The National Public Affairs Office that is part of the DC Ideal org (the Fraser mansion at Dupont Circle) seems to have sprung a leak.
One of our eagle-eyed correspondents sent in these photos yesterday.
Looks like a rather large section of the roof has sprung a leak, so they deployed some tarpaulin tech to “handle the hell out of it”….
Even though the majority of public at the DC org are NOI, they are not enough to make this org viable. No doubt, like all the other “ideal orgs”, they are incapable of covering their expenses.
As long as no water is gushing in, you can pretty much bank on this roof not being repaired any time soon. Getting something like this, which is seen as a “luxury,” through Financial Planning Committee has an ice cream’s chance in hell. Remember, they have to spend a huge portion of their income to pay to send out “promotion” so they can make more money… At least that is what LRH says so that is what they do, no matter how many people tell them they do not read their promo pieces.
Wonder how long before someone announces a special FUNraiser for the roof?
Confront and shatter suppression?
Tracey McManus reports on the latest news in downtown Clearwater.
It would appear that scientology’s welcome has run out with the Clearwater City Commission.
This pretty innocuous land swap, which would seem to actually benefit the city, has been nixed again. Apparently on principle: “what scientology wants the city does not.”
Maybe someone read some L. Ron Hubbard on confronting and shattering suppression. He says it’s simple, you tell the SP “No” and they shatter… Could it be they are trying to use scientology to combat scientology? Kind of like that “you’ve got to be OT to go OT.”
Fascinating times.
I spent several years refurbishing houses that the owners were not able to keep up, and am intimately familiar with water damage from failed roofing.
Fixing the roof is unbelievably cheaper than the interior damage that is going on.
That tarp on the roof is in tatters. Even the holes have holes In Scientology
They are called black holes and are filled with anti-matter. Coincidence?
How…how DARE that council defy The Great and Powerful Dementor Miscreant. He needs that land to fence it off so his pompadour can roam free and graze on Tribbles.
Wait…doesn’t Scientology have insurance on their buildings?
Hubbard seemed distrustful and disdainful of traditional financial practices and institutions – plus orgs have always struggled to meet even basic expenses. So, though any normal organization would carry insurance, Scientology likely wouldn’t.
Plus, Scientology is wealthy enough to self-insure most anything, though arguably they should carry insurance on their largest and most valuable properties in case of some catastrophe.
By definition, catastrophes do not, and cannot happen to Scientologists. They Make It Go Right!
Don’t they?
’til next time
of COURSE SCN doesn’t have insurance! That would be counter-intention on the postulate that everything will go right, the same way Tubby eschewed banks(the financial kind), medicine, laws, politeness, normal customs and anything else relied upon in the wog world, and anything that interfered with him doing whatever he wanted.
Though he sometimes TALKED about analogues to the “golden rule”, 10 commandments, and similar civilized ideas, when the rubber met the road, his idea of “greatest good” always meant doing exactly what he wanted……..RIGHT NOW!, no questions or backtalk, not even if the action would predictably backfire or if it violated his own earlier inviolable edicts. Nothing that worked for humanity was functional according to his narcissistic computation. He had to do EVERYTHING differently than anyone had done before; even when those methods were tried and true, producing the desired results reliably. Instead, he had to redefine “work” to include all sorts of other preconditions, like his techniques weren’t applied “standardly”, or “ethics” was “out”, or a worldwide/galaxy-wide conspiracy was tearing him and his works down. As for “Don’t desire accolaides for your work”(or however he wrote it.), the guy went ballistic if he didn’t get the adoration he imagined was his due. He was the smartest guy in the last quadrillion years, for Xenu’s sake. He deserved more respect than anyone else around, just by his being here and now.
I will use my OT-D powers to summon heavy rain for that area. You will read my OT success story in the next edition of “Regress!” magazine!
LMAO OT-D. Make it go wrong! You have my blessing.
🙂 OTD and 🙂 Clayton! Cracking up!
“My” local org’s roof has suffered leaks since the day they purchased the old building nearly thirty years ago. The top floor bathroom was permanently locked up due to disrepair; the two mid-level ones have never been fully functional; are constantly dirty, and an embarrassment.
