Things in the world of perpetual money-grubbing move along at a rapid clip, with a new story every week (it’s tough when you have to keep asking the same people over and over). As a result there is hyperinflation of the hype with each new story more over-the-top than the last one.
For 20 years the cry was to give us your money because Super Power is going to make planetary clearing a reality. Never mind the same thing was said about GAT I, The Basics, the Golden Age of Knowledge, Ideal Orgs, The International Dissemination Center, BPI, the purchase of KCET, ads on the Super Bowl and the Golden Age of Tanning Bed Tech.
Now, having soaked the suckers dry, right up to the last day, for the SP Building, they are at it again. Now we gotta have your money for the “LRH Hall” for “events with Chairman of the Board RTC.” (Wonder why it isn’t called the Hall That Must Not Be Named or Most Magnificent Hall For Appearances Of Glorious Dear Leader?)
Because THIS will be the catalyst that causes planetary clearing to take place!
Oh, thank God. Finally. This means we should be moving forward with some real planetary clearing when this Hall is done in 2045.
I wonder if Dear Leader knows he is going to be holding weekly events including FSM Rallies and WISE Conferences?
Oh, and Bruce, some truth in advertising — “Flag delivers 30,000 sessions a week” includes the idiotic “6 sessions a day” that everyone on Solo NOTs is hammered for. And they are not really “delivered by Flag.”
But you did slip and let everyone know that there are only 600 Super Power Comps after 3 plus months. Now of course, the 600 number (like the 30,000 sessions) is pathetic if it was full completions. But it is without doubt the total number of “rundown completions” within Super Power. It means about 10% have completed the whole thing. Tells you how many really dedicated Flag public are left. People have been waiting 20 years for this, the most overhyped release of anything ever. They paid thousands or millions for the rights to be “first in line” and get “discounted” Super Power. With “hundreds of Super Power auditors” it means they have completed only 3 rundowns per auditor in 3 plus months, or one a month each (at best — because you KNOW this figure includes staff co-auditing it). Hardly an avalanche of completions in the SP building. We have seen the pix of the empty hallways and waiting areas (in spite of massive security to try and keep every potentially undesirable out) and this has been one massive flop. The building is empty Bruce. If it isn’t, and is full of public, why isn’t the March 13 event being held at a venue that holds more than 2300 people? There are a lot of them in Tampa Bay. But no, same old same old. Back to Ruth Eckerd. (Of course, if there were even 2000 public at Flag on services, along with the 2000 staff and 2000 local Scientologists, you would not deny them the right to go to the event — or to be more honest, you would not want to miss out on the opportunity to hold them captive for the regges after the event).
The lies are getting harder and harder to cover up.
It sucks to be Miscavige.
But its pretty miserable being a fundraiser for a hall nobody needs….
Most sincerely,
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014
From: Bruce Roger <[email protected]>
Subject: LRH’s Birthday!Dear Xxxxx,
Can you believe it! It’s already March and only 8 days until LRH’s Birthday!
Well LRH was correct when he stated Super Power unleashed the Super Power of a Being- enabling him to create a new world!
And we really have begun to create a new world with Flag’s production 3X’ing just since moving into its New Flag Building and beginning to deliver Super Power and the Cause Resurgence Rundown.
Already we have created 600 Super Power completions on the planet, and Flag now delivers over 30,000 auditing sessions every week!
We really have engaged into a new speed of expansion!
Is it the speed that will Clear this planet in your and my lifetime?
No, not yet and that is why we need the LRH Hall.The LRH Hall will be the catalyst that causes planetary clearing to take place!
Imagine thousands of people descending upon Flag every month, every week, for events with Chairman of the Board RTC, from LRH’s Birthday to the IAS and New Years to FSM Rallies and WISE Conferences, to the Way to Happiness, along with Narconon, Criminon, the ED’s Conference and everything in between!
Combined with Flag’s new technical delivery building and Flag’s expertise in moving beings up the Bridge, there will be no one left behind!
This is how we create thousands and thousands of people moving up the Bridge to Super Power, Clear and the OT levels!!
LRH only asked for one thing for his Birthday- EXPANSION!
Please help in giving this to him and help us create the LRH Hall.
If you haven’t done the first status, the Friend of the LRH Hall, please do so now with a gift of $1,000.
If you’ve done $1,000 do another $4,000 and become a Benefactor of the LRH Hall.
If you you’ve done $5,000, do another and $5,000 and become a Guarantor of the LRH Hall.
If you are already a LRH Hall Member, please take your next step to help us put this facility in place to drive the thousands and thousands of people up the Bridge so we so create Planetary Clearing!
I look forward to hearing from you and to receive your gift in time for LRH’s Birthday.
Most sincerely,
For old time’s sake, I just re-read KSW. As I suspected, there’s no mention of having the correct buildings, knowing the buildings are correct, knowing the buildings are being applied correctly, and/or hammering out of existence any incorrect application of buildings. Hmmm…
Robin, you’ve got to learn to read between the lines.
