The latest great humanitarian accomplishment by the IAS: We buy internet ads for…
This is how they justify sucking tens or hundreds of millions of dollars out of people to “support their 4D campaigns”. You know, the “campaigns” they promote save people from druhgs, illiteracy, crime, immorality and the supreme evil of psychiatry.
You know, the ones that are ALWAYS ALSO begging for money.
The same ones that only seem to do anything when a Gold/SMP camera crew is around to record the activity…
And they don’t even buy internet ads to promote THEIR activities.
The IAS is single largest scam in scientology — and that is saying something.
In a normal world, it would have been shut down as a fraud decades ago.
But thanks to it having IRS exemption, it continues to lie, cheat and steal with impunity.
Aquamarine stated:[An Idée Fixe is]Something is ALWAYS true, or, ALWAYS not true.
Some person. group or entity is ALWAYS to be believed, or, NEVER believed.
Another term for a fixed idea is an “uninspected stable datum”.”
AND, as practiced in cults like scientology, the fixed idea is just that binary, with no shades of gray. Applied to labels applied to people ‘out of favor’, anyone CALLED an SP is ALWAYS a murderous scumbag out to drag EVERYONE into the primordial ooze of DB-dom. There’s no middle ground, no possible way that they could be converted into functional, contributing members of society. Not even the East Grinstead baker whose apple pies were SO good that he couldn’t make enough, so he of course was declared treasonous & an SP and NO scientologist cold get an excellent apple pie from him ever again. NO scientologist could examine the situation and decide for themselves.
THAT SORT of “thinking” SURE makes life simpler. As simple as a club to the head.
“That sort of “thinking” sure makes life simpler. As simple as a club to the head.”
Recovering 9 years
My head still hurts some.
“A mundane example would be that when the traffic light turns green, cars move, when its red, cars stop.
In WHICH country? city? In some, it’s seemed somewhat different. NYC, for instance, requires not only DEFENSIVE driving, but hyper-vigilance and lightning reflexes. There was a SciFi movie, I’m not sure which now, that opined that green was “go”, yellow “go faster”, and red “Much faster”. The car and contents got through the trip unscathed, if you discount the “accidents” the passenger would have had watching him drive like that, and a few bumps of the head as the car bounced around. In NYC, I once saw an old Checker cab fly through a red light, daylight visible under all 4 wheels. Thems crazy drivers out there, sometimes. Checker cabs had an insanely long set of shocks; possibly suitable for something like the Baja 500, a crazy race through crazy-rough terrain.
Peggy L threw in :
“But, doesn’t the cult us [use?] psychology, the thing they claim to hate, as the means to convince people to give up their family & their finances?”
They would CALL it something else, perhaps “buttons” IIRC, but it amounts to the same thing. Tubby renamed and laid claim to EVERY technique that EVER demonstrably WORKED, while running and hiding when his mis-statements of others’ real research failed; usually hiding behind the straw men of SPs and “Invasion Forces” and other fictions (poor, unbelievable fictions, IMO). (He wasn’t that good a SciFi writer, in my experience. Too much fiction, little or no “science”.)
Do you remember at the beginning, Mike, that the Freedom Medal was supposed to be an award to NON-Scientologists and was originally proposed to be $50K and , at the last minute before the first award ol’ Tightwad Miscavige couldn’t bear the thought of letting that amount of money go to an outsider and reduced to to $25 K – as far as I remember that first one was the only non-scientologist award.
I really regret all the fecking work we did getting that sludge pile into existence. At the start there was a lot of enthusiasm for grants and programs – nothing ever was approved and Miscavige managed to put a dagger through the heart of any aspirations to actually doing something for society other than self promoting.
Hi Mick — so nice to hear from you my old friend.
Yes, you are of course right — it was something completely different at the outset. It was never even contemplated as a “fundraising” activity. It was a reserve for money made OUTSIDE the US to be kept in Cyprus under the auspices of a Danish “Association” so it remained outside the reach of the IRS.
The “Freedom Medal” stuff was supposed to be a PR action that would help get support from “allies” for the fight with the IRS.
Oh, how it has been perverted.
im always a little confused as to how people give all this money and yet they still have to give more for all of the ‘services’- where do they think their money is going??? Im assuming these are not completely stupid people (they had enough brains to MAKE the money, so they should be able to do simple maths)
Kat, they out and out lie to your face that the money goes to the social betterment groups. I have lots of experience with that. Including knowing how they hide the truth of their fraud.
