This is a fascinating insight into the world inside the scientology bubble.
This image was posted to a scientology message board on FaceBook. Shortly after this screenshot was taken, the group’s admin asked that it be taken down as it didn’t have “Issue Authority.”
Despite all the LRH biography briefings, websites, press releases and books in today’s official scientology scripture there is no mention whatsoever anywhere that L. Ron Hubbard even had a wife (or 3) or any children.
One of the reasons the Briefing Course is no longer available is that the lectures have not been edited to remove reference to all sorts of individuals from Reg Sharpe and Herbie Parkhouse (and NUMEROUS others who have since been declared) to the frequent Mentions of Mary Sue. LRH speaks of her quite often in glowing terms. These references must ALL be excised. Miscavige does NOT want any “Hubbard family” to ever be seen as “rightful heirs” to the Hubbard empire that is all his.
Hubbard himself was pretty good at this trick. He disowned his first children Katie and Nibs. Though he originally took her to Cuba while he wrote Science of Survival, and even dedicated the book to her, he later informed Alexis “you are not my daughter” and because he married Mary Sue when he was still married to Sarah Northrup (Alexis’ mother) he then claimed he was “never married” to Sarah and only had 2 wives (his first wife Polly has also been completely “disappeared” from history).
Remember this famous photo of LRH and his second “non”-wife Sarah. Tony Ortega covered this in detail on his blog. Scientology airbrushed Sarah out of this shot, and publishes it in the “Ron Series,” along with the story of LRH the “Master Mariner” “surveying” the coast of Alaska.
The family life of L. Ron Hubbard does not live up to his proclamations about the subject.
Let’s not forget, in the end, when he thought Mary Sue was a liability to him, he disconnected from her completely. He did not even read the letters she sent him. They were handled by his “secretaries.” The children he had not previously abandoned (Katie, Nibs and Alexis) or died (Quentin) — Diana, Suzette and Arthur — were also abandoned under the justification that he had to be in hiding from process servers. Why was that so paramount over his family? Because he did manage to have various other people around him including Dr Gene Denk – clearly he was important enough to pierce the recluse veil.
Interestingly, you see Miscavige following in Hubbard’s footsteps with his wife Shelly. She has been “disappeared” and it is verboten to mention her. Just as it is verboten to mention Sarah or Polly or now even Mary Sue. And let’s not forget Miscavige’s father, brother, nieces and nephews who are now also “dead” to him.
When scientology claims “we honor and cherish families” one only needs look to the life of its Founder and Leader to put that lie to the sword.
It’s just downright silly to try to make things disappear in the computer age. It simply cannot be done. It would be like Germany trying to erase it’s history from World War II and then try to make the rest of the world believe the *new* story. It’s probably killing DM that he cannot say, “I was never married” or “Shelly who?”. The fact is that there are too many people alive that know both of them. If you crank the meat grinder the opposite way a whole pig won’t come out!
Some of this is simply not true Mary Sue is referenced by Ron clearly in several of the new Classic lectures. As is Reg. No editing or removal has taken place.
Great photo Mike, thank you. And great info!
Lovely photo–thank you, Mike, hadn’t seen it before. Your story sums up the direction that Scientology is taking.
Don’t bug me.
That’s a nice, charming historical reference, thank you.
no comparison for mister new, the dumb guy, duh mis-chrissakes alive.
guy how embarrassing, m-my… word. The noun. Shit, would be a waste of pencil-lead if I only had a pencil, so far advanced tool for the affirmation of advanced technology, my forsaken pencil.
I have to pause here a moment to inquire if anyone is armed. [ nervous executives, challenge themselves, that they might be the one ratted out, o for the love of … war criminals? No. Good. I guess its only me,
Then let’s continue.
The current leader leads to no information.
If you thought otherwise at any moment you were sadly mis-given.
[“If ever I get my hands on that Hubbard!, says the human voice whos foto is far too beautiful for words.]
The condemned.
since i dont actually write songs for Elton John, let me kick the addiction to sound poetic and just say straight up, TO: The Forsaken Leader of Leadless Pencils, check, hey is this thing on, recording? Thank you… SIR:
David Miscavige. Forgive me for laughing, but, do or did you ever have anything to say?…
I’m perfectly willing to be limited to only the one question, grateful being a better word.
go ahead, sir, please speak at will.
Way-back when … working in the “Public Relations Office of LRH” … I used to produce little cards for X-Mas, birthdays and so on, which came “From Ron & Mary Sue”. But then, one day, just after I had just printed a new batch for the next season, I was ordered to change the cards to “Ron” … I protested “Hey, I just printed hundreds of cards with “Ron & May Sue”! Answer: “Destroy them and print the new ones. Report compliance that you destroyed the old cards.” — No reason was ever given for it. I was sad. I had liked what I had heard about Mary Sue. And it gave it a bit of a ‘personal’ touch, which I had noticed, even in my then much younger years, as missing in the otherwise general approach about Ron & Scientology. But then, I was still too convinced, so very much dedicated and naive to take it as an important telltale. Now I would. I’m glad I can see the difference now.
Hello Jurgen. Nice to hear from you after so long!!! Hope you are well.
Sincere gratitude, Jurgen Brock. This story paints a face that can make it very personal for all of us.
I wrote recently about the black hole where Hubbard’s heart would have been…
You wrote and I feel validated. It is up to all of us now, to fill that void with love and encouragement for the liberated, those who have been made cruelly isolated since becoming indoctrinated into the cult of deception and one particularly false idol.
We are the new support group, lending a hand towards self awareness and the restoration of purpose. It is going to be ok, all you have to do is surround your self with plenty of friends, family, and any kind-hearted soul that has never heard of this forsaken cult. I see you are doing well, it must be true. Carry on. Yes, and be well.
When I started scientology in 1973 there was a lot of young people (born in the early fifties) Mostly “counter culture” type, hippy type. I was just like that, listening to pop music, having had psychedelic experiences, then looking for wisdom, regaining states contemplated with hallucinogenic drugs, looking for out of body experience, remembering past lives etc…. This was the profil of many of the public arriving in scientology at this time. Non conformist people. There was a multitude of center (orgs, missions etc..) and they were full. I can remember a mission in California (Berkeley) Where there was kind of 40 people doing TR0. That was the key, the world of scientology did really begin at this time with TR0.
And everyone knew that Hubbard was married with Mary Sue, who was the boss of Gardian Office. (GO was smelling shit to me. That the open door where the first cancer cells which would finally kill scientology came from)
All this past has been erased carefully. Sceintologists have been trained to forget what has been erased (including friends and family). In the seventies the age of scientologists was around 25. Now it’s probably around 65. The hippies now wear tuxedo and are highly conservative, conformists, puritans (I mean those left as the majority has been declared, are gone in any way, some are deads)
Scientology today are trained in reasonableness, trained not to see outpoints. This has become a fine art, with thought stopping.
