Well, you may not “love” it….
But it is happening today and according to them it is not only huge — bigger than the Oscars, the Emmy’s or any other virtual event — boy is it exciting. You get to hand over more cash for the 8 orgs that have STILL not gotten their new empty building open, nearly 20 years after this ridiculous “ideal org” program began.
There’s not a drop of hype to be found anywhere.
If you want to see what you are missing out on, here it is:
You really have to wonder if these people ever stop to think about what they are doing? They have had an “ideal California” and an “ideal Florida” and a bunch of other “ideal” states. But scientology has only continued to decline in every one of those areas. What do they think is going to happen once they actually hand over enough money to have an “ideal USA”? Then it will be “ideal Americas” and then “ideal world.”
It is quite astonishing what people will continue to buy into.
Miscavige’s Ideal M’Org Scam is not a clever con. Anyone paying half-way attention can see thru it and not be fooled into donating money to it.
The evidence that Scientology is not expanding and is in fact shrinking and as such does not need larger more renovated quarters for its orgs is is right in front of the eyes of anyone capable of just looking.
Yet it works on the Still Ins – a portion of them, anyway. Why? Are they just stupid?
I don’t think so.
Its tempting to write them off this way but I don’t think so.
Here’s my theory – my latest theory 🙂
People have blind spots. They can be astute and perceptive and observing and analytical in any number of ways, while at the same time be seemingly unaware, impervious and irrational in other ways – blind spots.
For some reason, their powers of observation and analysis work well in some areas of their lives and not at all in others.
These blind spot areas can vary. A person’s blind spot can be another person in his or her life- spouse or lover, child, parent, friend, boss, sibling – any person in that person’s life could be existing for him or her in his or her blind spot. Or it could be a political figure who exists in that individual’s blind spot. Or it could involve religion or religious leaders, or it could pertain to race and/or nationalities.
Whatever or whoever falls into this person’s blind spot – whatever or whoever is existing for this person within the blind spot, is not going to be examined by the person because this individual has already made up his or her mind about this person, thing, or organization.
Now, blind spots alone are not serious. We commonly change our minds about things we say are true or untrue when accurate, factual data surfaces in our lives. We change our minds and its not a big deal. Its not necessarily upsetting at all and frequently we are glad that the factual data surfaced so that we are no longer operating on false information.
Many of us believed in Santa Claus once when we were very little kids. I know I did. I think until I was about 6, I think, I believed he came down the chimney (even though we didn’t have a fireplace but never mind, he landed on the roof in his sleigh and got in the house somehow to put the presents under the tree). And then somewhere around 7 I stopped believing and it wasn’t traumatic. Actually my mother helped with this transition because she had always interspersed the presents “from Santa” with presents from “Mommy & Daddy”. Apparently each year after I was 3 or 4 more of the presents were from THEM and less and less from “Santa”. I had no vested interest in believing in Santa Claus. I let the belief go; there was no trauma, it was all in fun, etc. Santa and the elves and the reindeer etc. was all fun and fantasy. My parents may have told me or maybe I figured it out. I don’t remember but finding out was no big deal. I’m sure it was this way for millions children.
That’s an extreme example of a blind spot created by false data and eventually dispelled by true data. I was told, I believed, I didn’t know how it could be true but my parents and other adults had told me so somehow it had to be true and I let it be true until one day I learned somehow that it wasn’t, and I didn’t believe it anymore and it was no big deal.
As I said, that’s an extreme example and we can chuckle about it. I don’t know anyone who was damaged because of having a blind spot about the existence of Santa Claus and then finding out later he doesn’t exist and never did. After all, how many little children are INVESTED in the existence of Santa Claus?
But let’s suppose, just suppose now, that some child WOULD BE, for WHATEVER reason heavily invested, VERY heavily invested in the belief in Santa Claus. Let’s suppose that for some reason, for whatever reason, this child had DECIDED that Santa Claus HAS to exist – MUST exist. Never mind why. There could be any number of reasons why. The reasons are not important right now. The decision the child makes is ALL that matters and that decision is that Santa Claus exists and must exist and cannot NOT exist. Santa brings the presents each year. Never mind there’s no chimney because you have no fireplace. Never mind how reindeer fly. Evidence be damned! Never MIND all the naysayers, all those people who are showing how it can’t be true. Never mind what the child observes for himself that shows him it can’t be true. Never mind! It MUST be true. It CANNOT be untrue. It must be true and it is true and it will ALWAYS be true. That Santa exists is a survival factor for this child and it is the child who has decided this.