Most of the wood in all the window frames of the three-story structure have deteriorated to a point where most are held together with duct tape and not operational. The carpet needs replacing. The exterior of the building hasn’t been painted in years. Gas, water, and electricity lines are ancient. Numerous outlets don’t work.
Saving grace: no parking lot or grounds to maintain. The icing on the cake: its two skylights are perpetually splattered with seagull guano.
The org has never made enough to set aside for capital improvements. Never. Not since it was a mission prior to the nineteen eighties.
Scientology’s solution: Buy a monstrosity of a building with two or three times the square footage and which is surrounded by a big parking lot, numerous trees and landscaping, that will demand regular maintenance.
Ha. Ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha.
Terra, are you making fun of Scientology? Because I certainly am! It’s one of my favorite hobbies! Laughing at the cult and SOB makes my day better!
The sad fact is that for all that this and other buildings are in desperate need of repairs, this is not the reason for Scientology’s failure.
The real why is that their ostensible purpose is to help people, and they don’t.
They say they do, and they don’t.
f they WERE, if they were really helping people, they couldn’t help but expand.
People WOULD be flooding to them for their help, and they’d HAVE the money to expand their square footage and upgrade their facilities, etc.
They don’t help. And “to help” IS their purpose. Their ONLY purpose, as its written.
And, so, feeling NO pity for the knowing criminal still ins who know, and with feeling maybe some pity for the really stupid incurably dumb ones who STILL don’t know, I have to say, this is a sad, sad situation.
Why don’t they put the OT8’s on the case? After all, they used their superpowers to turn aside a hurricane disaster from Clearwater. Surely, they can change the surpressive minds of a few City Commission members!
Like the song, where have all the flowers and CONFRONT gone?
Remember, it was OT8s that caused the Berlin Wall to come down too. Boy, those OT8s are really something, aren’t they?
Wait. It was OT8s that brought down the Berlin Wall? And all these years I thought it was me and my army buddies stationed in Germany back in the eighties.
I guess that Scientology means that being a Cold Warrior doesn’t mean shit!
Well, if they brought the Berlin wall DOWN, maybe our President should ask for their help in getting his border wall UP. Ha Ha! You go, OT8s! Walls are your specialty, no?
what brought the Wall down was Regan announcing “Star Wars” even though he never got $ allocated to actually implementing the strategy. The USSR bankrupted itself trying to build ever-better arms to defeat the defenses that never were and could never be. They never even had a strategic bomber that could reach the US. Best they had was a B-29 knock-off they got when they siezed and copied a few after WWII. And their nuclear subs were known deathtraps that required more time in port for repairs than they spent on patrol. You can imagine the quality of the forced-labor crews they had, unlike the US nuclear crews: The best and smartest of the volunteers. The soviet crews assuredly had about the enthusiasm of those sentenced to the Gulags, compounded by knowing they could never father normal kids once they’d served in one of those things. And the things were so darned NOISY that they were regularly shadowed by warships which could have taken them out had they tried to do anything warlike. Subs aren’t much use when they can be located. Similarly went their other new, very expensive offensive weapons. Much capital and resources were spent, no no avail, since what they already had was sufficient to deter the US — or so the best minds of the US thought.
I doubt the USSR would have survived much longer as it was too top-heavy and centralized to work efficiently or particularly effectively. Given one specific threat, a dictatorship like that can work quickly by focussing all their resouces to counter it, but it can’t effectively counter many different possible threats generated by free-thinking folks just brainstorming about what MIGHT be possible someday. “Star wars” was just so much pie in the sky, which kept the soviets bouncing around different projects that were abandoned as quickly as they were undertaken. As I think a bit, There are parallels in the SCN universe: COB constantly rushing from fire to fire as we who are free can get together to brainstorm our own counters to $cientology’s excesses, and can relax and have a party or two to recharge the creative juices, predict his inevitable foot-bullets and come up with another book, movie, TV show like “Aftermath”, or the Aftermath foundation; Actions far more effective than we could have believed beforehand. DM must need to change his shorts pretty regularly recently. Expect he’s “Prince poopy-pants” these days AND I expect he’ll crack from the stress pretty soon, if he hasn’t yet. (It’s possible he’s completely lost it and we just haven’t heard about it.
Interesting data, Jere, as re the real why for the fall of the Berlin Wall.
