These ideal org promotional pieces are getting crazier and crazier.
I wasnt sure there was anywhere to descend to, but this one really goes beyond bizarre.
1.2 million miles flown in honor of ideal orgs? WTF does that mean? Flown by whom? Why?
And can you believe those names? It’s like Grade School debate team names. Second to none in Chicago? Well, second to Miami and Detroit. Orlando – Bringing the Real Magic (it’s quite a trick to be beaten by Puerto Rico, Battle Creek and Long Island….
The next ideal org ballpark completion is on the runway.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are preparing ourselves to begin getting started on our launch.
And in a whole Continent they had just ONE new civilization builder — but someone else did their “16th Humanitarian”??? Maybe one for himself and each BT he identifies is also a humanitarian? What does this mean? Or is this the 16th person in the family? Or what? Surely 16 humanitarians adds up to one civilization conqueror or royal governor of the vast downtown empire or something?
Chicago’s preliminary funding for special Phase One Construction? How about Orlando’s magical pre-funding collection of promises for planning to roll out the space planning….
Suffice to say, it’s ALL happening in EUS!
Because EUS is NOW!!!! (I learned this from Quinn the Eskimo)
Edward Whalley says
New Haven Ideal Org is a joke. For years they had a huge banner outside what used to be an old Masonic Hall-turned-furniture store, but never was able to raise even a fraction of the money they needed. Finally, the City foreclosed on back taxes, amid much laughter by Anonymous. Meanwhile, the actual org shrank, from a double-wide storefront and, presumably, space upstairs (for files, etc) to a simple doorway marked Hubbard Foundation Dianetics leading upwards. While they used to be a welcome part of street festivals with their stress tests, personality questionnaires, and book sales, they’re reduced to hustling dissatisfied mental patients, closing up shop at the sight of a mask.
If it does go through, which I doubt, they’d be better off promoting themselves as a coffee house with a church attached, since no one wants to buy anything they sell.
Aquamarine says
Breaking news!
I am in my livingroom, preparing myself to begin getting started cooking dinner!
An Ideal Ballpark Menu is already on the runway.
Dinner is going to be cooked for real this time!
Pots and pans hang from their hooks in readiness for their individual, precises usages. Ingredients necessary for the preparation of this Ideal Meal await in the refrigerator Plates, glasses, knives, forks and spoons await their chance to play their own roles in my culinary process.
I just entered the Delivery Area for the production of the Ideal Meal, flicked the wall switch with a deft movement, and now my entire kitchen is flooded with light!
This is so exciting!
There has NEVER been a better time to cook a meal.
The time is NOW!
Aquamarine says
PS: “Hello, Sam? Are you guys still delivering? Great! Could we get 2 corned beefs on rye..mustard, yeah…right, one potato salad, one cole slaw…cash, yeah…thanks, Sam.”
Mike Rinder says
This. Is. Perfect.
All you are missing is “Your donation will make this meal possible and you will achieve the status of superhumanmagnificence.”
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey Mike! I want to be super human magnificence! However, at my age, I guess I’ll settle for just being human…for now.
Aquamarine says
Much laughter here! Gosh, how could I possibly have overlooked sharing the most important benefit of the Ideal Meal Program? The status, the case gain achievable to all my generous donors. Thank you, Mike 🙂
Gus Cox says
Jeezus, they’re sucking in all this money and they don’t even have a clue of what it’s going to take to finish the damned things. “Ballpark” target for chrissakes!
I can see it now: “We got a DONE! We just blew $Millions to find out it’s going to cost another $5 Million!!!! Give us more moneyyyyyy!!!!!!!”
Screw that.
I wonder what the last buildings standing will be? Flag and CCI? I wonder how that anus Miscavige is going to spin selling off all these “ideal” buildings they’re fundraising for now when the A Deck is hitting the waterline? Oh, it’ll happen. It may take years, but buildings will be closed. Not soon enough for me though.
