Another demonstration of how utterly unreal Scientologists are. They are indoctrinated to think they are taking over the world, and they buy it — yet in reality are having zero impact on anything.
But it’s even worse than that. For some reason they insist on announcing their incompetence/ineffectiveness to the world at large.
They are proud of the fact, or literally too stupid to understand what they are saying, that there are 54 nations in Africa and 1.2 billion people — but in 74 years they still only have orgs in 2 of those 54 nations and have only reached a few hundred thousand people in that time with less than 5,000 (being very generous) active Scientologist today.
2 of 54 is less than 4% of the nations with an org. 5,000 of 1.2 billion is .000047%. In other words — they have literally accomplished nothing. And let’s not forget, those same 2 countries were the only ones with orgs in the 1960’s and nothing has changed since then! They haven’t added a new country with an org in more than 60 years!
But they believe they are creating the “next great civilization” with LRH tech… In fact, “they” are demanding it.
It is hard to imagine being more deluded than this. And the best proof of how delusional they are is that they shout it from the rooftops, apparently thinking everyone else thinks the same wasy!
Scientology’s “tech” is using their Proton Pack (the Hubbard E Meter) to detect some of Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans (invisible souls which today infest our human bodies, all thanks to Xenu’s Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram).
Then after finding the body-thetans with the Hubbard Ghostbusters Proton Pack/Emeter, the upper Scientologists doing the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 exorcism steps, they issue telepathic therapy to the body-thetans to “free” them off of themselves. That’s how Scientologists use the upper Hubbard exorcism/soul-freeing “tech” and use the Hubbard Proton Pack Emeter at the end to prove those body-thetans/invisible-souls are free and gone.
That’s the “tech” that 90 percent or probably more, of all existing official Scientologists don’t even know their “Advanced Orgs” are doing behind the scenes. Hubbard made it taboo to tell the followers about the Xenu body-thetans exorcism steps publicly, so they don’t know their own “tech” even, honestly.
Scientologists simply don’t know of the Xenu spiritual theory and their exorcism procedures and the using of their gizmo to find the invisible souls that infest them.
The exorcism steps of secret upper Scientology are snipe hunting, and ex’s should look up the KEY WORD snipe hunting.
– Hail Xenu, he caused the Wall of Fire, not.
I found it interesting that when asked about Xenu on South African telly, Gaetane Asselin did not deny it. She cautioned the interviewer about googling it but, to date, it may be the most sincere response since Mike’s “it’s not a ‘story’, it is an auditing level!” to Janet Reitman.
See https://www.enca.com/shows/my-guest-tonight-annika-larsen-church-scientology-28-february-2024 (Xenu pops up at around 16:45).
yes, this is almost a good slight turn for them to do this.
Q: What is Xenu?
A: It is something that we don’t talk about until we are at a certain level.
Q: Why?
A: Because people are not ready. When you are not ready to know certain truths [Gaetane hesitates and interestingly picks some hair off the reporter’s coat, LOL] ….when you are not ready for this type of information you continue up your steps until you can find out who or what this is. And I’m not there yet, so. [Gaetane shrugs]
Q: So you don’t even know what Xenu is? [Very sad, all these years working in OSA, Gaetane hasn’t gotten to OT 3. Doubly sad that she is President of the Continental President role for the AO AF/Cont Af Scientology there, that she is not even as spiritually advanced as the “techincal” staff at Advanced Org. This problem is directly Hubbard’s fault for allowing paperpushers to be the “heads” of the management echelons who are OVER the spiritual practitioners and followers who are “higher” spiritually educated and achieved. Sea Org staffs and lower echelon staffs are woefully NOT the most spiritually advanced and cannot even discuss their OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism/soul-freeing procedures, which AO AF delivers the OT 3, 4 and 5 exorcism steps, which Gaetane has NOT even received, nor is allowed to describe!]
What a terrible pickle being staff, being the President of AO AF/Cont Af a PR position and she’s actually the top OSA/DSA PR person for Af, and she isn’t even OT 3.
One thing constantly, Hubbard never caught up these continuing problems he’d created.
