I will NOT hate to say I told you so, but Miscavige will be eating those self-serving words about what a wonderful, family friendly community he lords over.
The only people that buy his bs are those drunk on his KoolAid.
He just HAS to make more enemies every day of his life.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
Scientology on Remini ‘spin’: ‘Absurd, insulting’
The church has stridently responded to the actress’s accusations.
“It comes as no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as Leah Remini with an insatiable craving for attention would exploit her former faith as a publicity stunt by rewriting her history with it, including omitting that she was participating in a program to remain a Scientologist by her own choice, as she was on the verge of being expelled for her ethical lapses,” church spokeswoman Karin Pouw tells USA TODAY in a statement.
“Ms. Remini was not attending church services for years. In fact, she was upset because no one in the church was calling her or her family, going so far as to drag her daughter (Sofia, now 9) into the church to insist upon being given special treatment. Sadly, this is the accurate, flip side of the events she now is spinning, which are absurd, insulting and motivated entirely by a desire to grab attention.
“We are saddened that Ms. Remini now feels compelled to attack her former faith as if there is something wrong with a good work ethic, encouragement to live a drug free life, a happy childhood and strong family – all values she and countless others experience from the strong religious community in the church.”
Mary – the love you have given & he has received will win over all. Give it time. Hold your head up high & know that just as you love him, he loves you. The “church” is a thing & not capable of love. The church did not give birth & raise him, you and your husband did that. The church will not hold him close it will only drain him in money & spirit.
Be ready to bake a batch of cookies when he comes to the door – he will be home.
This remark about “Faith” and “Religious worship” from the Church.
What do they worship, a God, A Prophet?
Its interesting these shits have conned a bunch of UK Judges to take their side.
OK I have no objection to the idiots who marry inside the COS but lets not pretend there is an worship other than the sychopants of DM and/or the IAS money tree.
But it shows no sign of going under and it keeps on somehow. Poor Staff members boo hoo.
I kind of think the details of how Miscavige ghost writes these PR letters to the media about Leah are rather important.
Because Leah is likely still going to be called in Monique’s case, so what Leah says in important.
If the evidence trail showing Miscavige writes for Karen Pouw, these insulting combative letters in the media, now, countering Leah Remini, it shows clear evidence.
Tania Castle, former COB Secretary might have experience witnessing Miscavige’s past ghost letter writings and Miscavige’s ghost PR work!
This would corroborate just how intense Miscavige’s daily coaching of all major PR events in Scientology actually are.
It’d be nice for others, not just you Mike, to come out with the firsthand details of how Miscavige is micromanaging things from behind the scenes, like in this ghost writing of these major counter attack PR against Leah Remini, who I think Miscavige is fearful will appear in Monique’s case through deposition.
“on the verge of being expelled”……… yeah right! Leah Remini being “expelled” is the LAST thing Miscavige would have wanted as Celebrity association with the brand is most important to Scientology’s already battered public image. Thats currency that even Miscavige wouldn’t knowingly squander. Weak.
DM “comes across looking like a nasty little man who can never let go of a grudge” because HE IS a nasty little mane who can never let go of a grudge.
I think Miscavige should get all the 12 year old Sea Org members to give a press conference on how happy their childhood is and their parents should speak about how strong their families are now that their children are living away from home and performing hard labor instead of going to school. Miscavige is such a fool. It is only a matter of time before Remini says, “Enough is enough!,” and spills the beans. Let’s see, who will the public believe? America’s sweetheart who is brave enough to speak for herself on television, over and over again, or a short, nasty man who has not appeared on television in over 20 years, who refuses all interviews and never issues his own press releases under his own name? Leah who has a strong loving family or Miscavige with a “disappeared” wife? To quote a recent president, “bring it on.”
“Her comments about wanting to spend more time with her daughter and family” are comments I’ve seen from people who left important government positions, high paying jobs and who knows what else. Its to be expected. Unless you are David Miscavige, in which case groveling at your feet is the only acceptable solution.
I hope Leah knows the best revenge is to live a good life.
I wish that more people would speak up…. no one takes this church seriously and frankly they are laughed at most of the time. The fact that they have these people so brainwashed is insane. I have become fascinated with this cult in learning all the things that go on there that people spend YEARS and TONS of money on…. I have to ask these people…. why does it sometimes take years not to see how insane these people are? What is about this church that keeps people so loyal for so long?
The short answer is the-frog-in-cold-water effect. Turn the heat up and the frog will slowly die. But one wouldn’t get stuck in if it weren’t for some truth to it. For me I was young looking for answers and was hooked by the initial truth that I received. It gave me a lot of power for me to hang in there past the boiling point, and overlook or forgive things that were wrong. This is the short answer.
For me, the answer is LRH. He’s what keeps people there – the hope and theta he offers. Down deep I believe a lot of the still ins are clinging to this despite all else they see to the contrary.
This is to Mary Kahn – You are a brave, strong woman with much integrity. I’m so sorry for the pain and loss you are going thru over your son disconnecting. No one can understand how much mental torture and pain one feels when you lose a child thru disconnection until it actually happens to you. The Church of Scientology, and David Miscaviage particularly, are guilty of crimes against the family institution as well as mankind. And all those parishioners of Scientology who sit back and say NOTHING and DO NOTHING about what is going on within their church and the cruel practice of disconnection are just as guilty. I believe that with people like you, who stand up and say NO to the Church when they say you can’t speak freely about injustice or think freely or write freely your own opinion, who will change the evil practice of disconnection. Thank you Mary for standing up for what’s right and what you believe.
