People inside the scientology bubble really believe this stuff.
How many absurdities do there have to be before they notice?
First, if the IAS is truly “every moment of every day” keeping the “light burning bright” — “everywhere” with their massive Volunteer Minister force — you would expect they might have something to brag about that happened this year…. The tornadoes in Texas were in 2015.
Second, as ALWAYS there are NO SPECIFICS on what was done, how much money was spent on the “relief efforts” or how many people were even involved.
From the picture it looks like they managed to pull together a mighty force of TWO from the nearby “ideal” org in Dallas.
In fact, we know from reports at the time, they were asking people from ANYWHERE in the US to show up and managed to max out at 6 or 7 Volunteer Ministers for this particular disaster. And the IAS was NOT offering to pay their expenses – they had to make their own way. Though to be fair, the IAS probably did pay for a photographer or videographer to show up….
And this disaster was used repeatedly as a pitch to get MORE money (until the next disaster occurred somewhere in the world). And now, here it is, back again for more.
They act like this promotional piece is proof that the hundreds of millions or even billions they have had given to them over the past 30 years was well spent. And they are running short of cash to fund all their good works to be done in the future.
Of the billions collected by the IAS there has not been a single school built (even one to deliver LRH study tech). Not a single hospital. No vaccines or mosquito nets. No shelters for the homeless (unless you count the ideal orgs that have been built and the staff who are in them). The ONLY things that get funded (maybe) are: a) Yellow t-shirts and jackets, b) some airfares for VMs, though usually NOT, they are expected to make their own way to the scene of the disaster, c) Video teams to stage shots and d) real estate investments for scientology.
If the sheeple would simply ponder this: IF there was all this good work being done, there would be some EXTERNAL press coverage, and the IAS would be shilling that press like it was a Nobel prize. There is nothing. The only media coverage they can get is generated in their internal rags, Freedom, Impact (IAS) and International Scientology News. And virtually everything they report is a rehash of what is announced by Dear Leader Miscavige at his “international events.” These smoke and mirror stories are absolutely vital to keep his sheeple following and donating.
Watch this weeks’ edition of Scientology The Aftermath where we cover some of this information.
People are outraged about both the Clinton Foundation and the Trump Foundation. They are models of virtue compared to the IAS. The only hard work the IAS is engaged in is the relentless effort to take people’s money for nothing.
How can these individuals actually believe they are making a difference? NEVER ONCE have I heard or seen ANY “scientologists volunteers” at any natural disasters giving their time to help others. I mean, you would think that these ass bags would at least try and make it seem like they are helping out the communities.
I am just speechless and yet again horrified after watching the latest episode. One question (of about a million) that keeps popping in my head is does anyone worry that when Scientology starts to implode (I have to have faith that it’s just a matter of time) that David is so delusional that he could “order” a Jonestown or Waco type of mass suicide of followers?
Good point Anne…a person with a Napoleonic complex and his history is certainly capable of doing just that!!!
Dear Mike I was also wondering why can’t some people get together and just post up outside the gate on public property with a sign saying if u want leave we are here for u. Michael
I like Michael’s idea!! And raise money for cult Recovery programs…
Hi Mike! I am one of those silent supporters fascinated by the stories. I am constantly spreading the word to others to watch the show or read your blog. Really don’t want others to fall into that trap.The more I learn about Scientology the more flabbergasted I become. With all the testimonies and obvious truths, I don’t understand why the FBI isn’t busting down doors in Hemet, CA. My hope is that they are investigating and it happens soon.
You and Leah are making tremendous waves in the shrinking pond of Scientology. I for one will support you two and anyone else who speaks out against this cult. From one human being to another, you have my deepest sympathy for what you have lost but you have gained so much now and I truly wish nothing but happiness and love for you and your family.
I am glad to see the show about the dangers of Scientology. I am a huge fan of Leah Remini, and have become fans and admirers of all those who are fighting back and exposing the farce of Scientology
Of course I have no way of knowing, but have you and Leah Remini contacted the DeWolfs, grandson and great grandson of L. Ron Hubbard to see if they are willing to appear on the show?
Scientology operates like Totalitarian Communism. Wonder if David Miscaviage took his playbook from the Marxists and Saul Alinsky. The tacticts Scientology uses is exactly like Communist tacticts and Fascism.
Best wishes to you and your family, same to Leah Remini and all the others who speak out and are educating people.
Sorry for another comment.
I have participated in clean up efforts in several places with my church. I have never, ever seen any Scientologists, nor other specific non Christian religions.
There are many different Christian denominations that help
I was cleaning up after that tornado. A friend of mine had his home & business take a direct hit… a BIG direct hit. I know exactly where that photo was taken. That area was NOT being cleaned up because of the possibility of the water tower coming down. The tower was hit and leaning. Those mobile homes were “off limits” for cleanup immediately after the storm and for a week or more – if the tower came down it would not have been good.
