This one is a monster.
Give your money to the US IAS Member Trust and you are “supporting the most effective humanitarian campaigns in the world that are truly saving lives every day.”
Every part of this is a lie.
The “US IAS Members Trust” is not “the IAS” according to scientology when they are trying to defend themselves in lawsuits. It is a “trust” that serves no function other than as a repository of funds. But, I must admit, that is a nitpick. Especially when compared to the rest.
The most effective humanitarian campaigns in the world. Seriously? Not even sure what they put in this category these days?
Narconon – with it’s horrendous track record of deaths? And now defections from the fold?
Applied Scholastics — the ones with a model program that had its leaders arrested and charged with felonies for defrauding the state?
The WTH that has “saved Colombia” and reduced crime, though nobody other than scientology seems able to find anything of the sort.
The Volunteer Ministers who show up for a couple of photo ops with a few people in yellow t-shirts – but it’s only ever a small few even though they tout themselves as the “largest private relief force on earth.”
Or maybe it’s Youth For Human Rights that spout platitudes about ending human trafficking when they have it going on right in their own back yard at Golden Era Productions and other Sea Org outposts.
And of course they dont have evidence of “lives saved daily” because if that were true you would find real testimonials all over their websites about it. They shout from the rooftops when someone has a win that they didn’t get run over while riding their skateboard, or borrowed money to give to “ideal” orgs – you can bet if they had these stories they would be turned into the biggest thing since the invention of penicillin.
Finally, the biggest lie of all.
Money given to the these people is NOT spent on any “campaigns” beyond what is required for a photo op to show at an event or in a promotional piece. And that is a TINY fraction of what they collect. How else do they accumulate more than a BILLION dollars (just the IAS)?
LRH laid it out very clearly: the Volunteer Ministers were never meant to be associated with the church at all. Not at all. It was supposed to be something that grew organically out in the society. And, keeping his track record perfect, DM of course renamed the VM Handbook the Scientology Handbook, tying it forever to the church. A month or so later he admitted that we should have kept it the Volunteer Minister’s Handbook. Then, of course, the entire program was run entirely by the church and, as LRH predicted if the church got involved, the program has gone nowhere in more than 20 years.
Actually, the Vulture Minster victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology certainly do not restrict themselves to showing up and having their photo taken! They also do their very best to stop qualified medical personal from helping victims!!
Check out the BBC regarding UK VMs keeping trauma victims from the eeeevil “psychs.”
Volunteer Ministers also suffered a PR setback in the UK when the Advertising Standards Authority forced them to promise not to repeat press adverts which suggested that their activities were on a par with the Red Cross.
This was based on photos taken of them when they had insinuated themselves into real relief efforts.
Better yet, these advert was placed to counter the bad PR from the release of Alex Gibney’s documentary film “Going Clear”.
All praise to the British. That scientology ad depicting two volunteer ministers “in action” pulling a stretcher, one of whom is inexplicably wearing a tuberculin mask, (LOL!) pushes the limits of absurdity! How satisfying to hear authorities called them out for such a gross misrepresentation of who and what they are. Talk about stolen valor, that’s the definition of it.
Mike, I have a question.
Has there ever been a Scientology chaplain in any armed service of any nation?
Not that I am aware of
Absolutely relentless
In the caption under one of the above pictures, Scientology describes itself as one of a group of first responders. That’s insulting. As someone who is trained in aspects of FEMA, active shooter scenarios, and Incident Command Structure, I read that caption and thought, “Hmm, more idiot products of the Study ‘Tech’ who never bother to get the terms right.”
First responders are defined in high level procedures. They do not include clergy. They are typically police, fire, ambulance services, EMTs, and so forth. Wikipedia has a fair description of what first responder means at
First responder has to have precise meanings so that people handling an emergency or disaster under a formalized Incident Command Structure system know what the heck they are doing, who is on first, etc. — every key role is defined and lines of communication are organized and clear.
Far from Scientology being “the only ones who can do anything about it — about any disaster” they would be the _first_ to be kicked out of an area where actual first responders were tackling a situation under the rules of Incident Command Structure.