Oh My! I was moved to tears reading your words to me. I truly thank you. It means a lot.
“She was to be expelled”… sound like they say that to a whole world which would agree with their middle age code. They just prove they are a cult. And they believe the whole world agree with them.
“ethical lapse” ! they are simply insane. They don’t see that their own statement is doing them in.
I think that Captain Kangaroo Miscavige is incapable of conceiving of “Less is More” or “Take the High Road” It’s a good thing he doesn’t post on the internet as he sounds like a real flamer.
Karin Pouw apparently neglected to include the specific “ethical lapses” committed by Ms. Remini, but as I recall her offense was assuming she had the “f#*king rank” to ask about Shelly. And yea, she did come close to getting kicked out over that.
‘When in doubt, communicate’ except in the case of Davey boy. All rules have their exceptions, right?
“a strong family” – the wife of Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige can attest to that. A very strong family. Like having bars outside your your window. (Or behind your eyes…)
Where is Shelly, by the way?
I heard she was with loving friends, enjoying herself at a party. Sorry, that was only in her dreams.
Dave would have been perfect cast in Anger Management alongside Nicholson and Sandler. He likes big celebrities, right?
“…someone as self-absorbed as” and “…with an insatiable craving for attention”
Like with Sec-Checking and Objectives DM can’t help but run his own case on others.
Didn’t Ms POW state earlier that the CoS doesn’t comment on parishioners at the time of Leah’s departure? Why now?
Also, it’s pretty disgusting to invoke the name and age of Leah’s daughter, who is an innocent.
These guys go after NINE YEAR OLDS.
Then they pride themselves on their “values” of happy childhoods and strong families. Twisted and sick.
The Antisocial Personality
“In families which are breaking up, we commonly find one or the other of the persons involved to have such a personality.” LRH
Could the above also be applied to a church and it’s parishioners?
This sure looks like a break up to me. I have to go with David Miscavige as the likely antisocial personality is this pairing.
strong family values? His wife is missing since 2007, his mother in law – DEAD, his father – OUT, his brother – OUT, his sister – an OT with drug and alcohol problem and HE – sleeping with another man’s wife!! Scientology is the opposite of what it claims to be and the beings know – that is why the buildings are empty and the ship has sunk…Scientology is dead!
With every press release Miscavige/Pouw makes – it moves it closer and closer to being the “nothing” organization that it is! Total failure! Evil Cult!
now we just have to wait until Miscavige spends all of the money on re-opening and re-opening buildings so he can drink in the intoxicating admiration from the dwindling clubbed seals!
It does suck to be David Miscavige. You know Dave, when you stole control you could have told the truth. Well maybe YOU couldn’t, but perhaps you could have changed the way things were done. People did not have to be harmed or die. No, you aren’t a visionary. You enjoy the pain you bring others. You may just be the most greedy short person on the planet, and it does suck to be you, Dave. By the way, “Where’s your wife?”
Went over to the comments section of People. There were a couple of pathetic attempts by an OSAbot to quell the storm. But the basic message from the hundreds of responses is, “what a stupid cult.”
Looks like the general public have it pretty well figured out.
Hey dave? What you are doing isn’t working. They are all just laughing at you, buddy. Try this out. Think about actually helping another person. I mean really doing something to help that person become stronger, clearer, more able. Really confront HELP, Dave.
Now, Dave, if you start feeling a little psycho when you read this, just keep on contemplating real HELP on any dynamic. If you feel like attacking someone, go ahead. Just look in the mirror and beat the crap out of the correct target.
Happy childhood? I’m sure Jenna Miscavige Hill has something to say about that. Strong family values? Hey asshole, where’s Shelly?
Pravda speak like in the good old days of Stalin. There was something Hubbard wrote about Greatness, he said it was the capacity to forgive one’s enemies. This just shows how much of a great being David Miscavige is.
This statement makes me ill and demonstrates that someone has a very guilty conscience.
Leah said nothing slanderous about the CoS. If she did, they would be all over it.
Leah’s statements about spending time with family have nothing to do with the CoS and were not directed as an insult towards the church. In the real world this is looked at as admirable. But look how the CoS took it and issued a public statement, insulting Leah. This makes the CoS transparent and look very guilty of lots of overts on families and children.
The CoS is one of the most family-unfriendly organizations in existence. Hustling children into billion year contracts of slave labor, disconnection of family members from each other, interfering in marriages, pushing for divorce if one spouse isn’t on board, bankrupting families, etc. This “church” (cult) is hazardous to families and individuals alike.
Two words for His Skantastic Majesty: Streisand Effect.
David Miscavige is a stupid, stupid man.
Protip to the stupid man: Never, ever name and slur a nine-year-old child in a press release.
You do not bring children into press releases. Let alone name them.
Even paparazzi know that
You are beneath contempt. It’s time for your ivory tower to come down. Keep watching this space.