Ohhhhh…. I must have missed the HCOB on reading between the lines. 🙂
LOL! Yeah … that makes sense.
Oh great, another building, another set of off-policy “honor statuses”, and another reason to release the vultures.
So, with that in mind, I think I’ll donate a total of $5 for the “Don’t the door bang you on the butt, with honors” status as I’m quickly leaving the building…
There’s only one process that works in RCS:
“Look at that door. Thank you. Walk out that door. Thank you.”
Continuing running the process until full EP is obtained with VGIs, cognition and a dial-wide F/N.
Flag could never quite fill the 2,300 seats in Ruth Eckerd Hall. About 1,200 Flag staff, 500 outer org trainees and 200 on board public all herded onto buses to the hall. MAAs would go office to office and hotel room to hotel room to ensure everyone went to the hall. Free Flag transport was also made available
to Tampa and Miami orgs. The local public were called over and over again for weeks and threatened with ethics if they didn’t attend the event. Despite all of this, there were always plenty of empty seats. Lots of effort was made to only leave the empty seats at the top, out of site of the cameras recording the event.
Even after 70% of the hall is filled with staff, there aren’t enough public to fill the remaining seats. It’s really pretty pathetic.
Give $1000 and be a friend of LRH hall, give $500 and be an acquaintance of LRH hall, give $100 dollars and be a friend of a friend of a girl who once dated an acquaintance of LRH hall, give $50 and be a Passer By of LRH hall, give $10 and be a Guy giving a casual nod and smile to another guy whilst getting off the subway at the same time of LRH hall.
Give $0 and be a A Wog Troll of the Fringes of the internet who is definitely not a Friend of LRH Hall.
Certificates pending!
Why did Miscavige move all of the money and effort away from Scientology and directed it straight into building buildings? It makes no sense. Did he really think if the buildings were there then the Scientologists would somehow miraculously appear? Why in the world would he focus on booting out all the longtime members and instead make everyone run around hoops making blueprints for buildings that are taking years to finance and then years to actually build? His cherch has diminished but he has empty depressing box buildings which he probably never ever visits.
What’s left of the Co$ is being held together by family ties and business relationships that depend on the inter-connectivity of Scientologists, like service businesses: chiropractors, real estate agents, etc…but these businesses are not flourishing and prospering anymore (Scientology is shrinking) and countless families have been decimated by disconnection. Today it is recognized by most “in” Scientologists that it is foolish to base your business on Scientology relationships and it is scary as hell to have family members joining the Sea Org.
Bruce Roger’s Hyper Hyperbole mixed with deceptive advertising is just another indication of the desperate measures being taken to continue to fleece the sheeple that are left.
You speak sooth, Mr. Almblad.
Build it and they will come.
Why wasn’t an events hall built along with the ginormous SP building? More than enough dough was raised for that. Certainly that building is too large to service such a small public, even if the stats were to go up which they never will given the current scene.
The rationale that “planetary clearing” will occur through the construction of an events hall is childish, wishful thinking.
These guys should talk about planetary bloodsucking, never mind clearing.
Won’t Miscavige be 85 years old in 2045? Somehow, I don’t think he’ll be showing his face then. They don’t make spackle thick enough.
“Childish, wishful thinking” should be a goal of these imbeciles who make this fantastic mental leap. Next thing you know they’ll be raving about case gain from one of the Dwarf’s lectures. Oh, wait…they’re already doing that.
All the endless bullshit regging that Scientology constantly does – it’s the only thing it does in fact – and the way that there always needs to be ANOTHER piece to the Church of Scientology toolbox, reminded me of the idiom…
“A bad workman always blames his tools.”
The Church of Scientology ALWAYS blames its tools. It pretends that the reason why “planetary clearing” hasn’t taken place, at all, is because GAG 2 wasn’t released, or because the Ideal Morgue Strategy hasn’t been implemented well enough, or because they haven’t printed up 50 million Way to Happiness Booklets while maintaining their profit margin, or because there is no LRH Hall, because or because or because….
No. The reason why the Church of Scientology is experiencing never-before-seen contraction and is floundering like a beached whale is because the Church of Scientology is a bad workman. It’s not the tools people!
Either A) Scientology simply doesn’t work, or B) the Church of Scientolgy is a wholly incompetent (if I’m being nice) or a wholly malicious (this is more realistic organization) in whose best interests it is to be incompetent, inefficient, and blind.
Maybe Scientology works for some people. But there is no doubt that the Church of Scientology is evil. It corrupts, it destroys, and the only interest it has is to pad the bottom line for those at the top of management.
You don’t need expensive and tasteless buildings to spread Buddhism, Judasim, Catholicism, or any other “belief system.” You just need good people spreading the word. When you introduce money into the equation, you fuck things up. If the goal of the Church of Scientology was to spread Scientology, you, me, or any 12-year old with a computer could orchestrate a campaign to spread the “gospel” of Scientology around the world. You can make all the data available online, for free. You can produce ebooks, podcasts, youtube videos, and use the wonder of the interwebs to make all of this shit available to EVERYONE.
