Another slip of the promo piece has revealed far more than they would want.
Interestingly, Tony Ortega posted about this same promo piece this morning and with the help of Chris Shelton, approached it from a very different perspective than my take (I wrote this last week but haven’t had any time to post it, but now seems most opportune).
This sets some sort of record for incompetence — a scientology promotional item that is so revealing it makes it onto BOTH Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder’s blogs…
Now, that’s a bargain. “Only” $27,500 to get to Clear where they start to really soak you for the cash.
Of course, whenever the media says “but isn’t scientology expensive and don’t people have to pay to progress in scientology” the scoffs and sneers are audible — “How could you be so uninformed? We provide free auditing to those who cannot afford it, and you can always co-audit.” And if you look at Tony’s post you will see some interesting points about how this is discounted from the prices they used to charge (but remember, this is also advertising like car dealers — “you can drive home in this beauty for just $99 per month” but only ONE person gets that sort of deal and all the hidden “extras” really add up). But no matter how you slice it, spending $30,000 to get to the bottom rung of the scientology status ladder is a serious entry fee into the cornerstone/patrons/humanitarians/heroes country club where you earn the right to be soaked for everything you have.
But more significant than the dollar and cents here is this.
According to them, this is the LARGEST CLASS V TECH DELIVERY TEAM IN THE US (delivering in 8 languages which is evidence that they are the org for Flag’s rejects because english and spanish are the only two languages anyone would need for local Tampa public).
The LARGEST CLASS V org made “over” 38 Clears (39 I suppose?) in the last year which is LESS THAN ONE PER WEEK (3 every 4 weeks). And this is the BIGGEST, BADDEST, BESTEST org in the whole United States. 39 in a YEAR.
Let’s put this in perspective. There are more than 4 MILLION people in Tampa Bay. It is growing at a rate of 97,000 PER YEAR. Without touching the existing population, this mighty org that is making clearing a reality is clearing 0.04% of the population INCREASE every year. They are falling behind making clearing a reality in Tampa Bay by more than 250 per DAY.
And this is the best?
And the finest demonstration of unprecedented international expansion?
This is what David Miscavige calls “straight up and vertical expansion.” And what the rest of the world calls “monumental fail.”
Liz says
Lets be honest… Your $27,500 buys Mighty Mouse the best legal defense team ever assembled. Right up there with OJ’s.
Liz says
Nice full family life….?” Of course Ron knew exactly what he was doing. Any doubters, just re read the last sentence on handling would be SP’s….. . destroyed.”… Who even uses that word unless ur speaking of galaxies, Mortal Kombat or evil entities. Guy was a whack job, a successful one, yes. More superficially…. What the bleep was going on with his bottom teeth? I would NT give that dude 2 seconds of my time, none the less a single dime, with oral hygiene line that, YUK!!!
The Oracle says
Well I can tell you why this 27.5 deal doesn’t mean a thing. When has the Church of Scientology ever delivered what it promised since Hubbard’s death? How about all the times you got a cert for auditing and DM cancelled it at an event? One event, he cancels certs world wide! Nah… there are no “cracker jack” auditors. Hubbard was liar and you are all fu^&%d up and mistrained. Nah you never made OT8. Nah you think you are OT and need to redo HQS objectives. NAH Sea Org staff are all SP’s.
Espiritu says
Do I recall correctly that orgs are prohibited from selling auditing services on a flat rate, “to result” basis?
…Not that this would at all concern the Church of Miscavigeology which no longer applies HCOPLs when they are found to be “inconvenient” or contradictory to DM’s latest destructive brain fart.
The Oracle says
This is the funniest thread I ever read.
Tom Yozwiak says
The sequence of steps on the Scientology Bridge has changed from one year to the next. After the “Purification Rundown’ – and another interview with a salesperson-the recruit might well go on to the “Hubbard Key to Life Course” (at a cost of £4,000 or $8,000). This supposedly undercuts all previous education by returning the individual to the basics of literacy. Factually, because it treats all clients as pre-school children, it tends to cause age regression, making people yet more susceptible to Scientology
The Oracle says
OTVIIIisGrrr8! says
$27,500 for the Purif to Clear is a bargain at twice the price! And if you pay today we’ll even throw in a free tire rotation and oil change at our Ideal Org Gas Station!