As far back as 1970 in the celebrity writer’s hindsights on his Scientology experience, and regarding the OT 3 stuff, William Burroughs rightly said the Hubbard secret “OT levels” material ought freely be publicly made available to judge.
That problem Hubbard didn’t properly address, so that today, 2024, Scientology cannot answer the Xenu question spiritually theoretically.
I helped train Gaetane at several times in her years of Hubbard admin training. I helped train other of the DSA PR people, and even helped admin train some of the old GO people.
It is a constant problem, the spiritual theories of Scientology are NOT simply explained, EVER, by neither Hubbard and subsequently by the followers nor the PR people.
All are crippled by Hubbard’s precautions.
This particular problem has stuck with me all my decades since leaving Scientology.
“We” ought to be able to neutrally answer Xenu and body-thetans questions.
No one is addressing this, as Hubbard’s rules preclude it.
It’s a forever massive problem.
Outsider academics only puppet the pathetic bad explanations like Gaetane’s and then try to compare Scientology’s secrecy regarding the “upper levels” to other mystical spiritual groups which don’t tell publicly their beliefs.
BUT, history has overlapped Scientology/Hubbard’s self crippling.
Scientology is a sort of soul memories therapy/exorcism-soul-freeing subject.
Xenu caused the need for the exorcism/soul-freeing that Scientology begins with their followers at the Advanced Orgs, like AO AF, where OT 3, 4, and 5 exorcism/soul-freeing is begun on the members.
They can’t sadly even say this.
Only outsiders who’ve figured it out, and simplified it like above, can explain Scientology simply.
Hubbard never did, so orthodox official Scientology is still crippled explaining simply the spiritual theory behind Xenu’s dumping body-thetans onto earth which today Scientology’s Advanced Orgs do the first three exorcism/soul-freeing steps to remove those body-thetans (invisible souls which Xenu mass murdered, mass implanted and dumped onto earth which today infest all humans, requiring the five full exorcism levels finally from Scientology, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, to exorcise/soul-free from a person’s body).
Gaetane won’t be able to say this, not until she quits OSA and gets out of official Scientology, and then someday unbrainwash herself enough from the Hubbard dogma that crippled her from answering “Who is Xenu?”
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 75 til 03 (paperpusher almost all my time in Sea Org, but always like a fly on the wall noticing all the flaws in this cult Hubbard built, it’s quackery and not something anyone should do other than read about it)
You mean Xenu isn’t a French Gnu dressed in black trousers, black and white striped tshirt, beret, with a moustouche and holding a baguette? My dreams are shattered…sob…sob…
No, makes me wonder, is science fiction not a well thought of genre in France.
The Bruce Willis movie 5th element was French director directed wasn’t it?
I’d think the French speakers would soften more up to old Xenu!
“Revolt In The Stars” might better be produced as a comedy, and by outsiders, but ASI/Miscavige will never sell the rights of that Hubbard movie to anyone. So was Hubbard, greedy dastard he was. Wanted always money for his “products.”
Xenu also. Xenu would just be a breakthrough “LRH product” to capitalize on, I’ve always thought, once I saw of what Hubbard words/concepts to centralize upon, which “tie it all together!”
Hubbard, Xenu, save the universe with the Hubbard “serious” “tech” (the pseudo-therapy and exorcism, with the exorcism even being necessary due to Xenu).
Xenu would be Hubbard’s “galactic devil” to sell. John Travolta playing the Battlefield Earth character “Terl.”
Imagine if Tom Cruse, once he ages gracefully, gets the idea to up John Travolta’s dedication to LRH and for Cruise play “Xenu” in a sanction “Revolt In The Stars” making of this Hubbard script! (Something to wish for, Cruise playing Xenu in “Revolt In The Stars” Hubbard unproduced movie.)
Maybe someday, that’s not as far fetched as one thinks.
A discussion of the Xenu character in the “Revolt In The Stars” script which is by Hubbard, it has to be noted, Xenu is present in the script, but body-thetans and the”OT case” concept is not. Hubbard absolutely consciously limited the OT 3 story to exclude the “OT case” leaking from the body-thetans into us earthlings from the “Revolt in The Stars” story-board/script of Hubbard’s.