I agree. Davey shows just how immature and uneducated he is. Attacking a nine year old? He’s a sick sh–! I wish the scions would open their eyes and wake up! What the hell does it take for them to see what a moron their leader is? Unreal!
Team Leah! Hope you write that book, gal. It would be a real blockbuster. Also, I want to add it to my collection of “The Basics” – Marty’s books, Jeff’s, Lawrence’s, Russel’s, John’s, Nancy’s, Jenna’s, etc. 🙂
Basic books. Where’s that reference?
Hahahahaha love that…..oh you forgot Jon Atack’s Piece of Blue Sky aka The first Book
I mean Book One : )
“A happy childhood and strong family” really is a thoroughly grating outrageous statement. Mid OT 5 at Flag I was given a “roll back” by a poorly trained MAA who was horrified that I had let my children chose whether to do Scientology or not on their own (At the time of this interview my girls were adamently against me doing OT 5). He proceeded to tell me what a bad Scientologist I was, especially being “so highly trained”. When I told him that this is what the LRH naming ceremony says he acted like I was spewing venom. I knew right then that this “interview” was just name gathering for persecution purposes. I told him flat out “This is not Scientology” which he never acknowledged. He got nothing further out of me and the next day I walked out of Flag with 6 SO members trailing me and flew home. Long story short, I’m now a declared SP for not disconnecting from my children. Children who from the ages of 10 and 7 respectively were hounded to join the SO because it was their duty to save millions of people. Along with this was heavy inval of what they actually wanted to do in life. So much for self determinism being fostered. I could say a lot more but my point is that like Leah, my family is intact. I wish I could say that for so many others whose family members have disconnected under the false notion that they are doing the right thing.
They’re on a 180 degree reverse vector.
+ 1000
My son officially disconnected from me three weeks ago. I am devastated. He is devastated but it was his Sophie’s choice. Our family is fractured. Before this, my son was unaware of the shit coming down on me. The MAA walk out? Nope. He had no clue. The Comm Ev.? Nope. He had no clue. The shit storm coming down on me? Nope. He was busy doing his Objectives and having wins. Even sharing them with me.
It wasnt until he was barred from
The event and told it was because his mother was disaffected did he cave in. I was willing to just be done if the church would just let me do that. But no. OSA and theyre boss had to declare me and fracture our family. How the hell did my son do all of his objectives and have wins and gains if he was living with an SP? Dont speak of strong family values, Mr Miscavige.
Stop this abusive practice of disconnection.
Sometimes I just feel like kicking DM’s ass.
Thank you so much.
Mary Kahn, I am so sorry for your loss of your son. I think it will be temporary and he will come back when the church crumbles or he sees the truth, whichever comes first. The same thing happened to me recently. I just wanted to leave the church quietly and let the kids have their game etc. But no, OSA had to step in and demand that they disconnect from me. No one gets to just walk quietly away from the church, especially if they have your kids as collateral. It is the most suppressive and evil thing about the church what they do to families and the threat that they hang over every person’s head.
Wait a minute. Tommy Davis said there is no such thing as disconnection. Do you mean to tell me he was lying? Damn, and I thought he was a model, er, um I mean a model Scientologist.
I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry about what happened with your kids too. All when you wanted to leave the church in peace and were willing to let the kids be and do what they wanted to with Scn.
I also wanted to tell you that I like your message of hope; that the church will crumble and families will be reunited, or that the individual will see the truth for himself and return to his/her family. You are wise.
Keep putting that message out there. Hope is very powerful and can take us through the darkest times.
Thank you, Cindy, your support and words of encouragement mean a great deal.
I am sorry for your loss, too, Cindy. I don’t know your story but I’m sure it was similar to mine. There is power in truth and we just have to keep fighting to end this abuse.
If I can do anything to help in your fight to get your family back, let me know.
So sad and sorry to hear of this.
Truth will win in the end. Stay strong.
Thank you, Bela, I have to believe that too.
Mary McCarren Kahn,
Mary – I’m very sorry to hear this about your son. I believe he will see through the lies presented to him and that he was doing just fine on his course not knowing anything about your situation. Eventually he will come to realize that he was controlled and manipulated to walk away from his family/you and that it was the CoS’s doing, not yours.
Please carry on with hope. My thoughts are with you and your son.
Thank you so much. It means a lot!
Pepper and Mary, thank you for your kind words of encouragement over my kids’ disconnection. We all will keep postulating they return. Ron says reality is what we agree is real. I agree that all of us will get our kids back. Who is with me on that?
Mary McCarran Kahn – Your analogy of what happened to your son as being a “Sophie’s Choice” is correct. He was put in the position of choosing between his loving mother and what he believes is a group that will bring him eternal freedom and salvage mankind. He also faced the fact of losing all of his friends, which for a young man would be very difficult. He thought he was choosing the side that would bring about the greatest good, as painful as it was.
I don’t for one minute believe that this will be a permanent disconnection. This is not the 1970’s or 1980’s when it was pretty much impossible to find out what was going on behind the curtain. The internet, hundreds of cable television channels, cell phones that allow instant communication and photo/video communication, whistle-blowing on Mike Rinder’s great blog and many others, news reporters like Tony Ortega and Tobin Childs, numerous active lawsuits and a massive, hungry media with endless news and talk shows to spread their stories to exists today.