Kat – I had that same “EP” in Scientology after doing the Bridge up to Clear. The endless crush regging got worse and worse so I left the cult (one of a hundred reasons) because they would not tell me why the services cost so much and then we have to donate more and more and more until we are broke.
I wanted to know where the money went and I wanted to see the tax returns and accounting.
I was blown off and ignored. I did not go back.
I heard from staff that I was labeled an ethics particle because I was asking. They also told staff and public that because I had seen a psychiatrist after my father died and took anti depressents for 2 weeks (pre-Scientology cult) I was labeled an “ILLEGAL PC”.
Ironic I became an Illegal PC because I was investigating Scientology. The cult did not think there was anything illegal pc-ish about all of the money they got out of me. I decided that I was done with the bridge too and would not be doing any of the OT levels.
Scientology did not work because it does not work.
I found out after I left that most people are “illegal pc’s” and labeled that at some point during their cult involvement if they start to think for themselves and ask questions. The cult keeps the money – all of it and typically sends the person off feeling bad about themselves. I laughed when I heard what they labeled me. Scientology makes fun of The Psych’s labeling and that is all Scientology does is label people: Degraded Being, PTS, Illegal PC, Pre Clear, Clear etc.
The Illegal PC is common excuse as to why Scientology does not work. If a psych case can convince themselves and others (like Jan Eastgate) that Scientology works – Scientology will take their money and allow them to do the Bridge. The person has to toe the line and not think for themselves. As soon as they think for themselves – they get the boot and the label – Illegal PC.
We all know Scientology does not work because Hubbard was crazy and a criminal con man and his cult is a bunch of crazy people.
All true!
Portland Illegal PC sagely stated:
“Scientology did not work because it does not work.”
That says it ALL, poetically.
Kat, you’re right.
They’re not completely stupid.
They did have enough brains to make the money.
What you’re dealing with are people operating on FIXED IDEAS.
Something is ALWAYS true, or, ALWAYS not true.
Some person. group or entity is ALWAYS to be believed, or, NEVER believed.
Another term for a fixed idea is an “uninspected stable datum”.
I personally prefer this term because its more descriptive.
The most intelligent person in the world, operating on a few or even one fixed idea can do the dumbest things.
Scientology’s pure literature councils against operating this way but in truth the Church of Scientology is rife with fixed ideas that get TRAINED INto the sheeple and they are expected to believe in them, without proof, and obey them, unquestioningly – OR ELSE.
That said, Scientologists, as dumb and self destructive as they are, as enabling to a psychopath who cares only about enriching himself and maintaining his own power as they are – as exasperatingly blind and stubborn and afraid and unwilling to inspect as they are – do not have the market cornered on operating on fixed ideas – not by a long shot.
Look around , read, listen and observe and you’ll find many, many people operating on fixed ideas.
A good way to know if someone is operating on one or two of them is to ask them a question or two/ Very likely they’ll freak out, or get hostile, or even cut communication with you.
They don’t WANT to look at it. They don’t WANT to think about “why” they have it there.
They HAVE it there. They NEED it. They need it so they don’t HAVE TO think.
And some of these people operating this way can be quite intelligent.
My late father had a way of dismissing this sort of thing when he’d encounter it.
He would blandly remark, “Right. Don’t confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up.” Very mildly said in his WASP way. Make no mistake though – whoever happened to be the recipient of this remark was in trouble! Coming from him, this was a serious insult 🙂
But with no insult intended its a good way to deal with anyone operating on a fixed idea. Give them the facts. If they reject them, refuse to look, refuse to dialogue about it, well, most likely they’ve got a fixed idea they consider useful, and you’re threatening it, that’s all.
Whatever you want to call
in your post you’ve used two sweeping scn doctrines to explain how or why something is.
“Fixed ideas” and “the Stable Datum” are fleshed out/written about, used, entwined, ..alllllll through so much of hubbard tek and the bridge. (including a whole grade level dedicated to it, grade 4)
“stable datums” is a key part of the Data Series and The Data Series Eval Course – both giant areas of study and application in scn.
So, having articulated my observation, here’s my question to you…
I have these things embedded deeply and it’s been impossible to strip it away. I’m trying to find out how The Real World views these ideas, if there is a ‘wog’ counterpart to it…
For now, I just want to identify everything in my life and thought pattern that was put there by hubbard. I want to be able to identify it and strip it away – at some point later I may re-inspect the information and see if I want to retain any of it.
But first, I need to become aware of it and I want power of choice over it.
are you aware of real world source materials that explain or use these two concepts?
