Who are the Merchants of Chaos?
Scientology teaches that Suppressive Persons are Merchants of Chaos – relaying only “entheta” and generally upsetting people around them with bad news. Seems quite sensible you would not want to associate with this sort of person. And of course, L. Ron Hubbard declared the media are ALL Merchants of Chaos.
A Special Correspondent sent this letter to me, pointing out just how much “bad news” the ED of St Louis is spreading around to one and all.
This is of course an art mastered by the IAS through the likes of Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomerantz and the IAS staff Regges who are even worse. Like Teddy Breggin. These are definitely people one would be better off not associating with. The provide a constant diet of disasters and doom and gloom. And they leave you less well off than when you met them. The only thing you have to show on the positive ledger is a useless “status” they bestow on you. If you believe Hubbard that money is the lowest form of motivation, they truly plumb the depths of darkness at the bottom of the barrel of rotten fish.
What is obviously a bit of an anomaly is that they have been claiming they are solving these problems for decades now. War. Crime. Drug abuse. Illiteracy. Morals in society. Man’s inhumanity to man. Etc etc etc
They have collected millions, if not hundreds of millions, of dollars to distribute WTH booklets and other things to “implement the tech” to solve conditions in society and there is nothing to show for it other than some purchased real estate. They CLAIM astonishing results and cite stupid stats, but nobody seems to notice the next time they come around they are preaching how terrible things are again. In the same place they had earlier proclaimed was “salvaged with LRH tech.”
This is a pitch to get money for an “ideal org” in St Louis because this is somehow going to miraculously change conditions in that city.
If this is true, then riddle me this batman:
There IS an “ideal org” in Dallas. Yet a lone gunman went on a shooting spree?
They have 5 ideal orgs in the LA area yet crime rates and drug use is not being changed? How can this be?
Gosh, they have an ideal org in Brussels too – big terrorist attacks.
Hell, in Moscow the ideal org was raided by the police…
The ideal orgs don’t seem to be doing much for the “safe environment” in these cities.
Yet in spite of the obvious, the begging continues unabated. With the same old pitch.
These “fundraisers” have rightfully earned the title “Merchants of Chaos.”
PS: Love those prizes! A pizza. Dinner with a St. Louis staff member OMG! Your name on a plaque (as long as we haven’t decided you are suppressive by then — erasing all trace of you but keeping your money).
Just because they have problems doesn’t mean they’re wrong. There are merchants of chaos. Leading example is all the fake news in America. Orson wells was right too just wing year
Doesn’t the reference Hubbard makes about fundraising specifically say “no cake sales?” Why is the St Louis order selling cakes?
No Zeph, El Con said, “no BAKE sales” I believe. So St Louis is in the clear. 😉 And it depends on what the definition of is, is…
Ah, St. Louis…….The Arch, superior medical facilities, Grant Park, Busch Gardens, Six Flags,,,,,old beautiful buildings, The River Queen and the mighty Mississippi, and Scientology????? They need another org to put the fat and overweight people in one, (those pigging out on pizza and cake), and maybe the other building will be where they bury the bodies of the starving overworked and underfed workers. Or maybe that is where the slaves are going to be kept as I think this organization has been into human trafficking for a long time. This way when these poor souls finally escape, sadly by dying, they can blow up the building and bury all the evidence. Sorry this so harsh sounding but these criminals have been operating far too long without repercussions.
i guess once everyone that is so conned eventually crosses over leaving not too many left it will finally collapse due to apathy and bankruptcy because I am sure DM is going to take his money with him because better housing in Hell cost!
How do you fix human trafficking by giving money to an organization known for human trafficking, visa fraud, slave labor and confiscating of foreign workers’ passports?
How do to teach literacy when you use expressions such as “an alumni?” Other than being used incorrectly, the word is meaningless in its context.
And how do you solve the heroin problem when the “treatment” you provide is about $35,000 a person, with NO pro bono “treatment” available, and all too often ends in the death of the patient. Unsurprisingly, as it is no treatment at all!
