The cons just keep rolling in. Though they also have an element of armed robbery. You are presented with a unilateral dictate “here is how things are now, and that means you have to turn over more money to us.”
This one is a new angle I hadn’t seen before.
In “celebration” of the “golden” age of tech, they have issued NEW Clear and OT bracelets — “in accordance with LRH’s precise instructions.” Of course, they cost an arm and a leg. But tough. It’s all justified when it is making “planetary clearing a reality.”
The old ones are no good any more.
And Colin Davie, the robot mouthpiece for all things moneymaking, doesn’t seem to notice the astonishing irony of the quote he selects.
Apparently L. Ron Hubbard himself personally decreed the issuance of Clear and OT bracelets. You can see PLENTY of photos of him sporting his very own clear bracelet.
So, this quote from 1966 is now put forth to explain that the exact clear bracelets that Hubbard initiated, and have been used for 50 years are now no longer being used and “new” ones have been issued. And the justification for cancelling the 1966 version and replacing with the 2015 version is the quote from 1966 about how L. Ron Hubbard created the bracelets.
This is the perfect example of something being done “in accordance with LRH’s precise instructions.” It means precisely the opposite. But if you just say it the sheeple fall into obedient lines with their wallets extended and bleat obediently “praise be to COB.” And remarkably, even when they include the exact quote which proves that what is being done is no golden age of anything — more akin to a golden shower.
Colin Davie has raced to the head of the pack of cretins when it comes to money-grubbing. Vulture is too dignified to describe him. He is more like a leech.
Pssst! Get an apple watch instead, you’ll get more out of it -a better return on your investment.
The comment about how LRH policies that say the exact opposite are used to justify the latest scam – this is exactly what happened with the Ideal Org strategy. LRH’s policy on the Ideal Org clearly showed that big, expensive buildings were not the point and were not what makes an ideal org but this is the policy that is used to promote the ideal org strategy. The old bracelets aren’t as Ron intended? Prove it! of course no one still in the church will demand that. The old books are no good, old bracelets are no good, old tech is no good, previously trained auditors are no good – is that why Scientology is experiencing “unprecedented expansion,” because the small one has gotten rid of all the old, bad stuff? Oh yes, “that’s old, we don’t use that anymore.”
Both vultures and leeches are excellent animals who fulfill a useful function in the biosystem. Please stop insulting them by comparing then to Scientologists.
Especially Scientologist Regs. The only useful function a Scientologist Reg could fulfill would be as fertilizer.
What “religion” throws out and makes ineffective artifacts of the founder; Leave it to Scientology to be the first.
I paid $125 for my clear bracelet in 1970 – when you adjust that for cost of inflation, it comes to $764.61. So, if the new bracelets are going for $500 a pop, it shows another area Scientology is shrinking in. And it was one of the really cool looking ones, with the deep engraving Mimsey
I made a comment on Marty’s blog about five years which went “As long as the customers are buying, the store will be open.”
Miscavige is a very savvy businessman. He really KNOWS his customer base. He knows how to manage its size for optimum handling. He knows how and when to suddenly “change” the SAME item so that he can re-sell it over and over again to the same customers. And he knows how to “soften” his customers for the close (like with the post the other day of the “win” about going into heavy debt, a win which WILL be used on prospects BEFORE the reg starts the heavy grind). And he knows exactly how really bad off mentally his customer base is, so he knows how far he can continue to squeeze them before they become complete insane.
So, as long as this truly pathetic group of customers are completely bled try and can’t buy anymore, then the Scientology store will be open on the exact same basis as the big LL Bean store – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Brilliant Post Man!!!
To Joe Pendleton, Hi Joe, nice to meet ya!
Anyhoo, these poor, poor folks. My heart goes out for them. Here’s hoping they get some common sense in 2016! They are in every sense of the word “pod people.” So sad ….
What is a Sea Org member at the International Liaison Office doing sending a message out like this? Seems he is double hatted, being cross ordered off his post, needs the commission, is under a blanket order that all staff must now sell their quota of these or something else as nuts. I used to like working in the SO – I suppose the insanities were the same or worse but the rest was lots of fun. I don’t think any could possibly be fun any more.
Sorry if I came across too harsh. This new development really got me pissed. To all of you here and you, Mike, have a wonderful New Year’s holiday and may the new 2016 bring everyone of you many happy moments and lots of money, which you get to keep ! =) HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! And Happy Surfing to you, OSD !
Yo! Sup Double E! Wishing you have a very Happy New Years’! May 2016 be your best year yet.
(clearing throat)
Well day call me White Chocolate and you knows dats right
Cuz I can bust a rhyme late into da night
Now I know what chu thinkin’ “He’s old and he’s white
But is rap is pretty good and his kind of outasight….”
Hey! There’s an urban OSD too.
Exactly what about the “new” bracelets is as ron intended ? The first bracelets were silver and a person was to receive one FOR FREE when they went clear. Of course, this old policy from ron was made to disappear.
The design was created by ron and that’s all there was about this. Of course it made sense that the bracelet should be free, since that is the “trophy” one gets when achieving that level on the chart. You don’t make somebody work for years to go to the Olympics and then when he wins a medal at last, tell him if he wants the medal he has to buy it !!! But that’s what scientology became eventually. A fucking joke.
Now all the sheeple are going to buy the “new, improved, as ron intended (guess that means expensive) bracelet”. And the ot8 bracelet, which, when first issued, some 27-28 years ago, cost $$$8,000 (yes, eight THOUSAND dollars !) comes in a gold plated version too. Wonder how much the new solid gold ones cost now. Maybe $15,000 ? WHAT A RACKET !!! (P.S.: Mike, the bracelet you see ron wearing was from the Explorers Club, not a clear one.)
Hi EagleEye, Back in the day, I loved all bracelets worn by Ron Clear or not. Whoa I grew up. Love, Ann
Awesome insight Eagle Eye! Thank you.
…and, no reference noted. WHERE did LRH say this? I’ve never seen it written before so would like to look it up. Flunk on Standard Tech, Colin Davie. Twice.
Hi indie8million, Happy Incredible 2016 to you and yours. Love U Always, Ann PS got to practice my conch shell notes so I can be ready for our performance!
Mike, I know the BRAND NEW OT bracelets cost an arm and a leg, but, I really, really want one! Trouble is, with only one arm and one leg, my surfing days would definitely be over. What to do….what to do…..
Compare Scientology to any other religion and just no other religion does this today.
Scientology behaves worse than bad businesses behave.
The constantly improving year by year Apple IPhones are a bargain though, compared to Scientology’s useless token sterling silver Clear bracelets which are 6-10 times overpriced.
Jehovah’s Witnesses may be a close second. They share similar traits with scientology. Both destroy families using disconnection (aka Shunning). Both protect rapists and child molesters in their midst so they don’t get bad PR (sound familiar?). Both say they are the ONLY salvation for this planet. Both lie like there’s no tomorrow….
$700 for a sterling silver bracelet…what a ripoff.
These will be perfect to melt down and donate to an Ideal Org Fundraiser next week. Think in futures people!
Speaking of cons and gullibility, even if being a bit off-topic, take a look at this link, and see with your own eyes how the lies of Scn are maintained by the “free” minded Indie KSW supporters.
The “Religious Liberty League” , they call it. This is just hilarious. Here one of its goal :
“The Religious Liberty League will also act as a voice for responsible Scientologists to set the record straight on a myriad of urban myths (false data/propaganda) about Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard by publishing the hidden story of Scientology in print and video.”
The “responsible” Scientologists meaning , of course , those who never criticize anything from Scn and/or LRH ; in other words, the robots to authority and strict dogmas. Those that chose to remain silence to the atrocities perpetrated by the uses of LRH’s suppressive and misguided policies ; policies that these “responsible” Scientologists have NEVER, EVER publicly expressed against , and established their true authorship : LRH.
