The history of the International Association of Scientologists is worth knowing.
Its initial value (in 1984) as a repository of funds outside the reach of the IRS in 1984 may be debated. It seemed like a good way of protecting money.
The IAS had nothing to do with the “Portland Crusade” though David Miscavige has made it part of his history now. (As a note, the “winning tradition” born in Portland is another sleight of hand — the losing tradition of a $39 million judgment was born in Portland and then carried on in Los Angeles with another judgment for Wollersheim that was NOT vacated in spite of the same candlelight vigils and marches around the courthouse….) The story goes on from there, with numerous accomplishments credited to the IAS that they never in fact funded. And in many cases, there was NO accomplishment at all (see recent posts IAS Applied Scholastics Programs — Fact Check and IAS Human Rights Claims — Fact Check). But, it became a VERY important cash cow and Dear Leader became its controller, carnival barker and poster boy.
Whether it originally served a purpose or not, today it is a cancer that has killed the Church of Scientology.
Like any cancer, it consumes and kills the entity which gave it life.
For there is an immutable law of the universe at play. Exchange. It is a topic widely covered in LRH policy.
So we always make it the first condition of a group to make its own way and be prosperous on its own efforts.
The key to such prosperity is exchange.
One exchanges something valuable for something valuable.
In our case processing and training are the substances we exchange for the materials of survival.
Reversely, when people offer nothing in exchange, do not produce and cannot or will not administer they become pawns. Sometimes they think they are merely the subject of meanness or rancor. But if they do not produce or exchange and cannot share in administration they become zeros.
The stark facts are these: one knows and handles administration, one produces, one exchanges OR one dies as far as this universe is concerned. That’s why you hear an Administrator who means well for the group talking about PRODUCTION and EXCHANGE.
Crime is the action of the insane or the action of attempting seizure of product without support. Example: Robbers who do not support a community seek to rob from it supporting funds. Fraud is the attempt to obtain support without furnishing a product.
Criminal exchange is nothing from the criminal for something from another.
Whether theft or threat or fraud is used, the criminal think is to get something without putting out anything. That is obvious.
In the material world the person whose exchange factor is out may think he “makes money.”
Only a government or a counterfeiter “makes money.” One has to produce something to exchange for money.
Right there the exchange factor is out.
If he gives nothing in return for what he gets the money does not belong to him.
The IAS provides no exchange. It takes without giving. Its cheerleader, the Vampire Emperor himself, exhorts public Scientologists to give, give, give to the IAS and strokes those who give the largest amounts with a photo op where they are allowed to kiss his ring.
While they have collected hundreds of millions, every time there is a disaster in the world, they demand money in order to “activate the Volunteer Ministers” to be sent out. But even the largest mobilization of VM’s costs the IAS but a fraction of what they collect. The hundreds of millions of dollars they have collected over the years to fund relief efforts is not actually spent.
To shore up Dear Leader’s Idle Org campaign and give him something to show at events to “prove” the massive international expansion, he has directed the IAS to buy buildings for “Ideal Orgs”. But these are not “donations” – these orgs are required to repay the funds outlaid on their behalf (effectively putting them into massive insolvency) and making a lie out of even these apparent expenditures.
Or the photo ops in Mexican prisons or children learning study tech in Africa or WTH campaigns in Venezuela or Missions opening in Tasmania or “huge” inroads in the Ukraine or, or, or. These are staged photo ops to make it appear that the IAS is spending money donated to it. They throw out a few bucks to fly a camera crew and maybe a couple of people they want to glorify with the next IAS Medal but as soon as the video crews pack up and go home to edit the video, the funding stops and so do the programs.
And then there are the international Scientology “dissemination” campaigns. A couple of hundred thousand is put into these campaigns to fund them long enough to show at an event and then they are forgotten as the next big thing is announced at the next event.
So, money is collected and nothing is delivered. If you want proof, it is easy. You don’t have to get out of your chair. Just go through the earlier editions of the Impact mag or the International Reg Events and note down all the programs the IAS has claimed to have funded. Then see if you can find anything about the massive distribution of WTH or study tech taking over a country or Criminon in every prison or Narconon being the official government rehab program (or any of the other hype). If you can find any evidence of the massive inroads that have been claimed I will be happily surprised (because the real tragedy of this is that if the IAS would spend the hundreds of millions extorted out of people on the programs it SAYS it does, you WOULD be able to find those sort of results).
