They have been fundraising for the “LRH Hall” for decades — it’s a white elephant project that is simply a sinkhole for money to show they are “spending on charitable activities.” It is a completely unnecessary project, they can’t even fill Ruth Eckerd Hall for their events these days.
Of course, they haven’t even STARTED the building. No surprise, once they actually begin, their income will go down. Remember how long they dragged out the SP (Super Power) Building — Miscavige held the “groundbreaking” ceremony in 1998. Then dragged out the start of the building project for years and eventually opened it in 2013. They milked every last dollar, even after they had collected way over what the building cost.
They began fundraising for the LRH Hall well before the Super Power building was started, and now they are doing the same for the “new AO.”
The yet to be described “new AO” (I will be fascinated to see where this is eventually going to be located) is just an imagined project (a “postulate” in scientologese) but the money they will be collecting for it is very real. Scientology are masterful at holding out sparkly things in front of their sheeple and asking them to hand over cash in order to bring the sparkly thing within reach. When they do finally get their hands on it — they find the glitter has already fallen off, but lo and behold, there is another, new sparkly thing that is out of reach that will make the last one look lame.
It’s a never-ending game in scientology to come up with new reasons why people have to turn over their life-savings.
I like the backhoe, it’s brand new. I see backhoes alot on my job, and my piece of advice to customers I interact with, is:
a) Make friends for life with backhoe operators, or friends who love to use a backhoe, it will pay off a lot in life, when you have to have your sewage line or water line dug up.
b) Make friends with either a young brand new Insurance Agent, or a retired Insurance Agent, both will tell you the truth, the question to ask them is: “How would you play the system, in terms of which insurance coverage to get?” Young insurance agents haven’t learned how to rip you off yet, and retired ones can give you expert advice in literally 15 seconds. (Young insurance agents who give advice to their parents, is the best advice I’ve ever heard.)
The false promises reaction by the Scientologists:
a) Newbies don’t know any better, and presume the false promises are really real.
b) Vet Scientologists have become brainwashed to the false promises never being even remotely achieved, it’s merely a mental object in their minds now, the false promises have no connection to real reality.
Hubbard was a fiction writer, so Scientology’s false promises are tinged with Hubbard’s “simulated realism” fiction writings mentality.
Scientology never tells the public, since Hubbard never allowed it be told, that Scientology is a pseudo-therapy and an exorcism practice, with the goal of supposedly alleviating a human’s debilitating soul memories. Plus for the exorcism, Hubbard’s OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism levels supposedly free invisible souls infesting our human bodies, and these invisible souls were mass murdered and mass implanted with the R6 implants by Xenu.
Scientology aims to “Clear” a person of their “own case” of debilitating soul memories.
Scientology aims to strip (free) all the invisible souls infesting our human bodies, off of us, and negate and eliminate all the damage which Xenu caused to humanity by mass murdering with the Wall of Fire incident, and then implanting all the dead souls with the R6 implants. Scientology’s exorcism frees these invisible souls off of us, and we thus lose the “R6 case” that those invisible souls were leaking onto us, even though we were “Clear.”
It’s a hard sell, the Hubbard soul pseudo-therapy and exorcism, but it ought be known by all existing and wannabe Scientologists, so at least they know what they are doing.
Most Scientologists never get explained the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 massive amount of exorcism (soul freeing of the R6 implanted “body-thetans”—-invisible souls implanted by Xenu) that is ahead of the newbie level Scientologists, since most Scientologists are below OT 3.
Official Scientology has too many Hubbard rules and regulations which Hubbard himself would never tolerate anyone applying those regulations to him!
In fact, because Hubbard expressed “failure” (thus doubt about his whole subject) near the end of his life, it is thus a fact that LRH was in “Doubt Condition” per his own rules, even if it was a momentary whining admission of “failure” to Sarge, as is importantly explained in the final pages of the “Going Clear….” must read book by Lawrence Wright. And it’s something anyone can listen to Sarge in the interview Wright did with Sarge.
Chuck Beatty
ex Scientologist 75 to 03
The question is, what are they going to call their new Flag Advanced Org, that Miscavige may eventually open as part of the centennial celebrations of the publication of Dianetics.
The Beach Ball, the Dune Debugger, the Sand Shark, the Faceriptide, the CopaCOBana, the Bikini Bottom?
If they do release OT IX and X soon, I predict that after doing those levels, most of the people who did them will leave the church, finally realizing they were duped and used and brainwashed and lied to. Expect another exodus when they roll out IX and A lot of OT VIII’s left after OT VIII. And many got sick and died after OT VIII. Imagine spending all the money you had and borrowed and leveraged to get to OT VIII just to find out you were never the identities on the whole track that you had run in session and firmly believed were you. What a let down and betrayal.
I can almost see a prerecorded message from Demento announcing to the excited mass of 127 $camatologists (that’s how many will be still in in the year 2070) saying that all OT levels will have to done again before 9 and 10 can be accessed.
Reading the latest news of the ridiculous/despicable same-old-exploits of the same-old-cult can sometimes get tedious. At tiresome moments like this, I still have a positive take on their never ending misdeeds. It comes down to my bottom line: I remain grateful that I’m no longer among the suckers who put up with their constant abuse. And I’ll never underestimate how much that counts.
