Someone sent me a new promotion for the “L. Ron Hubbard Series” which prompted this post.
Dan Sherman has been working on the “L. Ron Hubbard biography” for more than 25 years.
Imagine anyone else getting away with no product for that long? And being paid handsomely to boot….
Sherman’s problem is that he can NEVER produce an actual biography. He would have to omit so many things from the book to satisfy the condition that there be nothing negative included about Hubbard that it would be a running joke. Everyone who can use Google would tear it to pieces.
A very cursory list of things that would have to be omitted includes:
The reality of his marriage to Polly and the two children from that marriage who have been written out of history (Katie and Nibs).
His real naval record – it could not all just be brushed under the rug with the old saw “he was in intelligence so false records were created for him…”
His second wife, Sara, and his daughter Alexis both of whom Hubbard later claimed never existed – he said he was only married twice (claiming Mary Sue was his second wife) and that Alexis was not his daughter even though he absconded with her to Cuba and dedicated Science of Survival to her. Sara is even airbrushed out of photos the church often uses of Hubbard.
The real story of Jack Parsons.
The “research” underlying Dianetics and the subsequent events with Don Purcell and the Dianetics Foundation.
“Mission Into Time”
Mary Sue, Snow White and the Guardian’s office.
The final years of his life.
If you are curious about these things, I highly recommend Russell Miller’s biography: Bare-faced Messiah. If you have not read it you may be surprised at the depth of documentation and the interviews with people who knew and interacted with Hubbard throughout his life.
Meanwhile, scientology tries to foist off the “L. Ron Hubbard Series” as being some sort of “complete biographical encyclopedia.” It is anything but. It is a means of avoiding all the things (and so much more) that are mentioned above — each volume focuses on a field of “accomplishment” of Hubbard. Thus it can avoid the real story of his life and simply focus on cherry-picked information, a lot of it consisting of Hubbard’s own words. It is not a biography in any normal sense of the word, not even a hagiography. As with all that emanates from corporate scientology, it is an alteration and obfuscation masquerading as “complete truth” when it is nothing close.
So, Sherman stays around being paid handsomely, refusing to join the Sea Org, but living at the Gold Base, and he performs two functions:
- Delivers two “biographical” briefings each year (at March 13 event and Maiden Voyage event)
- Writing the content of all Miscavige public statements – anywhere and anytime he speaks.
Those speeches have become parodies as his shermanspeak ™ has become ever more tortured in his increasingly desperate efforts to gild the turds of “expansion” and “acceptance” that do not exist in the real world.
At this point, it is a joke to call him “L. Ron Hubbard’s Biographer” but that title was bestowed on him by Miscavige decades ago – and it would sound stupid – even to the sheeple – if he was introduced as “David Miscavige’s speechwriter.”
Perhaps he should simply be introduced as “The Sherminator” or “The Mulleted One.”
Hubbards story about his life is completely true, it really happened the way he said but not exactly that way in this universe, Ron was moving between universes, he referred to this in the philadelphia doctorate course, there are thousands of LRH s in parallel universes and he was moving from one body to another, in one set of universes he really did only get married twice.
The evidence is out there that this is true, generally referred to as the Mandela effect, there is not one mocked up physical universe reality, but there is in fact many, there are many versions of this universe reality being mocked up by thetans.
In the universe I was last living in, LRH died towards the end of july 1986 and his life is similar to but different than what happened here in this universe .
Dan Sherman is dead now. That’s a massive “flunk.” NO PRODUCT
At the very least, Sporticus is an excellent choice for a name on this blog.
No matter what you may have to say, Using the name, “Sporticus” is a great choice!
I hope you will remember to use that name forever and a day.
Yee Haw!
I have always found the denials of Alexis’ paternity to be more than amusing. One look at her and you know her father is LRH. I won’t say where out of respect for her privacy but I have seen her in person.
Forgive my naivete (spelling?) but Dan Sherman would have to know that Scientology’s stats have been in the toilet for decades – right?
> Imagine anyone else getting away with no product for that long? And being paid
> handsomely to boot….
Mike, meet the US Congress.
Congress, meet Mike Rinder.
Glad I could hook you guys up
Hey Mike,
I’m curious, maybe you do not know.
How much of Hubbard has Sherman read, I mean all his basic books, his lectures like the PDC’s, Phoenix lectures, etc. Has he read and listened to the complete library?
Same question for DM too?
Sherman – not sure. He has read all books but I dont know about lectures. Miscavige all of them.
thanks Mike.
Has either of them read any other philosophy or anything else like that?
oh, I forgot to ask, has either read the critical books by Miller, Atack, Headley, etc.
Or even the Armstrong lawsuit etc..
Ok, got it that Dan Sherman, LRH’s official biographer can never write Hubbard’s biography. Yet he lives at Int, and isn’t in the Sea Org. So what does he do with all his time? I know he writes the Dwarf’s speeches but there are only 6 or 7 Int Events per year. Surely his Shermanspeak by now must flow like automatic writing. I’m thinking he must have a lot of time off.
No, those speeches are written and rewritten and rewritten and rewritten. Then there are the videos. And in between things like the “Ron Mags” and promotional items….
Got it, Mike. A fleeting spark of compassion has just been experienced for this man, and quickly repressed.
I knew Dan Sherman 30 years ago, when he was actually human.
From the picture, Sherman is looking puffy eyed and his face puffy. He’s broader, too. Sherman was always slender before. Too much whiskey? It’s not rice and beans for him.
Hi Tidalwave,Good to meet you.Your post said it all! XO
I loathed hearing this man speak. I pulled muscles cringing. I would just get up and leave whenever possible.
He is the most overinflated affected self-satisfied grandiloquent buffoon ever to leave a slime trail upon a stage.
His blood brother in smug pretentiousness is that ass-eyes Jeff Pompouspants. Throw in Miss Cabbage and you get the quintessential trifecta of asshole.