The Oracle says
Path of Buddha says
When I did the bridge in the 1980’s, no one pestered me until OT VI. During and after OT VI the game changed and the real pressure for donations started. I am saving my gold OT VIII bracelet for no good reason at all.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Espiando, No reply button with your post, I’ll just have to wing it. You gave me the chills. Deep down always knew those two were connected but did not want to acknowledge that point.Even in the SO some part of me knew this but Ron’s Dream Got in the way,& I was blinded by his mission & I wanted to help,others,Wow,has this dream turned worst nightmare etc.But I learned the lesson where there is light watch out for the dark.This refers to Aleister Crowley & my other adventures with the GOI back in the day.Ilike your posts too. Take Care Ann B Watson.
cp says
The phallic symbolism and coloring seem gross, almost pedophylic. Makes me wonder who the targeted public is. Maybe the wog world they think they are dealing with. Reality is impossible and non confrontable. Market to the able in this world not the desperate! Implosion can only occur at this point as I see it. A self destrucing dwindling Spiral of non-reality, non confront and deciept.
Liz says
Going clear is going to continue to break down a lot more barriers. I’m just looking forward to watching Mighty Mouse squirm.
WhiteStar says
scientology should just give up it’s tax status and open a financing arm like GM did with GMC. then they can make loans to members at exorbitant interest rates like the rest of the legal loansharks.
that way you get regular income as well as their indebtedness to you. like the world bank or the GMF.
on a tangential point, society itself is one big bubble comprised of bubbles inside other bubbles inside other bubbles.
the more one learns about what characterizes scientology as a cult and the means they use to succeed, the more you can see the same things in other segments of society.
we can see the cult mentality at work, where we shop, in politics, how we get treated as citizens and consumers.
how do you escape when there is nowhere to escape to? with little choice you finally burn where you are to the ground.
a benefit of scrutinizing and learning about a cult that goes beyond bringing it to justice is that it educates the person on justice. and then that person can’t help but apply that to other things they see in life.
we are moving closer and closer to big brother everyday but the way it seems to me is that’s because we are moving closer and closer to solving and removing the specter of big brother forever.
it”s all part of our evolution.
Ron Dolittle says
A great read.
Cat Daddy says
The Ideal Org for Tom Cruise is located in David Miscavige of course. 😉
The Oracle says
Valerie says
Ok. Let’s take published statistics and break them down.
38+ clears in a year so we will give them 39.
They claim to have 11,000 orgs, missions, etc. We all know that is a lie, but let’s base this calculation on that lie for now. 39×11,000=429,000 people cleared in a year. This would also be basing the clears on the belief that the large majority were not retreaded clears, which is also a lie, but let’s let them have that too. Ok so 429,000 people cleared in a year.
UNICEF says 353,000 babies are born each DAY.
Assuming they really did have 11,000 orgs, missions, etc. and each were clearing 39 NEW people per year, their rate of clearing using their inflated numbers won’t keep up with TWO DAYS worth of babies being born, even counting for the deaths which occur in between.
DollarMorgue says
Not to mention at that rate their 10k+ on OTVII should be more like 100k. Easily. And you would notice the crowds at events. I think there’s a good reason Alice in Wonderland is part of Pro TRs. Scientology is the real-life version, and OT is the grin of the fading Cheshire cat.
Robin says
When did the grades start being delivered before Dianetics? (Clearly I haven’t been following all that closely.)
Nickname says
There are so many outpoints on the “New Bridge” dating back to the changes made after LRH left the church it isn’t worth trying to keep track of. Too much of a morass there. There are people in the world who viciously and sometimes violently oppose an individual’s advancement in thought as well as contributions to and advancement of mankind. It is all part and parcel of the reactive mind, and it spreads over more than just one individual’s perceptions. The reactive mind is there across all Dynamics. In my observation, that is what has happened.
When dealing with even the simple contemplations of eternity and the goal of rational and clear thought, of understanding all of life, one is faced with the puzzle of how to get from “here” to “there.” It’s something like pushing on a planet-sized mental mass. The finest minds in all of history have tried it. Force alone will NOT accomplish anything – it merely sticks one to it. Looking at it intelligently and gaining insight into it is the way to understand it, and by understanding, by seeing it, one can shift it and in fact make it disappear, leaving clear space and thought. The original LRH Bridge solved that problem.
