I once saw Howard Becker encourage a scientologist about to declare bankruptcy to make a large donation on a credit card. The problem is that large “charitable” contributions right before bankruptcy (“preferentiial payments”) are denied in the bankruptcy. Not sure if Howard knew this os just didn’t care, The IAS has no shame. This is just one of thousands of financial irregularities that IAS commits on a daily basis. The IAS is probably responsible for creating more financial PTPs than any other group in scientology. They’re all about the money, and only the money.
Jethro. True The worst, in my opinion, is that the IAS (a part been useless for the cult adepts), in the last 2 decades has increased its influence and thus a threat to their progress on the bridge. You know the question that is asked to a certain point is if the person has helped…
Talk about agents of chaos cashing in on all the “bad news”….
scientology takes it to ever deeper levels on ALL its “schtick”. Didn’t Tubby warn that the world would be destroyed in 5 years about 50 years ago? He destroyed his body first, so couldn’t be called to account for it.
But of course they’ve “spun” that discrepancy into something positive for scientology, perhaps that NED was released just before the End Times and created SO many more “clears”, which fought back the darkness about to overwhelm us all. And there’s STILL an expiration date on old Teegeeack which hasn’t been rescinded officially, only shifted over to Global Warming Hysteria or some such, whatever the panic of the week is, I suppose.
Who was it that said, “Never let a good catastrophe go to waste”?
Nobody that I could find…….
I must disagree somewhat with Mike about the Vulture being the perfect symbol for the IAS and I will give you my reasons.
Vultures perform a useful function. They remove carrion that would otherwise either go to waste or could spread diseases and cause several other serious problems.
The IAS does nothing useful. They exist only to serve the financial interests of their Masters. The main by-product of their existence is to fill the lives of many other people with misery. Not only one individual life. But the lives of all their family members. When these people dig their claws into someone and cause them to turn over money they do not have and to take out loans they can not afford, those people are not the only ones made to suffer. All of their family members suffer too. If the bread winner can no longer afford to bring home any bread, the result is a whole lot of suffering.
I cannot think of a single animal whose purpose is only to spread pain and misery.
The closest living being would be a mosquito that is infected with some deadly disease and every time they feed, that disease is passed along to their victim.
Well, thanks to a few people who have been made to experience all this pain and suffering, more people are beginning to, “Just say No!” to these pig-like Reges and all of the OAS. I hope and pray these people will tell others about their experience and the “Just Say No!” mantra will begin to take hold of all those who are financially tortured and result in the destruction of this criminal cult.
Thanks to Nancy Regan for popularizing the expression, “Just Say No!” I guess she was talking about something different. But the message is a good one – whether dealing with drugs or criminal Reges who have no compunctions when it comes to ripping off people and causing their families great misery.
I hope and pray the work of people like Mike and Leah as well as a few select others will help to pave the path with the notion that people can “just say no” and one day we all may say “no” to all criminal cults.
Fuck Scamatology!
Skyler, of COURSE THE IAS has a “useful function”. It separates the clams from their money, and wealth, and health, and security… until they HAVE to join staff or the SO to survive day-to-day, giving Dwarfenführer more cash under his control and more “volunteer” slave-labor to maintain his Potemkin village to increase HIS apparent “Worth to the World”, and status.
Hi Skyler, I had intended to comment on the usefulness of vultures, but you already put it very well. They are also very majestic in flight, something IAS def isn’t.
May I suggest ticks as their animal counterpart? They attach to you, suck out as much blood/money/soul, etc as they can. I can’t immediately think of how Ticks provide anything useful~ except that every living thing serves a purpose in the ecosystem and chain of life. IAS= nothing useful.
A bunch of ticks would be a pretty icky picture, though.
“Disaster capitalism”??? A better term is “Disaster extortion”. “Because of this catastrophe, YOU must cough up even MORE money, not that any on that money will actually GO to improving conditions or helping the people involved. You aren’t given any actual reason to “donate”, just that YOU MUST, NOW !!!! (and a totally insane number of exclamation points punch home the importance.