For these misguided “responsible” Scientologists, it doesn’t really matter the hundreds if not thousands of lives that LRH himself affected or even destroyed by his misguided attitude towards criticism against him and Scn. No, this is not the important thing for this “Freedom” of Religion “fighters”. The important thing for them is the “protection” of the “reputation” of LRH and Scn with the misguided and even childish attitude that Scn is, indeed, man’s only chance at “Spiritual Salvation”.
They frequently attempt to tone it all down with expressions such as “LRH was not perfect, and even he accepted it” ; “The important thing is the ‘legacy’ he left behind”. What a bunch of horse shit. The say that Disconnection was cancelled by LRH in his famous (infamous for most) RJ68 , where LRH cleverly uttered statements with the sole intention to appease the Victorian and British government that had been inquiring into Scientology’s cultish destructive practices. But any old-timer ex SO or Org/Mission staff member knows that these practices DID continued totally supported by LRH himself. The “Over-boarding” and the “Chain Locker” practices , ALL of them , continued. The “Attack the critics and dissenters” practiced continued, with the more illustrative example being the abuses that Paulette Cooper went through for having dared criticize Scn. That was totally known by LRH ; TOTALLY known , and I bet that even ordered by him. Perhaps Mike knows about this last point.
But forget about those events that can be thought of by the misguided as a mere “plot” to “defame” , or at the least, as mere “suppositions” or “conjectures” from me. Let’s stick to the known FACTS. LRH NEVER, EVER cancelled or modified (to make it less harsh and extreme) the “Suppressive Acts list”. And just to mention two , just TWO out of many items in this code, we have these listed as “Suppressive” Acts :
1. Publicly departing Scientology.
2. “Any PTS who fails to either handle or disconnect from the SP who is making him or her a PTS is, by failing to do so, guilty of a suppressive act.”
On #1 above , how can anything be more against this “Freedom of Religion” right than this point. Yet, these hypocrites KSW followers are whining about their “Freedom” of “religion” right. What about the right of those who found Scientology destructive or unworkable for them , you bunch of fanatic assholes ? What about them, ah ? Did they deserve being declared, or just let be gone with the R-factor that should they ever changed their minds, Scn would be there for them ? Why make an “enemy” out of them, ah ? What about the message of love, understanding, inclusion and tolerance that are expected of bona-fide religions ? Try answering that , you lunatic fanatics.
On point #2 above , what on hell is doing a “religion” telling ANYONE to whom they should talk to, or be connected to , REGARDLESS of the alleged “harmfulness” of such a connection ? That, all by itself, violates several Human Rights. Do you guys even know the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” ? Do you ? That great document , unlike LRH’s stupid childish outbursts, was meant to prevent future atrocities due to religious and racial intolerances. But I guess that you only read LRH as he had “all the answers for ANYTHING” , didn’t he ? He was “perfection” in itself ; an “all-knowing” god-like “humanitarian”.
And these other points of that insidiously destructive “moral” code illustrate even more sinister and ulterior motives :
3. “Spreading false tales to invalidate Clears or spreading libelous and slanderous statements about the alleged behavior of Clears.”
4. “Declaring a Dianetic Clear ‘achieved in other practices’.”
With those 2 , LRH was attempting to hide his lies about the alleged “abilities” of a “Clear” , and consolidating his “monopoly” into the mental health practice. There were hundreds of us (when we were not still “Clears” ) that wondered about the strange behavior of those “Clears” and “OTs” , but dared not speak about it except with our more close friends, and secretly so.
And to end this “natter(y)” diatribe of mine , let’s examine this quote from this “Religious Liberty League” :
“The legal issues involved are complex, but the battle to break the Scientology monopoly can be won –and must be, in order to preserve the technology that has been altered inside the church, producing tech failures by the score and, significantly, are not producing real OTs.[1] (How can one who has ceased to look and think for himself possibly achieve such a high state of spiritual awareness?)”
“…not producing real OTs” ? My God! , how can you guys be so naive and gullible ?
The FACT is that most of these KSW fanatics are but a bunch of cowards ; destroyers of REAL Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech rights. People blinded with intolerance towards criticism and the multiplicity of viewpoints. Enemies of Free Will, Freedom of Thought , and REAL self-determinism. I pity you all , enslaved poor souls. I will always be right behind you to alert others of your potential harmfulness to real Freedom. Merrell Vannier, be alerted that I will dedicate a website just to expose your half-truths , lies , and religious fanatic misguided attitudes ; and your attempts to protect a criminal cult leader. I will dissect your “Arrows in the Dark” fictional account , and will analyze in great detail for others each of your lies. Very nice to meet you.
Peter Torres
(Standing and applauding)
And look who’s showing up there with their lips pursed for fellation: Theo, Robin Remoteviewed, a pingback to Millstone Two…the usual crowd. Guess that they need somewhere to go since the South African blog got a clue and stopped posting and Millstone Two has become a ghost town. Let’s see how long this lasts. If they’re still here three months from now, I’ll be surprised.
Yes , Espi , always the same “crowd” , if we can even call 2 individuals a “crowd”. This new endeavor (supported by MS2) was originated by Merrell Veneer the author of the Sci-Fi book “Arrows in the Dark”. If you take a closer look into her blog/website you’ll notice 4-6 articles under which there is only 2-3 replies usually by Ingrid , Robin aka the “Conspiracy Theorist” (a failed want-to-be a Remote Viewer, and a UFO fanatic) , and Theo aka “Forrest Gump”. I guess that Merrell can’t even get the moral support from her “teammates”. Gee, they can’t even follow their own PR policies ; hilarious !!!
Check this quote from Merrell’s blog :
” Some people discount the threat of the medical-pharmaceutical-psychiatric industrial complex and cannot see the 800-pound gorilla in the living room that is waging a heavy propaganda campaign against Scientology as I type this comment. Instead, they have gone “suppressively reasonable” and actually entertain, agree with, and pass on many of the enemy lines of these covert operators.”
The same exact delusions of persecution as their slave master, the
Check this other one :
” Only because Scientology was faced with being regulated by mental health authorities did LRH reluctantly form a religion. It was a life-saving decision. Later when the FDA raided the Founding Church, carted away E-meters and charged the church with using an unapproved “medical device,” it was Scientology’s religious status that saved the day. The U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that Scientology was a religion and, based thereon, ruled that the E-meter could not be regulated when used for religious counseling.”
Now, LRH was “forced” to turn Scn into a religion. What a bunch of gullible nuts.
The fact -and this IS a fact- is the Scn is dying at an exponential rate and every day more and more Indie Scientologists are leaving the bubble inside which they lived in their last decades , and seeing Scn for what it is ; a very destructive cult ; and LRH for what he has ALWAYS been : a narcisist con man.
BIC died as a blog as its Admin could no longer support LRH. And many others couldn’t as well. I had my share on that. MS2 is but a ghost town. DROR Israel used to post at least 2 articles a month for the almost 2 years. Now, they haven’t post anything since May 15 2015 ; almost 8 months ago. Scn IS dying as a religion. Its members outside the Church, the Indies, ARE waking up finally ;most of them at least. Soon nobody will even read any Scn book ; it will become but a foot-note in some old history book about past cults. And you know what, dear Espi , they totally “Pulled it all in” to paraphrase them. :-)))
Merry Christmas Mr. Hubbard ; I told you that you would paid ; didn’t I ?
I kept my word. Have a mother-fucker Christmas, Sir.
They like everything in scientology and the church but Miscvige. Actually they would be happy if Miscavige would be fired and the church would reform.
They also say that anything not written by Hubbard is not scientology. Well I object. A subject to exist cannot have only one author, like saying that only what Freud wrote is psychoanalysis.
They want to freeze scientology forever. But creating a new church is not so stupid. Miscavige would hate it more than scientology hater who cannot steal his customers.
Hating Hubbard will not help scientologists to be free from the church.
They need a possible choice. On the beginning Marty Rathbun was pro tech and pro LRH.
If he would have been anti, the movement he started would not have existed.
