Here is some update information about the activities of the International Association of Scams. Now you too can get one of those neato IAS jackets, portfolios or messenger bags to make your outfit complete.
The Flag OTC also welcomed newly bestowed Platinum Meritorious and King of Sleaze Howard Becker to blow some of his well-known smoke:
Howard Becker, IAS FDSM Project member introduced a very special video which was shown, an incredibly uplifting documentary of the “Crusade for Religious Freedom” march in Portland Oregon which won a pivotal legal battle for our Church in 1985, in which a verdict against the church was overturned by the court. This is a must-see video!
Howard briefed us that there have only been TWO instances of these cases being overturned in HISTORY, so the odds against us were that great, and WE WON! He said that we need to realize how valuable we are and how much one person can make a difference to clear the planet, and that the IAS is the resource. He urged us to upgrade our IAS status, to get onto the monthly donation plan, and to get others to do the same.
Somehow, the IAS has managed, through repetition, to turn “The Portland Crusade” — something the IAS had NOTHING to do with — into their own “winning tradition.” And, despite the fable that is now recounted as some sort of mantra, Portland is hardly a “winning tradition” to emulate. In fact, the VERY next “Religious Freedom Crusade” in Los Angeles resulted in an even worse verdict from the jury and teh church DID pay Wollersheim $8 million dollars. Read Marty Rathbun’s new book for a detailed description of the Christofferson and Wollersheim cases and what REALLY happened.
But for the gullible, the lies just keep rolling out, and the money keeps rolling in.
New sec check questions. How much did you raise? What is your current begging status?
Only people trying to atone for some “sins” (real or imagined) will need to hand over their checkbooks or credit cards for this type of activity. Can anyone say… Making Amends or Propitiation?
I just hate how they use this “one step closer to a cleared planet” when not one thing is being done to clear anyone by fundraising.
This is how the RCS considers itself so clever with language. : “One step closer” conveys the idea of being SO CLOSE, except what they don’t mention are the 5 billion minus 1 steps actually ahead of them yet to be taken.
Yes, that’s me … “dauntless” when I tell event callers off in the face of sec checks, “defiant” when I tell them point blank I won’t come, “resolute” in that I’ll never give them another cent or attend another pocket-pickfest again.
That’s my role …
Your greatest role 🙂
I am on the road from city to small town visiting and writing. I get to the hotel at odd hours and whip out my laptop and take a quick look at the blogs. How is my religion doing? That is my interim activity. Not a lot of time to comment but read them all the same. I have friends on the road viz Oracle, Aqua, Graduated, Tom, Silvia, Dani, just to name a few. Thanks for all your observations. Always interesting.
My friend who is still very much in, knows less than I do about graduation at the FSO last Friday or the latest GAT 2 evolution. Amazing.
I asked my friend if his local org has a GAT 2 objective. He said 5 for training at FSO but they don’t have the people so can’t do it. Knowing that org makes this objective a joke. It is not actually an org. It was opened in the 1950’s. Very sad indeed.
My greatest frustration is talking to those who cannot or will not see. If I strip away the DM factor, these are good people. Not evil. Trying their damndest to keep the place open hoping some miracle will occur and allow sanity to prevail.
Some I still leave alone to pursue their next step and work rather with those who are on the edge of leaving.
We have a growing group. ‘Staff hat’ indoctrination is going to Mike’s blog and then reading through some of the documents on other sites describing the screw ups that have happened over the last couple of decades. The process is initially painful but grows and expands to a VFP of sorts. Once there, they are done with the current scene albeit still under the radar in most cases.
Then they are willing to talk to others and so on.
I hope we are, by our small actions, adding to the numbers visiting this blog?
Thanks for the lifeline.
Thank you Buddy. Nice to be on the road with you.
Glad to have you as a friend as well, on this journey for truth, VSB.
I can the IAS soon coming up with the “Daily Extraction Plan” since the “Monthly Payment Plan” is too soft sell, never mind that the monthly payment plan buys you absolutely nothing:
1) Put parishioner into dentist’s chair
2) Apply laughing gas
3) Have parishioner lay out all credit and debit cards on table
4) Have parishioner call credit card companies to get credit limits raised
5) If no credit limits are raised, have IAS reg extract a gold tooth instead as a backup plan
Now THAT’s being unreasonable and following COMMAND INTENTION just like COB would want. As necessary, apply steps 1-5 above to parishioner’s children until quota is met.