Espiando says
Yeah. And if you clap your hands, Tinkerbell will get better.
John Locke says
Robin, El Con Hubbard ordered that change in the late 70’s.
Liz says
Monumental bullshit!
Aurora says
This story today makes me wonder if Ms Yingling would have any regrets about publicly ‘outing’ her relationship with DLHDM et al in that Op-Ed at the LA Times.
how does that work for her?
is she so mesmerized by his magnificence that her conscience has been completely quelled?
does her state bar association not have some qualms?
hgc10 says
Her representation of the church was already long established public information. The relevant question is: Does she have non-Scientology clients? If so, do they care that they share a lawyer with such an odious corporation? Would they object on moral grounds (unlikely)? Would they object because of the possibility that some of that stink would rub off on them by association? Not likely.
Liz says
It’s all pathetic, Mike. But like you pointed out… Non inductees just can’t wrap their heads around any of it. Particularly the money, the sheer quantity required is just exhausting. Actually lived right outside of Clearwater in the 80’s. Drove, past by many a time. Guess my dark skin, Hispanic, didn’t make me very lucrative bait
Liz says
Date at the heading is really helpful
zemooo says
I love the bait and switch comments. $cientology, now just like your local shyster car dealer, except you don’t get anything with wheels.
The numbers Low Flying Drone broke down really do destroy all of the ‘straight up and vertical’ crap that Sherman’s mouthpiece has been spewing.
Now, given the exalted position of $cientology’s brand name, who is going to jump on the Loss Leader of Religions?
DollarMorgue says
Crickets. Lonesome footsteps echoing in a museum at midnight. Scientology has devolved from a movement to an irrelevant MLM scheme. To me it looks like a nutshell bobbing on the ocean of life, dragged hither and thither by the currents. As it does, the ants on board believe they are climbing the stars.
This is a surreal moment of truth.
jgg2012 says
Soon they will pay people to go clear.
Newcomer says
If they do it will only be in Cult Currency which is micro-milli-givashits.
RolandRB says
Yes, that’s what they would need to do to get new public in otherwise it will just be clam retreads and their offspring. What they are selling, raw meat ain’t buying. That’s the way it will stay. The cult is in the process of dying but with its heart kept beating by whale donos until the whales are all out of blubber.
cp says
Selling a result = no,no. Must be desperate as it is an impossible claim…. In many ways.
John Locke says
cp, El Con sold results for Clear, L’s, OT VIII, etc., etc. So it is obviously NOT a “no, no”. It is how El Con constructed MOST of the upper bridge sales techniques.
Tony DePhillips says
It truly is a “bait and switch” deal that they are offering. As you say, hardly anyone will make it at that price. There will be “reviews” and things added and don’t for get the random book packages to get yourself out of the ethics officers office.
The next thing is, did they really make any Clears?? Certainly not as advertised in DMSMH. If it isn’t that then WHAT is there new definition of a Clear? A person who no longer has his own reactive mind? BUT…guess what, now you have laid bare THOUSANDS of other reactive minds that are all attached to you… Good excuse as to why as a Clear you still act so crazy. Oh…how much to handle all of those crazy little buggars?? The sky is the limit. How much you got???
Long Fall Blowdown says
Can I get the bracelet on rental? That way I can simply return it the next time they tell me I need to redo Clear.
The Oracle says
Low Flying Drone says
Opps, they gave actual numbers. 400 Grade Chart completions in one year? That’s scary. Grade Chart completions includes Purif do-overs, objectives, all the grades and NED. For one person to go from Purif to Clear for example, it would require TEN grade chart steps:
Happiness rundown
Grade zero
Grade one
Grade two
Grade three
Grade four
Supposedly these are super dooper streamlined now.
So these are horrible numbers.
27 auditors doing 400 grade chart completions in one year means each auditor doing slightly more than one grade chart completion PER MONTH! And the auditors don’t do the longer purif and objectives, they are just going the shorter grades and NED. So I have to call bullshit on this. There is no way that Tampa org really has 27 auditors. Dream on. They would be each working maybe 3 or 4 hours a week tops. Oh….hang on.
Then there are the 400 grade chart competions in 1 year. This is enough auditing to take 40 people through to clear – so this actually lines up with the 38 clears. 38 clears out of the 4 million tampa bay residents. Thats almost a solid .001 percent of the population. But as Mike pointed out, the population is inceasing rapidly so they are shooting backwards an incalculable rate of velocity -Sherminate those numbers!