Calling themselves first responders is pretty darn close to what is called stolen valor in a military context, and it is a despicable, shameless, self-aggrandizement without merit. Scientology: the ‘religion’ that knows no shame.
LRH stole valor. And lost two subs.
I submit that he made up so much stuff of his Navy days that he had gone and virtually stolen valor from the guys who really did do the things elron claimed to have done and suffered.
Good point, James. Yes, I think Hubbard did steal valor. If I recall, he even claimed he got medals that he in fact never received — and that would definitely be stolen valor (cf.
Scientologists are conditioned to go with their feelings and not with their discriminating intelligence so maybe these photos of dirty-faced children with a sad story will evoke the necessary emotions to make them cough up some dough. They will associate their feelings with the images of volunteer ministers and like one of Pavlov’s dogs, start responding in a predictable way.
Of course we mustn’t blame them for being mindless robots and cruelly suggest they bear full responsibility for their actions. No, they’ve been systematically rendered impotent, through no fault of their own, by a towering evil force greater than themselves! I’m just kidding. What I really mean to say is, “a fool and his money are soon parted.”
“The enslaved population write songs, sing, and make petitions
They are held captive by their Lords and Masters
Later again, by headless idiots
Whose words they will take as divine utterances”
Nostradamus predicted Scientology perfectly.
Hi Espiando, You got me posting back twice in one night. I really like and have always been interested in Nostradamus. Ann.
It’s as good quatrain. Could also describe fundamentalist religions other than Scientology. BTW, there is some evidence that the Nazi propaganda arm seized all copies of Nostradamus from occupied Europe, and salted new quatrains to look like the Third Reich was predicted along with other things Nostradamus could not have known about. The altered copies were then reseeded throughout Europe — so goes some evidence. So I would take Nostradamus with a grain of Salz.
OMG! What did the VM’s DO to the poor “…injured and misplaced…” Nepalese? This must have happened around the time of the second photograph.
Please, oh puhleeze, don’t call up the VM’s during a disaster, as they quite evidently are going to misplace you along the rest of your suffering and trial. You and the survivors around you.
Which brings they question: does people misplacement occur elsewhere in Scientology?
Ugh! Let’s count the ways…
Yeah, they could use some of their millions to send their own staff to real school for once.
It is sad and incredulous at the same time, how they continue with such deception, duplicity and fraud , on an on as a money extortion racket. Not to better mankind, or to reform their atrocitities such as RPF’s RPF, holding people against will and locking them in rooms past midnight to extract their cash while churning out their *NARRATIVE* of unprecedented expansion and photo ops real estate.
When you were in New York at the Class XII event the FDN Reg at that time had only stooped (up to that point) to denying people access to the SO #1 Line, making huge amounts of money with other staff OUTSIDE of the church and never paying 1 red cent of taxes on it, in addition to pocketing parishioner’s donations just to be brief. Today years later, with DM at the helm, he (the Reg) and his wife have raised their status in the church. He is still Reg and his wife is “trained” Treasurer and C/S. Together they are the “miracle team” that C/S poor souls out of not only their money but their Bridge. Who do these activities better in the world? Who can they be shared with? 🙂
The sheeple are just a clusterfuck that DLHDM polks on to shake out more money. That was formed in INC 1 aka Gat 1 or INC 2 aka Gat 2. These need to be added to everyone’s tech est. I call it OT bend-over and OT spread-em !!!
Well, Hubbard said that Incident 1 started with a cherub appearing. DM’s about the same height as one.
Hi Espiando,A good post! Dm is the height of a cherub but the soul of a demon.Always,Ann
I think that demons have disavowed the little shit. Some things are too evil even for them, Ann.
Hi Espiando, Thank you, your post is very true and the thought of that much evil in one person is chilling.Ann
Smaller. He’s much, much smaller.
Yesterday we were told to put ourselves into financial ruin to build an ideal org and now how are we supposed to have money to donate to the ISA
The IAS needs to be subjected to the same audit that busted the Salvation Army from being the charity with the highest percentage of funds going the intended beneficiaries of their mission (and the lowest percentage going to administration). Execs got busted for fraud.
The IAS would be at the bottom of the list and Dave would join his soul mate (cell mate) Charles Manson.