But the Church of Scientology doesn’t do that. And why? Because its goal is not the spread of Scientology. Their goal is to pad their bank accounts. If you’re sane, this is obvious. As I mentioned before,
A bad workman always BLAMES HIS TOOLS.
I listen to Marthy Rathbun
Silly me,
With that trip down memory lane earlier I forgot to comment on your post Mike.
600 completed that R6 implant they’re calling “Super Power” which has 12 rundowns maybe more now who knows?
I see Bruce is being somewhat evasive here on whether they completed one level of the implant or the whole series 😉
Also Brucy seems to be dazzling every one with big numbers like 30000 NOTs session which can be anywhere from two to twenty minutes. No actual WDAHs. You know the stat we used to use in the HGC to measure actual production.
To be fair let’s say the average NOTs session lasts 10 minutes so divide this number by 6 for one hour of actual auditing which equals about 5000 hrs outa what is it ? Just under 4000 NOTs Solo Auditors combined which whoever happens to be in the HGC on audited NOTs means they’re all auditing or being audited for less than two hours a week.
Yeah sure they’re gonna clear the planet at this rate.
Planetary Clearing ?
I think the Seminole Indians could use a new casino space in Pinellas County…now THAT would be SUPER!!!
This is just pathetic lip-service to LRH, and a creepy way to keep on raising money.
I for one would like to help every Scientologist reach the first status of “Friend of LRH”.
I’m therefore attaching the website which teaches more about this:
That is a good LRH versus Miscavige website
Hello War Horse. email me at [email protected]
I forgot to add a note to my Flag experience.
My MAA at the Sandcastle insisted that I rent a car
as I was shipped off base. I did rent the car as the block house
in the swamp was very far from Flag Base.
The car had no brakes, to stop you had to use the emergency brake lever.
I could not make this up.
This is true.
“Welcome to Flag Package”
All in the spirit of “make it go right”.
Oh, I see! The objective is to increase and expand each Scientologists space. So now I understand why all the new buildings. The ep is a brand new building for each Scientologists!!!. One building per Scientologist. Think of all that space!!!!! So the Mormons can all have their own planets, and the Scientologists can all have their own buildings!!! One per each.
Here are some figures. In the old days (before 2001 or earlier) Advance Org at San Castle had 5 HGCs. Lets say 100 auditors. In a very low figure each auditor made 6 sessions a day. Total 4,200 a week.
Now lets add the FH HGCs and the Ls too (4,200 sessions each). The total Flag HGCs sessions will amount to 12,600.
Lets take, at that time, 2,000 Solo NOTS Auditors at 5 sessions a day only; total 70,000 a week.
So, Bruce isn’t giving good news. The above totaled 92,600 sessions a week. If he is promoting 30,000 including Super Power, boy, that stats are crashing monumentally.
Sorry, the picture doesn’t look good at all.
Caution: Rant/Huge Button Alert!
You are echoing what I’ve ALWAYS thought should be done to boom Scientology, i.e., set up various scholarships to train auditors, and then, in turn, give upstat auditors/trainees scholarships so that THEY, the auditors, the people putting in their own time and effort into making Clears and Releases could get their own Bridge, at no, or, at VERY low cost.
I also thought that Course Supervisors and possibly other staff should be eligible for training and/or auditing scholarships in that lots of Sups are needed to train lots of auditors.
This concept has ALWAYS made sense to me because – forget about clearing a PLANET – even clearing a small town, a neighborhood – hell! even clearing one average-sized American city BLOCK will require auditors auditing in VERY large volume.
I always thought that EVERY incentive to get people to train as auditors should be tried, piloted, tested, DONE whether it would be cheap training packages, scholarships, even housing when or if possible (like, let an auditor trainee sleep on your couch for a few months, etc.) – incentives galore, just pile ’em on, get auditors trained, get auditors auditing, just DO it. This has always been, to me, common sense in the “Duh” category – make LOTS of auditors, continuously, and get them AUDITING, make it attractive, make it fun, make it profitable, make it fullfilling, make it WHATEVER, just DO it.
But instead, what were the staff doing? What WAS the actual focus of their effort and attention?
In silent wonder, I would observe what I considered to be the indefatiguable dev-T of my org – the Catered Camelot events, Calypso Contests, Pirate Parties, pins, plaques, trophies, tee shirts… I used to look around in silent, disturbed amazement at the high degree of enthusiasm, time and effort wasted on this bullshit and think to myself, “What the FUCK are these people DOING?
Always followed by, “And what the FUCK am I doing pretending to be PART of this?”
End of rant.
