Hardly a surprise to learn that the IAS might not be completely accurate and honest in their “fundraping” efforts.
Here is their promotional item to extract funds from the suckers.
Now, according to the Snr CS WUS in his recent briefing, there are 700 new people a DAY coming into the LA model double SH size ideal org. Since January 2015 that is 120,000+ for LA Org alone.
And if you can believe their 11.4 million visits to their hundreds of websites (in the face of the massive media attention engendered by Going Clear and David Miscavige having his father followed by PI’s and then instructing them to let him die) — it is a pretty poor show if you compare it to my little blog on the fringe of the internet that has had more than 1.5 million visitors in the same time period, and Tony Ortega’s site which continues to have higher traffic rankings than scientology. And they have spent millions just trying to get people to click on their sites — including paying click farms in India and elsewhere to click on their sites to try and improve their ratings (I think at one point almost 20% of the traffic to scientology.org was from India and other high percentages from notorious click farm sites like the Philippines).
And you know that the figure of people who STARTED the “online” courses is deliberately started, not completed. In fact, as you will see below all of this only resulted in 1915 people “scheduled to arrive to orgs” — not arrivED. Nobody in their right mind who finds any scientology site on the internet does not ALSO find some far more interesting facts about scientology elsewhere on the interwebs.
So, in truth, the net result of all this massive activity and money spent is fail.
Now a bit of a bonus. Check out this wondrous piece of prose:
Things are extremely exciting right now in our world of Scientology!
With Maiden Voyage having just happened, with IAS sponsorship and grants going around left-front and center.
To recap:
- We have our Volunteer Minister disaster Response on-going in Nepal.
- 11 Psych bust marches, for each psychiatric convention taking place this year.
- Continued flooding of the Way to Happiness in Venezuela to chill out the environment.
- Truth about Drugs, United for Human Rights, Ideal Orgs, and AOs; you name it we’re in it!
- Not to mention our Global Scientology Dissemination Campaign where our outreach is resulting in booming effects such as –
- 15,000 online OCAs Completed.
- 9,000 online course starts.
- 1,915 people scheduled to arrive to the orgs.
That being said, there is every reason to support the IAS RIGHT NOW.
For that reason, I am having a game launched for the Flag OT Committee.
The game is over this Maiden Voyage period, to give out 150 awards to the Flag OT Committe for having raised donations!
Start date is 8th of June and goes on till the 23rd of July.
The rules are simple; raise donations, and turn them in so that you may then cash in on your desired award.
Attached is a picture of the various awards you can win!
Glass cloth – any donation
Bracelet – any donation
Pens – any donation
Glasses – $100
Commend – $500
Shirt – $1,000
Cap – $2,000
Key-Chain – $2,500
Bookmark – $5,000
Sean D. Tyrrell
“…sponsorship and grants going around left-front and center” I guess this kid must have gone to a scientology school. The only thing he seemed to learn there was exclamation tech.
Interesting, he doesn’t seem to know what a booklight is either.
And behold the awards that this guy is soooo excited about. Cheese doesn’t begin to describe this junk that wouldn’t make the grade at a low level trade show in a third rate city anywhere in the US…
For just $2,500 you can get a keychain! My son got a keychain with a flashlight in it when he went to the dentist!
And those IAS (appropriately rose colored for observing COB and the scientology world) shades are worth less than a pre-printed “commendation.”
But the real killer is the 2014 vintage eyeglass cleaner… I so want one of those. Nothing like a leftover giveaway from last year to get the money-giving juices flowing.
These pictures are exactly as they were transmitted by Sean in an obvious attempt to impress the Flag OTC.
They have better looking junk at the dollar store! Crap is still crap.
The Two sides of the IAS coin;
IAS — I Am Scientology
IAS — I Am(a) Sucker.
Hi Espiritu,Good to meet you.Like your parking lot bit,add Aquamarine’s hidden cameras & I think we’ve got a Plan.Thank you Ann B.
“700 new people a DAY coming into the LA model double SH size ideal org. Since January 2015” ???
With all due respect, Senor Rodriguez, that is highly unlikely. Even if 500 of those 700 people took the Metrorail and the remaining 200 car pooled, that would still mean at least 100 cars for new people parked in the Complex parking lot every day …and when I drove by last Thursday afternoon there were quite a few empty spaces. Also, I don’t mean to burden you with more inconvenient truths, but if any of those “700” new people arriving every day were actually coming back and signing up for courses ……well as you can see, this whole is quite impossible no matter how one looks at it. The problem with making your story believable, my friend, is the parking lot. Yes, the parking lot. The parking lot has been an easily observable stat indicator for years. Any COS critic can simply drive by and LOOK. The remedy for you would be an Ideal Parking Lot with 12 foot concrete walls around it…..or better still an underground parking structure where the parking lot is now. It would only set you back 10 million or so and would be an excellent carrot for additional fundraising.
But actually, my friend, the best remedy for you would be to get your ethics and integrity in and stop lying to the public. Then you would have at least an opportunity to rebuild your credibility. Good luck.
True on the parking lot Espiritu. Thursday is a very important day of the week when courses are completed by 2pm and the next course is routed onto. It should not have only a few cars in it.