What is the solution offered to the drug problem? Handing out cheesy pamphlets to addicts? They’ll read those and see the errors of their ways at last? No doubt, that will happen…
Hey, everyone, I wish I had the time to post a thoughtful, incisive comment but I’m late for my dinner with a St. Louis staff member.
Don’t judge me please, we all have our price.
I’d give $5 for a ride on a clydesdale.
Merchants of Chaos now bring you Ultimate Chaos!
All the same Choice Chaos but at half the price! with deeper graphics and without the semicolons!
One full measure of Chaos for $1,200 or Two full measures of Chaos for $1,850.
Half measures of Chaos Unlimited (with limitations) $450. Starter Pack of Chaos $700. (With entry level join up discount Chaos fee of just $500!) Advanced Chaos and Ideal Chaos pricing available upon request. Have credit card available. Smooth Operators standing by. Call now supplies are limited! This deal may not be combined with any other Merchant of Chaos offers. Prices subject to change at anytime, or whim. Chaos purchased may not necessarily resemble package ordered. Some Chaos may settle during shipment. Merchants of Chaos reserve the right to substitute any Chaos product offered for similar Chaos product or just as good product. No returns accepted. The Chaos you buy is the Chaos you get. Offer not available in The Van Allen Belt.
When I was in Scientology one of the doctrines that created chaos with always looking for the SP; the Merchant of Chaos.
When you’re sick; look for the SP
When you trip and fall; look for the SP
When relations don’t resolve; find the SP 3rd party
Ron granted magical powers to his imaginary SPs.
The doctrine of the SP, to a large degree, is the doctrine of justified victimhood.
“I am a certain way because of someone else. If it was not for this SP I would be fine.”
When we blame another for our situation, we surrender our power to change. That is because we are the architects of our moments. All experience is self generated.
Ron instituted a Victocracy with his SP doctrine. The SP was in Ron’s imagination. The SP came from his paranoid tendencies and persecution complex.
He fancied himself the savior of the universe haunted by Sci Fi demons.
It was a strange mindset, that I remember, seeing others with that,”you’re an SP mindset.”
We were taught to hate with this doctrine. And there are still thousands hypnotized by this drivel.
It’s the perfect explanation for why the tech doesnt produce standard results all the time.
At the same time…and still…you are condemned with “You are totally responsible for the condition you are in.” He got you both ways. Actually, I found that I *am* totally responsible meaning that I’m the person most able to do something about my own condition. Not the auditor, not the C/S, not Hubbard.
Very good explanation Brian. It sure makes for a handy generality when all else fails – “it’s an SP.”
One thing that struck me a constant in the tech was the value of “restimulation.” It was the corner stone of all developments. It does have merit and it’s what auditing is all about but it becomes the “stuck flow” of Scienological think and the SP phenomena is a prime example of labeling something you value because you now “know about it” – that’s what the tech says. Suppression is the unholiest of restimulation!
I absolutely agree in that the PTS SP tech hypnotizes the weak of mind that can’t be bothered to look and “man up” – it’s a tough world and crap invades your space sometimes, handle it or it will handle you.
My philosophy now is; negativity, whether from a person or circumstance, is an opportunity to learn, grow and become more loving by not taking other people’s crap personally.
I have taken Buddha’s “your enemy is your greatest teacher” literally. Also Jesus “love your enemy.” It builds personal power.
Ron’s doctrine was our enemy has the power to take away our wins, our knowledge, our secure state of being.
Conflict actually has the opposite effect with the right attitude. Conflict, negative people allow us to see where our weakness lies.
My teacher Yogananda said,”if you want to see how far you have progressed spiritually, go find someone to give you a good slap. Your response will give you a measure of how far you’ve come.”
Now, he wasn’t actually saying go out and bring abuse on yourself, he was saying that in any adverse situation with people our internal reaction is a measure of our ability to be cause over our minds, our thoughts our reactions.