Kronomex says
Jeez, they are becoming more and more desperate if they have to such kindergarten English to prop…no, wait…that’s it! They are getting kindergarten kids to write their propaganda. Pathetic. One can almost hear the sound of a banjo being strummed in the echoing halls and when someone (no doubt unwittingly) enters the banjo player jumps and welcomes them with the immortal words, “Hey boy, you sure got a purty wallet.”
Nezquik says
Hello, sorry that this comment is non-sequitur but I don’t know who/how else to say this to.
I just overheard some hush-hush scientologist intel: Chicago ideal org’s budget is about to go up by 22 million dollars! It’s so bad the Sea Org fundraising mission is pulling out to go to ‘hotter’ fields (Miami and Puerto Rico) I know this as im still in a family of prominent scientologists who are well-connected in terms of information. (I’ve had to ‘stay in the closet’ about my anti-church of Scientology feeling.) Once again, I am sorry about the irrelevancy of this comment, but I know that by posting a comment, it will come under the moderation and attention of this blog’s proprietor, Mike Rinder. Thank you.
Mike Rinder says
Hmm, no surprise there Nezquik. But appreciate the info.
Facts about ideal org activities are always welcome.
Gimpy says
Love it! Bad news for scn, good news for everybody else.
zephfyrus says
Chicago org has owned their building for eight years and all they have ever done to it is sweep some of the trash out on the first floor, put up brown paper over the windows to block views into the barren, unrehabbed, empty space and place a contact name and phone number in a window so the city inspectors have someone to call when they want to write another summons for the building’s condition.
Ninja says
Nate says
I hope the family and you are making it okay through the flooding that we’ve been having the past few days.
Mike Rinder says
Yep. Pool overflowing. Some trailerparks under feet of water. Kids going stir crazy. But all is well. Some sun for the first time today…
Ann B Watson says
Hi Theta Clear, Thank you for your recent post.I have been thinking about it.Here is what I’ve come up with so far.Your offer of assists is very kind.I am the lone wolf as regards my family & friends,so it would be just me.Walter my husband of 34 years,is a never in & would make me laugh the whole time.But I’ll process that assist tech more at least.The situation with me was that the first two years in SO at ASHO F were a revelation,especially because I had joined the SO to meet up again with a team I had become separated from & lost from long ago.No other religion or whatever before SO had affected me in that way.However during the last two years,the doctrine of Ron that I had willingly allowed to take control of me,by far I always thought KRC was the more powerful of the triangles although you need ARC to lock with it & then turn the key in the lock.I became more aware something was wrong and this started slowly under a division of the GOI,& because of what they did with the Policies as regards me turned all that came before on it’s head.Shadows long & black were creeping into ASHO & I was caught in the wake & dragged under more than once.So it is still so hard for me to see cos used positively,especially with David in charge.I do see where you come from,& I am glad you are here.Love Ann.
statpush says
1.2 million miles = the distance to Target Two.
Seriously…what’s next? Funding Ideal Orgs on another planet?
jgg2012 says
It would be better if someone recycled all of these flyers. The paper saved would save a lot of trees, improving the environment, as well as saving money.
roger gonnet says
“Humanitarians” have no names.
They exist where, anonymouisly? (enemy condition)
or nowhere? (confusion condition)
is there something below? Yes: ruined condition.
Gimpy says
Per the last section on the bottom poster you should become a ‘humanitawrian’ I’d like to know what this is exactly? Maybe it’s someone who’s donated so much money they feel spelling is beneath them.
Lori S says
Scientology needs to invest in a basic English course for the writers of their promotional ads. I don’t care what you are selling, if your ad has multiple grammatical errors, I am not buying.
wheresshelley says
Wow, Puerto Rico is in the Eastern US? Who knew?
I guess Ron’s geography is as bad as his math skills. And his physics…oh, and his English.
FOTF2012 says
1.2 million miles of honor flying? They probably mean flying around trying to buy real estate, firing Sea Org missions here and there, and doing grand openings — all that OT stuff.
Or maybe it was a huge fly-about with drinks flowing while everyone hip-hip-hoorayed “Ron” to honor the ideal orgs.
