The L. Ron Hubbard Hall will be “opening soon” as announced by David Miscavige in December 2014.
It is absolutely amazing how they can keep coming up with new ways to bamboozle the sheeple into handing over money.
Predictably, this “L. Ron Hubbard Hall” is going to be one of the harder pitches to make. Apart from its name, it has NOTHING to do with L. Ron Hubbard. It is simply a forum for David Miscavige to hold his events instead of Ruth Eckerd Hall (the same 2300 seat venue they have been using for 20 years or more despite their “unprecedented growth”). This is even less appealing than SuMP — and less needed. But they are in no hurry, as long as they have SOMETHING the former regges for Super Power can try to sell, they will be pulling in some cash.
But it is looking more and more like a Time Share sales pitch – except instead of a free cruise, you pay for yourself to make the trip to “experience LRH’s life.”
And that was Lisbon?
What an absolute waste. The Sea Org was not “formed” in Lisbon. In fact, L. Ron Hubbard was off in hiding in New York for the largest period of time the Apollo was in Lisbon…
Should have headed for Corfu or Alicante or Tangier for more pertinent “milestones” in the history of the Sea Org. And they could have been regaled with the stories of LRH and the Apollo being thrown out of each of those ports – escorted by naval gunboats in Morocco. That would have been some enlightening fun.
The pitch line is really bizarre “photos of the team in this magnificent city to forward the purposes of bringing into existence the L. Ron Hubbard Hall.”
They could have saved themselves a LOT of time and money by going to Universal Studios in Orlando and taken group shots in front of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Somehow it would have seemed more appropriate.
Of course, it is the same old group — and I do mean old now — with the smiling vampire Laurie Webster. And I guess they were so desperate to get the fundraising happening that they scheduled a trip to Lisbon in the middle of winter…
Must be big brownie points with the Flag OT Committee to have your picture displayed in a promo piece like this. Though for some reason Bubbles Champagne didn’t make the trip?
Mike your so funny, and I agree entirely ?
Lisbon huh. Let’s see.. when I arrived for crew on the Apollo, Lisbon had just undergone a revolution, there were armed soldiers everywhere.. especially the docks…and oh yeah.. we had a ball all right.
I can’t wait
– escorted by naval gunboats in Morocco. That would have been some enlightening fun. LOL probably the closest to real battle action Ron ever saw.
He got a medal for that, didn’t he. A medal of valor if I remember the same as LRH does! 🙂
They should line the walls with mirrors, so that it looks like there are 10 million Scientologist.
When there are only 2500 in the hall.
I recognize a few people – long time members that wouldn’t otherwise participate in a published campaign. This gives people the image that this is a very select, close knit, elite group that gets to go do fun things together. Why wouldn’t others try to pay up, join this group and have some fun? The draw of a big, over produced event is probably getting fewer and fewer people, so they do this. Ironic that they are fundraising for a building to house big, over produced events.
David Miscavige must hit the roof every time he sees one his church’s memos leaked onto the internet like this one. If the church declares any more people there won’t be enough left to communicate the precious tech. Yee-gads DM, as the Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland would say “How could you let this happen?”. 🙂
Sounds great. Want pics. Lafy said the Wild West runs from the Miss to the Rocks. Transformers. Have a good one. My sister is awesome. How about yours? Trump can use the line item video. Fist bump, n-. We’ll do some LGBT MW4M with Madonna.
Perhaps LRH Hall, if it is ever built, will have moveable walls so as the cult shrinks, the walls can be moved so every one of Davey’s Nuremburg-style meetings there shows a “full” hall on video?
+1! Outstanding post! And very true! Well done, visitor!
Visitor, from the first time I heard of the project, I have always figured that one of the primary specifications for the space, and perhaps much of the reason for having it, would be that it will be “configurable,” meaning that it could be adjusted to the size of the audience and always appear full. I would expect them to rationalize and justify that feature as doing something else, like allowing them to save energy on air conditioning when hosting smaller events, but it would actually serve exactly the purpose that you state.
Now that $cientology has a channel on Spectrum (Time Warner) they will be booming!!! Booming I tell you! Why the walls will move in only one direction, out! Which will turn the whole thing into a tent. Where else do you sell Snake Oil, but in a tent?