They all deserve each other.
Seriously, don’t hold back.
…..can’t stop chuckling…
“…quintessential trifecta of asshole.”
Bloody brilliant.
Another book on LRH.
Enough with all the lies and the Aides who don’t “aid”….
Guys, read this book.
Seriously, a Watergate Truther book? Totally off-topic. Why are you bringing this up?
Because this is Theo the Homophobe, the same man who disregards the entirety of Going Clear, book and movie, because it doesn’t get the definition of the Reactive Mind exactly right (and who blames you and Marty for that, if you remember, Mike). Whenever there is praise for Russell Miller or any author whose view of Hubbard isn’t one hundred percent positive, Theo is there to take up arms against the heretic.
Theo is quite the persistent one. Then again, so are dung beetles.
Because the book is relevant if true.
Mike Rinder and many others who were close to Hubbard were plants by the CIA to steal the OT levels during the Remote Viewing era (Ingo Swan) competition between the Russians and the USA to figure out how to control the minds and souls of men throughout the world.
Hubbard played cat and mouse with them.
Not finished with book. Be interesting to find there was a clone LRH.
You are serious?
Funniest shit I have seen here in a long while….
Full moon has long reaching effects.
Mike question here off topic: I have a niece in the SO who is married to another SO. Have they changed the lifestyle of the SO’s like letting them take vacations, feeding them better, giving better hours? Wondering because she has gone to a wedding that lasted 4 days, her mom claims she makes good money. Mom is 45 years in, daughter born in.
Depends where she is located. And she could be an IAS reg and make good money. But more likely it is the typical lies told for the greatest good to keep the wogs from finding out there is anything weird going on inside the bubble.
Is she at CCI? They still look a bit harried, but they also look better fed and less completely stressed out than the Sea Aargghers down at Pac.
LOL. Man the fruit cakes come out anytime L Ron Hubbard is exposed for the piece of shit that he is.
I mean was. Because he’s dead and he ain’t coming back.
Well Mike, as you know “you can’t polish a turd, only cover it in Shermanspeak”
As true a statement as has ever been made GTBO.
“you can’t polish a turd, only cover it in Shermanspeak.” Now that’s some funny shit!
You can’t polish a turd, but you *can* sculpt one.
I hereby proclaim Sherman The Turd Sculpter.
OMG! Mike is CIA? What a complete psycho. Cloning? ROFLMAO!
Seriously, the only medical procedure that should be taken seriously is the brainectomy that Ot 11 obviously received.
Applauding Mr. Rinder!! The Mullet’s mambo jumbo can’t hide the truth, it can wrap it in ribbons for yanking, it can floor it in marble, it can coat it in Kool-aid but (snicker) like you said, the t can’t guild the turd and the wee ones breath reeks!
In the beginning there was Ron and Ron created the Tech
And Ron did droneth on and on ceaselessly for billions of words
Giving even advice on how to wash cars and clean windows
Seeing his works flourish and prosper
Ron ascended to Target Two vowing never to return to this
Psych-infested Wog planet and its rancid tacos
Whereupon, David Miscavige came up from Hell and called the Tech altered
Whereupon the Children of Ron were forced to buy new papyrus libraries in abundance
so that their garages and spare bedrooms were stacked ceiling high with libraries
And then David Miscavige said that new Orgs were needed
Whereupon the Children of Ron were forced to donate to Ideal Orgs
Or lose their OT eligibility and eternity
And the stats they did crash internationally
The Ideal Orgs did stay as empty as space itself and gathered only dust
And David Miscavige grew wroth and did blame others
David Miscavige did beat unrighteous Sea Org members
and threw them into prisons
Then oceans of Macallan he did drink down
The sycophants surrounding Miscavige clamored
And they did tell him that SP’s and Psychs were to blame
Thus, Miscavige a Super Bowl ad did purchase
But even this did fail as did GAT I and GAT II
And it was all a failure and the Wogs did laugh
And moving pictures were made that exposed Miscavige
Miscavige smote his breast and swore in his wrath
That the release of OTIX and OTX would finally boom the Orgs
And handle the fourth dynamic engram
GR:Dan says you are blessed because you have seen the light.And know that it was so.
And lo! There were those who did have doubts
And they were impertinent and reasonable
Asking questions and seeking accurate information
And Tom Cruise did smite them saying
“I do not hesitate to put ethics in,
On myself and my family”
“And thou shalt not seek solace
Or refuge from the wrath of Tom, I am
A big being who is at cause over life”
And thus did Tom Cruise become a threat to
The great Miscavige, and he was scolded and shamed into
Plastic surgery, to ruin his looks and make him humble
And there would be no more of those
Wife auditions either, because Miscavige
Decided that Tom was a CICS and deserved to die alone
And with Bob Duggan at his right hand
And Grant Cardone at his left hand
Miscavige did prove he is more at cause than Tom
By keeping his wife locked up where she would
never speak to the press, or anyone else, perhaps to
embarrass him with the truth about his whisky dick
And millions of dollars flowed into the cult
And liters of scotch flowed into COB
And all sang the praises of their dear leader
Because they did not want to be sec checked
Or forced to abandon their own children.
MEST without end, amen.
And on the appointed day of the Feast of the E-Meter in the Great Hall of Exact Data the holy city of Clearwater, it came to pass that King David spake saying, “Who is this Priestess Chocolate Velvet and why doth she mock me?”
And with that King David broke all of the dishes at the feast, screamed at everyone, slapped hundreds of CICS’, and then locked himself in his bedroom alone. Whereupon, he threw a great tantrum and ordered all hands at Gold Base to white glove the aeration ponds. And there was heard great wailing and gnashing at Gold Base.
King David then called his favorite soothsayer Danny Sherman and ordered the Mulleted One to write a thirty volume set of florid praise extolling the great and Herculean works of King David. Color photos were to be included. However, no mention could be made of she whose name and whereabouts are more secret than the EP of Section V of OTXV.