Espiritu, don’t forget that there is more parking that can’t be seen by driving or flying by and that is the parking garage next to the old George’s General Store on Fountain Ave. But even if everyone parked in that garage, I don’t think that it and the lot near LA Org could hold 700 new cars per day.
C. S. = Cash Scrounger?
Bookmark – $5,000? I, er, ah, snort, snigger…BWAHAHAHA! My eyes are watering and my sides hurt. Blast, the chilli taco mince has just fallen out of my bread roll (along with a well cooked piece of pork and shredded tasty cheese) and gone all over my shirt. Damn you $camology for making me laugh so much.
i love the idea of an eyeglass cleaner rag! I though that the cult members no longer needed eyeglasses…also, I had a reg tell me I had plenty of $ due to my ring on my finger. It was a glass costume jewelry. They also used to call & come to our home at all hours…The :”wasband” was always so polite…that is why he is still such a chump for them.
The cleaner rag is for the cheap sunglasses…
Those sunglasses will break long before they’ll ever need cleaning!!
Hi Petlover,Good to meet you.I am a pet lover too.Could not have kid’s so doggies & kittys are our 4 footed ones.I posted sometime back that wearing costume jewelery when confronted by a reg would be fun.But from your post that might not work although I don’t think all registrars carry a jewelers loop at all times.Opps they just got the idea.In SO I was lucky to wear earrings.Of course in my day the only jewelry wanted was clear & OT bracelets.But now we have those designer sunglasses & all sorts of lovely junk.Wait SOers never need glasses sun or otherwise except I recall a color photo of Ron I had it next to my bunk,it was all over Asho & the Hollywood Inn,he was at sea & wearing sunglasses so much for policy!Yes cos members used to love to dial & my letter reg & ASR phone always recorded the call starting in 74 on mine but if you told the public you were recording off to Ethics.Thank you Ann B.
thank you! Yes they are so ignorant; all they do is follow the orders, blindly
Hi NOLA girl, Yes Walter & I moved to Baton Rouge in 96 not knowing a soul. I have always loved your posts.What is funny is Walter is a never in has the same dry humor as Mike & we have been hitched since 81 on 7/11/15. When I got two different cancers attributed to long night hours @ Asho F SO & scrapping blue dust most probably,he kept me laughing though it all along with you fantastic bloggers.
I really got into LSU football when I was first diagnosed never had an interest before .We live 20 minutes from Tiger Stadium & built a house here in 2001. I would love to be @ OSD’s beach pad with y’all when Sci collapses because Walter & I are hysterical & exact opposites. He is a never in & a rabid Patriots fan & U VA fan where he went to college before I met him, & I love The Saints.As I have posted I have a foot in both the East &
West coasts & Hawaii.What we both agree on is the evil of the cos & the SO & GOI,& how I & countless others have been really hurt, Sorry this post is broken up,computers drive me nuts but they led me to Mike’s blog so all good.
Always Ann B.
Hi Aguamrine,You know when I am up there with the Stars not the Apollo ones I will always love U & your posts. always Ann B.
David Letterman is off the air. So the cult is airing ads on that late night show. How about the Johnny Carson show and The Jay Leno Show and David Frost as well! Scam artists.
I wonder when they figured out the line, “Look don’t Listen” was a typo and put it back to standard which is now being ruthlessly applied. The corrected quote is “Listen don’t Look.”
I remember once in corporate life we had a major trade show coming up at the Moscone in San Francisco.
Unlike Scn, we had a real CEO who had been elected by a real Board of Directors of a real corporation.
Our CEO had a legendary hot temper but, unlike Miscavige, our CEO had never engaged in felony assault and battery. Our CEO’s genius was that he wanted the best in everything and excelled at up-engineering the company across all divisions. He believed in quality.
Now we also had a certain buyer who was legendarily cheap. This buyer ordered cheapest possible junk trinkets from China for the big Moscone show. It was exactly like the cheap junk trinkets the IAS is offering.
The junk arrived eight weeks before the show as we needed the lead time. Said junk was an embarrassment. None of us who were assigned floor duty for the week wanted to give this stuff away.
Word reached the CEO that Sales was not pleased. CEO ordered a meeting to personally inspect the swag that would reflect upon his personal reputation in the industry and the larger corporation
CEO went ballistic.
Junk could not be returned as it had the company logo on it.
CEO furiously ordered the offending junk thrown into the dumpsters and new and better swag ordered on an emergency basis and damn the cost.
Buyer was scolded but not physically assaulted. Buyer made up the damage done to the group by selling the logo trinkets to a lesser sister corporation of the company at a modest profit.
CEO felt better and we gave away stellar swag at the show.
Lesson: A group is known by its swag. This cheap junk the IAS is offloading is both laughable and insulting.
Cheap plastic sunglasses? Seriously? Is this the IAS or the Gatorade tent at a NASCAR race giving away free promo swag?
As always J. Swift 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi J.Swift,Very good to meet you,I like your postings a lot,you show a viewpoint about cos from a different angle than my posts convey.You make a understandable destinction between the corporate business world as it should ideally operate & the twisted world that the cos believes it has so cleverly devised,using Ron’s Tech of course no matter what David Miscavige writes using the copyright he has to Ron’s name does not fool me for one nano second.Thank you for your excellent perspective.Ann B.