Isn’t the LRH Hall of Bullshite going to be near or around that parking lot that the Clearwater Aquarium is selling? Or will DM need that parking lot for all the cars that will flock to the $cieno Strip Mall? What’s a real estate investor to do?
It may be time for some rational-minded people to infiltrate the cherch and dismantle it from the inside. Would that even be possible?
Not unless you’re willing to put up with 3 hour sec checks.
Not unless you’re willing to put up with 3 hour sec checks.
Daily for months on end
The spiritually insane crew are already doing that.
Oh, no doubt!
How can you possibly link “rational” with anything having to do with the czerch?
My understanding is that there will be an LRH museum as part of the building. There are 21 monoliths in front of the building – one for each precept of The Way to Happiness.
Yeah, like the LRH Museum in the SP Building. But oops, plans changed and only the exclusive few are allowed INTO that building.
Yeah, what’s up with that, Mike? Is it because of so few people doing services there? And the cult doesn’t want people to know how empty the building is?
It’s a twofold reason:
1. Miscavige has his personal office suite in the corner turret, so don’t want any low-level people in the same building
2. Would not want anyone who is not a fully dedicated sheeple to notice that there is nobody there and start spreading bad news about “Flag” – though you can drive by the Sandcastle and see few cars around and know that things are not all hunky-dory (those parking lots were ALWAYS full 20 years ago)
Very telling! Thanks mike!
Thanks for the heads up. He’s such a DICK.:
“Opening soon” 2014. The land and buildings at the spot, look the same as then. Maybe another 15 years? Oh no, it may be 25 from now, since 15 is the years it takes, just to build.
Probably will go on until someone sues them like the Garcias did over the SP Building. May be the only reason it ever opened. It was a cash cow as long as they could convince people they needed more money to finish it…
I have a question that I can’t find answer: all the LRH info has been copied on disks of gold & platium…buried in underground caves?
Is there more than 1 set of disks & caves?
Thank you
Titanium, as both gold and platinum, like the former, are corrosion-resistant, but are much softer metals that are unsuitable for record-keeping unlike Ti(Atomic symbol for titanium).
There are several CST underground “secret” vaults. One would assume redundancy.
There are several bunkers in the western USA which store steel disks in titanium cases along with memorabilia from LRH’s life.
I want the skid marked underwear!!! On second thought….
And all that shit they have stored there ain’t worth a plug nickel…
Since the parishioners of Scientology are getting so old now maybe this hall will be good for bingo to raise that extra dollar or two, or maybe that Saturday night dance served with tea and an all you can eat cupcake selection, you know with those fancy colored frosting with conveniently placed plastic lined trash bins at each corner of the table. Oh, I hope they have extra restrooms (incontinence is a bit of problem for Scios but we don’t mention that, shhhh). Special mini bus service provided.
This is an interesting comment, because it made me look at the photo.
Look at it and tell me how many young people are in the picture.
Some basic observations that I see are that I don’t think I can find anyone younger than 40 years-old. Also, the demographic is homogenous (all white, older folks). There is no diversity whatsoever.
Interesting from a Sciengology marketing POV to put out public pics of a trip where there is hardly any diversity in age and race. It paints a picture of exclusivity, for sure.
My thoughts exactly. The images of exclusive “white, older folks” sure doesn’t fit in with any of the massive expansion rhetoric from the Cof$. Those photos remind me more of a 1970s school reunion.
Now that’s a great idea, I Yawn! They can play bingo and when they win, they can shout, “BINGO! Thanks COB!”
Wondering how many seats in the LRH Hall ?
For people and their body thetans?
If there’s an upside to any of this, it’s that when the church finally collapses and has to sell off or surrender all it’s real estate holdings, all these cities with Ideal Orgs are gonna have some beautifuly renovated event spaces that they can actually put to some use.
The only financial upside to a Scientology collapse will be lawyer endorsed. Win or loose it’s the Scientology lawyers who’ll benefit the most. Maybe Miscavige will just disappear to some foreign location with the majority of the loot, but for him and his henchman to end up in jail would be a real treat. Once again the lawyers would love the legal confrontation and extend proceeding for as long as possible. I truly hope nothing more sinister occurs than justice served. We don’t need another historical religious tragedy.