Taking scientology terms, as-ising was the action in the seventies, looking for truth about oneself and life. Now the exercice is not-ising. That’s quite an exercice, being able not to see. They are smiling, resilient, desperatly normals. Really they are part of the conservative america. A scientologist today is the exact opposit of a scientologist 40 years ago.
The anti scientologists are also kind of conformists. Quite normals people… Finally what was eradicated was Hubbard and his thought. The church of Miscavige is still there. As well the anti-scientologists, allies in the destruction of Hubbard’s work, making sure that the idea that auditing could help is erased.
Scientology for now looks like a lost game. And spending 30 years under Miscavige rules has been something on the order of erasing oneself. Oddly enough maybe audting may repair the loss. But who knows how to audit those day ?
Yes, harming the injured of El Con’s “tek” by (auditing them) will help them.
What a Ron bot.
I am not a Ronbot, I experienced wins with auditing and I gave wins to people I audited. Then scientology was invaded by assholes, Miscavige being the biggest one. And scientology turned on to be a shit cult. That’s the story. And I just don’t understand if you have practiced some scientology how you could be so extreme. Unless you started when Miscavige was aleady there in which case it simply wasn’t scientology.
I would agree, Mike, that FG is in the process of letting go, acknowleging first how far outside the bubble he has gotten already.
But, I am starting this post in a positive way intentionally, in the hopes you might see things perhaps a little differently in how you approach us in your posts.
Do you, first, recognize that as a sort of tall order? Would you call yourself an open, or a closed minded person? I’m willing to go with your call…
Some would tell me I am wasting my time. People don’t change. But, I think there is such a thing as inspiration and you are a potential for change, above the norm. Like me, there is damage, from a common source, but just now I would like to address this labeling of the good gentleman as a… Ron bot. Yes, that was easy, wasn’t it? Just boink the keypad. Maybe he will ignore it. Maybe he will rekindle some of those planted doubts and anxieties that falsely lead to self-doubt and overwhelm and never want to come here, or dare to post again. Looking at it from his angle, it could very easily be taken, your casual, off-the-cuff assasination of his character,…
as valid.
He still believes there is value in “tec” (thank you for that, btw…). I think that that’s a terribly mis-guided representation of reality, as you imply, but still… a far cry from being a “Ron bot”.
He is starting new.
We all gotta play the hand we are dealt, yes? We have our ideas, and the beginnings of a mental structure, what is good and bad, etc. We choose our battles, aware or not, and we choose what to latch onto, assuming we are still self-determined. (god, is that a scn-word? that would be against my policy)
FG should be commended. The more immediately the better. After years (decades?) of having his head hammered, like every scn-gist, having been subjected to the self-destroying, identity robbing, overwhelmingly deceptive and compromising efforts of this predatory entity, the cult, FG is here, thinking on his own. Thank you for encouraging him to continue posting here, and especially that he might be inclined to make us a part of his new support group. The most important thing you say, or ever said really, is what you say next.
I understand why you are doing that Blue moon. But in a couple of decades of trying it your way, it has never worked for me. So I am going on a different tact.
that is an impressive thing to say, actually, “trying a different tact.”
something a philosopher might say…
except action speaks so much louder than mere words, so easy.
Change does not come easy, so hard,
when it comes to thought processes.
Might elaborate on that, if you’re inclined.
I don’t know what “my way” is, or what you’re referring to.
But, to put my point in few words as possible:
There are consequences for being callous –
none of them good.
Good people TRYING.
That, to me,demonstrates potential, puts focus on… possibilities,
Why don’t those people get the official Winski merit badge,
or an “A” for effort, as my dad would say,
and what are you giving them instead? Did you call a grown man a 12 year old?
Impressive new tact just flew out the window.
Thank you. Nicely said.
Yes FG, I was one of those 20-somethings too. But Hubbard’s thought has not disappeared at all from the co$. It has certainly been augmented with DM’s stupidities.
From all I have learned since getting out I’d have to disagree with your assessment that Hubbard “wrote his philosophy and tech in good faith, not for making money or doing people in.” I do believe he was trying to develop something that was helpful. Many contributed to that effort. But he certainly was in it for the money & power as well. His own psychological failings brought him, in the end, to his and his organization’s ruin. A lesson for all.
I too had very good experiences with giving & getting auditing. There are some very interesting aspects to the tech that make it unique, esp. the speed at which it can work compared to the years that many people spend in other forms of therapy. However the environment of the co$ is definitely a terrible place to put oneself if looking for psychological/spiritual improvement. Its an incomplete ‘tech’ and unfortunately filled with many falsities.
The seeds of co$ destruction were planted by Hubbard. As long as the policy, hype and lies are maintained it will continue on its descending hyperbolic curve of erasure from the face of earth.
I too had wins in auditing but they were not stable. I got clear but got more phobias than ever after times. It’s evidence for me that all this wins were just smoke and mirrors. I do believe in SP’s that I prefer to call “sociopaths” and I don’t think they have all the characteristics described by LRH and some of these characteristics are not accurate. They are very efficient and can finish their destructive cycles. I am gifted to “feel” these guys when I see one and I know it’s a sociopath. I had some around me in my life and despite this, I didn’t lose my ability to drive a car, my ability to ski (even after 15 years break), didn’t lose my ability to play tennis, etc. So these are real skills and wins and the ability remains. That’s why I can say in scientology, it’s not stable wins because they are not real and stable and if they would be, they would be stable, even while facing a sociopath. Or LRH could spot maybe correctly some problems but his tech was not efficient. I have the feeling that scientology delivers much more MEST than spirituality and I don’t like the VIP policy that makes you feel like a piece of shit if you are not Tom Cruise or John Travolta. I think in a real spiritual world, there shouldn’t be any preference for a celebrity or so. Everybody’s equal. So if your tech is really efficient, you don’t need VIP’s to tell to the world that it’s efficient. You just apply your tech and it works. And of course, the make the able more able is a very tricky policy. Help the able first …and don’t give a shit of the unable that you can’t fix while you’d be supposed to be able too since you pretend to have the key to sanity and ability.
It’s so easy to take an able guy with lots of charism and then show him everywhere pretending you made it. It’s like a M.D. who’d want only healthy patients and have nothing to do with the sick one that he’s supposed to heal. The real guy who needs spiritual healing and counseling first is the insane because the sane one can take care of himself and do well…
Does anyone hope to get a better family or love life with such masters at treason, Hubbard and Miscavige? Where is Shelly, hey, old traitor of the humanity and of families?
Roger, the traitor is Miscavige, not Hubbard. He wrote his philosophy and tech in good faith, not for making money or doing people in. Miscavige betrayed everyone, got ride of anyone who could find out about him. He was a real suppressive, by the book. They didn’t see simply because most of them are damned idiots.Couldn’t stand the truth when it was told to them. Couldn’t invastigate to find the real source of troubles.