Really nice rant. I agree. Dr Denk and I both started on the Bridge in 1974 or so. We each subsequently co-audited to Clear (no, we didn’t co-audit with each other …). Back then, the emphasis was on training. One had to be trained to co-audit and move up the Bridge. There were scholarships and fairly economical training packages. I joined staff at LA Day in 1976. The emphasis was still on training but my viewpoint then was inclusive of both staff and public. I was the Staff Section Officer. I continued to train for many years after that, even when no longer on staff. I’m not sure when or why the emphasis on training was dropped out. That could be a very lively discussion, I’m sure.
I also co-audited my grades and it was great. Full of hope and enthusiasm and one day I’ll – I no longer recognize LRH’s vision and what’s happening today. Tragic, really. But fear not – this present day insanity will soon be gone for good.
Where I “grew up” in Vancouver BC, the emphasis went off training in 75-76. The culprit at the time was Hilarie Rockl. She completely destroyed the org by recruiting the only really decent staff into the GO. Their con-line was, “What we’re doing in the GO is more important because if we don’t handle all these attacks, there won’t be any scientology to deliver.”
But I don’t think this is the bottom line WHY, or WHO. Since book one, LRH and the church he created have made so many false claims that they could never stand real scrutiny. The over-the-top hyperbole was meant to be taken seriously and believed without question. That they are still in some ways practicing medicine without a license (Lisa McPherson) and doing harm thereby is just one of the things that made the group totally vulnerable to attack. And RIGHTFULLY so!
Strip down all the administrative BS and the false claims; state with humility what might actually be accomplished with many of the processes; share successful applications with other practices and adopt other applications when they prove to be more effective; eliminate any and all monopolistic tendencies and just try to help people. These things must be done if the useful stuff created amidst all of the crap is to have any future use to mankind.
“Integrate or disintegrate” as Mr. Rathbun so aptly stated.
Training dropped out when money could be collected to “save or expand Scientology” and nothing had to be delivered in exchange.
When I got in in 1973 at the Geltman Mission in NYC you weren’t even considered a self-respecting Scientologist until you were a Class IV. It was all about the training.
” even housing when or if possible (like, let an auditor trainee sleep on your couch for a few months, etc.)”
Back in the ’70s Up With People ( sent troupes of entertainers around the world inexpensively by getting volunteer families to house their cast while entertaining in a specific town. They may still do that. The sponsor families got free tickets to one show.
But since the “church” of Scientology Inc doesn’t perform fair exchange anymore, we can be assured that part of your plan will never be implemented.
Amen, LDW. Amen. That’s the only form in which Scientology can survive.
You do realise that broad availability of the Bridge would mean a lot more people who might try it out and not get the gains, and the big promises would come under much closer public scrutiny in the long run? I think that would be a good thing but the RCS, which unlike psychology cannot admit that it cannot resolve every problem in the mental field, would disagree.
Seen in a hostorical context, it does seem that LRH’s greed got away with him. Perhaps he felt his time to cash in was running out so ordered the steep price increases, which I believe set in around 75-76 (and haven’t stopped since)? The allocation form certainly never intended to let orgs flourish and staff prosper.
Either way, it started out as “let’s clear you” and then went to “let’s clear the planet” (and you sacrificed yourself valiantly or got forgotten or neglected) and is now at “let’s clear your account”. Perhaps “let’s clear the old Scientology site in CW to make way for a new downtown” will be next?
I heard in a lecture on games once that the barrier in one game became the goal in a smaller game on a dwindling spiral. What was the barrier to “clear you”?
Although I wouldn’t call it such, the “game” now definitely is “getting David Miscavige”.
Spot on.
I love this part: “LRH only asked for one thing for his Birthday- EXPANSION!
Please help in giving this to him and help us create the LRH Hall.”
Hey Bruce, I think LRH was talking about, you know, delivery of auditor training and auditing, actual org production stats, GDS’s, that kind of thing, not regging people for donos to build a piece of MEST.
Obnosis – when you’re drinking the copious amounts of kool-aid that the faithful imbibe on a daily basis, it’s hard not to get intoxicated with all them super duper plans. Know what I’m sayin’?
Let us not forget KTL/LOC which way supposed to make planetary clearing a reality. That was in the early 90’s. It seems it’s always something new that is needed for planetary clearing and the last item is, well, not talked about anymore. Much the point of your post Mike.
When I brought this up to the captain of AOLA during a gang regging cycle for Basics in 2008. He admitted that there had been some difficulties. Gasp! Heresy. When I told him it appeared to always be something new that was going to accomplish this objective and yet it hadn’t occurred and didn’t he think there was a credibility problem making the same claims now about the Basics? And why should I believe it this time? He was dumbstruck for a response. Seems the B/S wasn’t lost on him, at least when he was beaten with it.
Of course this didn’t endear me to AOLA staff but they were following their orders and not doing much evaluating or thinking.
Make the outpoints so huge and outrageous they seem to disappear. Glee of insanity comes to mind.
Technicly there are so many human beings now, more than 7 billion to give every Thetan a body.
