No update on the deployment of the largest private relief force on earth(tm) to help the victims of the largest Hurricane in modern history in the Philippines.
See earlier stories here.
The Volunteer Minister website omits any mention of the Philippines disaster now, though this is their latest PR piece on their site:
Scientology Volunteer Ministers Disaster Response Gears up for New Tornado Season
26 January 2014Tornado season fast approaching (there were 39 U.S. tornadoes in February 2013) and Scientology Volunteer Ministers teams from across the country are poised to respond.
The most erratic of natural disasters, the tornado strikes with a fury unparalleled by any other force of nature. So it was from May 19 to 31, when a series of tornados devastated Oklahoma and other Midwestern states.
Blah blah blah blah (edited rest to save your time reading about the claims of what VMs are prepared to do)
They wasted no time in collecting money for the “IAS sponsored relief effort” but there is NO evidence whatsoever of ANY relief effort taking place other than IAS Freedom Medal Winner Ayal Lindeman flying to Manila (not even a report of him having made it to the effected area).
Perhaps some other denizens of the blogs on the fringes of the internet could start digging around and look into claims of massive “IAS sponsored” activities and the reality of what happened.
Watching the recent news on the uprising in the Ukraine brought to mind the IAS “Freedom Medal” Winners who brought “widespread peace and human rights” to the Ukraine with massive distribution of the Way to Happiness etc etc. This was just a few years ago. I shudder to think of the hype that spewed forth about how they had “brought a nation into the 21st century and spread peace and prosperity through an entire society.”
It is about time the blood-suckers of the IAS were held accountable. They have literally collected hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, and have produced a LOT of hot air (mostly courtesy the leader of the IAS, Captain Miscavige). They have repeatedly lied about where the money they took in went and about the results of their “campaigns” and “funded programs.”
We could start a series with the facts about claimed “IAS programs.” Perhaps turn it into a booklet to give out to the media and those being regged.
All you need do is look at the IAS events for the last 15 years — Captain Miscavige has talked about the incredible accomplishments of the IAS every year, and has presented “IAS Freedom Medals” to at least 3 people each year and they all have stories about how they have eradicated psychiatry in their nation or gotten the WTH as the standard text for every prisoner in the entire prison system, or “salvaged a nation from drugs” or whatever. I am sure if you compiled all the claims that have been made about what has been accomplished, by this time every nation on earth has been fully “handled” with LRH tech.
We had an excellent series of postings done by Natasha Boris (search that name and you will see a series), taking the claims made on the websites of the “Social Betterment Activities” of the church and documenting them.
I would like to encourage people to take on some of these IAS claims and check them against reality.
Let’s get the truth about the IAS out there….
I just discovered your website and I’m enjoying the heck out of it. Thanks!
I currently live in the Philippines and have for the last 6-1/2 years. I live on the island of Cebu — one of the hardest hit by the “hurricane” (the typhoon locally known as Yolanda). I’ve seen a lot of relief effort, but never saw anything of Scientology, here. I guess I missed the limited photo op.
I was involved in Scientology with my late mother, late father and 3 brothers from 1959 to 1986. I got fed up with the politics and money grubbing. Some of my greatest spiritual breakthroughs were while in Scientology, but I’ve moved on. It was good while it lasted.
As a full-blown OT, I would think that we could get a lot of OTs together (former IAS members) and flow theta and ARC to the current incarnation of Scientology — including pure and perfect forgiveness to DM. The end result would likely be a resolution of the corruption or an implosion. Going neutral on that dichotomy could easily unravel the entire mess, especially with a concerted effort from the old-timers.
Whoa – that’s some vulture spreading his wings above. He’s getting ready to fly to escape that tornado when it comes.
“Gearing up for tornado season”. Right.
This is a primer for people’s minds to prepare for IAS fundraising season. LRH’s Birthday event is coming around the corner and this means quotas to be met.
I was told by staff at LA org (public staff) that they get IAS fundraising quotas for each org at the PAC base. It’s in the millions of dollars up to 10 million at one time.
So tornado season is a red herring for stocking up for LRH’s BD next month.
The IAS wouldn’t help out tornado victims anyway, that’s the VM’s on their own accord and dime.