Hubbard was chronically self-deluded, the very definition of megalomaniac, and relentlessly out to impress. And he did so at any cost, blindly, until his pathetic death in near-total isolation, refusing to let you, me or any one else on god’s green Earth the Truth, either about his creed or his failure, being isolated from his creed, his family and (being thoroughly drugged with anti-psychotics) separated from his mind. Let’s include that he was in hiding from several global states, including his own United States of America.
You may assess that how you please. I, meanwhile, am perfectly comfortable calling him a traitor to mankind, hopefully soon-to-be-forgotten for all Eternity.
Hubbard built a predatory, profit-oriented church.
Upon his demise…
What kind of person, do you suppose, would naturally take over such an entity, after all?
Some sort of pirate, I would say. Unless I said something worse.
roger, if El Con had been tried by the Fed’s for his crimes he would have been eligible for the death penalty back in the 50’s. Too bad that didn’t happen. And to think, there are morons walking around today thinking that he was a good guy.
hey some rest for the wicked?
…we were just lucky, you and I.
and thats not even right, smart guy
get caught, too.
And weren’t we all, each believers once? …Relative intelligence,
really, means what, exactly? seriously, on the scale of what matters…
WE… got internet, nice roll of the dice; be nice.
Thinking inside the box can give a guy nightmares. Is that a real statement to you?
The ones STILL IN, that’s real hard, unlucky is hardly a fitting word, when the first honest chance has been so long delayed. That’s hard time. Why did I get my free pass?
It is so dark, …this story.
That whole damn world. Fake, evil implanted reality, keeps you wondering when your day is gonna come.
Friends and family denied, its just you, alone…
Now, you would think that they’d treat you delicately. Fat, sick joke of an idea that is,
for them.
They work you to a frenzy, blame you for everything — ggag! Mean-ness, AND the void of reason
What is the right thing to call that?
– Psychological torture. – – – day in, day out. STOP! stop it now and lets all be brilliant.
Thinking now… what really hurts and harms and causes all that trauma?… well, that would have to
The lack of compassion, don’t you agree?
What ARE you going on about sweet olive oil pea? Lucky how? “We got internet”. You are not making sense at all.
Mr. W,
Well, you are missing something. Something very important indeed. I’m not at all sure it is my place to be spelling it out for you. I’ll tell you this, though…
It is all about how you treat people. Turns out, peace of mind and happiness,
knowing what is real and the relative importance of things?…
and I do mean real knowing, not the kind of intelligence you would stand up and brag about, say, in front of morons? The answer is right in front of you. Right now.
You missed it again.
Maybe you will get it later on, but it is right to be aware; a guy only gets so many chances. Us mere mortals do have the clock running, after all. Being mean or even snarky comes back to bite you, doesn’t feel good. We may be hidden from each other, face to face, but it still can hurt just like the way they used to paint the scarlet letter on infidels. The persecutors were doing no favors for themselves, very much the same way you do yourself no favor, painting those still trapped as morons.
There, you didn’t miss that, did you? ok, now take the time to read my post again, if you have that much generosity left for me.
The internet spells the death of all cons, really. Revealing secrets meant the death of scientology, That was lucky, one for the history books soon enough.
– The unlucky ones? Yes, let’s see. Let us do see, smart guys rise while it still counts…THE UNLUCKY ONES, ones without a voice, their friends and parents and means of true support muted by a sinister group of controllers. A simpleton knows, which side of the bubble those poor souls are on. You still concerned about yourself, here? Are you? I’m afraid that’s all the sense I’m ever going to make. Call me a moron, pea.
You are rambling and didn’t answer the question. Keep rereading my question until you understand it. Or, I’ll distill. HOW DID I GET LUCKY?
And a top of the morning to you Mike Wynski. Always nice to hear from you. Spot of bother getting others to come on board? That’s OK, we love you anyway despite our failings. Sure glad you don’t fit into the moron mold, it was broken a long time beforehand.
Aw, Mr. Winski, you’re not even trying.
The guy who loves to say NOW do you understand.???
Can you possibly miss the irony, how?
compromising the knowingnes for such several, different people now, how many? who knows, then the ripple effect… Oh, but the sting that eventually comes around, I could warn you, when being nice just doesn’t seem to matter. You don’t understand, you say?
youre the one claiming to see so well behind the eyes of morons.
Your colors show there, and a bit of history. I see, for instance, you know what “dead-agent”, the verb, what it means, and not the way you treat me, oh, no.
So, backing up by, by your command: LUCKY is being out, as in not in. Plain english did explain that already. There, you Q is answered, distill at will. Funny, I was the first to actually pose a question here, this string, but still i wait, even willing to let it go.
Because it DOES matter, I’m sure you’ll permit me to refrase my question, which would go something like:
A group you mention, ones inside the bubble, would you agree,
that they could really use our support in every way we might be able to imagine, and, that the ONE thing they need the most just does not exist in Hubbard’s single-source belief system,
compassion. Thanks for staying on track, although that last sounded like a hit and run, man. be nice, more than just a suggestion. Its an applied religious philosophy-pea
I understand your posts perfectly, Sweet pea Olive Oil. And I like that you are trying to coach Synski to have compassion and not be so hard on people like FG. But I agree with you that that is a lost cause. He is still doing what he does best: to tear down, denigrate, degrade and ridicule people. He won’t change. I think if we ignore people like that, maybe they’ll lose interest and go away. But I like your advice of have compassion for those beat up people who somehow see the light and arrive here. We were all there once. Let’s make their landing softer.
HI Cindy. Oh Mike Wynski will change, he’ll change a lot. He will get worse. I think it’s a sign of maturity and conscience to feel sorry for him. Poor fellow can’t help himself. Places like ESMB are no good for him as he’s just like chum in the water over there and nobody pays any attention to him. Here he gets to upset people, But you are right he can can only do one thing really well, short lived maybe, but he’s good at it!
oh, wow, cindy, yes, thank you. yes, again. I just posted that last to the string, didn’t see this here, this would have softened me up, maybe…
You do get me. Oh.
I didn’t realize how I was getting a bit wrapped, ha, up. See there? Thanks.
I’m not really coaching as much as just trying to provoke a little thought on a new tangent… yes. Ok, coaching. Why be making people wonder about their own intelligence? I just can’t get that. Of course compassion is what matters. I was hoping that could get that illummed upon, without looking too much like just another ego trip…
thanks you too because, well, i just feel better when youre around. Safe. And be optimistic, there’s no reason not to. Especially if he’s young, and he must be fairly so. The light always shines regardless.
It’s easy to just dismiss someone completely than attempt to understand them and why they think as they do. That takes effort, a thick skin and a whole lotta patience. And who has time for that? Best just write them off as lost causes, huh?