And the IAS refuses to return the funds on the basis that they were not paid in exchange for a service!!! But were a DONATION. Exactly like the policy. Take the money for no exchange. And they say it OVERTLY!
The IRS had a big problem with the IAS because it accumulated too much money without it being spent. In order for the IRS to grant tax exemption to the CHURCH, the church had to assure the IRS that it was NOT a requirement to be a member of the IAS to participate in any church services. Here is what the church said:
A parishioners’ participation in the religious services of Scientology is wholly separate and distinct from an auditor’s right to keep his or her certificates in force. More to the point, this right of participation is not in any way contingent on or conditioned upon a parishioner becoming or remaining a member of the IAS. We are unaware of any instance in which a church of Scientology refused to allow an individual to participate in religious services because he or she did not maintain a current IAS membership. …
You called our attention to an advertisement in issue 75 of SOURCE magazine containing statements to the effect that IAS membership is required in order for a parishioner to participate in religious services. These statements are erroneous. There is no Church policy or directive which sets forth such a requirement, nor has there ever been such a Church policy or directive.
Now, has anyone been told that they MUST be a member of the IAS in order to take Church services? Is the Pope Catholic? Worse, has anyone been told they have to become patrons or “increase their status” in order to be eligible for further services?
Dear Leader knows the IRS isn’t looking any more, and that it would be difficult to get the IRS to re-engage in a dispute with the church. So, he flaunts his word (after all, he has often announced to his adoring sycophants that it was HE who got tax exemption and that it was because the IRS trusted HIM) and the law, and keeps building his pile of gold.
But, back to the real point. Were there no IAS, the Church would have HAD to figure out how to deliver more auditing and training. That isn’t accomplished by buying fancy buildings in industrial parks. IAS money is a substitute for money paid for delivering Scientology. As a result, Dear Leader can have crashing delivery stats over many, many years and it doesn’t matter. He has straight up and vertical income stats! He has used it to PR himself to the hoodwinked public and staff. And based on his “stats” he has become “untouchable.” Let’s not mention the stats of Auditors Made, Clears Made, WDAH or heaven forbid Refund Requests.
The IAS is preventing the Church of Scientology from being a service organization with a purpose of delivering auditing and training. The criminal exchange has corrupted the very core of the Church.
So, when you see IAS “regges” parading around like they “own” the orgs and being treated as “senior executives” and being given precedence over registrars trying to get people onto service, realize that this IS the Vulture Culture personified.
As one of LRH’s hand-picked and trained old time org ED’s once said: “No one is exempt from the laws of exchange. Including the Church of Scientology.”
Church of Scientology, RIP.
My perception of the IAS is that it completely undercut and subverted the orgs. The IAS impoverished the public field of every org on the one hand, and took org staff off post for much of the time, making them do call-in and event preps as well as event organization during frequent events for many years. Org staff were essentially constantly being double-hatted, robbing them of sleep and pay. This can be considered a “done” for Miscavige – the nullification of orgs as tech delivery vehicles. So the shift to the Basics and the Idle Orgs schemes and the concentration on hitting on the ‘whales'(wealthy donors) for money, as all the regular folks are long since tapped out, driven to bankruptcy and in some cases murder and suicide, like Rex Fowler.
That’s the IAS in a nutshell, “furthering and protecting the Aims of Scientology” they would have us believe, when it’s the ultimate 3rd party.
Oh, and they have long since been telling people they will get “more case gain by donating to the IAS, than by doing Bridge services like auditing”, and steering people away from donating for their Bridges.
However justified the IAS may have seemed back in the late1980s, they have for some time been the scum of the Earth.
How is this for “exchange”? From Karen de le Carriere:
“I served aboard the Flagship Apollo where I was trained by LRH to the level of Class XII C/S. I am one of only seven Class XII C/S’ LRH ever made.
After LRH took Flag ashore in Clearwater, I met and fell in love with Heber Jentzsch. We married and Heber went on to become the President of the Church of Scientology International. I remained devoted to LRH and to my duties as a Class XII C/S at Flag. I won “Auditor of the Year” at Flag numerous times.
COB RTC David Miscavige ordered Heber Jentzsch and I to be divorced and has utterly destroyed our 2nd dynamic.