Theta Clear I really like you very much and whatever you may say don’t change my affinity for you and I love to debate with you, but I don’t understand such an anger. Yes Hubbard did overboarding and wrote the shit policies you quote. And the tech of scientology is not the property of the church, neither of Religious League (sort of “squirrel” RTC or better a Second Foundation, per Asimov, romantic idea), and even don’t belong to Hubbard anymore.
It’s a very complicated matter as once you accept the idea to apply scientology tech, come the idea of it’s integrity. And of course, who could garanty it.
And if someone evolve further tech, how to tell if it works.
I think the “Religious League” will not tolerate Ron’s org for exemple.
Finally they are just churchist type without Miscavige. If they read I would advise them to do something standard : starting by writing an SP declare to Miscavige and sending it all over the unverse. A world without COB can only be better.
FG : “They like everything in scientology and the church but Miscavige . Actually they would be happy if Miscavige would be fired and the church would reform.”
Peter : They are actually embracing that last thought. They are going down the religion road , but Scn is nothing more than a psychotherapy, even if a booby-trapped one. They are just afraid that the government might shut them down if they becomes a practice as such ; which IS what they actually are. They charge for services (which is quite a lot if compared with standard “Pastoral Counseling” rates ; $75-$90 per hour) , so they should pay for taxes as well , just as any psychotherapist do.
But because they are just a cult , they intuitively sense the environmental menace. After so many O/Ws accumulated on government, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, schools , the “Wogs” , EVERY practice and religion specially Christianity, dissenters, “critics” , etc, etc ; who doesn’t develop a fear of being destroyed ?
FG : “They also say that anything not written by Hubbard is not scientology. Well I object. A subject to exist cannot have only one author, like saying that only what Freud wrote is psychoanalysis.
Peter : Well, LRH would disagree with you, my friend ; you know he would.
FG : “They want to freeze scientology forever. But creating a new church is not so stupid. Miscavige would hate it more than scientology hater who cannot steal his customers.”
Peter : Those assholes will NEVER create such a “church” ; I will see to that. They are no match for me.
FG : “Hating Hubbard will not help scientologists to be free from the church. They need a possible choice.”
Peter : And Scientology is that choice ? I beg to differ. I will not support nor recommend Scn to anybody ; plain and simple. To researchers ? May be. It has many good uses at the O-IV level as we have discussed before. To general public in , an unreformed state ? Not a chance ; too risky for them , I am afraid. I gave those KSWs their chance at reformation, and they didn’t even inspect the idea. Now I am a real enemy where I wasn’t before. And a formidable one, I may add. No more mercy from me, my friend. I had been patient enough with all of them. Now they have elected me as their enemy, and so be it.
FG : “On the beginning Marty Rathbun was pro tech and pro LRH. If he would have been anti, the movement he started would not have existed.”
Peter : If he would have been anti from the start, and so Mike, we would probably not have been having this comm cycle as the Church would be gone by now. We lost 2-3 years in the “wake-up stage”.
FG : “Theta Clear I really like you very much and whatever you may say don’t change my affinity for you and I love to debate with y ou, but I don’t understand such an anger. ”
Peter : As I said before , I don’t base friendship on the religious beliefs of my friends, and who they choose as their advisors or opinion leaders. I fully accept you as you are, because you believe and support the fundamental Human Rights. I can’t say the same of the KSWs. You are not a KSW even if you believe you are. You have honor and a lot of integrity ; they don’t.
FG “Yes Hubbard did overboarding and wrote the shit policies you quote. ”
Peter : The problem with that assertion, dear friend, is that it carries with it a “but” , meaning a justified thought from you. I know you probably don’t realize about it. Perhaps you should talk to Paulette Cooper -who LRH ordered or agreed to attacking with full ferocity- and get a firm reality on it. You are not seeing LRH for what he was, but you will ; it is inevitable. You are mocking up a false identity of him. I know, cause I was there myself for the last 3 years. Like you , if I don’t have my own firm reality on something, I hear no arguments concerning it.
You are assigning LRH a goodness he didn’t have ; an ability he didn’t have ; and a purpose he didn’t have. But it got to be your OWN cognition about it. With time, you’ll see it as well. I am sure you will ; we who have been involved with Scn, always do sooner or later.
You falsely assume that it all went to hell with DM , and that’s a Wrong Source out-point ; a wrong Basic-basic. LRH was less evil than DM , there is no denying that. LRH had charm and charisma and data altitude (even if it was “borrowed” knowledge that gave it to him). But at some point in time -which to me was around 1954-55- he changed markedly, became greedy and desirous of power, and turned Scn into a cult.
You say “yeah, I know that he ordered over-boardings, chain-looker(ing) , and created fascist policies but …….” blah, blah, blah. No offense my friend, you know I hold a lot of ARC for you, but that’s just plain reasonability with out-points and criminal acts. It reminds me of the lady LRH talks about in one PL (don’t remember which one) that comments about the criminal -while a baby lies dead in the floor – , “Oh he just had a bad childhood, poor guy”.
You have been missing my point all along in all of my posts ; LRH committed many crimes which resulted in thousands getting hurt. I don’t know what else to do to get you to confront that FACT. It doesn’t really matter whether some of the Tech works or not ; that’s besides the point, and it was mostly copy-pasted anyway.
The really important issue here is whether or not Scn has helped more than it has destroyed. Can you honestly say that it has helped more ? I don’t think so ; look around you. LRH couldn’t even keep his own family together, for Christ sakes! A wife he abandoned and allowed to go to jail w/out any moral support of any kind, and whom he left mere leftovers in his final will after she had took care of ALL his affairs for decades! A son who, under all the undue pressure and influence, decided to take his life. Two daughters that became a nobody under the command of a lunatic. A son who nobody knows what became of him. LRH was surrounded by death and disaster. What kind of a “leader” is that that can’t even keep a family together ?
FG : “And the tech of scientology is not the property of the church, neither of Religious League (sort of “squirrel” RTC or better a Second Foundation, per Asimov, romantic idea), and even don’t belong to Hubbard anymore.”
Peter : Not “anymore” , but it NEVER, EVER belonged to him ; PERIOD.
FG : “It’s a very complicated matter as once you accept the idea to apply scientology tech, come the idea of it’s integrity. And of course, who could garanty it. And if someone evolve further tech, how to tell if it works.”
Peter : “How to tell if it works ?” The same way that always been done with other honest research ; by applying scientific methodology to it, instead of bias and fixed ideas as LRH did.
FG : ” I think the “Religious League” will not tolerate Ron’s org for exemple.”
Peter : That’s a fact, and not a supposition ; I know most of them.
FG : “Finally they are just churchist type without Miscavige. If they read I would advise them to do something standard : starting by writing an SP declare to Miscavige and sending it all over the unverse. A world without COB can only be better.”
Peter : Same as a world w/out LRH. It makes no difference. Something “standard” would be to deprogram them from the cult itself. That’s the only standard thing to do.
Thanks, dear friend. Take care and an excellent happy New Year for you and your beloved family.
ML ,
Well, Arthur’s now an artist who’s occasionally being given lip service by the cult. The same drone who was assigned to keep Mary Sue silent and away from the public eye over the last years of her life is assigned to him to keep him quiet and away from the public eye. Suzette escaped, married, and is living a happy life. It’s only Diana that’s still imprisoned by the cult, kept in useless jobs and away from any potential influence she might have to pull off a coup d’etat. She’s pretty much the only one capable of doing it, but Miscavige is making sure she can’t get to step one.
If FG wants to understand my anger, all he has to do is look at what happened to a couple of members of my tribe, John McMaster and Quentin Hubbard, destroyed by LRH for being gay. That’s what he promised in Science of Survival, after all. You’d have anger against him if you were gay and knew what he wrote too.
Homophobia is a big hot button with the Indies. I got into it with Theo Gump over at Ortega’s when I asked him if he believed in the Tone Scale exactly as written in SoS. He fell into that trap and said yes, so I called him a homophobe who promoted concentration camps and extermination of LGBTs. He attempted to finesse around it, badly, and would go out of his way to never respond to me again. When I asked Dani Lemberger about the “eliminate, quietly and without sorrow” thing, he bent over backward to show how welcoming Dror Center was to people of all sexualities (he sounded very sincere about it, so I believed him). I still want to ask Max Hauri about that issue, since I want to know Ron’s Orgs’ position on this (CBR said a thing or two that makes me wonder how homophobic he was).