Who cares of having a false image of LRH. I mean how nuts do you have to be to tell only half the truth. You will ARC break everyone with it lateron. It just doesn’t have anything to do with scientolgy anymore. Its just changing the Reality for what it is. I would say; “go out on the street and count some people forgodsake” to come back in the real world. Or do I say something confidential?
off topic, but I noticed today the picture of Mike giving the finger as mentioned yesterday does not show up today. I did complain yesterday to google using the feedback button, I reckon many others did too.
Thanks for mentioning that, I just checked and it’s a good photo again, yay! Good job to everyone who clicked on the feedback and got the other photo replaced.
Yay. Thank you all.
I’m glad to know there is something to click on to report/complain. Seems to have worked.
You don’t have the fucking rank to post a picture of Mary Sue! (Whoever the fuck that is)
I had seen two pics of Mary Sue in the past. One is the Christmas photo of the most recent Hubbard family in their quarters on the Apollo. There is a pile of presents stacked up in front of Ron. Mary Sue is sitting next to him and the kids are standing behind them. This photo was circulated by Scientologists in good standing only a few years ago. Perhaps the church wasn’t aware of it at the time. It’s interesting that this is not allowed anymore and even more so, that there are people in the church who have never seen what she looked like. All one has to do is type her name in Google and see the images. Captain Dave Miscavige must be afraid of something if parishioners are being told to not do this. Maybe afraid of the potential responses/comments his flock could get. It appears to be a can of worms he wants kept closed.
How about a 32oz can of wupass? Couldn’t hurt…
Until her arrest, Mary Sue and the kids were mentioned as part of Hubbard’s life. I remember a film with an interview of Hubbard where the kids all lined up to say goodnight. I seem to remember Mary Sue in it also. This was shown at graduation events from time to time.
Miscavige wants to remove anything personal about the materials or history of Scientology. His whole SOP has been to revise the subject toward the end of creating unthinking, unfeeling robots. That’s why SO auditors aren’t personal anymore. I had wonderful auditing in the early 90’s at AOLA when the auditors had some character and personality. As time progressed, with the release of GAT, I noticed auditors becoming less human and more robotic. Plus, they were in such high demand that some of them even fell asleep while I was in session with them! Imagine that. Paying $3500 or more for 12 1/2 hours with the auditor nodding off, head bobbing and everything. I can’t imagine what it’s like now but the trajectory MIscavige set means that it isn’t any better. If I had to put numbers to it, I’d say older style auditing, the auditor looked at you 2/3s of the time or more with glances at the meter to note reads. After GAT, the auditor focused 2/3 or more of the time staring at the meter with only occasional glances at me, the PC. Talk about feeling ignored and impersonal. Needless to say, the exchange ratio went from acceptable to rip off. Plus C/Sing changed too. Everything became so “you have a withhold and we will use 30 hours flying your ruds” … no delivery of actual auditing. Just my observations, your experience may differ.
Hi MW. To piggy back on what you said. All of my auditing occurred in the mid nineties. My auditor was the lead auditor at my class 5 org. He was always auditing(very upstat). He was very genuine and real(and he had a flourishing music career outside the church). I got a lot out of our sessions. It is my personal opinion he was the most productive member of the entire org. As far as I know he has been declared an SP.
I agree with John Galusha. Ron was a charlatan but some of the tech works. DM is removing all the good from Scientology. Maybe he’s doing us all a favor.
P.S. If this doesn’t make sense, sorry I had a little too much wine.
Your post makes perfect sense to me.I had two auditors in Sea Org who were really tremendous.Unfortunately not being allowed to continue on with one of them because of constant sec-checking etc,gave me a perspective concerning the E-meter and how it can be used but when it is misused there is a problem for me.
While I did have good auditing at times, my very first sec check was unforgettable. I had a Japanese auditor who looked like a concentration camp guard, and he barely spent 5% of the time looking at me. His eyes scarcely left the meter. To make things worse, his English was virtually non-existent. I literally freaked out, saying to him “This isn’t auditing!” I had a lot to learn.
I think that the ARC has definitely waned over the years. I think one of the reasons is, is that the public in the eyes of DM and DM/Ronbots, are basically a bunch of dilettantes that don’t deserve any auditing…how dare they have case when there’s so much work to do. How dare they call themselves Scientologists if they’re not on staff or S.O. and not working every waking minute for the cause. the nerve of wanting to sit back and be a P.C. Staff and S.O. are basically jealous of public, covertly of course, but as jealous as a lifer without parole, looking at free men from afar. And what about all the masses of public that will swarm the ideal orgs? Talk about out exchange. If after pigs are flying that did occur,… well lets just say I would be very empathetic for the public Scientologist..
Yes, Michael, good comment. He – Miscavige – is slowly strangling the subject. His statement of “the blind leading the blind” was designed to remove the experience of thousands of good auditors and other tech people (and them passing that experience on with coaching to the next generations) and replace it with his subtly altered “tech” in extra written documents and drills that he can then centrally influence and erode, as in the 3 swing F/N thing (although he has gone 1 step further there and actually produced an HCOB on that).
Miscavige’s assumption that tech staff cannot be trusted to pass on or coach “good tech” and that coaching (interpreting) tech is a sort of “verbal tech” thing is abject nonsense as that assumption cannot explain the good auditors and volume good auditing that occurred because of this training method before his GAT of 1996. Plus tech staff tend to police themselves as to what actually works and this has now been superseded by the insistence of reliance on Miscavige’s written drills as well. (In fairness I am told that some parts of the GAT were actually ok but this change in emphasis and principle cannot be.)
I speak from recent personal experience in training someone on the Solo Course who had been trained in the 1990s and had done the Pro TRs Course. On checking out his TRs in drilling rudiments with another student they were so wildly out that I flunked him after a few seconds of watching this and explained what he was doing yet he was quite put out that I had flunked him and said indignantly that he had “done the Pro TRs course” – i.e. he had attained a “status” rather than abilities. Obviously no one had flunked his errors in the past. One would not have wanted a session from this man, like you state above. (I sorted out his TRs however.) But all that experience being slowly drained away by lack of coaching now is destroying the subject, and this must be the (bad) intention of course! If Hubbard had had any problem with this method (of coaching misapplication out of the student) then in 35 years of doing so then one would think LRH would have said something or catered for this. Good auditors and C/Ses were made and volume auditing occurred in this time, before the GAT. But with the GAT of 96 “know-best” Miscavige thinks otherwise than what LRH wrote and implemented in training auditors. Actually if you think what he has done – he has turned auditor training on its head – the fact that those still in the Church cannot see this for what it is is truly amazing. Basically he is saying Hubbard was wrong and that he knows better! That fact has drifted by the analytical minds of those still in the Church or if they did realize it then they said nothing.