Are you kidding?
Gatorade would be embarrassed to be offloading this swag. Their cheap swag is 3-4 tiers above this junk.
IMHO you should apologize to Gatorade and NASCAR for saying Gatorade, NASCAR and IAS in the same sentence, SRSLY.
PS great story.
Hi Valerie, I know I give Gatorade a bad name & I drink low cal orange G2 but it is a perfect foil fot the ones who will not see & my days in the SO.Always Ann B.Another drink could be substituted but all I got was warm water hot OJ or nothing @ all when in Always Ann B.
Swag & Junk. Laughter! 🙂
Proposal to the assembled delegates of the Rinder Blog Community (RBC):
1. Scn naming convention is for three initials, e.g. LRH
2. “DLHDM” is off policy at five initials.
3. I move to simplify DLHDM to LHD: LHD = Let Him Die = David Miscavige.
4. LHD is a way of recognizing the essence of Miscavige: His is a death energy that seeks to have all persons, projects, and programs around him die — and usually by some form of torture or debasement he inflicts as an expression of his own sadistic insanity.
I accept. Though LHD will sometimes still be referred to as The Owner — an invaluable fact gleaned from the interrogation records of the West Allis Police.
Didn’t Mike post something a while back on how we should use David Miscavige’s full name even if we add the “let him die” part in it because when people do google searches on David Miscavige, more of the articles will come up on him if we call him by his name rather than by all the nicknames we have for him. and if we insert “let him die” into his name, the googler might become curious to know why and will find out he told the private eye spies to let his own father die when they thought he was having a heart attack. If we just use LHD, it won’t be linked to David on searches.
Cindy, you’re right. A short time ago Mike suggested we use David Miscavige’s full name at least once in a post, and if Apple Box Boy is mentioned more than once in your post then feel free to use your favorite nicknames.
J. Swift, LHD is an apt nickname for him because David Miscavige is such a KSW freak. He’d rather see his father dead than incapable – of being suppressed. I’m a huge fan of yours and Karen’s by the way. From your helpful and informative articles at Tony’s to the We At RTC spoofs, you don’t miss a trick. Thanks and (OMG but I mean it) much love to both of you.
700 new people a day at LA? Finally someone has exceeded the 47X meme and gone all out at 100X, though I have to doubt that even 7 new people started ‘courses’ at any one location.
I got better swag at the local home and garden show. Though the leather {or was it pleather?} jacket that were given out for the ‘Infinity Club’ looked much better. Are there any pics of clams actually wearing those jackets? I always smelled a pyramid scheme in that ‘offer’.
Reed Slatkin’s business methods live on, though Reed doesn’t.
So the campaign starts Jun8? Somebody is not keeping up on their current events, David Letterman retired May 19…
Introducing LRH to the world? Sorry, but that officially happened with the advent of the internet and it was a disaster for LRH.
Perhaps they mean to say, “Introducing the world to LRH.” Sorry AGAIN because that was done over half a century ago and it was a disaster for the world.
Hi Valerie,I love this one too! Always Ann B.
Using their statistics and logic, my alarm clock went off today. I realized it was a work day. I thought about getting in the shower. Therefore I should get a paycheck. No longer do I need to actually show up at the office and provide services and/or products to people. I reached for the office, therefore I am a statistic.
Pay me.
Oh, and I want a free t-shirt too. The one I got for volunteering on United Way Helping Hands Day got dirty when I was doing all that manual labor.
The 700 public per day for the L.A. Org.
is a complete lie, even 7 would be a fabrication.
Having the senior CS WUS spout this (authority figure)
no way creates truth. Going back to the Big Lie Theory
written by Adolf Hitler. Certainly from David Miscavige
for Scientologists who live far from LA to see that it is not true.
Let’s say this “700 per day” figure were actually true. Then lets very generously assume that no public would ever be walking into the org for some sort of course or service outside of the hours of 9AM and 11PM. More likely it would be between 9AM and 8PM but lets be generous. Ok, that leaves 14 hours per day for the org to receive and service the public, which means that since this past January the this org’s Reception has logged an average of 50 people an hour. 50 people per hour would reduce to an of 1.2 people per minute, average…yah.
Utterly sick to think to advertise the Name of ISA with cheap looking rewards for any type of donation what next They must be desperate and where’s the actual evidence of the stats opf How many viewing’s and OCA’s etc on line which have been spoken about.
Don’t have time for a full numbers dump, but let’s take a look at just what a financial train wreck this would be if the numbers were actually true.
When you add up all the ads that they’re talking about since the start of the year, including Super Bowl, ads on various prominent shows, etc., you’re probably talking about $2 million to $3 million, assuming that they’re doing the ads in targeted markets like LA, Tampa and a handful of others (they certainly didn’t do a national ad in the Super Bowl). We can ad another $1 million to $2 million for Internet advertising. So I’m going to assume that they’ve put out $5 million or so in ad money this year. I won’t include in that the cost to develop and operate their web site, though an accountant would certainly charge some of that to the “advertising” cost line item.