Commendations are waiting for all people who get onto the monthly extraction plan, and you will need these to go OT when OT 9 & 10 are released next year. COB is working on it right this minute.
I’ve just come back and re-read all of this and it occurs to me that possibly we should be taking all of the frantic blatant fundraising going on in Miscavige’s church as good news, as a very good indicator of the actual death throes of the RCS. Look at this way: if there is so much counter-intention amongst the KA drinkers, if a substantial enough number of them are withdrawing their support, not attending events, making excuses for not flowing more money to the IAS and Ideal Orgs, not on course, not getting auditing, then WHAT ELSE can the Dwarf do except bleed the group that still, for whatever reason, still agree to be bled? What public are left, those still standing and looking at him with trusting, adoring eyes are all he has left. What else can he do except put on an increasingly braver, brasher face, and trumpet even more loudly how successful it all is, and how much he needs their shoulder to the wheel money-wise to strengthen the Affluences his policies are creating? Now, I’m not trying to be right about this, but I am looking from the viewpoint of a desperate, lying con man who has perpetrated enormous fraud over the years and yet, he stlll has people left who actually believe him. What else would or could a lying criminal like him in such self-created dire circumstances do except more of the same, just bluff it out until he simply can’t anymore? Ergo, the more frantic the fundraising, the more trouble the Dwarf is in. (Now, when you read this, people, keep in mind that I tend to be an optimistic type.)
Aquaman — I think this is a valid observation. The real capital of Miscavige is people who are willing to listen to him. It doesnt matter how much money he has or how much braid he wears or how many servants he has. He will ONLY last as long as people listen to him. And with fewer and fewer willing to play his game of Simon Says, they become more desperate to squeeze the blood out of those they have who still put their hands in their pocket when Simon Says “give me your money.”
Thanks for your response, Mike. What you’ve stated here as regards his viewpoint makes real sense to me. I’m going to re-cap it for myself so I can get it completely clear, so here goes:
Appearances to the contrary, from his viewpoint it is no longer about the money per se, but specifically about whether or not people will still LISTEN TO HIM about giving him their money.
And, in that he never asks them for anything except money – I mean, he doesn’t ask people to get audited or trained, then money flowing in is his ONLY indicator that people are listening to him,.And if or when that flow of dough slacks off, to him it equates that less people are listening to him!
And on the other side, the more money that flows in, the more people are listening to him, believing in him, trusting him, in short, the more he knows his leadership still exists.
Because he has nothing else! The real gauge of leadership of an activity or an organization are the stats, of course, but the actual stats of the RCS of which, probably only he and a very few others are allowed to see, are below crapper level, and PR is terrible. The RCS to the general public is at best a joke and at worst a dangerous cult. The actual stats continually show him that he is nowhere and nothing, and yet he won’t give up so long as there are enough people willing to listen to him , believe in him, admire him, and give him money. Wow.
Mike, I now have full clarity on what it means to say that, “It sucks to be Miscavige”. Here is a thoroughly, self-trapped being, solid as a rock. I almost feel sorry for him. .
“The single most dauntless, defiant and resolute group this world has ever seen”. Dear Leader is going to be raising hell about that…
Mike, you made a note re the above…I propose it should read: “Dear Leadership is going to have his hair straight up and vertical…and of course he will go to hell too.
I wonder how much one has to pay to be given an autographed picture of Miscavige.
The „Church of Scientology“ is using knowledge of past implants to get money out of their people.
The concept of „status“ „being supreme“ „saving the world“ „hero“ and stuff like that had been used on and on. Hollywood uses those concepts to get people to watch their movies. Scientology uses those to get money. Would be a good idea to read those IAS and Scientology promo on a meter and pick up every read. Would be some sort of implant rundown.
„patron“, „status“, „commendation“ „engraved“ „your name“ „highly commended“ a good list of what to audit.
How many status levels do I need to get and autographed by D.M. photo
of Dear Leader sitting on the Phony (Unicorn)
Certed that its not photoshoped, the C of $ never would photoshop anything.
The RTC swears thats unethical of course.
Mike, thanks for answering my question about exchange. Got it on and agreed on what you stated. You were not snide at all
The *Church* of Scientology is constantly waging war against SPs, whistleblowers and the “small handful of bitter defrocked apostates.” LOL
As they continue to *Suppressive Person Declare* (verb) folk daily, their enemies increase exponentially. No longer under any control of the Church, the declared “Suppressive Person” and all his family and friends that are already OUT move from being spectators to warriors in the never ending game to dismantle the criminal entity in its ever increasing crime wave.