And as regards DM you said, “I expect he’s ‘Prince poopy-pants’ these days AND I expect he’ll crack from the stress pretty soon, if he hasn’t yet. (It’s possible he’s completely lost it and we just haven’t heard about it.)”
I believe that’s more than just possible but highly likely.
Playing out in real time in America we are observing a similar type scenario, I believe.
Throughout history there have been incidences of kings and heads of state and powerful leaders becoming somewhat mental or going outright mad while their dysfunction is obfuscated to the general public by a tight circle of enablers.
The good news for Americans is a free press.
When King George of England in the 18th century went nuts there was no free press and to criticize the monarch got you hanged.
Russia’s Vladimir Putin executes journalists.
But thank God for our free press in America because their verbal attack dogs are salivating fro a tasty morsel like Miscavige. The free press will bring down the Cult of Scientology.
Back in the day, by way of a question I asked about an alternative rain day for the annual OT picnic, an OT V friend told me that his OT8 wife had always “taken responsibility” for that.
Quoth he, “My wife handles the weather. It never rains”.
(And, no, I’m not kidding.)
So – looks like this lady’s OT services are desperately needed to ensure that no rain falls until this Ideal Morgue’s roof is repaired!
I’ll give her a call 🙂
Is there such a thing as an “OT Alliance”? Possibly there should be.
Yo Dave!
Get on it, will ‘ya!
I was wondering if all of the local “Churches of Scientology” in the US are actually owning their “Ideal Org buildings”. From some of the newspaper clips about the openings of the “Ideal orgs” you get the impression that the local orgs are the respective and reigstered owners of the buildings. Or are they in some kind of co-ownership with CSI? Does someone know?
No matter who paid for the property, I’m quite certain the church owns the title and will be charging monthly rent. It will be a rude Awakening for the Financial Planning committee.
So the Clearwater council said no to scientology. Just goes to show that OT powers are no match for upcoming elections. Would love to know how many commissioners are going to be on a ballot this year.
As far as the DC org it is a shame to see a beautiful older building being treated like that. Problem is that if they start to repair water damage they may come across asbestos and then the real expense comes into play.
Asbestos is nothing to the SO. I was the Mechanics Chief Freewinds for 16 years and I can guarantee they have not removed the asbestos from it. The only way to handle that much asbestos is to scuttle the ship in deep international waters. It is high grade blue asbestos. I should know; I snorted some like cocaine. I didn’t get high though.
Asbestos poses little danger until it becomes friable and small, breathable particles get in the air. A friable substance is any substance that can be reduced to fibers or finer particles by the action of a small pressure or friction, such as rubbing or inadvertently brushing up against the substance.
I can’t imagine the SO having anyone with experience in this lifetime that would qualify them to legally and safely remove asbestos, even on the high seas. Asbestos removal, if done safely and legally, is a complex process.
I was in charge of a small asbestos removal project in a corner of a 75,000 sq. ft. plant in Texas in the mid 90s. The asbestos was not friable, meaning it posed no danger of being loosed into the atmosphere where, if breathed, it would be dangerous. We wanted to remodel that area, which required tearing out a pair of employee restrooms, and that tearing-out would make the asbestos friable. “Friable” basically meant the asbestos could become broken up into small particles able to become airborne and breathable; thus we had to comply with US EPA laws regarding asbestos removal.
We could not legally use our Maintenance staff, or even the contractor who did all our other interior mods. Being “in charge” meant I located and hired and arranged to be paid an approved asbestos removal firm; they did every bit of the work, collected the debris, and disposed of everything in a legal and safe manner.
It was an odd process, but one designed to make sure things were done ‘by the book’ in every circumstance. The law required a person with minimum of 5+ years documented asbestos removal qualification and experience to just sit at the area and document all activity, with names, dates, amounts, and exact times of every action taken. He did not touch any of the work, neither did he supervise anyone, he did nothing at all except make a detailed record of everything that was done by the actual workers. He sat at a small table and wrote up documentation which was turned in to us afterwards as a 100+ page permanent record of the project. All that documentation accumulated just for a three day project removing old asbestos-containing floor and ceiling material from a corner restroom.