I admire your fortitude, Mare. As hard as it is, don’t let the “church” win. OSA would like nothing more than for you to cave in and turn into a crumbling black mass. You have stood up to them in a bold way and I admire you for that. I know you will continue to communicate and prosper.
And as I said before, I truly believe you and your son will be reunited one day in the not so far future. The cracks will begin to form in his universe about this church and you will be right there to receive him as he busts out of the bubble. All my love to you as you already know !
Thank you, Steph. I have turned into a crumbling mass of poo several times. If it werent for people like you, I would have stayed there.
Yes, Mike and his blog has helped and I learned a lot about the power of friendship and the simple words, “I’m here for you.” Sometimes thats all one can say and sometimes thats all I needed to “hear” to perservere.
Thank you thank you again for your love and your words of encouragement and support. You are a great friend.
Mary , hang in there. My daughter has disconnected from me and the one thing that kept me going was the idea that I was setting the exemple for her.In the end , caving in would have told her eventually that her mother couldn’t stand on her own two feet. If she were 5 years old I would have acted differently but she is an adult and when she sees the truth she will react like an adult.
Hi Mary,
I think we may know each other through your son. I’d love to touch base. If you are interested, you can email me at [email protected]
Pathetic…he takes it so personal and attacks ruthlessly a woman that is strong, has integrity and she definitely is not trying to grab attention; whereas he collapses if someone doesn’t give him full attention.
Leah is doing very well, is wining, prospering and has her own life; that is what matters.
Poor soul…it indeed sucks to be Miscabage.
Corned beef and cabbage anyone? How ’bout corn on the COB.
For those of you who haven’t seen this clip of Dave in action, watch:
Now Leah did not really say anything that bad about the Church did she? Especially when one considers what she could have said. But the response from the Church shows that the people who formulated the reply have never made case gain, are low-toned, catty and stupid and are not actually real Scientologists. (Not that I want to invalidate anyone – ha!) And these people purport to be speaking for “Scientology”. Something not quite right there! Such absolute PR disasters are giving all us real Scientologists a rather dirty name. Best response (from a sane Church not run by GO or OSA/DM) would have been “We wish Miss Remini all the best and good luck with her career.” All would have been forgotten about but now the press runs with the controversy and Leah may be prompted to retort. The irony here is that, if you remember that HCOB “Misrepresentation of Dianetics and Scientology” this is exactly what is being done by these church officials.What they are doing is not Scientology but misrepresenting it – but then we know that anyway, do we not.
One has to assume that David Miscavage (fiully written out for rating purposes) needs to be right is simply overbearing any other consideration in order to prevent full blown of his remaining few brain cells.
“as she was on the verge of being expelled for her ethical lapses”
Its the Church of $cientology, ALMOST EVERYONE except for DM is on the verge of being expelled, sec checked, assigned to conditions like treason, or otherwise in trouble with command intention. That’s how you keep people under your thumb in a cult.
Funny how they view any comment or criticism about the Church ( I mean I see nothing in Leah’s comments criticizing the Religion itself or any irreligious statement of any kind at all) is considered an *attack*.
Oh puleeeez.
The irony is that OSA will add it their “inches of press” (it used be inches of *good* press when the GO had that gig but it’s kinda hard to find any good press these days anywhere unless you’re willing to pay off some down and out “journalist” but anyhoo…) “stat” so they can add it to one of those idiotic pyrotechnic exploding graphs to impress the remaining dupes.
Let’s see what happened here.
Leah asked an innocent question like where is Shelly?
(Like whenI asked where Ray was way back and was told that they’d get back to me and never did. But anyhoo…)
So she’s told this information was “above her pay grade” as if she needed some kinda special GS clearance of some kind.
I mean a stupid and idiotic response like that just begs more questions than it answers.
Tommy could have just evaded the question but instead he likes to prove to the world what a moron he really is. Probably been hanging out with Miscavige for too long which I observed is detrimental to one’s IQ.
But anyhoo…
In other words pours gasoline on this burning question and is surprised as hell when the Church is torched by it.
What a dipshit.
Maybe they train on how to create flaps instead of diffuse them these days with some kinda “Golden Age of PR” or something. I mean this whole thing goes way beyond simple “Glutz PR”.
As far as Marty and Mike not being in any position of authority. That can pretty much be Dead Agented by the following:
Guess they figure that Scientologists in general are as illiterate as the “Man”. You know the same one who couldn’t answer a simple question in this deposition without the help of his surrogate brains AKA legal counsel:
Well Leah I wouldn’t worry about the most recent attack by that bi…..er barking dog Karin Pouw.
Her bark is worse than her bite which is about as bad as a toothless junkie who reminds me of a Soviet Commissar whining about another defector.
Oh dear, what sloppy writing. It reads like a rehash of the earlier attack on her mixed up with a dose of the attack on Monique Rathbun in court.
Is TC surrounded by similar sycophants? Does he not see how utterly degrading his BFF’s behaviour is?
Poor bubble dwellers. They are standing between DM and his boomerang.
Stuck in the bubble gum incident?
Thwack! Oh, gah…
Leah is such a sweetheart that I wouldn’t be surprised if these shocking lies hurt her feelings…..at first……and then she comes back swinging!