I was suddenly a single mother with a child to support. Heber was unable to pay any child support.
Indeed, Heber could not even support himself on his $50 per week Sea Org pay. I did not protest this as Heber was the President of the Church of Scientology International and I did not want to create a flap for the Church. The Church had me sign affidavits on video camera that I would never ask for child support.
I routed out of the Sea Org in 1990 and took many years to pay off my $90,000 Freeloader Debt.”
The Church made her sign her civil, legal and human rights away and sent her packing with a 90,000.00 “Freeloader debt” after DECADES of service, as a single mother with no support. They FILMED her promising not to ask the father of her child to take any responsibility! If I were her I would BACK SUE right now The Church Of Scientology for that support and subpeona that film they made right into court.
Nice cover photo…pretty much says it all. I’m here if you need me Mike.
Interesting article. I’m intrigued that on the one hand there are former members of the Church of Scientoogy saying the root of all evil is the IAS and yet here in the UK almost everyone I speak to ‘knows’ that scientology does not exist in the UK! The exceptions are people connected to the media and to some extent the financial services. Oh yes, and for some strange reason the Independent Police Complaints Commission which wrote in a report that my warning someone that he was being exploited by the CoS was harassment.
One day you will find the courage to admit that this is good news.
May DM remain in charge of Co$ until Co$ expires. He is just the kind of leader the world needs it to have.
What the RCS is doing is an ancient and workable strategem which has been called many things , for example, “Put your nickel on the drum, and Save Your Soul”. Very, very workable, for one reason alone, to wit:
The vast majority of people are in mystery about death. Its a huge not-know, and in my opinion a huge outpoint that it isn’t generally known. For the record, I’ll share that I myself do not know.
We all can be, have been and are continually being manipulated in one way or another because of this missing data. What needs to occur is for someone, somehow to come back from being dead and r-factor broadly so that people stop fearing it.and dubbing in about what might happen if they’re :good” and what might happen if they’re “bad”. Now, if someone would/could just come back and r-factor everyone on a broad scale.
..”Hi, yeah, its me, its really me, yeah, I was dead for a while, and, long story, I decided to come back and live. Look, I can send you an e-mail with the full details or you can catch me on Oprah next week, but for now, straight away, you really need to know, death is no big deal. Its such a non-issue, really. To get right to the point, here’s what you can expect…”
This is not to say that there aren’t people who DO know, btw. But if this mystery about what happens after death could just become general knowledge, lots of good effects would ensue, not the least of which predators like David Miscavige, who have existed down the ages, would all go immediately out of business.
What makes me feel good is that I’m quite sure these predators themselves don’t know.what to expect when they die.
Miami Org’s “new starts” file suit instead of success story. Yes, people now SUING over the Scientology experience! How is that for a turn around?
“According to the EEOC’s complaint, filed May 8, Dynamic Medical, owned by Dr. Dennis Nobbe, violated federal law by requiring employees named in the suit to spend at least half their work days in courses that involved “Scientology religious practices, such as screaming at ashtrays or staring at someone for eight hours without moving.”
According to an EEOC statement, the company required one employee “to undergo an ‘audit’ by connecting herself to an ‘E-Meter,’ which Scientologists believe is a religious artifact, and required her to undergo ‘purification’ treatment at the Church of Scientology.”
When employees protested having to attend the Scientology courses, they were told, according to the suit, that these were a requirement of their job. Two employees who refused to participate “and/or did not conform to Scientology religious beliefs” were terminated.”
“The Church of Scientology did not respond to requests for comment by ABC News.” I guess those two I.A.S. Members will not only NOT get any support from the I.A.S., They are probably getting regged for sec checks and donations to “handle the flap”.
Worse, from the District Attorney’s Office: In a statement issued by the EEOC, Robert Weisberg, regional attorney for the commission’s Miami district office, called the Dynamic Medical Service’s actions a shameful violation of federal law.
“Employees’ freedom from religious coercion at the workplace must be protected,” he said.
Employees’ freedom from religious coercion at the workplace must be protected? The Sea Org experience is ALL about “religious coercion at the workplace”.
“Quite ironic that they had to talk to an ash tray.”