If the photo was staged… which I am sure it was – they did not do clean up there. The police were chasing off anyone in that specific area for their own safety. You could park and walk in only if you lived there to recover from near there but not right there.
They might have helped clean up. People drove in from other states to help – I was one of them. Churches organized and provided people for cleanup, food, water & other relief items. They did not expect to be applauded, did not expect anyone to give them anything back. If you wanted to work, you worked, if you wanted to donate money or supplies it was gratefully accepted.
Tornadoes are a fact of life in the south – and especially in Texas. Neighbors help neighbors without thinking about it – it is what we do. For there to be a photo of two people holding boards… please. Have a series of photos, of lots of people doing lots of work. Have photos of dirty people looking like they had put in some effort… that is what the real workers looked like. I can show you video and photos of what was going on. We worked long hard hours, days, weeks.
Show more or shut up about your “efforts” – there were three people there, the photographer & the “workers”. Where were the army of workers, of dedicated public service minded sciobots? If they were working… great. If not… kiss my ass.
Well Miss Ellie said it all from personal experience…I can’t add or subtract to her cogent comments.
PS: That mobile home and the others in that “POD” were rentals and there was no salvage – they were cleared off to the ground… so why were they cleaning it up? There were lot of homes damages but could be repaired… and families needing help picking up personal items… not boards.
I’m sorry miss ellie, but Leah and Mike have been in the church for years, what you saw what a fraction of it. They speak from experience. No disrespect to you, but scientology is a church that makes woman abort their babies. Mr. David beats up workers.. what kind of church does that, and in order to leave the church, you need to escape. Really..
He’s such a piece of shit, that I’d like to see him on the streets..let my Latin and Irish come out on him.
Michelle T.
Who sec checks David M. ?
Same one that sec checks God.
OK all you complainers, you alls need to quit pointing the finger and you need to git yourself busy and find yourselves a disaster to help with rite now. Git down to the Lowes and git yourself some nice fresh 2 x 4’s and git ’em nicely sawed off and git over to that disaster scene rite now. Don’t worry about hardhats or work gloves. Jist grab your daughter’s red mittens. Wear sum modern men’s pants that hug the ankles like they wear in Hollywood. Git into the middle of that disaster. Make sure you take a friend wit you who is doing the same. Stand there with your friend and hold the 2 x 4’s for a while. If you git bored just hand the 2 x 4’s back and forth to each other for a while. The IAS will find you and give you sum yellow jackets to wear. Don’t forgit to take some pictures.
Mike, your show wi Leah is truly a masterpiece…touching stories told with sensitivty and respect. One thing ive been wondering about. Scientology promises spiritual growth as you go up the ladder, but it only provides sessions to brainwash and auditing to control. Will that be made clear to the viewers, that it is a bait and switch operation? That there realy is no personal development beyond the initial classes, as Leah described. That there is no spiritual development or psi skills training? I’m hopeful it will. The series is reaching a lot who never gave much attention to scientology. Its a success.
These are some very astute observations concerning all the many visual signs that this was a completely staged, if not entirely photo shopped, pic. However, I’d like to call your attention to the far right side of the photo, where it looks like a massive tree got snapped off at about its eight foot height.
Now, look a little closer at the top part of that broken tree…whaaa, that sure doesn’t look like the splintered remains of a tree trunk; it looks like, umm, err, it looks like someone photoshopped in a bear’s head! Look close…that sure doesn’t look real, does it? Is some poor young underpaid $cilon having a little fun at the cult’s expense or what!?
Director: “OK Dan you hold the two boards slightly apart…..that’s it hold it right there….PERFECT! OK now Cindy here’s the tough part….you can do it….now grab that board with those cute little mittens and angle it ever so gently…..there….FREEZE. THAT’S A WRAP!!! Dave is gonna love this!”
Jesus Dave…ya couldn’t rent a couple of kids or babies for an hour or two. Scruff up their faces and.get that VM Ministers to the rescue feel going? My Xenu you’re slipping. Get it together buddy, we have a planet to save!
Mike, I have a question about a video I saw about ten years ago. It was a young woman who says she went to Haiti with some other Scions to help clean up after some disaster. She said that the hospital had run out of water and the staff was desperate. She scrounged around and found bags of water piled up against one of the hospital walls and took them around to give the patients some water to drink. In her video she sounded like her OT powers had led her there and she was so proud.
Later I read that unfortunately the water bags had been purposely placed against a wall where an X-Ray machine was in the next room. This was was “primitive” way to absorb some of the dangerous waves. So she was making the bad situation even more dangerous. I was shocked. Looking back, I now wonder if that was a real video. Do you or any of your readers remember this? If true, this goes to show the damage untrained people can cause!