The removal process was comprehensive. The documentation expert recorded the setup of the area’s sealed enclosure with air supply and water collection, employee communal shower, shower water collection and disposal, the workers, their qualifications, their hours, the tools, the actual removal processes, bagging of removed material, transport and disposal and weight of material, proper dress and personal protective equipment of workers, and so on – recording every thing they had to do to comply with safe and legal removal of friable asbestos.
Asbestos removal done properly is a documented process that results in worker safety and the safe removal, transport, and legal disposal of anything that could contain asbestos. I think it even includes providing disposable clothing and booties for anyone who goes into the sealed-off work area.
It seems to me that safe and legal asbestos removal is beyond the skill set of a bunch of tired, hungry, untrained SO people, and way beyond their upper-level honchos’ administrative expertise, whether on land, at a dock, or sailing the deep blue sea.
Snorted asbestos as if were cocaine…beyond miraculous you’re still alive, Dead Men. Just saying.
Ah yes…DC. I was a member of the CLO crew – i mean slave labor sent down there for the buildings initial renovations. We used to pile into a rented extended van after post and drive all night to get there. Then, we had 1 room at some flea-bag hotel where like 15-20 people would sleep all over the place – work went on at all different hours, so usually there were around 10 in the room at any given time. Then the foreman – I don’t remember his name and he was not a scientologist. He was literally crazy: Long hair, beard and moustache and would curse at us and threaten us all day, every day. Good times. 2nd closest time I ever came to blowing, only to the first, when they busted my wife (CO CLO EUS) and sent her out as part of the GAT retraining. At least I got to be security of Jett Travolta on opening day.
Insurance is a waste of money if it only removes pressure from staff to find a whale to donate for repairs. Also, I think it is ironic that the org is on Dupont circle. The area is very gay. They even have a bathhouse near there.
To DC (Dead Church) staff and public:
Instead of obsessing over being big and ideal, start acting like a real religion and practice a little humility and I kneel.
Humility? From the cult? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Now that’s some funny shit!
And, Co$, how about actually auditing and training people? What a concept, eh?
I think the next FUNraiser will be for putting together a “Duct tape stash” to cover future building repairs.
🙂 N. Graham. A dear departed friend of mine, a wonderful lady, used to joke that her entire home was held together by duct tape.
Miscavige is getting no cooperation from Clearwater public officials? I can’t imagine why. Scientology is accused of all manner evil deeds but with no denials except to attack their accusers?? Riiight, like that’s going to work over and over and over.
Clearwater public officials no doubt find Scientology’s “non denial” and attacking whistleblowers as appalling as the rest of the people in the US. Many people, (like Mike and Leah on A&E’s Aftermath), are exposing the true crimes of Scientology. But there are no deniels and no apologies.
Of course, as we all know, Miscavige is certainly above the law, just like billionaire Leona Helmsley ( “We don’t pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes” and sentenced to 16 years”) and Martha Stewart’s felony and federal jail time. Yup, he’s got nooothing to worry about. He’s got the tech and he gets past the graveyard by whistling to quell his fears. Yup. nothing to worry about. Just keep whistling past the graveyard!
But, I’m afraid of graveyards! What if body thetans show up?
Dear David M.,
I suspect that you do not realize that Scientology is on a precipitous decline. Or maybe you just don’t want to acknowledge it. Why would you? After all, your bank accounts are still sizable, and your real estate holdings are extensive. It is easy to ignore the obvious, and pretend that “this too shall pass.”
You may not realize it, but you only have a short period of time to reverse what will become in inevitable downward spiral.
If LRH we’re here, I think he would be saying something like, “Wake up, David! Think! I always made changes to the COS when it was to our benefit. You should get off your ass and do the same. What I said was only relevant to my time, not to yours.”
Here is what I believe it will take, and this won’t be easy:
1. Acknowledge the accomplishments that Scientology has been responsible for, without ANY exaggeration and with complete humility. Thank and reward those who were responsible. This is about expressing thanks, not about self-promotion.
2. Acknowege your, and Scientology’s, errors. Apologize and ask for forgiveness from all the victims of disconnection, low paid labor, fair game, etc. this is a giant step that, if done honestly, will make a huge stride toward accomplishing your goal.
3. Reverse those policies that caused those PR nightmares, and instruct Scientologists to reach out to all SP’s with love, care, friendship and support. Outlaw fair game. Reduce your staff so you have the payroll dollars to pay people competively.
