The IAS is truly the biggest scam in scientology.
And that is saying something.
Just look what they say here:
“At new orders of magnitude, we are tackling ANY planetary ruin ANYWHERE, from the edge of the world to your neighborhood.”
This is such astonishing bullshit it even surprises me.
They also claim that the they are the ONLY solution to war, criminality and immorality. And “WE ARE CHANGING THE WORLD”…
And they are serious!
And how odd is it that the person doing this pitch is Ruddy Rodriguez, IAS Freedom Medal Winner from VENEZUELA! Hey Ruddy, how about doing something in your own neighborhood in Venezuela?
The IAS takes in tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, each year. What do they have to show for it? A few photos and videos of random people in random locations around the world supposedly doing something. They claim they are “eradicating psychiatry” but that is certainly a lie that is easily disproven by the number of psychiatrists who are practicing or training. They themselves say that “psych drugs” are overwhelming the world (as a reason to give them money) but on the other hand claim they are effectively “cleaning up the field of mental healing.”
They claim they fund the “largest private relief force on earth” but they are invisible except for a few random, staged photos and videos. Nobody sees them ACTUALLY doing anything effective in the natural disasters they claim to be “handling” (even when they occur right next as the Florida panhandle and Bahamas hurricanes and the California and Australian fires).
They supposedly pay for some buildings for “ideal orgs” but then charge them rent.
They claim to buy ads to “disseminate scientology” but this happens once a year on Super Bowl Sunday and they milk it for the rest of the year.
The IAS is nothing but a repository for unspent cash.
It’s only REAL function is squeezing money out of scientologists with lies and false promises.
It should be called the International Association of Scamologists.
My first IAS reg cycle was this huge fat person sitting on the edge of a desk looking down at me with bad breath sweaty armpit stains and a look of fury on her face. You WILL pay before you walk out of this office. It felt like KGB or Nazi tactics. Ugh!
The IAS is no different than Al Capone’s crime syndicate, only the means of obtaining the money differs. Capone’s mob used guns, arson and assassinations, the CO$ “Ethics Threats”, “Hard Sell”, “SP Declare Extortion” and absence of “Suppressive Reasonableness”.
I remember when the IAS was first invented in the 80’s. No one was buying it then. And even my student auditor (on a coaudit) said once to me, “such and so isn’t like the IAS where they take your money and give you nothing in return…” She would be shot for saying that now. She later got on board with that and pays now just like everyone else. But back then when they tried to get everyone to pay the IAS, it was like the mob demanding money for “protection.” Yes, protection from the mob tearing your business apart. That’s how strong arming and forceful the IAS was in the beginning. Now it is more subtle. Instead of mob strong arm tactics, they just threaten to write up a KR to your ethics officer if you don’t give. And if you’re on OT VII they threaten to take you off the level if you don’t give to the level of $50,000 or more. (Patron status?)
If that asshole truly believed that, he would have donated all of his own money immediately before anyone else could. The fact that he didn’t proves he is a miserable con man and a crooked S.O.B.
Gosh, a WORLD! TOUR! Will it come to the, roughly speaking, 4.8 x 7.3 metres (16 x 24 feet) Launceston Church of Scientology Mission of Launceston dingy little shop which is never open.
Hmmm …. they are doing EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE ……
But no mention of China or the recent CoronaVirus outbreak there?
I would like to challenge them to travel to China and “minister” to all the victims of this outbreak.
I’d especially like to see The Rat in the middle of a group of victims in China and hear him explain how this outbreak could have been prevented by Tubby but the cause of the current outbreak was due to a failure of the Chinese Govt to adopt the principles of The Scam and to donate money to them in order to fund all of their bogus relief efforts.
I wonder if the Chinese would behead him? Or just throw him under one of their prisons and then throw away the key? Either remedy would be fine with me.
This nice anecdote has you lift up the curtains to get a glimpse of Inner workings of the IAS.
My friend NeilC posted on ESMB Redux.
Here’s another on ESMB Redux
When I was in the Sea Org at Saint Hill Manor UK I attended an IAS “Special Briefing”. It was held in the cavernous Great Hall with about 100 people in attendance. Celebrity actor Jeff Pomerantz was the host. He’s a tall man and was stood up on the high stage, behind a podium, towering above everyone. Security Guards stood at doors barring all exits.
I was sat towards the back, munching a bag of crisps (chips). A Sea Org gal who I had a crush on (Katty) was sat to my right, a few rows forward. I had more attention on her than Pomerantz, so I didn’t catch everything he said. But the gist of it was that if you donate you loosen stops and barriers on your whole track, going back trillions of years, and this will help your case gain now, in present time. And that if you give enough money the stops could blow completely. He emphasised that this would cause immediate case gain and increased “wins”. And it would speed your progress up The Bridge.
He talked about the resurgence of past life abilities such as foreign languages and other talents. He went into detail about one guy who regained all his martial arts skills as a Samurai Warrior. Everyone stood up and clapped. I munched a chip stood up and clapped also. I glanced over at Katty. She looked beautiful, even from behind.
