Well, I had wondered earlier what they were going to do for the IAS event this year — they sent out “Save the date” promo for October 16.
Now the great mystery has been solved.
The event they have forced people to watch 100 times already is the big draw for this year’s annual IAS celebration? That is hysterical not historical…
Surely, with an entire “state-of-the-art” TV studio at their disposal (remember how it was going to “break down the walls of dissemination”?) and a “state-of-the-art” film/sound production facility they could come up with something more creative than this?
Which leads me to wonder — I haven’t seen anything about Scientology TV for some time? No new content? Nothing exciting at all? Remember when this was the the next big thing that was going to bust open the doors of planetary clearing?
Barf. I had just been cleared to go to the Int Base when that event was in the works. So instead of heading “uplines,” I got to work day and night to help prep the LA Sports Arena. I think I slept through a lot of the event because I was so tired. But you couldn’t sleep through all the noise when miscavige started screaming “THE WAR IS OVER! THE WAR IS OVER! THE WAR IS OVER!” at the top of his lungs. And of course, the crowd went wild, because tax write off, baby. Ah, the memories… think I’ll go for a walk (because I can) and forget about it.
September 20th
MR: Man, I’m dragging today. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up to watch the end of that movie.
DM: What were you watching?
MR: Oh, it was Die Hard.
DM: You’ve never seen Die Hard before?
MR: Yeah, I’ve seen it before, probably 15 or 20 times, but it’s one of my favorites.
DM: HEY, you’ve given me a great idea. . . I know what we’re doing for the big IAS hoedown. Here’s a hint – all of the sheeple get to see me as the John McClane type hero. This is such a great idea. I should do this every month.
MR: (under his breath) Please, not the war is over, again. (inner eye roll)
Too funny! anyone else thinking that davey boy is too scared to appear at any events anymore? So he just plays reruns of his past appearances and hopes noone will notice lol
Yep, too scared to go to events cuz he’ll be served.
His day will come
His day has come and gone. Now it’s time to pay the piper, one way or another.
You’re right, times up
A big yawn, as usual. A shameful charade that was held up by fear, intimidation and intense greed fired by hatred of decency, not by unity. Enough is enough, really. Maybe DM should look for another job or be shipped to a desert island, alone.
I think I might have overrun myself on Solo Nots big time because I got a hidden standard from that event. Pat Broeker comes out and shows us a number with a ton of zeros on it and said it is from an incident LRH ran in his Solo Nots sessions and this incident occurred some huge trillions or longer years ago. So I thought I should be going backtrack that far too and when it didn’t happen, I kept auditing long after I should have ended it. What a farce and charade that whole event was. All you have to do is read “Going Clear: Scientology, the Prison of Belief” by Lawrence Wright to see how Ron really died and the interview in it with Sarge to see what LRH said before he died. So this nonsense of he causatively left his body to go to Target Two and do more research is bull.
We ALL kept auditing long after we should have ended it. 😇
As a result, we have to back up to a time before Hubbards insanities were implanted in us.
Well said, Jere!
That figure with all the zeros was actually how long DM’s speech actually was.
Miscavige must be terrified of change, as if his position is so precarious that anything new is dangerous.
Its hysterical 🤣😂
It’s just what happens with every Cult at 2nd last stage, Age of Paranoia.
Every thing : lies ,cheating , sex, blackmailing, threats , fake reincarnations , rented-heavenly-dities, etc etc etc goes along.
Confusion at its peak creating ” Hysteria”, failed to acknowledge failures.
Top ladder caved in and expecting ” magic ” to reinstate their long lost credibility. But they failed to see that its all due to fake and fraud they run over the years.
Cults dies out in next stage ” Age of extinction ” due to few rich and powerful who decide to become King makers.
Power harness power, nothing generates in vacuum……
I(sane) 𝘢𝘯𝘥 A(sinine) S(tupidity).
I(ncreasingly) A(lienated) 𝘢𝘯𝘥 S(enile).
I’d rather watch bread bake!
Looks like somebody is “stuck in a win”.
Little Davey needs to move on.
Besides, it just highlights how unlawfully they got this and how many are now calling for it to be revoked
At least you GET something – bread – for your efforts. The IAS can only offer status meaningless to any except those similarly inflicted.
I do not see any comments for 2 days. Little davey must be winning.