I hope that at least SOME of the other celebs that knew Leah might wonder why their church had to release such an obvious BS statement and realize that THEY too would get the same treatment if they ever left. Maybe they will also realize that no matter how much time, money and PR that they donated to the COS that fair game is alive and well and would be comming after them.
Mike, a great doubt
Does TC has “HIS” back?
So, are they fancying each other?
Ethical lapse: “Where’s Shelley?” (This is a party, she’s my friend, I haven’t seen her, but I’m sure she’s here … can you point me to her?)
Presumably, in the Co$, “ethics” would be more like demanding Shelley be put on RPF immediately for not being there instantly! “Ethics.” …
“It is with sadness that we note the regrettable courses of action the Church of Scientology under David Miscavige has elected to pursue, leading to its decline beneath admirable levels in public estimation.”
“It comes as no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as Leah Remini with an insatiable craving for attention would exploit her former faith as a publicity stunt by rewriting her history with it, including omitting that she was participating in a program to remain a Scientologist by her own choice, as she was on the verge of being expelled for her ethical lapses.”
GAH! This sentence! What is it about Scientology that makes all of them such terrible writers? Also, do they just keep the same quote on hand as a template to use when yet another cult member breaks free?
Boilerplate babble.
I reworded it on the comments a bit.
It comes as no surprise that someone as self-absorbed as Karin Pauw and the cult which has an insatiable craving for attacking, would exploit and denigrate a former member as a publicity stunt by rewriting her history.
Now this line makes more sense and is true, as I see it as an ex member.
The cherch will never admit to wrong or evil deeds. They only know how to attack, since the leader follows the hateful script written by the founder.
Well I think we can probably put this down, as Mike suggests, to no one other than Dave screaming the text and some trembling lackey transcribing it. I guess we’re way past the point where anyone in Dave’s circle has the wits or the courage to offer editorial suggestions.
But Robin raises a larger and interesting point. It DOES seem that the quality of Scientology communications has utterly tanked in the past year or so. Everything leaked and published here — even official mailings and flyers and the like — seems to have been frantically composed and fired off without even cursory proofreading. Errors of grammar, structure and even basic spelling — in the era of autocorrect! — are so common that a Scientology document would seem less than authentic if it were written cleanly. (No examples of this come to mind, so I guess they’re all genuine.)
My guess would be that the atmosphere of continual crisis and emergency, combined with an exhausted and demoralized staff, leaves no one, not even Dave, time or space to sit down and take a breath and do anything with proper care and attention. The only thing that matters is that it be done NOW, even if creates unforeseen problems that must in turn be handled on an emergency basis tomorrow.
I’ll be curious to see how Dave looks when he speaks to his shrinking flock in a couple of days. Wasted? Shriveled? Hungover? Haunted? Terrified? As Tory says, Tick tock, tick tock.
Richard — he probably will manifest all of them at the same time, and come across looking more like Nixon, after a bender. To me it isn’t so much grammar or syntax but intention, that torpedoes everything coming from the RCS.
Schoolyard banter never makes it past the fences because it’s childish, mean-spirited and intended to not be remembered beyond lunchtime. Miscavige, with his eighth-grade education, lives in the world of put-downs, head-slaps and wedgies. In the forty plus years since he left middle school only his body has grown — well sort of – while his mind remains rooted in the social hierarchy of twelve-year-olds . Words like, C**ksucker and motherf**ker aren’t pejoratives to the Little Man but a quite sophisticated turn of phrase.
We keep imploring him to get over himself and move past the adolescent bullshit, but in reality it would be like asking a fly to stop noshing on a turd – it’s all it knows.
Davy is Lenny in, ‘Of Mice and Men,’ or ‘Rain Man,’ in his BFF’s 1990s hit. He’s an idiot that continuously acts like one, but because he’s in a position of power, we assume he can change. He can’t. Once again, it’s all he knows.
All we can realistically look forward to, are more rants, more misspellings and a greater trend towards childhood aphorisms like, “Your momma so ugly she …”
“What is it about Scientology that makes all of them such terrible writers?” — Study Tech and lack of formal education.
There’s value in Study Tech, to be sure. But people learn to hear and speak language through contextual usage, not particulate analysis of words.
Writing is a more recent human advance than speaking and hearing. It too benefits greatly from contextual learning rather than taking each word in sequence.
Take her own written communication style. Pouw may have used every word correctly in her statement, but that does not a good writer make: sentence structure too long and complicated clauses.
(To be really good, I guess she needs to make her sentences at least a page long — new OT ability.)
The utter stupidity of the Prophet of Scientology, He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige never fails to surprise me.
That whole statement just burns with stupid.
Drug free life? Not Hubbard! Good family values? Well, Hubbard was a bigamist (& I’m not talking about a large Italian fog). He kidnapped his daughter, Alexis, and fled to Cuba until his ex-wife took back all the band things she said about him. And then he denied paternity of that child. Happy childhood? Certainly for Quinten Hubbard! His explosive temper? How is that OT?
So, I guess what I’m saying here is, what the fuck are they talking about?
Old Surfer Dude, They were talking about Leah. All those things she lives by… But NOT Davie or LRH. Ironic eh?