As a never in, I have looked at the WAY Hubbard ‘packaged’ his ideas. There is generally one or more “wog” method of looking at things- the HUGE difference is that its not overly defined or narrow- in other words, Hubbard took a concept, renamed it (generally in some sort of obscure language that I assume he thought sounded scientific or technical) and narrowly defined it in a way that illustrated his viewpoint on it.
For example, ‘fixed idea’ is a very well used concept in psychology- YES! PSYCHOLOGY! However, in psychology, it refers to an obsessive thought- usually extreme, and can be a symptom of psychosis (for example, believing that psychiatrists come from a space planet named Farsec and are responsible for all of the ills of the world). That is a fixed idea in the ‘real world’. I think Hubbard did this to nullify some psychological jargon in case any f his followers accidentally ran into one or something. They are using the same words in completely different contexts.
As for ‘uninspected stable datums’ or just ‘stable datums’ that phrase doesn’t really exist in wog world. Datum is just pieces of information or a starting point. (it also isn’t commonly used by ANYONE outside of possibly the IT industry- no one out here talks the way scientologists do- part of the ‘jargon plan’ to separate people). I assume that this term means information that remains the same (that would be the literal wog translation). Which literally means noting, and basically states the obvious- this is what wogs likely call information-
I assume that Hubbard chose to use the terminology he thought would sound ‘scientific’ to a layperson. He probably picked up some jargon while he was hanging out with Jack Parsons before he accidentally blew himself up. My best ‘advice’ about the scientology ‘jargon’ is to decide if the definition is the same as the one that is actually in the dictionary (the real one- not the one Hubbard made up). Also, be leery of any definition that contains contrived ideas- meaning any narrowly defined way that you are required to define in a specific way- that is where I see most of the jargon that was designed to make scientologese indecipherable to a wog.
Think of it this way: if you go hang out with IT guys, they will have their own jargon that may sound like gobbledygook to you. If you hang out in a surgical suite, most of what you hear will not make sense unless you are in the medical field. The HUGE difference is that most wogs are able to communicate effectively outside of our profession, without having to decipher something with a dictionary. Hubbard took that ability away from people to help separate them and keep them chained to the cult- if you cannot effectively communicate with a wog, then its hard to get them to understand what you are telling them….
It will likely take time to dig through the catastrophe that is scientology thinking. The best way to do it is to immerse yourself in wogdom. Think of it as learning a foreign language. You didn’t learn the scientology jargon overnight- you wont shed it overnight either.
I hope this helped and didn’t muddle it up even more.
Kat – this is very helpful indeed. No muddling here.
and yes, I am working to fully immerse myself in the real world and it’s working. Speaking to never-ins and “mind checking” with them is so helpful..
I have a few I can go to, “is this a thing?….”
Listening to Rachel Bernstein’s Indoctrination podcast is continuing to do wonders for me. I am hearing story after story of various cult/mind control experiences, and this is helping shrink scn into ‘just another mind fuck out there’ for me. Hearing the similarities and methods, results and effects, and then hearing the gems of cautions and extra bits at the end of her show have all calmed things down in my world.
Kat offered, in part:
“…Think of it this way: if you go hang out with IT guys, they will have their own jargon that may sound like gobbledygook to you.”
Depends…. I AM one of them IT guys — or was for 35 years. Nowadays, we all are, now that Windows is ubiquitous and most Windows users have to maintain their own machines. I worked as a Windoze developer, so at home chose Macs, as did a few of my co-workers in IT. I didn’t HAVE to fight the malware at work as a Windoze developer as we had a crackerjack team protecting our network and all of us on it. Still, I was enough affected that even though I could have gotten fully-loaded Windoze boxes for essentially free, at home, we went with Mac, because its long-term cost was less. Then a friend got a Mac and loaded windoze on it, as well. (Macs can do that, boot into either dos or Mac OS when you start up). THAT machine soon crashed and burned catastrophically due to malware. Mine is still running (with a couple of failed components from a drop) 20 years later, with a few quirks after the drop. This Mac, a reconditioned 22inch iMac, (even more fully loaded) cold-boots in 35 seconds, MUCH faster than my then-new Windows XP box woke up from sleep. On a Mac, waking up is essentially instant; sub-second from “black” to cranking out tasks. With the Micros..t machine, I usually could go get a coffee or go smoke a cigarette before my machine was where it could be logged into. THEN it took a minute or ten for my usual suite of applications to be re- invoked, since all of them required different passwords be entered again, never mind that I was still me, as demonstrated by my logging in as “me” properly again. Windows is SUCH a fussy baby to take care of. They paid me well to keep it going so I could get WORK done. In many ways, it’s as mind-numbingly flawed a design as scientology sounds to have made with its InComm.