“If you haven’t done the first status, the Friend of the LRH Hall, please do so now with a gift of $1,000. If you’ve done $1,000 do another $4,000 and become a Benefactor of the LRH Hall. If you you’ve done $5,000, do another and $5,000 and become a Guarantor of the LRH Hall.”
These bastards are just SHAMELESS. This cult is absolutely amazing. As much as I loathe everything about Scientology and the tiny gingerbread man known as COB, I gotta hand it to them . . . well done, guys. You find a well and keep pumping.
In the words of MR . . . IT SUCKS TO BE MISCAVIGE.
I have a sneaking suspicion they will be phasing out the Freewinds in the not too distant future.
The existing public are dwindling and they no longer have enough of a flow to keep it afloat. Probably why they cancelled the maiden voyage…lack of interest. Would have been funny as hell if they tried to pull it off and only a couple of dozen minions showed up.
Bernie Madoff could have learned a lesson or two from these con-artists. Of course it seems that the Co$ regges have also learned a lot from Madoff’s playbook…give ’em just enough hope to keep them in the game.
It is both funny and sad to realize that I was on one of the Failwinds last voyages before it went into drydock after the 25th anniversary MV was cancelled….. It is still in drydock, no?
LDW, I’ve been thinking the same thing. It just can’t stay afloat.
Mike, I like the new picture of you and the beard. Did you grow that because you impersonate God so well? ;o))
That may become a fashion statement. It saves wear and tear on men’s faces trying to get the stubble clean (and not tear up a woman’s face with it too). The short-short story is popular, maybe the short-short beard will be, too. I’m just curious about how it’s done.
This was the goal,
“SUPER POWER. A Super fantastic, but confidential series of Rundowns that can be done on anyone whether Dianetic Clear or not that puts the person into fantastic shape unleashing the Super Power of a Thetan. This is the means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create the New World. It puts world Clearing within reach in the future. This is a parallel Rundown to Power in Saint Hills which is taken by the Dianetic Clear. It consists 12 separate high-power rundowns which are brand new and enter realms of the tech never before approached. Power is still very much in use on the Grade Chart but is for those who didn’t go Clear on Dianetics. Super Power will be delivered at Saint Hills within the next 6 weeks as we are right now super grooming the Super Power auditors in a special International course.” LRH ED 301 INT 1978
I don’t trust anything written after about 1976. “Super grooming the Super Power auditors in a special International course” doesn’t sound very much like LRH to me, especially not for what was originally a rundown to rehabilitate staff members he found had been en-masse consigned to RFP? Who threw so many staff into RFP? “… entering realms of the tech never before approached …” just doesn’t make any sense from a C/S point of view, either, that I can see, at least. I mean … OT i, OT II and OT III, and IV, V, VI, and VII are “old hat” compared to an ethics repair list and the various other actions documented here a few months ago?
One of LRH’s major concerns was getting auditors to differentiate relatively simple auditing procedures that had been known for years, not coming up with “one super rundown”. The whole thing works on a gradient, not on a one-shot-clear basis.
As far as I can see, LRH left the building around 1976. What happened after that is plain to see.
Carcha — well, I saw him, spoke to him and did management and tech traffic with him in 1979. So I am not sure if you are talking metaphorically, like he lost the plot from that point?
Mike – No, and certainly not contradicting you there. I just get a general feeling that with all the events to that point, and all he had done, he may have – and I’m just speculating – backed off a bit and sought to delegate responsibilities, so some stuff got through which should not have. I get an almost “Howard Hughes saga” sense of lack of history – who authorized, who wrote, where was he, what really happened, was he isolated (after you last saw him), who controlled the comm lines, was he deathly ill, who developed NOTs – many known unknowns. My focus is that the original Bridge works – I know that with the same certainty you have in your post. – Carcha.
Carcha — if you read Marty’s books you will find a lot of this covered there. He certainly was not backing off at all in 1979. A lot has been written about the development of NOTs. He was very ill, he called Mayo to come to La Quinta to audit him. He started telling Mayo what to audit him on (NOTs) and after the sessions Mayo wrote up what he had done. LRH talked to Mayo and Melanie Murray about the theory underlying it. Mayo primarily wrote up what was laid out. It’s not much more complicate than that.
I’m with you Mike.
Knew quite a few people who directly worked with Ol’man and in the early ’80’s he’d occasionally drop by the Pac base with his aids.
Even worked on a pilot project that was initially C/Sed by him.
I know some people who are into this two Ron’s theory that the Ol’man was somehow replaced by a doppleganger of some kind in the early ’70’s some time claiming this because he made no public lectures since the late ’60’s or something like that.
Sure he didn’t lecture as much as he did at Saint Hill but he still gave special conferences to his aids and lectured to those execs who were sent to the FEBC. After that he lectured on Xdn procedure then the “Special Rundown” NKA the “New Vitality Rundown” then after this RJ 28 which were tailored to each Org.
Made a series of lectures for NOTs that were transcribed by Mayo.
After that he personally narrated several of the Tech Films.
