Recently we saw the message from the EDs of Salt Lake City “ideal” org.
Today we have another slice of disaster capitalism from a couple of OT VIII commissioned salesman in San Francisco.
This is of course unrealistic in the current circumstances but what good scientologist ever let a bit of planetary bullbait stop them from asking for money.
A few questions spring to mind as I read this.
It’s an odd combination of what “should be” (taken from the LRH ED that describes an “Ideal Org”) and what they claim IS.
No “ideal org” is actually doing point 1. Not even slightly close.
Well, no shit on point 2 — they fly the staff and public in from around the world to attend Miscavige’s ribbon yankings.
On point 3, based on evidence, the “affluence” is a couple of weeks of intro service completions from old public. After that, they go silent.
Point 5 — yeah, just look at the PR area control they attained in Ventura…
None of these orgs are in “ideal locations” — many are so far out of the way nobody can even find them. Ventura, the latest and greatest is on a backstreet off a freeway next to oil tanks.
Point 7 — “higher quality individuals” seems here to mean “people with more money”? Nothing crass about this….
Point 8 — they create new “breads”? Breeds? Even that doesn’t make sense? Not a clue what they meant to say here.
9 is obviously a lie. No ideal org staff can survive on “staff pay.”
And 10 — a Cleared Planet “faster”? You are aware that you are actually going BACKWARDS. The planet is become a LOT less Clear every day as the population increase outstrips the number of new Clears by several MILLION for each Clear that is made.
So, please turn over your money. We need our 10% commission.
#1, The ideal number of Div 6 staff is DONE. Dwarfenführer has determined that that number is ZERO, with the installation of his totally automated, EXPEN$IVE A/V departments which modern consumers can ignore just like we all ignore billboards on our daily commutes. They’re exactly as effective as the CSN “network has been, driving no one into the orgs for services, selling NO books.
An Alan Funt running the business had told scientologists to smile because they were in $ciwentology.
Rereading the “10 commandments” for the ideal orgs, I realized that they are really pissing me off these OTs who are only there doing business.
A new breed of OTs without super powers but super bullshit shooters. Amateurs also in deceiving others. Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but they really pissed me off.
That sounds like typical “postulate” talk. Only a small amount of it ever comes true, in a way similar to a stopped clock being wrong twice a day – except the brief “boom” and stat push that new “ideal” orgs may experience almost never repeats.
“Build it an they will come” has got to wear on some of the members as it fails to come to pass year after year, decade after decade. There are stories of some who left in part when they realized it was an illusion and a lie, though then again maybe Scientology is getting weaned down to a real hard core impervious to reality.
Item 10. is actually somewhat true, in that the “ideal” org is part of the indoctrination that is creating “totally dedicated scientologists” who have “certainty” about all those Scientology postulates and promises that never actually come true.
And, indeed, let’s remember that it is the Scientology’s perverse commissioned sales system – even for “donations” – that drives a lot of this.
So we have Kendrick X 2 . Walker & Moxon . Both OT V111 . Hope Walker is an improvement on the other lowlife 👎
Damn. I’m still stuck in step 8:
“… new breads of scientologists to get 100% GAT ll… ”
What did they mean? I even tried with google translate. Are they baking?
The mean new BREEDS. New kinds, or types, of Scientologists.
Oh. You were joking.
Laughing. Yes Moose being just sarcastic.
” You will know them by their MEST” LRH translated by David Miscavige TOTALLY influenced by
Big Bean Celebrity – Mister Tom Cruise
LMR – LOL – you spotted the “outpoint”. If you translate it using Scientologese, what it means is that Scientologists have CRASHING MU’s. You know what LRH says about that?
Scientologists are CRIMINALS.
Notice in #7. Here is where the piltdown man shows his fangs. Scientology’s true goal…..M-O-N-E-Y!!
7. “Ideal Orgs pull in higher quality individuals who in turn not only want to pay up to Clear in one shot, but also become new and passionate IAS donors.”
Translated: Tom Cruise told the Big Bean Captain David Miscavige over a decade ago, that the Org’s looked degraded and he was embarrassed to bring other celebs to them and that the staff and members were very low toned.
The Scientology low toned mest only pulled in low toners.
YOU LURKERS – he was talking about you – you losers.
Miscavige knows that Tom Cruise is the next-in-line biggest bean on the planet to DM, so David Miscavige listened and followed Tom Cruises advice and then his criminal Scientological mind went to work.
“How to get rich using other people’s money buying real estate with NO MONEY DOWN ….ALL while hiding behind the Religious Cloak”. And it is totally legal today thanks to our corrupt politicians over the years running our government.
David Miscavige thought to himself….
“I will purchase real estate around the globe using other people’s money to build my empire. I will financially drain these degraded beings and then discard these low toned losers without sorrow. I will be a multi- billionaire because I AM SCIENTOLOGY and I RULE THESE LOSERS. I am KING of the Cults.”