What they have really accomplished is contributing to the burning of about 12,500 gallons of jet fuel _per person_ who flew those miles. Thanks for the carbon and hot air.
Ann B Watson says
Hi FOTF2012, Love your post,classic!Hot air is right & hip hip hip hoorays flying around honoring the ideal orgs.Something is very amiss with this picture..Always Ann.
Still on your side says
When does the fundraising start for the Ideal spaceship, Hubbard-One?
(Or, was this report a spoof? I guess it doesn’t matter. If billions can be raised for this “enterprise,” Miscavige will order it done.)
Ann B Watson says
Hi Still on your side,Well I never thought The Morgue would be granted gov approval.oops I forgot David is COB he makes Big Being Decisions.So they raise a billion or so,it is mest and there is no guarantee this spaceship will get off the ground!Strange days.My Best Ann.
Roger Hornaday says
Although I can’t prove it I’m convinced Mighty Miami won this rigged competition with a bribe.
Beryl says
Same old story….Give us you money……we will not tell you how we spend it…..but hey, you get a plaque;;;;I would rather have the money buried in the backyard.
Ed Kette says
1.2 million miles flown by a Federal Express stale dated promo package, returned for lacking address!
Basta Ya! says
To Scientology Puerto Rico,
This is third time we have a beautiful building that will be
the new Ideal Org for Puerto Rico and all of the Caribe.
This new building will like magic fill up with people who
will want to have Scientology.
We were already two times before only a very small amount of
money needed to purchase the perfect building for the Ideal Org.
The price for these buildings was always a mystery. Sometimes it was
2 million dollars then it was 4million dollars then it was 5 million dollars
then it was again 3 million dolars if we got the money very fast. We could not
do that so many different stories were told why that building was not really
the right building for us.
All of us know we sometimes have trouble paying the rent where Scientology
was for over twenty years and we had to move away from the Capitol City of San Juan
to another place which is much harder for everyone to go to. There are many stories about
why we moved but it is embarrasing to say “Wait a minute. You tell me one reason and
another staff person tells me another reason.”
We don’t understand how we cant pay the rent and sometimes the light account for the small
building and how will we pay the rent for a bigger building and also the electricity.
Oh yes, I forgot. People will come from all over Puerto Rico and the Caribe and other places
when we have the new building. Why don’t they come now? Will it be a different type of
Scientology in the new building then what we have in our building now?
Everybody in Puerto Rico who is clear except staff people and I think 2 other people
go to Venezuela or Mexico to go clear because it is too expensive here. If I say I want
to do that you tell me it’s wrong but all of our opinion leaders and even some of our staff did that
and it was not wrong for them.
When we go to the events we make our faces smile and we clap when somebody makes
a donation but we are really sad and scared because many people really cannot give you
their money without hurting themselves. A lot of us are become scared of you because
we see what happens if someone does not agree.
You tell lies about them. We pretend to believe your lies but we know they are lies.
You make us believe that an auditor is like a priest so we have more respect for them
but you also sometimes make fun of priests because you think that if we smile we think
that is ok. We know there are bad priests but I have never heard a story of a priest
telling secrets about a persons confessions to other people. We know that you do that.
That is why we keep smiling at you and giving you our money because now we are afraid of you.
We know that if we try to find out the truth or if you think we try to find out that something
is really true then you will shame us. You will try to shame us with lies and if that doesn’t work
you will try to shame us with our secrets that we gave you our trust to keep.
We know that people who are our friends are not bad people only because you say they are bad.
We feel shame for you because the same people who were your friends are now bad people for you
when you know in your heart that it’s not true.
Our friends are always our friends only we now must hide it from you so we don’t also become bad
people only because you say so.
Every time more of us look at the entheta on the internet and know you are telling us lies. You never
tell us that we will need more millions in dollars even after we buy the new building.
You never tell us to go and visit some other Ideal Org so we can see how our Ideal Org will find the magic to fill
itself up with people. I tell other people before giving money to our Ideal Org use the donation money
to go to ANY other Ideal Org and see if it’s full of people. If you see more people then we have in Puerto Rico
then ask the people how long they are Scientologists. It’s almost all of them old Scientologists who are
doing the basics or the survival rundown. But what happened to all the people learning how to audit?