Xenu yes, Hubbard broached this character to be used in the movie, but body-thetans and the OT case, not included.
So much trivia to Hubbard’s output and his goals, many which are not yet spilled out of the cornucopia (the ASI symbol which is LRH approved) of the “LRH products” (this two word phrase is in the ASI advices, the “LRH products/properties”)
Xenu is luckily a non copyrighted “LRH product” that due to the backfiring taboo rules Hubbard made, this prevented ASI from copyrighting “Xenu.”
Always LRH’s fault, literally always his fault when you trace it all back.
It’s not just Xenu though, it’s the entire extraterrestrial narrative. The CoS used to embrace it in its promo, at least in part. Someone tweeted a 1970s advert for HYLBTL earlier today (see https://twitter.com/mrjeffknox/status/1775306617246105694) from Flying Saucers magazine. Compare that to the nondescript Miscavige-era “lay off the whole track” superbowl cheese.
More ppl believe in aliens and the “deep state” today than ever before. Rather than appeal to this ever-growing audience (much like Hub did in his day) they completely ignore it. Today’s ads seem to be geared more towards the MEST-oriented middle class (or those who spend money on trash).
Nothing good comes to L. Ron Hubbard’s aid once Hubbard’s words are quoted.
The PR people for Scientology ought to never have even taken those roles, the job is undoable.
(Today’s non PR spokespeople for Scientology, it’s good they don’t show up, and don’t say anything, Hubbard is unsupportable.)
(The only tiniest saving grace was Hubbard admitting failure to Sarge Pfauth, and only momentarily and not probably sincerely, at the end of Hubbard’s life, see the must read final pages of “Going Clear….” by Lawrence Wright, and see the “Going Clear….” documentary which includes parts of the Pfauth interview by Wright in the movie.)
– Hail Xenu, and massive swarms of Xenu’s R6 implanted body-thetans on the heads of all OSA people.
Most of the people attending AO Africa are actually from other CONTINENTS, around 80-90%.
The main strategy for AO Africa’s marketing is to attract Scientologists from all around the world by claiming that it’s cheaper than elsewhere. This creates a misleading impression about the statistics and delivery.
If the management instructs AO Africa to stop recruiting people from other continents, the organization will go bankrupt in no time.
I can confirm this because, as an under-the-radar-scientologist, and I’ve had conversations with AO Africa registrars, so I know what’s going on there.
Thanks IW,
Do the public coming to AO Africa somehow have an enjoyable experience? Public coming to Flag, by comparison, are almost always hounded to be on course when not in session, by contrast.
Are AO AF public somehow allowed a slightly slacker time of their stay, or are they pretty much regimented and shoehorned into course whenever not in session?
Did you personally digest the body-thetans infesting all us humans and those body-thetans having been dumped onto earth by Xenu, and also implanted with the R6 implants by Xenu, did you happen to digest this info while you were in, or out? (I only learned it all when I got out, but I still could “think” with it, it didn’t just make my brain cells go anti-magnetic to it, of course I don’t recommend doing the OT 3, 4, 5 exorcism, nor the OT 6 and 7 exorcism either, but the theory wasn’t completely nonsense, it did and still does make “spiritual” nuts and bolts sense, because Hubbard was supposedly directing all the procedures to removing our “OT case” which is really the “case” of our body-thetans, which was leaking from our body-thetans’ minds over to our minds, so the exorcism of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 just “frees” them and we lose our “OT case” supposedly.)
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 75 til 03
I can’t say whether people find it more enjoyable or not. AO AF operates just like any other Sea Org delivery organization. After all, everyone at AO AF used to work at FSO.
Discussing the subjective and religious aspects of auditing is tricky. As a former IX auditor and OT 7, it’s hard to prove or disprove what Hubbard called “Body Thetans.”
Hubbard’s stories about our history are a lot like Star Wars. If you believe the first story, you’re likely to follow along with the next. Each story leads into the next. Hubbard was a great storyteller.
I never dwelled on the OT 3 story much, and I know many people don’t think about it deeply. What do I think? Something made up by Hubbard’s imagination.