The number that counts is “1,915 people scheduled to arrive in the orgs.” In other words, RSVP’s for an event. In my career in events, I know that the “show rate” for people who sign up for an event who actually come is about 30%, if the event is zero or low cost. I am sure that the “show rate” for Scientology events is far lower, by the way, since everybody just confirms to get the person off the phone with no intention of showing up to get regged. So of the 1,915 _scheduled_ people, they’ll be lucky to get 500 or so.
And if those 500 or so potential Scientologists show behavior typical of the average Scientology recruit, 80% of them will drift away in 6 months. That’s 400 people. I’m going to guesstimate that the average they get out of those folks before they bail is going to be less than $500 each, a total of $200,000.
Out of the remaining 100 people, probably 80% will do one or two longer courses then bail, probably when they’re asked to take the Purification rundown, spending a month barbecuing their brains in a sauna. Most people have lives and it’s not really practical for them to do it. Average take for each of these people: $3,000. Another $240,000 in the till.
The final category is people who stick around past the Purif and become real Scientologists. That’s 20 people. Though the average cost to get all the way through OT8 is probably $500,000 now, Miscavige is setting up the game so that even the most gung-ho of people joining the cult now will have a tough time getting through OT8 in their lifetime. They’ll be stuck in the middle of lower-level stuff forever. Let’s assume that the average lifetime take for each of those 20 people is $200,000. That’s $4 million.
Add up the different buckets here, and you see that the cult is spending $5 million to get $4.5 million in sales. That is simply unacceptable. In business, spending $5 million to get $4 million in PROFITS is a disaster. But if you have to spend $5 million to reap only $4.5 million in sales, the cult would be better off just taking $5 million in cash out in the parking lot and lighting it on fire. That’s because they don’t have all the expenses of delivering “services” against that revenue.
Note that I’m not saying that the cult is losing money overall; i don’t believe that to be the case. I’m just saying that they will spend more to recruit each member via this strategy than they will get in sales for these new members. The brainwashed whales continue to pour enough money into this sinking ship that it will still be profitable for a while.
Thank you JPC, that was a great read 🙂
The “1,915 people scheduled to arrive” is very shaky. This is because like paying an IAS reg to leave your home, you also have to sometimes tell Staff that you will arrive on course or will read a chapter of your ‘Basic’ book to get them off the phone or to leave you alone if you’re face to face. Scientologists do that all the time.
Hi John P Capitalist, A very interesting post for me to read.You do so well with numbers whilst I am a disaster in that area.Still your post gives me a different perspective than my posts which are more based on my hopes & dreams & nightmares from the past.Thank you Ann B.
Good analysis, JP. However, it gets worse. Subtract the number of cliks from India and 20 becomes 15.
Also, and this is key, they have invested all of their beans into a handful of centralized organizations instead of having many outlets in a large number of key areas. Their “arrival for services” numbers are going to be substantially lower in percentage because of distance to travel vs arrival percent.
I think a continuation of the existence of the Tech and new developments in the Tech are purely for show. It is loss-making. They know they are not going to get new paying recruits in any case, especially since people coming in are not going to sign up to an agreement that they can’t get their money back if it all turns out to not work which it won’t (on them) as they are not already brainwashed. No, it is there are showy and it does not matter if it makes a loos so long as it looks good and they an trumpet “advances in the Tech” and “it is making it easier than ever to Clear the planet” and all this hype and the show to support this hype is to get the whales to hand over yet more money in keeping alive their delusion of a Cleared planet. And all their money is doing is keeping this whole stupid mess running from one day to the next.
Wow. I KNEW Sean Tyrell, the guy who wrote that collection of lies, before he joined the Sea Org. We worked
insane hours together. Very funny, very smart, hard-working guy. I was on staff with his dad, Steve Tyrell, at FCDC-we both worked in the HGC. I hope he blows. I hope he realizes that he´s working for a fucking mafia/cult…
“…continued flooding of The Way To Happiness in Venezuela…” I’m sure that they’re appreciative of this, considering that toilet paper is more valuable by weight than oil in Venezuela. Be sure to print it on absorbent stock, Gold!
I’m going to give it two weeks before we see a created connection between Venezuela and the opening of the Idle Morgue in Bogota…you know, an entire country away. Scilon Math for this: “They’re both full of brown people who speak Spanish, therefore Colombia is Venezuela.” And, remember, Scilons, Colombia is spelled with two “o”s, not with one “o” like the university.
Colombia and Venezuela have nearly gone to war several times in the last 10 years. Venezuela allows FARC rebels to hide there and Colombia has sent military to Venezuela to fight them on several occasions. The two countires are what you get when you mix medium Marxism with a right wing hunta. And you thought your family get to gethers were stressful.
So yeah, the clams will mix Bogata and Venezuela in a comic mashup.
1st Prize: One keychain
2nd Prize: Two keychains
Hi Mike,I just can not believe the junk given for donations to IAS etc.I mean what in the world of planets & stars are the little middle & big donors drinking! Must be a Scotch mixed in to the KoolAid.I know they all,want OT but when they get there ,they will have to start at the bottom of the twisted Bridge & pay through the nose.Incredible.Your little blog on the fringes of the Internet, what do the young crowd say? Your blog is the BOMB! Always to you both. Ann.
Hi Mike, Ann where is your grammar,What does the young crowd say… Ann.