4. Do everything possible to make Scientology not about money. Give away some of your programs that you previously charged for. Example: OT 1 at no cost for the next five years…or something that will create great interest.
5. Engage in real altruism, without acknowledgement or expectations of a financial return.
6. This is very important to your goal of saving Scientology: Hire a world-class Public Relations agency staffed by non-Scientologists who have a much better understanding of your public perception that your internal PR department, that keeps digging your hole deeper. Your PR department should be reduced to one person managing your communications with the agency.
7. Be prepared to sell some of your real estate holdings to fund the above.
Of course, David, there is much more that your PR agency will insist upon. Follow their advice, no matter how it does not jive with your own instincts. Make Scientology be perceived as a truly humble, charitable Religion that loves their enemies. You can keep the basic tech and abandon the inhumane policies. I know you don’t realize it yet, but the future of Scientology, and your personal reputation (and possibly employment) depend on it.
To: Retired PR Executive:
From: COB
Subject: Reversing the non-existent downward spiral.
Two words: Fuck you.
LOL…that’s Dave’s most likely response. He’s too well insulated to see the obvious.
To: Retired PR Executive
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your previous comment.
How dare you confront me like that! How dare you manifest self-determinism in my exalted presence! Get it in your head RIGHT NOW that no one dares to display any form of self -determinism to me! As high exalted ruler of the MEST Universe, I am the only being authorised to exercise any form of self-determinism and TR3 in existence!
So adjust!
Noooooo! Shhhh!
That might work and remove one of my main sources of entertainment.
IF LRH were here and in command as he’d been of old, Davey boy would find hisself in the nearest equivalent to the Apollo’s chain locker; perhaps “the Hole”, itself. Fitting justice, I believe. Tubby would be beside himself: [Would that be a double-wide?]
LOL thanks for the laugh!
#1-3 are against policy (Scientology DOES NOT make errors of any kind), #4,5 are against the reason for Scientology’s existence (give us money!), #6 might work (if you repeat the big lie often enough) and #7 is unnecessary as they have more than enough money to cruise along for the rest of DM’s life, which is all that matters don’tcha know.
As MJM said, DM’s most likely response would be to interpret your advice as a personal attack and respond accordingly. Narcissists are incredibly insecure.
So the high-level scientology people decided to NOT use their mind-control super powers to control the city council? Another fail by the crazies.
That’s why we call them crazy. Because they are. They just don’t know it.
So true. I hear crap like “we are the biggest in the world.” And “we are a global success.” I just look at them and think how can you people be so fucking stupid??? They probably can’t admit to themselves that they ARE, in fact, the crazy/stupid ones.
Because its so much easier to be stupid than wrong.
This way, when forced to confront, they can always say, “Oh, gee, we didn’t know! We had no idea!”
Which, by the way, is FINE…so long as its the TRUTH.
I suspect, though, that it isn’t, and that, by now, nearly all of them KNOW they’re living a lie.
I strongly suspect that by now, MOST of the Still Ins KNOW this.
As for the rest, well, frankly, if they’re really THAT stupid, if they’re really THAT dumb, then even if they WEREN’T in the cult, some other organization, or someone else, would be abusing and defrauding them.
Which puts the Still Ins into 1 of 2 categories:
1) Knowing criminals
2) Hopelessly stupid.
Neither category of which bodes too well for them.
They for sure don’t create a friendly, safe environment as the Council clearly expressed it: why to make a deal with someone who does not communicate with you?
Boy, Scn PR is the lowest ever, an epic disaster, the worst in history in the last 52 years combined.
The WHO: Miscavige.
Also known as SOB…
The “who” for very rapidly sending Scientology down the toilet IS David Miscavige. Agreed. But he was following the rules set in stone by LRH’s policies, primarily KSW.
I clay demo’ed this PL too many times to blame everything on Miscavige. I am sure Miscavige also did many clay demo’s, so I am sure and so he is not going to respond or change anything to respond to the flushing sound.
The only thing Dave is flush with is money.
Robert, I think that Miscavige may actually have managed to keep Scientology going longer than it might have otherwise. Most of the other groups of its ilk and era long ago largely dissipated, including Scientology’s own early independents, not to mention the European freezone that has barely hung on in spite of not being subject to the same sort of subversion and attacks as Mayo and others in the US. It’s likely the ruthless determination that has held the CofS together at all.