Interesting article from September 20, 1971:
“….the Church of Scientology claims six million adherents and some 700 churches and missions scattered from California (naturally) through Europe and Africa to New Zealand.”
In the meantime we had the 5.4x expansion of the 80´s…… the current expansion “straight up and vertical”….. and still only 11 million members ….claimed ?
Don’t forget the money that was well spent putting together the various “rap” videos (We are the IAS!). So embarrassing. Also, it costs money to feed the horses they use in those “knights of the round table” videos. So, there…..I have accounted for approximately $10,000 of the hundreds of millions collected!
I’m really rather shocked, SHOCKED I say, that scientologists with their control over MEST cannot just STOP a tornado!
Miss Tia, you have the same capabilities.
The whole VM project after Hurricane Katrina in 05 has always been paraded as an IAS sponsored activity, as in it’s positioned in such a way that it appears the IAS paid for all the volunteers to get there, supplies, vehicles etc etc.
As far as I know there was not a penny given, or if there was, it was in the form of a travelling VM cavalcade months later.
The local staff set up an online donation thingy and Scientologists (and some non-Scn) donated that way. They didn’t actually reg anyone, the funds just came in. The actual VM’s that flew out paid for their own flights or got dono’s locally for them.
This online fund paid for rental vehicles to get VM’s to the shelters, gas, food (nothing special, we’re talking PB&J or spam sandwiches and a juice box), t-shirts, equipment for people actually working at sites where houses had collapsed (flash lights, walkie talkies etc). The tetanus shots were paid for by a celeb I think, not IAS funded anyway, sleeping bags… you get the idea. The whole activity was funded on a shoe string out of the goodness of people’s hearts, there was no funding (read interference) from IAS.
Also there were trucks sent out to us from Scnists with supplies for victims – clothes, toiletries, shoes, toys for kids etc, just basic stuff that they couldn’t get at the shelter but you can’t really live without. Again, this was brought together by people, not IAS.
It genuinely was a mostly effective operation, but I completely believe that’s because it was done by local people, no interference from outside regging/red tape, no ulterior motives. I haven’t seen anything like it since then unfortunately.
The real dev-t came when big celebs would fly out and CCI staff would be going bananas, helicopters to be organised etc, or when Gold would come to shoot, it would just take people off what they were doing.
Speaking of IAS, nothing new here. Way back when, on the Portland and LA Crusades (IAS events), participants paid their own way there (and they collected local donations from the participants to pay for gas for the local transport).
This is why I root so much for the Garcias’ lawsuit, because it exposes the financial fraud that is the IAS and the CoS in general. There is no accounting, there is no paper trail, it’s just money that goes straight to the top. I wish the “still-ins” would have more pride to ask where their money is going. Asking questions is not a weakness.
In 2005 I told the IAS at the Sandcastle (when I was doing OTV) that I would pay them $200,000 minimum up to $1 million if they would just let me see what they are doing with their money. I wanted an accounting of how they were actually spending their money because I was going to make such a sizable donation. A matter of principle, you see.
One of them left the room and came back 1/2 hour later and said it can’t be done. I said OK, then I will not pay more than $5K and walked away as a very plump chicken that did not get plucked by the IAS! Ha.
This request was a well prepared ahead of time. I figured if they showed me an accounting and it looked good, I would have to pay at least $200K. It was a gamble. But I was confident that they would either not tell me or if they would show me something it would be completely bogus. I understand money and can read accounts and “pull strings”.
I just didn’t want to go into the IAS office and lie and say I had no money or couldn’t afford it. These IAS vultures know that successful people NEVER want to say they are poor or down and out or unsuccessful etc….. that’s how they trap these successful big fish and whales: with their pride of accomplishment. There is nothing wrong with being proud of work well done. LRH was very proud of his work. But, the IAS uses that pride to trap big fish and whales. It’s the foundation of where Co$ gets their money today….with PC folders they know EVERYTHING about you.
So, anyway, I was well prepared for the IAS gauntlet and I knew my money was safe, but I still had to gamble $200K. Ha. I won. Got away with the $5K table stakes.
Of course, I didn’t want to tell the truth that I thought the IAS was a criminal out-exchange organization (which IS what I thought) and that’s why I would not pay an significant money to them. Obviously, if I said THAT, I would not get through my eligibility for higher levels.