Mike can you tell me who the Lady is behind Tom Cruise ? (no not you David)
Nope. Someone who was at the Madrid ribbon cutting….
Thank you, mistakenly took it for something in France
Miscavige does not go to France. Or Germany. Went to Paris for the initial IAS event in the mid-80’s and has not been there since.
“My handshake is firmer than yours”. “No, mine is definitely firmer”.
See you at the after party. I know these two hot chicks who will…
When she was in, she was a Scientology celebrity swearing by how great the tech was. The moment she leaves, she “hasn’t been taking classes for 9 years”, just as Paul Haggis only “dabbled” in Scientology while reaching OT7.
“Decorum” is not a word this tiny F%$#! has any traffic with!
Should he not focus on getting his own house in order?
His own blood relatives are just repelled by Misscavege (mispelled on purpose as a sign of respect . . . NOT) If Prince is right, even Ron was afreaid of this tiny little F*&#er!!
“as she was on the verge of being expelled for her ethical lapses” – Excuse me, but in the real world (assuming that it is true), such a statement about a current or former “parishioner” would be a violation of confidentiality, that is, priest-penitent privilege. It would also — given that it is not true, but a lie — slander and defamation. Leah now has grounds for a lawsuit.
“Grounds for a lawsuit? Heck no! Ms. Remini should send him a gift, for confirmiong that she could not fit into the sociopathic and criminal Scientology mold. He doesn’t know that most people consider lapses from Scientology ethics (which seem to consist of backbiting and snitching, used as a pretext for abuse) a good thing.
Yes she does have grounds and I hope she does sue him. Her only “moral lapse” was to ask him what he did with his wife and why he was playing footsie with his secretary when he wasn’t divorced and was still married to Shelley, the banished wife. That missed his withhold but good. All hell hath no fury like a withhold missed!
Yeah, Dave’s on a real roll. And like gravity his empire is rolling downhill.
It’s mind boggling that DM understands so little about star-struck celebrity culture even though his bestest-friends-in-the-world (ha!) *must* be, have to to be, cannot be anything other than, celebs. The only time my google Scientology newsfeed page lights up is when a celeb has commented on something Scientology related – and then it’s everywhere, for weeks!
He simply cannot comprehend that it’s the celebs who will always win in their fans eyes. Attack the star and you attack them personally. What a moron!
What a disgusting and over-the-top response from the “church.” I don’t think miscavige could be less family-friendly. Besides all of the insane family disconnections, you’re considered ethics bait if you try to prevent recruitment of your child into the Sea Org.
Last XMas, the 15 yr old child of a my friend wanted a week off of course for a family vacation. The supervisor wouldn’t approved the leave without her signing a Sea Org contract.
I doubt there are any SCN 30 or older that don’t have a disconnected family member or know someone well with a disconnect family member.
Besides disconnecting families and shanghai’ing kids into the Sea Org, I guess Scientology is somewhat family friendly.
Looking around the CO$ splits up families every day in the most horrible way. They even have their own OSA attorney involved to make sure the divorce proceeds as intended by the CO$. They are the most dangerous organization to any family ties.
They are a bunch of liars with the most pathetic liar at the top of the food chain.
Leah has too much class to give these oafish remarks the time of day.
Nice post!
“as she was on the verge of being expelled for her ethical lapses,”
Besides being just one step closer to disclosing her confidential pc data, I also see this as a means of Captain Davey using this to keep any other celebrities toeing the line and not leaving the Church by showing just how crazy he will react.
I’m sure Ms. Remini will continue to show Davey what a class act she is.
She will – and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s keeping an Ace up her sleeve for if and when the need arises.
“ethical lapses” – name one being in this universe who hasn’t had them. Speaking of generalities, can anyone think of a more vague statement?
Her main “ethical” lapse was challenging David Miscavige on where is Shelly? Leah probably became persona non grata at that point. And since you really can’t put a celeb into RPF, DM probably picked at her from other angles. Then when she called the authorities to ask them to check on Shelly, that proved Leah to be a total “SP.” And now she is secretly fair-gamed.
The message from Pouw-Wow is “we have some dirt on you.” But really, when the Church spreads the dirt about everyone, it becomes boring. We humans tend to have a common set of foibles and failures in the arena of drugs, sex, and so on.
More power to Leah. Her stock and esteem goes up in proportion to the Church’s nastiness. What the the public will see is a woman with some backbone standing up to some threatening bullies who are nasty in their threats and demeanor.
In fact, the Church is absolutely other-determined when it comes to “apostates.” The Church must “always attack, never defend” per source. When the situation is that if A does X, then B must do Y, well, A is completely other-determining B. Shame on you, Church for not using a good insight in your own “scripture.”
A sane church and leader would be pan-determined. The statement, if any, might be “We sincerely regret the rupture in our valued relationship with Ms. Remini. We will look carefully into her concerns to improve processes and communications. She will be welcome to rejoin the Church if and when she would like to do so. In the meantime, our sincerest best wishes to her in her life and career.”
Then you would have “handled her” but in a good way. The public would go, “oh, they’re not such a bad group after all; very gracious, and desiring to improve.”
But Scientology cannot do that. It is already perfect. Source says so. And it must be other-determined with a perceived enemy — it must attack. Source says so. And it cannot be gracious or forgiving — that would be “being reasonable.” Source says so.