PM, that the cult is still “going” is a mirage, i.e. a trick of smoke and mirrors. Miscavige’s “ruthless determination” has indeed created a picture of Co$ being “held together”. He truly is the Wizard of Oz in that little room creating all the false and misleading effects! The question is, who is going to end up being HIS Toto?
IMO, SOB’s Toto is hisself. So MANY footbullets, so many folks pointing them out.
🙂 jere. And he’s the right size, too.
Could be PeaceMaker. Could be.
Roof repairs can be very expensive. It will cost even more if you neglect the leak for any amount of time. Just putting a bucket under the drip may work for a few days, but for every drip you see, 2 or 3 are running down the inside of the walls.
Thanks to the secret reporter who took the pics, and their cohorts elsewhere, $cientology can’t hide anything anymore.
That’s OK. If they can handle blue asbestos, they can handle toxic mold. And it creates more purif suckers.
Purif suckers. I like the way you think, Overrun.
Yes, that was cool detective work.
In creating Ideal Orgs, COB took a major dump. It stands to reason there’d be leaks.
The Ideal Org Ain’t Never Been What Davy Said She’d Be.
And NEVER will be.
Not to worry!
Scientology TV will flood new people into the Boston org!
Dave will only show the spike at the next event accompanied by the following remarks: “So you see, we are expanding at an unprecedented scale, and I wanted to show you where your well placed dollars have gone. We are winning like never before and are well past the front porch of eternity now and at the fifty yard line of forever, and yes, our postulates are having a huge effect as the scared psychs run for cover under the bleachers to shield themselves from our radiant glow which makes this planet’s sun a mere candle compared to the klieg lights of Scientology illuminating this galaxy and beyond.” (Thunderous applause as the reges rub their hands together, ready to make their steep sales quotas and prepare to pounce on the attendees as soon as the event lets out.)
Mike – Regarding your comment “As long as no water is gushing in, you can pretty much bank on this roof not being repaired any time soon.“. Water damage, despite the tarp, either already occurred, or will shortly.
The DC, MD and VA area experienced a horrid wind storm not long ago which closed the fed government, along with schools and other businesses down. People were without power for days in some cases, trees fell, injuring people, roads were closed and everything else that comes with extremely severe (hurricane force or nearly so) winds. Many buildings lost portions of, or entire roofs. Walking around the area you still see roof tiles strewn about in places as well as other wind damage. Particularly those who don’t (or can’t) maintain their property.
After the severe windstorm (3-5 weeks ago) we’ve had many days of heavy downpour, 2 days of flash flood warnings w/in the last 7 days, and at least 4 days of severe winds which merited weather advisories – Thursday being one of those days. It’s that time of weather in the area.
To further cement my point, my neighbor had to have their roof replaced as a result of the storm and expressed relief she acted so quickly or the rain which has followed would’ve damaged even more. We lost roof tiles which also had to be fixed.
So, my long intro aside, do the orgs not insure themselves? Insurance paid a portion of our roof repairs. And what about any accidents which could happen (Im thinking a non-scientologist who may become injured as a result of some accident) on CoS property as a member wouldn’t bring a claim against the org, I believe?
I’d be surprised if they don’t already have some type of water damage, the beginnings of mold growing or the like, based on the weather in the area lately. Plus, it’s the rainy season here. It’s only a matter of time.
Additionally, one may be even less curious about walking into a place with an existing tarnished reputation when it looks ramshackle. It could even even lend credence to, what CoS alleges are rumors or disgruntled former members lying, about how they neglect aspects of their orgs/people despite large cash reserves AND a massive program all about posh Ideal facilities to flood the public in. Just my perspective. Heck, even McDonalds and Mom and Pop places have already repaired damage.
But I’m quite curious about the insurance of these properties…or lack thereof.
BB ……… who needs insurance when you make Oh Teas. $cientologists use the term ‘Glow it Right’ and all they need to do is summon the collective power of the local Oh Teas to steer severe storms away from the org. That is how they keep hurricanes away from Flog.
But watch for Dave to step in and fix the roof now that the embarrassment has shown up on this blog. Especially since it is one of His Ideal thingys which by now should have surpassed Saint Hill size long ago.