Anyway, I managed to get through the IAS gauntlet with my pride intact and my money in my bank account.
In retrospect, I should have just told them I thought the IAS was a criminal organization…. but, I didn’t know what I know now: the IAS is the senior organization in Scientology. It is straight rip-off.
Here in the cornfields, four months ago, there was a devastating tornado in Washington, IL, less than ten miles from the swarming beehive of sanity for Scientology in this area: the Peoria, IL Mission.
This tornado was 2 hours from both the Chicago Org, and the St Louis Org, and a little over an hour away from the Champaign, IL mission.
That’s four Scientology organizations within a two hour radius from Washington, IL.
The Washington, IL tornado killed 7 people, and destroyed 2400 homes on 17 November 2014.
Watch footage of it here as it happened:
Notice that not one Scientologist in a yellow T-shirt is in sight to help these people as they dig their way out of their basement.
Nor were any Scientololgists in sight anywhere around Washington, IL, then, and for weeks afterward while the Red Cross, FEMA, and the National Guard handled all of it.
Not one person received help at all from any Scientology entity or individual, let alone the IAS, for anyone who was a victim of the Washington, IL tornado.
Here’s how I know:
I know a Scientologist who lives in Washington, IL and even he was not helped by even one Scientologist. He did not receive even a phone call from any volunteer minister – let alone given a touch assist and a blanket – nor did he receive any help from the IAS, even though his water and power were damaged from the tornado and his house was unlivable for three days afterward.
How do I know this?
Because I helped him.
He stayed with me at my house.
So, Ex-Scientologists are actually more helpful to tornado victims – even Scientologist tornado victims – in this part of the country than Scientologists, Volunteer Ministers, and even the IAS.
When dangerous SPs like me are more helpful to tornado victims than the IAS, you know something is wrong with Scientology’s PR press releases.
PS. I spit in his beer while he was sitting on my couch, looking the other way.
Thank you for what you did to help Alan and thank you for the story.
Truth Revealed….
Wow…great story
Those are some docs about what the IAS does not do.
Alonzo, It’s got to be one of the funniest PS’s I ever read.
You damned SPs. What will you think of next?
This reminds me of the I.A.S.. Laughter! Every time there is some thump in the night with the Church they need donations right now!
The biggest I.A.S. scam was telling the Jewish members at the Flag Land Base that Germany was building concentration camps and the I.A.S. was going to avert WWlll.
Off topic, but I think this is a matter of interest to this community.
Louis Theroux is working on a documentary about Scientology.
Most importantly for this community, he has asked via Twitter to speak to Scientologists. His tweets include:
“Open call to any #Scientologists out there. I would love to speak to you for a documentary I’m working on About Scientology”
“The idea is it for it to be a non-judgmental inquiry into Scientology beliefs and practices, from inside the Church. #scientologydocumentary”
I don’t know if he is even aware of the existence of the Independent Scientology community.
He is very aware. He came to Clearwater and interviewed me last year sometime (or was it the year before?)….
This is basically a copy/paste of a post I did over at Tony Ortega’s a while back:
“The IAS freedom medal winners in 2011 were: Tatyana Malchikova and Azgar Ishkildin.
The things they were said to have done should have brought them a lot of attention, I would have thought. I Hearsayed [Googled] their names, and Azgar Ishkildin came back with 59 results and Tatyana Malchikova 45. Of course, I was using western lettering [as opposed to Cyrillic], but still, that is not a lot of hits for people who have supposedly cleared the 9th largest population on earth from “the psychs”.
Could someone who speaks Russian (I know a few of you guys do) do a Russian search of them, to find out how big they really are in Russia, and if they have made an impact on the drug industry at all in Russia?”
I don’t want to be picky, but I’m going to anyway, since the following sentence is nonsense:-
“The most erratic of natural disasters, the tornado strikes with a fury unparalleled by any other force of nature.”
Um, no to both of those statements.
Tornadoes have many aspects of predictability. The fact that the article mentions the “Tornado Season” gives you a clue of this. In technical terms, you’re looking for something which the experts call a “storm”.