When the gold-leafed leatherbound “Great Volumes of Praise for COB” were issued, great and fawning adulation for King David issued forth from the IAS suck ups and many sets were purchased. But many more took offense and fled the Church in great haste with their wallets, purses, and sanity intact.
And on that day Tom Cruise thrice denied knowing King David.
I thought your first post here today was the funniest and best ever… and then I read your second post, even more awesome. I hereby award you the best posts of the day award.
Yeah, David has taken to pretending he doesn’t know me these days. But, he knows that I know that he knows, I know whose picture he has pasted inside the cover of his secret diary, and if he doesn’t act right, I’m gonna tell everybody and he will be sooooo not cool then!
we gotta take this shit on the road. brilliant.
“His second wife, Sara, and his daughter Alexis both of whom Hubbard later claimed never existed – he said he was only married twice (claiming Mary Sue was his second wife) and that Alexis was not his daughter even though he absconded with her to Cuba and dedicated Science of Survival to her.”
I have two copies of Science of Survival dedicated to Diana Hubbard.
Later editions. That was subsequently removed in even later editions.
The editions I have are the original editions, that is, the publication dates, or whatever, not the collector’s items of the first batch of printing or anything. I could go look up the exact dates of the printings and all, first of which was 1951, but it says “Dedicated to // Diana Hubbard [block capitals].” That page is immediately followed by a page acknowledging contributions from a whole list of noted philosophers and religious leaders, and my bet is that has also been omitted from the “new” editions. Since the “new” books, who knows what may have been changed. Apparently, most of it is title pages and additions of text by LRH, but not included in the originals. That makes them fatter books.
Even with fairly accurate history, facts confirmed by left and right, both, as it were, you get slants and interpretations of those agreed upon facts. With Scientology, I have yet to see accuracy on agreed upon facts. Too much is interpreted, too many facts omitted. Just as LRH presented them in the Data Series, there are too many outpoints … altered sequence, omitted data, dropped out time, etc.. Imputing motives or reasons is perhaps an instance of altered importance, and I’ve heard various “reasons” about why LRH left the church. And all kinds of stories about what happened after that.
I don’t think there’s anyone anywhere who hasn’t screwed up in one way or another. President Clinton comes to mind. And of course there’s the entire Australian population …. (Joke.)
Funny thing is, facts remain despite alterations, and what happened remains, despite alterations. Seeing the alterations and all, is as-is-ness, seeing things as they really are. Which is what Scientology is all about, in a nutshell. In my experience, as-is-ness is a very pretty feeling. There’s a sensation that comes along with it, like solving a puzzle, and seeing the solution. Unfortunately, the way life is, the way Creation is “structured” (to “borrow” from Kurt Vonnegut, and “the way the moment is structured”), only the individual himself can produce that as-is-ness. No one can do it for him. You can tell someone an apple not an orange, and watch them vehemently insist that it is. Amazing.
Diana was born in September 1952. Facts is facts.
Then not just one edition was changed from the first. But now I wonder if the text of the 1951 edition changed at all, and how many other books have been revised in later editions, come to think of it, I’ve owned many textbooks that were in some instances substantially different, but by the same authors. Not all that important, I got the ideas.
The original dedication (according to Bare-Faced Messiah) read:
Dedicated to Alexis Valerie Hubbard, For Whose Tomorrow May Be Hoped a World That Is Fit To Be Free
That dedication to Alexis shows up at least in the 4th Printing Oct 1951.
Picture at
Here’s my question, answered; there is an original albeit 4th printing dedicated to Valerie. Yours for only $1948.50. Hey, OSA, wouldn’t your boss want to buy this?
Aqua, OSA would have no interest in purchasing. Even if they purchased every book available in the wild there are still original copies, available as reference that are stored forever. OSA cannot get at those.
significance much?
There’s also the fact that when Science of Survival was first released, Diana wasn’t born yet, so how could he dedicate it to her?
Someone, somewhere simply MUST still have a copy of the original SOS with the dedication to Alexis Valerie Hubbard. I mean, they can’t ALL have been bought up by Co$. Even if its moldering in someone’s attic, there has to be at least one of these somewhere, I would think.
Was (or is) Alexis older than Diana? I thought Mike meant that earlier editions were dedicated to Diana, and later changed to be dedicated to Alexis? To me, the acknowledgements would be more important.
Alexis was born in early 1950. Diana in 1952.
Thanks, I did not know! So originally, SOS was dedicated to Alexis, just as you said, then at some point LRH changed the dedication to Diana. Didn’t mean to send you on a research expedition.
There’s so much thrown around on blogs, I’m a little mistrustful of everything, especially when it comes to LRH’s life and times, when none or very few of us were alive to have a feel for it, yet so much of it is derogatory. I had an uncle who was simply divorced, yet kept it a secret, because in his years, being divorced was disreputable.
Espiando, some people still have the brain stem kick in when El Con’s true life is brought to light. Any type of mental gymnastics are used in order to cast SOME doubt on the truth in order to dampen the cognitive dissidence.
I had posted this previously on another site, but it is so relevant to this thread that I will post again….
The International events are mandatory. Some 23 phone calls can pressure someone a week before to attend.
Int events are ~~~
Hypnotic monotone phrase after phrase saying absolutely nothing, and the adoration of the standing ovations deafen the ear. The audience
LOVE David Miscavige !
SAMPLE : Miscavige words (Actual words at Seattle Ideal org opening)
Can you or I do that ?
Can anyone of say 164 words that mean absolutely NOTHING ?
Danny Sherman, speech writer for Miscavige, take a bow !
Ouch, the sentence did not take due to the directional arrows.