And so the subject of training auditors is now slowly circling the drain, as you mention in your comment. And it is not by accident either. One wonders if there is some sort of deep-seated envy thing going in Miscavige’s mind about auditors and that “the young cameraman” now takes some sort of sadistic pleasure in telling them what to do and telling them that they were all wrong and that he knew best all along.
If you look at the doctored photo of Hubbard sans Sarah, you can see some streaks in the water to the right of Hubbard’s glasses and nose. Then, if you look carefully to the left of Hubbard and a little lower, you will see where some of those patterns were copied and pasted and altered slightly, but not enough to hide them completely from anyone looking closely. And the water above that is too smoothed out where other efforts at putting in a water background was amateurish.
The most startling thing to me in the whole article is that so many Scientologists have never seen a picture of Hubbard and Mary Sue. In my era of involvement, pictures and stories were well known. Scientology is rewriting its past and its present status reports are falsified too. That does not bode well for the group’s future.
Thank you for an astute comment.I was surprised that in recent times no-one knew of pictures of Ron and Mary Sue.I must say dm completely cleaned out the nooks and crannies of any excess Ron & family baggage.The sheeple must never know that he has no clothes either.Money yes heart zero.
Do they even wonder what else they don’t know, they don’t know?
On Christmas Eve at Flag several years ago, I related a “bosun’s party” (xmas eve party) story to a fellow public person about how, one Christmas Eve on the Apollo, LRH unexpectedly sent a bottle of rum via messenger to the Bosun, and then a half hour later, another bottle arrived, half an hour later, another on and on.
A young, very serious security guard overheard the story and came up to me afterward, and in a lowered voice, told me I shouldn’t tell any more people that story.
“Why??” I snorted.
“Because it’s out-PR.”
“Wow,” I replied. “You really don’t get it, do you.”
This threw him off his game and he turned away, contemplating, I suppose, how he could embellish the KR he was planning to write.
I remember that Xmas eve on the Apollo. I would guess ’71 or ’72. There were so many people (many of them under age) that either hadn’t had booze in months or perhaps never and were plastered.
Good times!
The deal with the KR he was going to write though is also true. Throughout the years my wife and I would tell stories to our kids about SCN and the S.O. All of them true. We told them about Snow White, MSH going to jail along with about 9 other GO people; my best buddy being thrown in the chain locker; the Funchal Rock Fest – where the locals stoned the ship with rocks and many bikes and MSH’s Mini ended up in the harbor; stories about LRH that weren’t flattering, but true. These things ended up in a KR on us, for lying. That was the last communication from my son in 1 1/2 years. The best part of the KR is he wrote me up because I said I hated the Philadelphia Eagles because it was DM’s favorite team – I wanted them to lose every game!
Anyone who hates the Eagles because they are Dave’s favorite team is one cool dude in my book (though, as you know, due to my Bronco loyalties I am not a Chargers fan)
OMG!!! You’re…’re NOT a Charges fan???? My world’s falling apart……
Hmm, I think that happened when Dan Fouts retired…
You would be correct. It’s very tough being a Chargers fan. However, after 22 years in St. Louis, our Rams are finally coming home!
Geez is right and then some.Thank you John for your Apollo story.
In 1970 I lived in a shared house in LA with a few other scientologists. One of them, Tom Pinch, was friendly with Ron’s daughter Katie and her husband Jamie. She had recently done the Class VIII course for which she had petitioned (her father I presume) and had it awarded to her. She was in touch with her brother Nibs who had been outside the scientology ecosystem and decided host a gathering at our house on Larchmont Blvd to help him get reconnected to scientology and scientologists. Their own apartment was probably too small. It was a mellow evening and a number of people were there. Nibs made a brief speech to the crowd. The only thing I recall was that he said he had five different communication lines to his father. After that I never heard anything about Nibs.
I just watched the film “Going Clear : Scientology and the prison of belief”…
In my opinion, it’s impossible that the church of scientology is not backed up by the oligarchy of what Peter Dale Scott calls “the deep state”. Anyone who’d do 1/1000th of what church of scientology does would get fast in big troubles. There’s no other explanation…
Fox, if you understood the US legal system you would understand that there is no secret State connection with scamology.
That clears up… not a damn thing.
You know there is a Bill Clinton connection. Tony Ortega shares that one in his blog.
And, what would you call the obtainment of “church status”? Legal?
LMAO! I call ANY connection via K street guys, a lobbyist connection. Just like every mega church has. Also, the Exec branch NEVER (because they cannot) give church status to anything.
From that comment ALONE it shows that you know SO little about the US gov, law & Constitution that I could better converse about this with a 12 year old who stayed awake during US Civics class.
that is …
breathtaking. Who needs compassion now?
-The way you just know things, without thinking! and,
-how you manage to get so much ass crammed into your humor
And, can you believe it? I’m a sleepy senior citizen, with a 12 year old’s mind.
Thanks Winski. Thanks to you I should know… my life is wasted.
My saving grace is in keeping you entertained. I should warn you, the risk of condemnation runs high for those who take pleasure in harming others. Worth a thought or two, as one quickly approaches a point of very improbable return.
anyone can be a crumb
kindness counts
Fox Renard, in my opinion you are awake and very much on the right track. The incorporating documents of Scientology Inc of 1986 show DM signing next to an IRS top honcho as partners of the corporation… that was what was hiding behind “THE WAR IS OVER” event and video of DM. The whole thing can be easily found online. Some people drink other flavors of KOOL AID while swallowing the “US legal system”.
Alfonso E from Scn PR? I post at esmb as pkatz. Please IM me there if you can, and I will fully identify myself. Perhaps you can answer q’s I have on the saga of scn on Ashford Ave!
Well seen Mike, there is no BC because LRH quote the name of people which became persona non grata. Miscavige is naturally trained in “sovietology”, the art of making people dissappear of the picture. They simply don’t exist ever. The way in 1982 Mayo was erased from scientology reminded me immediatly how Lin Piao was erased by Mao.
And I do hate violently communists, fascists, and any mother fucking conformists. How this little piece of dictator took control of scientology will ARC break me to the end of time.
In History of Man Hubbard says that a thetan (who is OT) can generate an energy who would cut a body in half.
Obviously amongst Miscavige hater nobody is really OT as he is still in one piece!
There is probably also a bit of personal vindictiveness from DM going on here as well. Miscavige hears someone’s name on a tape (whom he knows and maybe also declared, usually falsely) and thinks “can’t have him or her being famous!” Thing is no one in their right mind gives a hoot anyway and it is totally unimportant. Because the name of a student who is a new start on the BC is mentioned by Hubbard at the start of a BC tape does that make the tape somehow invalid or controversial? Only to someone with a mind stuffed full of controversy. Does he think that the student listening to the tape will google “Herbie Parkhouse” or “Fred Hare” after his studies? (And so what if he does?) DM probably would google the name as that is where he is at, but others – they can’t be bothered – they have to work out ways to dodge the IAS reg on the way out of the Org.