I don’t think they had a cognition on the ashtray drill, either did their bosses, the Scientology Chiropractors. Otherwise, when their patients were ready for treatment, the Chiro’s would just stand behind the patient and yell at the patient: “STAND UP! STRAIGHTEN YOUR BACK OUT!”
“When employees protested having to attend the Scientology courses, they were told, according to the suit, that these were a requirement of their job. Two employees who refused to participate “and/or did not conform to Scientology religious beliefs” were terminated.”
All while the CofS hosts a web site about religious tolerance!
“I support Religious Freedom!!!”…ehh as long as its $cn.
Quite ironic that they had to talk to an ash tray, because this clinic owner is going to get his BUTT SMOKED. Let’s see if the church is there to back him up, or will they turn their back on yet another?
The FEDS down on two I.A.S. Members? The I.A.S. will sort this out I’m sure. They sort out all of David’s legal flaps. He didn’t even pay for a membership. He is a salaried executive and has not donated a dime .
Very well written Mike.
Thank you very much.
I just want to say that the picture of the bird on the building is definitely NOT photoshopped! 🙂
Thanks again for another great article, Mike.
In terms of illogic, irrationality and the Data Series tech to get one exterior to and able to positively affect Situations, this summary of the IAS and the Culture of Vulture/Criminal out-exchange is probably THE Major Departure from the Ideal Scene covered in Data Series 11, THE SITUATION.
Mere appearance, all semblance and no substance. Lack of delivery, and lack of results glossed over by nothing but “show” and the money taken without a valuable exchange. That’s the IAS, that’s the Ideal Org strat. That’s DM.
I think more than any other, this Situation: the IAS is a criminal organization, by definition, that has usurped the Church of Scientology as a place where auditing and training are delivered to real results, is THE MOST “crazy wide” departure from any Ideal Scene that exists.
I agree.
“Mere appearance, all semblance and no substance. Lack of delivery, and lack of results glossed over by nothing but “show” and the money taken without a valuable exchange.”
That sums it all up doesn’t it?
Brilliant Jim. The corp. church is fundamentally off purpose. All actions not directly contributing to the wins of pcs and preots or thoroughly trained auditors is pure dev-t. PURE dev-t. I was struck at Flag, by the quantity of SO members spending all their time managing hotel rooms or restaurants. I thought every one of them should be an auditor, word clearer or supervisor. Let the public create a vibrant support community surrounding the orgs, which would of course, support the orgs. There could so easily be a game where everyone wins, when real, on purpose exchange is occurring, especially, the wins of proper auditing.
Well defined- a group of criminals, taking and not exchanging anything in return. This may look like someone(s) have a lot of money, but this is en mested as it is basically stolen, and enmest will attract entheta and down the bottom of the scale you go and those low tones are grim.
And I don’t agree that Miscavige is not stupid- actually he is VERY stupid as who will change his sane and free eternity for pieces of paper called money? I would not, many of you would not either and is simply because we are not stupid…to the contrary, we are free. able and can see things as they are as those communicated on this blog. Thank you Mike
Brilliant post Mike. What a great analysis pointing out the lack of exchange coupled with LRH’s words on the folly of lack of exchange. It seems like the church is quite good at ‘keeping up an appearance’ of doing good and foisting that image off on its members. I know some members will ask questions about the outpoints (why do we have to donate to the IAS and also donate to fund our own church, and doesn’t paying for the services cover that etc) and they often get smooth answers (mest stuff costs lots of money and it’s covered in policy etc ) delivered with a lot of certainty, and that often stops further inquiry – people often accept that . Your analysis and observing the obvious along with extrapolating some data from observable items (since the church rarely publishes actual stats) – very incisive. Thanks for clearing up these maybes for people who are wondering.
This is hard-hitting and huge, though very difficult to confront for someone who has given a lot of money to the IAS, thinking that they were saving the world!
Not only can you not receive service if you don’t pay the IAS you also lose your job!
When we pointed out to Dr. Villarreal that the IAS donation system was not per any LRH policy he complained to a top IAS administrator and next thing we knew we were fired!
That’s right Lucy.
If you don’t give to the IAS then you are “out ethics” and then someone being “managed” by WISE would then advise thier client to get rid of anyone who doesn’t support “command intention”. “They must be 1.1 and would stop your practice.”
It’s amazing to me now how long so many bought into this kind of group think.