I think I understand your question and concern.
You want to ensure that you are thinking for yourself and not on FIXED IDEAS implanted, instilled in you, to BELIEVE, by Co$ , Hubbard, Miscavige or ANYONE.
Here’s my answer:
“Stable datum” is just a TERM, a name, for a concept. There are endless examples of stable datums. We – all of us – live by them.
A mundane example would be that when the traffic light turns green, cars move, when its red, cars stop.
Stable datums – Hubbard called them this, some French philosopher, I forget his name, called them “idees fixees” (fixed ideas) – are not necessarily bad!
But an UNINSPECTED stable datum CAN be dangerous.
Not NECESSARILY dangerous or self destructive, not ALWAYS dangerous or destructive, but it CAN be.
If there’s a datum you’ve been operating on, unquestioningly, because you were told its right, because you were told NEVER TO QUESTION IT, told this by someone in Scientology, or elsewhere, LOOK at it. Analyze it. Inspect it. Does it work? has it mostly always worked, or do you just feel compelled to operate on it because you’ve been trained to do so? Take an honest look.
NO ONE has the right or the authority to tell you to never question ANYTHING.
Personally, I believe that what we are please to call “God” would EXPECT us to use our minds, our analytical abilities.
After all, if “He” GAVE us minds, why wouldn’t “He” want us to use our minds?
Anyway if some stable datum of yours hasn’t been working, get rid of it, no matter who told you it was true.
Now, if it DOES work, and has nearly always worked when you operated on it, then, I’d say, keep it, no matter where it comes from. if it works, it works, and to hell with whether its Hubbard or Jesus Christ or the Mayor of Miami, you know?
Because you have now have an INSPECTED stable datum that KNOW works.
As you and most people on this blog know, I’m no fan of organized religion (for myself).
But there’s so much wisdom out there – so much experience shared by others, that I think its fine to try out different ideas and concepts and test them in the laboratory of life, so to speak.
The reason I’m against organized religion on principle is because I don’t want to HAVE TO believe and practice any specific dogma.
But there’s a lot that I learned in Scientology that I practice because it works for me. I pick and choose. Plenty of it doesn’t work for me and my life as it is, and this gets ignored or rejected.
There are things in the Bible, in the Old Testament, the New Testament, that work for me. I pick and choose. There’s also a lot of what I consider nonsense and magic that I ignore or outright rejected.
Taoism, Buddhism, etc., there’s a wealth of information and experience out there.
Who cares what its called, or who Founded it, or who “codified” what others founded long ago, or what the names for it are – who cares?
It either works, or it doesn’t.
But if you ALWAYS operate a certain way as regards something or someone, without ever having inspected WHY you rely on a certain datum this way, well, it can be dangerous, that’s all.
I did the Data Series also. I LOVED this course. Loved, loved loved it. Found it very helpful.
If my answer helped you a little I’ll be glad. If not, thanks for reading it and just let me know what’s missing in my answer, no worries.
I’m going to dip into this answer of yours in parts… I’m super busy zipping around but I really want to address all of it in a day or two.
to start….
I KNOW fully what the terms are and mean and all the backstory on them.
The beginning of your explanation sounds like you are explaining to me the terms – “what they are and how they work”
that is scientology.
I know scientology.
but JUST LIKE I no longer think that engrams are A THING. … (ie: if I knock myself out a second as I fall off a ladder, I don’t now have a mental picture containing 52 perceptics recorded in a reactive mind) (clear/ot or not)
JUST LIKE THAT….. I no longer think that “stable datum”
..because it’s HUBBARD.
unless someone shows me a psych ref that lays it all out, and I find that other people in the world use it as a concept, it’s just something hubbard gave a name to, and I absorbed it to cellular effing level.
So… OK… you’re keeping some of the stuff and use those terms.
I’m still at scorch and burn.
…Aqua..just need to re-check something here….
in the past, haven’t I had a back and forth a bit with you about your stance on the people who are still in Scn?
Do I have this straight, or am I mixing you up with someone else… ? You often make remarks about how there is no excuse for those who are still in, and that they are culpable for continuing to believe when “there is so much evidence out now”
I’m remembering a stance I considered harsh, and that it seems you were in the camp of “anyone who stayed in since XXXX time is really stupid and gullible and bad etc”, and my stance of it’s all the same – that the depth of belief and not listening to entheta etc keeps them in today just the way it did 6 months ago, 6 years ago, 3 decades ago….