You and Leah and all the other exes are wonderful!!! Ann
There is quite a bit about this video/the woman on this video on the internet. (This video? Her name is Ellen Bennett. One reporter claimed they arrived with no supplies in Haiti (thereby taking up space & resources) that other planes with aid had to be turned away.
She is quite famous and runs a huge company now.
Is she still in the church? I believe she (also) converted to Judaism.
Good article Mike. How they don’t see is beyond my understanding.
I did start to question this years ago with the Haiti earthquake, on the one hand I was being told I had to donate to the IAS Haiti relief fund, on the other I was being asked to lend money to a local volunteer who wanted to go and help, it didn’t quite make sense but they explained it by saying that the donations covered the cost of getting medically trained personnel to the area, surely our willing volunteers could have shared the flight?
As a former firefighter and a retired cop let me explain a few thing things about this photo. Foot gear: post tornado damage is full of nails, broken glass, jagged metal, sharpened splinters, hidden holes full of dangerous debris, even syringes – all manner of hazardous items you don’t want to step on or handle. Street shoes and sneakers and non-kevlar gloves are in no way recommended in a clean-up, ever. Ditto for the eyes, and safety glasses and goggles should always be used in conjunction with an OSHA/ANSI approved helmet. The lack of these items indicate to me a decided lack of training, if these folks are real responders or, as is mentioned in the other comments, these helping hands may be just part of a “photo op.” However, one must be careful, even in the latter, due to gas leaks and many other hazardous situations which can, out of nowhere, bite you in the a**.
Mike’s Blog is a tremendous tool bringing information to those, like me, who have never belonged to Scientology but have lost friends and acquaintances to The Church, some forever.
So their presence there could be an unwanted extra responsibility for those who do know what they are doing? Thanks for your informed insights, these are things the rest of us probably would not have thought of.
My daughter called me and said..” I’m watching Leah and Mike mom..Now I get what you’ve been trying to tell me.
I can’t watch Tom Cruise at all. All of his movies are banned in our home. I even threw Jerry McGuire video away.. ”
So you have people talking..and putting 2-2 together. Looking forward to moving on to 2017 and bringing facts to the table.
There are just so many good charities out there who do wonderful work all over the world. Medecins Sans Frontiers, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Red Cross/Red Crescent, just to name three. They deserve your money. If you’re still in and reading this, use the Internet to research what these charities do and what the IAS does. The answer to the latter, as everyone here has said, is nothing.
The IAS is a slush fund. It does nothing but sit in a bank somewhere, gaining interest (perhaps; John P has noted in the past that the cult may actually be paying banks to park IAS funds due to the unsavoriness of the money). The money is for internal use only, and that only given reluctantly (like to open a new Idle Morgue so the midget can have something to speak about at the next Nuremberg Rally).
If you want to give, give where it’s going to do some actual good. Happy Holiday Season.
I would not give 2 cents to any effort of anything by the IAS, not even 1 cent. Instead of cleaning up tornado debris in Texas, which would best be left up to the Texas authorities, maybe some enlightened person from the IAS might one day explain what happened with my E-Meter and the monies on my account. Oh, I forgot, that is church business and has nothing to do with the church, not even “Keeping Scientology Working”. 🙂
Lawrence, back in 1982 there was an OK from Eddy Lundeen CO Bridge for the Book Store Officer AOLA Eric Reinertson to debit a refundee’s account, ships materials to missions then the mission was to pay the refundee his requested money.
Who gave the BSO the names of SPs and where the thousands in 10-15% commissions went I have no idea. Books Sales = LRH Royalties.
I became the Dissem Sec a month earlier when this was going on and ED Int RPFed me over it. Untill I was on the RPF and after demoing it 10 times I finally understood as much as I needed at the time. Heck I didn’t even know what a mortgage was.
Anyway ….. it’s very likely these missions never carried out the payment of these funds because you’ll recall the missions had just been massacred.
[spelling/grammar may not be accurate]
I would put the Salvation Army far ahead of the named three above. You have to get into the salaries paid, the perks provided (including fully paid vacations for senior individuals AND their entire families), TOTALLY PHONY CHARITIES:, top ten charities, in which none of the three above are even noticed. At, you’ll find four separate Salvation Army listed charities which have not reported ANY funds in or out. The IRS has over 16 MILLION supposed registered charities in the US. Contributors BEWARE! Because someone has a BIG NAME does nothing to report what a charity actually does or how it dispenses its funds.
One’s choice of charity is personal. Why I listed those three is because I listed the charities that I support. MSF doctors and nurses risk their lives going into the poorest areas of the world to treat people who may never have a chance to ever see a doctor in their lives. The Gates Foundation does outstanding work in the areas of vaccination, clean water, and sanitation, causes that are personal to me. And the Red Cross is the Red Cross.