For the rest of us it will be a bitter sweet party imo, kind of like a plague coming to an end. It’ll be a busy time though, picking up the pieces of broken lives and gluing families back together again. It’s a job the sooner started the better.
Here is Ron’s great grandson’s view of Ron the family man:
L Ron Hubbard created a smoke screen personality. A marketed PR campaign based on psychological manipulation. Ron conjured up the best way to make money and control people; religion.
Ron used the blueprint of religious belief and the doctrine of the only way. He saw that other religions had an only way mind set and that millions would buy this sentiment. He used a belief system masquerading as science that relied on the goodness of believers.
He then sought to place himself on a pedestal; “wisest man in history”, condemned other paths of the spirit as part of an evil control mechanism. He then set up a punishment system for anyone who dared to see him and his “church” for what it was.
L Ron Hubbard created his own personal religious Satan; the Critic. It worked for him. It kept him safe from scrutiny. It kept his lies hidden.
Demonizing the critic gave Ron safety within the bubble of the church so he could continue amassing power and money. Demonizing the critic and convincing his disciples of this doctrine created an army of mindless minions who would fight L Ron Hubbard’s demons for him.
Ron worked hard to define himself as a messiah. It was deception.
This is a great explanation of the entire Scientology scam! The best I have read. What amazes me is how long he has been able to keep people brainwashed!
Ron laid in the psychological manipulation with study tech:
1) we are the only answer
2) I, Ron, am the only truth finder
3) critics are Satan.
4) wow I blew charge in auditing.
After these have been agreed to we keep ourselves hypnotized.
It is agreement with wrong and delusional knowledge that keeps the hypnotic trance self perpetuating.
After Ron is granted infallibility, we keep ourselves suppressed and self hypnotized.
And what kicks in the hypnosis in a deep level?
The demonization of reason, scrutiny and independent thought.
Once criticism of Ron is agreed to as a war on mankind, the individual works against his or her wellbeing by catagorizing independent thought as evil.
L Ron Hubbard knew what he was doing. The deception and psycho manipulation through Altitude Instruction was conscious, planned, strategized and implemented.
L Ron Hubbard third partied:
1) the family
2) other valid paths of the spirit
3) God
4) angels
5) doctors
7) therapists etc etc etc
He consciously manipulated our minds so that we would only see Scientology and Ron as the only valid refuge in life.
He made less of all other reaches to truth. He made them part of evil implants.
He used religious symbolism to control and manipulate.
He knew what he was doing.
The creature LRH sure did a number on some good people, that is for sure. Saddam’s statue was pulled down, and so too will Hubbard’s.
On a side note, I keep thinking about that gross man in the photo holding his face with his hand in smug contemplation. To think fools actually salute that piece of s***.
Was my thought too. He must be there with a die-hard wife. Poor guy.
What’s next? Pilgrimages? Don’t laugh. The article above comes mighty close.
Saint Hill Manor is already treated as a “Holy Site”, and not uncommon for travelling Scnists to go out of their way to pay homage.
The IAS could offer The Grand Tour…Nebraska, Montana, Washington, China… showing how LRH always kept one-step ahead of the law.
Sounds like a rollicking good time! I suggest they rent a flotilla of those big ol’ old person tour busses, slap some promotional vinyl banners on the sides and drive about America, from LRH landmark to landmark.
Lots of free advertising from those bus banners, too. Only problem is, they might get hit up for media interviews from local news operations along the way. That could produce uncomfortable questions and bad PR the scientologists would not be able to handle because both their image and their confront are noticeablly lacking lately.
Nevertheless, those possible detriments would be outweighed by the opportunity for Non-Stop regging on board the bus. Think of the hitting upping that could occur on the long road from Lafayette, Indiana (Hubbard’s namesake inspiration) , to Nebraska, to Wichita to Seattle to Southern California… . Oh, the humanity! ?. Trapped like doomed rats on the Freewinds, everyone would be broke by the time the bus stopped. Or sooner.
Don’t forget Rhodesia, where Hubbard thought he could scribble a constitution for the country in his usual slap-dash style and take over the government to make the country (not diplomatically recognized anywhere at the time) the world’s first Scientology-led country. Between offering to write their constitution, a request he apparently was surprised to see declined, and gallivanting around channeling Cecil Rhodes and looking for treasure, recreating the events of those few months before he got thrown out ought to be fun for cult tourists!