If I can actually feel safe and secure in myself when someone else has lost themselves; that is personal power. That is cause over life. That is cause over mental MEST. That is the demonstration of the state of Clear.
But to assign mystical powers to an SP to be able to “steal away” your wins is evidence that there was no real knowledge to begin with.
If I’m wearing brown shoes and someone “invalidates and suppresses” me and says,”you are wearing blue shoes you fool,” I will not go into doubt about my shoes, because I have direct knowledge, directly perceived evidence of the color of my shoes. The “suppressive” statement of invalidation will only elicit pity in me for the poor fool who can’t see straight.
But because a degree of Scientology knowledge is imaginary and not based on direct perception of truth (faith and belief), confidence can be shaken by someone aiming reason and logic at the foundation of the make believe.
Thus SPs can “steal away” wins.
In Scientology, logic reason and constructive criticism is the Satan. Because a great degree of their knowledge is Ron’s imagination.
Hi Brian, So good to see your comment and I archived it with your others.They are all that good.?❤️❤️XO
Hi Ann!!
Thank you!
I hope all is well in your world!
Big virtual hugs across the airwaves!! ❤️?
Hi Brian, I really needed some virtual hugs and yours are one of the best! I am doing pretty well all things considered.Baton Rouge has been devastated by flooding.We had a hurricane but with no wind just tons of rain.The house is in a relatively high area so no damage where I am,but the interstates are closed.A rainy ghost town! Waves of virtual hugs back to you both.♥️❤☔☀
WOW! A gooey butter cake, that will probably be gotten from Aldi’s for about $3.25, for only a $100 donation!? And for just $250 they’ll send a frozen Imo’s (cost $11.60) to your door!? That’s a 2000% mark up.
How many cult members could there possibly be here in St. Louis? Two dozen at most? I haven’t been past the one by The Loop, but from what I’ve read in a report from several years ago there were all of 3 people inside it. And now they want to open a second location because they need more more more of everything? I have a very hard time believing they’ll be able to raise the funds on their own, so it’s only a question of how long till the mighty midget cuts a check to make something happen.
By the way, HI! First time making a comment, but I’ve been following along here and The Bunker ever since seeing Going Clear last year. I knew how crazy the cult was, but not how downright evil they are, and seeing this story about something happening in my own backyard made me decide to stop lurking.
Hi H.M.West, So glad you decided to comment here and good to meet you.Telling my story with so many others here has helped me put alot into perspective.When I joined Sea Org in 74,I thought I was following the great white hat being Ron Forever.Well the white hat was actually black and you are so correct,the cult is downright evil.Very much so.Always
Every time I drive by Dallas Org, it looks empty to me. Hardly any traffic through the area. I thought Hubbard said orgs were to be in high traffic areas? The new Ideal Org location in Dallas is hard to find, and way off from any foot traffic. (it’s also located in Irving, which is one of the in-between cities between Dallas and Fort Worth, while not really being in either one).
And Saint Louis? Have they even started renos on the new building? The org was in the Loop, which is a high foot traffic area of St Louis, with a college and lots of shops in the area. The new org is right off Lafayette Square, which is a nice area, but little or no foot traffic. It is closer to downtown Saint Louis, and right off 40 (if my memory serves me right), but there is no real foot traffic in that area at all.
Ya think Dave gives a shite. How his personal off shore accounts are doing is all he cares about.
The fantasy that an org has to have foot traffic is one of the last ones that Exes give up. It’s 2016. No one is going to be body-routed. There are these things called smartphones, and they all have Net access and ease-of-use of Google. Anyone who has never heard of Scientology who tries to get body routed will call up Google on their phone, do one search, and run like hell in the other direction.
Stop using lack of foot traffic as an indictment of Idle Morgues. There are far more numerous things to indict them on, and in this instance, the cult has actually got a clue that they’re never going to get anyone in via body routing.
100% true, dat.
A society in which people walk less and less with each passing decade = a society in which body-routing will be less effective with each passing decade; and that’s before getting to the now well-known evidence about the CoS’s sickness.
