The PAC Bridge is getting the big push.
No reason really, other than another way of the vultures trying to squeeze money out of the nearly-dead.
Apparently they are soon to have “Ideal Sea Org Orgs” — ASHO and AOLA. But ASHO and AOLA have both had TWO “Grand Openings” already? Both times they were announced as the “perfect organizations, just as LRH intended.” So,they are going to do ANOTHER photo op for Dear Leader to spout some Shermanspeak, yank a ribbon and soak in the applause.
How feeble is it that the “Ideal Org” program has now become re-renovating ASHO and AOLA, building a cafeteria and two crappy “hotels” (the Fountain has to be one of the nastiest buildings around….)
The poster is interesting because the poster children for the PAC Bridge are two former GO people who are apparently still trying to atone for their sins. And it seems that in order to fill up the “Honor Role” they include “PAC Base Crew” and “PAC EPF” as well as Cal Cole (he is either making a lot of IAS Commissions as Captain AOLA or this is an “honorary” Honor Roll — but where is Jon Lundeen or Vicki Shantz? Sadly, Tom Arimento is on this list. He has been in the SO for decades, a fixture in PAC. He is also wheelchair bound with MS that he contracted after he joined the SO. I wish he would use his money for his own well-being rather than giving it to buildings that are absolutely not needed.
And then there is fundraiser extraordinaire, Quinn Taufer. “We have begun and are embarked upon a fundraise that has everything to do you, your past and or future services believe it or not.” Quinn, really, some sort of grammar course is a vital necessity. This is just babble for babble’s sake.
“If we are going to clear this planet, if we are going to train the Class VI’s and VIII’s, if we are going to make enough OT’s, then this is the Base that is not only doing it but is doing it NOW.” Ignore the syntax, just one question: If you are in fact, “doing it NOW”, why do you need more renovations? To expand your delivery capacity? I guarantee there is not ONE course room in PAC that is full. Not one Purif that is full. Not one HGC that is full. And this is not hair-splitting like there is a lone empty chair in the Briefing Course and that means its “not full.” No, I mean course rooms where the lights are NEVER turned on. Where there are NO STUDENTS. And auditing rooms that are NEVER used (except for some staff member to sneak a nap in). Quinn, have you actually LOOKED at the building and orgs you are talking about? Ever?
Of course, we know the answer to that rhetorical question when he says this: “The West U.S. is the fastest expanding continent on Earth, with more Ideal Orgs than any other.” Quinn if they don’t let you see any stats from the “fastest expanding continent” you just need to LOOK for yourself. Within 100 yards of where you sit are the empty orgs at the top of the WUS bridge. If this massive boom was in fact happening, don’t you think there would be some people around? The single street where everyone can move up the Bridge from “Homo Sapien to OT” is a morgue. The only thing showing any signs of life are the vultures that circle constantly looking for anything with a wallet.
Or you can check out the posting I did a few days ago giving the stats of the WUS OT Ambassadors….
And finally Quinn — don’t you feel even the slightest bit embarrassed saying this? “…your team the PAC Sea Org members are counting on your support and gift to continue to forge forward a Cleared planet.” Again, ignore the grammar. Surely all these massively expanding orgs are making enough money to renovate their own premises without having to beg for “gifts”?
The Vulture Culture is the ONLY thing alive and kicking in the world of Corporate Scientology.
Great comments here.
I think they are trying to take advantage of the feeble stream of people coming back in for GATII. Coming up with a new promotion now at PAC to further drain the wallets of the faithful. This is really pathetic that people keep falling for this over and over again. It’s also really evil that the perpetrators know no limits.
Anyone know why Nancy O’Meara left the S.O? She used to run the Cult Awareness Network after its take over by OSA.
I said: “We have begun and are embarked upon a fundraise that has everything to do you, your past and or future services believe it or not.”
Mike, you makin’ fun of my grammar just shows you igorance, man. Problem is you just don’t understand the ghetto slang us gang-bangers use here at in the PAC hood. Truth is our fundraise does got everything to DO you, man. And we WILL do you …..your past and/or present services included. By the time we get done with you, you won’t have shit and you won’t ever get up the Bridge either. Just tellin’ it like it is, chumps.