No, Davey-boy isn’t winning, except maybe in the fight to pound his liver into submission. It’s a shame he can afford to guzzle good whiskey like it’s cheap wine! A waste of good alcohol.
Jeff, which step of liability are you doing under OSA supervision?
Ah, yes. The sheeple are going to watch for the 100th time how COB RTC (tiny boots to all you ex scios) really stuck it to the IRS in 1993.
You’re right. The 1993 ‘war is over’ event is the ultimate tranquilizer.
He Who Shall Not Be Named, Oracle of L. Ron Hubbard, Pope of Scientology, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige reminds me of a fading movie start who spends her days drinking and watching the old movies she starred in. This was His Finest Hour. lol.
What Ever Happened to Baby Dave Miscavige?
Starring Victor Buono as the composer and pianist for Davey’s great comeback.
Norma Davey Desmond.
Davey: “I’m ready for my close up, Mr DeMille.”
It was his ONLY hour, Gus.
SCN TV is useless as a flat whell.
No wonder it doesn’t do any good. It generates a hundred times less interest than certain local TV channels with only folkloric contents and commercials. I find these most interesting.
Give me Science and History channels and I’m pretty much complete. scnTV is a perfect reason NOT to reconnect my old DirecTV dish mounted on the wall upstairs. If I’m a subscriber to DTV, Davey will claim I’m one of the millions subjected to STV and one of *thousands* due to grace an org’s doors any-day-now (NOT)
No way I want to be any part of his lying, cheating false stats.
Their “greatest achievement as a religious movement” is fleecing the taxpayers & receiving tax exempt status? That says all you ever need to know about Scientology
^^^, Sandy. Dead-on.
“The War Is Over” old 1990s event spurs endless thoughts.
Miscavige is solo, no other speakers.
But in the awards part of the event, you hear Miscavige praise Marty Rathbun who is persona non grata today.
Will this re-release of “The War Is Over” even edit Marty out?
Anyone know of the obvious edits?
Another edited moment I’m curious about , is the Miscavige saluting the LRH photo moment. Is that edited out?
Tom Cruise liked to salute Hubbard’s photo and did so when Tom got his Medal of Valor.
Saluting photos of Hubbard was a thing by the biggest beings in Scientology.
Wonder if they edit that out.
Scientology is such a losing proposition, Xenu gets their goats, they can’t even define Xenu, yet Xenu is key to why they do their exorcism on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which they also cannot talk about.
So much enforced Hubbard secrecy in their lives they trip over.
Was Miscavige worried that saluting LRH’s photo was going to become a new weird characteristic of total KSW Scientologists, who even Miscavige realized would look too damned weird on top of all the other Hubbard weirdisms.
Scientology’s weird fads do not age well.
Fat chance I’m going to watch it to figure out what’s missing. I’ve never even seen/heard more than seconds’ with of the original; I was already as out as out could be, working on getting my life together finally.
“…we’re unstoppable…..”
Xenu and “body-thetans” theoretical talk stops them dead in their tracks.
Xenu gets their goat.
And they never will admit Xenu caused the Wall of Fire/4thDynamicEngram, though Xenu did do that dastardly deed, and it’d be so easy to define Xenu, but that’s left to ex members.
The easiest way to define Xenu is just say he caused the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram.
The 4th Dynamic Engram was the Xenu caused trauma on earth, where Xenu dumped zillions of surplus souls implanted with mental debilitating ideas, and these surplus souls (“body-thetans”) infest all humans, and require Scientology’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps of exorcism to rid a person of their infestation of surplus souls.
They can’t even define Xenu. They’re so easy to stop by just defining Xenu to them.
I prefer calling them “invisible space cooties”.
O/T. At the Church of Scientology of Chicago: Repair of the Black Family presents Solutions to a Dangerous Environment with Nation of Islam Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad and Brother David Muhammad.
Archived with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
I was at the original event:
“The War is Over”. E v e r y
Event after, the callers would use the same b. S.:
“THIS is THE most important event EVER. You
HAVE to come!”
(Then it would be some
b. s. Nothing event.
I remember telling Kay Conally (head of PR here in LA then): This is like you all calling ” wolf”, over and over.
Sometime you are ~really~ going to need them to come, and it won’t work.
Instead, a vast majority of us left, forever BuhBye!!