I’ll bet whatever staff are left in St. Louis are lining up to be selected for that free dinner. Once again you nailed it, Mike.
Yeah, I know! For $2,500, you can have dinner with an ACTUAL St Louis Org staff member ! Ha,ha,ha! Sign me up!
It doesn’t say free dinner. I’m pretty sure the donor would be forking over the dough for the dinner. The privilege of dining with a staff member….priceless.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” ~H.L. Mencken.
I remember IAS reges on the Freewinds telling people that Jolly West was doing psych experiments on people that would force them out of their bodies and that the body would then die without a being there to motivate it. I even believed it at the time! Just goes to show how cult indoctrination can condition one to accept the most preposterous lies without question.
That’s a wild one. Looking back I pretty much believed what I was told but not a word of the 91 Times frount page article. One thing told over and over even by my husband was SO that leave never make it. They work at McDonalds.
Any S.O. member would be making the best choice of their life to leave and get a job at McDonalds.
Or head to clearwater to be a telemarketer.
Very interesting post, LagunaScott. Thanks for this information.
You’re welcome, Cindy.
Freewinds got IAS money several years after Jolly West died for gross things Jolly was doing.
He was a money maker of horror stories mostly made up to scare public.
“mostly made up” being the operative phrase here.
There is the Jolly West Psychiatric Hospital
where experiments are done that are sick
where urban legends come from.
Isn’t human trafficking where, let us say, Russians for instance, are lured to a country, the U.S. for example, with promises of a wonderful career and when they arrive their passports are taken and they’re put to work doing menial jobs for almost no pay and allowed no days off, little sleep and fed an unsubstantial diet?
I applaud the CoS for being against this sort of thing but I’m curious how they came to know about it being perpetrated on those highways. I’m also curious why they need donations to stop it when it’s a matter for the FBI. I suspect Scientology Volunteer Ministers, at the behest of the President, are leading a team of law enforcement professionals in a Special Ops Touch-Assist offensive to wipe it out. But still, shouldn’t the U.S. taxpayers be footing the bill?
One out of 6 in St Louis can’t read? OK, that’s not far off from statistics provided by US Dept of Education that 14% of US population can’t read. I’ll accept it. But tell me — What is a Scientology “ideal org” going to about it? Are they going to teach people how to read? Has Scientology ever taught an illiterate adult how to read? Even once? (Don’t tell me Tom Cruise — he already knew how to read, despite his dyslexia.). What will the new building and approximately one dozen active members do about the 166,000 illiterate persons in St Louis County (based on 1/6 of pop. of 1,000,000)? If they could come up with a credible plan for that, even I would become a Patron Maximilian of the IAS.
This is yet another case of the South Park underpants gnomes at work.
Phase 1 – Collect underpants
Phase 2 – ?
Phase 3 – Profit
How, on to that human trafficking on Highways 70 and 44…
Hi Idle Morgue,You have expressed what I thought when I read Mike’s excellent phrase New Merchants of Chaos and Fear.Criminal conning,cos has every degree known or unknown in that field!I like bamboozling because that is exactly what dm does every waking moment.xo
I love my flyfishing and the parallels between fooling fish and Scientology’s methods of acquiring money are uncannily similar. However, there always seems to be a few stupid fish who will always fall for the same pattern of fly, presented the same way, time and time again.
Fishing for educated fish in well fished waters is very difficult and requires great skill. The only skill Scientology has is that they have no scruples whatsoever, present what appears to be a desirable product but is just a highly polished and dressed hook. They will lie to people’s faces over and over again with the only bait they know – responsibility buttons.
I don’t fish very much anymore but in my old age I do practice catch & release, something Scientology would never do. They bleed their prey for all they are worth.
Merchants of Chaos hey? Scientology’s PR is very good at that. Talk about becoming what you resist? Not really, it’s a matter of defining what’s criminal is how to separate out the methodologies of Scientology. Scientology is a criminal organisation! After decades of deceit, what you see today is a highly polished set of practices. They don’t give two hoots if the educated prey don’t bite or if you know about them or their procedures. They also know their prized fish are few are far between but they are whales!