Here it is
Dan Sherman :
SAMPLE : Miscavige words (Actual words at Seattle Ideal org opening)
“I am genuinely honored to join you on this day when Scientology comes of age in Seattle; not that you haven’t long maintained a presence in this town, not that you haven’t long ago sunk roots into this city, and not that you haven’t long carried the torch of this great Northwest, but only now is all the majesty and subtlety of booming this Church made manifest, because only now can we appreciate the deeper meaning of those campaign slogans which drove your new civilization builders to this moment: leading the way; delivering the future; taking Seattle to greater heights, only now is it clear those weren’t slogans at all, they were a prophecy, so while we’ve long marveled at your unbridled creativity and elaborate events, the many parts you’ve played, the many stages you’ve trod, and the myriad costumes you’ve donned, only now is it obvious when you were told giving your best, you took it to mean the best of the best.”
Can you or I do that ?
Can anyone of say 164 words that mean absolutely NOTHING ?
You’re right Karen, he’s saying absolutely nothing!
Funny, I never understood back in the day why Int Events made my head spin. At the time, I didn’t spot that the sentences were so long and convoluted,.and said nothing. I kind of blamed myself for them not making sense – because I didn’t want to be there, because I was attending under protest, and for what was my pretense of an interest in what was being said. I used to think I was the only one longing for it to be over, the only one faking the enthusiasm that everyone else was truly feeling!
Today, I realize that if Int Events had been communicated using simple, declarative sentences they would have held my interest. But then, if Sherman communicated a la Hemingway, clear and to the point, well, it would be immediately obvious that he wasn’t saying much of anything.
It would be interesting to me to install the Hemingway App in my computer and watch it work on Shermanspeak.
And so proclaimed is the epitome of realizations, from vantages unseen, spectra of light blinding in evanescence like a fire-fly on the lawn of eternity broadcasting from its spheres of luminescence sights as yet unseen in their brilliance of verdure and vermilion against the backdrop of space extended, expanded, glimpsing the first twilight of ages rounding the big hands of the big clock of unmarked time, and the first twinklings of the countless dawns of ages to unfold in splendour of resolution ….
No you’re right, I can’t do ten lines of that. I got half.
Nickname, I started feeling dizzy mid-sentence/paragraph. Now I can’t even look at what you wrote
Hi Nickname, Simply tongue twisting head slapping horrible in so many ways.I am very pleased I never had to sit through anything he ever said write spoke or recorded.Those that had to,endure it,deserve much admiration for their fortitude.xo
Hi Karen #1,Thank you for this.XO
This is my new fave post from this blog … very hard hitting!
As it would provide rich bounties to stand-up comedy it’s a darn shame that biography will never sit on a Barnes & Noble table. Instead of an LRH biography let’s have an LRH book of quotes. Biographers can be very biased you know so let’s have a hundred or so quotes spoken by the man himself and along side each quote let’s have a logical, common-sense deconstruction of it. It has been my experience that almost every Hubbard quote I have ever read is either 1. demonstrably false. 2. a tortuously worded statement of obvious fact. 3. flat-out gibberish, or a combination thereof. The beauty of such a work is there could be no charges of lying while revealing indisputable truths.
And usually comprised of ideas better said or written by someone else,.
Boy, what a cruisey but tactically dangerous life Sherman has? I didn’t know he lives at Gold but it makes sense. Miscavige would have to keep close tabs on him. If if ever defected… oh my… what a journalistic prize he would be?! But since there is no one in Scientology with a conscience anymore what does it matter. He sits at Miscavige’s table and is on the Scientology payroll – enough said, it’s obvious he lies for a living.
It’s hard to think with the fact that some people will sell their soul like that, but that’s Scientology for you.
Sherman does more than lie in his speeches; he razzle dazzles with subjunctive generalizations to intimidate you and at the same time put you to sleep so that you don’t actually parse what he’s saying and find out that he’s using an awful lot of words to communicate, for the most part, nothing.
Totally off topic but I just got a voice message from the Atlanta org. Disappointing that after all the times I have used my real name here I apparently have still not been declared a suppressive person. What the hell does it take, I am envious of all of you that have achieved this honor.
They keep their declared lists very private and confidential these days, they have to. If it ever got out they’ve declared more people than they have members it would be somewhat embarrassing.
The organisation is administratively a mess anyway, the only place where anything is close to realistic is the legal arena. Wake them up in that area and they set the attack dogs loose. Don’t worry you’re declared, they haven’t got the paperwork sorted that’s all and won’t unless you wake them up real personal like, Otherwise life as usual, ie they have no idea what to do with themselves.
I’m right there with you, Doug. No SP declare! I mean, what are we, chopped liver?
Hi Doug,I do not know if your declare will one day find you.All I can say is I was FedXed mine ten days after I blew.The Sea Org really had a party the day I split!Hang in there you may get an e-mail one yet.If they can Un-glue their fingers from that typewriter.Great relic,but emphasizes why Scientology still CFs! XO
I can only hope Ann.
Hey! You and me both, pal!
I’m going to return the call tomorrow, curious if they are trying to recruit me to join staff.
Good question. I have done everything I know to get instantly declared and no luck
so far.Got phone calls and a few pieces of mail. Next n my list is get a return postage paid envelope to Flag
and tape it to a brick wrapped in brown paper. I think this has been tried but never know.
his message said something about me living in Fort Lauderdale. I don’tlive in Fort Lauderdale but my mother has property there, they must be googling me to find out as much information as they can.
You can come to the same party Jose.
Mc Carren,
I will show up and demonstrate
Cause over Matter,Energy ,Space and Time.
This drove the Church Batshit crazy insane nuts and
earned myself exiled to the Clearwater Swamp.
Hi Jose, You know I Loved your comment.Driving the Church bat-shit crazy.A great image! XO
Come to my next party and I’ll get a picture of you with my gang of SP friends and post it on Facebook. That ought to do it. Or atleast it’ll start the whisper campaign and stop the phone calls. The church is a little afraid to declare these days. So few left.