~ Quinn Taufer
Straight-up gangsta, son …LA style. Representin’…..
So with all this ideal org crap, I have never seen anyone point out what could possibly be a justification for the “strategy.” Playing the devils advocate here, didn’t LRH say that people know you by your MEST? I’ve been assuming that this is what the “logic” has been behind all of this — designed mainly to target Div-6 fresh meat. The problem of course is that Scientology’s horrible PR grossly outweighs any magnificently impressive buildings.
“…magnificently impressive buildings”. Do they really have these? Sure, they’re glossy and renovated, and Flag is pretty, but frankly, no Scientology church is any kind of architectural wonder, to the degree that it would/could draw people in by the sheer dazzle of the building alone. In my opinion, Notre Dame in Paris is magnifique, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral and St John the Divine in NYC impress me a lot, Westminster is awe-inspiring and there’s a mosque I visited in southern Spain which took my breath away. But the RCS’s much touted Ideal Orgs? Meh.
The sooner the RCS and its blood sucking regs are exposed for what they really are, which is parasites, the happier I will be.
I guess there isn’t enough money left in UK for an ideal St Hill…..thank God
And how many of these buildings are on this list?
For Los Angeles, list is a first step toward improved quake safety
University of California list of L.A.’s older concrete buildings is a starting point on a long and costly road,0,1704027.story
(Occupancy figures are interesting in their own right – aren’t there Sea Org people living, thus overnight, in some of these places?)
Ugh, watch Miscavige turn whatever comes out of this survey into an excuse for another round of fundraising!
There are so many people on that list that have been on staff most of their lives. I think most of them still are. I think that they are on there as they probably helped significantly at fundraising.
When anyone gets 200 IAS memberships of any size, he gets Honor Roll. That or 20K does it. So, over time, lots of staff and some FSMs get that.
Quinn’s a bit crazy. And Nora’s right: 4th grade or so. This is the many-eth time I have read his bad grammar… so surprising it’s let out like that. Probably just know-bests his way over anyone trying to help him on that point.
Tom Arimento was very, very weak when I last talked with him and that was about 15 years ago. I think that might be another Tom Arimento. I’d be happy to hear he was still alive, if he was better able to manage his pain than he was back then.
Lots of people I have admired in that list. I hope they wake up before the pod people (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, remember?) get them in their sleep.
The Carbon Tax of Scientology … has no rhyme or reason, most certainly does nothing to improve the air quality, but is another button that can be pushed to make the taxpayer accept yet another fee.
It’s all about getting your money any which way it can be gotten, and whatever shore story does the trick, that will be used.
Here’s where the remaining OT’s and so called Opinion leaders in Scientology are.
I was speaking to an under the radar friend of mine today who still does business with Scientologists. He told me 3 stories of so called OT’s that are now so unethical in business its sickening.
One group he was working with took off with over $100k of his money and a complete lack of responsibility to where the money went. Basically he got a big fuck you. You are downstat and not contributing to ideal orgs and “you are counter intention to DM”.
Then in sharing some confidential business ideas with another so called OT he was ripped off and then this OT just plain flat denied that he had ever spoken of these ideas.
There are other examples he’s encountered over the last couple of years but the long and the short of it is that the remainder of the people left in the church have no integrity or honor and they know that as long as they keep up the pretense and give a little here and there no one is going to stop them stealing from their so called friends in the group. If you dare to speak up you are going to get a comm ev and declared. This is an environment where criminals can flourish and then punish you as an SP by saying you are counter intention to management or DM. Lies are spread to black PR any good people that are hanging on.
No exchange with the public is criminal exchange. Its spreading.
That is exactly me experience too…
Richard Roberts
This exact same thing is going on in Denmark as well. I did business with an OTV who did nothing but lie, cheat, steal and trick me out of my business, filling me with promises that he never intended to live up to. Within one year I lost over $100,000 doing business with him and he refused to take responsibility for anything. Like you say, I basically got a big fuck you. Since I would´t accept being ripped off like that this OTV got the support of another OTV and in unison the two of them used every trick on the planet to do me in and make me wrong. Since I kept on protesting this outrageous and unethical behaviour I soon became the center of attention. I must have”overts”. I needed to take “responsibility”. This was the attitude of the church.