The Salvation Army does wonderful work, but they’re not as personally connected to me as the charities I mentioned.
I’d leave out the Red Cross. I had a chance to look at their books for a recent example (Haiti) and the % of dollars spent under that account that actually went towards real work and materials (vs. salaries, travel, personal expenses etc,) was 15% vs. 85%
But, any of them that you listed is 1,000,000 greater than the IAS.
Sounds worse than these larger corporations that are charities…..and they give out 10% or less of the money collected….while the CEO makes 3 million a year….and it is a charity…I have my doubts DM would ever give 10% let alone much of anything unless there was a camera pointing at his face….
I would love to know where the Dystopian IAS invests its illgotten gains!
You would think DM would bring up these volunteers an give them accolades or a medal or something. Guess he couldn’t find them or they had no money to get there for their awards.
Or better still they saw through the sham curtain of charity and blew.
That picture is so laughable when you know the full story
of it. Unfortunately the seriousness of what is true about
it can make you vomit. Look at what “doctors without borders”
go through and real humanitarian workers in war zones. You
do not see many pictures of these people partly because of
the dangers of going there. But here 2 volunteer “workers” stand
in a staged photo and examining some two by fours, absolutely
hilarious! Guess the stupid PR coming out of giving nerve and
touch assists has now changed these set up pictures.
To be fair, how can you expect the IAS to shell out their millions on disaster recovery when they have hundreds of millions they have to shell out on private investigators to track & harass their critics?
And court settlements! Those don’t come cheap. With all the law suits against them past present and future, give them a break. Have a heart!
That image of the two alleged VMs looks like scavengers at the local refuse dump, sifting out the best 2 x 4 pieces of lumber from the trash. Words escape me to contemplate the level of disgusting lies and betrayal the Cof$ aka IAS, has sunk to extract more & more money out of it’s gullible flock of believers.
Plus, even in their own own promo begging for more & more money who are these, “like minded groups” they work with? I’d like to see verification of just who are those that would vouch for the good work the IAS does in the field. Where are their photos and statements of appreciation? And what about those who were helped, where are those letters, interviews or signs of appreciation for the IAS members who helped them? People who are helped in disasters always show their appreciation in some way.
I’m really looking forward to A&E’s exposure of this. There’s got to be a button in there somewhere to motivate someone of authority to call the Cof$ to task for the lies they tell. In my ten years in the bubble I never once witnessed a successful helping hand ever given by the Cof$/IAS for anyone in need of help, not once! Yet in the military, I have helped fight more than a few bush-fires, floods and conducted storm recovery operations of civilians and or equipment. We never bragged about it, we were more than happy to help & it gave us a great sense of purpose.
There’s a lot of crazy shit going down in the world, how about our leaders start correcting something we can do something about – criminal religious cults!
And some of the people who have been impacted by the disaster always, always find a way to publicly praise those who selflessly gave of their time and energy to make a positive difference to them. Whether it’s a letter to the editor, an event in the volunteers’ honor, just plain effusive thanks, an award or two, or another recognition, there’s always something, somewhere down the line. Moreover, this sort of publicity is approval-rating gold for politicians, most of whom can’t resist the chance for a photo op with Our Heroes, and local media will ensure that it makes the paper.
I’ve done some disaster volunteering here and there, and you really have to struggle to keep from being publicly recognized for your efforts! During one big fire, I volunteered by checking credentials of firefighters coming from out of town, out of state, and even out of the country to help fight the fire. Since only credentialed firefighters were permitted to go up and fight the fire, I got assigned to a location given out only to them. I was working at a small table outside, off where I’d be out of the way in a very busy scene, and could not be seen from the street. Nonetheless, neighbors from several streets away came to me with home made hot food. There was a Salvation Army canteen truck onsite so the firefighters could stuff down a fast bite and a cup of coffee in the 15 minutes or so they had until the next lift came to the hot spot. I was welcome to grab food myself but so many firefighters came in small crews or completely on their own that I simply didn’t have time to go to the canteen! That was the tastiest food I’ve ever had.
And I did have to resist local reporters’ requests for comments. That scene wasn’t about me, it was about the men and women coming on their own dime to risk their lives fighting an enormous fire, and I just plain didn’t have time anyway. Firefighters came first. The part of the site where I was was off limits and I was trying to avoid reporters, but they found me anyhow.
Seems to me the cherch and its members would never shy away from legit positive publicity for Scientology if it were offered. My guess is that it hasn’t been, not at a disaster scene… could that be because the cherch’s idea of “helping” (itself to your wallet, even there) is no help at all?