Where are all the new people who come to the Ideal Org to learn Scientology?
They are not there.
In Puerto Rico some of us just make reasons not to go to Scientology things and some of us
go but inside we wish we had a good reason not to be there. We hate the Sea Org people who come here only
to tell us how wonderful we are when we are giving them our money. After they know we all ran out
of money they get on an airplane and go but will come back when they think we have some more money.
They try to make you believe that giving them money will also work like magic and create more money for you.
Even those of us who look like on the outside like we have enough money do not really have it and
haven’t been able to find out how to apply the magic to just create more.
What is also shameful that some of our own people help these people from the Sea Org take our money but
don’t tell you they get a comission for your money. If you find out they just say they don’t keep the comission
but also donate it. But they donate it in their name, Not in your name.
These people are now the most important people in Puerto Rico. This is not because they
are now good auditors and it is not because they are more honest people. It is because they are
now Humanitarians or they are Double Humanitarians or more. When I grew up I thought
that to become a Humanitarian it was because you did things that really helped humanity.
Now you only have to pay 100 thousand dollars to buy a building that might never
fill up with people so you are now a Humanitarian.
Before the Sea Org people try to explain to you how helping this building is really helping the
whole planet you must do what I told you about spending your next donation money
on a plane ticket.
We learned for many years that we are suppose to LOOK DON’T LISTEN.
Scientology only wants you now to only listen to them. If you get caught looking at
anywhere else you must get handled by ethics.
You now may not have your parents anymore but you have the people in Scientology
telling you what is good for you and what is not good for you. It is sometimes funny
because at the same time you keep reading about how to be more
self determined and you are letting others tell you what to do.
If the public people in Puerto Rico read this they will know it is true. The staff must say
it is all lies but even some of them feel shame because they know they are the ones telling
the lies. It is very sad that now we all have to pretend to be friends because if you try to be
an honest person you can be punished. Even when I just finish writing that I question myself.
“Which is really the worst punishment?”
Basta Ya! says
I can see that the sentences all break up different then how I try to write them. This writing on blog is new. I apologise if it becomes difficult for you to read.
Pepper says
Basta Ya! I enjoyed reading your comment. Thank you.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Basta Ya!,Good to meet you,thank you for your post.I have the worst trouble typing so you did great with your post.Long ago in the SO I cannot wrap my head around getting on a plane,going to an Ideal Org & having to reg staff out of money,then leaving.It is like a really bad movie,you wish it would end but it plays on endlessly.My best Ann.
Roger Hornaday says
What a magnificent comment! That was beautiful!
Valerie says
Basta, I agree. Si, basta. Great name you have there. Enough, Yes!
Which is really the worst punishment? Como se dice en espanol? Que es realment el peor castigo doesn’t sound quite right. I can’t wrap my mind around the proper translation though and my niece isn’t available to congugate the proper verbs.
You speak excellent english BTW and paint a picture of what it’s like to try and try and finally say enough! and leave. Welcome to the outside.
Connie says
Thanks for this heartfelt piece.
alexdevalera says
“Of you try to be an honest person you will be punished” of course! Listen don’t ever dare to look or you’ll be sec-checked and regged into oblivion. There is a party line and there is command intention and who ever crosses the line is fair gamed according to the importance of the threat. Mike Rinder was a 1st rate threat because he said basta ya enough is enough and walked out of the game every body loses at without signing a ton of legal papers and having a very thorough understanding of the mechanics of the meat grinder. Once upon a time there was Vicky Aznaran, ..robert Vaughn Young, …Jessie Prince, … Marty Rathbun they all woke up one day, but unlike most staff in class V orgs, they knew it was all rotten at the top!
Basta ya! Thank you for you excellent and lengthy comment.
Ann B Watson says
Hi alexdevalera,I liked your post.”Rotten at the Top” a keen observation.I knew that too in the end not in the beginning.It was some cognition when I finally figured the rotten part out!My Best Ann.