Miscavage is in the Stalinesque process of sending anyone and anything that doesn’t worship him into the garbage can. RPF= Siberia, that’s an equality. Editing old pictures? That’s a check mark too.
What’s next? Invading Czechoslovakia and installing a more ‘$cieno’ government? That has already happened when the Sea bOrg took over LA operations and kicked out the ‘staff’.
Stalin had atom bombs at the end of his life, what will Miscavage have? Just a bank account and a lot of ‘underlings’ who hate him.
Making dissidents, critics and counter-revolutionaries into non-persons was something the Soviet Communists did all the time. They excised them from photographs, removed their names and exploits from documents and histories. So along with North Korea and the defunct USSR, we can add Miscavige and the C0S to the list repressive regimes.
Michael, wise up and open your eyes & bring up your “confront of evil”. It was Hubbard who erased his wives from history. DM wasn’t even a child when it started.
Where’s Shelly?
SHSBC – long gone. OEC Course and Volumes – long gone. Tech Volumes – long gone. Whatever Scientology is now – it is not what it was in very fundamental ways.
Wow… what is it with family values within the Scientology bubble? Chilling when you just sit back and have a good look at it.
Life’s tough enough, but for children to be treated like some sort of pawn in a game they cannot even begin to comprehend is rage inducing. There’s a lot of shame connected with this subject especially financially and false promise wise but fucking over the innocence of children and then hiding behind
the cloak of religion, (although not exclusive to Scientology) sure does leave a bad taste in your mouth.
This, do as I say, not as I do is exampled well within the behavior of many institutions and the behavior of countless individuals attempting to be of authority one encounters in the course of living but the documented evidence within Scientology is astounding as they claim to have the tech to cease such behavior, simply astounding!
Well presented article Mike, for it is a difficult area to summarize. It sure is gooey on the conscience.
Great post, Mike. Scientology is in a perpetual state of war with the truth, and every
fact you cite is another wooden stake driven into the heart of the vampire cult.
Nothing like ol’ LRH practicing a little 1984….
I think another reason for the demise of the briefing course is the lack of students. In the eighties Chris Montgomery had 200 students on the foundation course, and day had quite a few as well ( I was there the night she announced her 200th student start) However, when I was on my basics just prior to being declared, there was 36 on the fdn BC.
In the eighties day and foundation were separate orgs and ran on separate schedules – meaning day delivered it’s courses and auditng on the day schedule, with occasional delivery of sessions during the foundation hours. The same held true for ASHO foundation which held it’s service delivery evenings and weekends.. However as the students & pc’s dwindled, they began to deliver their services more and more in the other orgs time.
Essentially, by doubling the hours they delivered, they hoped to keep the stats up. But that unusual solution was a lost cause. The student population kept dwindling.
What they did, was to split the floors, so day was full time ( from morning till night,and weekends) on one floor and likewise, fdn was full time on the other, and they shared the HGC.
Eventually that failed, and they combined the two, once mighty, orgs into one single org. With little or no students to deliver to, why have a sup or word clearer posted in the course rooms? The BC had gone the way of the Key to Life course.
And why did the students stay away in droves? Since it was prior to the internet’s explosion of entheta about Scientology, the culprit has to be the crush recruiting and IAS reging that caused the public to A) flee or B) have no money to purchase bridge with.
My wife was on the BC in the time frame you explain. She raves about Chris as all her students do or did in those days. In my wife’s case the pressure to go to Flag for OT stuff became too great and by the time she returned Chris was off lines and the BC was shot to hell. Scientology really blew it with that scenario, they destroyed the best example of itself willfully and intentionally for money and matters commonly referred to as suppressive. Such is what the Cof$ does.
The last I saw Chris, she and her husband were living in Clearwater and were out of the SO and he had an electrical contracting business. That was maybe 7-8 years ago. Yeah, she was great. She told me she used to do LRH’s after session exams on the Apollo. She would be asleep out side his door, and he would gently awake her with a “Sweetie, i’m ready for my exam” He kept odd hours.
There were quite a few of us who worked the Old Man’s hours. He’d retire in the wee hours of the morning.. and we were on post until 6:00 AM or so .. have breakfast and then turn in. Or stay up and go for a morning Latte in town (Lisbon). Graveyard shift I guess, is what it is normally called.
Thank you for that information. I showed my wife your post and tears of joy erupted as she no idea whatever became of Chris, she hated the thought that Chris may still maybe subject to the horrible treatment within the Cof$. Such was the value and power of a truly dedicated person she is, Chris was truly loved by many.
Kudos to you Mimsey.
As I recall, Chris Montgomery was RPFed for falsifying stats. She might even have been declared over it. Does anyone know if she is declared SP or if she was just RPFed and left the SO? I saw her in passing in FL some years back. And was that falsifying stats thing a bogus made up thing or was it true? Anyone know?
I liked your comment Mimsey because I left Asho F in 78 and your schedule brought back memories of it in the seventies.
I remember that time. Roll call took 15 minutes! And that was DAY! Fdn. was as you described – even more people.
By God, that was *30 years ago!* So much for expansion, huh?
Is it just me, or does describing this photo as: lovey, magnificent, sweet, beautiful, great looking and WOW! – is all a bit creepy. Mainly because it is divorced from reality (IMO).
I know LRH was born with whatever face and body, and to a certain extent he was limited with what he could do about his appearance (though he didn’t have to let himself go all blubbery). Personally, I always thought he was funny looking, certainly not handsome.
And Mary Sue, who may have been a nice person, was certainly no babe.
So why the need to gush? Does EVERYTHING about the man warrants admiration? If he dropped a turd would people feel compelled to describe it as: manly, robust and PERFECT!
They’ll gold plate that turd and reg for a vault to put it in. Eternity’s front porch must have a toilet and examples of the secular past from which it rose from the ashes to become the greatest of spiritual accomplishments. They’ll believe that turd will inspire others to rise above the mere offerings and products of the flesh. See, Hubbard was once just like you… follow in his path (via the reg).
Yes, they would. “The most amazing turd we’ve ever seen in the universe.”
It might help stave off the random sec checks and provide ‘proof’ that they are not one of the disaffecteds forwarding those OTC meeting emails.
Yo Dave,
Have any of your enforcement officers found the culprit …….. yet?
Funny story, I’ve told it before but not on this blog.
In ’83 I was on the RPF at Gold (they called it the Gold Construction Team but at that time it was basically RPF by another name). We were told that we had to stay up for weeks, do all kinds of hard physical labor, sacrifice our all, risk safety standards violations, sneak around building codes, all to get the Gold Base ready for the return of L Ron Hubbard. Of course nobody really stays up for weeks regardless of the demands, we caught catnaps in the attic or unused closets, But we were on the job 24/7 that whole time.