What is truly offensive to me is how they insult and devalue those who truly give of themselves. This tradition started with Ron the War Hero and Ron the Scientist. Putting those labels on a guy who essentially amounted to a nincompoop is a grave offense to anyone who has ever undergone the rigors of academic pursuits or who has put their life on the line for their country.
They claim the greatest relief force in the world? Now THAT would not be a light that stays under the bushel for very long! But when have we ever seen the news or a special on some disaster and the news crew would point out all the relief crews on site, but most prominently among them the VM? I have had friends and neighbors who fell on hard times and went to the Catholic or small fundamentalist church–often poor themselves–nearby, and came back home with a check to cover their rent or groceries. I have NEVER heard of anyone going to an org for that! Or even contemplating doing that!
So where is that giant relief force that no one knows about, and even less people think to turn to in their time of need?
But the one that truly offends me is the characterization of VM as “first responders.” This happens in this piece but it also happens consistently at their events when they’re begging for more money, A first responder is someone who rushes into a burning building, not knowing whether they will come out in one piece. Someone who rushes to the scene of a crime, not knowing if the perpetrator is still around. Someone who puts their life on the line or, at the very least, deals with the most appalling aspects of a bad event.
Scientology lets the disaster play itself out, then they spend a few weeks raising money off that disaster, then they send a couple people there for a photo opp–and sieve off the raised money that they won’t be needing after all. Is that what first-responders do?
So true. So true.
Well, the San Bernardino terrorists had their Plan B: Jamb up a So Cal freeway and walk between the stopped cars picking off the occupants; while an elevated sniper picked off first responders. Dave would have been watching the news coverage and taking notes.
There was a promotion the church put out regarding 9/11.
I’m paraphrasing, but went something like this:
“When everyone saw the yellow shirts, they knew the scientologists were here and breathed a deep sigh of relief.”
There’s a special place in hell….
“…breathed a deep sigh of relief.” More likely, they breathed a sigh of relief when they left.
Lying liars who lie.
Pretty much sums up what they are.
Wait…despicable lying liars who lie all the fucking time! TR-L. Lying comes as easily to cult members as breathing comes to the rest of us…
A couple years ago I kept getting calls from someone named Joey from LA trying to sell me the basics. I told him I did not believe the story about Miscavagie finding errors with the books and I told him I thought the whole thing was a money making scheme. A couple of days later he called me and asked if I tended to distrust people.
So sad. Was he twenty-something?
According to him he was 28, had already finished grad school and 4 years in the military and had been on staff for three years. I calculate he must have graduated high school at fifteen
“So sad. Was he twenty-something?” No Mary, he was stupid-something…
“People ? No, I would not go that far. I do distrust crooks though.”
Hi Doug Sprinkle, Oh lord will they ever stop look & listen? No I did not think so because cob and the still ins cannot use their own ears to hear and eyes to see. I,pray they wake up! Love, Ann.
Hi Ann,
I got the impression he thought I needed help for doubting anything that came from Miscavagie.
I would have said, “Yeah! You, you little fucker!”
Good one OSD.
OMG Mike, I had been thinking that for years about the lies and such. I avoided most of the events for years when I could.
When I did see them I would question the shots as staged and especially DM he always put me to sleep. Plus you would think if it was really so great wouldn’t there be people pouring in the doors, wouldn’t there really be more coverage by local media about all the great work these groups were doing, wouldn’t there be more people lined up to receive help and more helpers helping. I didn’t see that occurring and got more and more discouraged and pulled further and further from the org.
It really sunk in when Gold came to the Creek and staff had to participate in the shots. Mostly staff pretending to be public in the course rooms or walking around the building, fooling the camera by changing shirts so they wouldn’t be recognized as the same person in each shot.
It’s sad that there are some folks I know still on staff whom I occasionally will get a text or call from indicating we are friends and they would really like to see me, come on down so we can talk. Yeah right like that will happen and some friend, don’t hear from them until there is an event or stats need to be increased. The ones that are friends are on my FB page and we respond to each others stuff there not through org lines.
Happy New Year Mike and to everyone. Have a great new year.