This child grows up. Is bright, let’s say. Does well in school. Gets good grades. Seems normal and Well adjusted. But, because of this decision, the child has this blind spot about Santa Claus. Let ANYONE challenge him about Santa not existing, and he shuts off. Won’t discuss it. He can’t discuss it. All he knows is that what he wants and needs to be true HAS to be true. And anyone who challenges what he believes about Santa is dangerous, a dangerous person, to be avoided. And even is own observational powers betray him and give him doubts so that after a while, he turns his ability to observe off. His parents still tell him Santa exists, after all.
We can laugh at the absurdity of my example because while not impossible, the likelihood of its ever occurring is almost nil.
But – but! Speaking of absurdity, when you look at the Still Ins donating to Ideal Orgs – donating and donating and donating – year in, year out – when you look at their AGREEMENT that Scientology NEEDS bigger buildings, newer buildings because of all the EXPANSION of the Scientology religion going on – when all around them is clear and solid observable that Scientology is not only not expanding but indeed drastically shrinking and on life support – then how much farther along are they then children, say, who, for whatever reasons, refuse to relinquish their beliefs in Santa Claus?
I say these Scientologists are invested – financially of course but more importantly, emotionally, in David Miscavige’s Ideal Morgue Scam. I say, “emotionally” because they NEED a solution to Planetary Clearing and there have been so MANY of them that have failed and now there’s THIS one and THIS one HAS TO BE “IT”. This one has to be…IT.
I say, that they’ve decided – they have each DECIDED that the Ideal Org Program IS the solution to Planetary Clearing. I say, they have made this DECISION.
And DAMN the evidence that it isn’t the solution, that it isn’t working, that it could NEVER have worked in the first place! DAMN the evidence that LRH plainly says in PLs that you don’t “have to have so that you can do” and that orgs are NOT buildings and you should concentrate on building organizations and out of prosperous organizations will come the funds to expand and improve the org’s quarters. “Be, Do, Have” is LRH.
Well, too bad! A solution is needed and Ideal Orgs are the solution and if even LRH gets in the way of it then to hell with LRH even!
Now, as to WHY they have made this decision that Ideal M’Orgs ARE the solution and MUST work and MUST be supported, etc., etc., well, name your theory!
Exhaustion? Failed purposes? Just so damned tired of one thing or another coming down the pike that’s touted as THE thing that’s going to DO it? Guilt about not joining staff so let me give money? Guilt about not joining the Sea Org so let me give money? Don’t know the difference between an Organization and a Building? The hunger to believe that Miscavige is their wise, knowing, loving caring replacement for LRH? The craving to shove the burden of thought and analysis off of one’s shoulders onto those of their leader. General overwhelm with life in general? Unwillingness to give up on a long cherished dream? Unwillingness to admit that Miscavige has utterly conned them?
There could be so many reasons for their decision to stick with Ideal M’Orgs as THE solution to Planetary Clearing. But the reasons aren’t that important. Really, only that decision is important. That decision prohibits all conversation about Ideal M’Orgs which are not approving of them. That decision inhibits all thoughts contrary to Ideal M’Orgs in themselves. Ideal M’Orgs is their solution and it doesn’t matter what flimsy lies the cult tells them, they’re not letting go of it.
Aqua, I think the ideal org scam is brutally clever only insofar as it extracts maximum amounts of cash and assets from its victims. As John P. Capitalist has written, they are destroyers of wealth – besides what they consume, because the buildings are lavishly customized, and mostly likely poorly maintained, by the the CofS does need to sell any of them off, most will be hard to move and bring only pennies on the dollars that were put into them.
I think your point about people’s blind spots is a good one. Plus people want to believe – perhaps, particularly, the dead-enders left in Scientology these days.