One of the biggest projects was the L Ron Hubbard house, called Bonny View. It was an existing house, but somehow Hubbard determined that it had a musty smell. Like many California houses built in the 30s it had a redwood foundation resting directly on the dirt. So maybe the walls really did have stuff growing in them. Or maybe it was a Hubbard olfactory hallucination. At any rate, we removed the wall coverings inside and out, lifted the whole house off the foundations, ripped out the old foundation and laid it down on a new one. This was a two bedroom house, not really big, but a lot of work for a crew of random RPF folks, some female, very few that were “built like a construction worker”. The actual house lifting part was done by a contractor, we did most of the other work.
I’ll never forget the night when my unit, which was I think four girls, me and another guy, were given the assignment to remove the floor of the house. It was up on big wooden blocks at that point. All the wood had to go. This was after Midnight Rations, 12:30 AM, and the target was “floor gone by breakfast”. Of course we didn’t meet that target, but you can’t say “no” or “it’s too hard” to the RPF Bosun.
At any rate we eventually removed the floor, treated all the new wood with the Hubbard approved hard ultraviolet light followed by copper sulfate-primer-varnish treatment, closed up the walls and furnished the house. As a naive RPFer I assumed that Mary Sue would share the big bed in the master bedroom with Hubbard. No way Jose, we found out that the other bedroom was Mary Sue Hubbard’s room. So we set up a lot of furnishings in there including a big ceramic cat that was a bit spooky. I assumed these were Mary Sue’s items.
Then one day there was an inspection, I never knew who did it or why. That night all the Mary Sue furnishings were removed and the room became “Roanne’s Bedroom”. (Roanne is Hubbard’s grand-daughter, she was living at the Gold Base at this time. ROaNne, a female RON, get it?). So much for Mary Sue, writer of several books about the E-Meter, inventor and developer of the “Training Routines” and many other details that Hubbard took credit for. She took the fall for Hubbard so he wouldn’t have to join her in prison. But she wasn’t good enough to sleep in his house, let alone his bed.
Of course nobody ever lived in that house. I think Andre Tabayoyan once slept in the master bedroom as a kind of dry run drill in preparation for the return of Hubbard. Nobody else ever slept there unless you count the RPF snoozing in the fluffy Monotherm insulation in the attic. Later it was torn down completely and replaced by a huge mansion. But nobody lives there either.
This was so eye opening and I love how you describe your Sea Org Journey.Looking back when Mary Sue wrote me personal notes she seemed to like hearing me ask about her doggies and I would send her a poem or two.Ron the master author of any writer who ever lived,seemed most distant.You brought back images of my crashing on a small cramped old projection room floor and sleeping on mail bags on the loading dock at Asho after sorting them(The Auditor mag) by hand all night long.That was one task I heartily disliked!
Ann.. Sweet story.. Except the sleeping on the bags.. just so tired.. I worked at Campbell Soup 3rd shift and went to College during the day..( 2 children at home..single parent NO Child Support)
One time I was walking back from break and fell asleep walking. Walking!
Whenever I read stories about being exhausted due to Scientology I think of those awful days.
Sleep Deprivation leads to Psychosis .. it is inhumane when forced.
You know exactly how sleep deprivation can figure into the control of a person.You went through it when you fell asleep walking.I would be so exhausted that when I dragged myself up to the top bunk in a room for two,we had three bunk beds on each side so six ladies in that space@ The Hollywood Inn!I would fall asleep for maybe five minutes only to dream I was very late for muster and in so realizing that fact,would fall out of bed.Nothing for it but a cold shower the water was always tepid at best.I would go right back to Asho as sleep was elusive by then.Lived on coffee and ran on empty.I so admire the fact that you supported two babies and did college at the same time.Yoy are very strong.And I also agree that sleep deprivation does open the door to the most vulnerable aspects of one’s personality to abuse.
Bruce Ploetz, thanks so much for your story, it was fascinating. It really helps gives insight into what it was like, thanks for sharing. Ann B., same thing with your stories, and I would love to read some of the poems you wrote. I second your comment to Baby Bunker – good job on doing the work/college/parent thing, it certainly couldn’t have been easy, virtual pat-on-the-back and hugs for all 3 of you. – T.J.
Thank you angel.It does really help me to write my story out and read all the others.If I get my nerve up I might sneak a poem or two into the mix.?
Awesome find Mike!! These clubbed seals have no clue as to what they are involved in…when they find out – the CRINGE meter rock slams.
The real reason the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course
will never be seen again ( no matter what excuse)
Is because it’s original purpose was so all scientologists
can reach all OT Levels.
What replaced it is IAS Status as certificates and trophies
that are never ending.
Yeah, in a tech based on reach and withdraw, I guess that is the withdraw side of the ledger and the IAS is the new reach.
I can never get over people paying for “status”. That is such an expensive piece of paper. Then they don’t even get to sit back and relax and enjoy it – they are bombarded with pressure to “move up to your next status”. Ridiculous – and sad. – T.J.
None so blind as those who do not wish to see – is the only reason I can think of.
Terra Cognito’s article, Integrity, applies here.
One of the attractions of Hubbard’s lectures on the SHSBC was his tendency to wander off onto (often very funny) stories about MarySue, or Nibs, and others. Those stories were when students laughed the most, and it kept the material lively. Removing references to the people he mentions likely means removing the stories in their entirety. For those who’ll have to listen to the redacted SHSBC tapes … well, what a dreary thought.
Yeah .. right
Very dreary thought indeed.Yes there were some very funny stories told by Ron.And I can recall laughing with Yvonne during her magical night briefing @ Asho in 74.Dm will never comprehend what a force she was and could have been.He has so missed the boat and hopefully the one he will be on will take on water.
I’m positive that if the psycho could have made them REALLY disappear he would have. A “man” who threatens to murder his baby daughter is incurably criminally insane. Those who continue to paint a nice or neutral picture of him are also in agreement with his actions they know of his real history.
I believe he said, “I’ll cut her up into little pieces.”
NOTHING good can come from being in this cult…
I thought he said he had cut her up into little pieces and threw her in the river? What a father figure!
Yep OSD & Cre8tivewmn you correctly completed the threat he sent to the mother of his baby daughter.
True Story
A story told me by a Hollywood Producer. When she was 14 years old LRH
came to he home to see her father for advice as LRH described just beating up his wife
( number 2) She ease dropped on this salacious tale and met LRH when he left. This happened about the time Ron was married to Sara Northrup.
And as Hubbard did Miscavige also shares the premise that is ‘always somebody else’s fault’. The tons of words written and recorded about Responsibility and Overts/MWHs don’t apply to them as they are unique,selected beings or whatever other narcissistic, sociopathic reasoning they choose to live under.