Vannier’s thing with the psychs is the same thing that turned me against Steve Hall. When Hall put up his websites, he stuck things in there about the Ebil Psychs, and that’s when it became clear to me that I had to expand my battle against Scientology to include the Indies. They weren’t going to change anything out of their sheer desire to show how much they followed KSW, unlike Miscavige.
FG probably doesn’t know that there have been at least two SP Declares written about Miscavige, one by Jon Atack in 1986. They’re on the Net and can be found easily. Those SP Declares didn’t work. Why would another one?
It’s a shame that scnafrica shut everything down, Peter. Near the end, he/she/it was allowing criticism of Hubbard, a lot of it from you. The blog was on the verge of evolving like Marty’s and Mike’s. There would have been no consequences to opening up the discussion beyond a couple of bitchy posts from Ronnie Bell and Robin Remoteviewed about “betraying Hubbard”. I wish scnafrica could have continued, because the blog was a terrific resource about a geographical area of Scientology that was generally uncovered. C’est la vie.
Dear Peter and Espiando, I feel a bit alone, as I don’t recognize myself in MS2, they are too frozen square in their position, in another hand I have seen auditing working and I value it. And basic ideas of scientology still attract me. It is possible that Hubbard betrayed his own words. Some writing were in opposition with the basic tenant. Like all this ethics policies which were made basic law. Peter, you know what I mean as you know “anatomy of thought” and all data series.
Now about the sad destiny of Hubbard, his family and many scientologists, it just show that like any utopia it can’t finally become real and is perverted.
Scientologists are no different than communists for exemple.
Scientologist quote Hubbard, communists quote Lenine. But maybe it’s the destiny of cult were the word of the guru is not negotiable. That’s the problem of KSW, in order to have a stable data, it’s dictatorship. Data cannot be discussed nor compared, only one man can say if it’s right or wrong.
But it also occured on many authoritarian field, were people try to dictate to other many time to protect “vested interest”.
Hubbard on his early writing opposed any autoritarism and in the name of workability of the tech, he went to ultimate autoritarism. And now, they “Hip hip…!” That was a lot to pay to have the right to blow some charge.
But that was also a kind of a game. Maybe you don’t feel as release without the whole shit around, org board and all. Getting sessions in the independant field you miss to some degree the whole circus.
With the death of Hubbard, the game was over to some degree. But it was frozen into glycol, and there was RTC, IAS..
Ciao guys wish you a nice 2016…
FG, I think scientology auditing has value and deserves to be explored. Why should anybody think the metered interview system should be kept within the parameters of Hubbard’s methodology? He was a great innovator but, for instance, the light bulb has evolved beyond what Thomas Edison invented. The church can’t claim ownership of the metered interview. Any experienced auditor can strike out and develop their own system built on evidence-based theory as well as results. The sky is pretty much the limit for that kind of therapy so long as we know it’s about helping people get through their troubles and not about turning them into supermen.
Hi Espiando, A very Happy 2016 to you! Almost this time last year I literally bumped into Mike’s Blog after realizing I needed a safe space to be me. Mike is so amazing and I knew I had to be with all of you.I read all posts.Have I learned some lessons here? Absolutely and will continue doing so.
What I want to convey is we may not agree on all viewpoints and your thoughts etc are very strong, but I gather that is you. I want to let you know I understand your anger not 100% but I do see as much as I can in this area. Two first cousins on two different sides of my family have been gay for years and upfront about it.Fortunately they both have always had love and support which was so good for them both.
Quentin was a very dear friend for a few shining weeks. The thing was when I joined SO the Asho Day SO recruiter had been RPFed for letting Fdn get me and AO was pissed because they thought they had me on board and Quentin could see the invisible ripples of back biting against me that had formed in certain areas. Who does she think she is, that plant who only read DSMSH we will crush her. Quentin was there for me.In laughter, put up with my tears with sec checking that started even then but most important gave me a hand to hold and a heart as big as the universe. What happened to him was horrible and so I hear all you post regarding your anger.
I guess I try to love now, because my time is getting shorter and Love is my flame,but I do not run around with rose colored glasses on when it comes to any part of cos. I walked through the fire too.Nearly did not make it out.Be Well,and post on.Love, Ann.
Espiando : “Well, Arthur’s now an artist who’s occasionally being given lip service by the cult. The same drone who was assigned to keep Mary Sue silent and away from the public eye over the last years of her life is assigned to him to keep him quiet and away from the public eye.”
Peter : Yeah , several months ago I searched for him , and found some of his work online :
I was not able to find any contact information about him , though. It is interesting the theme he chose for his art work.
Espiando : ” Suzette escaped, married, and is living a happy life.”
Peter : I am VERY happy for her. About her, I couldn’t find much online, except some details about some suit against her alleging copyright infringement. But it sounded like a frivolous suit. I am no lawyer , but that company (Perfect Pushup LLC) that sued Suzette’s (“White Marketing Services”) , had sued 3 other ones the year before (2008) . The case was dismissed 6 months after because, even though that Suzette had apparently bought the domain name for “PerfecPushup” , she never actually profited from the product. Anyway, I haven’t studied the case, so these are just my own conjectures about it. Apparently , Suzette no longer has that company, and I don’t even know if she still is with that Guy White who I think he was an Int Marketing terminal. There is a foreclosure note on a home at Hollywood owned by Guy White on 2010. I hope she is ok , and doing fine in life.
Espiando : “It’s only Diana that’s still imprisoned by the cult, kept in useless jobs and away from any potential influence she might have to pull off a coup d’etat. She’s pretty much the only one capable of doing it, but Miscavige is making sure she can’t get t o step one.”
Peter : Yeah, I was aware of it. If dear Diana were out in the field, wonderful games could be created to reform Scn , and a great inspiration would be born for the Still-ins. I don’t know how would she deal with her father’s wrongdoings, though. I always get this great nostalgia and griefy feeling when I think of Diana , specially when listening to one marvelous musical piece of her that she composed as part of her 1976 album , “LifeTimes”. It is titled, “Rose Colored Lights”. I can’t avoid the tears each time I listen to it. That was the year when her little brother died at the hospital after his attempt at “suicide” , 12 Nov 1976. The piece yarns for something ; something that is gone ; something that should have been but didn’t , with a sad hope at the end that one day all will be all right. Here it is :
They all got caught in the cross fire of it all. God bless them all and protect them.
Espiando : “If FG wants to understand my anger, all he has to do is look at what happened to a couple of members of my tribe, John McM aster and Quentin Hubbard, destroyed by LRH for being gay. That’s what he promised in Science of Survival, after all. You’d h ave anger against him if you were gay and knew what he wrote too.”
Peter : I DO understand your anger, dear Espi ; though I think that those times we weren’t ready to understand as a society ; we were blind and immature, and the cult aspect of it all regarding the right to love whoever the hell we wanted to , was too widespread. W/out analyzing that historical context one might be inclined to be a little unfair about it. The important thing is how they express themselves in PT. But I agree that silence is not acceptable at all.
Espiando : “Homophobia is a big hot button with the Indies. I got into it wi th Theo Gump over at Ortega’s when I asked him if he believed in the Tone Scale exactly as written in SoS. He fell into that trap and said yes, so I called him a homophobe who promoted concentration camps and extermination of LGBTs. He attempted to finesse around it, badly, and would go out of his way to never respond to me again.”
Peter : Being a bad boy, ah Espi ? :-)))
Espiando : “When I asked Dani Lemberger about the “eliminate, quietly and without sorrow” thing, he bent over backward to show how welcoming Dror Center was to people of all sexualities (he sounded very sincere about it, so I believed h im). ”
Peter : Dani is a true gentleman and his wife Tami a true queen. Very down-to-Earth individuals, capable of incredible understanding. And yes, he is very sincere. He and his wife are how all Indies ought to be like.