Yo Dave,
Yep good buddy, time to call up your OSA Bot in DC, find the source of suppression that caused the ‘mistake’ to happen to yer roof and git ‘er fixed! Slip em a bone of a few thousand and write it off to Oh Tea powerez in DC. Can’t have yer empty bankrupt org lookin bad big boy!
And what did you do to Eff Pee? He crawled away without a whimper. You must have em in lowers. If so, send out one of yer other bots to keep us tuned up.
🙂 Newc.
Dave: Lou?!
Lou: Yes sir.
Dave: That CICSMF Newcomer is still making cracks about me.
Lou: Yes sir.
Dave: Don’t you yes sir me.
Lou: Yes sir.
Dave: That’s better. Who at OSA was supposed to shut him down?
Lou: Gavino Idda.
Dave: Send him back to the RPF.
Lou: Yes sir.
Dave: Let’s get Rathbun to deal with it.. He owes us big time.
Lou: Right away sir.
Dave: And call an emergency muster and have everyone stand at attention for three hours. Then tell them it’s canceled and get back to work.
Lou: Very good sir.
Dave: Now go tell my chef to prepare my steak and not to overcook it or he’ll be in treason.
Lou: Right away sir.
Perfect, MUM 🙂 Thanks for my first laugh of the day.
Insurance? WE don’t need no effing insurance as we can make it GO RIGHT! So what if there’s a little bit of a wet smell or a drip from the ceiling onto your session notes? Get your TRs in and don’t let MEST bullbait you.
Just say, “KNOW!” As in, I KNOW what Scamology is really all about!
It’s all about handing over money. Every dollar you have. They bleed you dry. Then ask for your credit cards.
mmmmm… The Bank of Scientology? Has a certain circumspect of truth about it hey? One way money, just what a criminal asshole dreams about. There’s a Royal Commission (Crown sanctioned and legally based official enquiry) going on in Aussie right now into banks and the financial sector. My oh my, what a bunch of criminally minded cretins are being squeezed to the surface as their incredible greed & criminally based con-man like activity is being exposed. Interesting to note the US, UK and European banks have been proportionally fined more for malpractice and sleazy practices in the last decade than Australian banks? It parallels the efficiency of justice ignored when the police investigate themselves, the fines are a just a token gesture really, it isn’t “their money” anyway. Did you know banking in Australia is a heavily tax payer subsidised industry? The present Prime Minister is a banker by trade, plus lawyer, plus venture capitalist. His Govt just might implode over this, some of his own party have even endorsed/called for the enquiry, he has opposed it from day one (wonder why?). This Govt has apparently legislated that money in saving accounts are now classified as a bank asset and the people whose money it actually is become come second choice to access it if bank survival falls prey to a potential GFC2. However, the similarities of greed based aspirations compared with the Scientology management mindset are astounding. Interesting times right now, but as usual justice seems to be on holiday (again).
Well I Yawn there are very good reasons that our Constitution forbade the Gov’t to allow banks to control our currency. Of course that was violated and now our money is worth about 1/50th of what it use to be…
Yep, “way of the modern world.” A revolution against this sort of corruption creates quite the puzzle, or should I say ‘Chinese’ puzzle – they seem to gaining a firm grasp on the world’s purse strings.
Money’s quite the force. Scientology sure loves it above all else.
🙂 “Just say KNOW”
Might I suggest some Flex Seal tech and maybe renting out the unused portions of the building lol! (Which we all know is like 90%) Oh, nobody would want to share space with Scientology and Anti-Semites…..
There are some Alt-Right organizations probably needing a place to call home. The religious aspect shouldn’t be too much of a problem and the anti-Semitism would be a bonus.
The thought of Alt-Right and NOI in same building : Priceless.
Agreed, but what where does the NOI stand on abortion? Because there’s no “family value” otherwise that the Alt – Right won’t sacrifice whenever they find it expedient to do so.
Technically, Co$S is anti-abortion…. Like so many other things that they give lip-service to when asked specific, pointed questions, the practice is whatever’s expedient at that moment, whatever protects Scientology(or SOB,personally).
Not to defend Co$ but most organized religions have the same attitude. Expediency rules. When money and power are involved, beliefs and principles be damned.
I know Co$ is theoretically against abortion but not sure what stand, if any, NOI has taken on it.