$5000 for a bookmark? For $50,000 do I get a roll of TP?
Unless you’re a Maximus Excelsior Triple Platypus in status, you only get 1/2 roll of TP.
I pick up better prizes from my cat’s litter box. Just sayin’.
I see Sean’s Letraset-tech has already failed on the pen and sunglasses. (COB only uses Mecanorma, of course…)
That is seriously damned funny….
Also look at the Alexa demographics. People going to the Scientology web sites spend less time there than they do visiting Tony’s web site. Look at the map as well — Tony does not pay anyone to click his web site, the Scientology crooks do.
THE MOST INTERESTING demographic is that the Scientology crooks’ #2 source of clicks are from Wikipedia whereas Tony’s are from Facebook. If you look at Wikipedia’s coverage of the crime syndicate, it is wholly accurate and informative — so much so that the Scientology crooks repeatedly vandalized Wikipedia’s coverage of their crimes and abuses to the point where the crooks are banned from making changes on Wikipedia.
If the crooks really had customers, if people were really looking to hand their money to these filthy crooks, they would have Facebook through clicks be their #2 route, just like Tony does. Instead the crooks have people coming from Wikipedia and clicking on their web site — without question looking to see if the horrific information they find about Scientology’s human rights abuses and financial frauds is reflected in to the crook’s web sites (they are not.)
Also Scientology’s web sites are linked to mostly from Amazon.com — because the crime syndicate sells their frauds a lot on Amazon. Tony’s web site is linked mostly by Yahoo, Wikipedia, and Reddit — actual web sites with actual humans researching what Scientology actually is.
These filthy crooks lose at every turn, every demographic, every statistic. Tony kicks these filthy crooks’ asses.
Excellent analysis Fredric
Fantastic news Fred.
Always, they bring up this point: only in Scientology is Scientology important and world shaking. I wonder if the doses of kool-aid has been going up over time to manage the quiet but ever increasing desperation.
And does the burgeoning cheesiness of the gifts and acknowledgements indicate DM’s impending departure to an extradition-free permanent vacation as he tightens the money down?
If I were back at ASI, working out my yearly 1 million dollars for LRH/ASI quota of income I planned to make for ASI for the year, I got a new idea:
a) Plastic Xenu action dolls, sold by Galaxy Reception! Autographed by JT or TC or Kirstie or Bart/Nancy.
b) BT protector umbrellas, that unfurl and ward off other people’s showers of invading body thetans! Also sold by Galaxy receptionist!
That’s how I’d sell LRH’s ideas to make my million for ASI this next year.
Ha ha ha!!
And for next year:
a) cool looking volcanoes (the official lineup of them)
b) DC 8s without engines
c) Loyal Officer action figures
d) Plastic prison for the captured Xenu
or, if this isn’t acceptable, but it should be, and it all should coincide with a roll out of the “Revolt In the Stars” animated film really, based on LRH’s script, and just roll out the “Revolt In the Stars” movie finally.
Hi chuckbeatty77’Good to meet you.I forgot about “Revolt In The Stars”.That was to rival the long anticipated classics of Battlefield Earth fame.The only outside cos book to be read in the SO.I blew just in time to miss it,but bought the first book when out & laughed so hard I never got past Chapter 1.I would change the title of Revolt In the Stars to Revolting In The Stars! Thank you Ann B.
I think someone should tell Sean his Letraset-tech has failed on the pen and glasses. (COB only uses Mecanorma, of course)…
🙂 Amusing, these violently insane criminals demand that in 60 days 2 million people have logged on to crime syndicate web sites. BS.
The distribution star traffic monitor systems such as Alexa show the true story. Tony Ortega’s web site gets far more traffic and is ranked much higher than the crime syndicate’s badly-designed, idiot web site. At best Scientology gets Google web scanner running once a day, but the crooks actually pay people in Asia to click on their own web sites to the tune of anywhere from 7% to 17% of the crooks traffic, all paid for by these stupid Scientology dimwits that still hand these crooks their money.
How so very amusing.
700 people per day coming into that org, huh?
If only I lived in that area so that I could rent some place nearby and get a camera trained 24/7 on the entrance to that org.
Then we’d get the real stats.
(I got this idea from that whole caper the cult did on Marty and Mosey back in the day, btw.)
Come to think of it, hidden cameras trained on the entrances of every Ideal or non-Ideal Scientology Morgue would have to be OSA’s #1 nightmare.
Hi Aquamarine, Good idea.We never thought in Baton Rouge we would have installed outside & inside cameras in our house.We are in what was a very safe subdivision but of late neighbors have been robbed & with the cameras no one touches us.Actually come to think of it if any wandering OSA or COS member showed up.please y’all a big smile & got cha! Always Ann B.
Ha ha! Yes, Ann, cameras all around where I live. On every block, in most homes and buildings. Big Brother is alive and well here, apparently. So, OSA, y’all don’t be such strangers, OK? The welcome mat and webcam is always out for y’all 🙂
Evening Ann. I didn’t know you lived in Louisiana. I am a couple hours drive south-east of you. Are you a football fan?
P.S. Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your posts. Your kindness and sense of humor are like rays of sunshine. Sending lots of love up your way. 🙂
“For just $2,500 you can get a keychain! My son got a keychain with a flashlight in it when he went to the dentist!”