So the church no longer accents their advertizing touting the miracles of Clear and OT and eternal immortality. They cut out the sales of religiosity but cut to the chase. Cough up your money here and now….. Less and less selling of services (Confessionals, “Bridge”, )by just going after the money alone in the form of cleverly fraudulent donations to IAS, SuperPower, Ideal Orgs, Library Donation Project. These are pitched by positioning the donations of raping one’s bank account by words such as “Resolute, Dauntless, Defiant” “the greatest movement of the 21st century” “A history no one has ever heard” “ultimate victory” and other laughable deluded fluff and froth….”obliterating psychiatry” rah rah rah”.
Miscavige Strategy to maximize extortion of funds….while pretending selling of great spiritual awareness and advancement.
thus giving them extended periods of time to ravage further funds $$$$$ while staving off Government investigations on their criminality and illegitimacy…in a craving quest to be recognized as a true Religion.
Not for a moment does it let up on the extreme cruelty and atrocities. For example, it was reported to me that virtually no one in the Hollywood Guarantee Building is on post. They have been removed to be book sellers around the clock, using skip trace to track down even those who departed 30+ years ago. The HGB staff have a quota of $1 million a week.
Sleep deprivation down to 1 to 2 hours a night follows quotas not being met.
How can this be ? With all the Internet revelations ? Consideration of Invincibility ?
The *Church* of Scientology is constantly waging war against SPs, whistleblowers and the “small handful of bitter defrocked apostates.” LOL
Has anyone in the church ever read, “What Is Greatness?” by LRH. Seems like that would handle a lot. OOPS! Thinking logically again, sorry.
We in RTC are pleased to announce the grand opening of the first Ideal Org gas station!
My sentiments:
Done With Bonaparte
Songwriters: KNOPFLER, MARK
We’ve paid in hell since Moscow burned
As cossacks tear us piece by piece
Our dead are strewn a hundred leagues
Though death would be a sweet release
And our grande armée is dressed in rags
A frozen starving beggar band
Like rats we steal each other’s scraps
Fall to fighting hand to hand
Save my soul from evil, Lord
And heal this soldier’s heart
I’ll trust in thee to keep me, Lord
I’m done with Bonaparte
What dreams he made for us to dream
Spanish skies, Egyptian sands
The world was ours, we marched upon
Our little Corporal’s command
And I lost an eye at Austerlitz
The sabre slash yet gives me pain
My one true love awaits me still
The flower of the Aquitaine
Save my soul from evil, Lord
And heal this soldier’s heart
I’ll trust in thee to keep me, Lord
I’m done with Bonaparte
I pray for her who prays for me
A safe return to my belle France
We prayed these wars would end all wars
In war we know is no romance
And I pray our child will never see
A little Corporal again
Point toward a foreign shore
Captivate the hearts of men
Save my soul from evil, Lord
And heal this soldier’s heart
I’ll trust in thee to keep me, Lord
I’m done with Bonaparte
Hey that was a nice one. Here is one of mine:
Of Scotland
The Sea by Scotland
a river of tears.
The blood of my people
slaps at the piers.
Yeah we were shifted
to this other dirt.
A new form about us
brings better comfort.
An ocean for distance,
I bade a farewell.
the sea was my savior
from Britian’s cruel spell.
The Sea by Scotland
and I am still here.
I am the same one
who cared over there.
Today, Slavery ugly
and extortion illegal.
Has Britian dwindled
to common brothel?
At market I glanced
into their coffer.
Curious now what
they have to offer.
Rather meager,
food baskets from
Harrods and
rock star Mick Jagger.
Kudos on the Mark Knopfler reference. He is mighty talented and unfortunately, gets overlooked too often. One of my favorites of his is Cleaning my Gun, but for Miscavige you have chosen well my friend!
“Again we need everyone to work to reach the assigned targets for each Org and so reach the overall target which is bringing us again a big step closer to a cleared planet and together we can reach this target by June 20th.”
We must reach these targets that are off policy and diverts needed resources which keeps us from clearing the planet in order to clear the planet. To all you Kool-aid drinkers, do you see what’s wrong here?
“The single most dauntless, defiant and resolute group this world has ever seen”.