And this is production from the only org in the world that gets a steady stream of pcs delivered to its doorstep courtest of the Flag MAAs. Most of the other orgs in the world would be lucky to do one tenth of that.
So all in all, Great News!
Mike Rinder says
Great analysis. Thanks.
LDW says
Good breakdown. I’d add
Life Repair
Scientology Drug Rundown
NED Drug Rundown
False Purpose Rundown (they probably count each form as a Rundown)
Clear Certainty Rundown
All this adds up to less than 30 people making it from Life Repair to Clear in a year..
With well over 125 staff and purportedly 27 auditors, that’s just not particularly impressive.
And considering that probably at the very least 100 of those rundowns were re-do’s of purifs and old timers doing objectives, in terms of clearing the planet we’re talking orders of magnitude of spit balls at a battleship.
The Oracle says
Yeah, happiness rundown right in the beginning. People get sec checked now at the bottom of the bridge. They get the intel early on.
Idle Morgue says
I heard a gal from our Org is re doing the purif – she has nothing, eats nothing but baked chicken legs and water, does nothing except work at the org…has no home, (rents a room in a local Scientology flop house) no Tu- Dee, no family, no friends, no money, nothing…absolutely nothing and is CLEAR. She can’t do her Oat Tea levels cuz she’s a drug case…(whatever that means). BUT – she is redoing her purif…and is waxing wins about the chemicals in the chicken and water were coming out her pours…and restimulating her case…
no joke
cindy says
How utterly sad. Ron never meant for people to live like that. He had a full family life and nice surroundings and nice food. He wanted everyone to have high havingness, not like David “let him die” Miscavige.
And all you LRH bashers please don’t jump on me and say what a bad guy he was on the 2D etc. I know all that. I know his overts and I don’t make any excuses for him.
Roger Hornaday says
Cindy, I can understand wanting to give credit where credit is due even to Adolf Hitler but to say a man who threw his wife under the bus to go to prison for YEARS and then have her banished when she got out, doesn’t paint a picture of a “full family life”. At least not in the Ozzy and Harriet tradition.
John Locke says
Cindy wrote, “Ron never meant for people to live like that. He had a full family life and nice surroundings and nice food. He wanted everyone to have high havingness, not like David “let him die” Miscavige. ”
I haven’t read a bigger load of garbage in a LONG time. El Con practically STARVED his slave like SO members and their families many times while in charge. He also REFUSED to give a decent pay system to org staff so they could live above street beggar level.
He also had a CRAP family life himself. I was VERY close to his youngest daughter for quite a while…
Ann B Watson says
Hi John Locke, I love your post about Ron.I was close to Quentin who I do miss.I think some viewpoints about Ron are wishful thinking because I know from personal experience he did exactly what he needed to do for his gain always.And he could turn on one on a dime if that suited him.I’ll keep watching for your comments, Thank you so much.Take Care & In Truth.Ann B Watson.
Liz says
Cindy is obviously from the pre internet days… Ron meant everything he did.. None of which was meant to benefit anyone other than himself. He was a sociopath who preyed on young people with little guidance and malleable minds. Get yourself a PC Cindy…. Inform yourself!!!! The man was a monster who has facilitated a succession of detrimentally harmful installations all over the world that manipulate, isolate and systematically destroy ‘thousands’ of people (lives) and that of their families.
Newcomer says
Wasn’t he the same guy who told his wife he had cut their daughter up into pieces? Not sure how that translates into high havingness and all that good stuff.
I think he is a sick son of a bitch. His legacy speaks for itself IMHO.
John Locke says
Thanks Ann B. I only met Quentin once. Seemed like sensitive and nice fellow. I knew Suzette for many years and if I hadn’t left the cult we probably would have been a couple today.
Many people I meet on these boards think that they have escaped the cult because they have left the “church”. The awful fact of the matter is they don’t escape the cult until they stop following the Cult Leader and escape the control he gained over their mind.