Very insightful post, Mike. The IRS should recognize corruption when they see it, being utterly corrupt themselves. Maybe when their current scandal of being Obama’s attack dogs blows over they might do something to reestablish their image and I can’t think of a target that the public would enjoy seeing taken to task more than our late, lamented CoS.
Maybe the I.A.S. would be interested to know that in repackaging the books to “perserve” the tech, David knocked six books out of the L.R.H. library? Geeze I mean, you would think the IAS would be all over this right!
I have the marriage hats that I understand was written by Mary Sue.
It would be hard to beleive these wouldn’t have since been edited not to associate
MarySue as having written them, and since DM lied and betrayed her and her family
under duress more or less prisioning her and making her sign all over to then RTC
under pressure and falsehood behind the back of her husband and now both dead.
I myself knew she did some years ago I saw them myself.
In 1985 I moved up to AOSHUK from a lower org. One of the first people to ‘get me’ was a beautiful Nordic Lady from the IAS. She wanted my membership payment and I asked for the LRH reference that I should pay the IAS anything.
She showed me the orignal LRH reference about membership and then gave me a confusing story about the IAS taking over the church membership and therefore having the right to collect the monies.
I had a choice, pay up or no services. I paid and continued paying up to the level of Sponsor and then rebelled. Also I raised the question, among friends, that the IAS was just a tax system as payment was forced but the expenditure was entirely at their whim and fancy. My friends took it up !
Strangely, there appeared to be some effort on the part of the IAS to solicit suggestions for expenditure but it was just a sham. Tthe interview by the rottwieler wasnt though.
Miscavige was very successful in transforming a hippie-psychocult into a belief system (= “religion”). It was helpful to him that the society becomes more and more lazy consumers. Studying a course ? Too much effort…. Sitting in a session ? Wasted time…
BELIEVING into the story of “save the planet” (from the evil psychs and their leader xenu) makes the modern parishioner feel important and humanitarian. They don´t need to waste their time anymore in the course- or auditing-room to obtain the same salvation.
“We have done something good, we have contributed to save the planet (with the help of LRH, Miscavige = Jesus) from an unvisible evil ruler (Xenu = Devil) and his visible stooges (= psychs, ….).”
So that´s enough for a modern belief system – others should do the job they get paid for through donations. No need for own activity to silence one´s consience; the interest for self-improvement long time ago has vanished. That was something old-fashioned from the hippies of the 70´s and the following new-age era – both outdated.
One has to move on with time, and – if you like it or not – Miscavige was (at least partly) successful to transform a self-improvement-psychocult into a “true religion”. You only have to BELIEVE now in shit, without any personal activity rexquired.
A very astute observation.
One of the outpoints of this system: if you are up stat you are protected by ethics. Even if the stat is up through out exchange activities. If you combine this with „only the strong will survive“ then you create a society which is very ruthless. Someone paying 100.000 to IAS is protected. Those he betrayed to get that money cannot do anything about it. As if then they would be „counter intention“ „attacking upstats“ or „need to get rid of their overts“. Call it Mafia or whatever you want to name it. The mild form „socially accepted“ is paying low wages for good work. Or false financial statements to push the stock price up.
So Ethics is out. Someone has to go in and handcuff Miscavige. As has been done with various Mafia, Political or Finance figures.
Excellent summation, Mike. DM and free money are a love affair that goes way back.
I was on the OTC and the IAS was raising $200,000,000 last year. This is year after year. It might of been a little less the year before but by gods that is a lot of money.
Good one Mike, speaks sooth!
“There is no Church policy or directive which sets forth such a requirement, nor has there ever been such a Church policy or directive.”
Can anyone confirm?
Thank you Mike for such clear and concise coverage of a very tragic reality.
This Golden Age of Vultures hopefully will come to an end before too many more are hurt by it. Thanks Mike for writing the plain truth here in your post. You tell it like it is.
Human Rights World Tour is funded by the locals, as I remember they do not have money to book a hotel. So the staff/mission holders have to come out with some donations (without the knowledge of IAS vultures) to help Mary and her tour people. Drug booklets are the same too. The locals are always asked to directly fund the campaign and they were happy, and the amount is far outnumbered than what was supplied by IAS vultures. With IAS tours arriving our land more and more frequently, it is harder and harder to squeeze from the locals, without any interference from those vultures. We used to start doing something bright, then a small amount from IAS came and big credit went to them for more donations directly to the IAS, not to us. Exact pattern of out-exchange.