And as LRH, Black Heart is running away from IRS, fearful to being deposed, shredding evidence of his crimes and so on.
At the end Black Heart will be alone with no one TRUE friend to his side. Rotten way to live, really.
Allow me to translate the comments by the $cinos under the photo of “The Old Man”.
I speak fluent ‘Sheep.’
I am quite sure most sheep would be offended by your comparison.
Not at all. I’m Scottish. All Scots speak ‘Sheep.’ It gets lonely up in the highlands……..
Got to wonder how long it will take for Miscavige to totally erase Hubbard from the scene.
He’s already got it going with way more pics of himself than LRH in many recent publications.
Technically remaster the Briefing Course lectures to sound more like Dave than Ron? Anything is possible in the wacky world of Miscavology.
And I’ll bet you that after the remastering of SHSBC that Miscavige has the originals destroyed.
Because he has to make them ‘as Ron intended’…
Hubbard who?
Never heard of him….
Source Briefing websites with the forbidden LRH photos and personal LRH stories from those who lived with LRH, are introductory steps for the official Scientologists to raise their awareness of their movement’s self-censorship.
Sort of like the raw material that someone ought to make up into a series of Intro Courses in Scientology’s history of censorship of LRH’s life.
The old reel to reel tapes become even more important to digitize and do transcripts of them, and make available in the freezone Scientology movement.
At least freezone Scientologists deal with their full history a bit better.
Scientology needs what other religions and subjects accrue which are smarter members that deal with their subject’s founder’s big and small faults, and some sharing of their even wiser views among themselves to get over LRH’s flaws.
There’s no inner movement dialogue within Scientology allowed, and LRH’s censorship rules are taken to the extreme to try to cut out history.
The movement can’t even bring itself to listen to Sarge tell of his final LRH stories.
The “Going Clear….” documentary with Sarge’s stories of LRH’s final months you would think the movement members would want to hear more details.
I wonder how the sales of “Going Clear…” the book and “Going Clear….” the documentary movie, are doing.
If I were Scientologist, I’d be dying to read that book and see that documentary.
Interesting, Chuck. By the way, I’ve been studying the history of the Worldwide Church Of God and after Herbert W. Armstrong , the church’s founder, died in 1986, his successors branded him a heretic and tried to suppress his writings. Sounds something like what David Miscavige is trying to do to LRH.
Producers of, “The Plain Truth,” magazine.
The early Christian apologist Origen was one of the most respected authorities while he was alive, after his death they branded him a heretic. In 254 AD. You wouldn’t call him a founder of Christianity but his ideas about how to interpret Scripture (not literally) were pretty well accepted for hundreds of years after.
All the original early Christian writings exist only as copies of copies of copies. The earliest writing that exists is a copy of a piece of the Gospel of John, about large enough to fit in the palm of your hand. So the Scientologist are way ahead of the Christians in terms of survival of the original words. But this is not really an advantage. Christianity is a pastiche of ideas from all kinds of sources, filtered through the interpretations of generations of thinkers. You can be a Christian and have all kinds of different beliefs, contrasting or conflicting with other Christians.
In Scientology all the original writings and speeches are still available, with all the unpolished contradictions, digressions and falsehoods easily accessible. But the hapless Scientologist is not allowed to pick and choose what to believe, he has to twist his brain into endless pretzels of cognitive dissonance to make a sort of workable sense out of it.
Silent birth, the Barley Formula for babies, massive niacin overdoses, other strange and harmful practices are not allowed to die a natural death in the progress of the natural growth of the religion. The religion is not supposed to grow and evolve. It is supposed to be perfect as it was when it sprang like Diana from the brow of the Hubbard fully formed. Dave tries to edit and evolve it according to his own strange agenda, but he is not a reformer. He just doesn’t know enough about religion to make useful changes.
He just makes it less personal and more authoritarian to bolster his personal power base. More like a Stalin than an Augustine.
Funny thing about Origen, they never actually proved he was a heretic and made it official. They just pretended they did when they couldn’t come to a consensus and stopped discussing it:
Chuck, all the tapes are archived unedited in digital form in the vaults. But they are never going to be made available to anyone, until the fall of Dave’s Empire.
It must be quite a conundrum for Dave, does he put all the damning unedited originals in a separate vault, hoping that the future global disaster survivors only read the edited versions, or does he destroy the originals? My guess is even he would not dare to destroy the originals but he might make them pretty hard to access.
I have seen a complete set of BC cassette tapes. Listened to a few of my favorites and they are not edited. So there are some unedited BC tapes floating around.
I had two sets of the BC in cassettes, I gave one away and the other hit the trash, as Prof Stephen Kent says he had them all already.
(One thing I wished, was that someone like Dan Koon, go visit Kent’s archives and do an inventory–Dan Koon I believe is unimpeachable integrity as far as assessing Kent’s Scientology archives.)
If you don’t know what to do with your set, you can always contact Kent,
He is a weasle that Dave.He could make the originals hard to access I’m guessing money would change hands unless dm is a computer whiz too!
Bruce, all of the unedited original BC and other tapes (as MP3s as well) have been floating around in the Independent field for decades. Unless we have another OTIII incident with all of the electronics on Earth getting wiped out (and where presumably Miscavige’s versions survive in the undergound bunker at Trementina (?)) then there is no worry that the originals would be lost.
Excellent Info Bruce!
CST seems the longrange BEST point from which longer range, like 20-40 years, to do the sharing of the full LRH originals someday, however it gets done, in the future.
(Marty once mentioned that some LRH advices which even I was observing Norman Starkey asked me to delete entirely, after printing them off for him, Marty implied that Miscavige could conceivably totally delete some “legal” docs—when I was the ASI computer guy, I deleted about 5-10 pages of things off the ASI advices on the computer, all legal letters and mentioning legal people’s names, not mentioning anyone historical that I knew no staff mentioned.)
Not that there is anything major in CST, just a whole lot of supportive details to the big conclusions already made.
This thread on current fashion to delete the “SPs” from LRH’s tape lectures, back when those countless “SP” people were in good standing Scientologists in the audience and on staffs, well, one justification is LRH’s “Legacy of the Tech” LRH ED/Ron’s JOurnal 1982-83 writing that what LRH has left everyone is the “tech.”
So if one is just into Scientology for the past-life pseudo-therapy and the LRH exorcism of OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, then, all the “SPs” who are in the audience of lectures are just guinea pigs and “SP” pilot results, proving even “SPs” got “case gain” and so on. Deleting the stuff that is NOT the “tech” when that stuff is mention of Arthur (in the OT 3 “Assists” Class 8 lecture, for instance), or MSH when it’s tapes she is auditing him in which case they just don’t let that tape become BPI (Broad Public Issue).
So disappointing, all the details.
Thanks so much Bruce.
Very interesting as always Chuck Beatty, thought-provoking info and memorances.