Kinda axiomatic 😉
Ann B Watson says
Hi John, Axiomatic indeed! Thank you for reminding me how nice Diana,Arthur&Suzette were when we wrote each other.Quentin had the most amazing sense of humor.He wanted me to join The SO @ AO which had a game going with Asho Day & Asho Fdn over which one I would pick.Fdn won but Quentin & I wrote each other for quite some time.The GOI did not like it one bit when I went to Qual & originated that I knew something had happened to Quentin in the desert.That was when they realized I would have to be taught a lesson in obedience.After months of “lessons” I blew The SO.I know I would have died if I had stayed.All on this blog help me in some way each day.Take Care Ann B.
Old Surfer Dude says
Very, very strong is the Kool-Aid in this one, Idle. Truly very sad. Imprisoned my their own minds. That, to me, is the worst part.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Surfer Dude, Thank you for your post. I feel you & I know how sad that post is. Yet here we are on this blog & I won’t stop my intention & I know you won’t either for The Truth to shine amoung the strange ” ship of fools ” that The SO & COS has become. A Forever Friend Ann B Watson.
Fred G. Haseney says
Re: “Very, very strong is the Kool-Aid in this one…”
The Yoda-like poetry in your comment grabbed my eye, Old Surfer Dude.
Idle Morgue says
38 clears is good when you have 8 billion people on the planet?
This was going on when I was in – apathy sets in quickly for anyone with two brain cells to rub together…
but then we all know there is no state of clear or ot except what you convince yourself of…so go clear and ot outside of criminology / scientology – give me $500,000 and spend 30 years jumping through hoops a dead guy claims set him free – and I’ll give you a cert.
After a while – it is hard to believe anyone in, can put up with the spinning lies and circular bridge to nowhere.
Martin Padfield says
38 is probably the average number of times a Clear has to re-do the CCRD . It’s probably JT redoing his Clear cycle 38 times.
Roger Hornaday says
From Purif to Clear for ONLY $27,500! It does seem like a good deal. It’s a target I think I can reach. A home equity loan should pay almost half that amount and I can work overtime hours. There’s five grand on one of my credit cards I was holding on to in case of an emergency so I think I’m good to go for an 18k deposit on my bridge account! Damn I’m excited about this! They’re going to be so impressed with me at the org!!!
shelgold says
To have 27 auditors, Miscavige must have done something similar to LA Org and thrown a bunch of inactive Flag auditors at them.
In 2012, I was doing some FESing at Tampa and they only had about 7 or 8 auditors between day and evening.
Also, unlikely that Tampa Org would have the ability to recruit many multi-lingual staff themselves.
Plus, I was very recently called by someone at Flag recruiting for Tampa Org.
1984 says
Seems like Tampa is picking up auditors that flag is dumping (and they are foreign nationalities). Interesting.
Old Surfer Dude says
Mostly Russian, as I understand. I hope Tampa has plenty of Vodka…
The Oracle says
civmar says
Shel, what was your answer to the recruiter from Flag?. Can’t wait to find out. Paul K
civmar says
My guess is it’s for a co-audit to Clear. Review auditing is extra.
Doug Parent says
Good guess. Pro rates for auditing (with IAS discount) was $2200 per intensive but you had to buy a package of them for that rate. Back when they would run Grades to EP I spent closer to $95,000 from Objectives and through most of NED. And, there was PLENTY of time wasted on correction due to bypassed FN’s and other tech goofs. The Church of Scientology = the most expensive way possible to get your head screwed up.
Vicki says
Hello – IRS?…
Chee – I don’t know the price, but just like their “tech”, the bracelet isn’t standard either.
Many moons ago, that was another no-no. There were people that created scientology jewelry that many thought was nicer than the “standard” edition. It was stripped out of the orgs and not allowed to be officially sold. And, if I remember correctly, as another way of enforcement, you could only get an official clear bracelet engraved. (Can’t have anyone else making money now, can we?!)
Old Surfer Dude says
You mean to tell me the bracelet is, in fact, NOT IDEAL??? Someone’s headed for a long stint in the RPF,
Ron Dolittle says
Years ago I made some attractive SCN jewelry and other artifacts that I sold to others but that got nipped in the bud shortly thereafter and if I remember correctly I was not even permitted to wear one of my own.
As an aside, there were (“standard tech”) devices erroneously called “wrist straps” that were used in the event that one couldn’t hold the cans continuously in a session.
They were made of galvanized steel, about 8″ long and resembled Vambraces as worn on the forearm by Roman soldiers.