“Once the properties are owned by me, David Misavige who rules the Church of Scientology, I will rule the world and destroy these degraded CS who SC on HB. Finally, Tom and I can have each other and be the 2-D’s we have always meant to be for real and we will live happily ever. Well, after I ditch the bitch Lou and kick her head to the curb and grind it into the ground.”
Step One: Using Propaganda, convince these clubbed seals that we must have MEST. Twist the tech to suit my agenda. If these idiots believed me when I told them “LRH dropped his body to research upper levels” … they will believe anything. It is right there on the tone scale. Drive them down to robots but do it slowly so they don’t notice.
Step Two: Financially ruin the members to get ALL of their cash and render them powerless by taking all of their money and putting them into deep debt.
Step Three: If they complain, use the “you are responsible for everything” tech as well as “You Pulled it In” tech. This is very workable gaslighting.
Step Four: Once they invest heavily, I own them for life. DESTROY THEM!
Step One, Two and Three are complete. Now it is on to Step Four.
DM’s comm. What a comment. Yes in point 7 actually admitting that they do these things of just money. The rest makes think that DM couldn’t have time to enjoy money, assets and 2d because soon the police could be knocking to his door.
“influenced by
Big Bean Celebrity
My dyslexia happily served this up as “Mr Bean’s ” celebrity, which might be the closest truth. At least Rowan knew he was funny. Davey-boy and his minions are totally serious about that shit, which is pretty sad and funny simultaneously.
O/T. The Church of Scientology threatens to “end” The Daily Beast over its coverage of Scientology and the Coronavirus.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The following day, another letter arrived from a Jeffrey K. Riffer, attorney for the law firm Elkins Kalt Weintraub Reuben Gartside LLP. It read, in part:
The world would be in a better condition today had governments and other organizations timely followed Mr. Miscavige’s lead.
The undisputed written evidence, physical evidence and millions of masks and gloves in Scientology evidence prove that Mr. Miscavige implemented massive proactive state-of-the-art actions before governments and other organizations. So, you have no story.
Now that you are on written notice that your story is 100% false, any publication exposes you to the end of your career and The Daily Beast to the end of its existence (as happened when the jury awarded $140 million in a defamation lawsuit against Gawker, driving Gawker into bankruptcy). We hope that is not necessary.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
My Goodness! I had never previously heard of The Daily Beast (I don’t get out much).
But if the scam is threatening them and is all upset about what they are posting, I figured they have to be worth a read.
I sure do wish I would have known about The Daily Beast – – before today. They have some very interesting and entertaining articles.
Best of all, they seem to have a good idea of just what an illegal and wholesale Fascist and criminal scam this so-called religion really is.
They are well worth a read.
Yahoo News has now published the Daily Beast story.
We Asked the Church of Scientology How They’re Combatting Coronavirus. This Is Their Wild Response.
I found that news item here:
There are many other interesting articles there about the scam.
One of my favorites is found here: How Tom Cruise’s Wedding to Katie Holmes Changed Scientology Forever
Didn’t plaintiff show up in court for the Gawker lawsuit? Is Mr Riffer saying that defendant Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is going to show up in court?
What larks!
Churchies, if your word of mouth is bad, no amount of fancy buildings is going to help you expand.
Your church’s recent response to BuzzFeed included the assertion that you have a “good name.”
Not only do your stats show this isn’t true but you don’t even follow your own “scriptures” to remedy it.
How can you expect to persist without alter-isness?
You can’t get out of Emergency without changing the way you operate.
Maintaining the status quo will not free the people of Earth.
Your “solutions” are out of reach to the majority on this planet.
Your claimed successes do not appeal.
Your “missionaries” do not inspire.
You cannot “clear the planet” by ignoring the masses.
What use is your spiritual panacea if it’s inaccessible to an Amazon fulfillment associate, a Chinese sweatshop worker or a Cuban hooker?
What’s worse is that you don’t even care.
I can easily obtain a free Bible, Talmud, Quran, Tao Te Ching, Book of Mormon, Zohar and pretty much every other central religious text in existence. You offer a free catalogue from where I can purchase DMSMH for $25.
The population of earth is increasing at a far greater rate than the number of clears you make.
Earth will forever be a prison planet if its sole means of liberation comes with a $300,000+ price tag.
No amount of “good intentions” or glossy PR paps will change that.
Deep down, you know this.
If you can’t effect change from within, maybe it’s time to try from without.
Mwestern. Great comment. The point is that they don’t have a book that can be said to represent their faith. DMSMH is not even scientology and honestly requires that one has a minimum of study behind him. ‘What is sientology’? Well you must have already faced something about Tolstoy (big tomes).
Years ago after leaving the SO a person I knew had expressed interest about spirituality and wanted to read something about it. I often talked about it with her. But honestly I didn’t find one of their books to start with. DMSMH was too far from what she was looking for.
In the end since I was reading Eckart Tolle I gave it to her and after 29 pages she had the answers she was looking for and a huge positive shift in the way she was looking at life.