They have this on quotation marks but not who made the quote. Does anybody know? Sounds like something skimmed form P.C. folders and leaked here.
If “defiant” is a quality, why does David beat torture or punish people for any hint of it?
Numbered, limited edition commendation? I guess that’s a new collectible.
“But for the gullible, the lies just keep rolling out, and the money keeps rolling in. ”
And weren’t we once one of those helpful people! Thank goodness we woke up and are making amends.
SP= Special People we are for sure!
There is a serious flaw in the IAS’ latest scam: the monthly payment. Every month the stat is going to skyrocket and then crash the next week. That will play havoc with their stats. Instead, I propose–are you reading this OSA–a WEEKLY payment plan. Each week before Thursday afternoon, your bank account or what’s left of it will be debited a certain indeterminate amount (depending on how much you need to be gouged to keep the stat going up). Of course, with DM’s young yahoos running the operation, this will soon spin out of control and hasten the demise of everyone associated with the scam except for DM and his coterie of lawyers. I wonder who was the genius who came up with the monthly payment plan. A diet of coffee, cigarettes and no sleep will lead one to such flashes of insight.
Dan, don’t forget it’s trends that int looks at. Is the long term trend up. Weeklies are for lower orgs. All dm cares about is his bank account trending upwards. Stats are no longer important any way. The weeklies on auditors and hours must be in non e world wide by now.
Ingressing ever further into your pocketbook. WISE also feels they are entitled to 10% of your earnings although you’ve already paid $ 3,000+ for the materials. I’m left clueless why anyone still sticks around and tolerates this BS.
Mike great post!. I worked as a Tour Reg before, the Corporate Church of Scientology has to create something in order to continuo make more money thats all. Recently I have two OTs from Latinoamerica very VIP contact me and ask me about what happen with the money. I never contact them, they contact me. So you can see people is going to sthe plus part open their eyes. I am talking people who donate a lot of money to the Church not just hundreds dollars, I talking millions of dollars.
Now they create a IAS Jacket, then will be an IAS ring, then will be an IAS car, etc.
Like in Ecuador, is not even an Org in Ecuador, for many years. Only few campaigns of Way To Happiness that the IAS make so big…but is nothing.
The pluspoint is that the people are starting open their eyes.
What Cristian points out is interesting as re the jackets, rings, etc. Could these be considered “exchange” in a legal sense? I know they are symbols of levels of financial support, but could they legally be an exchange? Just wondering.
Aquaman — this level of exchange is called criminal joke level. A $40,000 engraved pen made in Taiwan from leftover plastic from the Mark Sooper Dooper Ultra Ate… It’s like paying $100 for a square of single ply toilet paper — the exchange is so insignificant as to be non-existant. I know this is snide and its not directed at you. It is a good theory, but exchange has to be commensurate in someone’s consideration for what is given otherwise it is simnply a gift or approbation…
“He said that we need to realize how valuable we are and how much one person can make a difference to clear the planet, and that the IAS is the resource.”
ORLY? Seems to me that one person could make a difference in clearing the planet by going clear. And the IAS hasn’t a damn thing to do with that.
Actually that quote “The single most dauntless, defiant and resolute group this world has ever seen” makes me think of the Indy Movement. Consider the shit storm this movement has been through. The persecution the legal threats and law suits, the lies and discrrimination and we just keep coming, keep bringing it. That line describes INDYs. The Scien-dollar-gists are a bunch of spineless cowards who would not know personal integrity if it slapped them in the face. They routinely throw friends and family under the bus to save their own skins. “The single most malleable, spineless and destitute group this world has ever seen” would be more apropos for the Scientologists who inhabit what is now the dark side of the religion.
“The single most malleable, spineless and destitute group this world has ever seen” describing the corporate Scns who inhabit what is “now the dark side of the religion.” Wow, Roy, you have a way of putting the truth! I love your insights and writing. “They routinely throw friends and family under the bus to save their own skins” is so true. I am living that right now. I so wish the feds would put DM in jail or do a bust at Int or something.
Gee whiz………
Somehow I don’t miss being an IDEAL SEAL Welcome to the Club.. Or is that clubbed.
“The single most dauntless, defiant and resolute group this world has ever seen”
“Heil H… David!”