Anyway, the slightest movement by the PC resulted in mild rock slams and sweating produced very low TAs. These were not standard low TAs or rock slams.
I on the other hand made my own custom electrodes that fit comfortably on the bicep or upper forearm. I put them on one arm which enabled me to write with the other without reads from body motion, etc.
Various metals and contact surface dimensions were also considered.
Teenage bridge reps would occasionally scold me because they weren’t standard but I would remind them that there were never any standards on the so called wrist straps. The tech sec at flag backed me up on these as well. Ha, ha, ha.
davefagen says
Considering the history of Class V orgs, these claims (assuming they are true with no hidden catches, which it would not be wise to assume) are pretty impressive.
When you compare these claims to most Class V orgs since 1980, this is very good. When you compare it to the claims being made about “planetary clearing a reality”, etc, it is very bad.
A church member reading this would normally be very impressed because he knows that almost no Class V org since 1980 has had anything close to 27 auditors delivering in 8 languages, 38 Clears and over 400 Grade Chart completions in a year.
In my org, Chicago, our best years since I got in were the early-mid 1990s where we had a lot of chiropractors and dentists coming in via WISE consultants and getting audited up the Grade Chart. But even at that time, we came absolutely nowhere close to what Tampa is saying they are doing in this ad.
So when a long-time member sees this ad, they are very impressed, but they then use that to believe it when they are told that they are “clearing the planet for real” now, which is too much of a jump in logic, because they are not comparing it to what numbers would be required to actually “clear the planet”.
And all of this completely aside from the fact that probably no other Class V org is even close to what Tampa is saying that they are doing. And also completely aside from all the other points that Mike is making and that Chris Shelton is making in these two articles.
Maybe if they would just be straightforward and truthful – such as without all the hype of “We are making planetary clearing a reality”, “47X”, “explosive growth”, “greater expansion in the last year than in the previous 60 years combined”, and without all the slave labor, disconnection, child neglect and abuse, licking bathroom floors, sending people into financial ruin to have enough money to hire expensive PIs and lawyers to help get away with criminal activity, etc, etc, etc, this Tampa ad would be a decent, respectable business claim.
Chee Chalker says
Hi Dave….fellow Chicagoan here……in your opinion, (and if you do not mind answering this question) why did Scientology never take off in Chicago?
I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve never met a Scientologist or even anyone who claimed to know one. The org on Lincoln is always empty and we all know what is (not) happening on south Clark.
I’d be interested in hearing your experience.
davefagen says
Nothing in Chicago has been much different from most of the rest of Scientology. Overemphasis on taking in money now now now; overemphasis on this week’s stats resulting in lack of sound, workable long-term planning and execution; and a lack of emphasis on the spiritual needs of the individual, to sum it all up.
I don’t see the causes of Chicago’s lack of expansion as being unique at all.
john johnson says
Does the $27.5 figure include the cost of sec checking and e-meters?
Idle Morgue says
No John – that is a number slappy pulled out of his ass…
This is all propaganda to get the clubbed seals excited.
Standard Tech, standardly applied.
Scientology Works – see?
Richard Lloyd-Roberts says
I call Bullshit on these numbers. 2 E meters which are $5k each, the basics, 3k plus, the lectures and advanced lectures 10k, at least one intensive of review auditing 5k, one intensive of sec checking (for having critical thoughts about the lies you were told about the price 5k All your bridge materials 10 -12k at least 2k per bridge step and there are at least 15 to clear. 30k.
The 27k was pricing quoted for a scholarship in the old days. No one ever got on unless they paid for everything up front if my memory serves me.
Oh and I forgot the 5k IAS mandatory membership.
Liz says
How do they wrap yall up like that, sell you a total load of nonsense…. And yall keep shelling it out? What un clicked? How could any off this hogwash ever had made any sense. Now if you were children, ok,I get it. Otherwise, pure insanity
hgc10 says
One of those 8 languages must be whatever Andres Rodriguez is speaking. So, there’s English, Spanish, Rodriguez, Esperanto, Shermanese, Pig Latin, Venutian and Qwghlmian.
(10 pts to anyone who knows what that last one is)
Old Surfer Dude says
Outer Mongolia? Is it perhaps an Asian dialect? I’m completely stumped, hgc10. In other words, my usual state of mind…
Aurora says
Long live Neal Stephenson! I re-read Crytonomicon and the Baroque Cycle every couple of years…
djd says
It’s from The Baroque Cycle by Neil Stephenson.