Just read in Tony’s blog that Sherman has apparently claimed that in a past life he was the author of the Book of Genesis … You know what? … It all makes sense now!
And God looked at the world and saw that it was straight up and vertical. And it was the greatest thing ever!
Oh Yea, I remember him. Same haircut.
By the way…. I did the illustrations.
Hi RB, Thank you and Joe for a good laugh.XXOO
You guys are killing me here!
Allright, look, I’ll confess, I’m in the Bible too. The New Testament, Salome. I’m kind of embarrassed. John the Baptist was a nice guy. Big overt on my part. I’ve written it up.
And I was Mary Magdelina. I had a lot of fun before I was forgiven.
Damn forgiveness. What a buzzkill.
Well…Genesis is ok…..I guess. But, I wrote Revelations!
I enjoy your posts on Dan Sherman very much. Your description of his “rolling thunder” speechwriting style, and his nonsensical word salads that manage to say “everything” and nothing – simultaneously – are, in a word, hysterically amusing…even as I occasionally kick myself for having been so foolishly gullible!
“that manage to say “everything” and nothing – simultaneously”
Read this with Miscavige inflections
Mike, like yourself, I feel that Bare-Faced Messiah, by Russell Miller, is THE definitive book on Scientology. As I’ve posted before, he eviscerates Hubbard and exposes him for monster he is. And the cult….did nothing. How could they? Mr. Miller had all the bases covered. If anyone here hasn’t read his book, I HIGHLY recommend it.
Yes , OSD , I agree . After reading going clear I still couldn’t really understand what happened and why or get a full view of who really was LRH , at least to my satisfaction.
Bare faced Messiah did it for me.
Yep! And remember, Mr. Miller pulls no punches. Everything he wrote was 100% true. That’s why he was never sued. Stupid cult…..
So agree OSD, if anyone wants to find out the history, this book presents it wonderfully.
I worked closely with Dan Sherman for a while back in the early 90s, along with Trevor Meldal-Jonsen, on the rewrite of What Is Scientology? Danny and Trevor were public Scns who did different projects for the church and were brought on board for the WIS? rewrite. DM had shattered his foot or lower leg playing basketball at Dustin Hoffman’s house with Tom Cruise (and probably Danny Davito and Alan Ladd on a 7 foot basket) and decided to spend that summer getting the WIS? book redone. Mike, who was LRH Personal Public Relations Officer at the time, must be the one who brought them in and I came over from RTRC. It was a long and painful summer for the three of us, though Mike took 90% of the shit from His Most Irritable Bowelness. 90% going on 100%, actually. Both Danny and Trevor had somewhat successful careers as novelists, Danny with spy novels and Trevor with love stories (very strange to me because Trevor was a somewhat irascible South African). Anyway, it was good for me to be around them for several months because we could natter but neither would write KRs on me. We had many, many laughs together. After WIS? is when Danny signed on to write the Bio. And believe it or not, he actually did a draft of the bio within a couple of years (Mike would have more details about that) and I glanced through it rapidly one day. If anyone thinks that WIS? is written in a flowery PR style, you should have seen the first draft of the LRH Bio. It took “over the top” to heretofore unimagined heights of grandiloquence. I think Danny’s last link to sanity was broken when Trevor died of a heart attack around 2002 or 2003. He and Danny were very close friends.
Isn’t Dan currently working on the 43rd draft of the most vital work of his life?
I believe it’s titled “The True Story of Captain David Miscavige…the most important, smartest, bravest, most eloquent and kindest man on earth!!!!!!”
Crap! I just puked on my keyboard……
…yes, as Source truly intended.
Is this the coffee table book with the Dali Lama arm is over David Mscaviges shoulder ?
No. This is the one with Lou in that compromising position. A live demo of YSCOHB
Russell Miller surely had the scoop on Ron’s past, but what about his present? Don’t miss a single, irreverent installment of LRH: The Target2 Chronicles
“Nobody writes real science fiction . . . . nobody’s guts could take it (that’s all there is to it).”
-LRH: “The Role of Earth”
+1! Nice post, Artoo45. And great link!
Hey, Dan Sherman’s got a steady gig … a pretty decent one it seems, a decades long job, which I’m sure has its downsides as the vast majority of jobs do … but a guy’s gotta make a living, and if the dough is ok, and you got a nice place to live and some good food … he could be doing a LOT worse I’m sure. Probably even gets free haircuts too. I doubt he gets bent out of shape even one bit by the shit has to sling all the time … I’m sure he’s got it all down by now and can do it in his sleep. You could say the same thing about Arte Maren’s admin lectures. By now, these guys are just reciting lines, kinda like Yul Brynner did playing The King and I four thousand times over forty years (except that Brynner was aware he was playing a role, whereas I think Sherman and Maren have probably convinced even themselves by now that they are high prophets of their religion).
As far as “truth” goes when we are talking about LRH’s life or anything else about Scientology? Truth as a high concept to be greatly admired and also pursued as really the ONLY way to free a being? … Well, folks, truth in any practical sense probably left the world of Scientology even long before LRH said sometime in the mid-1960s that the E-Meter never failed to be accurate (after all, if that was indeed TRUE in 1965, then why would there have had to be five more editions over the next forty years to the point that the latest one is said to be something like TWENTY THOUSAND times more accurate than the edition before? I mean, if something is always TRUE back in its 1965 incarnation, how could it be improved to be twenty thousand times TRUER???? Yes, my friends, therein lies the story.)
And…he was never forced to join the SO!
Hi Joe, Ah Scientology and the Truth.Ron and the Truth David and the Truth.Don’t you just love the Cult as it Lies with TRs In and howls that wogs are wrong and definitely us SP DBs are wrong,only they have the Truth! Still at it cos is twisting slowly.XXOO. Ann B.
Sure, he’s made a decent living, but he’s got to be asking himself: Could I have also earned a good living as a wog? After all, most people do. And he could have lived in a real town. He left Los Angeles to spend decades living in the mini fascist state of Int Base.