Pomerantz then said it was “VITAL” that we raise £100,000 that night, and that “NO ONE” could leave the room until it was a DONE. People then began donating and pledging in dribs and drabs, £50 here £100 there. Pomerz became impatient and started shouting that more was needed. An assistant at his side was writing all the monies and donors names on a large board to keep track of the total. It reached 25K. I took as swig of Red Bull and munched another chip. I glanced at Katty.
Pomerz then talked about the LRH datum of “Outflow produces inflow”. He emphasised that whatever you gave to the IAS would come back to you. No only would it come back to, it would come back “IN SPADES!!!” He said if one donated £10,000 The Universe would pay you back £50,000. If you donated £50,000 expect back hundreds of grand.
He then started stamping his foot clapping his hands together and chanting loudly “OUTFLOW PRODUCES INFLOW!! IN SPADES!! OUTFLOW PRODUCES INFLOW!! IN SPADES!!” over and over. This snapped the audience out of their inertia and they began stamping and clapping and chanting in unison.
People were stood up shouting out their donations. Pomerz was shouting out the totals loudly. People were clapping enthusiastically. I looked behind me and noticed someone at the door trying to leave. The burly security guard was shaking his head “no” and pointing the guy back to his seat. The clapping grew louder. The chanting grew louder. Katty glanced behind her and our eyes met. I gave her a little smile. She smiled at me then turned back to the stage, clapping with conviction. My heart beat faster and my blushing cheeks felt hot. “I love you, Katty”,I thought. I munched another chip.
“OUTFLOW PRODUCES INFLOW!! IN SPADES!! OUTFLOW PRODUCES INFLOW!! IN SPADES!!” Pomerz was shouting “£90,000!!! £90,000!!!” A few seconds later, “£100,000!!!!” Whoops and hollers filled the Great Hall. The security guards unlocked the doors and the guy who’d been trying to leave darted out. Katty glanced back and we smiled to each other.
Source :
A casual glance at World News shows the coplete and utter absurdity of Scientology’s claims. One would have to be completely cut off from the world around them to believe Scientology ‘s claims. How are public Scientologist so isolated that they fail to see their nightly news ? News that tells of war,strife,poverty and criminality. Is a random photo of a group holding “ Way to Happiness” booklets while smiling the only “ news” they’re allowed to view ?
Scientologists isolate themselves. To question is to invite a Sec Check and/or ethics actions, and both of these will cost you money. I was always told that “Wogs” and “Suppressives” control the medial outside of Scientology and those “Degraded Beings” in charge have a vested interest in suppressing any and all good works by the Church of Scientology. I was told the actual truth was to be found at briefings and events. Thank you Mike Rinder for helping to pop my bubble!
The reason Scientologists hate psychiatry is that the shrinks will them them they are all crazy………………I had a report that Xenu has visited the International Space Station, and he is claiming ownership, since he owned the universe before anyone else. I wouldn’t tell this to a shrink, he might have me committed.
Years ago ,when I was still in the bubble. I would attend the IAS events at Flag or R E Hall, so excited to hear “COB” tell us about all of the wonderful accomplishments achieved by the IAS. In the back of my mind,I always wondered ,why is it always happening in some far remote part of the planet? Why is there never any good news right here in Tampa Bay or Clearwater ? Now I know. Its called propaganda.
It was never happenning in my tiny, failing org because it was all our fault.
If we look at the numbers, lifetime membership goes now for 3,000$, patron is $50,000. If you ask the IAS for money for some humanitarian purpose, they would run you through bureaucratic hoop, after which they will “grant” you maybe $1,500.
Even when I was a Scientologist, I considered this to be unfair and unjust.
The IAS World Tour is coming! (For your wallet)
That’s why I never carry my wallet with me when I’m near Big Blue.
OR the International Association of Stooges, or just I Am Stupid.
Yes, it’s inception gave Miscavige a license to steal. I know, I bought into it to the tune of 6 figures. It is getting harder and harder for them to create believable propaganda. Thank you Mike for keeping the exposés coming. When I was in I suspected the money was not going where they said it was. Then when I was out that suspicion was verified.
“A license to steal.” That’s what it is, yes.
I have to say. For awhile there I felt my donations were vital to saving the planet. I was nuts, nuts nuts.
Agree. They sure are contributing to the history of deception, dishonesty, abuses and lies.
They have been added to the list of criminal organizations and the Devil will take care of them, eventually.
Though, I am not sure even the Devil would like to have such disgusting criminals around…
Maybe another post can show what they actually DO do
Pay lawyers
Pay private investigators
Buy website that are meant to harm people
Buy guns (i saw them with my own eyes…)
Buy excursions for DM
Does DM travel in commercial planes? Is there a Scientology airplane now? They’ve got a mutha-fluckin’ boat so it would make sense
Anyway… the money is going places. Jeffrey Augustine might have specifics.