Aren’t you the one I’ve enjoyed but cringed at regarding that aspect of opinion?
if so….
(I think so)
..then I’m now trying to wrap my wits around this new factor in my understanding of who Aqua is.
“people still in are fools” + “but I still use some of SCN because it works” = WTF?
Aqua put forward:
“There are things in the Bible, in the Old Testament, the New Testament, that work for me. I pick and choose. There’s also a lot of what I consider nonsense and magic that I ignore or outright rejected.”
On that note, I’d LOVE to see a compiled version of Thomas Jefferson’s Bible, which excised the miracles & supernatural events completely, leaving only what Jesus SAID. I rejected magic & magical thinking before hitting my teen years, though I believe I’ll always have a hankering for the ESP “stuff” that runs through so many of the “old stories”. Those powers are the stuff of legend in so many cultures, it seems there must be SOME truth in there.
“stable datum” is such a *useful* construct, I find it hard to believe Ron thunk it up himself, but I haven’t found any indication where he plagiarized the concept from. ‘Tis strange, not knowing even where to look for a possible source. Idée Fixe is the closest I can come up with. IIRC, Ron even stated that a stable datum need not be TRUE for it to work. Was that a “spoiler”, or possibly foreshadowing?
If I really cared, I’d probably go hunting around in “Chaos Theory” as Tubby’s example sorta felt chaos-y to me.
Kat offered:
“im always a little confused as to how people give all this money and yet they still have to give more for all of the ‘services’- where do they think their money is going??? Im assuming these are not completely stupid people (they had enough brains to MAKE the money, so they should be able to do simple maths)”
You NAILED IT! Otherwise intelligent people have been duped into NOT LOOKing or asking the simple questions. The money OBVIOUSLY isn’t going to the staff delivering what remains of “service”. Otherwise, they wouldn’t look so “third-world”.
scientology is only for the “able”; those able to believe what scientology serves up AND able to PaY and able to IGNORE everything else.
/snark off [but it’ll return soon when the next evidence of scilons’ self-satisfied ignorance surfaces, probably later today. if not, SURELY by tomorrow at 2.]
WORKS FOR ME!, But I’d phrase it “I’m A Sucker to avoid the second ‘a’: IAAS.
I liked Mark’s, too:
Love it Jere & Mark…..we can come up with some really funny “dandies” for I.A.S.
Please Note: I am NOT talking about anyone who escaped/blew/got out or was never in!
I was on staff in an Org in the Midwest a few years ago. I got married to a born-in Scientologist and had a few kids with her and of course, we got divorced. After doing some research on the internet, I am learning that divorce is very common in Scientology. I would love to see an episode about that phenomena on Mike and Leah Remini’s show on A&E. Scientology is the 3rd party to all conflict within the Scientology organization. Oh and Speaking of the IAS. The Org has a Volunteer Ministers van in the parking lot that never moves. They told me that the Org got it from the IAS but the Org has no money so they can’t afford to pay insurance etc so they never use it. It is there for “advertising” to give people the illusion that they have volunteer ministers. What a scam.
All interesting and very key first hand data, Jason, thanks.
Wow Jason – that’s really sad and ridiculous about the VM van… that really exemplifies the truth behind these “front” campaigns and their lack of authenticity.
On another note, so sorry to hear you went through a divorce – esp where co$ is involved – and I truly hope they haven’t been able to interfere in your relationship with your children! They’re so lucky to have you so they have a chance at an option beyond scientology.
The IAS Homunculus scam, enriching Davy, the Great Galactic Golem.
In praise of the 9th dynamic, botox, hair plugs, and elevator shoes,
Ramen! INDEED. Shades of the Pastafarian sermon a friend ruthlessly tossed off at a party. She had all of us in stitches, but I can’t for the life of me remember ANY of what she actually said, though it sounded more like a religion than scn ever did while I was “in”. For scn to be a religion, you’d have to strip away all of the dianetics “stuff”, sounding all science-y and all.
I find it really interesting that their membership card looks like a platinum Amex. That’s the highest “god” they emulate.
I almost made it to ‘Platinum Amex’. I going to try again in a couple of months.
Why does that now sound like another planet Hubbard made up?
I hope you and Leah dedicated at least 1 entire episode on A&E’s show – Scientology; the Aftermath – Season 4, 5 or 6 to exposing the fraudulent and deceptive front groups of $cientology.