I never really bought the Merchant of Chaos propaganda from Hubbard.
Pre-Scientology I enjoyed investigative journalism. I liked the NY Times and NY Review of Books great writing journalism.
So many warning signs until I accepted finally that no one was becoming “OT”.
Isn’t Tom Martiniano in the Saint Louis area.
If I were a freezoner, I’d gladly accept auditing by Tom, I had Tom’s auditing and he was one of my favorite auditors. Incredible auditor, but I’m not a Scientologist or freezoner. (I prefer adult education as my “study time” leisure today, I do not recommend Scientology—but if someone IS going to suffer Scientology’s auditing, Tom in my opinion was one of the best.)
Tom’s a better auditor than any official Scientologist in the Saint Louis area, if that is where he and Linda are situated.
I wonder if Tom’s getting hassled by official Scientology, does anyone know?
Last I knew they were in Phoenix. Linda was originally from St Louis Org though.
If anyone in Millstone Two was getting harassed by the cult, they’d shout it from the rooftops. Since they haven’t, I’d say that Martiniano isn’t getting harassed.
I’ve driven I-70 all the way from St. Louis to Salina, Kansas. Didn’t see any human trafficking happening. I’ve driven I-44 all the way from St. Louis to Tulsa. No human trafficking there either. They don’t mention I-55 for some reason. I’ve driven that from Chicago to Jackson, Mississippi. No human trafficking, not even in the section of Chicago that I grew up near. Where the hell are they getting this data from? I call bullshit on that. Others can and have called bullshit on their other scaremongering.
What they don’t explain here is exactly how they’re going to solve these problems. Apparently spreading L. Fraud’s bullshit is enough. That’s an example of what we call “magical thinking”. It’s one step removed from believing that if you clap your hands, Tinkerbell will get better. Maybe they should try that.
…and they *sure* didn’t mention the biggest human trafficking route of them all, Flight 8-8008 from Moscow to Clearwater.
Espiando, you mean…you mean…uh…Tinkerbell *won’t* get better??? Oh, no, my deepest belief crushed once more!!!!
So how someone be a merchant of chaos if chaos is in fact not a tradable value?
Good point!
The word, “fool” wouldn’t exist if there was no such thing as a fool. Some people have a quarrel with calling those who are manipulated by scientology, ‘fools’. They do of course fit the definition of the word perfectly so the quarrel isn’t whether they’re fools but whether it is polite to call them what they are. Instead, let’s call them, “exploited victims who are silly”.
Also the word, “coward” wouldn’t exist if there was no such thing as a coward. Let us politely call them, “exploited victims who are afraid, for reasons diverse, to tell the truth”.
The irony is, is that if Miscavige and his wrecking gang of sycophants hadn’t smashed delivery of Scientology (you remember, that forgotten thing called “auditing” and that “training of auditors”) and replaced it with begging as well as not pissing off right left and center the scores of thousands of people who have since left the Church, including me, they might have had something to shout about now and actually made a positive dent into society, 30 years later.
Curious…..Do the Orgs communicate with each other? Is STL allowed to call TPA and ask them about their stats for the week? Or is that forbidden….earning you a quick trip to the RPF?
If they didn’t have all the chaos before the Ideal Orgs in Dallas and Brussels, etc., maybe the Ideal Orgs are CAUSING the violence?
OMG!!! Having dinner with a staff member from the St. Louis Idle Morgue has been a dream of mine for decades.
Everyone, I won’t be gone long, but, I’m compelled to make the trek to the magical city of St. Louis. Imagine ME, having dinner with a staff member…I’m….I’m starting to tear up…
Hi OSD, I was so excited when I saw that incredible selection of “gifts ” from St.Louis and that Ideal pathetic Org.And I can get a special commemorative coin thrown in. The St Louis staffer should really get creative and give out Mardi Gras beads along with the pizza and the enjoyment of being regged by someone at some point.XO
I can’t make it but please save & send me one of their used napkins. That would make me as happy and and as proud as can be. Gee… I’m all bubbly with excitement!!