I could not believe what I was experiencing. How could an “OTV” deliberately set me up for nothing but losses and not give a shit about it? No remorse, no concern about my well being after having lost so much money. And the “church” doing NOTHING about it. This was too unbelievable!
And it was what finally made me WAKE UP and LOOK. After having been a member for more than 17 years, I realized that Scientology was in fact practicing the exact opposite of what they were preaching. This was NOT an organization I was interested in being a member of and so I sent in a letter of resignation. I am no longer a member of The Church of Scientology and I no longer consider myself to be a scientologist.
In response to Tony “It’s gotten to the point where if your name is on a status sheet it is sort of like being in the Hall of Shame.
Somewhere down the track it will be like; ” I took THAT LONG to wake up!! DAMN!!!”.
At first I was glad to be out of it. Then I regretted having donated money. Especially to the IAS. Those bunch of criminal a-holes. I never knew they were getting a fat commission. Jeff Pomerantz driving around in a Mazerati. These “reges” sure dont seem to be short on money, but they dont mind conning you out of your last dime (and then pulling out credit card applications). Now I’m a little embarrased that I was so stupid.
I used to respect Pomerantz. A Mazerati?! I seen a lot of BMW’sm, Lexis’s and the alike around here (and the usual junkers drove drove by staff and the peasant class) but a Mazerati! And those IAS “reges”.
Those clowns are using “black dianetics” to make their pitches. Masavagology at it’s best. Same with Ideal Orgs. Fat cash is being made by some of the flock
I’d like to know how much each PAC EPF member had to contribute, and what kind of pressure was used. Or whether it was some kind of automatic deduction. Same for the PAC Base Crew. Even if all of them donated willingly, it’s disgusting to reg staff members for donations.
YEs, I’m appalled that they took money from staff and EPF. There is a reference we read on the EPF where LRH says that staff members are not to be regged for donations because they already give of their time. So they are in blatant violation of LRH policy to reg staff and EPF for money for this.
L Ron Hubbard “personally” purchased the building in 1976? A total LIE!
Can you show me the proof of L Ron Hubbard used his “personal funds” to purchase that hunk of blue junk?
Poor Quinn Tauffer – he has done a lot of damage and if he ever gets out – he will be so incredibly pissed when he finds out everything is a lie…and he keeps contributing to the motion to extort more funds and bankrupt his “true group members”! What is his story. I have seen this guy at every Org bankrupting the members. Is his family in and that is why he guzzles the Kool-aide?
“This is a place where we go for help and see our friends” – wow!! Have they been to Big Blue lately or any other Morgue? There are no friends there – just young robots and drones walking around in a dazed state – obeying dear Leader – Captain Misavige. These people don’t even verify the facts – they just “believe”. Hubbard made fun of “faith” and look at them all…just amazing!
Please come to PT Scientology and Scientologists – your church is dead! Bankrupting your tiny group members has destroyed any hope you had to keep this “show” on the road for a few more years.
. Enjoy your mest!! No one is coming in – the World knows you are a scam!
Heh…”hunk of blue junk” Glad I am not the only one that feels that way! That blue is just UGLY on a building that size. Good one IM 🙂
Meant to post this regarding previous post but it still applies here.
Whatever shame (the good kind) that used to exist in these people is pretty much gone. The are one step away from;
“Look it… Either give us money or get working so we can save what money we do have. If you can’t do that then just pick up the SP declare form, fill it out and your done”.