And a large-scale version of the phenomenon of pluralistic ignorance is at work in Scientology, as is also the classic individual version, in which everyone believes that everyone else is getting the benefits that they are not experiencing (cunningly reinforced at that level with with mandatory ‘wins’ stories); in the CofS, reports confirm that local members believe that only their org is struggling and failing, and that all the others must be ‘expanding’ as the propaganda tells them, and they blame themselves for it to boot, thinking they must the doing something wrong to be the only ones unable to ‘make it go right.’ The people who have woken up to the scam, and not just burned out on the hype and fundraising until they became disaffected, seem to be those who actually traveled to other orgs and realized that which members dare not (and are effectively prohibited from) discussing among themselves, that ‘ideal’ orgs everywhere are empty, dysfunctional and shrinking.
There are other mechanisms at work as well, such as the classic ‘sunk costs,’ or psycho-emotional investment, phenomenon that you allude to, that causes people to literally throw good money after bad in the case of Scientology.
First of all, thank you reading this whole long thing. I banged it out in a hurry and coming back now I see it could have been edited A LOT without sacrificing pertinent content.
Now, it could be argued that Miscavige’s Morgue Scam is clever in that it CREATED the necessary mindset in Scientology public and staff in order for it to be a successful scam. In other words, after nearly 2 decades of one solution after another being THE solution to Planetary Clearing, FINALLY there’s THIS.
And its the last solution, the final solution (sorry 🙂 ).
And there’s no other solution. If this doesn’t work, nothing will. Therefore it must be embraced, supported, protected, defended, furthered.
Anyway, I still don’t personally find it a “clever” scheme I saw thru it immediately as did MANY other Scientologists apparently, because its so full of holes but then, like you said, IT WORKS. So from that standpoint, that simple standpoint, OK, its clever 🙂 On certain people, it works like magic. It works, therefore its clever 🙂
What I honestly DO think is clever – quite clever – and what you shared made me think of it – is Miscavige’s mental manipulation of the various public and staffs in each org into believing themselves to be “Only Ones” with regard to their non-expansion! This, I think, it quite a trick. Because staff are not permitted to share their statistics on an inter-org basis, because Scientologists as individuals and in their various groups are forced to present themselves always in a positive way no matter how dismal their stats, and because most of them don’t visit other orgs, each org is convinced that it is the ONLY org not doing well. Quite a trick. Quite a con. Makes me wonder what would happen if somehow, someway each org became AWARE that it was NOT alone in it own downstat scene, that it had LOTS of company, that EVERY org’s stats were down and have been down for a LONG time.
Aqua, you remind me that DM is also succeeding at perpetuating the internal illusion of ‘expansion’ among the membership, even though that seems hard to conceive of from the outside. Apparently people really do believe that it is happening other places even when the local situation is the exact opposite, and on top of that we have reports of those who use a figure of 20 million members worldwide, a number that must be circulating on Scientology’s unofficial iternal propaganda grapevine.
I’d say, though, that he’s just exploiting human weaknesses like our vulnerability to pluralistic ignorance, and sunk costs.
And Hubbard set the stage for that, such as with his directive that members not discuss their ‘case’ with others, guaranteeing that no one would compare notes about actual results – with the reinforcement of mandator ‘success stories’ on top of it. He definitely understood enough of human psychology and group dynamics to realize what he was doing with some of that, though I think that at times he also just followed his instinct for whatever worked to create a loyal group of followers.
Some day, perhaps far in the future since the CofS now has such vast reserves to keep the game going, I expect there will be an internal reckoning over the actual state of the organization. My best guess is that either new leadership is going to try to pin things on Miscavige as the “SP” – one reason he would never want to skip out, and leave the CofS to others, as long as he’s alive – or else it will be someone like a court-appointed special master charged with sorting out the legal and financial mess.
The Battle Creek group is interesting in how far they’ve tried and failed to safepoint the city. Jeff Breedlove outright lies to the press, saying there’s thousands of Scientologists in the area (there’s 10s at most). Driving by their current location, there’s only two cars at most; all staff.
They try hard to intersect themselves into the city’s revival, like sponsoring a park splash pad, but have to keep their branding invisible from the public.
Beth, Battle Creek is sort of the basket case example of a SFO*, tiny yet stuck with a huge derelict old project building that was supposed to be turned into an ‘ideal’ org, as I noted in another comment. I think they have had their white elephant building longer than any other org, 20 years this year. That article claiming that they’re ‘moving forward’ is 2 years old right now, and like a number of other orgs they also made announcements close to a decade ago that they were going to proceed with work – they even had a sensible plan to move into part of the building, which would have been practical and cost effective, but presumably was shot down by DM for being too ‘reasonable’ and not ‘ideal.’