Old Surfer Dude says
Wow! So very exciting! I loved the Maiden Voyage Scoreboard!
1. Not so Mighty Miami
2. Born in the slums of Detroit
3. Second to Everybody in Chicago
4. The Mule Eyes of Columbus
5. The Revolutionaries of Boston (seriously, some of the staff are that old)
6. Old Haven Rebels without a Clue
7. Philadelphia PeeWees
8. Ron’s Dearest Island – Alcatraz
9. Battle Creek – Doing the Impossible and Failing (well…of course! It’s IMPOSSIBLE!)
10. Long Island Top Puns (we all know how LRH LOVED puns)
11. Orlando – Bringing the Real Magic of Disney World (one of my favorite places)
Ann B Watson says
Hi OSD,Yes one time a Boston staffer tried to body route me.He was a waxwork all right & in no way revolutionary.Mike is right the names are so freshman high school.And we know how much David adored school.Always Ann.
Fredric L. Rice says
“1.2 million miles flown in honor of ideal orgs? WTF does that mean? Flown by whom? Why?”
Maybe shitbag Miscavige spends a lot of time aloft, staying outside of the reach of Federal agents.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Fredric,Your post made me think of a weird scenario.Drones flying around with cameras when David starts to become fanatically paranoid & he will do.I would like to know flown by whom too, those pesky BTs out for a joyride? My best Ann.
Jose Chung says
The COB has his private Zeppelin ?
Jose Chung says
1.2 million miles flown in honor of Ideal org buildings.
COB say’s ” And brother are my arms tired !!!!!”
hgc10 says
“Ballpark Completion on the Runway” is my nominee for the Learning-the-Ropes-Down-in-the-Trenches Mixed Metaphor Award for 2016.
Myrklix says
Boston at #5 ?!?! What a sad state of affairs! There isn’t even an org in Boston. They moved to Quincy, 10 miles to the south and there’s virtually no traffic there. Just check out the Boston thread on ESMB. They are trying to sell their decrepit future Idle Org building before finding another one. That building has been sitting Idle for 6+ years. Things must be really hopping at #6 New Haven.
RMycroft says
Instead of flown, perhaps they meant fled?
gorillavee says
Columbus and New Haven make the list, while NYC (#1 metro area – 20 million people, #2 in per capita income) and DC (#7 in US, 7+ million people, #3 in per capita income), don’t crack the top 10? With those populations, they should be on the list while not even trying – just slogging through. Now you KNOW Columbus and New Haven aren’t exactly bursting at the seams with 100 staff and 200 people in the academy, so I can only imagine just how bad things are in NY and DC
Edward Whalley says
New Haven is a couple of people on a second floor. That, and a large empty building.
SadStateofAffairs says
New York and DC already have Ideal Org buildings, paid for by the IAS, so they are not having to fund raise. Wonder how they would have done had not IAS paid the freight.
whostolemycog says
Mike – I’m with you… “Next Ideal Org Ballpark on the Runway”…WTF does that even mean?
They definitely speak their own version of the King’s English…
GTBO says
Kings and Queens would have nothing to do with them or their bastardization of the English language
gayle says
“…baffle them with bull****” comes to mind
Valerie says
Well if they’re doing ballparks now, maybe they’re getting into the spirit of play. Don’t we wish. How far can you torture a language before it screams and runs away.
I shook my head a few times trying to re read and make sense of the “Next Ideal Org Ballpark Completion on the Runway” headline before I crawled away whimpering to read electrical manuals, Supreme Court Briefs, IRS Regulations, chemical compounds and such. They are so much more comprehensible.
GTBO says
“When Quinn the Eskimo gets here…”
Everyone’s gonna run away
This gets sicker at each release of a “promo”
KFrancis says
1.2 Million miles flown? Ok…I guess ….but….
How many auditors did you make in the Orgs last week?
How many WDAH’s were recorded in the Orgs last week?
KFrancis says
The Briefing Course at ASHO and the Class 8 Course at AOLA have been closed for some time now. What is the real reason behind this and when, if ever, will they be available again?