Espiando : ” I still want to ask Max Hauri about that issue, since I want to know Ron’s Orgs’ position on this (CBR said a thing or two that makes me wonder how homophobic he was).”
Peter : CBR was just a fanatic lunatic ; Max is another entirely different individual. You should go ahead and ask him ; you’ll be surprised how different he is from those KSW fanatics.
Espiando : “Vannier’s thing with the psychs is the same thing that turned me against Steve Hall. When Hall put up his websites, he stuck things in there about the Ebil Psychs, and that’s when it became clear to me that I had to expand my battle against Scientology to include the Indies.”
Peter : Steve is part of those KSW strict adherents ; you can’t get blood out of a turnip. Max, Dani , Tami, Anita Warren and her husband, Mary Freeman and husband, and many others, are a different breed of Indies. They can be trusted. A lot of them (I know many) don’t give a rat’s ass about the sexual preferences of anybody. But I don’t call them “KSW supporters” ; I call them “Liberal Scientologists”. Those two groups are very, very different.
Vannier ? Just take a look at this ; this says it all :
What more can you expect from an ex-GO guy ?
Espiando : “They weren’t going to change anything out of their sheer desire to show how much they followed KSW , unlike Miscavige.
Peter : Yes, that is a sad truth indeed. I think that group of strict KSW followers is getting smaller and smaller each day. Probably they are no more than 30 of them out-here ; most of them being part of the RTC of the field , MS2. It is really a pity how Lana Mitchell is so easily influenced by others she admires. That’s her main weakness. After the many articles at BIC about tolerance and understanding she adopted a more friendly attitude towards critics and dissenters. I had been following her blog analyzing her changes ; and I was really liking what I was seeing.
Then apparently her husband Jim Logan (a brilliant mind that if freed from the cultish aspect , is even Nobel Prize material) , one day woke up from the wrong side of the bed, and wrote a recent article criticizing again all critics and dissenters, specially the HBO doc and Wright’s book. And I thought then, “Why on hell did she let him do that, for Christ sakes!!! ; the gaps had already been closing between the two groups”. But it was already too late ; the damage had already been done , and there was no going back. “She did it again” , I thought ; She let herself be influenced again by people she respect and admires. Well, what can I say ? Life is made by choices ; I made mines , they made theirs.
Espiando : “FG probably doesn’t know that there have been at least two SP Declares written about Miscavige, one by Jon Atack in 1986. They’re on the Net and can be found easily. Those SP Declares didn’t work. Why would another one?”
Peter : Yeah, there is also one by the late John Joseph aka “Plain Old Thetan”. May be it was a “Treason Condition” assignment , but for all practical purposes, it was the same. Garcia’s letter to DM had a similar effect as well. No discipline of any nature work of psychopath personalities ; only brute force does , or totally isolating them from society.
Espiando : “It’s a shame that scnafrica shut everything down, Peter. Near the end, he/she/it was allowing criticism of Hubbard, a lot of it from you. The blog was on the verge of evolving like Marty’s an d Mike’s. There would have been no consequences to opening up the discussion beyond a couple of bitchy posts from Ronnie Bell and Robin Remoteviewed about “betraying Hubbard”. I wish scnafrica could have continued, because the blog was a terrific resource about a geographical area of Scientology that was generally uncovered. ”
Peter : Yeah, it is a shame, indeed ; their blog felt like family to me. South Africans are a different breed of cat. They have very strong and independent personalities. At the end, what we had was a multiplicity of viewpoints in there, and a lot of tolerance for divergence of views. As you said, only 2-3 , like conspiracy theorist Robin lame ass Remoteviewer , objected, but I usually handled any of them with great ease. Right when we had created the perfect blog ; the perfect combination of divergent viewpoints for others to benefit from ; it just closed down. The Admin never again answered my private emails, even when I offered my deepest apologies if I had offended him in any way. I thought he was my friend. I guess that many individuals base friendship in their similarity of religious beliefs. What a waste ; he changed my life for the better as nobody had done before, and I will always love him for that.
C’est la vie.
Peter : Yeah, that’s life, all right. Happy holidays for you and your family, dear Espiando. I hope that this new year 2016 you may meet someone that I know might change your life : FAITH.
Dear Espi ,I forgot to include this link about Merrell Vennier , on my reply to you :!ut/p/a0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOINjIxcDf2DDbzcvRwNDRy9g0wDvHy9DQyMzPQLsh0VAWggdpY!/?mid=214744
Merrell Vannier is a man.
In these sad final days of the church of scientology the only things David Miscavige can get people to buy are things they already have which he has declared obsolete and which he has repackaged. The new products are required replacements requiring repurchase. And don’t you dare say they are “new”! The correct phrase is, “As Ron intended”. Now it’s the trinkets getting the “Golden Age” treatment and that’s reaching down pretty deep into that empty bag of tricks. Notwithstanding David’s certain speech on New Year’s Eve about the bright year ahead for the church, the most casual observer can see disaster looming for him in 2016.
Hi Roger Hornaday, The last few days I have really sensed that 2016 will accelerate some type of upheaval for dm and cos. Can’t say what it will consist of, but like a faraway train whistle coming out thru the night fog, cos is in for very rough weather! Happy 2016 Love, Ann.
“…like a faraway train whistle coming out thru the night fog,…” Good one, Ann. Evocative of the sense I have of what’s in store for Co$ in 2016 as well. I’m not sure what it is yet, but I do sense its not gonna be good.
Hi Aquamarine, Here comes 2016!? Love, Ann.
How does one comment on idiocy so base as this. Perhaps clearing a bracelet is a tech they have finally mastered. Clearing a person of their money has many phases, some golden, so not so golden but the base line of anything concerning the Cof$ is you have to a mindless idiot to keep falling for their bullshit.
Not a good look on your resume, employed by the Church of Scientology. Keep that bit a secret.
Keep it a deep, dark secret. If it gets out, it’ll follow you to your grave…..
It makes perfect sense that they are pushing these trinkets now. Pretty soon, there’ll be OT9/10 and you will have “planned obsolescence” as they will coerce the purchase of OT10 gimmicks.
Really??? They’re going to have OT10 gimmicks? Are they free, cuz I sure would like one!
It’s been said that cult membership retards a person’s mental development at age 12. My personal discussions with scientologists shilling for their outfit has always tended to confirm that: all the age-appropriate name-calling, name-mangling and foot stomping, along with lies that are as hopeful as they are blatantly obvious to adults. And if all else fails, pronounce victory, grab your ball and run home.
Thanks to Mike, here’s further confirmation. Along with “my club house may be empty but it’s bigger than your club house,” now comes the secret decoder ring. Now I’ve seen all kinds of organizations, including churches, offer all kinds of trinkets or fan gear. But this is definitely the first time, an organization FORCES people to buy into it.
Another advantage of a cult: Unlike a church or a sports team, you get to tell the fans, parishioners or “parishioners” (wink, wink!) what they will and what they won’t do with their time, money, bodies and minds. Very practical–if you’re the guy on top!
Breaking news, this just in, a Papal Bull:
“Pope Francis has just manufactured a new cross. Crosses in all art forms made in the past 2000 years are now obsolete. Purchase in some form is mandatory for all Catholics. The new cross is actually not new at all, but the cross that Jesus always intended. For that reason it has been named, “The Ideal Cross”. Enclosed is our Complimentary Catalog with your choices for forms be they art, jewelry or statuary As of January 1st, proof of purchase of the Ideal Cross will be required in order to attend Mass or receive Holy Communion. All credit cards accepted. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. The Vatican.
OK, so here’s my question: If you purchase a new bracelet upon completing OT VIII, are you required to give it back when Tiny Fists releases his next squirrel version of the level? And when you complete that one, must you then buy a new OT bracelet?