Great post, Shadow! I love the smell of desperation in the morning. It smells like victory…
Reminds me of a sentence from one of Dashiel Hammett’s Continental Op stories
The sign said ‘Only genuine pre-war American and British whiskies sold here’. I was counting the lies and had gotten to four with the promise of more…
Pretty sure I’m word for word, even if I haven’t read the story recently. The second sentence blew me away, it was so well written.
You can say the same thing about any Scientology flier.
Hi Wayne Borean, Dashiel Hammett! One year I was not very peppy and I decided to read all his stuff and watch the Hollyweird black & white movies of his books. He could write indeed! Not like some of the recent success stories I read. They can spell All Hail cob however.Love to you, Ann
Oh, this just sux!
Let’s see the evidence. Where are the interviews, where are the independent journalists who can back this back this up with photos and stories themselves of the wonders of the IAS? Largest humanitarian force on earth indeed… That’s bullshit!
The victims of these disasters that the IAS saved, how many exactly & who and where are they?
The Volunteer Ministers – names on list please or travel inventory to where & when. Travolta’s aircraft log maybe?
The ones you can never fool with this crap is ex-scientologists. The ones who have been in and worked for that organisation. They know for absolute certainty it’s all lies, no wonder the church hates us with a passion!
It’s the same exact story since decades! Giving money to the only master of the cult, first Hubbard, then Miscavige, the only ones able to use it through their specific functions, either direct or not, to forward and decide what can be taken off or spent in a new program.
One of the last I detected was a great show of prodigious kids with enormous talents in France. Guess what? A well known star of the cult tried to come into that show to be the second in raw. to present the show.
It seems she was expelled, since despite of the first announcement of her venue, she did not appear.
You’d think they could finally afford to update those gawdy shirts.
No way Jose. Those gaudy yellow T shirts actually produce calm in the wake of disaster. (data gleaned from my whole track research on the subject)
You lucky dog, Doug! You got to do whole track research! Whenever I tried it, I just got a headache….
Hi Mike, Absolutely spot on post! My fave is the pix caption-” VMers passed out provisions and gave assists” Oh yes, when Katrina hit and all of these hurt, shocked,having lost their homes and all they held dear people were bused to LSU because it had large facilities it was my internist and all the docs at Baton Rouge Clinic who worked 24/7 to help there. Hubby and I donated blankets,toiletries,stuffed animals for the kids etc.Saw one pix of yellows in New Orleans standing around and perhaps two or three yellows handed out WTH booklets at LSU. Way to go y’all I am sure you made a huge difference! However I feel today the same agenda rules. I am starting to think dm will scadaddle with all the cash he can hide! He will name another dictator and let them take the fall.Someone who has amassed as much cash with hardly any education is not stupid. He will try and save himself first and sorry all you SOers you will be thrown to the Sharks before dm gets even his tiny toes wet! Love always, Ann
Giving the Church of Scientology money is now the 2nd single most basic error a thetan can make. 🙂 A lot of the people in the church though KNOW they cannot believe in what they are doing, but do it anyway. The first moment I spotted there was something odd about me in comparison to what I thought was the “norm” for the rest of the church staff and public that I thought I should be like too, I headed for the nearest door. There is nothing wrong with having religious beliefs and practicing them. But there is something wrong with making believe what one is practicing is one’s religious beliefs and paying for it and expecting others to pay too. That would be the 2nd single most basic error a thetan can make in my book, once you figure out what the #1 error is. 🙂
Ann B Watson, Now that I know you are from Louisiana, do you know Dave Carbonara? He is an OT VIII that Ihope made it out.
Hi Cindy, Thank you for your post. I wish I knew Dave, but I do not.I hope he is out and ok. I am somewhat of a traveler or was when I was younger. I was born and grew up in Boston, Mass. However I have lived in Richmond ,Va built a house in Virginia Beach, Va, lived in Tallahasee FL and came to Baton Rouge 20 years ago not knowing anyone and have stayed and built a house here. This may be my last stop or perhaps Pensacola, FL hubby and I are still thinking on that. So I have moved around but it is on this blog that I have laughed,cried,gotten mad but not for long with me and met so many gorgeous posters from all over the world. Thank you all so much and I look forward to your posts Cindy in 2016. Love, Ann
You choose your friends, pick your nose, but EARN your nicknames. LIE-entology, anyone?