At the end of the day everything goes back to Hubbard. Habitual liar, flunked out of college, his war record a huge lie, the guy collected disability for not war wounds but ulcers and joint problems. He was a deadbeat dad who two of his wives accused him of physical abuse. Heavy smoker, drinker, did drugs and definitely took pain medication. He died alone and paranoid. If $ci delivered what it promised people would be lined up for service. There is only one Hubbard family member still involved and one son committed suiside. How could the man who had the tech to make one a superior being have never come back? No one has ever come back. There have been some big time crooks who have been $ci. Why is the current leader not even a high school graduate? His dad, brother and niece are no longer members. His wife hasn’t been seen in 14+ years. Why does it cost so much money to go up the bridge? It makes me sad to see these people in the bubble and even worse to see their children involved.
You said: “If $ci delivered what it promised people would be lined up for service. ”
This CERTAINLY applies to me! One of the earliest promises it made about being clear was that you would have a perfect memory, like a computer record you could access at will. Well, this is so mind-bogglingly useful that if it was true (ask anyone whose job involves remembering details), i would sign up within an hour – literally: the nearest org here in Vancouver is about 40 minutes away by transit. And Scientology would need to deliver literally nothing else; that’s how valuable this ability would be. But by Scientology’s standards, it’s one of the relatively minor abilities granted, it’s not even an OT power!
But in its entire existence, not only has no one demonstrated the perfect memory/total recall promised; it was very publicly accidentally debunked by LRH himself soon after it was claimed!
This is why when Scientologists bang on about their new abilities and powers, i am saddened and annoyed in equal measure.
I”m not promoting this guy by any means but there is a guy claiming to be LRH returned.
He is a complete nutjob.
Wasn’t he taken under the wing of a couple of very long-time indies – who would have the knowedge, intentionally or not, to cultivate a Hubbard wannabe?
It reminds me of the cases of several pretenders to be Russian princess Anastasia, who were taken in by upper-crust expratriates who knew something of how the princess would have acted and what she should have known, and the pretenders picked up on cues and learned to act quite convincingly. There’s even the question of whether they didn’t start to actually believe their claims themselves – a quandry that often seems to arise in situations like this, including with Hubbard himself.
Well, it sure looks like they can brag about ample parking.
I wonder if they have the required handicap parking spaces.
Oh! Hell no! They just tell themselves to make it go right!
Every parking space in a idle morgue lot is a handicapped space.
Isn’t creating parking spaces an OT ability? Looks like they’ve more than 47X’d that, big win!
The misspelling of “breeds” was funny. “…it creates new breads of…”
Kendrick Walker and wife left the SO at Flag about 10 years because they were pregnant. They moved to Northern California where his mother and father live. Then they applied to the state of California for financial aid to cover all the medical costs they faced based on their poor economic condition. But why, one might ask, when the family they moved to join were making millions of dollars a year? Later the couple went to work in the family business and received sufficient income to be able to afford to buy a home. Doubt SERIOUSLY they EVER considered paying the state back for the childbirth costs.
The only true status they hold is Blood Sucking Leeches Meritorious.
Actually, the Ventura may be the most Morg-ish of all the Morgs.
It is on a dead end street. The only other facility on that street is the Fire Department Training Center, which includes simulated oil tanks and other structures for fire training. There are no buildings at all across the street, is an overgrown drainage area. The street starts at the FD facility and ends at the far parking lot of the Morg. It is as isolated as can be – no vehicles have any reason to even pass by the Morg unless they are lost, or want to go to the Morg. You can’t even see the Morg from anywhere but the half-dozen residences on the steep hill above it.
They should call it the Dead End Morg.
I was just observing the list of “look who I am” they put after their names. I always thought that going up the bridge would take you ego away and be more you. I was wrong again.
Mike on point 8 I think it refers to people like Ryan Prescott a new breed of scientologist. The future.
Why Scientology needs to create more Ideal Orgs? Because it helps David Miscavige get rich buying real estate using other people’s money. If you think it is for any other reason, you are under mind control and undue influence via propaganda from Scientology. Lurkers, get honest and straight. The buildings are all empty after a decade of financially ruining the members.
A pain in the zorch. It is certainly as you say. However it depends on how certain things will go from here, I don’t think he will have the opportunity to enjoy these goods.
He may have to hide as hubbard did and he will communicate via video as bin laden did.
LoosingMyReligion, he seems to me like a such a bizarre combination of smugness and paranoia that I can’t figure out what it must be like in his head – and heart. As much as it hurts others, it can’t be comfortable inside, either. I suspect you’re right that the paranoia will continue gaining the upper hand as he ages and Scientology continues its downward spiral.
Cat. It seems to me what we could call it “a fixed idea”.
Until DM doesn’t reaches what it has set, he will not give up and drive down the entire ship with him.
But it is his ego that drives him forward. And Scientology (we can talk about that later) is based on creating and fortifying the ego. Not life. The Life that we are is sure not an ego.