Sure the whole GO debacle and the Flynn Suit pretty much took Ron out of the lime light.
Some say he was in hiding others say he was in seclusion.
Fact is he was very much on the tech lines in the early ’80’s.
He let Mayo run the HRD pilot (big mistake) but he ran the other pilots like Super Power which turned into Pro TRs, KTL, LOC, the FPRD, RP and the original CCRD while writing two Sci Fi novels.
That said.
He pretty much turned over administration of the Church and its corporate sort out to what he considered a “Clean Team” what I call the coup according to RJ 38 which I think was one of the biggest mistakes he ever made.
That is placing Scientology according to Exec Strata under the complete control of the Sea Org with no checks and balances.
Maybe since the SO seemed the most dedicated that they should have total control. He probably wasn’t thinking of the concept of *fanatical* at the time.
Oh well that’s my view.
About RJ 30.
Maybe the whole thing wasn’t totally written by the Ol’man since back then he had RTCU which later became RTRC who probably helped compile it for him but its more than likely he personally approved its issue and had CSC sign off on it.
That’s my think.
Oi Vey
Now I can be a friend of a hall, a member of a hall? Oh, Scientology, what have you become?
Yes, you’ll need your hall pass to continue your studies Mr. Morgue.
There’s a definition for “member” that’s not very complimentary, yet reflects the attitude of the “church” of Scientology Inc towards its members.
The schmucks.
Well, a “member” of a hall that size ought to be pretty impressive. I’m thinking Lateran obelisk or Trajan’s column. That’s nothing to be ashamed of 😉
“If the “leaders” really wanted to advance Scientology, they would get donations for scholarships to pay for auditing and training, not for buildings.” No question and right to the point. With the massive chunk of cash that Miscavige has had at his disposal (for quite some time now) he could have turned the game around a long time ago in order to achieve the greater benefit. This is evolving into a totally overt and utterly blatant insult to the intelligence of a Scientologist.
There are no leaders, there is only ONE leader. In the Catholic religion there is One God and the Trinity of the fathe the son and the Holy Spirit. In the Cos there is Daviid the compassionate, who theollogically is at the same time Fleet Admiral, Pope of Scientology and COB RTC. This is one of the misteries of the religion. Amen
Pass around the collection plate brother.
For flowers, substitute Scientologists and for young girls, substitute regges:
Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?
Where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?
Where have all the flowers gone?
Young girls have picked them everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Brilliant, MJ.
+ 1 MJ
The PRO of Amsterdam has done “Super Power” but she still writes articles with absurd announcements.
I think they have forgotten one rundown: The perception of truth!
That of course is an oxymoron within the cult. Can’t deliver the rundown due to a complete lack of anything to perceive. Maybe the Miscarriage is looking to outsource some truth to put in the SP building so he can then charge for and deliver the rundown!
Gawd, this just gets more and more pathetic. But on the plus side, some of these sleepy thetans will wake up bolt upright from the decades long nightmare with an electric jolt nullifying years and years of kool-aid consumption, and scream (a la good TR-8) ENOUGH!!!!!!!!
They also can beg for money for the little temple in the middle of that park. “The Miscavige temple: The special turbo for planetery clearing.”
Or they create a fountain in the middle of the park, for throwing their money in it. Can give real wins.
I prefer Trevi. Far more pleasing to the eye.
If you’ve given us $1000 give $5000. If you’ve given $5000 give $10000. If you’ve given $10000 give $100,000. If you’ve given $100,000 give $1,000,000.
Welcome to the church of Scientology.
I just realized that that is what is meant by straight up and vertical.
I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend in Clearwater that formal dress has been mandated for the LRH Birthday event at Ruth Eckerd Hall. Same person says that new ID cards are required. Can anyone confirm this info?
That is correct. I saw it myself. Amazing!
What’s next, tattooing arms with id numbers a la Auschwitz?
Is this the first time that formal dress has been required for the Birthday event?
I take it as another sign of Miscavige’s contempt for the remaining Scientologists. “You can’t afford a c*ks*ckin’ tuxedo for my f*ckin’ event, you don’t f*ckin’ deserve to be in front of me.”
The ID cards last issued are no longer valid?
David, I’ve got news for you. You don’t deserve to be in front of any of us.
Tattooing has already been done with concentration camp internees and SS members. I’m guessing that Miscavige will go high-tech and institute retina scans.
It’s more Scientology Inc NewSpeak. “The more people we can keep out, the more inclusive we are.”
Shorty pant’s CRMU is expansion. He’s got it mixed up with number of square feet of his, er I mean church properties.
They have no shame.
When you count mini-sessions, the stats look high.
But if you looked at a different stat, well-done auditing hours delivered, that would be a different story.
If the “leaders” really wanted to advance Scientology, they would get donations for scholarships to pay for auditing and training, not for buildings.
But the Church would oppose that as “out exchange” (the scholarship recipient getting the invaluable bridge without financial skin in the game) even while the Church itself practices “out exchange” on a grand scale every day.