Oh.My.God! LIEentology. And no, it’s not for lions. I love it, james! I believe this to be an instant “Classic.”
Hi OSD, Lientology better not be for lions. The Asho lion was my guardian in Sea Org and I am definitely a Leo! Love the take on cos with that however.XO Ann.
“Lyingtology” indeed. Yeah, I know. Somebody must have come up with this previously.
They were busy in Nepal, all you bitter, defrocked types. They gave help and hope to 2 million people! It says so on the poster. How can you find fault with that? VMs were obviously the most effective relief force on the ground. Will I donate by the year’s end? Sorry, I am but a never-in wog. Best to let others step up. Back to wog coffee.
I’ll donate, but, can you lend me the money?
Hmmm, my favorite bunch of Scilon front-patsies, CCHR, isn’t mentioned in the flyer (or by Mike, for that matter). That seems a lax omission. I’ve always wanted to introduce that happy little bunch to one of my favorite chemicals, ethanethiol. Since it isn’t a psych drug, I’m sure that they’d have no objection to it.
Could you tell the Vulture Minister in the lower photo that society these days encourages regular bathing? The only assistance it looks like he’s given is to the Nepalese lice population by finding them a new home on his pasty Western body.
The expressions on the Nepalese behind him are priceless. They know he doesn’t have a clue as to what they need in the wake of the earthquake that shattered their previous existence.
If they have smelled a natural gas leak, such as from a pilot light going out, they have smelled ethanethiol, which is a mercaptan that is put into natural gas and has a rotten egg-like smell, as many sulfur-containing compounds do. Would you put it into a Super Soaker and just spray them with it?
US IAS Members’ Trust that the money will go straight into DM’s personal slush fund. The Con that never quits!
I can’t remember – did I already say this? – I AM SO GLAD I AM OUT!
You can’t say it enough. 😉
OMG! That’s the very first time I ever heard you say that! Well…in the last few minutes anyway….
Scientology Services are much cheaper, the Bridge is faster, everyone can go OT,
the IAS is saving all of humanity, we are having 47 X expansion !
The Buddhists say you can go to Hell for telling lies.
Me thinks the COB has earned his Golden Pass Key to Hell a while back.
Corn of the COB would take over HELL. And, he’d start HIS own religion: Hellology. And, yes, you’d still have to pay for everything in the Church of Hellology.
I learned about Karma from a Tibet Monk and some principles
of the how the Universe works. David Miscavige actually is doing
an incredible job of making his own tailor made HELL.
Christians think you go to Heaven or Hell .
Atheists think there is no Heaven or Hell.
Hindus think we are already in Hell.
Rastafarians think smoking POT everything will be OK Mon.
Buddhists think you carry Heaven and Hell with you for all lifetimes
and what you learn from the what the Universe teaches you makes up
your next life.
The best Ethics guide book I’ve ever read was written by a vietnamese monk
Mentioning the above got me kicked out of every org in scientology with a
One million dollar auditing repair program to get back in the OT 6 course room.
Not including one million dollars to the IAS and one million to CCHR Int.
This is True
Learn well Grass hopper
Hi Jose Chung, Love U Happy 2016. Love, Ann
Way to go telling that story, Jose! Woo Hoo!
New Person: Can I still practice my religion while in Scientology?
Staff: Why of course! No one has to give up on their religion! All you have to give up is your money.
Their volunteer ministers – doing as little as they do – are more humanitarian than Bob Duggan. Where are their gaudy trophies?
I stole them. I slipped into their mansion one night, grabbed all the trophies and melted them down. Now he’s got to start all over again earning the trophies.
save them for the bonfire on the beach
You know me so well…..
Bob makes his money off sick people doesn’t he?
But if they gave the little SO people and yellow-shirts trophies,where would they put them? They can’t afford underwear let alone trophy cases. Best not to burden those hard-working souls with genuine recognition or reward. After all, if they had the ego that the whales have, they wouldn’t still be in the slavery-based groups of the church.