Oh and a gigantic PS that I forgot, in regards to Quinn and his complete lack of ability utilizing the ENGLISH language. I am sure he is a KTL/LOC grad, but he is obsessed with Brittney Spears and N’Sync and every other pop shit band that is out there, so I am sure that is where he learned most of his phraseology since he had about a 4th grade (maybe) education from the cadet org. He actually made me walk up to JC Chasez from N’Sync when we were out one time to ask for an autograph. I was in my black pants and some lame shirt, but you know RPF casual style, and I walked right up to him in a restaurant and asked for the Autograph. I tried to get out of it by saying that RPFers weren’t allowed to originate communication with anyone. But he made me do it. That is where Quinn’s priorities are. Celebrity and power.
Oh and if you are reading this, “Hi Quinn!!!!!” It’s Nora. And yes you still owe me $20.00 mofo.”
I can practically guarantee you Quinn Tauffer did NOT do KTL or LOC. They stopped delivering it before he came up the lines. I don’t think he even got much of of an education before his mother put him in the SO.
Wow! So many of the names there are either current SO members or ExSO. Like Dan Woodruff! WHAT? Did he get booted out? He was honestly the nicest man I met and he actually helped me when I was on the RPF. I miss him and Dan, if you are somehow reading this man, PLEASE get out of there. You ARE a good person. Please, you could be doing so much for REAL for the world.
I know my pleas will fall on numb and deaf ears, but what the hell.
The FOUNTAIN HOTEL?? That has to be the biggest joke of all. You couldn’t PAY me to go in there when we were on the RPF. We had to reno an exec’s room in that shit hole once. GROSS doesn’t even cover it. It should have been leveled years ago.
A comment, just for the sake of some historical accuracy.
“LRH personally purchased the complex here in LA…”
To me, this copy makes it sound like LRH purchased the property himself, with his own funds, in order to create a West Coast Mecca for Scientology. In 1976, the Premises CSW for the purchase of the former Cedars of Sinai Hospital complex landed on my desk at GO WW. I processed the CSW, made the corrections, gathered additional information, looked at the graphics that LRH designed for the hallways and such, so the place didn’t look so much like a, well, like a hospital bathed in white on white. The funds for the purchase came from SCN Reserves. I don’t recall the exact price, (probably in the $3 million to $5 million range) but it was an older complex at the time, well used, not in the best of condition and with a few residents of the various morgues, who refused to leave. 🙂 They actually found a couple bodies in the morgue when Cedars pulled out.
While the purchase and eventual renovation created many opportunities to help people over the years, it was the contribution by thousands of SCN public and staff that made this all possible. LRH deserved what he deserved, but full credit being assigned to him is gratuitous and blatant fawning.
So many good things happened in these buildings. I recall a time (when cars could park on the street) when there would be 50 to 100 students sitting on the steps of ASHO (during breaks) talking about the Tech. About their auditing wins, not as PCs but auditors.
It just pisses me off to glorify these buildings for crass and materialistic purposes and ignore the wonderful things that took place there from 1976 to the early 1980s.
Anyway, just a historical perspective on this.
I remember those days — lots of people and lots auditing. Only thing I thought about the building was that it was better than the old Temple Street site
You could walk up to Norms for breakfast.
Dear Odd, was a missionaire on MOPM and read all telex traffic on the purchase of big blue.
3.5 million. And the Telex from Ron that sealed the deal.”It’s very very very simple
Herby send them the money”
Good Old Boy
Mike he is desseminating this for fair use
“But ASHO and AOLA have both had TWO “Grand Openings” already?”
Mike, I don’t know if you’re just being obtuse or being blind.
The solution to having orgs that have activity, and make money, and that people want to go to…is to “fundraise for them”, “renovate” them, and slap the label “Ideal” on them. Miscavige is solving the problems of activity, participation, Bridge movement, and affluent parishioners with a well-proven, established program prefixed with the word “Ideal”.
After things get to be “Ideal” they are, as Miscavige crows, “ideal”. Which Miscavige equates with emptiness, poverty, sorrow, inactivity, and dread.
I guess that IS Dave’s ideal scene: gaudy but expensive buildings devoid of life.
This one I think I get, as Flag has been getting all the attention from DM recently with the new building etc.
DM doesn’t want all those who still have any money left feeling left out in the cold in California. So cob is paying lip-service while pinching whomever’s wallet he can get his hands on. While trying to building morale and clubbing the last bits of life out of the endangered Whales.