An earthquake, however, is truly “erratic”, and currently there is no reliable forecasting methodology. There may be known fault lines, but the when and where is unknown until you are crawling out of the masonry.
Secondly, when it comes to natural disasters, the earthquake is the biggest force of nature, by some distance. However, even if you were to compare only weather-related disasters, the hurricane is vastly more destructive than a tornado.
Apart from that, I liked their use of full-stops and commas. It was just the words that let it down.
I think what they meant to say was this:-
“It’s small and it’s violent, and there is no way to reason with it. You might think we’re talking about our glorious leader, but no we mean the TORNADO. Yes, whilst other so-called larger, credible, professional, skilled, funded, “real” response teams get their wog kicks from saving hundreds of thousands in earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes, we like to go for the tornado. Ideally, the smaller the better, since a team of 5 people in yellow t-shirts offering to touch you is not going to help an awful lot if your house has just blown down, let’s be honest.”
How do you view Victims on the tonescale now you have gotten out. Would you say Victim or Survivor ???
How about Johnny Cash with troath cancer even abanded by his studios, Yes they did a Scientology on him . Old and with cancer SHOVE OFF, no mercy no Sympathy, no Empathy, no remorse
If you are Sea Org as long as you can get out of bed yourself and type you are in, after you caN NOT get out bed anymore by yourself you are ofloaded to a WOG fascility
And WOG’s have sympathy go figure, they will care for you when you are old and grey
Thank you Mike Rinder this song is ome of my Mothers favorites, And I hope it will inspire your brothers decrompressing from the cult of Scientology
I recall in the mid and late nineties, when the quality of psychiatric drugs was making possible to manage many types of mental illnesses on an out-patient basis (this is debatable, of course), states were diverting funds away from psychiatric hospitals and into programs that paid for psych drugs, resulting in many, many closures. Of course, Miscavige presented the statistics on these closures at an IAS event, and said they were the direct result of the IAS’s war against psychiatry. He decided not to show to graph of pharmaceutical company stock prices, which were going up up up.
That friendly guy that alwayes waves to the camera
Every Fifteen minutes someone is Electro Shocked in Europe
despite the IAS PR .
Ely Lily paid off David Miscavige .
The IAS is a huge SCAM.
Seriously, JC? He was really paid off?
At the point Ely Lily became a non issue with D.M.
and Ely Lily stock started going up again.
He bragged about it.
Sindy Fagen of Chicago, IL was an IAS registrar for some time and reveals to Tampa Bay Times how she was duped and how she woke up.
We do not agree on Hubbard but we are buddies nevertheless
Maybe Davy is sending the books in the mail. He doesn’t know squat about saving the planet but he knows a lot about saving the money he stole from donors.
Never liked the fact that the IAS arbitrarily cancelled all previous HASI Lifetime memberships and I always thought their memberships were way overpriced.
Nor did they align with the purpose of membership as given in an early PAB.
Neither my wife or I, I am proud to say, ever bought anything more than a yearly membership when forced to in order to do a service at the Church.
I think the only IAS event we ever went to. Other than the one in the beginning at the Palladium was the Secret Closing Agreement with the IRS at the LA Sports Arena.
Personally I think if anyone wants to give their money to such a scam. It is up to them.
As far as I’m concerned they operate pretty much like the “Charity Swindle”, Ron talks about in a RED he issued in the mid ’60’s.
Funny how they seem to oppose psychiatry so much yet seem to have pretty much gone into their valance 🙂
The IAS didn’t cancel the HASI membership. The HASI membership still exists.
What people don’t realize is that the IAS is NOT the membership for the ‘Church of Scientology.’
The IAS is the membership for the ‘Scientology Religion’, an entirely separate and distinct legal entity. The ‘Scientology Religion’ is NOT the same entity as the CofS.
Anyone who has a membership in the IAS is not a member of the CofS, but of DM’s alteration called the ‘Scientology Religion’.
The ‘Church of Scientology’ no longer exists except in name only.
Bob — this is a bit confusing. Of course, this is a confusing subject, made that way.
There is no legal entity called the Scientology religion. There can only be individual churches that are legal entities. There is not even a legal entity called “church of Scientology”. Everything is a separate corporation. thus C of S Buffalo. C of S WUS. etc
I have an article to contribute to the “successful IAS DA pack” at
Very good article! You nailed it. +1,000
POT, very good research and article. YES put that front and center in the IAS DA Pack. Thanks for doing that research.