Then have those ex Scientologists on the show – the tons of members that are now OUT OF THE CULT that did time in the HOLE, were beaten and abused on – to talk about how David Miscavige abused them and then lives his lavish lifestyle along with having Sea Org Slaves do slave labor for his BFF – Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise had slaves cleaning his house and crafting custom motorcycles along with making burled walnut consoles for his big SUV…and then there is always the airplane hangar at the Int Base etc.
Our postulate is to shut down Scientology as a religion, make them PAY TAXES and force them to abide by the laws of the land and also David Miscavige to face the justice system of the Wog World and sent to life in prison without parole for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Seasons 4, 5 or 6. Doesn’t that sound great?
Sounds great to me!
I bet the monster is quaking in his widdle teeny boots. I bet he’s contacted travel agencies and is thinking about how he can beat a secret exit out of America and go hide somewhere in Central America.
Ahhh … Fuck him!
Heh David Miscavige! You won’t need your tanning booth in prison. The orange jumpsuit will help give you a little color. No 12 meals daily though Miscavige. You will be eating the slop you forced onto the poor people that were under your thumb. May you get a cell mate that makes you his bitch. Watch OZ on HBO so you can perpare yourself for the new environment.
Expose David Miscavige opined:
“Our postulate is to shut down Scientology as a religion, make them PAY TAXES and force them to abide by the laws of the land and also David Miscavige to face the justice system of the Wog World and sent to life in prison without parole for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.”
AND THEN have “Instant Karma” kick in and pay him back PERSONALLY. In a just afterlife, he’d have a lot of oral sex to perform in the 7th circle of Hell, considering how obsessed he’s been about it all these years. Hey! What about his getting a SRA, “Severe Reality Adjustment” from the ol’ Big Thetan, himself? I doubt that finding himself in Hell would be much of a reality change for the Munchkin since he seems to think he’s been there since about 1986, what with “everybody’s” work he has had to do since he grabbed power.
The IAS pisses me off. Always begging all the time. It’d really irk me when they’d ask for even more money when a disaster would strike. I’d ask about all the money that I just gave snd was raised at our org (Ottawa) and I’d get a lame answer.
Also, just want to share this follow-up to the story awhile back about Quebec org not paying staff.
A much bigger story would be if they ever did pay staff!
Nancy, I suggest you wait for the next money round and just slap the shit out of anyone that’s in front of you. It always worked for me.
Reading this article and the comments have me saying a humble prayer of thanks to God, or the Supreme Being, or my Shoulder Angel or WHOEVER or WHATEVER I need to thank for GETTING ME OUT.
I’m starting a nightly Gratitude List so that I can fall asleep literally counting my blessings.
Being out of the cult and no longer one of their victims will be the first item on this list – every night.
I am so grateful.
I have only myself to thank for my escape. I had the confront to look at all I’d experienced in 40 years of being “in” and own up and take full responsibility for allowing it all to happen to me. Doing that allowed me to wake up, smell the roses and high tail it outta there fast. I confronted and confessed to the stupidity I had allowed myself to suffer all those years. Kept paying in hopes of results but only near the end confronted the fact that it was all going nowhere. The light of truth finally shined down to the bottom of the rabbit hole I’d tumbled into and woke my silly ass up.
Anyway, just don’t forget to thank yourself too.
Glenn, thank you.
What you’ve just written should be sent to every single Still In.
You had the confront to LOOK.
And the way out followed your having LOOKED, and then taken full responsibility for the good, the bad and the ugly.
That’s no small thing. 40 years in – wow. You took responsibility.
That’s terrific!
You looked, you saw the truth, you took responsibility, you left.
And I’ll bet you have a very good life now, because of that ability and that attitude.
And, yes, I’ve thanked myself too.
The character trait in myself I like best is my ability to admit when I’ve been a complete idiot 🙂
Because if a person can’t admit having been wrong about something, something that’s serious, something that was and is life-shaping, then he or she will remain forever mired in “having to be right about…” and as such will never be able to move on. It just totally sticks a person to be cowardly this way. Its a horrible way to live and a cruel punishment – too cruel. Better to just own up to having been a jerk, for however many years, and move ON.
Its always sad to see someone stuck this way, whether about Scientology or – whatever.
Oh, and Glenn, for clarity’s sake, I got plenty of good out of my years in Scientology. I suspect you did too.
My decision to leave was based largely on realizing that I’d been seriously lied to by people I trusted, and realizing that these people lying to me were (and still are if they’re still in) under the thumb of a suppressive (DM) and they had no clue. They didn’t know who their SP was. They were treating me as if I were the SP! And all I was doing was showing them LRH policy! That’s how nuts they were. That’s how nuts they ARE.