Here’s what Int reminds me of: Have you ever seen the movie “A Dog and His Boy,” with Don Johnson? It’s a post apocalyptic world, and there’s this underground community where a weird, dystopian, thought-controlled vision if 1950’s Topeka holds sway, and the people all wear heavy make-up that includes painted-on rosy cheeks. And Scientologists are trained to believe, despite their lying eyes, that the wog world, with its violent schools and scheming psychs and meddlesome child labor laws and commie income taxes, is a post-apocalyptic nightmare.
But I wouldn’t mind having telepathic communication with a dog. I could learn what it’s like to lick my … never mind; that’s disgusting.
A Boy And His Dog?
Hated the ending.
Without going into the gory details it was an example of what Ayn Rand called the Malevolent Universe Premise.
And it was tasteless.
Airbrshed from History, this has to be a step below Hell.
Getting back to Baghdad Danny ( brother to Baghdad Bob )
Bahghdad Bob had it good with Saddam
Baghdad Danny has it better with David Miscavige
There is a story here but escapes me at the moment.
Jose, I can’t even conceive that ANYTHING could escape you, of all people. I always thought you had a mind like a steel trap.
Dan Sherman has an appointment with KARMA,
I have yet to comprehend what that is, I am fuzzy about it so far but it will
eclipse the top 1000 disasters the World has seen since the dawn of time.
I’d pay good money to see that!
Ah Sherman.I will miss him when he is gone.Sherman sounds like a drunk with a terrible hangover fumbling to find the coffee machine.
The man who gave us:
Consequent to that fact,
And amplifying and in contrast to
While, in full and all told
But, even so and only with
While overall and in totality
We are the rock & fortress of humanity…
You are witnessing a space-time continuum where clocks stand still…
A panorama of expansion to the far horizon and it can only be described as breathtaking.
We are everywhere and everyone.
A significant donation is all that stands between a great void where souls are lost forever and a message to billions.
Hopefully coming soon:
“Therefore now in truth and in essence we will be witnessing for now and future generations to come stretching into eternity but not stopping there because it stretches the time space barrier,therefore now I announce to you the publication in full and all told the release of: Shermanspeak!How to turn any idea into word salad!Hip,hip”…
I understood your last paragraph, which scares the hell out of me. Understanding Shermanspeak: the first sign of advanced senility. Owning 23 cats can not be far behind.
I think everyone should have at least 23 cats. Can’t have too many of them pocket lions.
Hi overrun in California, Pocket Lions, Love it! XO
Nothing will every beat “the front porch of infinity.”
“Pigpen society” is a close second.
Hi Nezquik, I’m with you.I have had two night terrors about that spooky front porch of infinity!Snerman wound that one up very well! XO
It’s sorta like the restaurant at the end of the universe. Danny must be familiar with “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and kinda borrows from it. Actually now that I think about it a little more I think it’s really true….
Reading the lines of ShermanSpeak, my mind, literally, started to slip away…
You forgot my all time favorite :
The front porch of infinity
I’m certainly old enough to sit on the front porch of eternity…
Can someone explain to me what the deal is with someone like Danny Sherman? To the best of my knowledge, he is not a sea org member. If that is the case, how does he fit in with his role as Hubbard biographer and Miscavige speechwriter? If he isn’t sea org, wouldn’t he be regarded as being someone who is more than a bit namby pamby, not fully in, not fully dedicated, and maybe just a mere public type scientologist? Besides some of the lawyers who work for Miscavige, who else is there that can get away with not signing the billion year contract and having other fish to fry? Anyone who has ever been in the sea org or been recruited for the sea org knows the tremendous amount of hard sell and pressure that exists to join the elite team that is clearing the planet. Does Sherman get a nice fat retainer check for not producing any biography in the last 25 years or is he getting sea org ‘wages’? Is he just paid off to remain stupid? If he is on retainer and living a different lifestyle than those around him, wouldn’t that cause a bit of disharmony among the ranks, or would they even know?
Did you read the post?
This is a draft of the Church approved El Con Bio (with all lies removed and data that would lead to ridicule)
L. Ron Hubbard:
Born: March 13, 1911
Died: January 24, 1986
Spawned would be more accurate.
Indeed, spawned. Like the creature from the Black Lagoon…
And what’s wrong with the Creature from the Black Lagoon? I remember when that film first came out. He was minding his own business for years and then they started to piss in his lagoon. It’d make me upset too if someone pissed in my house but to compare him to Scientology is so inorganic and unnatural it gives a bad name for monsters and creatures everywhere, even the Cookie Monster.
Scott, thanks for the correction of my error. Spawned it is!
How dare you say he died. He dropped his body and is quite busy currently researching OT 9 and 10. That is 30 years of research you need to thank him for!
gtsix, is “dropping the body” like dropping the soap?
Bring lots of soap. All scented. Highly scented. That is how you keep LRon away from you: scented everything!
Hmmm, are you POSITIVE about the birth and death dates? Isn’t there even some question about those?
Could be problematic Val as some viruses don’t have a finite life span.
Valerie, don’t worry, D.M. will soon re-write those to be “as Ron intended”.
Now that is funny, Mike Wynski
Some morning Danny Sherman trivia.
I think the word for Danny which fits quite handsomely is; the minister of propagandist
I use to hang out with Dan Sherman at Robin Williamson’s house. Many artists went to these parties. He literally hated me because when Likki broke up with her then boy friend David Zimian, Danny tried to woo her. I came a long, this nobody from New York into a group of artist celebrities, and married Likki.
Every time I would go to these parties Danny hate bombed me. I was only 23 at the time and never knew why he acted like such an asshole.
Years later I was told he wanted Likki as his girl friend and I ruined his dream.