One thing though, in the Class IX course, there’s more about the body thetan story that doesn’t start with the OT 3 incident. Hubbard talks about BTs stuck together by opposite forces and doesn’t dive too deep into it.
But the most “out-of-body” or “spiritual” experiences I’ve had were during NOTs and SOLO NOTs.
The idea that entities can make the body sick isn’t unique to Scientology. It’s a common theme in many religions and ancient cultures, similar to beliefs in black magic.
After leaving the church many years ago, I’ve had time to explore other philosophies and reflect on my experiences.
My final thought is, if auditing is meant to “free” people, I’m not seeing it. The higher people go up the bridge, the more they rely on the church to solve their problems and the more robotic-type of fake certainty they seem to have.
And the story, as Hubbard tells it, ends where it began, leaving people in a sea of confusion.
Additionally I would argue, that OT auditing creates disassociation, confusion of self, schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, and many other issues. I am not guessing it, I HAVE SEEN IT ALL.
The most vulnerable people I’ve seen, which also is the reason why I started doubting Scientology as a “all-end-solution”, are the OT 8s which I audited many.
Excellent answers, thankyou very much. I wish all the ex NOTs auditors (Class 9’s) who have done thousands of hours of OT 5 on other top Scientologists, would be surveyed, and all their hindsights permanently made available, as ongoing history.
So many followup questions, but your answers I greatly appreciate.
– Chuck Beatty
ex Admin Course Sup (I was always wishing the high up auditors were making “OT” people, but what actually happened didn’t match what was promised, but all ongoing raw results and hindsights should be preserved and made known)
Since following the recent series on the ‘Sociopath next Door’, It’s easier to see the delusion of Scientology from a different perspective. What gets a bit scary is that it is sure seems to parallel things like politics and corporate/banking structures too – anywhere only money and power count!
Scientology is a group that has no conscience, it is blind to the misery it inflicts, and evidence contrary to their own wellbeing is expertly ignored by its members, (fear of a big stick wielded by management helps accomplish that too). What makes it worse is they are quite content about being enforced to get others to share in their misery, or in their minds, suck up the delusional, undemonstrated Freedom force fed by a madman like Miscavige serving up Hubbard’s scrambled egg technology. Haha, reminds me of an analogy in my military service decades ago. Army cooks were called “fitters and turners,” They received perfectly good food, fitted it in a pan and turned out shit. Hubbard stole perfectly good observations from prior philosophers, religions etc fitted it into his churches and turned out shit. It’s truly an astounding feat of profitable criminal activity! The official turning point was KSW1 imo. It set up the god like worship syndrome and coincided with enforcement by the militant SO.
It’s sure apparent that to survive in that group you have to sacrifice your conscience, or you won’t last very long as they’ll either suppress it out of you or throw you out. To rise up the command structure, the ones above you will notice if you’ll fit in or not. Or if you do slip through and conscience does get the better of you later on = the RPF or you’ll become an instant apostate and you’re thrown out for maleficence. Similar with politics, big biz too I reckon, if you can’t manage the spin and convincing lie your way out of situations by diverting blame you won’t last very long. Not having a conscience and ignoring evidence an apparent prerequisite. Sociopaths would naturally fit into that environment if they are intelligent enough. It takes an incredibly tough individual to even come close to applying moral convictions in that game. Speak about it, oh yes, get it applied, oh boy… good luck with that! It’s a tough gig.
“The Next Great Generation is demanding Hubbard’s tech…” Get outa here! Two (possibly 3) previous generations taste tested it & firmly rejected it. What crystal ball are they using, a plastic one from the dollar store?
It’s so hard to comprehend this insanity unless you’ve been inside that bubble or something similar. I’ve been “out” for over 15 years now and I’m so happy that I can look at this with an equanimity that I cherish.
$cientology isn’t the only insane group around that’s certain that “they” alone have the answers to every problem, but they are certainly one of the most toxic. I explained a bit about the kult last year to a young guy who’d barely heard of them and his reaction was that they should be declared a terrorist group. I couldn’t help but agree once I’d thought about it.
