Has scientology now officially jumped the shark?
This woman is proudly announcing they are setting up a “survival club” in the jungle in Yucatan, apparently with alarm bells clanging in her head with respect to the tragedy of Jonestown (in the jungle of Guyana)?
One could assume this is just “rogue” members doing their own thing. But they are using an LRH reference and promoting it in the scientology world. If you can claim what you’re doing is “based on LRH” there are plenty of people who will jump on board. Even for the wildest garbage.
Or maybe this is just the new plan for ideal, ideal orgs. This is a pretty impressive building….
To David Miscavige Sir
From: Aqua
Yo Sir!
Are you going to allow these downstat, out -ethics SP squirrels jacqui and Whatshisname to snap up all the PC’s clamoring for Rainforest tech in the Yucatan?
Just think, Sir, with your money you could probably buy…El Castillo, an utterly amazing ancient Mayan pyramid that’s one of the Seven Wonders of the World!’
Of course its part of ancient Mayan ruins and not on the market but I don’t have to tell you how money talks.
Whereas El Castillo draws tourists by the thousands.
Talk about foot traffic!
What an Ideal M’Orgue that would make, no?
And look, , there are already dead people buried in there.
You’ll be adding a few of your own, of course.
But at least you won’t have to start from scratch.
And need I mention how appropriate it would be to have a Scientology org in a building that itself is an actual pyramid?
Its the right building, its the right word, the right concept – everything is right about this!, Sir!
Once you buy this pyramid, people will flood in for services.
Staff will be no problem; the descendents of the Ancient Mayans are down with slavery.
Nothing like this has been done in all the history of this and every other universe.
Why not ask Tom what he thinks about this?
Much love,
To: Aqua
From: David Miscavige Sir
Get it right you uneducated peasant!
It’s Sir David Miscavige.
OK, I’ll do the US Army thing: “Sir, yes Sir!”
To: Everyone Who Isn’t Me.
From: David Miscavige.
Listen up all you peasants, I have promoted myself to the rank of Lord. So start getting used to my new title as Lord David Miscavige or else! Now start practicing your obsequious and sycophantic bowing and scraping.
Lord David Miscavige.
Another place to confine somebody off the grid for the “Introspection Rundown”?
Wait, wait WAIT! Hold everything! NOW we know where Miscavige is! Contact Leah’s attorneys; outfit those process servers with machetes and bug spray! They’re going to have to hack their way TO him, but the the Dwarf can now be served Over The Rainbow in the jungles of the Yucatan. The time is now!
I like it. I think its cute. A cute little hut. Thatched roof. Looks clean. I wonder if there’s running water. I would think it would have to have a bathroom, right? Indoor plumbing? Electricity? Air conditioning? Then again, maybe not. It is after all, in the middle of the jungle. Maybe they’re only doing Dianetic auditing, no meter. Hey, if these people are actually Miscavige’s Scientologists, and this little hut as such is the Yucatan’s Ideal Org, at least it hasn’t cost millions of dollars. I think it looks cozy. A hell of a lot more charming than many of the Dwarf’s million dollar M’orgs which to my taste resemble correctional facilities. And last but not least, the price I’ll bet is unbeatable!
” I wonder if there’s running water.”
There certainly is, it’s a couple of dozen of sheepbots armed with buckets running backwards and forwards to the nearby river.
Scientology facilities worldwide will truly become “ghost towns” when scientologists withdraw en masse to the Yucatan.
They’re leaving because they have far too many overts and withholds. Their space is getting smaller and smaller. A Sec Check to save them from their fate has never been written.
In a few hundred years, scientists will discover their remains. Archeological digs, however, will never find David Miscavige and the billions of dollars he’s squandered, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayers.
Curioser and curioser . . .
Nice to see another ideal org opening.
Don’t think they will get much foot traffic though.
Hoof traffic maybe.
Lots of that!
This looks like doomsday preppers gearing up for the apocalypse. Which aligns fairly well the COS view of the future of the world. Is there a comet coming that I didn’t know about?
That comet needs a spaceship in the tail.
Loaded with lots of naked female space vampires.
Is that an Ideal Hut?
Another LOL! An Ideal Hut! Yes, THIS!
Twenty years from now, Miscavige, (with Scientology along with him all washed up and forgotten) all alone except for a few of his aging lawyers, quite isolated and quite mad, in a heavily guarded palace on some island where the US has no extradition treaty – he can channel Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard”.
Here’s the scene;
Some stranger wanders in by mistake and is mis taken for a hired worker of some sort.
Stranger to Dave:
“Hey, aren’t you David Miscavige? Head of the Church of Scientology back in the day? You used to be big!”
Miscavige, glowering:
“I’m STILL big! Its the ORGS that got small!”
Thanks for the inspiration, Yawn 🙂
Everything will be great until they break out the Kool Aide
Don’t you mean the Kools? If they don’t smoke ’emselves to death first you can then follow up with the Kool-Aid.
This must be one of the first actual buidings at the weirdo “Neek Lu’um” expat clam colony — it’s all been stock photos online so far. Jacqui and hubby Stuart have been hyping it since late 2020, without much visible success.
Time to get Grant and Elaina on it. Might need some cockroach abatement strategies in place before they arrive.
OMG, more laughter. Ideal Roaches, as big as your hand. Closed Door Briefings for select upstats to reveal all. Lost Tech. Suppressed by SPs for decades. LRH’s true auditing plans. “Clear the Yucatan Peninsula first; Earth will follow” – LRH. The time is now.
Scamology will follow the Mayan trajectory although it will be much quicker. The Mayans seemed to extend over a several hundred year timeframe before they began sacrificing their own. the Scammers only lasted about 30 years before they began tossing their best and brightest under the bus.
Yo Dave,
Looks like You’re down to roadkill now good buddy. Very little live meat in the shop for the bus detail. Even if it’s breathing it’s not likely gonna fog a mirror, yer scotch being the exception.
Pray tell, what is the “bus detail” ?
Bus Detail ; 1) of or having to do with throwing someone or something under a moving bus.
2) What the miscarriage does as part of HIS daily routine.
3) A standard ethics action when declaring a person
‘Suppressive’ ie: Julian Schwartz daily activities.
“Thank you, Newcomer, that really helped”, said Aqua politely while dealing with a vast panorama of mental effects.
I don’t care! I wann go! Get me some Rainforest Tech.
She has completed all the L R/Ds so running off into hiding in the jungle doesn’t make sense. I mean isn’t she more cause over Life and able to make things right? Hm……
a) Fabian?
b) OT’s banding together in remote untouchable sites, to do OT world “case” elimination?
c) both a and b and other motives?
If they were interviewed, it’d be interesting, probably all altruistic world saving motives, but they are unaware the pseudo-therapy/exorcism Hubbard ‘case’ alleviation practices are doing literally nothing other than placebo/psycho-somatic benefit to anyone.
I today fall flat trying to do my best to justify continuing the Hubbard pseudo-therapy/exorcism(soul freeing all those BTs with the Xenu R6 implants leaking on everyone) (NOT).
If only the Beep Emeter existed and could be scientifically proven that one’s “intention” can be aimed at a Beep Meter and make it really beep. That’d be a start.
Maybe they ought to include making a functioning Beep Meter that will Beep when OTs shoot their intention at it?
Doncha think maybe she is working on the ‘getting off the crossroads of the world’ part of the Ohhhh Tea Phenomenon. Think about it; no regges, no call ins, no central files, no frickin nothing from the do good upstatters!
Just lots of cockroaches. On second thought, maybe it’s not all that different from being in the org!