Back in the day I knew a few Scns who would use disasters to beg money off their friends “for donations so I can go be a VM.” I quickly figured out it was a good way to make money for themselves, pocket most of it and only use a little for a photo op. There was never any accounting to show where the money went. And when I asked why the IAS wasn’t funding them to fly to so and so place to help out, and it was always they don’t pay and we have to raise our own money. Even to give out Way to Happiness books they bummed the money off their friends and IAS never paid to give out WTH books. So Scns get creative on how to get money.
One other Scn public I knew did a whole “adopt an orphanage in a third world country” thing. j She would reg everyone for donations for it and show pics of her with little skinny black kids. But still, no transparency and no accounting of what your donation bought. It was her full time job regging money for the orphanage and of course keeping the bulk of it for herself.
Seems like they were following the example set by the IAS. Crime works for the IAS so why not do it yourself if you can get a cut.
OH yes, they learned from the best at con jobs: the IAS
Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad, Eastern Regional Minister and Representative of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, has died as a result of the COVID-19, Coronavirus.
I am sorry because a life is a life. But he was on cult lines?
Yes, “Loosing”, he WAS on cult lines:”Nation of Islam Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad” started the entry.
Why do you refer to Farrakhan as “The Honorable…” There is nothing honorable about him.
True Dat. I don’t trust them AT ALL! And you’re right. There is NOTHING honorable about this man.
Cindy asked:”Why do you refer to Farrakhan as “The Honorable…” There is nothing honorable about him.”
That’s the way he’s presented; it’s a cheap and easy way to drag”honorable” down to HIS level. He’s SUCH a perfect match with scn: Whatever he says of himself is likely the exact opposite of what he is and does. I don’t even bother to remember how to spell his name. Just not worth the effort.
Wow! Just wow!
That said, the cult will write him off as having been “very PTS”.
Rifght, Aqua: He’s SO PTS, to Dwarfenführer, of course.
I hope he shook hands with as many of the NOI as possible, and breathed on them closely.
Of course, by definition, anyone associated in any way with Farrakhan (or Miscavige for that matter) is wildly PTS.
May he rest in peace no scratch that may he wake in torment wait scratch that no comment.
Hi, Aqua. How ’bout:”May he rest in the level of peace he gave others in life.” Naawwwh! Can’t curse the dead like that, can we?
Yeah, that would be too cruel.
Church of Scientology stopped from Covid-19 fumigation services over ‘misrepresentations’
In 1987 an IAS agent took $3,000 from my wife for lifetime membership. When I called because the paperwork never arrived, they told me that this person no longer worked for the IAS. After tracing his name, I found out it was a complete scam and that he never turned her money into the London Office. He took off with her money plus multiple thousands. We never were refunded the $6,000 she had at Flag either despite numerous attempts. In fact, without her permission, they used it to buy books in Montreal. Scientology is not only a total scam; it is corrupt and dishonest. My FSM’s made a big mistake when they purchased a special e-meter for $25,000 back in 1988. That meter was worthless. It broke them and they both died.
F***! Some really oddball stuff going on there.
The “special-edition” meters were such a farce. Good status symbol for a Scientologist, though.
Does IAS actually pay out? Various posts here and at Tony O’s Bunker suggest they get their volunteers to provide supplies and transport themselves, making IAS/VM publicity stunts very cheap.
Grisianfarce. What I can tell you is that I have see the IAS disbursing money only on legal cases where DM was managing the case. Other payments where micro crumbs.
As you make clear, regs got to reg. Stats don’t make themselves, someone has to make up numbers or they don’t get paid. Regs have it bad, money is always counted . They can’t hide. Have a little sympathy. I wonder what Gavin Potter and Mickey Chan are doing right now?
Wasn’t Gavin Potter an actor or character on “Love Boat” years ago?
Just in case you are serious, the actor on “The Love Boat” who played Capt. Stubing was Gavin MacLeod.
As the “Keeper of Normally Useless Information” I just can’t help myself sometimes……
How about ” May he rest in pieces.”
Stats have to go up!
Wow. Freddy is still running around on IAS business.
I still remember when the IAS did its events and literally took the whole org in hostage (and the unfortunate SO members who were passing by) until the suppressive quota was reached. Doors locked and people screaming. What times!
And jucy terrible things to say.
By the way, locusts would also do well as a symbol.
I remember that. It was late in my career. IAS wasn’t pushed quite as hard back then.