I know I talk about love and spirituality a lot but may I must take off that hat for a minute and say Danny reminded me of a weasel. He was always kinda mousey and ugly to me.
His book out at the time was called “The Mole.” Even his book sounded mousey.
I always feel a little sorry for those who have been in the thought prison for so long.
Chick Corea use to hang out. Him and his wife Gayle use to be at these parties.
When I blew Scientology (the study of knowing how Ron Knows) I went to the Natural Fudge Company, a restaurant and performance place on Fountain, just down the road from the Complex, to ear one day.
Chick and Gayle came in. They knew I blew and they sat down next to me. Gayle then says to me,”did you know that Scientology (the study of what Ron knows or imagines) is expanding like never before”?
Immediately I knew what she was doing. Because I was declared an SP, she was trying to get my SP head to explode because SPs hate when Scientology (the prison of belief spawned from the paranoid tendencies of Ron) expands.
These were and are sweet wonderful people. It’s kinda sad that these otherwise nice people have had their mind so messed up.
It’s like my thoughts go,”haven’t they gotten it yet”? And I’m always surprised that they are still in Scientology (the study of shutting off sovereign thinking)
And when ever I seê pictures of the Mulleted One, My mind conjures up “mousy weasal”.
I know it’s an unspiritual judgement, but it happens:-)
So you ended up with the girl that Danny Sherman wanted, but didn’t get??? Holy crap! How OT can you get! You da man, Brian!
Never before in the history of forever has there been an OT like myself.
I’m even the best at humility.
And BTW, I hate people who don’t have unconditional love.
My powers know no bounds!
Sparks fly out of my OT hang nails!!
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Woooooooooow! So, what was the first thing you said to Fatso when you arrived at Target 2?
My thetan is bigger than your thetan!
FOTFLMFAO!!!!! I would have expected no less.. Whew! Now that’s some funny shit!
your definitions of scn are real keepers. Love ’em!
Brian – do you know whatever happened to Zimian? I dated him briefly, hope he got out. Was there back in the day and remember you and Likki together, such a cute couple. And I loved her singing. Good to see you here.
HI Mrs P, no I don’t. I tried googling him from time to time but to no avail.
Yes he got out. He got out with me, Likki and a few other nasty SPs.
We were very close after we left. They lived in Idlewild for a while. We lost touch with each other.
So we know each other?
Yes, we have met before many moons ago in L.A. I appreciate your response. Hope to meet you again sometime, hopefully at OSD’s beach party celebrating the end of DM and his clampire.
Hi Mrs.P, I dream of meeting all of you at OSD’s Beach Bash for The Ages! Always,Ann B.
Count me in. I’m in SoCal
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but if I recall correctly there was mention in the original Volunteer Minister’s Handbook(?) of little Ron busting broncs at age three and his grandfather’s ranch covering a quarter of the state of Montaña. When I lived in Montaña way back when, I did a bit of my own research. I believe one of Hubbard’s aunts was still alive and living in Helena then but she wasn’t talking to anyone about Hubbard or scientology. From what I dug up, I believe that Hubbard’s grandfather was a veterinarian rather than a rancher and not even the likes of a gentleman rancher like Ted Turner has even come close to owning a ranch that covers a quarter of the state. All fabrications from a world class liar and con man. But, like many, I didn’t question it at the time and bought these tales and others hook line and sinker. Almost. I didn’t really believe this stuff, but instead just sort of put that disbelief on the back burner to simmer for a while (a long while) so that I wouldn’t have to deal with the cognitive dissonance or go to ethics. Eventually, when I was ready to wake up, it was easy to put this and other things on the back burner into the oven of logic and have a nice meal of reality and truth.
The story of LRH’s childhood, the ranch that was quarter the size of Montana and everything else is well explained in Bare-Faced Messiah (and elsewhere).
And I am told that he wasn’t really riding Broncos at 3 years old. I heard that the Broncos astutely and with great talent jumped into his mother’s womb and Ron jump aboard that wild beast and taught the horse how to square dance.
It’s just what Buddha’s can do.
Dan Sherman is a real SP (using the real definition from Scientology – one of the evil 2.5%) ~ well, besides David Miscavige and L Ron Hubbard.
He knows the truth and for a profit, choses to shovel shit over the truth about L Ron Hubbard for 25 years.
He takes money in exchange for lies and betrayal.
The harm he has on his soul shall make him rot in hell for eternity.
Fuck you Dan Sherman.
Oh – and come to PT with the hair style, would ya?
Does anyone know where the Sherminator is on the Bridge? Does he do his own Bridge?
Last I knew he was on NOTs
The Sherminator…oh Mike, that really made me laugh.
Good report, thank you.
Why didn’t I think of that? Hahahaha.
(in a thick German accent) Ya, I am the Sherminator! I create word salads that confuse all Wogs and send church members into brainwash mode. I have no idea what I’m talking about, but, it doesn’t matter. The members revere me as a God…
I remember Danny when he was a “normal” guy married to Manon, living in LA. One day, Manon told me how excited Danny was to be going up to INT to write the LRH Biography. Over all these years he grew a mullet, and an affected accept and as the LRH Biographer, the only thing I see when I look at Danny is a dipped bronze statue of himself.
I have often wondered what it’s like to be inside his mind, knowing all the truths he has discovered about LRH that he has shoveled shit over. I mean where does someone like he park his soul while he takes a detour into an alternate universe. I wonder if its recoverable or if it just looks like a piece of calcified shit by the side of the road.
There is a great term called “bias confirmation”. It explains what the mind does to keep a closed mind so neatly closed.
Also I like be the term “cognitive dissonance.”
When I study myself and the times I have thought like this, the ego hates this process, I can cognize the mechanism of being the warden in my own personal prison of belief.
Those times I see myself being attached to a belief that overrides my ability to directly see the true nature of something.
When I granted Ron Altitude, his words and ideas superseded my own ability to reason.