They are the successor to the once-successful Ann Arbor mission, which I suspect thrived due to a classic combination of being in a hip college town during the era of baby boomer ‘seekers,’ and having the local personality of Ruth Minshall, who was a popular author Scientology-related books in the era when org book stores were still allowed to sell non-Hubbard titles. I’m sure they have a central files full of thousands of names of people who once bought a book or did a course, the ‘acceptable truth’ of ‘members’ to claim to the media.
It’s interesting to hear that such a tiny org has been active trying to safepoint. I suspect they also even exist in part due to another member who runs some Narconon-based rehabs, who probably provides funding to help keep the doors open – the org even moved from their old prime downtown location to an outlying street where he has one or more properties.
* Small and Failing Org
Scientologists are acors thinking they clear the planet.
Critics are reactors clearing the planet.
Impressive propaganda machine in the video… just like ISIS.
The bigger the production value of a scientology promo piece, the more hilarious it is when they show their pathetic little org population photos.
Face it scientologists, you either have to blow, or accept the fact that David Miscavige has driven scientology into the rubbish bin of dead “religions”. The world abhors scientology, and the outgoing members far outweigh the incoming fresh meat.
The largest virtual event in history. OK.
I wonder what yardstick is being employed to make such a determination?
This overwrought soundtrack playing, triumphant like something for the Olympics, while they zoom in on pictures of all these tiny ass little groups like battle creek. You know that they didn’t select the smallest group picture of the staff at these orgs that they could, so how could it be…oh I get it. Just another lie.
I’d donate … but I’m saving my money to give when the big push comes for …
The Ideal Milky Way!!!!!
(and don’t snicker at that, there’s still mounds of money to contribute)
Miscavige needs to dig up a new lost piece of LRH “OT tech” that’s easily sold and monitored.
LRH ought to have come up with an OT Touch Assist / Group Processing process, addressing all the loose roaming earth “body-thetans” which only a powerful OT 8 Scientologist could address with the OT Touch Assist, something like that.
Have this OT Touch Assist taught only at the Freewinds, and have the Freewinds be the international monitoring OT Touch Assist Sea Org unit.
Enlist the most dedicated and aware OT 8’s to the Freewinds, and train only the most select, to learn this lost LRH OT tech. And the tech could be some easily taught and delivered massive group processing OT touch assist , to be delivered in private on earth’s still huge population of “body-thetans” everywhere, once the trained OT 8s got home from the Freewinds.
And obviously require a Freewinds 6 monthly “check” of every OT 8 worldwide’s “standard” practice of the special OT Touch-Assist/BT-freeing- Group Process, something like that.
The OT 8’s could even have their 6 month “checks” hosted at different vacation spots worldwide, as to hit every continent and major city worldwide.
LRH to me wasn’t thinking big enough. The LRH Central Bureaux Order, “Flag’s Relative Importances” is an old LRH Apollo era management LRH writing issue that still gives one major part of the dull reasoning to build up the Class 4/5 (Ideal) orgs as priority. But LRH didn’t give enough of a standard game for the OT 8s to do more woo. LRH ought to have been thinking about the OT 8s sharing their OT 8 woo bigger wider (cheaper and easier, and still charge the “able” the most money).
🙂 Joe.
The Largest Virtual Event in History until The Next Largest Virtual Event in History until The Next Largest Virtual Event in History…ad nauseam until one day it will be The Largest Event in History followed by The Largest Event in History…and on and on…
Looking at this from an “unideal” perspective and understanding, this advertisement seeks to dupe “cool-aided” parishioners into contributing to the asset holdings of the “Corporation of Scientology”.
Well, at least the CO$ can’t lock doors for any virtual event preventing you from leaving. Instead of giving registrars excuses why you don’t have any money, you can just close the browser tab instead and block ‘scientology.org’ in your firewall.
If an IDEAL ORG registrar insists you are hiding money from them, tell them the pilot said you are just mocking that up.
That music was trying so hard to turn into Jack Sparrow’s theme from Pirates of the Caribbean.