And $1000 for ONE T-shirt? That’s just insanity. This month, I bought several items of clothing for a teeny fraction of that amount.
I don’t think you understand. Those items aren’t being sold by the church for those amounts, or are they? I think the church is saying, “Thank you for giving us that money of yours and since you gave us twenty-five hundred dollars then you get to have this KEYCHAIN, whoops I’m sorry, but you can probably glue it back together.”
I guess this must be part of the Golden Age of Tackiness II.
Lying? Scientology? Isn’t lying a holy sacrament? Is this a surprise?
Teachers teach and students learn.
L Ron Hubbard built Scientology on the back of that non existent gorilla in the back seat of the taxi. Scientologists know this reference I’m making.
Then he declared violent war on anyone exposing the lies: those who do not see the non existent gorilla.
Then he used the good will of others to fight this war: based on more lies
Then he created a para military force to fight to support lies: GOOSA
Ron’s biography is a lie
Saying he was only married twice is a lie
Blood brother with Indians a lie
Brain washing manuel’s author is a lie
Implying being Buddha a lie
Being a nuclear physicist a lie
Being a doctor a lie
Good friends with Crowley a lie
OT 3 a lie
Riding Broncos on Montana ranch at 3 years old a lie
Die of pneumonia from incorrect OT3 running a lie
Scientology leads to total freedom a lie
Ron studied with Lamas a lie
Went to the Van Allen Belt a lie
Ron’s trip to heaven a lie
State of clear a lie
What is Greatness a lie (he did not mean this beautiful truth. He used it to garner the respect given to a benevolent spiritual teacher)
Scientology is the “only hope for man” a lie
Scientology creates stable exterior a lie
Cures needing glasses a lie
Cures arthritis a lie
Smoking cigs dramatizes volcanoes a lie
Cures leukemia a lie
Jesus a pedophile a lie
Yoga traps you in a body a lie
All religions except Scientology based on implants a lie
Buddha was only keyed out clear a lie
Familial love and affection is the GE a lie (a dangerous one)
All critics are criminals a lie
Psyches from planet Farsec a lie
Implant stations on Venus a lie
Ron not in charge of Scientology a lie
Ron did not get paid back from money’s owed him from orgs a lie
Alexa not my daughter a lie
Sara is a communist a lie
Made a fortune in Hollywood a lie
Lived with bandits a lie
Scientology is senior to life because it handles life a lie
So……………. how is this news that Scientology lies?
Ron was a pathological liar who transferred to his students the same trait.
Scientologists lie because it is the greatest good for the greatest number to create that gorilla in the back seat of the taxi and to enforce that perception with threat of punishment…………………. and that is true.
Brian, seriously, DON’T HOLD BACK! BTW, I love your post! One of THE best. As I’ve said before, lying comes to scientologists as easily as breathing comes to the rest of us. I especially loved, “Alexa (Alexis?) is not my daughter.” Brian, there are lies, damn lies and then there’s scientology. You win the post of the day! Do you how you can tell when a scientologist is lying? Their lips are moving…
Oh, one more thing from Hubbard: “Smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Not smoking enough causes cancer.” is a lie.
Hi Brian, Love love your post! May you post with your light of Truth & your command of words as long as I will be here! Always Ann B.
Hi Brian, I also meant to say may you post with your light of Truth & command of words as long as I am here & beyond after I am gone,I’ll be cheering you on from a spot that will be a billion miles from Target 2 ! Always Ann B.
Thank you guys, and Ann, you are a sweetie pie. I feel the same about friends. They are forever.
No rude mortality invades the continuity of true friendship.
I just had a thought:
I’ve heard from many sources that Dave does not get auditing. I have a hunch why:
I’ll bet he has spent hours and hours trying to resolve his asthma years back. Going into session time after time hopeful that that horrible physical intrusion will resolve. With total trust in Ron and his claims, he so looked forward to being free through Ron’s promise with “100%” standard tech.
I think that’s called a failed purpose right Dave?
Here is the reason for your failed purpose Dave:
Dave, how do you deal with this fact?
You either go into denial and refuse to consider auditing doesn’t work.
You think something is wrong with you that you couldn’t find the “incident”
You tried and tried to find some evil you did but the asthma continues.
And so Dave, you are left with what is called a cognitive dissonance. Look up that term Dave.
Could it be Dave that everyone is missing that withold? That auditing did not work for you?
Consider Dave, that Ron was a fabulist. Look up that word Dave.
Hi Brian,Lovr U both love this post. Ann Forever.
He hasn’t had ANY auditing in 17 or 18 years. Why? The minute he’d pick up the cans, it would show a massive rock slam!
I’ve seen better swag on PBS pledge breaks, for a lot less money and to a far better cause. Plus, PBS stations have to account for where the money goes.
“…sponsorship & grants going around left-front & center.” Hey, I’m not the sharpest nife, ahhhhh…I mean knife in the Chandelier, so, a little help please? What the hell is a left-front? Is it the front of the left? I do understand ‘center,’ but no one on the right gets any sponsorships or grants? Oh, wait…those must be SPs! Ok, got it! You could go insane just reading this dribble…
OSD I salute you for only getting stuck on left-front & center. I couldn’t decipher the whole sentence.