The group insanity on display here is spectacularly obvious to those of us on the outside but when your only “reliable sources” of info are from inside the same abandoned mine shaft that you’ve been stuck in for years, it’s pretty hard to come up with anything that isn’t rampantly delusional.
I think the only solution is to just keep putting the truth out there like you and others do, Mike. And “we” will pick up the individuals who’ve hit “need of change” ( 🙂 ) and help them escape.
Take the figures:
961 schools educated with VM study tech, 5,000 online scientology course completions per week and 26,000 trained vm’s and growing then divide the first by 600 (if not more), the second and the final by 2,500 and you’ll have a result closer to reality.
Totally delusional!
This post reminds me of how sptv is acting, and thinking;
This is my reaction to Stefani Hutchincons post, about ASL, and the above post, from Mike;
Aaron Smith Levin was kicked out of the Aftermath Foundation, due to two drunken incidents, involving women, one of whom he stalked on Facebook. He has had three incidents, where the police were involved, and discussed microdosing strong supplements.
Smith Levin uses every possible opportunity, he can, to insult Mike Rinder, and the Aftermath Foundation, in his videos, but other than all this crap, which we all know about, so does Scientology, there are probably other hidden things, he certainly is a stand up clown, sorry, I mean person.
Alex Barnes Ross, has done much more than ASL, without much help. He is someone, people can trust.I am not aware that ASL is doing anything to fight Scientology.
When Marc Headley did his danish television show, together with a former danish scientologist, it was shown, on a national channel 20.00, prime time.I estimate that 1-3 million danes watched those two shows, alone. Now that is acting, not walking around, in an outfit, having fun.
But people should not let the facts stand in the way, of their drama.
Kind regards
Just to clarify.
I saw all the horrible comments, on Stefani’s blog, under her latest post.
I wish all members of anti scientology, and sptv, the best, and healing if needed.
I am sure they are fine people outside their streams.
Fair is fair, right, if people can call MR, a monster, under the videos, and in the chats, I can call ASL a clown.
I continue to hope that all anti scientology channels unite, in the future.
I still want unity, against scio, and not cancelling of critics.
All the best …happy holidays
LRH wrote that if WWIII came or the US was hit with a nuclear bomb, that he would load up the SO in boats or planes and head for South Africa. He said he studied the wind currents and ocean currents and that South Africa would be the only safe place from fall out from a nuclear bomb. Well with only 2 orgs in all of Africa, I doubt they would be willing to welcome with open arms these immigrants from Scn. In fact, LRH was thrown out of Rhodesia back in the day.
Cindy, unfortunately, we now know that LRH wrote tons of nonsense in a compulsive state at 360 degrees like a broken garden sprinkler, so the scientologists always find something he said to be “prophetic”. In reality, if a third world war were to happen, one wouldn’t even have time to retrieve the laundry they hung out to dry, let alone imagine arriving at a port and catching a ship bound for South Africa.
How right you are! Of course they always assume that the omnipotent LRH would have advance notice of this coming and so he would evacuate everyone in time. Dream on.
Cindy the truth is that from the Central African Republics downwards, there are no sensitive sites or alliances or bases to which Russia or the USA could launch a missile. The winds have nothing to do with it. It was another one of his nonsense “I know it all” remarks.
He was always talking, so much so that in many photos he always appears with his mouth open.
Hi Losing My Religion, I’m in awe of how much you know about many subjects. I wish the sheeple could hear that it had nothing to do with winds and currents and was basically LRH’s own hot air. But it amazes me how the SO and others just believed every word like it was from God himself. And then I realize I was just like that when I was in. That’s why I love what the Aftermath Fdn is doing to help people leave the SO and leave Scn.
Cindy, I’ve been in SO for almost 15 years, and when you’re in there for a while, you lose touch with reality because their reality is hammered into you every day. Additionally, the ethics and mutual control by the staff are very high, so eventually, you accept things as they tell you. Then, one day (for everyone), the moment of awakening comes, and one looks around and says, “What the heck am I doing here?!?” Some people leave, but others hit the “snooze” button and go back to sleep.
I’m so glad you didn’t hit snooze and came out. We are enriched because of it.