Mike, seriously, how can the clams not know what Hubbard said? I saw the PL myself that said if the GI is low, fix it by selling scientology. He also said, never resort to FUNDRAISING or selling postcards! Membership in the IAS was supposed to be $75! He never wanted post digs, just something that won’t offend someone coming in for the first time. It seems DM is recreating everything in his image! Why can’t they see this??? Do they read any of Hubbard’s policy letters? It’s all laid out there.
It’s gotten to the point where if your name is on a status sheet it is sort of like being in the Hall of Shame.
Somewhere down the track it will be like; ” I took THAT LONG to wake up!! DAMN!!!”.
🙂 love this comment, Tony.
What ever happened to Cal’s wife, Chris? Is she still in the SO?
My bad! I meant this for remoteviewed! Once again, another ‘senior moment.’
Note how they don’t quote the whole policy since it pretty much says what you’ve posted here.
Seems they are going to turn that hovel on Fountain next to the parking garage into a hotel.
Whoever came up with that “bright idea” needs their drug rundown and they need it bad.
No surprise they’re rerererenovating the Pac Base since every time they do it they totally screw it up.
I mean the last time they “renovated” AO they made the auditing rooms so small you couldn’t swing a cat in ’em.
I’ve seen glove compartments that had more room.
They put carpet in the stairwell at ASHO which was practically worn down to the thread in the first few weeks it was installed but I guess it won’t be a problem anymore with Chris Montgomery gone since they won’t be getting any student traffic anyway to wear it out.
Then of course there’s the shoddy paint job which started out kinda blue but now has turned battle ship gray.
Used to be that you could see Big Blue for miles when you headed toward East Hollywood. Now you can barely see the place when you drive by it.
All you see is that stupid digitally enhanced “high tech” sign which they paid way too much for cutting through the smog or as we euphemistically call it the “marine layer” like a landing UFO.
Seems appropriate.
The only sign of terrestrial life anywhere near the place is the SRF which is just down the block on Sunset.
Maybe they should work a deal with them of maybe renting their public instead of all these expensive casting calls.
Sad really.
I remember “Big Blue” when it was actually Blue and the Briefing Course so packed both day and foundation that you had to fight for a seat in the theory section and the auditing and practical sections were so noisy you had to practice 50 foot TRs just so you could get across to your twin.
At AO we had to line up chairs along the hallway because they wouldn’t all fit in the PC/Pre OT waiting areas.
Now the place is a frickin’ ghost town.
TM, I think DM just like to spend money on projects, even though they’re worthless! He can then tout how he’s the only one that can get anything done!
Yeah, it used to be that you could spot “big blue” from the walkway around the dome on the Griffith Park Observatory. Now it’s just bland, bland, bland.
LOL! You are in rare form! Glove compartments with more room … need their drug rundown and they need it bad … renting SRF public …. LOL!
“…The only sign of terrestrial life anywhere near the place is the SRF which is just down the block on Sunset.” Yeah, and it’s a much, much nicer space. Both the physical space (it’s aesthetic and serene) and the people in it.
As for fighting for a seat on the BC, yep. And roll call took something like 15 minutes – and that was ASHO *Day.* If PAC was ever “Ideal” it was probably 30 years ago.
I agree.
However their concept of “Ideal” has become totally MEST oriented like these conceptual drawings they put in their mags of empty buildings and rooms minus people.
War Horse,
You crack me up! I remember John Taussig when he was doing legal work for the G.O. I’ve never seen anybody look so sour in my life. I always felt kinda bad for him.
Everyone is SOUR left in Scientology – you can’t BE what you want to be! You CAN’T HAVE anything including spiritual freedom and you can’t DO what YOU want to do!
Having to Have so you can Deliver.
Baptists and Freemasons are into this in a Big Way, like a WOG RTC.
Capt. Ahab Miscavige will eventually get his White Whale,I’ve read the Book, snicker,snicker.