Bringing the “glories” of OT to all Scientologists…..via buildings. Do they mean the glory of being sec checked more hours than a solo auditor actually spends in solo sessions? Or do they mean the glory of shelling out tens of thousands of dollars to be a patron before one can ever start OT VII? Then there is the glory of making a person use out tech on themselves so as to make more money to handle the “out tech” the solo auditors did to themselves. Or the glorious experience one has while doing OT VIII and after one completes. The only glory I see there is what a complete relief it is to leave that boat. Glory Be Miscavige!
Oh yes… The glory of ceasing to hit your thumb with a hammer, same magnitude of OTness.
If it wasn’t for miscavige, we would never know the true spiritual value of bricks & mortar.
Why do I keep getting this feeling that the Cof$ is going to join forces with Home Depot and create an isle between plumbing and outdoor furniture for DIY spiritual accessories? It just seems a logical development.
More like bringing the “Gorys ” to all Scientologists…
2016 is going to be a VERY good year for us and a VERY bad year for the midget.
Bartender….another shot for the little guy…looks like he could use it.
Yes, amy…yes it is!
Let’s not forget the World Literacy Crusade in the most effective humanitarian campaigns in the world. A whole bunch of folks that appear to be NOI have been arrested for lying and using their “Crusade” to bilk the government out of large amounts of money. But hey I’m sure they made Louis Farrakhan proud.
I am simply confused by this ad. It is all over the place.
Am I helping people, building buildings, clearing the planet or simply getting a tax deduction?
By trying to push everyone’s buttons, I feel they pushed no ones’.
Plus both photos look staged (and it’s not just because I know they are). No groups of people stand politely looking on like that during a disaster.
“See that little kid with the dirty face….he’s adorable! OK, go over there…use a napkin….bend down to his level and wipe the dirt off his face.
Oh My God!. We got it!!
That’s the cover shot, that’s the cover shot!!!!
Pack up boys….our job here is done.”
See the parent holding onto the kid with both hands not trusting the minister.
They actually wiped the dirt off his face??? OMG! That’s probably the most ACTUAL work these fuckers have ever done. And they probably made fun of the kid for being in the situation they found him in.
The kid really is adorable, tho.
“See that little kid with the dirty face…”
As someone who spent some years in one of the poorest of 3rd world countries (long story) I saw a great deal of extreme, shocking poverty. While not ever experiencing any of it myself, it was yet all around me, it was impossible not to see it and confront it. In doing so, I changed, my eyes were opened, I became different, as would anyone who saw such things on a daily basis.
That the Church of Scientology is pretending, for their PR purposes, for their selfish money grubbing pocket lining purposes, to help the extreme poor – that this tax exempt organization pulls the wool over their parishioners’ eyes by stating that their IAS donations are lifting up and the extreme poor of this world while in reality doing nothing for them – it is very sad.
And I am not being sarcastic. This is sad. A tragedy, really.
Yes, the Cof& is indeed a player in the poverty generating mechanisms in this world. The greed and the lies used to attain wealth are not exclusive to scientology but they do excel in their use. The only product the Cof$ has is lies, that is a true statement. They help no one.
The world would be far better place without miscavige and other low life types like him. The above article by Mike is simple evidence of a profiting mechanism they employ using the misery of people less fortunate.
There’s a lot of sadness and tragedy in this world and miscavige feeds off of it.
Consider the contrast to a real aid organization, say, Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres. Their offices compared to Scientology’s palatial buildings. Then there are the sets for the Nuremberg Ral . . . I mean, New Years and IAS events. Can you imagine DWB/MSF creating anything so pompous and tacky to represent themselves as an organzation? It’s obvious what they actually spend their money on, and even more obvious what they don’t spend it on: people.
Ah, those sets – “Ersatz Renaissance Meets Long Island Mafioso”…something like that. Don’t get me started. Nowhere have I seen worse taste. God knows how His personal quarters are decorated, if He honestly thinks these sets are aesthetic.
I cannot help but think that these emails and pitches will be very useful in future lawsuits. The internet is a depository for docs.
+1. Very good point!
Where were these guys when the Soviet Union was going belly up?