Just a couple of thoughts from a Red Cross disaster management trained never-in…
There is no more humbling experience than being praised by those in desperate need. Honesty of social duty requires little reward except the knowledge you helped. One generally does what one would like done to them if the tables were reversed, and you’d do it all again in a heartbeat if needed. Scientology is a rip off in more ways than anyone ever realized, and with these yellowed jacketed vultures, it’s just plain disgusting. How could anyone sleep at night being knowingly involved in a photo set up for fraudulent misrepresentation like that? It truly is time to cut the head off that snake.
So we have two middle-aged people, with not a speck of dirt on them, playing pick-up-sticks with some nice, clean, non-splintery 2x4s (or are they 2x6s?) that don’t have any nails sticking out of them. The man is closer to us than the woman is, but somehow the lumber she’s holding overlaps both of the lengths he’s got. Their positions relative to each other, and the positions of the lumber, don’t make any sense at all–well, not until you take Bad Photoshop into account.
They haven’t been there long enough, and expended enough physical effort, to start shedding layers of clothing. There are no other people present–including the owners of those trailers, who would be out there trying to salvage whatever belongings they can. And where are they taking those nice, clean pieces of lumber? Where are they moving them to, exactly?
Cleanup like this takes heavy machinery and large debris boxes, not a couple of stray “volunteer ministers” playing pick-up-sticks. So of course, there are no other people in evidence, participating in the clean-up–that’s not how it’s done. But hey, they got their photo opso they can convince the faithful that VMs actually do anything, and that IAS money actually funds any kind of humanitarian efforts.
I noticed the 2×4’s quickly. Right out of Home Depot store… Just what exactly can 3 2×4’s hAve held up with NOT ONE NAIL OR NAIL HOLE OR SPLINTER FROM BEING RIPPED APART BY A FORCE THAT IS CLEARLY VISIBLE IN THE BACKGROUND. …. THIS IS LAUGHABLE…
Too true, recovery work is downright filthy, exhausting and highly dangerous. Hard hats are often a requirement of working in unstable areas with overhead threats, plus all work, especially with females in attendance requires safety protocols etc. to be in place. That isn’t meant as sexist, it’s physically dangerous work to be operating in a disaster zone and the workers cover each others backs. Live electrical and things like gas mains, sharp metal, unstable ground underfoot etc all have to be contended with. It takes a lot of training for emergency services like fire brigades, emergencies services, police etc to assess such things and issue directives, not withstanding the danger people expose themselves to to save the trapped and assist the injured, initial speed is always of the essence. Hero’s the VMs are not. Probably a good question for the IAS is to supply the info on the level of training they give their volunteers and supervisors (do they assign responsibly of leadership or send them in unsupervised?) to make them safe entering such situations or who do they co-ordinate with before exposing their members to potential harm. What a fraud of low life proportions the IAS wallows in.
I’ve never seen any advice to VMs to make sure that their tetanus shots are up to date–because a rusty nail through a running shoe could be a nasty experience.
Thank you for pointing that out! I noticed how nice and new the wood looked when I saw the picture above as well, but only the 4 boards (three being held, and one perfectly placed on the ground). I’m sure some Scientologists noticed as well, even if they were afraid to openly voice it that observation to anyone in the ‘church’.
So WHY hasn’t this been investigated…at all?? Who is paying who???
Do the volunteers have to buy their yellow tee shirts and jackets?
Disclaimer: I’m a never-in who has been Scieno-watching for years.
But I’m going to venture that the answer is most likely yes, they do have to buy their own yellow VM apparel. Scientology doesn’t give anything away for free, and the IAS doesn’t even help VMs with travel expenses to get to the site. Those who do show up are essentially paying out-of-pocket to be part of a photo-op that the Co$ then uses to raise more funds (under the pretext that they will support the VMs and their work), and as part of its “look at all the good we do!” propaganda campaigns.
(And, as always, if I’m wrong and anyone with firsthand knowledge can correct me on that, I’d be grateful for it.)
Volunteer minister clothing was one of the few things you were not asked to pay for yourself, you wore it for the time you were there then handed it back at the end of the day. I never attended a disaster but did go out on many of their yellow tent outings to public places. By a strange contrast when I attended a CCHR march(another scion front group) I was told I had to wear one of their t-shirts and was then asked for $10 to pay for it!
Mike, you mentioned ‘money for nothing.’ But, the chicks are still free, right? Ummmm…right? Wow…even the chicks aren’t free anymore.
I want my MTV!
Yeah, even making a buck from people in Dire Straits. Have they no shame?
Actually? NO!
Mike, can you or someone else address the history of HASI (Hubbard Association of Scientologists Int’l.) and whether per LRH, the IAS is even valid, since one’s HASI membership was supposed to be for life? Also, any hope of getting the fraudulent IAS membership fee returned, since they are clearly not delivering on their stated goals? Thanks!
Someone at Marty’s once said that he/she was incredibly reluctant about the IAS when it was established because it didn’t have the word “Hubbard” in the title. Right conclusion, wrong reason.