One event, I was moved by the spirit of the room and donated $1000 that I had sitting in the bank. I had been saving for a computer. I was a Class V org staff member. It was a stupid thing to do, because we weren’t getting paid. Nobody knew I had the money, and it surprised everyone. The ED was so pissed, because that could have been org GI (Gross Income), and we were always having trouble making money. She tried to get more out of me for the org, thinking that I was holding back. The org was wary of an IAS tour, because they would swing in, guilt people into paying what they had, and drain them. They had a show and an excuse that we couldn’t match.
Imaberrated. Good picture you gave me. IAS never helped the orgs just sucked. But also orgs cannibalizing their own staff. Just lovely from who is pretending to save a planet
Why on earth would anyone give the IAS their personal banking details? They will drain all of your accounts without asking for permission, imho
Eh=Eh: Not only will they drain your current accounts, but they’ll open up whole lines of credit and max THEM out, as well.
Eh=Eh. Because ‘backing up’ IAS mean open doors to the ‘bridge’. Every donation or subscription to monthly payments is followed by a commendation that has a heavier influence and weight in their ethics folder.
I have zero feelings of hate in my life but I really hate this kind of crap.
If I came back to Scientology now, not knowing what is going on, I would be surprised that they weren’t pushing money for the Bridge, because in my day, IAS was always secondary. My deceased father, an old-school Saint Hiller, wouldn’t like it, and it might be enough to make him question management.
My mother is a Flag SO member, and she, a staff member on low income (but also a pension), had given, in 2018, $30,000 to these vultures. A f***ing staff member, having given her most valuable asset, her freedom, was giving them money. I couldn’t believe it. I’m still mad about that. She could have paid for services with that, even though they’re supposed to get them for free, and a lot of staff paid to get them quicker. Why didn’t she?
Imaberrated. I really got what you say. There are no valid answers except the fact that they are criminals.
It is actually forbidden to reg the staff because this could obviously cause the person to leave because of problems but they do it anyway without give a damn or any decent care for the person.
Frankly, this letter is pretty much the same monotonous dirge they’ve been droning on with for over two decades. Little has changed. I’m not sure what aggravates me more: the tediousness of their one-note refrain, or that it still works.
“The perfect symbol for the IAS — this is the image that should be on their letterhead:”
I think that does a disservice to vultures, Mike. At least vultures have a function, like cleaning up roadkill. The IAS creates roadkill; they hit and run and have no concern with what kind of damage they do.
Mary Kahn, the IAS creates roadkill. Yes.
“I think that does a disservice to vultures”
That was my immediate reaction, too. “No, no, that’s so unfair to vultures.” But of course, we get you mean, Mike.
Well, the IAS does pick the bones until there’s nothing left except loss of family, loss of income and so deep it debt there’s nothing for the IAS to take from them. Then they keep on trying by dangling that carrot so see if whey can’t squeeze maybe another bit out of them. If not then they are dumped, but I suspect they keep calling in hopes they have intimidated them just a little bit more and maybe they can sell their blood, or get a relative to give them money so they can keep trying to climb up that ladder and get back in favor.
Peggy L, they don’t stop until you have no available credit AND your credit score is deep on the crapper.
So jere, the brainwashing also deletes any conscience a person may have ever had, and of course, all for the greater good.
I wonder how many people they lose due to being bankrupted by the cult. No wonder they love their whales. They are the only truly deep pockets livestock.
I really don’t understand the whales. It has be pure ego stroking that keeps them there. To be rich you have to have some business sense. It’s a wonder they can’t see a scam when it’s right there in front of them. All they get in return is…gee, what do they get in return? Oh, yes, a plaque or a cheap trophy. Yep, that would keep someone in. That’s just pathetic.
So, he say, the world is in a state of hysteria.
Lets be clear, the point is that your’s and other $cientologists mind is just a bundle of neurosis mixed with greed.
I’ve always in a state of hysteria! It calms me down.
Can’t stop laughing!
That’s a good thing.
Silvia. Laughing. I knew Freddy many years ago and believe me if I say that he is just on sales. He has to reg money. In his heart he deeply knows the real situation. He is not an idealist at all. In his letters he needs to follows COB(id) guidelines.