“With Maiden Voyage having just happened, with IAS sponsorship and grants going around left-front and center.” Huh?
You know, Raindog, when I read that, I got a splitting headache. My reaction was just like yours: “WTF???” Well, almost like yours…
left is the opposite of front and right is the opposite of back. any delphi school grad know that.
what i don’t understand is how is Sean gaining on dm age wise?
from what i understand when Sean was 10, dm was 40. so dm was 4x older than Sean, then 5 years later sean was 15 and dm 45 so dm was only 3x older than him, now when dm turns 60 sean will be 30, dm will only 2x older than him. could it be we have ourselves genuine dyed in the wool OT?
“Reading this dribble” – no that’s what’s coming out of your mouth trying to decipher it. Drivel is what I think the term is called OSD. But dribble is what drool does, so yeah, maybe it is dribble. I changed my mind. It’s dribble.
If you can’t understand material the church has issued then you’ve gone past a word you don’t understand or more probably, you’ve got an O&W somewhere on whole track buster and you better take responsibility for it!
Either that or it’s scien-gibberish-tology in which case you’re not supposed to understand it you’re supposed to be impressed by it.
Can you get all the gifts if you pace yourself?
Oooh OOOH! I didn’t think of that possibility. I’m in for sure then. I hope no one catches on to what I’m doing. I so want all those cheap tacky gifts. My garbage can is pretty empty this week.
Tacky corporate gifts that they, no doubt, paid pennies for as a “gift” in return for a $1000+ donation. SMH
Just another day in hellish servitude to David “bitch better have my money” Miscavige.
“700 new people a DAY coming into the LA model double SH size ideal org”???
Oh really!
Not when I consulted a friend from LA who counted for one hour three people in SO uniforms going out to lunch. No one went in that in that hour.
There are none so blind as those that canot see.
That’s because the 700 for that day were there when the doors opened in the morning and only left when they closed at night.
One day I was out with my son and he wanted to stop by a BMW dealership to look at a car. They were having an event that day and we received two very nice reusable shopping bags with a cap and bottle of water inside. We didn’t have to pay a cent, just walked in the door to take a peek.
BMW just might have a better concept of “Exchange” than the IAS does. At least BMW has a real, tangible product to show for itself.
lol, that bracelet. I can find that laying on the ground while walking my dog.
Rose colored glasses indeed. Make sure you’re wearing them while your reading the information on the lronhubbard.org website. Your eyes might turn into dust and fall out of your head if you’re not.
The word “tacky” comes to mind
The word “imbecilic” come to my mind…
Hypnotised? The word puppet takes on a new meaning.
Yeah. I saw the junk sunglasses at the top of the post, thought Mike was using them to illustrate something, then I get to the bottom and find out that you get them for donating $100.00! Wow. They look like the prize from a box of Crackerjacks.
Unbelievable. Is there anyone left IN who can THINK – that has ANY critical thought left – and powers of deductive reasoning?
You said it all, Mike, from the cheesey “gifts” to the pathetic stats with exclamation points. I do have to correct you on one thing: The senior c/s wus said there were 700 new people a DAY (not a week) coming into LA Org. (Eyeroll)
Oh, thanks for the correction. I have amended the post…
It’s always good to have eagle eyes all around 🙂
This is trashy, cheap promotional give away’s that
are sold for big money ???? The IAS is broke , D.M.
is hurting for money. ( Escape plan ??)
Don’t forget that the church pays for clicks from Indians. So besides making up the number of hits on their sites, they leave out that they pay to get clicks on their sites.
Yes, good point. Added this too…
The have better presents at the local kindergarden sommer celebration, for a fra tion of the price. Sad presents are sad.
Even if these numbers are true, that means that out of all those supposed millions of people checking out CoS sites, less than 1/10 of 1% of them end up actually starting an online course! All the mathematical geniuses compiling these stats need to explain why they think this is good news, they’re bragging about failure!
True to form, they simply ignore the important stats – one’s that measure a tangible VFP. Filling out an OCA is NOT a product; STARTING a course is NOT a product. DELIVERING an OCA evaluation to a public is a sub-product and one may argue is a “service.” COMPLETING a course with an ability gained is a product.
For many years now, CoS has preferred their imaginary reality, so it makes sense that their stats evolve to reflect this. Basically they are meaningless. [insert impossibly large number] people reached for the Bridge – what the hell does that mean? I could say I purchased 1000 lottery tickets, but that doesn’t mean I won the lottery.
I almost took one of their “free” on line courses and then I thought, do I really want these evil clowns to have my e-mail address?
Yes, for the “privilege” of that free online course, or even just to get a “free booklet”, they require your name, address, e-mail, and phone number…
Oh man, is getting worse and worse. Ad infinitum nauseous.
Hey, I’ll take two book markers for 10k.
Wow, I feel a success coming on. I mean think about it, they are actually useful and by getting two you can give one to a friend as a dissemination tool.
Yo Sean,
This win exceeds any OT level I have ever done. I feel like I’m soaring with the Eagles!
Oh shit, my credit card carrier says I’ve exceeded my limit. Crap. Hey Sean, can you have one of your perps see about getting my limit bumped up?