More on-topic, could Qwghlmian be considered an un-Scientology language? Scientology prides itself on exact definitions, and no two Qwghlmiphones ever seem to agree about how to speak teh language.
Daniel Doonan says
Sorry, “djd” was me, forgot I typically use my actual name here.
(Also, “teh” was not a joke, it was just a typo.)
hgc10 says
Ever listen to a Hubbard lecture? He couldn’t agree with himself in one language (some approximation of English) from one minute to the next. These things can only improve in translation.
cletocat says
Qwghlm is a fictional location, featured in the books Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. Qwghlm consists of a pair of islands, Inner Qwghlm and Outer Qwghlm, off the northwestern coast of Great Britainmarker. The islands are geographically similar to the Hebridesmarker. The language, particularly the spelling, parodies Welsh: according to Stephenson, a very approximate pronunciation of “Qwghlm” is Taggum.
Old Surfer Dude says
(sound of me slapping my forehead!) Arrrggg! As a Celt I should have known!
Valerie says
Miscavigique. It’s a unique combination of shermanspeak and pottymouth liberally laced with pretend intellect.
hgc10 says
Plenty of Stephenson fans here, I see. I knew I was in good company. 😉
Jose Chung says
The Flaw is the arbitrary’s IAS status demands ,world disasters such as earthquakes in far away places,floods in far away places, cornerstone to be purchased,crosses to be installed and most important
Christmas gifts for the COB,Birthday Gifts for the COB, Gifts for Tom Cruise, new wives for Tom Cruise,
and if you can’t understand the COBs blabbering your digging ditches at night at Flag
Valerie says
I guess I need my coffee. Someone somewhere may get excited about this but I can’t see someone on the Comm Course saying anything good about the flyer and those people re re re re doing their purif to Clear would understand this doesn’t include the endless sec checks, etc in between.
If there really is such a thing as a raw public walking in the door, this flyer would certainly be the way to chase them right back out. Hey lookie here for only a years salary or so you can quit your job and make it all the way to the bridge abutment (taxes, licenses and incidentals not included).
Newcomer says
” If there really is such a thing as a raw public walking in the door,”
There is no other type of public these days, they are all raw, really raw!
On the other hand I would question other points. Deliver in 8 languages, so, do they have now some Flag auditors’ supporting Tampa? Tampa Org itself never had foreign speaking auditors.
2nd – well, with quicky GAG II where Grades are delivered in less, less than a month thanks to the mini-compilation done by the leader together with the best toaster, sorry, mark VIII you can charge 27,000+ and make a good profit in a matter of weeks.
But what I have never ever seen is a church giving prices for its services and using promo to let it know. Is DM sure he is leading a Church? The IRS is doubting it now too.
Tom Yozwiak says
At this rate, how long before $cilon starts selling off its real estate assets? Despite the tax exemption, at some point there has to be a fiscal crisis for an organization bereft of new member’s money. How long until they drain all that is left of the still-ins?
Newcomer says
I think they have upwards of a billion and a half in reserves so I expect that can tide over some cash flow ailments for some time. I speculate the orgs will be empty of staff before the fiscal crunch is a problem.
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey Silvia, is one of those 8 languages Pig Latin by any chance? I’m pretty fluent in that language…
Espiando says
Considering L. Fraud Flunk-Out’s one-way bromance with Aleister Crowley, Backwards Latin would be more appropriate.
Newcomer says
LOL!!!! OSD, what is the equivalent language in sheeple. That is the one the regges use to do the major fleecing actions!
Old Surfer Dude says
You know, Coop, I always wanted to learn “Sheeple!” I hear it’s a very useful language when you’re in a cult.
McCarran says
I love you two, OSD and Coop. You are so funny!
I want to learn Sheeple!
whostolemycog says
When I read Ortega, I was thinking less than 1 clear/week…wow, that’s pathetic….seriously pathetic. I don’t believe for a second they’ll provide clear for $27k…I’ll bet the contractual fine print confirms the ease with which they can wiggle out of any price committment.
chrismann9 says
It’s one of two things: It is a “package”, where you buy a certain number of intensives. I guess it would include the Purif, Objectives (Survival Rundown co-audit) and some number of intensives. You will almost certainly need more intensives.