At least with Super Power and GAT II, you had some kind of logical connect-the-dots between the idea of actually delivering something that might possibly be worth something and creating some kind of new public demand for those services. But an event hall is now the catalyst for planetary clearing? Huh?
I thought I’d seen how low it could get with the incessant begging and pleading for Ideal Org funding and IAS’s raping of retirement accounts and trust funds. i can only sit here and shake my head at the audacity of Bruce Roger and his snake-oil salesman brand of money grubbing.
Of course, Flag must be overflowing with public arriving for all their current events, weekly conventions and gatherings. There must be standing room only around the pool outside and in the Crystal Ballroom and the lobby because they can’t fit them in their current seminar spaces. Right? There must be so many Scientologists running to get to Flag right now that they can’t keep up with the flow and are being forced to handle the overwhelming expansion by building yet another monstrosity to darken the Clearwater horizon. Right?
Chris — the fact is that the RCS IS a science fiction cult. Not because of space aliens, more like the surreal in the Twilight Zone.
And Bruce (“Buck”) Rogers is carrying on in that honored tradition.
” the audacity of Bruce Roger and his snake-oil salesman brand of money grubbing.”
I’m sure his wife taught him well. He is a babe in the woods compared to her. If he is a snake, she is a python!
Batty, Bizarre, and Cuckoo!
Even for a clubbed seal, believing an auditorium is the key to planetary clearing must be a stretch. This fundraising effort is going to be sloooooow-going.
“The LRH Hall will be the catalyst that causes planetary clearing to take place!
Imagine thousands of people descending upon Flag every month, every week, for events with Chairman of the Board RTC,”
2FF! This building will cause planetary clearing because David will stand in it! Lord have Mercy! Is it just me or has this become a royal comedy? This is fucking hysterical! David has a restraining order on him in Texas for domestic terrorism! Is out 2D. Blown off the bridge. Financial irregularities to say the LEAST. Wallowing in major suppressive acts as a normal.
But, none of the staff know it right? Because they are forbidden to know. In a group that is supposed to know how to know! Shhhh! This is just between David and the rest of the world. Let’s keep all of the Scientologists in the dark and out of “the know”.
David you sure know how to set up a comedy and make asses out of your loyal officers. If they only had a clue how they are laughed at and mocked because you INSIST they are kept in the dark.
Set em all up to lose! Nobody does it better David! Stick it to the Scientologists David! Nothing is beneath you.
Pretty sure the Grey Moss Inn made more money per week than the Super Power building!
Headley you are the master of droll humor 🙂
300 Super Power Comps?
I originally gave the Super Power building (e.g. Flag Delivery Building) four years before it was repurposed for general delivery, due to a lack of demand. I think I was too generous. The lifespan of Super Power will likely be two years, three years max.
Once the feeder lines dry up how long do you think it will take before someone starts ripping off SP staff? The vultures are probably circling now.
In all likelihood, Super Power will go the way of Key to Life and LOC. They will drop down to a skeleton crew and eventually it will be largely phased out, and no one will speak of it.
They should get a big boost when all of the politicians from around the US start arriving for their free SP rundowns. But they will no doubt need to finish the ‘Downstat Hall’ first to have a space to brief all the new public arriving in droves to avail themselves of …………….sorry……just puked on my keyboard. More later..
Is it certain that those Super Power completions are in fact 600 different individuals for the whole of the Super Power program, and not just 600 of the individual rundowns within the program?
Bela — you get the eagle-eye award.
I am sure you are right and in my morning fog I missed it. Bought into the Bruce bs. Yes, no doubt it is 600 individual rundowns completed. Which means about 10% of those have completed everything.
When he is announcing 30,000 sessions a week, the 600 Super Power completions are individual rundowns. I will amend the post accordingly.
Would you like a job as editor?
Yes Bela, I thought the same thing. It’s not 600 individuals but 600 rundowns given to completion. The number of individuals could vary greatly here. Some people may have only one completed, others several and still more fully done.
We will never know the true number though. Data on stats is mashed together to give maximum impact to the reader, not the actual truth.
It reminds me…..wait…..Mmmhhhhhhh…….wait……..ahhhhhhhhhh
I think the LRH Hall is a handsome building, and Germania would have been magnificent: Speer was a great architect. It is always a mistake to attribute the qualities of the client to a building: thousands of the world’s best buildings were commissioned by tyrants, including the Taj Mahal.
Good find, Arista. Yes, Nero, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler were notable megalomaniacs who made an impact on history.
Miscavige on the other hand is a particularly small and unwanted intestinal worm of the kind academics of the future might study if they’d been rejected funding of their first, second, third, and fourth project.
PS: Hitler used Wagner in the same way that…
Migosh that always gets me. Seeing it rendered like that is impressive but also kind of reminds me of the Senate from Star Wars.