Delusions are the only comfort these folks have. Sad indeed.
Bhagwan Rajneesh told a story about holding onto a fixed idea: The aged Monk was retiring after 80 years and had one of the young Monks come to him with a question. Oh revered one. We have seen you get up before dawn, do your prayers, and then eat a bowl of rice before going out into the mean streets of Calcutta. You have then exhorted the people to give up their lust, greed, and desires until dark when you return to the monastery for a bowl of rice and sleep. How is it that you have never become discouraged when, in those 80 years, you have not convinced a single person to change their ways?
The aged Monk replied; Convince another? Convince another??? I have just been busy convincing myself.
Jim, thank you. It’s one of the funniest things I’ve read recently.
I laughed reading the poster/ad “The Next Great Civilization is DEMANDING LRH Tech”…. I can 100% confirm to you that NO CIVLIAZATION is demanding LRH tech. Again the poster design is awful you would think with how many people they claim to have in Scientology at least one person would see that the poster/ad does not look good at all.
For a little deeper dive into the fraudulent claims of the cult, I present yet another offering from my Pseudoscientology site, titled: “The Church of Scientology … an inseparable blend of Beguiling Fantasy and Covert Hyperbole.”
“Have you ever heard the phrase, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is?” Of course … everyone has. If there was ever an organization that could qualify in the real world to use that as a slogan in a public relations campaign, it is certainly the church of Scientology. From L. Ron Hubbard’s bogus military career to his wondering the Mediterranean in search of artifacts to confirm his imaginary “previous lives,” Scientology blends “Beguiling Fantasy” and “Covert Hyperbole” through the imaginary tales on their website and an endless stream of misrepresentations about the church’s involvement in humanitarian efforts around the globe.”
Wow. A lot of these Scientologists who have devoted their whole life are delusional. I cant say im not surprised about that though. I mean it shows from all that they do and say. There is hope for them though as you and many others have proven. The Aftermath Foundation is doing great work with helping people who are seeing the truth leave Scientology.
From keeping track of newspapers and news and what’s happening in Africa, it seems that what they want is something entirely different. And scn certainly can’t provide that, except for some booklet they’ll use to start a fire after they’ve taken the ritual photos and left.
In Italy, boats full of migrants from Africa continue to arrive, and not all of them arrive safely. I’ve never seen or heard of the VMs do anything in the hotspots where they are welcomed or afterward when they are redistributed to other centers. They stay well away. These people don’t count in any statistics and scn has nothing truly useful to offer them here or in their countries.
All this empty PR craps are gonna be the epitaphs on DM’s tombstone.
LMR, hasn’t the CofS made PR inroads in Africa with its Decon7 program, and VM training that attracts large groups of Blacks? The Volunteer Minister program seems to have all but ended elsewhere, but somehow they are putting on some sort of sessions that gather pretty big crowds for photo ops. They even somehow managed to establish a new Narconon, another external effort that is failing and shrinking everywhere else:
It’s all nothing in terms of recruiting or membership, or going up the “bridge”, but maybe it’s the best they’ve got right now.
PeaceMaker, right. On Facebook, they have a page talking about it. Mostly, full of the usual promotional PR stunts they’ve always used. They talk about 25 thousand graduates (?) trained as VMs. What strikes me about all this doing and saying, though, are the ‘likes’ received: an average of 3 with a maximum of 5. I would have expected more from 25 thousand trained individuals.
That Narconon seems more like the usual architectural monument to show how ‘charitable’ they are, rather than something that works. They also have something in Nigeria where they mainly do ‘promotion and prevention’: if someone has money, they send them to South Africa, otherwise they give them a booklet and say that using drugs and alcohol is harmful. Then they take crowd photos and send them for DM’s expantion events.
The VM graduates is nothing more than a photo op. Kinda like one of those political rallies you see in South Africa. I can guarantee that these ‘graduates’ pitch up to the castle just to get free t-shit, free jacket and a free meal.
That’s the point. All these stories never have a follow-up, updates, or any kind of continuation; they’re born and die there. Same story with the IAS collecting funds to solve some huge vital drama, but then nothing more is heard about it. There’s no bigger scam than this.