Close, but, no cigar. You don’t have to give it back. They come to your house and take it from you. While there, there’s also a mandatory 3 hour regging session. Then they hand you a brand new Ideal OT bracelet, while going through your bank accounts to make sure you have enough to pay for it.
Simple, yes?
I know,huh? Who would have thunk it!
Well, what wasn’t mentioned was the RF tracking included in the new bracelets. These will speed you on your way with routing forms. Of course the IAS, WISE, PDO, WTH, ABLE, and registrars are all equipped with the new GAT II Scammer System (oops that should be Scanner) for instant, to the millimeter, location of any mark, I mean parishioner. There is even a handheld scanner for when they arrive at your house so they can determine where you’re hiding and bang on the appropriate closest door or window to alert you to let them in to give you the latest hot skinny update on things which are vital to your survival.
SO members are issued tin plated zinc copper bracelets which additionally have builtin dog-zappers so their seniors can be alert to fence jumping, sitting, including motion sensors for jerk-off detection without the need for pesky OW review.
Man I gotta tell you how impressive this new golden age of jewelry is and the impact it will have fo all of mankind and this planet. Hoo Ray!
*** Happy New Year to you all ***
Hi freebeeing, Love your post. And for a few thousand $ extra you can get an amazingly beautiful OT what ever you want bracelet with 24/7 tracking software so the regges know where you are at all times! Ethics Officers too,whoops I mean public MAAs now that I have a goldenrod from eons ago.Love, Ann A Happy and Free 2016!
Congratulations on your goldenrod, Ann. You’re one of the luckiest people on the planet. Let’s postulate that 2016 be the end for the “church”. Happy New Year to you.
Hi EagleEye, Thank you sweet spirit and may 2016 be he best year ever. Love U, Ann
Hi EagleEye, Thank you for your post. Years ago the day the goldenrod came in the mail, I was totally miserable! Today I feel totally proud and you made me feel better about it.Happy happy 2016 to you and yours.Love, Ann
Look for a gluten on eBay
Jeez. I see some potential for a lot more money making here. LRH specified certain products that he used in numerous PLs and other writings. Everything from Coca-Cola, to the exact brands of cleaners and waxes to use to wash his cars. All these products should be specified, and all Scientologists should be required to purchase them through the Church, at a tremendous mark-up, so that they are doing “what LRH intended.”
Barley formula “exactly as LRH intended”, CalMag “exactly as LRH intended”, Niacin “exactly as LRH intended”, lotion before you pick up the cans “exactly as LRH intended”, sleep timer “exactly as LRH intended”.
New business Logo EALRHI. I’ve already incorporated. Anyone want to be my partner?
Hi Valerie, All your posts resonate with me because you have made your way in the world and I gather run your own business along with all else. If you will have me I’ll be a partner that licenses Command Intention so all the products endorsed by Ron just fly off the shelves.Laughter! I do admire your path. Happy 2016 and Love, Ann
“Command Intention” would make a great vanity license plate for an Anon unless the cult has this phrase patented, which wouldn’t surprise me.
Hi Aquamarine, I liked your post. After I wrote Command Intention to Valerie, I thought Whoops! Like the time I sat in Ron’s Chair in his Office to dust it as QM very green, because I was so so exhausted I could barely stand and a Div 7 comes roaring in drags me out with,” We do not ever sit in Ron’s Chair! Hi Ethics! So it may very well be with Command Intention ” We do not use that phase, it is owned by cob for eternity”.I will need to come up with another one. I’ll think on that.Love, Ann.
Snowman holdups via a blow dryer?? Fits the story perfectly. Giggle…..
What no ‘Ideal’ $cieno decals in various useless metals for your car? I wonder who got the bracelet concession and who much the dwarfenführer gets in kickbacks?
The LRH quote from Colin Davie’s letter is hilarious.
“If a person says he is Clear, ask him for a look at this bracelet..”
Well, there it is. No need to demonstrate that you actually have any “Clear” abilities (oh no! that would a be far too obscene display of power), just show ’em your lame ass bracelet.
I can’t believe the sheeple would fall for this Clear/OT bracelet scam.
Oh, well, that’s just rhetoric because I know they will. They won’t have much choice.
Pour it on, Co$! Make them buy, buy, buy and pay, pay, pay. Squeeze them, milk them, bilk them; go for it, get now while the getting’s still good!
Hurry, hurry hurry!
Time’s running out for you, Co$!
Tick Tock!
” I can’t believe the sheeple would fall for this Clear/OT bracelet scam. ”
Why not Aqua? You know damn well the members of the Cult are not the sharpest tools in the shed. In fact they pretty well demonstrate daily just how really dull they are. After all, they keep showing up at the Shermanspeak Festivals to laud Davey and his daily drivel …………… no way they could resist a shiny metal object that obviously costs way more than it is worth. The embedded chip to keep track of your every move and utterance is free! 🙂
You’re right on every point, Newcomer. And as embedded chips will soon be the law for dogs and cats, well, why not for sheeple, eh? It wouldn’t surprise me.
Yep, all pet dogs & cats in Australia have to be micro-chipped. it’s the law.
Data bases tuned, put to the test, bugs handled & ready for next level of big brother indoctrination, human chipping maybe? The tech is there and tested, wouldn’t surprise me at all if it’s already going on.
MIscavige is paranoid enough. I remember at the Org in the 90s we were ordered to request a police report on ourselves and had to hand it over to the paranoid fucks.
Well, you know, I was on staff at ASHO for a year. During my tenure someone stole my clear bracelet out of my dresser drawer in the dorm. Frankly, Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.
Question: When the pope comes to visit a city and the vendors make tons of money selling little pope memorabilia, does the Vatican demand a cut of the gross?
Hi LDW, Doesnt’t that sux! My friendly thetans in GO/Intel would tell me I had a white glove of my room when they had no reason to do so as our CO @ Asho F did such each week. But they all had a ball going thru my little corner in the room meant for two, that held six.I swear they would have been bored with my stuff. Any thing sensitive I kept in my head. Lobe, Ann.
What kind of bracelet does Demonic Midget wear, Dollar sign?
A charm bracelet: mark, yen, dollar, pound, franc, ruble, shekel – etc.
RE: How things are . . .
Some of the best case gains and biggest wins can be had as a captive of Taco Tuesday. More precisely, $2 fish tacos at Duke’s in Malibu, washed down with micro-brewery Santa Monica Beer.
By the way, was Shelly tossed around by last night’s 4.4 magnitude earthquake near Crestline? Did ALL of the books fall off of the shelves in your Club Med bunker?
To start off 2016 with a bang, El Nino is expected to kick in with flash flooding and landslides next week. After years of low-balling your flood insurance premiums, you may be surprised to learn that Club Med on the fringe of Hemet can’t be rebuilt. One option will be to begin hocking mud baths for their health benefits just like Old Man Gilman did with the original Gilman Hot Springs — until his hot springs dried up.
Your other option will be to accept the ‘hostile takeover’ low-ball offer from White Elephant Self Storage, Inc. No need to worry, LRH’s house will be reserved for ‘conditioned space’ storage of fine antiques and other valuables.
How are things looking for tomorrow, Thursday, at 2pm?
And while we are at it DAVE, how are you coming on the new Valley Idle Morgue? Has Quinn (the lazy Eskimo) returned from land of the Rio Grande to carry on the fight to the finish? Is Albuquerque Idle yet? Certainly you and your Ohh Tea Ates need only to postulate these things into existence for them to happen…….good buddy!
A business is a business and the church of scn is just that: a business making lots of money.
scn is the one business that gives new meaning to the phrase:
money for nothing
But are my waves still free?
Not with the release of The Golden Age of Surfing Phase 3.
No! NO IT CAN’T BE!!! It just can’t be! You mean to tell me that I’ll have to ‘pay per ride?’ My God! The horror……the horror…….
If pay-per-ride is a good enough business model for prostitution, it’s good enough for an even bigger bunch of whores.
Nice one Espi!