There’s the whole question of where it was legally established. The IRS thinks it’s c/o Saint Hill, but UK Companies House has no registration for the IAS. If it exists at all, it a ghost company.
Interesting, I thought it was California, but maybe that’s just the contact point. In any case, as Karen told us above, even DM considers it to be “nothing”…
The IAS itself isn’t a deductible charity in the USA, so they have feeder sub-organizations like the US IAS Members Trust, which is deductible. Even those are kept vague about where they are incorporated, the legal name and who the trustees are to make it tricky to sue them.
Gee!! This sounds almost like a business…
Each and every ‘social betterment’ sub-scams deserves its place in the sun. Hell, NarCONon alone needs an entire 1 hour show. The NYC ‘purif’ for 9/11 responders needs some real exposure too.
Why isn’t the IAS being vetted for it ‘charity’ work? The Red Cross supplies reports and accounting. So do most other charities. Why?? Because they solicit donations from the public. The IAS only scams $cienoes.
As long as don’t pull a Trump Foundation scam and try to suck in the public, the IAS is probably safe from any oversight or audit. That is what DM depends on the ‘kindness of clams’ and no oversight.
Thanks for shining the light of truth on the scampire. Getting some real testimony out of exs will help make the cockroaches scurry away. Though clam ‘magazines’ will continue to see the wonders of their ‘social betterment’ donations, more and more will see it for what it is, a total scam.
Interesting. Never any mention of the Clinton Foundation scams in these posts.
On a related note, I’m looking forward to leaked videos from the New years events, where David Macavige tells huge lies about how the church is expanding, doing great charitable works, and destroying the psychs yet again. It will surely be entertaining, as everything in $cietology is a fraud.
What will be entertaining is the usual bull spewed like “the SP’s are attacking us more than ever, all over the media – which of course tells us all how much we are winning and expanding on this planet earth”.
I remember after 9/11 the “church” presented itself as as incredible relief force that even ran the Red Cross, bla, bla, bla. After I left the Sea Org I was talking with my good friend who was a N.Y. city fireman for 30 years. He was at 9/11. I brought up the Volunteer Ministers in their yellow shirts. He didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. Ops, another layer of bullshit fed by Scientology fell away…..
All of Scientology and the IAS are using fraudulent and deceptive means to get members to “donate” and I am going to get ALL of my money back. This is the year we take them down! Time to write to Congressman, Senator’s, Govenor’s, Mayor’s, Attorney General’s of each and every State.
Get your forms and get busy SP’s!
2017 is going to be the year to take Scientology down.
Death by 1,000 cuts – and HURRICANE LEAH was the last cut!
Merry Christmas and Happy Remini David Miscavige!
Really enjoying your expose …you and Leah are performing a much needed spiritual work. This thing is “Nuts” …I did much searching before being introduced to Nichiren Buddhism by a doctor when I was trying to quit drinking and years later I am currently enjoying spiritual sobriety. I would encourage you to google SGI USA and just check it out…it my not be your thing but I will guarantee that you will not be asked for money, lied to or threatened at any point. I join your many supporters in looking forward to your new segments this week…keep up the much needed work!!
My friend had his home destroyed in those tornados. If Scientology made such a big impact, he probably would have said something.
Of course you would have. We now have personal views from two people already this morning that debunks the IAS claims.
This sort of mind-hive is what scientology cannot tolerate. Hopefully the show tomorrow night will inspire more.
I am thinking of putting together a page that contains the ridiculous claims made by the IAS about their “relief” efforts and “accomplishments” and inviting anyone who has direct, personal knowledge to contribute. The only problem is time constraints in compiling it….
Make it a multi-part series and focus on the VMs, NarCONon, Way to Happiness and all the ‘social betterment’ scams. There must be many who have experience with those parts of the scampire.
Also, the pic of the 2 guys playing pick up sticks on the home page is reversed. Is that because the pic was taken by someone using their rear view mirror to escape the carnage or just getting away from touch assist?
A good google search won’t hurt.
Using keywords
debunk scientology claim
I get 294.000 (!) results!
E.g. an older one like
I stopped donating to the IAS when I never noticed anything being done out in the World. I mean – they take the money in and it NEVER goes out for anything.
Volunteer Ministers have to pay their own way to the disaster, fund everything whilst they are there giving “Touch Assists” – which are a joke when you are dealing with people who have lost EVERYTHING…
Smoke and Mirrors and easy to prove.
Let’s keep shining a light on this fraud. Hopefully with Leah and Mike’s A&E program – “Something will be done about the IAS Scamming people”
A web site could also be dedicated to the pieces of the freedom claims and clips from reporters with the true content. Even the PC folder ‘new’. Like a scientology Snopes site.