I can pick up better prizes out of my cat’s litter box. Just sayin’
Well Mike – the IAS is getting LRH out to the World….just not in any good way whatsoever. Please, David Miscavige – do continue!!
I gave money to the IAS when I was in. Ted Braggin pulled an all nighter at my house and started talking about some really strange stuff – I paid him to leave. SOP
It is painful to wake up to the truth and realize you have funded one of the most evil Organization, albeit tiny and small, on the Planet. It is like funding ISIS w/o knowing it.
I Hear ya, Idle Morgue. Giving money just to end it. It’s like being date raped just so you don’t experience what could be worse. Unfortunately, I experienced “what could be worse” further down the road. The hardest thing to get over is being violently raped and knowing I consented to it. Then when I broke and tried to tell my family that there was a monster in the room, the monster convinced them that I WAS the monster.
Well, at least I learned a valuable lesson.
IM, sorry to hear you’ve been Braggined. Took a couple of showers to rinse that stink off.
Let’s see…..you paid him to leave…..like a prostitute?
I’m seeing a connection here….
This may be a silly question, but what happens when you ask the regs to leave your house? As in ‘Gee I’m sorry Ted, but it’s getting late and I have to be up early….I just don’t have $20,000 to give right now. I have to say good night now….(walking toward door):
I have never experienced anything like a reg, but I am always amazed at these stories. I would not leave these ‘most ethical people’ in my home unattended, but I can’t see being held hostage either. I would fall asleep and my husband would have absolutely no qualms.about physically tossing them out the.house
It isn’t a silly question, Chee.
They just don’t leave. They keep talking, asking, demanding, explaining. They stay there. If you fall asleep they’ll write a knowledge report on you.
Tossing them bodily out would mean getting in severe ethics trouble with the cult.
I know it sounds beyond belief, and for anyone who has never been in this cult, it very understandably is.
Chee, I had this experience once with a different IAS reg. It was after 10pm and we had to get to sleep because we had work in the am. So we kindly asked the woman to go. We didn’t want to make another donation at that time and felt we had the right to say no. We had recently donated anyway.
What will happen next depends on the reg and how desperate they are at the given moment. I’ve heard of all sorts of things from different people.
What happened with us was the reg became very antagonistic and hostile. She outright attacked us on a personal level and actually asked us, “How dare you live in a house like this?” And “Who do you think you are?”
She went on to tell us that we were selfish, didn’t care about humanity or the church, COB, etc. She was extremely angry. I stayed quiet because I knew that if I opened my mouth, I would not make this lady very happy. My husband politely showed her to the door.
We would see this IAS reg around all the time at PAC base and she would always turn her head away in disgust. She hated us.
“She would see us around…she hated us…” Now that’s a stat! VWD to you for getting that stat. If more people, whales and otherwise, would do that, the church would fold up and be out of business immediately. “Just say NO” isn’t just to drugs anymore.
Our stable datum ( as they say) was to never let one of these scam artists past the front door. If you let one in, the others in the group would push their way in also. They never reg solo. They would actually come to my dental practice and sit in the waiting room. This lasted until my wife went nuclear and they ran out.
Hey Pepper, I’ll tell you why she “hated” you. She hated that her end-run, pull out all the stops no holds barred low toned button pressing insult/anger ploy didn’t work. That’s what what was eating this bitch. Her go to button-press flopped. You didn’t react. You rocked her world, and not in a good way. Add my ack to the chorus of VWD’s here, Pepper!
Yes I too encountered the infamous Teddy Braggin(Bragen?) He’s worth paying just to make him go away. Although these days a call to law enforcement would be far more likely.
Again, in response to Chee: what Gimpy has said here about “paying just to make him go away” as regards a particularly obnoxious IAS registrar, that’s standard operating procedure on both sides. The registrars stay there, not caring how you hate them, not caring how degraded they are, they have no pride, not nothing. They stay there until you pay them to go away. That IS the exchange! That IS how they get money out of people. “Pay me, and I’ll go away”. Many beggars do this too. They know very well that people will PAY to have this unwanted “thing” go away and out of their sight. Now, don’t pile on me, people, because I’m not saying that beggars are inhuman “things”. On the other hand, I would hesitate unequivocally say that IAS Regges are not inhuman things.
Teddy Braggin brings to mind 2008. It was when the bailout occurred and the economy tanked.
Teddy appeared on the scene at PAC and was regging heavily to ‘out-create’ the bad news with massive donations to the IAS. People were not donating at that time and things were at a standstill.
Teddy was telling people who used the economy/ bail out as an explanation to not donate that it was “all a lie” and to “take it back.” I saw him say this. He was saying that speaking about the economy was “black PR” and “disaffection.” It was truly insane.
Things got even worse. Public were then called in for a metered interview and asked if anyone said anything bad about the IAS, and also asked, “Did anyone tell you to not donate to the IAS?”
I remember this clearly because my family members had to go in for this interview and it was the topic of conversation amongst public in LA. I don’t know if this was done at Flag too, it was happening in the fall of 2008 early 2009.
Thank you to all who replied to my question! There are just no words to describe this practice…..Something tells me regs don’t visit people like Tom Cruise…..