I realized I was dealing with people who were covertly hostile – at BEST. VERY good at mocking up affinity they didn’t feel, to get what they wanted from me, from all of us public!
I knew I had to leave.
Long winded point being, I don’t regret my time in Scientology. There was plenty of good, but the bad was bad enough for me to realize that the organization was toxic and beyond my control to change from within.
Glenn, if you haven’t shared yet about why specifically you left, and if you’re OK with sharing it, I’d love to hear your basic reasons.
But if you’re not OK with talking about it in this kind of depth, I understand.
Yes, I did get some good but it was never, ever from courses or services I’d done. It was always and only from applying the tech personally in Life. Honestly. Hundreds of thousands spent on “services” truly never did a thing. And certainly NEVER came close to the results I got personally. And this is the largest regret I have. I “stayed the course” at the behest of so, so many FSMs and registrars while continuing to suppress an increasing doubt it was going to work. Seemed easier to just continue than to confront the truth (that the shit didn’t work) and (that I allowed myself to be duped) and walk out.
I saw the same turn of direction you witnessed under DM and it appalled me too. That concentration on money and making all staff (not just registrars) hammer on everyone for donations to this and that was a big reality break. I’d had personal experience with DM and years later when he took over I was floored. Why: Because I knew in my heart he was a vicious tyrant. Stupidly I “stayed the course” anyway in the hopes the tech would someday work for me. Well, again that was a total disappointment.
Showing them LRH policy. Had the same experience Aquamarine. I held a post at the time and worked diligently to change off policy conduct the org was immersed in. When I got too successful I was abruptly transferred “elsewhere” and when I was “returned” months later all I had accomplished was undone and the cult was back to normal off policy practices. I quit soon thereafter. This was the beginning of my waking up and I will tell you 2 decades later I saw the exact same off policy crap going on. And so it looks like you and I fought similar battles with the same result. Nice to know I am not alone Aquamarine.
I have so, so many stories I could tell but will not share them all here. Actually a professor I know has advised that I write a book. I am considering it.
I am so glad to hear you thanked yourself too. I think that’s more important than anything or anyone else. Truly.
I hope that a lot of “still ins” who might browse this site (even the OSA goons who lurk) also begin to LOOK and start to have truth revealed. Wait! Isn’t that the e/p of some new level?
Ability to admit being an idiot. Very good Aquamarine. That is an ability I hope to more fully achieve myself one day. That I lacked this is a big part of why I was stuck in the cult for so, so long. I am very happy in life now; just wish I’d been able to get her a bit sooner.
I have a new family now, a comfortable financial situation and I’ve traveled many countries (living in a few) and have learned a LOT about other people and social economic situations. Quite eye opening in so many ways. Once while living in Russia I walked down a boulevard. This was in a major metropolitan city and it was 6 pm. Office buildings were emptying workers who were headed to the subway for home. Everyone appeared pleasant and happy. Well dressed, fit and healthy appearing. They all looked good. I was then reminded of all the propaganda I was fed about the Russians in my earlier years. How they were oppressed, depressed, degraded, slovenly, unkempt wastes of human flesh. It was an epiphany. All I’d been fed didn’t jib with what I saw and I realized it was all a lie. Half hour later I arrived at my destination where I met a girl spoke English. I told her this story and she smiled, put her hand on my shoulder and said; “my dear friend. we were fed the same garbage about your Americans.” We had a great laugh together and the affinity soared.
Ah real life. There is nothing that compares!
Hey, g – great comment, and I love your Russia Boy/Girl “Meet Cute” anecdote.
I’m so glad you’ve got a great life now.
YOU created it!
You’re obviously creating the life you want and need. That’s no small thing! That’s huge!
Don’t be hard on yourself for past unwillingness to be wrong. Forget it! That’s not important.
Really – not relevant. Its over, gone!
What’s important is NOW.
What you’re doing and creating NOW is important.
Because “NOW” creates the future AND the pasT, you catch my drift.
And I’m sorry if I sound like I’m spouting airy fairy, feel good nonsense, but, at this stage of my life, I do believe what I’ve just written, with all my heart and soul.
Hello Aqua. You ain’t spoutin’ nothing bad. It is always a delight to hear from you. You are one of my most favorite peeps here and AFAIC, you are always welcome to post whatever you like. It’s all good for me dear.
Thanks, Sky 🙂
Oh no! Did I say “dear”?
I hope you know that I meant “darling”! You did know that didn’t you?
Of course, dear! I mean, darling 🙂
Thanks so much for being there and communicating. Truly appreciated.