I have seen an IAS reg take people’s money knowing they were living out of cardboard boxes, and even had one incite a Scientologist to commit fraud by giving a “business improvement loan” from a silent partner to the IAS instead of using it for the business as intended. I won’t even mention their usual “merchant of chaos” fear peddling techniques, and tactics like having the doors at IAS events blocked by staff to keep people from leaving. That they are able to continue to get “donations” with absolutely no transparency or accountability only speaks to how badly those still in are manipulated. It amounts to yet another slush fund for Miscavige.
Actual stats from last years tornado outbreak in Oklahoma. 100 Scientology volunteer ministers showed up to help over a 2-3 month period.
Of the 100 vms 20 were non Scientologists. The IAS supposedly “sponsored them”, however provided 0 funding.
The vms mostly delivered supplies like food, water, tents etc. The supplies they delivered came from FEMA, Red Cross, Mormans, Baptist Church and others. None from the IAS.
The vms who did the work are decent hard working people of good will. The IAS did nothing and provided nothing.
If someone sees a vm doing volunteer work and hands the vm a $100 donation for supplies, the vm must give that money to the IAS so the money goes through “proper channels”.
Vans for transportation came from some orgs and gas $ came from individual vms.
Thanks Dan. Useful info.
Readin material: so get “cramming” 😉
The last link you provided,
it says (time stamp 2010):
“The IRS was considering taking IAS reserves into account when examining Church of Scientology International’s (and RTC by extension) reserves. It seemed to them that if DM and co in Hemet were controlling IAS, then its then-fledgling, but already substantial, reserves ought to be considered CSI’s. If IAS membership – and thus donations – were required as a condition precedent in order to take services in a church of Scientology, then clearly IAS – and what it did with its significant sums of money – would come under a tremendous level of scrutiny.
The IRS came up with independent evidence to support their concerns. Read the church’s response:……………………”
specifically: “If IAS membership- and thus donations – were required as a condition precedent in order to take services in a church of Scientology……..”
But now with the new e-meter, isn’t it required now to have a membership in the IAS?
If so, the two are linked when they are not supposed to be. The two being the IAS and COS services.
Am I correct in my thinking?
I will leave this one to Mike and Marty, my knowledge is limited and my memory not perfect
singand, The purchase of a mark 8 requires an IAS number and photo ID to accompany the contracts.
Mike, the idea of an ‘IAS Exposure Pack’ is a wonderful and very long overdue idea! One of the qualifications for tax free status, if I recall, is no excessive accumulation of funds. If that is true, and if the fund pot is excessive, and if it is being falsely promoted, this could be potentially a lethal undertaking for the CofS tax status. Al Capone killed, robbed, mutilated countless numbers of individuals, but it was the financial lies that got him. A time track of true and verifiable incidents and connections re: the IAS may expose a festering wound that even DM and his minions couldn’t bandage up.
I think the Cult calls it a Dead Agent Pack.
Back in the day whan Russ McKevitt came calling on me from the Freewinds he had a pack which contained, among many other things, photographs of naked men dancing around a bonfire. There were no names on the pages but I ‘was told’ that it was Mike and Marty and other known SPs doing some sort of ritual dance as I recall. There was no way to tell who anyone really was but the work to generate the DA pack was obviously substantial.
The amount of effort that goes into creating lies and deceit as compared to real social betterment is appalling. Get a life OSA and IASA.
Wow — that’s a new one Coop!
Dancing naked around a bonfire in some sort of ritual dance. Sounds like fun. Though anyone who knows me knows I cannot dance. Not. Even. Slightly. So you would have known it was me because I would have been the completely uncoordinated one 🙂
I have one of those chimeneas (sp?) in my back yard, maybe I can get that sucker going and dance around in the buff for the church surveillance cameras to catch…. That would really give them something for their “DA packs” (way better than their old shot of me holding a can of Bud Light — drunken bum that I am).
Next on my bucket list is eating babies. 🙂 Maybe I can go out back with a large leg of lamb (I like to roast a leg of lamb every now and then) and they can take some shots and say I am eating a baby’s leg. 🙂
I thought to myself ……………Dang, how come those guys get to have all the fun? Fuck it … I QUIT!!!!!