Just exactly what is the “True Spiritual Freedom” these thousands have achieved? Could anyone enlighten me? This guy sound like a raving lunatic just like everybody else from this camp of fucked up mind -altered people. So sick I can only read one or two sentences total.
Judy Taussig looks the same as she did in 1996 when I audited her, the Kool aid must be working on her well. Ken Shapiro made the list, last time I spoke to him he wanted to get back in the SO but they wouldn’t let him back.
By way of analogy, an image of a maggoty carcass comes to mind.
This is getting nuttier and nuttier. It’s like the truck is out of control racing down the hill and heading towards a cliff… and DM just puts his foot on the gas. Throwing money at a new building when there is no one at the old buildings? It’s like an addict… who has to have one more drink or they will blow a gasket. He has to have one more building… no matter what the cost.
This is getting nuttier, and it is simply David Miscavige BEING RIGHT. I wonder if the guy ever ran a Service Fac in his entire life.
He runs them ON people all the time….
Nail… meet hammer.
In over 40 years of knowing him, that photo’s the first time I’ve ever seen John Taussig smile.
PAC: Where buildings equal Bridge, capacity equals delivery, and donations are the only relief (albeit temporary) from that “I’m-Not-Doing-Enough” feeling.
I agree. The bridge is no longer the product to be delivered. It is a seemingly secondary consideration. Silly IAS statuses now mark your progress, not grades, clear, and levels of OT. Donations mark your worth, not how many people you get “in” (not that this is really a good thing).
How much does an IAS status cost to deliver? Nothing to the church. The full dollar value to the donor — the dollar value plus the lost life energy, the interest paid on loans, the risk on second and third mortgages, the ransacking of retirement funds, and so forth. The church gets millions of dollars and in exchange only has to do a ceremony or two, print some tax forms, and change a web page.
Millions of dollars in exchange for that?
Isn’t that the epitome of out-exchange from the most ethical group on the planet?
“Contact me to move up in status”. Creepy.
Jon is there near the bottom of the PAC alumni. Poor old Calamoose Cole. He could have had a nice career as a golfer. He could really crush it back in the day. He also knew Charlie Smith of Bartow, Florida, who lived to be 130-something. I read an article about Charlie when he was a kid in his 120s and mentioned it to Cal. Cal said he knew Charlie. Everybody in Bartow knew Charlie. Next time he went home for a visit he brought me back an autograph and note from Charlie himself. True story.
Wow! What did they do to Hubbard’s photo? It doesn’t even look like him. Are they beginning to make alterations so he will eventually look like someone else twenty years from now? Perhaps he didn’t have the “Ideal Image”? Wow, this is really CREEPY.
Oops! I thought that was the “Skipper” from Gilligan’s Island! (recognized the hat)
Maybe DM will make it, gradually, to look like him.
It’s the same photo they’ve been using for years at MV
They are going to very gradually morph his image into the likeness of David Misgarbage. Hey, it worked with Jesus. He now looks like a European, and not at all like somebody from the Middle East.
Some say the Image of Jesus was modeled on the golden statue of Zeus
He looks a little like David Miscavige. That smile, those eyes… they pimped the colours of his shirt.
The picture is interesting. Goebbels-like in its transformation of Hubbard’s typically rather unkind, arrogant semi-glare to a softer, kinder look.
But would Scientology publications alter the Founder? Heck, they have photoshopped in attendees at events and other things like that.
So, yes: they are trying to make Ron look less like a sociopath and more like your kindly, older, wise, tolerant, accepting, and forgiving favorite uncle.
The onley thing that seems real to me is that picture of L Ron Hubbard
And that says a lot coming from me.
“One could look at this ideal org and know that this,/i> was the place a new civilization was being established on this planet.” LRH
They have been brainwashed to believe that this means huge, luxurious buildings.
To me it would mean when you walk in the door the place is alive and there is good spiritual energy happening. You open a courseroom door and it’s full of people co-auditing and training and they are happy and enthusiastic and operating on their own determinism. Things are really humming in other words and it would be a place you would want to be.
They don’t have any of that there.
I shouldnt try to do html stuff on a tablet. I didnt close my italics or my bold.