I noticed they showed a picture of Mount Rushmore. Are they also taking donations to get Hubbard’s face carved into Mount Rushmore?
No, it’s Dave’s face they will carve into My Rushmore; when they get enough cash. Then there will be an Ideal Mt Rushmore.
I’m only donating if it goes toward Hubbard, and not Dave being carved into Mount Rushmore. Surely any idiot would agree that Hubbard is more deserving than Washington, Lincoln or the other two degraded beings of having his face carved into the side of a mountain.
If sci has so many billions in the bank why don’t they just spend it on these orgs if they want them finished. Is it because Li’l Davey thinks they need a war chest for the coming days of judgment or is he so deluded he thinks that the “fastest growing religion” has so many dupes they are all going to pony-up for it if so keep waiting another 20 years DM.
DM shrewdly wants to squeeze the clubbed seals for every dollar possible, to keep up the reserves and provide cash for expenses like lawyers and his lifestyle. But the small and failing orgs (SFOs) that are the last to go “ideal” probably do end up requiring him to kick in some money from international coffers, as did one or more of the early ones that were billed as ‘IAS orgs.’
I also wonder how many of the SFOs are so broke that they’re being let slide on payments due ‘uplines.’ and to what extent they even end up having to be propped up with emergency loans that just turn into permanent subsidies when they can’t pay utilities and tax bills. There have been accounts both of local whales being hit up for money to pay overdue bils before orgs are literally shut down, and in a couple of cases of never-repaid loans or actual bailouts from management, when local orgs got in really deep financial trouble.
The orgs left are the ones so bad off that they’re starting to have to make concessions like, for instance, selling off the vacant historic building they bought in St. Louis and spent more than a decade paying carrying costs on (a typical tax bill of about $50k per year, plus whatever essential maintenance costs) in favor of a new plan just to renovate the existing building they own and use, and add a large new wing to make it meet DM’s “ideal” standards.
I suspect we’ll start to see more of these projects really falter, with more bait-and-switch tactics like selling off the long-decaying, never-renovated project properties that are just racking up bills, under the guise of some new proposal that doesn’t get fulfilled, either. I wouldn’t be surprised to see St. Louis, for instance, have their existing small building renovated, with the promise of a second phase of the large addition to make it ‘ideal’ size – which ‘expansion’ never actually happens, effectively ushering in a new phase of smaller ‘ideal’ orgs.
Some of the projects, like the massive old hotel bought 2 decades ago by the dwindling band in little Battle Creek, seem destined to never get done. But they’re really suffering fron the ‘sunk costs’ dilemma there, I don’t know how they extract themselves from a project like that without crushing the spirits of the old-timers
Andy, I think DM wants to have enough money that Scientology could be kept going just on the investment interest alone, which could be $100 million or more per year based on the amounts they are reported to have socked away. They will literally be able to afford to keep all the big ‘ideal’ buildings open even if they have to hire outside security guards to man the front doors while a tiny number of diehards use the facility.
Also, Mike has written that international assets are DMs ‘stat,’ so the ‘game’ is to keep that number rising at all costs since he is the one person in the organization who can never be ‘downstat.’ They don’t look at these things like a normal business or non-profit, much less the way a normal person would.
They don’t really give a flying fuck about finishing the orgs. Dave just wants more money.
I see Cummins is being billed as a hero. What did he do to get hero status?
Giving money. Getting others to give money.
People in the bubble don’t want to look at the truth. Too much money and time given to the cult to admit now to have been wrong.
They should stop pretending and go for an “ideal scn euthanasia”.
Why keep suffering? DM knows the real condition of the patient – chronic coma.
Keep “alter ising” the reallity doesn’t change how things really are. It make those even worst.
Soon they will be collecting money for an “Ideal Auschwitz to deliver OT IX and X in.
Bill, laughing. Good dry humor.