Mike..common sense would tell you that if ISA was really doing all these awesome works for mankind viewing unfiltered internet would be a requirement for membership…can’t wait for the next segment!!
Why have I never seen a report on how the IAS spends it’s money? I have seen them or can easily find them for other charities. The American Red Cross and the Salvation Army for example so it can’t be because of their religious status. Are theseveral reports out there somewhere?
This is a great question and one Mike also raises. Two responses: First I will share the most shocking thing that I have ever heard David Miscavige say, he said it directly to me while I was in the Int base upper villas of RTC, just outside of his office near Shelley’s station, circa 1997. He was reviewing my design submission for new uniforms for the IAS on the Freewinds. He started commenting, as if thinking out loud as if in a stream of consciousness, evidently without considering the ramifications of his comment, “You know, Karen, we can get people to give to the IAS for nothing, but we can’t get them to give for Scientology.” To this day I can’t recall how I responded because I was stunned speechless. think I just nodded my head and said “Yes Sir.” Had I really heard him say this?
I would have given anything to have recorded that comment. At that split second, his statement clinched my decision to leave the Sea Org. Since I had now heard it straight from the horse’s mouth: IAS is nothing = a fraud, a money-making house of cards…yet all Scientologists and Sea Org members believed the IAS was in the front lines protecting our sacred technology to save mankind
And we were giving our money to it? And I was sacrificing my life, working for no pay, never seeing my family members, FOR NOTHING????
Next: I used to work in the Int Finance Network (while in the Int Landlord’s Office at the Int Base). My memory is not perfectly clear on this so I hope someone else from Int Finance or whatever can provide better facts: all funds donated by public to the IAS goes into the “war chest” which was set up to finance legal defense, lawsuits and public relations-related issues. I believe the IAS was a separate corporation which caused the funds to be in a separate account that was not accessible to the Int base FP, but that was nevertheless overseen by the Int Finance Dir.
Past Int Fin Dir’s such as Wendell Reynolds and Epstein could shed some incredible light on how that money was used, information that could be quite damning.
Karen that is an incredible “thinking out loud” statement!
It is totally plausible though as that is what we see what
is happening with the IAS. (this “conscious stream” is a bit
what Trump is doing with his twitter).
Thank you for the reply. I seem to remember reading few years ago that funding the “war chest” was the original reason for the IAS. it seems that “public” reason for it has changed over the years to make it more palatable and tug at the heart strings (help us help those less fortunate instead of help us defend against lawsuitsome or hire P.Is) of those still in. I still don’t understand why no one in authority or the major donors have demanded an accounting.
As I understand it, in order to be a bonified “charity”, you must register with the IRS specifically and make annual reports of funds in and out. I’m sure many here have heard of The Catholic Charities, for instance, so churches are supposed to be included.
Which brings up another good question…is the IAS a registered charity or just another one of the COS scam corporations. Think I’m going to have to look this up.
Totally enthralled by the series. Going Clear on HBO runs thru end of month. It is a must see for those new to church abuses. Can you explain why children going to SeaOrg are not required to attend school? Isn’t this against child labor laws? Should we address this in emails or calls to Congress? Or concentrate for now on disassociation in families? Willing to help in Virginia.
I am engrossed in the series. Unbelievable!! Whey doesn’t the government step in and stop this? Isn’t this money laundering? Why aren’t these kids in school? So many whys and ifs.I just dont comprehend how these monsters can get away with how they are ruining peoples lives in broad day light.
I did the EPF (Estates Project Force) in around 2007. This is the first boot camp that they put new SO recruits in to have them do physical labor work to “get their confront up” and read up on how the SO works and the hierarchy of the SO etc . At that time all the young kids below 18 had to spend 2 hours a day at school work so that they would get their GED certificate and thus be a high school graduate. They did enforce making the kids go to school within the SO. I am sure it was just to keep their legal rudiments in and was not out of any caring about the young kids.
Those 2×4’s they are holding look brand new. The IAS may have coughed up a couple bucks for those props.
You and Leah are doing a fantastic job, and according to viewership you are reaching about 1% of the U.S. population. When 1% of the population talks about something, the news reaches nearly 100% of the population.
Have you heard the newest? Anonymous is planning some more Project Chanology demonstrations, but with a shift of tactics. They are going to wear Mike and Leah masks this time. Should be a hoot!
Those new 2 by 4 studs are props someone brought in for the ocassion. You can’t do much home repair with four foot long studs.
And she looks ready to work, with a borrowed too small jacket over her tweed blazer
“People are outraged about both the Clinton Foundation and the Trump Foundation. They are models of virtue compared to the IAS.”
Imagine what would happen if you read that the Clinton Fnd or the Trump Fnd wrote reports (forcing a tribunal) on Democrats or Republicans, respectively, if one of their adherents didn’t want to attend a “briefing” and were then FORCED to listen to a “briefing” about the greatness of the Foundation and were then pounded on for the next five hours (with the inability to leave) to donate HUGE sums of money. Imagine the outcry.