Or, some person got to “Clear” with $27,000, so that now means “people”, or people are routinely completing, etc. Your results may vary. I see this one a lot in promo. People are now completing GAT traning in X number of days. People are completing their Grades at Flag in X number of weeks, yada, yada. What they really mean is some people, or one person did this. It is not an average or expected outcome for the average person.
Chee Chalker says
How much for the bracelet?
Espiando says
There’s one on eBay for Buy It Now of $100, Chee. If it was a men’s, I probably would buy it, just for shits and giggles.
Friend says
You can have my bracklet .. it is for man .. very old from 1979 .. it is black the silver .. dirty stuff ..
Valerie says
Actually, that’s an interesting one on ebay right now. It’s got no clear number, just the initials rsd ss then LRH’s initials engraved on the back just as he signed it. Does anyone have an idea what rsd ss might stand for? It’s one of the older clear bracelets? I asked the seller a question and he offered me the bracelet for $90. Not sure whether it is a collector’s item or not. I threw mine away over 30 years ago. Any clues to who rsd ss might be?
OTVIIIisGrrr8! says
RSD SS = Reed Slatkin, Dedicated Scientology Student
Gail Paige says
I finally got something for all my donations. I gathered all my bracelets and pins and cashed them in when gold was around $1800 an oz.
Newcomer says
Twenty seven,five plus your International Association Screwing for another forty and some accomos should round out to about 80K and change. Oh yea,don’t forget another 1000 or so for the pot metal bracelet.
(And I’m assuming qual will not certify you as clear unless you are Patron or above. Can you imagine, attesting to clear and only being a ‘lifetime’ cult member! How degraded can you get?)
cindy says
In their promo they show a person being fitted with their new and prestigious Clear Bracelet. Again, it is all about status symbols. The bracelet is a status symbol just like Patron Magnanimus Meritorious and other designations are for status. In the C of $ you buy your self esteem. In the old days you were assigned a Clear number, which you had engraved on the back of your Clear bracelet. David Miscavige, “let him die” probably dropped it because sharp bloggers and reporters can see how many Clears are made.
Also as an aside here, many OT VIII’s told me they were regged very hard to buy the gold OT VIII bracelet on the Ship. They practically wouldn’t let them off the ship unless sthe;y bought this status symbol at great bucks. It’s all about the money, on sea and on land.
Old Surfer Dude says
This is one very sick cult, Cindy! And I don’t doubt it for a minute that they used ‘crush regging’ on everyone on board the Fuckwinds. David “Let Him Die” Miscavige is the “Sociopath Next Door.” BTW, Cindy, do you know how much they were selling the gold bracelets for?
DollarMorgue says
Fitted? It looks more like they are putting on a manacle.
S for Status, S for Slavery.
The Oracle says
To be honest, the design is outdated. It now looks like a diabetic designation bracelet.
Newcomer says
I’ve got a 14k gold OT VIII bracelet if anyone is interested. FWIW, I did have a jeweler verify it wasn’t just plated pot metal!
It has melt value but beyond that I consider it a liability! Good for status …….. somewhere I expect, but those locations are diminishing!
Pete2 says
Just curious how much did you have to pay for that?
Raindog says
I think you should put it in a shadow box and display it with your Frazettas!
cindy says
Coop, melt it down and laugh all the way to the bank!
Newcomer says
Including the statuses or only for the courses and auditing? I’m giving you the daily scab yanking award here Pete although Raindog is pulling into second place quickly. Short answer … easy a half mill….ouch, I’m bleeding again!
Nothing to laugh about Cindy, the Freakwinds charges about 3k for it and the melt value is about 8oo. Being the ser faccy guy I am, I won’t melt er down till gold gets into the 2000 range! Besides, I may want to wear it to an event or some other freak show! At least it is worth more than those certs and awards…… and old meters……and books ……and commendations!
Liz says
Yep. Welcome back to the real world. It’s still scary, but at the very least you don’t have to be constantly proving you’re worth or looking over your shoulder. You know what? Someone should profit from this inevitable fallout. We should build a decontamination, de brainwashing facility just outside of Clearwater. We better act soon… Mighty Mouse might already have this in the works
Old Surfer Dude says
I’d go with Cindy idea!