Chris Shugart, So true. That gives comfort after realizing you’ve been taken.
The inside information I have received (and I know this is very controversial) is that Planetary Clearing HAS ALREADY OCCURRED, but that Miscavige is holding back this information to 1. Complete the 10,000 goal, and 2. To figure out how to roll out “The OTing of the Planet” program. Miscavige knows that now that the planet is cleared, it is dramatizing its “OT Case”, and he needs to figure out to get Scientologists behind the new mission. and used to saying the phrase, ” We need to OT the planet.”
*the above is very hush hush. If you know any active Scientologists, keep this info on the down low until Davey does “The Public Wall of Fire” event next 3 May. It’s gonna be MUCHO EPICO!!!!!
OMG Joe!!! This makes so much sense!!!!! With the advent of the Ideal Org program, of course Planetary Clearing has occurred. And what happens when someone goes Clear? That’s right, they are smack dab right in the middle of the No Interference Zone until they complete OT III. This naturally means that they will be dramatizing their OT Case until they get thru this level. And they need to get thru this level ASAP. You know what that means. That’s right, off to the nearest Reg to help you make this happen at all costs. Literally at all costs.
I’m guessing that once the Planet’s Fourth Dynamic engram has been handled it will be time to really get down and dirty and exorcise those pesky BTs, Clusters, etc. Off to the Reg again (and again and again and again…)
Thanks for the inside info, Joe. I was shocked to read that it took 15 years of regging donations from people to finally build or finish building the Super Power Building, after they raised probably 20 times the amount of money it would take to build it. It kills 2 birds with one stone: satisfies the IRS rule that you have to sink some money into religious stuff for your church (ie buildings) and Davey has an insatiable appetite for money without having to exchange for it. This handles both of those things.
BUT if they really wanted to do something that actually is needed by the church, why not fundraise for a new Freewinds since the current Freewinds is now in dry dock, never to sail again.
“…Planetary Clearing HAS ALREADY OCCURRED…”
That’s manifestly apparent – not.
If this were true would we need Miscavige to tell us?
I mean, like, wouldn’t it be OBVIOUS?
And, what, pray, does a cleared planet even MEAN?
Does it mean that the majority of the population of Earth ( 5 billion people) no longer have their reactive minds on the first dynamic ?
If so, HOW did they go Clear? Where are all these Clears? and by the way, where are all the Class iV auditors who made these hundreds of millions of Clears? In what Scientology orgs did all this auditing occur in such tremendous volume? Where are the statistics for all these well done auditing hours?
Ok, leaving aside these pesky details as to how this could even be wildly and remotely possible, for argument’s sake let’s say its true.
Ok, then that means that with billions of cleared people, what they’re dramatizing now is OT Phenomena?
I have to stop now because I have no words. Other than to what is my customary incredulousness at the scope of the lies being told, I just can’t say anything else.
“Everyone is Clear now, thanks for the money, you can all go home now.”
In support of your inside info, I wonder if Miscavige will release MORE of LRH’s final “case folders” and if LRH in his case folders ever mentioned the fact that SOME body-thetans are way more powerful than others, and that possibly some NEW new OT level just to target the really powerful body-thetans, like the one(s) LRH was having trouble with at the end of LRH’s life, to free even the most hardcore Body-Thetans out there hovering or infesting all of us?
That’s one question.
Another question, is just plain, do we know if the new Advanced Org at Flag/Clearwater is to house the Freewinds OT 8 training and delivery.
I mean, if the Freewinds besides all it’s other problems, was “too small” to do MORE OT 8 training and delivery (and Review Auditing on OT 8s which I’ve heard a bunch of OT 8s got Review from special OT 8 auditors, etc), that the new Advanced Org is just really more significantly due to the Freewinds being “too small” and the Freewinds has reached it’s “sell by” date?
Thanks for your posts, I read them and appreciate everything in them.
Chuck Beatty
One of the most spot on descriptions of the cult I´ve ever read!
Scn in a Nut´s-Hell!
Another fundraising event. Gosh, what a surprise!
Dwinkin Dwunkin Dweeby needs another few more barrels of Macallan Single Malt Scotch Whisky at approximately US$370,000 per barrel. No $100,000 el cheapo barrels for our Micreated Midget Monster.
Mr. Rinder Sir, I can assure you that the new AO (Advanced Organization) Building is most assuredly needed and needed soon. You see, The Flag Land Base is bursting at the seams with unprecedented demand for Scientology Services. The new AO Building (I secretly hope it will be called Miscavige Hall) will house delivery of the New OT IX & X Advanced Course levels!!! I’m sure that this will be announced at the New Years Event in Los Angeles in a few days. I just wanted to give you a heads up so that you can shut down your suppressive blog and find a real job. Once these powerful OT Levels are released, Planetary Clearing will be a forgone conclusion and SPs will have no where to hide.
I just wish The Two Projects poster you copied onto your website (probably illegally) didn’t include the line “what will it take to tip the scale?”. That could alert enough wary Scientologists that reggs are going to be in there in droves and that could possibly put the old kibosh on this effort.
Ms. B. Haven