I remember this clear as day, and it’s funny to see the “effort” claimed to be given by these “volunteers.” Our Baptist church got together and took 40-some odd folks from north Houston on a road trip to help these amazing people in Rio Vista, Texas and the surrounding areas. It was so sad to see that an entire town had been flattened by such a massive storm.
We were there from April 29th-May 3rd, and I think I saw two of them, maybe three, in that time period. We had to drive in each day, but the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area is pretty compact when you get down to it. I believe it was merely a photo op. And, that’s okay for a business, but not for a church. We were muddy, wet, gross…. We did not appear so pristine as those shown in the above advertisement, and I know that, (we’ll call him Napoleon Jr, as I do in my blog), NJ sat for hours as the storm took people’s homes and lives to discover a way to make lemonade out of moldy, rotting lemons. That’s pretty darn sneaky and cruel in my book.
People took their vacation time to do this. I traveled back from out of state to my home church to help. I know that those reading aren’t here to trade one thought base for another, but my last note for NJ is from my faith, as I am a Godly woman. It is Philippians 2:4 from the Bible. It says to not look at your own interests but to look to others.
Now, the man of whom we have been speaking will argue that this is exactly what he has done. Nay! I say Nay! When he sends people to locations for photo ops under the guise of “helping” with disasters, this point becomes moot.
Oh, and could you send a donation for my 2015 “effort”? Just kidding! ?
THank you. Interesting that there are so many new people reading this blog that we can get some eyewitness testimony about this event. Thanks for writing!
Great article, Mike! I can’t wait for the upcoming shows tonight and tomorrow. Mike since you guys have started this show, have you and yours been contacted or threatened in any way?
The picture being in reverse on the front page is a true example of Mike’s OT powers… 😛
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans I went there to assess damages on my houses there. I was there for several days and toured all over New Orleans and Mississippi and I never once saw or heard of a Volunteer Minister from our church there. In fact I had a personal friend, an OT VIII who lived in New Orleans at that time who was caught without money and was starving because of it. He asked me for help via email. I put out a comm on the Scn internet site Theta something or other (sorry I can’t remember the name of it now), and asked for any help for him and told them his email address to get in touch with him. I got a scathing email from a Scn saying that I should not ever put anything on the public’s lines that shows an OT VIII to be needing help or to be anything less than a God. He said I was damaging the repute of an OT VIII. OMG. He wrote a KR (Knowledge Report) on me to the Ship. I was then contacted by a D of P from the Ship and questioned. She asked why he didn’t go to his parents for help. Well duhhh, the church had made him disconnect from his parents much earlier than this so he couldnt’ go to them for help. So the church wants it to cut both ways: you disconnect but yet if you call asking for money they should give it! Oh the irony!
“I got a scathing email from a Scn saying that I should not ever put anything on the public’s lines that shows an OT VIII to be needing help or to be anything less than a God. He said I was damaging the repute of an OT VIII. OMG. He wrote a KR (Knowledge Report) on me to the Ship. I was then contacted by a D of P from the Ship and questioned. She asked why he didn’t go to his parents for help. Well duhhh, the church had made him disconnect from his parents much earlier than this so he couldnt’ go to them for help. So the church wants it to cut both ways: you disconnect but yet if you call asking for money they should give it! Oh the irony!
SO F**king typical!
Come on Mike. You know that the psych controlled press censors all the good work by the IAS and that’s why only internal rags show what the IAS is doing around the world.
But didn’t the IAS handle the psychs, or something? 😉
We con ourselves. The con man only sets up a trap, but we have to accept what they are saying is true.
I’m glad Scientology’s fake humanitarian efforts will be exposed. While other documentaries can only show the quick tour of Scientology, (due to time limitations) Leah is able to focus on some of Scientology’s other heinous practices.
The fronts like volunteer ministers and NarCONon are like set pieces, like an entire movie town made up of painted flats.
Fantastic series! Those of us who follow Scientology insanity know about their many tricks and dangerous side shows!
Bravo, all involved!
Being new to all of the Scientology terminology, what exactly does the IAS stand for? As covered in last week’s show, Mike, if they have no access to the “outside world” from California or Florida, how are the Scientologists supposed to ‘dummy up’ about the ‘religion’ they so faithfully and dutifully support year after year with hundreds/thousands of their own dollars?
Brainwashing is a horrible, horrible tool used by ruthless cults. May you and Leah make even a dent in this thing, as she puts it. Thanks, and best of luck.
-Mike G.
Stink …IAS is The Interplanetary Association of Saps …
International Association of Scientologists.
Or as I like to call it, “cash grab”.