They were out making claims that the iron curtain fell because Oh Tea Ate was released!
But they would be wrong ………… it was probably because Dave had a coffee enema that morning after trying on a new thong in his tanning bed. Now that’s a gold photo op!
And all this time I thought it was faults inherent in the system.
Ans speaking of Soviet posturing–they weren’t even trying in 1990.
Or that’s my impression.
Oh, heck know, Leslie! It was all done by OT8s! Boy, I’ll tell ya, now that’s showing their power! The all exteriorized and went to the Berlin Wall and through thought ALONE, they pulled that huge wall down! Can you believe that??? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
” OT8?
To be sure ……….I didn’t take it too seriously! But you know how the cult likes to make claims that THEY are changing the world. After all of that ………….. who else could do it anyway. It must have been Cee Oh Bee and the Ates ………
I’m so happy I’m outta that rat race!!
Coop, people would go blind looking at it.
Which version of OT 8,there are three or more.
I’ve heard most stories including the Berlin Wall one.
I was taking a crap in Hollywood when the Northridge Earthquake happened,
Do you suppose ????
My favorite version is where fatso reveals himself to be Lucifer. A very, very fat Lucifer, but Lucifer nonetheless…..
And Jose? Stop taking dumps in Hollywood!!!!!!! I’ve been through every earthquake since ’71. It always gives me the jitters!
Uh oh, cue Foolproof and his asinine defense of Hubbard in three…two…one…
Zero – No no, if you mugs want to carry on believing that nonsense, then feel free. Make sure you don’t spontaneously combust though, you devils! (Miscavige heard guffawing in background and saying “they believe this shit!”)
Oh, c’mon, Leslie! I mean, I was told that the cult’s Oat Tees brought down the Berlin Wall! And that’s a damn big wall, Leslie. Can you imagine how many ‘postulates’ they had to send out? Give ’em a break….
Do they place stamps on them or consider those postulates as mail out?
I know a couple of OT8s and their postulates are solid enough to write an address on.
Postulates solid enough to write on them? Wow! I make soup out of my postulates….
After watching Scientology since 2007, it’s getting harder and harder to feel anything towards those still in, and those perpetrating this very long con.
I know they made their own bed and now have to sleep in it, but, they are still victims too, MTH. I was once a fanatic too. The cult has changed immensely since I left in ’82. They’ve thrown caution to the wind now and just demand money and then more money and then….well, I’m you sure you understand.
I truly hope that those still in see the truth about their cult at some point. It’s not just those in that we’re talking about either. It’s the parents and siblings that are not in that are still suffering. No doubt it is a very fucked up cult, MTH, but, getting out is not the easiest thing for the members to do.
Hi OSD, I liked your post. Yes getting out was one of the hardest things I have done this life.Right there with how I felt when I was told I had breast cancer,after having colon cancer. I sat there going, Now what the hell do I do?? Well I found out I push on higher and stronger but leaving Sea Org with all that entailed was awful. I know you understand from your time with the friendliest religion ever Laughter! Please take care with any sharks,You can handle em but may I speak for a lot here, we love you and want more of your great posts always.Ann.
Thanks for your kind words, Ann B! But, truly, those people still in ARE victims. And any help I can give someone who’s thinking about leaving, I will. Heck, Tory has said anyone wanting to leave the cult, she’ll pick them up! This is important. We should all do what we can to assist people who want to leave. I know I would want people to do that if I had trouble leaving. But, I didn’t. I just walked out the door……
Hi OSD, You are so right. I think about Tori a lot and bless here for her offer. Anyone wanting to get out and heading to the Deep South, we have a spare guest room for as long as you want. Love to you 2, Ann.
Hey, even if I’m not fleeing the cult, can I stay in your spare bedroom?
Hi OSD, You may stay always in our spare room! We won’t charge for oatmeal, hot water or soap.Vino & Kona coffee will be one cent.Told you Walter was cheap! PS if your wife comes she and I can leave you men to your own devices! Love U,Ann
Yeah, North Koreans are not bad people. Isn’t the purpose of this blog to help get the monkey off of their backs so that they can sober up from an overdose of Kool-Aid?