What a bunch of idiotic, literalist Keystone Cops. They cannot even use their own “tech” to resolve conflicts in their own “tech.”
‘One is the loneliest number that you ever heard.’
Yes, that kind of public apology would do a world of good and improve the Church’s PR. But that would take some self examination. That’s tough to do when you’re too busy defending your own rightness.
“In typical fashion, Miscavige launches an over-the-top ad hominem attack on her. Believe me, there is nobody else who is authorized to make comments about Leah Remini like these (and frankly, nobody else who would even think of it). These are straight from his dictation machine.”
Thanks for making this point so bluntly, Mike. It is a telling point indeed. You know (probably better than anyone) that there is no way that micropenis, uh, I mean micromanager Miscavige would let anyone originate anything to the mass media on a subject like this. That alone should tell even the most cautious yet curious that what they are seeing (and for some time) is nothing but The Dave Show
Anyone lurking and looking needs to understand the significance of just that point in order to get the picture of what is really going on in the C of S.
How exactly does the line go from his dictation machine?
Would he be dictating this into his machine, Lou or another COB Office Secretary type the letter on the appropriate letterhead, and then get his okay visually on the letter as he dictated it, and then get that letter signed by Karen Pouw and or sent to Karen to sign it, and then either OSA or COB’s secretaries or Lou actually have the letter mailed!
That implies a couple of other people are observing this paper trail and dictation to paper trail, and Karen might or might not be signing these letters, or does Karen get his tape.
I imagine the tapes all get Mission Impossible destroyed or overwritten.
The paper trail, the people who participate in this charade of Miscavige’s ghostwriting all the important PR statements out of Scientology, needs be exposed in all its variations in a credible corrobarateable media article showing the details.
I hope others who’ve done the delivery end of Miscavige’s PR ghostwriting go public and show what a tiny desperate (“No one else can do this, you idtiots!”) one man band Miscavige is being to everyone at the top of this tiny operation.
In real life, likely one of the COB secretaries is coming to wherever Karen Pouw is, calling her to meet the COB Office secretary, Karen signs the letter, and the COB secretary mails it, there in LA, like other letters out of OSA get mailed.
To be perfect, and not attract attention to the mail codes that get stamped on the letters, like if the letter were mailed from Hemet Post Office rather than the HGB Building’s closest Post Office.
I wonder what the mail stamp that the media received letter has on it? If it has the Hemet, CA post office location stamp on it, that would be suspicious and kind of evidence that the letter actually came from Pouw, but was sent from Hemet.
My guess is COB Office secretaries are sending this letter in LA.
COB Secretaries are likely the people trail back to Miscavige on these Miscavige ghost written letters in Karen Pouw’s name.
Nothing is sent by snail mail. It is all emailed. Miscavige dictates it, it is forwarded to OSA Int to email out in Karin Pouw’s name.
There is no letterhead, or if there is, the letter is simply printed off at OSA Int after it was forwarded from Miscavige’s office.
thanks for the details of how the “letter” is emailed to OSA to send out via Karen’s email to the media.
Thus, there is a computer trail that NO one can totally erase, should one of the INCOMM computer operations people who have access, know how to dig the computer trail right out of the INCOMM INT and INCOMM LA computer(s) to show this is being done.
I remember when I was in INCOMM Int, I several times (later after I was totally busted did I even admit it, but this was post removing grounds had I admitted it earlier) I looked at Miscavige’s docs and folders. Hubbard wrote that one can assess the efficiency of the exec by looking at their comm system (piles of unanswered, or large files of ongoing admin).
Miscavige’s trail on the computers he used of INCOMM, was definitely smaller than the other Int Execs, all of whom, like ED Int and CO CMO Int, and when at ASI I checked Starkey’s, docs and folders, to see how much stuff they kept their fingers on top of.
There must be a trail though, likely on the secertaries’ computers, for all his “Orders Logging” orders that everyone keeps in binders.
And for this PR answering in Pouw’s name, there must be a protocol in OSA, for keeping, or not, these answers that Miscavige does in her name.
I imagine there will be a computer paper trail, thus, in the OSA Int INCOMM (or their own) computers, the OSA computers will have these ghostwritten Miscavige PR media statements, and there will be some people in OSA who know that Miscavige wrote those in Karen’s name.
I hope someday, some of the INCOMM computer nerd people or OSA people who know the Miscavige written PR statements are his, and not Karen’s, will go public, and tell what they saw firsthand.
“Upset because the church is no longer calling…” Dave, Your an idiot.
“Upset because the church is no longer calling…” Yeah, that leaped out at me also.
Well, the church mostly calls when they want money. Shut off the various financial spigots for all the straight donos and get it finally duplicated that there ain’t no mo dough forthcoming for this crap, and the phone calls stop, as staff never call you merely to say “hello” and ask, “how are you doing?” Any pretended interest in your well being is the go to ploy to soften you up for whatever is the actual purpose for the call – money, usually. After a number of years of time wasted responding to seemingly interested questions about my course, my work, 2D, etc after which the question would be sprung revealing the staff person’s actual purpose, I began cutting all comm short by responding rather curtly, “Hi, I’m fine, everything’s great, and what is the actual purpose of your call in 10 words or less? What is it that you need or want? Please come straight to the point as I’m a little busy. Thanks”. I did this, realizing that it was sort of rude, and I was not brought up to be rude; I know what good manners are and mostly practice them. But with these people after a while it stopped mattering to me.