You’ll have to purchase an Ideal Surfboard, OSD and join the International Association of Surfers. If you don’t increase your status each year, Surf Base will automatically deactivate your board. Look, this is surfing the Duke Kahanamoku always intended.
And then you will be surfing just as LRH intended
If it’s a business, then it should be shut down and david miscavige put in jail. Oh but wait… If it’s a religion, same thing.
It was always a business right from the start , I am afraid ; right from the very early ’50s. LRH wrote the book on “How to become rich deceiving others , and using them as slaves”. He’ll “come” back not as the “Anti-Christ” , but as an abused dog. The laws of Karma, I love them.
Hi Theta Clear, A very stupendous New Year to you and yours. I can smell the karma roasting those that deserve it. You know I love U and look forward to your work in 2016. Sparkling Love,Ann.
Theta Clear, I’ve always had this image of Ron incarnating and originating to an auditor and Scientology execs that he is L Ron Hubbard.
Then they’d off load him as Type3.
Hi Brian, Your post made me smile, thank you.Happy 2016 to you and yours, Love,Ann
That was for SILVIA.
So, the new deal is, if you are clear you must purchase a bracelet.
I don’t know about you guys, but by the time I made it to clear I never had ANY money to purchase anything.
It’s a little unclear as to whether the earlier bracelets have been “cancelled”, I know they’d love to do that, but I honestly think it would cause them more trouble than it’s worth.
People get very attached to sentimental pieces of jewelry.
If they push this, it could actual snap a lot of people out of the daze.
Oh, and you used to be able to have outside jewelers design your bracelet, but DM put a stop to that pretty quickly. He put a stop to all $cientology inspired jewelry, and believe me, there were some amazingly creative scientologist jewelers in the L.A. Area.
Oh well, if it isnt fun it isn’t $cientology!
Wait, $cientology is a deadly serious activity.
Yep, it’s a desert topping and a floor wax for sure.
Victoria, It is not the way the Mike publishes the data on this blog. It is the facts of the matter. This IS something that has been heard 10,000 times before by anyone that was in the church or still is. First you are acknowledged for buying your OWN OT bracelet when you went OT 35 years ago, then the same exact one for your daughter 8 years later, and then for your son 10 years ago etc. BUT…..NOW you can FINALLY ACTUALLY REALLY get a REAL TRUE Clear or OT bracelet just like LRH wanted you to have. So in other words “not like that crap you and your family used to pay for that was the real thing but not quite the real thing because even though I DM have never even seen a Clear or OT bracelet before in my life LRH has said……..”. Do you get my point? 🙂 It is the criminal irony of it. A lot of people will soon think there is something not quite with the program about David Miscavige, if this Blog entry alone does not convince anyone.
In talking to my OT VIII friends who did it on the Ship, they all said after the win of completing OT VIII, they were keyed in again by being gang-pressed into buying a big, gold OT VIII bracelet. They wouldn’t let them off the ship without it practically. It was expensive and a big money maker for the ship. So now to say that one is “bad” or “wrong” or “not to LRH’s standards” and that they have to buy a new one…. what a crock. The Ship pushed those gold bracelets big time. Now they have to eat their words and tell you they weren’t the best and, “buy this one now, so much better.” How can they say that with a straight face?
They can say stuff like this with as straight face, Cindy, because NOT saying it would be what the cult calls a “too gruesome”. They’re afraid, full of fear NOT to.
LOL!!!! I’d go with Floor Wax
I had a waxy floor once. But I kept sticking to it.
I was one of those artists that made Oh Tee bracelets back before the art police forbid them. I made my own which was made out of Damascus steel. The forged layers defined the OT on the surface of the oval / ellipse. On another note does the term ” Cheap bastards” define any particular group that we might be aware of? Just askin.
I think this is 100% on policy. Of course, if DM were to reveal the real reason why it might cause a bit of bubble-itis! You see the clear bracelets have to redesigned because there are too “false clears” who have clear bracelets people. Clears who have been declared and thus are no longer clear since they have to start all over at the bottom of the bridge. (Gee LRH, you wouldn’t be invalidating case gain, now would you?) There are a lot of people who got clear bracelets used on ebay and had the engravings redone. Possible to celebrating having gone clear in the indie zone. For those reasons it was necessary to create a new clear bracelet in accordance with LRH instructions on that the bracelets are there to prevent people claiming to be clears when they aren’t. Heck, LRH probably did it as way to get back at the people who went clear and then stepped out of line. Plus, it’s good money maker even today. So like I said 100% on policy according to my interpretation of LRH intention.
I got my Silver Clear Bracelet from a jewelry store across the street
from CC Int. it was nicely engraved and a little bit bigger and more
fancy than Church issued. I wore it a few times then events only.
Of course it was Squirrel and shades of things to come,nice ornament
for Squirrel conventions in Las Vegas. I paid about $60. for it.
$700.for a 10 carat plated bracelet is a rip off ( made in China, less than 2 bits each)
I’m holding out for a Dashboard figurine of the COB for my hillbilly limo.
( Christian’s have an overpriced Dashboard Jesus, so why not ?)
Oh, Jose! I want an AppleBoxBoy dashboard figure!!! Him standing obnoxiously atop his apple box, shaking his tiny fists at me while I drive…. But, in order to make it accurate, I’m afraid the bobbing head will obscure the entire windshield….
They sell the Ohh Tea Ate bracelets on the freakwinds for about $3000. They contain about 600.00 worth of melt value gold at todays spot price. I expect the new ones are plated ………… that will help protect Dave’s microchip sending device!
If anyone wants an Ohh Tea Ate gold bracelet I have one for sale!
Oh crud! It’s something every single day!
$700 bucks for a bracelet. The “Clear” will never get that back when they sell it on eBay.
It’s like Scientology just backs up the manure truck and dumps it into their living rooms, then sends them a big bill for the manure. And they LIKE it.
Thanks Mike. I’m so glad you’re out and I really appreciate your work to expose the cult! Happy New Year!
Back to 1980, I had a squirrel clear bracelet. My wife got it made by a jeweler and offered it to me. Later on in Flag, I think I didn’t wear it.
But I still have it. I liked it! Maybe I wear it again, I’m still clear after all! (doesn’t look too much those time, I don’t have many attributs of a clear, but some people are still making and attesting clear on the indie field. They are quite happy with it.)
I remember in the 1970 very few people had a clear bracelet. I wasn’t clear myself and was giving incredible power to this few people. There was a woman (about 40, and I was on my 20) she wasnot very sexy but she was actually OT3, I was admiring her, thinking that secretly, under the middle class ordinary look, she was a super woman and even super sexy.
I was smiling at her. She really could have seduced me even I was not interested physically. Our CO was a Sea Org member, he was OT VII (original OT levels, ability to operate exterior and to project intention) and was quite a wise man (didn’t practice the “stat religion” but was really interested in the progress and wins of every customer). I was imagining he was in the course room without his body, making sure all is ok. Sort of a local god. Actually when something was going a bit wrong he would appear and handle. The sup was an horrible bitch.
I remember a girl crying on the course. The bitch ordered her to TRO to key out her bank! More crying and the bitch screaming : “you should confront!”.
The CO appears. “What’s happen”. And the student told him she couldn’t do the drill etc… He was listening nicely, just acked like he really understood that it was not easy. Read very sweetly the instruction again, asked it by any way there was something she didn’t really get, found something, cleared it. Student was happy. I saw the sup in cramming. I really thought the damn guy was an OT. He would be 100 years old now.
But things were just like they were supposed to be.
From Miscavige, nothing ever was like it was supposed to be. Every thing is a lie with a distorded viewpoint. We cannot juge scientology with that as it is not scientology.
Bitches and mother fucker are ruling. Dishonnest people.
Maybe I was gullible but in the 1970 i was living a nice reality with scientology.
Nice rant FG!
” From Miscavige, nothing ever was like it was supposed to be. Every thing is a lie with a distorded viewpoint.”
Seems like it didn’t change much when He took over. Have you seen Alex Gibney’s documentary?
