If you listen to David Miscavige, the expansion of scientology is “unprecedented,” “monumental” and apparently knows no bounds.
If you visit a scientology organization anywhere on earth you will see with your own eyes the empty buildings that show scientology is smaller and less popular than it has EVER been.
If you watch the scientology utterances on social media and sent to their mailing lists, you get to see not just individual orgs, but a glimpse of the bigger picture.
And that is what this latest document represents.
This is a worldwide aggregation of people on co-audits now, or in “a couple of months” or “next year” — needing “twins.”
This is from all over the world.
This is THEIR document.
And these are the people who are constantly claiming they are “Clearing the Planet” or at the very least “Planetary Clearing is being made a reality.”
The delusion is strong inside the scientology bubble.
Planetary Clearing could happen at any moment. It may have happened while I am writing this post.
I may have missed something (and in fact it’s likely that I have) in reading your book and blog, but what is a co-audit twin?
A twin in scientology is someone you partner with to work your way thru an auditing action. Generally you have to be at or about the same ‘case level’ as your twin.
Twinning is supposed to be the economical way to progress along ‘the bridge to total freedom’. Twins study the materials they are going to audit on each other and then actually do the auditing on each other as opposed to paying for auditing by a professional auditor. Twinning is relatively cheap and professional auditing is very expensive but a faster way to go (nowhere). Paying straight up saves one the long hours on course studying the material. The cult always encourages people to get professional auditing because there is more money in it. But, they will take what they can get and they know if people opt for the co-audit route they will have to pay for ‘repair auditing’ because of mistakes made in the co-audit. It’s all about the money.
As noted in the document that Mike posted, many of the auditing actions listed are the SRD (Survival Rundown). There are lots of individual auditing actions involved on this level and they can be VERY time consuming. This is why these poor folks (literally) are looking for twins to get them thru it.
If you want to see an excellent example of what a typical SRD auditing action looks like check out the movie The Master starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman as an L. Ron Hubbard character. In my opinion, those scenes are so good they could be used as scientology training films.
PS Someone correct me if I am wrong here, I’ve been out of the cult for decades and may have gotten some of this wrong.
Thank you for the great “rundown” on the co-audit twin.
Actually, that was a very good description of what twinning is as well as a good comparison between twinning and having a professional auditor take you up the Bridge.
Doing it with a “twin” also increases the social bonding of the experience. For bonus cult points the org will guilt you over letting your twin down if you are late or miss any sessions.