Tony Ortega’s story of Hubbard’s adventures in Rhodesia is here:
Yep — that would be a really great trip! Or maybe an adventure to the Coronado Islands off the coast of Mexico?
Mission Into Time cruise. Visit the old sites, hunt for nonexistent treasure… who wouldn’t enjoy that?
statpush, you know, this photo op would be fantastic if they actually helped people other than themselves and the slurch. I can’t get the lyrics, “we are living in a material world and I am a material girl” out of my head when I see stuff like this anymore.
You nailed it Mike. The Apollo did go to Lisbon many times but LRH was off with Jim Dincalci living in New York during many of the Lisboa trips. I know the Apollo was in dry-dock in Lisbon which lasted a long time, perhaps up to 6 months.
They should have gone to Funchal, Portugal rather. It is a far prettier venue plus they could relive the time the locals attacked the ship with rocks and thru Mary Sue’s Mini into the harbor, along with numerous crew motorcycles. LRH was definitely there leading the attack against the locals with fire hoses while they were throwing rocks at our crew.
Ahh, the fond memories…
Ahh the fond mamories…
Is that right? Wow! Now those stories are the ones that give some honest spice to the real Scientology experience. Love to hear stuff like that, so refreshing to get the word from those that were there, cheers!
I’ve got some good stories.
The time a 300 lbs deckforce guy (who was benching 300 lbs) got pissed off at the Captain (Norman Starkey) and had him pinned down by the neck on the Forward Well Deck – offloaded from the ship for mutiny, in Morocco with very little to his name. LRH sent messengers looking for sympathizers with the mutineer but I managed to lie about that one and didn’t end up in Morocco with the guy.
Or the time in Lisbon when the deckies and engineers couldn’t get much passed thru FP (Financial Planning) so they robbed the mostly vacant ship that we were tied to. We got some good equipment but a few KR’s made sure we all got comm-ev’d and had to return everything. Full disclosure, I didn’t take part in the theft.
I still think the Funchal Rock Fest (as we referred to it) was the best though.
More gems from the most ethical group on the planet, cheers. The more I hear of Hubbard by those that were near or directly under his command, the more of a vindictive asshole he appears to be. Lois’s story really gave a good view of him. I would love to know if anyone every tracked down the men he served with in the USN and found out what sort of Officer he was like to service under there. There’s nothing worse than an officer who puts himself before his men or women. It truly is a weakness of character (cowards generally) and incites all sorts of revenge, which now is really happening big time to his organisation. In that line of thought Hubbard and Miscavige are very similar indeed. Leadership is tough to be good at anyway, but add selfishness to it and wow… it generates hate on both sides of the command chain to levels where anything can and does happen.
Both Hubbard and Miscavige are Captain Queegs and MIscavige is, as we speak, experiencing his own little Caine Mutiny..
I’d personally like to hear more of those stories and details from you about the life at sea aboard the Apollo. Not sure if you could possibly start a quick website and list them…..or perhaps another weekly or monthly series for this site, where you and Mike and maybe others who lived that life could give us some of these funny/disturbing/informative stories based on your experiences.
I actually typed out a number of Apollo stories but just left them on the computer as I didn’t think it would be of interest. Maybe I’ll send some Mike’s way and let him make the decision whether to include them.
I’ll say one thing, the way we lived on the Apollo and INT up until 1982 (when we blew) was MUCH better than the people after DM took over in ’82. I truly feel sorry for the SO members that we left behind. People like Mike, Marty and all of our messenger friends. The differences between pre and post DM would be a great story on its own.
CPO, for some reason, your & Lois’s stories via Mike’s site seem to make it more real somehow. You answer questions, set the mood more accurately than a book. Mike’s and other SO members running comments, verification and different aspects crop up on similar incidents etc… it comes across very well. Glad your communicating about your experiences, sort of like a living history so to speak.
Mick if you haven’t had the chance yet, read Jon Atack’s A Piece of Blue Sky. And there’s always ESMB for old stories.
A Hollywood movie, done with great writers and actors, great screen play and great cinematography could take down L Ron Hubbard in a massive way.
Hey Hollywood! These folks here have the stories. Do a blockbuster. Have big money behind you. Set up your lawyers before hand. Film and document all of the harassment. Make it B roll. Document the making of the movie.