Nice post FG. Your summation is correct. It did change – a lot – when he took over. Gradual and creeping at first but nevertheless changing – for the worse I am afraid. Now the Church is an open and crass misrepresentation of Dianetics and Scientology.
No, it isn’t. Scientology and Dianetics couldn’t be more crass if it tried.
A Clear has a clear bracelet. An OTVII has a OT bracelet. The Scarecrow got a Diploma; the Tin Man got a red velvet heart…I forgot what the Cowardly Lion got but you get the idea.
In Miscavology, its all about the MEST, and of course, the money.
The abilities gained or the abberations lost from attaining the state of Clear – forget it. Don’t worry your sweet pretty little heads about such esoterics. Just buy your bracelet, the one that Ron always intended a Clear to wear. Keep it on your wrist and you’ll know you’re Clear, and we’ll know you’re Clear. Don’t over think this, people.
The Cowardly Lion received a medal, as in a gallantry award….
I was told once I had made it to release. Do they use that term anymore and if so how do I get the bracelet?
Look, Doug, you’re a great guy with very informative posts. You also make me laugh. So, yes, I will hold and then release you. Then you can proudly say, “I’m a Release!” No need to thank me….
🙂 Please Release me.
And let you go?
Cool, and I will buy my own “release” bracelet
Don’t forget to post it on your FB page!
Simple @Doug Sprinkle. Become a Patron Maximus Gluteous of the IAS, Go through the levels a few dozen times and re re re re re attest to them, donate to a few Idle Morgues. Once you have paid a few million dollars, you have the privilege of paying $500 more to get the bracelet.
If that is all that is required I will get right on it.
I’ve got a bracelet for you Doug!
The CLEAR Bulletin around OCT of 1978 cancelled most of the
Clear releases and Clear this or that as CLEAR.
There was a checklist and later a DCSI.
I listened to an elderly lady give her win while being audited by LRH and going CLEAR
at Saint Hill.
What was LRH’s Clear Number?
Like Hubbard, DLHDM has proclaimed that he is a “natural OT.” No need for sissy bracelets and stupid numbers….
He’s a past life Ate OSD …………… Ate shit and died he did. Let’s see what he does for an encore!
LMFAO!!! Still laughing! “He’s a past life Ate…..Ate shit and died he did!” Instant Classic! Still chuckling…
I would like to see more coverage of, and focus on the commission aspect of this global scam, at all levels and activities.
I think it is too often overlooked and plays a big part.
It often seems like all the money is going straight to the top, but there is a cut involved for those who make the sales, right?
I think it also serves as a secondary gain in psychologically reinforcing the brainwashing.
1subgenius, once again, pure genius! And it does, indeed, reinforce the brainwashing. It, shall I really say it, ‘validates’ the person. And we all know, you just can’t get enough validation in the cult…
How many licks to get through that “thick layer of gold”, I wonder?
My take is that with the truly ins being undeclared clear and OT and having to re re re do the levels, they can only keep track of this weeks “real” sheeple by changing the brand up.
Those who refuse to accept that they are not clear and pay time and time again to redo the levels are not privileged enough to pay to buy a bracelet proving they have done so.
But…..but, Valerie! Where will all those poor little bracelets go? They’ll become orphan bracelets…
I do wonder where my bracelet went. I feel bad for it (no I don’t). I don’t remember if I threw it away or what in my big purge of the ’80s. I think that is the case. PS OSD, my giraffe I posted on your FB page feels bad that you didn’t respond.
Oh, crap! I haven’t checked my page in awhile! I’ll get right on it!
BTW, I did a lot of purging in the 80s, too. I mean, everyone was into the ultra thin look. I got down to 105lbs. I don’t purge anymore, though…
These bracelets are not cheap. It’s funny that he is only showing the prices of the clear bracelets – which are somewhat reasonable.
I paid 3000 for my “OT” bracelet that I never wear. Helluva deal. My wife’s was only 2750 because it is smaller.
Any idea what they are worth on ebay?
They cost more now. My son bought his dad’s (extortion style) for $5,000, when he was working for peanuts at Belleair Mission. Adrianna, the ED, “extorted” it out of him, using his basic goodness against him. We all here know the drill. It was heartbreaking when I saw the “gift” especially since I KNEW his dad was never going to finish VII, much less do VIII. Who are the real SP’s? Hidden in plain view.
that is gross.
Sheldon, in answer to your question, probably no more than $25.
I got $22 at a pawn shop for mine last year when silver was trading high.
I noticed no price for the OT bracelets too.
They’re priceless!
Silver is selling for $13.90 per ounce.
Hi Oh Silver! Away! Damn, who was that masked man?
Have you seen Tonto at the beach?
I sure have! And boy, what a babe he looked up with! He told me he wanted to teach her about Native American customs. And he had a HUGE smile on his face as they were walking back to his condo.
How much for the hand and foot shackles? And does the orange jump suit cost extra?
In Miscavige’s case they cost a couple billion.
Barbara, I’ve got some great news for you! I can get both the hand and foot shackles in pink! That way the orange jumpsuit will, somewhat, match the shackles. And people say I can’t accessorize….
I just looked on Ebay….saw two sterling silver clear bracelets sold for $109 and $167. One was engraved with name clear number (10000 something) and year (1979). One other clear bracelet sold for $44.
Couldn’t find any OT bracelets. If yours is real gold I would imagine you could get some decent money. If it is gold filled or gold plated then not so much if anything. If you can’t find any markings as to gold, gold filled or gold plated on back then check the clasp on the chain.
Also Sheldon if you can’t find anything in my suggestions above, take them to a jeweler. They can test them and tell you if they are real gold or not. Sometimes if they are real gold the jeweler will offer you a decent amount….sometimes. Usually real gold jewelry will sell better on Ebay than what a jeweler will offer.
Good idea. Thanks
Two clear bracelets on ebay right now – neither of them look “right”
That’s because they need to be reissued!
Hi Windhorse, Thank you for your post.My I do remember being mesmerized ( as if Ron had not done that already to me) by the original Clear & OT bracelets. Ron wore his in many many photos and why dm has eliminated those, well $ and more $ is a huge factor in his thinking.When I was drinking the koolaid and I got to see close up SO members bracelets I was so sure all was well up the Bridge! Different time and different head of the cult too..Now I know a lot was wrong even then with cos, and the bracelets did not advance people to saints either.In fact some that wore the Clear & OT bracelets @ Asho SO were sinners! I echo you, Happy Happy New Year to all 2016! Love, Ann
I love how they can choose their own chain length. They do that everyday they stay in Scientology.
🙂 The Golden Rope.
The Golden Dope.
Dave uses the Golden Grope
Plenty of times too, at that castle in Italy with his new gal pal, Lou.
You mean to tell me that those cult members actually get choose their own chain length??? Holy shit! What’s next? Being able to choose their own shoelaces??? And it won’t stop there! Somebody’s just opened up Pandora’s box…
Oh Jesus what a load of horse shit. I cannot believe how robotic and hypnotized these people are (And claim how they are NOT). Come on OSA, you read these posts and comments – isn’t it time you caught a wake-up?
Oh and Mike, again love your post and sound logic. And as always, incisive sense of humor.
You gotta believe it Ex ……………’s the way it is here on, to coin a phrase, the prison planet!
All my Scn. jewelry has been either thrown out or sold – gold for cash. I was not surprised how little gold is actually in the jewelry.
…except for Tom Cruise’s necklace.
Necklace? Aha! I knew he was gay!
Somewhere between “A”, Gay and Hetero. You know he is the second biggest being after all.
I once got my way into an event – that I wasn’t technically allowed into – by showing my OTVIII bracelet.
SO my take is — none of the phony baloney prior Clears and OTS can now use their identification bracelets and ONLY THE NEW BETTER improved Clears and OTs can.
Another form of identifying who is good and who is just plain pond scum AKA as bitter apostates on the fringe of the internet.
I’m happy to be with such stellar company I have to say. It’s more stellar by the day, it seems.
Happy New Year to all — 2016 is going to be like none other.