I didn’t see your comment as airy fairy, feel good nonsense. You’re right. The Present is what’s important. I completely agree.
Very well said Glen. I ditto that!
The picture is so small I can’t read a thing. But it constantly amazes me why this “church” is not fully investigated by the US government. I would like to see a HUAC type investigation where those subpeoned cannot refuse as it would be before a special committee of the government and to do so would have fines and or jail time for Miscavige and any others they failed to produce.
I watched an episode of Law & Order yesterday. Some of you may remember it. It was about the cult that had brothers and sisters engaging in sex and driving the members crazy until some of them shot and killed some of the others. I believe it was close to Season 14 or 15.
One of the lines that someone spoke was about the FBI Cult Task Force. Is it possible the FBI really has a cult task force? Is it possible they may actually start one now?
That cult was loosely based on the ‘Children of God” cult that was founded by David Berg. As disgusting as it is, most of the L&O episode was less graphic than the reality. Unfortunately, splinters of that cult still exist in other countries. (they “claim” that they no longer practice the sexual abuse of children, but, like scientology, their founder wrote out how the ‘religion’ was to practiced so its doubtful they have stopped). The true believers always fall back on the ‘scripture’ to explain/excuse their practices. As to the FBI cult task force, I don’t believe there is an actual ‘unit’ within the bureau dedicated strictly to cults- and even if there were, scientology has ‘religion’ status and wouldn’t fall within that purview.
Lie, Cheat & Steal: The latest band to arrive on the scene. At least they’re upfront about it.
You know … we could have a lot of fun with this while we await the monster destroying his crap cult. At his current rate, we really should just memorialize all the stupid things he does on his way to “Crap Cult Catastrophe”. He has been supplying us with a whole lot of great entertainment recently.
You know, all the dumbass self-destructive things he’s been doing provides us with more humor than anyone else has done in a very long time. Who would a thought he’s become one of our very best posters? Not moi. That’s fer sure. I don’t know why it is. But lately I’ve been overcome with a tremendous desire to surround myself with cats. I can’t explain that. But, it’s all OK with me.
I think Mark Knopler once wrote a song that spoke about some diehardy people who were on their way to some great destruction.
The only relief the IAS gives is relieving suckers of their hard-earned money
Well, I kind of like suckers. So I don’t…what? Really? So, no licking the suckers. I’m so confused.
I think you can be arrested for that…they have some sort of protected status or something
Arrested! Look out for my cats.
I will add them to the evil cat army Im amassing. Im training them to attack both Miscavige and Cruise (well, to sit up hairballs on them anyway). They will be welcomed!
OMG, Kat. You won’t believe what I am about to tell you. So, I better
save us both the time and try to sneak it in past you. I suppose that you will just have to think I must be some kind of nutter. Know what I mean? Of course you do!
I want you to know that you are truly one of my very most favorite peeps anywhere anytime. I know that I said something like that earlier to AM. But at the risk of offending both of you and getting trashed by you both, I will now risk revealing to you that I am actually a masochist and truly enjoy nothing more. Know what I mean? Of course you do!
I really hope both you and AM are not offended by this startling foolish relevation today. Please respect the secrecy and the privacy of our secret meow society. I know you will. Know what I mean? Meow!
Lol- you will always be part of the “secret meow society”!
Much love and respect!
Psst: you can have more than one favorite person… and come join us on twitter if you have time. @katlarue7
If possible, I would truly love to see one of those “sit up” hairballs.
Unless, of course, you were referring to those “spit up” hairballs – in which case, I don’t think I would be very interested. Seems like such a mess to me. Don’t you think? Of course you do’
OMG. I have never before twittered. But so many people keep telling me that I am a natural born twit. I suppose I have to try that out.
P.S. I bet a million people already thought of that same joke.
But I will try to get a handle on it.
A typo for sure- the sit up ones wouldn’t stick to the million dollar suits, so whats the point. Gotta go for the grossest thing out there!
At this point, and in the past, the IRS is condoning it too. The scam is well reported and documented.
There is always a way to rectify criminal acts, human rights abuses, scams, frauds, etc.
If the IRS has not taken action is because… I guess, they know the reason.
But, doesn’t the cult us psychology, the thing they claim to hate, as the means to convince people to give up their family & their finances?
Peggy L, I do believe you are absolutely correct! Great post!
Thanks Old Surfer Dude. No wonder so many people could be caught up in this horrible web. Hubbard sure knew how to manipulate the truth and use a proven method that could work. A method he learned by studying psychology.