Right, Tory: There are more disaffected apostates than members; has been that way for years now, maybe decades. Yet those still in believe the Tiny Tyrant™ when he proclaims everything’s honky-dory, 47X expansion, and other absurdities the clapping clams can see for themselves aren’t true.
The tiny tyrant, that’s brilliant 🙂
When things go wrong, or DM feels under attack, or the SPs seem to outnumber the members, who then start to have doubts, then the video of the ias event ‘the war is over’ comes back.
Stuff almost 30 years old now.
This is really scratching the bottom of the barrel with a peak.
I sat through an entire episode of ‘Meet a Scientologist – David Pomeranz’ recently. I was very disappointed not to see a single mention of surely his pinnacle in the creative industries, 1990’s We Stand Tall, a song and video so incredible in so many ways, not least as it features that young handsome fella Rinder bopping his head and singing his heart out looking like he’s fully aware of the irony of the tiny man singing about standing tall while everyone else around him looks like they’re sternly trying to shout the words right into the centre of my brain. Heber looks like he’s determined that all his family in Salt Lake City should hear him singing from Gilman Hot Springs he’s doing it so forcefully bless him.
Once the Pomeranz spectacular finished, with not a single mention of his brother oddly either, it was on to half an hour of telling us the wonders of Birmingham (U.K.). To this day I’m not sure how they managed to get a full 30 minutes telling us about Birmingham but they managed to do so, and with barely a mention of the Org, just a whole lot about the city, which could have been said in less than 5 minutes. Doubly odd since there’s not a single mention as far as I know of the words East Grinstead on the channel, not on the show about Saint Hill, or anywhere else, and at least EG does actually have legitimate history connected to Scientology. Maybe they’re so concerned about the reaction they’d get in the pitch up on London Road with a camera crew!
I’ve also found it very interesting that during Miscavige’s introduction to the Scientology Network they specifically trail an episode of ‘Inside Scientology’ about Golden Era Productions, an episode that has never seen the light of day. All the other episodes shown, Flag, Bridge, SuMP, CST’s archival project etc aired, but not that one about Gold. Plus of course FreedomTV that has never appeared despite being trailed. You’d think they’d re-edit that video which is still prominently on the Scientology network home page and on their YouTube channel to remove those if they’re never going to be shown.
Congrats for having the fortitude to sit through all that s***. I have yet to get more than 30 seconds into any of them.
It IS a shame that Davey and his minions will take your watching as a “win” for Team Xenu.
Excellent piece today, Mike.
“Hysterical, not historical” was so on point; I had to laugh out loud.
I hope this kind of thing will wake some people up, since things in Scientology have only declined since 1993. For those now on the outside, I hope it energizes people to work harder to get Scientology’s tax exempt status revoked.
Bryon, scamology has been in steep decline since the late 70’s. Since then there has been a net shrinking of its membership.
What war is over? The battle inside Scientology over continuously defrauding others to grab their money and place them in their bubble of hatred? I want to celebrate too and hope this is the war they are speaking of which includes David miscavige returning to Arcturus!
I’ll settle for Dwarfenführer returning to obscurity in Morristown, NJ or wherever he spent his earliest years. He blew from school about 3 blocks from me – just as he was about to have his mind blown with actual science and history. Instead, he got a short but complete course on Machiavellian scheming. AFAICT, he didn’t absorb much of scientology, other than that which reinforced his sociopathy.
I love that name Dwarfenfuhrer!
“The War is Over!”
IAS Anniversary of 1993
Could it be that David Miscavige is stuck in a win?
Or: “Whenever things get really worrisome in David Miscavige’s world he orders everyone to rewatch the 1993 “War Is Over” event.” (- Mike Rinder)
Or: David Miscavige just lacks the get up and go?
I remember in the 2000 decade he would sometimes play the IRS video “The War Is Over” on loop in the pc waiting lounges at Flag and it would just play over and over nonstop.
He’s stuck in an APPARENT “win” in his tiny little brain. In truth, it was a loss for everyone & everything else; all the dynamics of the world. Mankind is truly beggared by the events that that event incorrectly celebrated.
It’s cruel and unusual punishment to expect the faithful to watch this video again! Doesn’t matter how many times it has been remastered, it’s still a massive red flag signalling that nothing of equal import has happened over the intervening years.