In this story are all the elements of good story telling:
1) the reluctant heroes (those harassed and coming forward with stories of abuse
2) great bad guys (Ron as Anti Christ, GO/OSA as SS)
3) destruction of innocence
4) redemption
Who has the pair to go after Hubbard in a big way?
You know you have the audience. This story begs to be told.
The amount of layers of deceit to be uncovered with great story telling is so evident.
Calling all Scientology onlookers in the industry. This could be your way to the top.
Just put aside cash for lawyers. The fight between you and the church will only increase visibility and advertising. Consider layers part of advertising expense.
Pull back the delusional veil that Hubbard consciously created and discover his life of infamy, madness, immorality and evil intentions.
I’d PAY to see that movie!!!!
Or perhaps a TV show with a different episode each week. There is so much material about Hubbard’s behavior in books such as “Bare Faced Messiah “, “A Piece of Blue Sky “, “Going Clear” and “L. Ron Hubbard-Messiah or Madman?” to name a few. You could base a show on the Apollo years alone.
They should have recreated the path of the “Voyage Into Time” where Hubbard gallivanted around a couple of Mediterranean islands looking for the gold he buried in a past life as a Roman emperor or whatever. Remember all the treasure he found because his “whole track” recall was so perfect?
One of my jobs on the Apollo was Mission Preps, where I mainly prepared missions to go to orgs, normally removing dedicated execs and replacing them with someone less experienced. A mission folder was kept of every mission ever sent and being like everything in the SO, they kept all of these folders forever.
Sometimes we would go thru weeks without firing a mission and we had to pretend we were busy. I once found a “Mission Into Time” mission folder and started reading thru it. I was reading about some mission into Greece or somewhere and turned a page and a roman coin dropped out. I was shocked actually that it was in the folder along with narrative as to how and when they found it. Who knows, they could have bought it at a local novelty shop and stuck it in the folder.
I dutifully put the coin back in the folder rather than pocketing it. It is probably still sitting there collecting dust. Maybe some OSA dude will read this and go look up that mission folder.
Wonderful comment, thank you. Mission Into Time, boy did I fall very hard for that spin in Sea Org. And I had heard about a stash of gold but rather like Old Ron’s locked in a vault in London manuscript of Excalibur and if I read it, I would die instantly because I had not done the glitter OTs, thank goodness! In simpler terms the manuscript and the gold grew in power the more the tale was told. Old Ron loved his stories. ❤️
For some reason, Ron was fond of warning people about dangerous knowledge. Excalibur and the OT levels for Ron are ‘dangerous knowledge.”
Why would he promote things that only he has been able to confront or go through.
It is my opinion that ‘do not self audit”, Excalibur and OT3 will kill you, is where Ron undermines our confidence to look in the mind whenever we wanted to. If you do you will die or red tag and only auditing can fix you; bullshit!
He even caused us to surrender our ability to create our own processes.
He made you agree that only Ron has found the one true way to spiritual freedom.
That was a lie. Agreeing to that lie makes you a cult member.
I know several Scn vets who firmly believe they found gold, and LRH used it to form and finance the Sea Org.
Think of how much all that hidden gold would be worth today! Seems that would make more sense than getting the last few Euros out the Spanish Scilons. A better ROI if you will
I am waiting for the day when the ragging begins for the new Freewinds. The fundraising possibilities are endless. Even promising all the donors a free cruise on the new boat….which would never happen of course
Maybe they could reg for a submarine this time. Keep those pesky apostates guessing.
Yawn. Yeah. I do remember that tale from one of the old Scientology books. Only problems is, LRH never found the gold, did he? This, despite his purportedly Godlike Super Powers. Oopsie! I also seem to recall that they had to leave the supposed gold burial site when they were shooed or chewed out by local authorities, beating a hasty retreat by sea. Perhaps they’ve been permanently banned from ever returning to that spot by local authorities. LOL. What a hoot!
the Fatman never found a thing, but he would claim he did. What he always did find was an excuse for why he couldn’t make it down that last mile – to actually uncover it for real.
“The area was now military base” “A high-rise building was built on top of it” or whatever; there was always something. But he’d claim success because he “found the spot” (even tho he never actually found the treasure!). He was full of shit, as with all his other high-flying adventure stories.