Let me know if it’s white wine or red wine with
Flaming Rice and Beans..
What is goey butter? It sounds like something a bunch of them there body thetans and clusters may get stuck in.
Is that some kind of GAT II Scientological TRAP?
Get you all fucked up with goey butter in your thetans …then take all your money?
Maybe they got the idea when they did Stupid Powerz?
Goey butter replaces the Oily Table??
Think about it…
Hi Idle Morgue, Your post really had me laughing.Thank you! How about the joy of eating the gooey butter cake while on the oily table and then going for a rubber suit run!Pure Bliss!LOLXO
Or if you asked politely maybe you could go surfing with a staff member from LA.
The human trafficking problem along the 70/44 corridor would be handled if Scn.would
stop doing it. I would guess the 600 seat auditorium for use of allied groups won’t be free except
to the NOI….don’t wanna rock that boat. Scn….no drama….no money. Too bad really. A lot of lives are being wasted for what amounts to nothing at this point. Once all of us old farts are gone the young ones of today will be saying to themselves….what in the hell was I thinking.
The key “Old farts gone”…Davey boy should be looking over his shoulder…Farrakhan (or successor) to inherit ala Davey boys style…
Hi Potpie, I was just thinking about your comments and here you are! I certainly qualify for the old fart club & I do so hope the youngsters heed our stories.❤️
Spot on POTPIE – “The human trafficking problem along the 70/44 corridor would be handled if Scn.would
stop doing it”
It’s in Scientology’s DNA to push EVIL
otherwise raw public would not be motivated to
give money to save them with Scientology.
Remember the little booklet ” Scientology is here to Rescue You”
No longer printed because if you are rescued what is there left to do?
(purchase expensive cars,take expensive vacations, enjoy life, OH NOOOOO !!)
The hitch is money. CCHR claimed to rid the World of Psychiatry
by the year 2000 of course that never happened because that would make
the income stream to DRY UP.
CCHR needs Psychiatry permanently a State sponsored form of terror
so Scientology has income for life
Two biggest Psychiatrists on the Universe
Jan Eastgate
Bruce Wiseman
Wish Jan would unwind from her little prison of belief and write a book of her rising back out of the Hubbard world she’s lived her life and career within.
CCHR was NOT founded by Dr. Thomas Szasz, btw. He didn’t show up until the Victor Gyory case in Philadelphia, about 4 or 5 months after CCHR was established in the NY Org. They just claim him so as to draw on his name. His big “thing” was stopping electroshock, not drugs. And that’s what the Gyory case was about.
Doing the same things over an over and expecting different results= insanity.
Correction: “1 out of 6 adults in St. Louis IS functionally illiterate.”
I wonder if that Gooey Butter Cake is delivered by a registrar. (“I’m sick! Just leave it by the door!!”)
Interesting…I never knew they consider those giant panels to be anything more than creepy decorations.
1 out of 6 adults In St. Louis ARE functionally illiterate. You forgot the person’s BTs…
ahhh, good catch, as always, OSD!
Gee…where do you start? Does Chad honestly believe 25 auditing rooms is sufficient to service 2 million people? Oh, but wait…they have “panels”! Yep, all sorted now. The magic panel will have St. Louis cleared in no time.
The St. Louis Org, like so many others, has been DOA for decades. Chad has been at the helm for 20 years. Why hasn’t he been removed from post for obvious lack of production and expansion?
Because NO ONE wants the job. That’s how popular it is to be on staff. That’s how PR-personality dweebs like Chad can stay on post so long.
I’ve had dinner with a St Louis org staff member before. You.
Hehehe…that’s right Dave! Without a rate card 🙂
I don’t know. Being a native, that Imo’s pizza delivery to anywhere in the US is sounding pretty good.