Many, many Scientologists have the BC paid for in full. If a small group of them got together and demanded that ASHO delivered what it promised would they be declared SP’s for causing a stir or would they be acknowledged as the best of the best for wanting to become auditors?
Pepper says
The BC and Class 8 Course are being re-worked for GATII. The promise that they will be released soon is out there. Definitely for the BC from what I’ve been hearing.
Payment in full for the BC should still stand, depending on any price changes. Still, students will have to redo their Student Hat and Pro Metering. Possibly TR’s too. More going back to the beginning, adding time to ever completing the course, and paying for the privilege of it.
Mike Rinder says
Oh, everyone will need to REDO the Briefing course in order to be a Class VI I guarantee it. Those earlier “Dukes of The Auditor Elite” were nothing but pretenders, because they did not duplicate the materials properly as they were not duplicatable without going through the Golden Age of Grammar handling to make them fully on source and exactly as LRH intended.
McCarran says
So, that means that if I were still in, I would being doing the Purif for the third time, The Student Hat for the third time, and the Briefing Course for the third time.
Newcomer says
none and two!
And the scam goes on and on, while Pompadour smiles at the fools that keep his style of life funded. Insanely sad.
Dio says
If you can’t dazzle them with brains and facts,
you can baffle them with big numbers and bullshit.
Newcomer says
Telling the truth usually throws them for a loop too!
Old Surfer Dude says
Telling the truth would short circuit their brains and cause smoke to come out of their ears, as they are robots, right?
Newcomer says
I thought that was a natural occurrence for a GAG CLEAR.
John Locke says
Miles flown? What next, number of bowel movements in honor of Ideal Morgues?
whostolemycog says
You’ve nailed it…How many metric tons of Ideal bull shit have been dished out to the still ins?
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey now, John! C’mon! Miles flown and taking a dump are the same thing. Both are movements..
All hail the almighty toilet!!! Hip, hip…flush!!!
NOLAGirl says
– 1 Humanitarian
– Another Humanitarian
That’s 2 Humanitarians you jackasses!!
Anything to make the list look longer I guess. LOL
Poor Dave, it’s hard out there for a spiritual pimp. 😀
Newcomer says
I think Daves too busy wiping the drool from his oroficial body parts to focus ……………
check out the latest from His friend and accomplice Louie Farrakhan on killing and dying ….
Yo Dave,
Ya think Louis might want to purchase an intensive of False Purpose RD and get some handling on the evil perps? (spelling is intended) He may want to move up in status too by telling the world just what a great guy you are …..Dave! Just sayin …….. mull it over good buddy!
You could always have the IAS donate a couple hundred thousand TWTH booklets to calm the waters!
NOLAGirl says
They are truly a match made in hell aren’t they? I wonder which one will dump the other first?
Ann B Watson says
Hi NOLAGirl,Spiritual pimp I loved that! So true!XO Ann.
Potpie says
I think they mean the airlines they flew on honored them.
Which of course shows how the COS does indeed create
goodwill in the community. And of course the sheeple are
dazzled at how OT it is to fly so many miles…..I mean really
not many can do such a feat. I wonder if the church is getting
frequent flier miles?? Nah that would save money and take away
from their philosophy…..take sheeple money and spend it on ourselves.
McCarran says
Let’s get the fundraising off the ground and skyrocket for the new org, The Ideal Moon. The Moonies!
Or better yet, Ideal Pluto! The Pluto Planetarian Humanitarians!
Old Surfer Dude says
Except Pluto’s not a planet. But, I get where you’re coming from, Mary. I would, though, like to see an Ideal moon!
McCarran says
Okay, the Pluto Rock-ettes!
Grace says
OSD, you bring out the geek in me.
“That’s not a moon! It’s a Space Station!”
I know. Overdone and cliche. I’ll buy this round of beer in penance.
Old Surfer Dude says
How nice of you to say that, Grace. I appreciate it. Normally I bring out the indigestion in people. I’m glad I had a positive effect on you. Although you might need to keep some Tums handy…
Tom says
No DC Org(s)? No DC Humanitarians? Did DC graduate from EUS?