Nothing of ANY import has happened since the ’93 spectacular in his mind; and likely nothing BEFORE was of much import. He has SO flippantly changed anything and everything to suit his very own self and his overblown sense of his own importance. If he cared ANYthing about the “tech” of scientology, he’d be shamed by how completely he’s destroyed it. But the Tiny Tyrant™ has no shame, will take no responsibility for his policies’ failures. Of course not; sociopaths never truly do, though they MIGHT mouth the words if forced to.
Nothing happened? Oh I dunno, we’ve had a few good SP parties eh?
Very true, Padders! Some of the most memorable and fun times I’ve had in recent years, and some wonderful friendships made 🙂
I recall that someone (DM) making the passengers aboard a Maiden Voyage anniversary in 1995 or ’96 and even then 2 or 3 years later they were already overrun on it! Very few could stand to sit through the thing again.
It was so cringe-worthy the FIRST time, likely a good approximation of Xenu’s implant 76 million years ago. I shudder to think of how many needed that event run out afterwards.
I imagine much of East Grinstead will be sighing with relief that this year’s “live” IAS Gala Event will quite possibly consist of dimwit Dave getting drunk on Macallan — all by himself in a converted toilet-tent near the Saint Hill septic-tank.
One more year of not having an IAS event to protest.
That’s a great thing to celebrate, Jens. Wish I could join you doing so. but I just don’t give a darn about Dwarfenführer’s® doings.
Are the studio production people on strike? I can’t think of another reason to trot out the re-runs.
Regraded Being is now ready for that coffee table book. Please encourage that production.
Also. I forgot to say, “Yes, this is hysterical.”
Thank the devil, dave (or the IRS), that you have Covid to use as an excuse as to why your church is sinking faster than the Titanic.
Or big Pharma, or the SP dog, or anything else they can dream up to blame his failures upon. scientology’s only “ability achieved”™ is explaining away its failures
I remember Marty Rathbun talking about what a coup that was for david miscavige.
Heh why not mandate members of the church watch that event. David Miscavige has to prove to his flock what a great guy he is – over and over and over and over again. The guy that took over for LRH and did a better job.
He’s got nothing else except all the books and documentaries and TV series and blogs that say otherwise. He knows nothing but force to prove his point.
Yep you’re right, it’s probably key to keep the farce alive. Although, the pandemic has I’m sure had an impact as he’s been unable to appear in the flesh, well the pandemic and the fear of being served the minute he reappears from whatever rock he’s hiding under
“DM knows nothing but force” is a complete statement
“He knows nothing but force to prove his point.”
Oh, this hits the nail firmly on the head! One might even say forcibly.
The sheeple only have memory what DM allows. Thus no recall of past promises and $ spent on them… Kinda the OPPOSITE of what was promised even with Dianetics. Oh, the irony.
The money wasn’t SPENT on those things, it was DONATED for those excuses.
Well guess the Sheeple will show up so they don’t get KRed. I attended many events in the past and there were always numerous OSA goons roaming around the perimeter scanning the audience to spot and report anyone not smiling and clapping. For me, just one more eye opener.
Well I live in Central Ohio and I will NOT be going to this rerun of a rerun of a rerun. It’s not even the 10th or 15th or 25th or 50th anniversary. It’s been, what, 28 years? Whhhaaaaat?
They would get a lot more interest at the studio if they had a channel called “THE BEST OF REGRADED BEING”.
I assume all SP’s that were still in good standing at the time will be edited out?
I could see SNL doing a spoof on that. Showing an old Scn event and having blanked out faces in it, many of them and having someone like young tween girl played by Gilda Radner (RIP) saying, “mommy why are all those faces blanked out? It’s more invisible people than real people in that show? Mom replies, “Oh, those are just the people who have left Scientology after this show was made.”
If you haven’t seen this, you might like it. Twice is enough—you don’t have to watch it as many times as Scientologists have to watch the 1993 event.
I had seen it and loved it. But watching it again today “in a new unit of time” it was great and I appreciated the laugh. Thanks.
Thanks for this John Doe – I know I should have seen it before and I can’t explain why I hadn’t, but I pissed myself. So funny and SNL hit the mark so many ways. And I guess there’s some comfort in knowing that the genie is properly out, given the size of their audience.
You mean edit-out the SPs who hadn’t yet been discovered by the Machiavellian Midget?