Thanks for this excellent post on the crim IAS, and once more as well for all that you are doing.
Talk about the Energizer Bunny, – you are one living, breathing, ambulatory, indefatigable, human D/A Pack for the lies and crimes of the RCS!!!
Much appreciated, Mike..
I agree Aquamarine. Mike is doing such a good job of DAing the DA and lies. Keep up the amazingly good work Mike. I never knew how far reaching his reasons for getting IRS classification as a religion were until now. It’s like we should write a book about the exact and cunning steps he did to ensure full control with no questions asked by the IRS, by the parishoners, by the holed execs, by everyone.
Great post again Mike! This is what is needed on the internet – information about the scam for lurkers to read so they know exactly what the Communist Church of Scientology is really doing.
Another tactic – they move people around all the time – no one knows what is really going on.
I would love to hear more about Fraud Scam Base and the regging done in MAA offices to get out of lower conditions! If you have any input – would help some lurkers I know are reading your blog because they are in doubt. They had a lot of money extorted from them from the MAA at Flag!
The experiences of being extorted, oops, I mean regged by the MAA are legion. When you’re on OT VII and you have that much Sec Checking every six months whether you need it or not, there are always “Conditions” to be done, and the MAA’s tell you to buy the books from them or buy this or that, whatever the current item du jour is. And I have had them keep you up way past hours trying to get you to buy another set or 10 of Basics from them (to get their stats up). It has nothing to do with their post, yet they are there regging with the best of them. And saying you can’t get eligibility for your OT levels unless you donate to the IAS or buy this or that from the MAA’s is done regularly. They call it donating and I call it extortion.
Well sir,
Just tell it like it is!
Such as well focused post. You’re keeping us directly on point. Your explanation of why the IRS isn’t coming after the RCS makes total sense. The past battles had to have been exhausting for them (poor wee mites). Maybe they’ll regrow some cajons as the popular press is doing. Keep shouting the same message and, like Jericho, the walls will eventually come tumbling down.
If I hadnt experienced what you are saying for myself, I would never have believed it!! Right on Mike!
Where do the P.I. funds, the influence slush fund, and political help funds get ciphered from? These are all non charitable activities which must have some trail.
The answer is part of the ideal Org strategy. Per US tax law rental income from reasl estate of a non profit is tax free and does not have to be accounted for as donations have to. The ideal Org program is in reality the program to create and perpetuate a slush fund legally. By investing heavily in real estate and than renting it out to Orgs (or other tenants if the orgs fail) one has created a super nice slush fund. DM aint stupid, just ruthless.
There is no requirement for accounting for ANY donations as a 501(c)3 organization. Money from “donations” or money from “rental” for another exempt organization is not treated differently.
The biggest benefit to Miscavige of IRS exemption was the fact that there was no longer ANY form of government oversight into the activities of the church.
I can support this information with my experience as the ED of Criminion WUS. Joan Lonstein and I wrote to the IAS asking a grant for Criminon WUS in the mid 1990’s. We received $30,000 from the IAS. We were told by Rena Weinburg and Laurie Zurn that every year, we should send a grant/CSW to the IAS and we would receive $30,000 or more. And also, to spend our 1st year grant money so we could request another grant. Well, we spent the money. We ordered a bunch of course packs and TWTH booklets at the end of the year to get the money used up. When we submitted our 2nd grant, guess what, we received a letter from the IAS that they would only fund a grant ONE time for Criminon.
We were really up a creek, as we had expanded our course sups and students(prisoners) but we did not have the funds for the postage for all these lessons and course packs.
The IAS reggs 100’s of millions of dollars each and they could not fund a grant of $30,000 a year to Criminon. Well, I guess there were more important items to fund, like PIs to follow Pat Broker for over 25 years.
“Grant”? Do you have any idea how much donations were acquired for Narconon and Criminon in the mid 90’s and the money went straight into David’s C of S bank accounts and was NEVER used for the purposes the money was given for? HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of DOLLARS. A.B.L.E. was PIMPING drug addicts!
Very informative post. Thank you.
Here’s to the Idle Org strategy.
Damn Mike!! Break it down. I love that stuff.
This cult is doomed.