Now I am really confused……..30,000 sessions a week? How is that even possible? That would mean an average of 4,200 sessions per day. How many hours are typically in a session? There are 168 hours in a week, so where is this 30,000 number coming from? Does anyone on the inside even question these stats? I know they are inflated, but this seems crazy. Mike, can you please explain how this could even be possible? I guess I would need a definition of “session” to even begin to figure this out. Cheers! Nice new picture, btw… look much more relaxed and healthy than the recent pics of the underweight and overpompadoured cob!
As I said, it includes the “Solo NOT’s” 5 minute sessions done at home by Solo NOTs auditor. Each is supposed to do a minimum of 6 sessions a day. That’s nearly 50 a week. 1000 people would be 50,000.
Then there are all the people on the “SRD” co-auditing objectives. Staff being sec checked. etc etc etc
Thanks for the explanation….one more question if I may……do you hav to pay for Solo NOTs or any self auditing or co auditing?
Absolutely nothing is free in the RCS. So, yes.
Mike… If I may…
If their arithmetic is anything like their grammar (We really have engaged into a new speed of expansion!) then I’d say Bruce et all isn’t even doing that level of “due diligence”.
I think they just add two zero’s to everything.
“Mmm… 300? That doesn’t sound too good… 3,000? Nah… Still not quite enough… 30,000? Yeah that’s it… 30,000 (insert statistic) is right. And now that I’ve written it it must be true”.
These guys make funny farms look like Mensa conventions.
Actually Mike, on Solo NOTs it is a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 6 sessions daily, (or it used to be unless they have changed it) and the length of the sessions is variable – could be 5 minutes as you say but could be a lot more. But, yes they are undoubtedly padding their stats with these sessions which is the import of your message.
In fact the 30,000 number is a bit disturbing.
It looks like the number on Solo Nots has dropped dramatically. It used to be 2000 on Solo NOTs, Even if each Solo Not’s auditor was only doing 3 sessions a day – 21 a week, then that would be 41,000 sessions. So obviously not.
A Flag Auditor, actually delivering bridge actions could perhaps average 5 sessions a day, less for grades but more for NOTs so say generous average 5. Lets say that there are 100 Flag auditors delivering 5 sessions a day for a total of 3,500 a week – also a very generous number. So, 27500 sessions left over for the Solo NOTs auditors.
Lets say the Solo NOTs auditors are doing an average of 3 sessions a day, 21 sessions a week.That would mean there are only 1300 people on Solo NOTs. Something is really messed up with that number – it is way low. Is something off with my maths or is Solo NOTs Flag in a state of collapse? Either collapsing in the sense that there way less people left on the level or collapsing in the sense that for every person doing 4-6 sessions a day there is someone who is doing 4-6 sessions a week. ie- tons and tons of people barely auditing.
Bruce has thrown out a very sad number there, I am sure to the Dodo’s and Sheeple who graze inside the bubble they swoon when they hear 30,000 sessions a week. However it looks to me like an indicator of decay.
This kind of math is what you get when people scoff at a proper education, but this kind of ignorance is exactly what the tyrant wants.
Quoting Thomas Jefferson on the importance of education in preserving liberty: 1786 August 13 – “I think by far the most important bill in our whole code is that for the diffusion of knowledge among the people. No other sure foundation can be devised, for the preservation of freedom and happiness…Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish & improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils [tyranny, oppression, etc.] and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests and nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.”
One thing I wonder about is that considering that the people still in are told over and over again about this fabulous straight and vertical expension, don’t they ever wonder why they never see new faces when they show up ?
and fewer and fewer of the old faces.
FSM rallies and WISE conventions, etc etc weekly? Sounds like they are going into competition with the Freewinds for this type of business, and will both be hitting up the same dwindling membership for these types of events. Thousands descending on Flag weekly? Doubt that. Ultimately this is Flag getting desperate for new ways to get income and that can only be because of dwindling income from auditing and training services. Planetary Clearing seems to be retreating further and further from reality. Planetary huckstering, conversely, is definitely on the rise.
“Planetary huckstering.” Right on the money! This phrase should be used constantly to warn people not familiar with the cult. Very nice, SSA.
You suck Bruce.
You know Tony, I think the worst part of being Bruce is that he gets to see the lovely warm and fuzzy Charmaigne on a regular basis and be reminded that he is a downstat compared to her reg cycles!. I wonder how that works out for him? What a life he must live……I shudder to think.
I remember a couple of cycles with her in the Fort Harrison late at night……………really great memories!
Hey Cooper!!
Yes they are such noble conmen and women. Charmaigne does a great job of making people think she is an aristocrat but she is really pond scum.
When this is complete, which will be the most surreal museum in the Tampa area – L. Ron Hubbard or Savador Dali?
OH YAH , UHHH , I’ve been to Flag so I know what is true.
So how many public are in the block house in the swamp?
Are the paroled felons still making appointments with parole officers?.
No more confrontations with guns drawn,really that’s so tacky
nothing like the Flag brochures you used to send me by the truckload.