I just got a phone app that sends them all to voice mail. Ah, the joys of technology.
I always picture the day when Miscavige is confronted with popular WORLD opinion in public and fails massively. You know, like testifying in court (again) or something. Maybe just ONE person walking up to him and laughing in his face, TELLING him what an idiot the world finds him. It could be done “Orient Express” style and we could all take turns, showing up in the tens of thousands to tell Dave, “You’re a loser.” Would be the biggest “Scientology” event in recorded history, I bet.
David Miscavige has the same mentality as gang Bangers.
Some where below 1.0 on the Tone Scale.
Any comment will bring an out of proportion attack ( look up psychopaths)
This statement is an announcement that Leah, in fact, left a very destructive cult.
Ok, who gave Lil’ Davey the Mythomaniac the grenade launcher? We all know he can only fire straight down, but wasn’t the ’44 Magnum enough?
(Go Leah!)
I take it “ethical lapses” is not giving everything to the IAS or Idle Morgues?
” ….as if there is something wrong with a good work ethic, encouragement to live a drug free life, a happy childhood and strong family…” Really Miscavige? HOW DARE YOU imply that Leah would object to any of the above things listed in this statement. And furthermore, the criminal accuses others of what he himself is doing. Miscavige and the Radical Scientology Cult has done more damage to families, childhoods and related values than any other sect I can think of. I’m calling bullshit and derogatory statements and implications “Karin Pouw” . The Church of Scientology is acting in a thoroughly disgusting manner, AS USUAL.
wow… pretty nasty comment. Mike do you think they are using data from her ethics file? This last sentence triggered something in my mind.
“We are saddened that Ms. Remini now feels compelled to attack her former faith as if there is something wrong with a good work ethic, encouragement to live a drug free life, a happy childhood and strong family – all values she and countless others experience from the strong religious community in the church.”
Happy childhood? Strong family? He is doing reverse Scientology on her. I bet you this phrasing is intended to cave her in.
Not a lot of ‘confront’ in that statement. Just a not so subtle threat to open up her ethics file and sell it to the National Enquirer. Even though Karin Pouw had nothing to do with the statement, it is nice to see that she probably is still alive. If being in the Hole for last 4 years is ‘alive’.
Does this mean that Miscavige sits in his office, writes these media responses on one of his office computers or even on the INCOMM computer system, and he uses the appropriate letterhead, and that even some of his COB Office staff might even notice he’s the writing these PR response letters to the media?
If Karen is at the Base, or whatever, then the letter may even be being taken to her by one of COB’s Office staff, to make her sign it.
Or would she be called to his or some other office, and made to sign what he’s written?
In any case, there will be a paper trail on the computer he used. There will be a physical trail in that people in COB’s Office will see this being done, the secretaries or Lou will be getting Karen to sign the letter that Miscavige has written.
This paper trail of evidence, I hope someday the parts of this trail and the people involved tell how exactly it was done.
It would be corroborating proof of the one man band and tiny show it really is at the top of the whole massive mega big and important Scientology church!
Thanks Mike for correcting who writes these media letters in Karen’s name!
It also sounds like they’re using stuff from her daughter’s pc folders…
Mike, is Miss Cabbage so far gone that he doesn’t think that about 110% of USA Today’s readers WON’T see this for what it is?
He lives in a bubble.
The only occupants of that bubble are sycophants. So, everything he does is “brilliant” and “amazing, Sir.”
So, when he announces, “That will show that little %#@*+$ who is boss” and there is a chorus of “Yes, sir, she will learn her lesson.”
And anyone who isnt enthusiastic enough is shuffled off for a sec check to get to the bottom of their “evil purposes on COB.”
Wow! But, reminds me another story (true one). Late in the war, both Churchill & Stalin had agents in place with the ability to take out Hitler. Both declined to issue such an order as Adolph was doing such a good job degrading Germany’s war effort by overriding his much more sane & able generals.
For those who want to see the Church go under, leaving Davie there is the best option.
Mike, Leah is just telling the TRUTH, and that is the one thing that Davey just can’t tolerate.
They are so whacked and don’t even realize it. Very sad indeed. I’m starting to feel sorry for the celebtards that continue to shill for Miscavige.
Don’t the celebritards realize their own families (especially the children) will be brought to the fore the minute they speak out?
Oh, yeah. They do.
Benjamin, from what I can see the celebs are awfully quiet these days. Only 3 pitched for the SP opening (THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT EVER IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!) and I am convinced this weekend was chosen for the re-re-re-opening of the LA buildings because none were coming for these openings. Co$ now has a handy excuse – the scilon celebs were ALL at the Oscars, so could not come.
The more the Co$ attacks the more ridiculous it looks.
As for how they percieve themselves? Keep right on doing what you are doing, you are so far out of contact with what ‘s happening in the “real world” you cannot be taken seriously by anyone who has the capability of an original thought.
No wukkas they will never put 2and 2 together as it’s not in GAT 2 (maybe in GAT 3?)