Target June 20 – Opening night for Maiden Voyage, where Mighty Mouse steps out in front of his whales and pronounces that the Church of Scien-dollar-gy has made yet another milestone of straight up and vertical dollar bills. Folks, If the dollars raised in the last year were put end to end, they would stretch to the sun and back – (or twice around David Miscavige’s ego). And now we announce the latest in a never ending procession of technical advancements (drum roll) the fully robotic wireless auditor! And as one of the most upstat and contributing Scien-dollar-gists in the world, you can be first to experience sec checking perfection! No more flubbed commands! No more touchy feely softy worfty sec checking.. This is the real chrome steel hard sec checker! Oh hang on, the robotic auditor is next year- this year is the Golden Age of Perfect Enlightenment, shoot no that’s coming out in October, along with the Golden Age of Super Power. Yes, GAPE and GASP will be released together. It’s an exciting line up. And the end result of David Miscagive’s hard, slave-driving work will be a Religious Age of Perfect Enlightment for all dedicated scien-dollar-gists to enjoy.
And of course the planet will be cleared at that point!
Roy, thanks so much for this vital data. This is really an exciting time to be a Sciendollargist !!
I REALLY want to get one of those engraved pens! I will throw anyone under the bus to get one of those messenger bags. (Whatever that is??) I will throw someone into bankruptcy to get a “numbered” commendation. Grant Cordone showed me how to do it and the game is ON!!!
Tony — for a modest donation of $40,000 I will send you an engraved pen. JUst push the “donate” button on my home page. You can even subscribe to monthly payments just like the IAS. Sign up for a monthly minimal donation of $5,000 and I will send you a numbered certificate of appreciation AND put your photo on my blog with an announcement that you are a Platinum Human It Arian Excelsior Plus Diamond Cluster. This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER. Game ends on 20 June.
That sounds sweet Mike. If you throw in the messenger bag, I will start working on my home equity loan right away!
LOL. Can Tony also have a photo with you Mike in the picture,
both wearing tuxedos, smugly grinning ear to ear?
We in RTC wish to make it clear that we alone control the IAS engraved pen business.
Only we have the exact technology needed to engrave pens.
Use of unauthorized engraved pens will result in loss of one’s eternity.
My deepest apologies Sir. I will do A-E immediately and at once. I know Mr. Miscavige has worked day and night without backup or assistance to recover the lost tech of pen engraving and has restored this to a standard befitting Scientologists and as a result we have the first “Ideal Pen” just as LRH wanted. Nobody is carrying out LRH intentions like COB and I should have known he would have this covered (I also heard there is an “Ideal Leather Jacket” now too…) Hip hip hooray for COB. My check is in the mail.
I’d go for selling photo ops with your baby. That could be a real cash cow. 5k dono = small gentle squeeze of baby’s foot. 10K dono gets a five minute “holding the baby” session. 20K Get’s you 30 minutes of playtime on the floor with him. 40K Gets you all of the above plus photo op.
Has anyone tried out one of RTC’s authorised engraved Ideal Pens to see if they actually write?
They are programmed so they only write on checks. Or credit card authorization slips.
And now I’m cracking up from Mike! This is great. I love people who can make me laugh.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m at work, Laughing hysterically!!!! At Diamond Cluster I just lost it. Love you Mike!
If Lars and five other people match the 40K then I will double it, IF I get one of those real cool Leather IAS jackets! That and some cool sunglasses and I can be like TC or Grant. I will have finally made it to OT!!!
Thank so much Mike for making this all possible!!! I love you all!!!
🙂 🙂
The laughter is for Tony De’s satire, first post.
Hey Tony,
Do you think they are plastic pens. The engraving could then be done by Howard (the Coward) Becker with a hot needle in his spare time. Anyone know if Howard ever completed OT VIII?
Hi Newcomer!
Funny about the hot pen. I don’t know if he finished OT8 but he is the kind of guy who gives Jewish people a bad rap…
Miscavige’s Success Formula:
1. Cause
2. No effects and wrong effects
3. ….?
4. Miscavige profits
Watch out for Howard Becker! Shortly after Dr Denk’s memorial service in 2004, he contacted me to take out a home equity loan to upgrade my IAS status. He has no sense of propriety in his zealousness to collect for the IAS.
By the way, it really is portfolio, not Port Folio as written.
I know just what you mean. When my husband died, I became a very important person. People “in the neighborhood” 600 miles to even thousands of miles away needed to contact me. The smell of money, or even potential money, turns on their stimulus-response to follow the trail with nose to the ground, dig it up, and drop it at the IAS door step: “Sorry about your loss, now give me every red cent.”