So when Ron said ALL critics are murderous-blood sucking-child molesting-alien demons; we believed him.
Even though he stated to the contrary that “there are no absolutes in the MEST universe”, these completely opposing views had no effect on our belief.
Our minds could not think with our reason. Just like a hypnotized subject in a magic show who has been hypnotized to be a clucking chicken on stage cannot act like themselves while under the spell.
Ron, the hypnotic operator per Altitude Instruction, created an army of clucking chickens who have labeled that part of their reasoning mind as “SP thinking.
Think of it; to actually see what’s before you, to see clearly the fraud and intention lies is an ability which has been magically placed in the category of suppressive evil.
Yes, I have clucked a few times for sure.
And have run around like a chicken with its head cut off…..
I’ve always liked Mike’s clubbed seal term. But I think Hypnotic Clucking Chickens is closer to reality.
LOL Mary! You made my day. Still chuckling over that ” piece of calcified shit “.
The thing I like most about humor is that it is the funniest when closest to the truth.
David Miscavige: A Piece of Calcified Shit. I like it. It’s…’s….poetic. And it’s not normal shit. Oh no! It’s calcified shit! Big, big difference….
One of the perks of being a OUT is that I get to natter with reckless abandon and laugh about it.
I know, huh! It is so much fun to natter with reckless abandon! And laughing at them is my favorite!
Writing such a mass of jokes, I mean, the exact LTH biography would become titanesque!
I stand in awe of The Mulleted G̶r̶u̶p̶p̶e̶n̶f̶u̶r̶h̶e̶r̶ Biographer’s accomplishments. Who else could fabricate not one but sixteen volumes of pure fantasy out of whole cloth? Besides the Tubby One himself, of course.
A couple of his ASI era advices are regarding this “role” that LRH realized he had a problem presenting himself to the world. He gloated that he was just too incredible, his life spanning so many “professional” directions it was unbelievable to present himself as grand and varied careers in life which he claimed and believed he had led.
So he authorized the “Ron’s” mags series, and a couple of those advices, given to early ASI and pre ASI LRH Office staffer level people.
Liz Gablehouse and Laurel Watson lived that, and Gerry Armstrong too. Stacy Young must have witnessed how Vaughn Young, since Vaughn was the editor and writer of a lot of the very first “Ron’s” Mag.
Gerry Armstrong surely would be expert on that period when LRH’s biography was really being done up by Omar Garrison and Gerry Armstrong’s help as assistant.
The problems of Scientology doing it’s own biography of their own guy, well why did LRH authorize an outsider?
The problem is lack of a freedom to discuss LRH that the movement enforces, and that’s kind of the argument that Scientology is a cult, it clamps its members eyes and ears.
I wish Liz, Laurel, Stacy and Gerry could have a little conference someday and be interviewed to drum up any more details of those LRH orders regarding the biography and how that idea even percolated up from LRH’s head.
The “church” has been/there done/that on giving an outsider biographer the job, that failed.
How they should resurrect all that LRH wrote on this subject and solve getting the biography done, is a long study project of all the traffic from the old LRH PR type traffic days of the Apollo, Landbase, then La Quinta and finally the ASI traffic, to figure out how to redo it.
Public outsiders obviously ought to do it are not given access to Hubbard’s full private writings.
Outsiders are the only ones who’d be literate and free enough to do it.
LRH’s CST archives need to be leaked.
Again, I conclude Shelly has to leak everything to Wikileaks.
Pity Shelly is in her own personal HOLE. Nothing about Hubbtards life can escape the eyes that have actually looked at him.
Sherman is just riding the DM coattails so that he can write DM’s speeches for him. Nothing in Hubbtards personal writings will every come to light if DM has anything to say about. DM is very busy slowing turning the worship of Lron into the worship of DM. I guess that Dan Sherman is just happy to be in the reflected glory of the Niblet of COBs. The paycheck is nice too. I bet Sherman has health insurance and a 401k. What other clam can say the same?
Is there room for two ‘saint’s in the clampire? Lron is the source, but DM is the spring that flows his wisdom to the masses. Just another day in the dichotomy of $cienoland.
Thanks for the background Chuck, your info places things nicely in context.
Sherman’s situation reminds me of Monique Dingaling too. Selling their souls when they KNOW they are supporting the most hideous lies–and usually to the detriment of others. One of the quals of a sociopath actually. When you hang around such a strong, assertive sociopathic personality for so many years, and get paid and rewarded handsomely, you start to take on those traits. You just do.
Zemoo, I think that DM conceives of what you’ve described as his Scientology Holy Trinity with LRH being of course the Father and Himself the Anointed Son with Mullet as the Holy Ghost. Seriously, I think he’s operating on this concept taken from his Catholic roots.
Its not that wild. Look at the sets he uses for his Int Events – pillars, cloudbursts, gold, scarlet, dela robia blue everywhere, all of which gloriously showcases David Miscavige, like a kind of really awful faux Renaissance painting. Seriously, I do believe Miscavige considers himself the Christ-figure from whom alone flows the wisdom and knowledge of Source.
Hi Aquamarine, Good to see you.Your comment makes sense to me.Faux Renaissance painting is priceless.Hang it right up in the soon to be added in to all Ideal Orgs -The Chapel of David Miscavige the Patron Saint Of Money and lots of it.XO
How many sets of Fatso’s bio, are members expected to purchase? Five? Ten? Fifty?
One set for each BT, blown or otherwise. This might get expensive…
Holy crap! Expensive is an understatement! How much you got on you?
How many libraries are in the greater LA area?
A huge amount.
I knew Katie well in Seattle, WA, where she was married to an actor who was studying in the Drama Dept. They lived above me. Her husband actually was a true SP, one of the nastiest people I’ve ever met. As I recall, his name was Whitaker. I occasionally baby sat for them. Though not publicized anywhere, she did try suicide once as she was a *very* unhappy woman, though both pretty and intelligent.