Thanks for always being willing to state the damn truth Mike
Astounding commentary about “They also claim that the they are the ONLY solution to war, criminality and immorality. And “WE ARE CHANGING THE WORLD”……
Well YEAH, apparently PART Of that statement is TRUE in that Harvey Weinstein is in COURT right now about his “self denied supposed rape accusations” & Danny Masterson still walks free & untethered ….so somehow, someway they’ve managed to circumvent any “criminal immoral accusations against Masterson……..
What’s with THAT?
To be fair, it did take 30 or 40 years to get Weinstein into court. It hasn’t been that long for Masterson.
Does anybody even LIKE the IAS?
Within, you never hear people babbling about how much they Love the IAS. You got people raving about their auditors, Flag, how great their sup was at ASHO, a great C/S… great twins, …
I remember hearing about great missions, how someone loved going to their mission, sometimes a class V org was popular… a great WISE group, Delphi, … etc….
but I’ve never heard people raving about the IAS at all. In any fashion.
It just hit me, that even when I was in and super certain and loving being Staff and so on… I loathed the IAS and did since I first heard of it.
It always just seemed like this big empty bucket and they wanted me to fill it with cash cash cash. That’s all they wanted, was cash. They held events that promoted the dangerous environment, and then made people sit in rooms and nobody leaves until we get this big number of cash for our bucket.
Went to 2 events and then avoided them until forever.
I bet the only people who even “like” the IAS are the Vulture FSMs who live off it, and Midas Miscabbage.
The rest of us loathe them and always have!
At the very beginning, I learned how to handle the “no one leaves” crap. We would walk towards the door. I would fix the staff member standing there with a death stare, and very quietly I would say: “open the door”. Worked like a charm.
Good for you!
It certainly is a guilt trip. Though at the time, I didn’t see it as the chilling, kidnapping-like situation it really is.
Lol!!! Tone 50!
Awe-inspiring, actually! WELL DONE!
The IAS was the biggest promoter of the dangerous envionment. LRH said it was the SP’s who promoted a dangerous environment. Well I guess that makes the IAS an SP cuz that’s all they deal in
“They claim to buy ads to “disseminate scientology” but this happens once a year on Super Bowl Sunday and they milk it for the rest of the year.”
The Super Bowl ads are touted to those in the bubble as having great national impact but, IIRC, they are only shown on the local channels of cities that have Ideal Morgues. The IAS will not spring for the cost of actual nationwide coverage.
So Scientology’s Super Bowl ads are essentially used to reward the Ideal Morgue cities and punish the non-ideal morgues rather than to make Scientology known nationwide.
Areas without Scientology’s Ideal Morgues (most of the nation) do not see those ads. I’d bet that most of those still in the bubble believe these ads are shown nationwide.
scientology cleaning up the field of mental healing? I don’t think so. I would bet that most ‘wog’ mental health practitioners like psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, therapists and social workers, etc. don’t even know what scientology is and if they did they could give a shit less. If they are familiar with it, it would only by noticing a tabloid headline at the checkout isle of the supermarket or randomly stumbling across a TV show like the Aftermath. And that’s the way it is with the public in general. Most people don’t know about the cult and if they do they could care less.
Of course the cult could actually reverse this very easily. If they were able to deliver even a small fraction of the results that they promise, their main problem would be making sure that the front doors weren’t being broken down because of public demand for services. Obviously that hasn’t happened since 1950 even with all the research and breakthroughs that have supposedly happened. I would bet that right now scientology’s back door is getting more use by people quietly slipping out than the front door is getting with ‘raw meat’ entering. And that is a very good thing.
“At new orders of magnitude, we are tackling ANY planetary ruin ANYWHERE, from the edge of the world to your neighborhood.”
Delusions on steroids combined with hype and propaganda and multiple lies.
…and it crept in an innocuous way. I barely noticed it at first when I saw these initials – IAS – in the 80’s (I think it was). “Oh, this is just HAS (Hubbard Association of Scientologists). I’m already a member.” We paid our $50 or $100 (whatever) and it was a lifetime deal. I was good.
Little by little this simple little germ called the IAS mutated into a deadly cancer, intruding into my – our – lives, showing up at our doors, insisting we come visit IT so we could “get briefed” (infected) until we felt ill or destroyed or as with some of my (ex) friends, truly did became one with it and sang its praises and/or joined it and started intruding into our lives, showing up at our doors….
Damn, Mary, you gave me the shivers with this one. It’s a most realistic statement I’ve read of the insidious horror that Scamology becomes – wow.
I remember when the IAS was first invented in the 80’s. No one was buying it then. And even my student auditor (on a coaudit) said once to me, “such and so isn’t like the IAS where they take your money and give you nothing in return…” She would be shot for saying that now. She later got on board with that and pays now just like everyone else. But back then when they tried to get everyone to pay the IAS, it was like the mob demanding money for “protection.” Yes, protection from the mob tearing your business apart. That’s how strong arming and forceful the IAS was in the beginning. Now it is more subtle. Instead of mob strong arm tactics, they just threaten to write up a KR to your ethics officer if you don’t give. And if you’re on OT VII they threaten to take you off the level if you don’t give to the level of $50,000 or more. (Patron status?)