That its true, a 501C Charitable Organization can not accumulate liquid assets, but the problem is that Religious Organizations, Churches, are exempted from filing Annual Financial statements, so there is no agency overlooking at the Church’s assets and cash flows.
Here is a general overview of the IRS codes: (02-23-1999)
Organizational Test Requirements
1.Reg. 1.501(c)(3)–1(b)(l)(i) provide that an organization is organized exclusively for one or more exempt purposes only if its articles of organization:
•Limit the purposes of such organization to one or more exempt purposes; and
•Do not expressly empower the organization to engage, otherwise than as an insubstantial part of its activities, in activities which in themselves are not in furtherance of one or more exempt purposes.
2.In addition, the organization’s assets must be dedicated to an exempt purpose, either by an express provision in its governing instrument or by operation of law. Reg. 1.501(c)(3)–1(b)(4).
Somehow the Squirrelbusters and OSA surveillance team currently installed in New Braunfels do not strike me as “forwarding the exempt purpose”. It would be a matter for review, but I think we should bet on the legal cases and the blog real information campaigns and not wait around for the IRS. The government seems content to exercise restraint and let the Scientologists ruin each other without further, potentially unifying, interference.
I agree, there is a difference between claiming things done with what REALLY happened.Most of charitable activities have full transparency; as an example you have the Bill Gates Foundation and, for the facts of what was done with the millions received as donations, you can see this link:
The point is that, gathering evidence is a good way to demonstrate the scam the IAS has been involved for many years now,
If an area goes down hill after IAS crack teams go in to “handle” they can just blame the “Psychs.” They of course will need more donations to battle this enemy.
Even though they have been “obliterated”, “annihilated”, “destroyed”, “smashed” and “nuked” year after year with
millions,thousands,hundreds,tens,a few of them put in jail every year.Those psychs really are resilient.
Or Dear Leader is blowing hot air.
Someone who got hard copy of the IAS 2013 event on DVD made a copy of the DVD and mailed it to APA headquarters. “How to make friends and influence people” the Miscavige way.
“We could start a series with the facts about claimed “IAS programs.” Perhaps turn it into a booklet to give out to the media and those being regged.”
I googled Natasha Boris and got a cartoon character from the Rocky and Bulwinkle show. Any other ideas to a link? I think this is important. Thank you, Mike. I love your blog!
Go to the side of the front page of the blog where it says “Search” and put that in.
Appropriate, however. Recall Boris’s favorite line was “Big problem for Moose and Squirrel!”
One of the better ones to come out of South Africa is a couple of guys went up to the Congo, dished out a few packs of TWTH, put a board up outside some official building and returned to proclaim they had stopped the war in Congo (during a brief lull, as always occurs in war). As we all know that war has been farting along every since and in fact spilling over into every neighbouring country, plus I recently discovered the booklets they ‘distributed’ weren’t even in the correct language. Even at the time when I was a still-in (well, I still am) I never believed a word of that BS. That foray to Congo had absolutely no IAS funding – we were all asked to dig into our pockets once again. Though I do recall, once there was sign of ‘peace’ to claim the benefit for, a couple of SO guys did drift up there to put a stamp of authority on it.
When I was the ED of Criminon WUS, we submitted a CSW/grant to the IAS. We were given $30,000. The next year we submitted another grant, we received back our CSW/Grant with a message that the IAS would only grant funds ONCE for any organization. this was in the mid 1990’s. I guess they couldn’t spare anymore from their billion dollar coffers!
DM does what he does best exaggerates, lies and defrauds his people. He is an expert at that BUT the light is shining brightly on his lies. The cathedral made of sand is slowing washing away into the sea. In 10 years Scientology will have only 2 orgs. FLAG and LA
And even at that Flag will be trying to cut LA out of the picture.
Thank you Mike,
It’s about time the IAS “secrets” came out.
An occaisional TV ad doesn’t really cut it to say the least. If you look at their claims over the years at IAS events and Reg cycles, whole countries should be applying “social betterment” programs which isn’t happening as you and I well know
Still, no wukkas it will all come out in the end.