Steph in NH says
Preparing to begin getting started…..Love it Mike. Thanks for the laugh.
Dennis says
Mike — there used to be links at the end of end posting, below the tags, where one could jump to the previous or the next posting. Very useful if (heaven forbid) one falls behind for one reason or another. What happened to them?
thegman77 says
Very funny, Mike. Especially getting your teaching from Quinn, the Eskimo. One early phrase really caught my attention – “we are preparing ourselves to begin getting started”. Just what the hell does that mean. One has to prepare to begin to start??? Huh” Oh, I forgot, most of these troopers have no education to speak of. LOL
Old Surfer Dude says
…”we are preparing ourselves to begin getting started.” “Just what the hell does that mean?”
My cult speak is a little rusty, but, I’ll take a shot at it: Since it’s been an unmitigated disaster up to this point, they wanted to do a ‘do over.’ So all that’s happened in the past 20 years or so was just prep work. And the “preparing ourselves to begin getting started” let’s them waste even more time and effort.
In other words, it’s all show and no substance…
thegman77 says
Love your interpretation. 🙂
zemooo says
I spent 32 years working for a New York state government agency. We often had to have pre-meeting, meetings. Dilbert is our hero. Preparing for some jobs can take a lot of time. Doing Requests for Proposals and evaluating those proposals can be a very time consuming endeavor.
“The next ideal org ballpark completion is on the runway.” The only ballpark I see regularly are the Hot Dogs in the grocery store. Those taste crappy too. The level of delusion should be frightening, but remember that it is only the mOrg advertiser that is really deluded. I would expect 90% of the recipients of these missives to just laugh and crumple up the paper and go on with their lives.
I have been watching the NY Mets too, they have a nice ballpark, and it cost much less than Yankee land.
Aquamarine says
Such gobbledegook! Between this and the A/C in the office not working today my head is spinning. Mike, my hat is off to you for your confront on this crap. I hope your A/C is working.
Robin says
Those who traveled all those miles need a group name. Something like the Traveling Dumbury’s, except that’s too close to my beloved Wilbury’s who, under no circumstances, would EVER have tried to set up an ideal org! They’d have set up ideal fun instead. Such a shame all those souls still “in” have forgotten what real fun is.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Robin,Your post is beautiful.The recent pix of SO young & old on promo pieces,they all look like walking dead who have no clue what fun is anymore.Yes in SO we did have fun in the early years.A good giggle always made all feel more empowered to continue tasks that once out I can’t believe I did.Ann.
Robin says
Thanks for the sweet compliment. Although I was never in the SO, I was on staff and know the hell of heavy ethics coming down for God-know-what. A good laugh between the oppressed, including me, was always a relief. But like you, it wasn’t until I got out (and even then it took years) that I allowed myself the freedom to have fun in all aspects of my life as much as I possibly can. When I was still in, I thought I was having fun most of the time. But reading these promo pieces and emails (thanks to Mike and Tony O) makes me realize how often my fun was interrupted by insane demands. It’s gotten more insane since I left. I really do feel for those who are caught up in it.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Robin,Yes what you posted is so true.It took me years to recognize fun as just that fun!And oh my I know the heavy hand of Ethics literally & figuratively!I always look for your posts.XO Ann.
Ann B Watson says
Hi OSD,No worries for you.A pair of magnificent aqua blue wings the shimmering color of Sea & Sky are on hold until you decide to be more than human.I could learn how to cloud surf if you’ll teach me.Always Ann.
White Rabbit says
Just love the eagle about to sink its claws into Grant Cardone…
McCarran says
Good one.
Old Surfer Dude says
As I understand it, that eagle was real and did, in fact, attack Cardone. Why? Because he such a pompous, self serving boot licker. Many in the audience supported the eagle…
Dawn says
Pepper says
That is very funny and observant 🙂 I didn’t see it until I enlarged the photo on my phone. And Grant is looking so happy while so oblivious…