Loosing, you’re right; to keep “alter-ising” doesn’t solve anything and in fact makes things worse. But it staves off the pain for a while. Sad for all of those heavily invested. But then, WE faced it. Many here and at Tony’s, etc. were VERY heavily invested. I don’t count myself. Though I was in for a long time, I was never staff, never SO and I had no one I really loved in the cult. And its always been rather easy for me to admit having been wrong and a complete fool 🙂 And I’ve had a lot of practice 🙂 So I don’t count myself. But the rest of you, so many of you here – wow! Invested up the wazoo as they say in my area. And yet, YOU faced it. What you did, these Still Ins can do! What you faced, they can face, and what you confronted and handled, they can confront and handle. Frankly, I don’t see why they can’t. All it takes is a decision! Not that its an EASY decision but its certainly SIMPLE one. “Enough! I’m out of here!” YOU decided that. Why not them? What makes them so precious and special and snowflakey and different? I’m not buying it, no. Then again, we can always just write those off who are Still In by saying, “All the GOOD Scientologists left and what’s left now are the ________” (fill in your pejorative). This is tempting but wrong, I think. They CAN do it. They CAN leave. It just takes a decision, and some guts. End of rant.
‘Buy into” is exactly what today’s extravaganza is all about. Think of it like the old Jerry Lewis telethon for whatever it was that ‘Jerry’s kids’ needed. Except it will be about every Clam giving money for all of the UN-completed mOrgs all over the US. The money well has gone dry in New Haven and Philly and Long Island and everywhere else in the $cienoverse.
Hey…HEY! I’ve got some fundraising for you. You’ll love it!
Mike said:
“It is quite astonishing what people will continue to buy into.”
But there has to be a tipping point where a percentage of the big, well, huge contributors start to scratch their head and go over the numbers. The poor SO slaves and the general public seem to be the only ones who occasionally tip over.
Allow me to suggest that the prison of mind control is just irrelevant to one’s bank balance. It doesn’t seem like it should. But the amount of money someone has just seems to have nothing to do with their willingness to believe cult garbage or to give all their money to some idiotic cult cause. I know this seems ridiculous to those of us who are out or have never been in. But it’s just my guess that someone who is willing to be duped out of their life savings is willing to be duped no matter what the total of those savings may be.
You sure do have to give Tubby credit for one thing anyway. He sure did pick a good scam to front for his criminal greed.
O/T. Both the AV Club in the U.S. and Movie Piolet in Germany pick up on the Amazon series “The Boys” satirizing the Church of Scientology interviewing prospective wives for Tom Cruise.
AV Club: The Boys connects America’s racist history and present with “Nothing Like It In The World.”
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Okay, so the Church of the Collective is Scientology! Got it! It all clicked together as soon as that first interview started and it was revealed that those women were Church members vying to be the Deep’s wife—a la those decades-long rumors about Scientology leaders holding auditions for women to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Movie Piolet: The Boys Staffel 2: Doppelgänger-Sex und eine verstörende Rückkehr in Folge 4
Arranged marriage for The Deep: The interspersed interviews of women in the episode are part of a wives casting – Season 2 is again a Scientology satire.
* * * * * END GOOGLE TRANSLATION * * * * *
The “auditions for women to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend” and “wives casting” references are subtle. They are the type of thing that you wouldn’t pick up on unless you were knowledgeable about Tom Cruise’s history in Scientology.
I would be there but football is on.
I think the only good aspect is the event is virtual. No way to grab my credit card.
I have been reviewing Mike & Leah’s podcasts and I wonder if it might be possible to have a separate thread to discuss the podcasts because there are several issues that keep coming up in the podcasts that are not really appropriate for any of the individual blog topics.
Leah has asked many times, “What can people do when they see all these horrific lies and inconsistancies?” such as on one hand, this cult claims it has no employees – only volunteers. But on the other hand, they scam PPP loans from the govt on the phony basis that it has something to do with their employees.
Mike has said that people can contact their Congressional representatives and their Senators. But without pointing them to any specific bill that is under a vote, I fear that may not have much of an effect.
I would suggest people could contact a lawyer who is familiar with the workings of the Federal govt and explain some of these terrible frauds this cult commits and the lies they tell to get money from the Feds that they do not deserve and see what the lawyer suggests are some good responses people can make.
Hubbard the fascist going ideal in the USA with the nonsense of Miscavige. These people are fools. Hubbard wanted the end of America and Christianity which is about 60% of the people.
These cult people cannot tell the truth. They are living in dreamland.
lol.. They just emailed me the same and of course, I replied and asked them how they could help me in my despair. They always seem so helpful until the conversation turns to Disconnection.