If W.C. Handy were alive today, he’d have plenty of new material for additional verses of the St. Louis Blues.
Scientology was of course scammy but still fun in the late seventies and maybe even the early eighties.Anyone stupid enough to fall for current scene is guilty of criminal stupidity and/or oriminal selfrighteousness.Or maybe they just have nowhere to go.
Hi Xenu’s son, I like your comment.Yes there definitely were fun moments in SO.But as time went by I really did not take into account the tiny amount of sleep we were all getting.Looking back I see now how an accumulation of no or very little sleep.could have made me more vulnerable to suggestions.Strange how I did not see this when in.xo
What a joke. Scientology cannot even solve Scientology. Much less problems outside of its criminal bubble.
Scientology cured me from scientology.
Good one Mary
Do they really need 25 auditing rooms? Is there that much demand for Scientology services? I’m doubtful about that. “The 600-seat auditorium will be available for affiliated groups”… like the NOI? So a donation I give to the ideal Org would be indirectly (or directly) supporting this group? No thanks.
Hi T.J., I love it too.25 auditing rooms for the crushing hordes of public breaking down the doors to get their hands on an e-meter and those 25 auditors must all appear in a puff of blue smoke only to vanish in the mirrors that reflect this money hungry cult.❤️??XO
Ann B. I know, right?
I was just thinking about this today. The only people who are making incredible stats like the org claims it is are auditors out in the Indie field.
If Trey Lotz wanted to have a full org he could put that building to great use., I’m sure he could fill it up.
Every time I see his living room, there are PCs galore in there. And they keep coming out with a lovely, keyed-out space – love to hear his weekly stats as compared to the org. lol! I think he’d win the birthday game. 😉
Really indie? Verified docs of those level of stats or you are an insane liar.
I can back Indie 8 Million up here. I was at Trey Lotz’s only a week or two ago and he had pcs galore waiting for session and very keyed out and happy ones coming out of session . Trey’s weekly Well Done Auditing Stats could beat any org. Last time I was at Flag, I was the ONLY pc on my auditor’s lineup and the other auditors didn’t have any pcs. So Trey is beating them too.
Hi indie8million, So great to see you.That entire mindset which the cult keeps grinding out ad infinitum,regarding the numbers of auditors and auditing done in those Ideal Orgs is so crazy.So as you commented the Indies would be doing so much better in that area.It is just so good to be on the outside instead of a slave on the inside! XO❤️❤️?
1 out of 6 adults in St. Louis are functionally illiterate? Not according to this report which lists it as #9 in their top 10 most literate cities: http://247wallst.com/special-report/2014/02/21/americas-most-and-least-literate-cities-2/2/ Where are they getting their numbers… just pulling them out of thin air? I saw reports from 2007 through 2015 from many reputable agencies that directly contradict what this Scn flier says.
SciCons aren’t allowed to fact check using the internet. Who knows what they might see there?
Hi Skeptic, Good to meet you.One point has always eluded me.Did Ron have any foreshadowing of the Internet? Big being that he was whoops!dm you sure trot him out in style! Seriously when I would listen to those big reel to reels of Ron’s Lectures it now is very easy for me to spot the raconteur as regards his stories.Especially The Sea Org tapes where he magically sails the seven seas through gales all the while using his tech and scrambling eggs at the same time!Magic!Always
Hard to believe that 1 out of 6 St. Louis adults is functionally illiterate, but forewarned is forearmed and on the chance that this is is actually true I negotiated specially baked thin crust pizza with choice of toppings plus an additional gooey butter cake for my dinner date with a St. Louis staff member.
None of that cheap doughy stuff – unlimited thin crust pizza and two, not one, but TWO GBCs. Who needs conversation?
Even more exciting: my dinner date/staff member’s name is “Louis”, so on the phone I was able to say, “Meet me in St. Louis, Louis”. Thrilling!
All this for only $2500 plus round-trip airfare.
Honestly, I can’t believe the deal I made!
But then, I make the best deals.
Thank God for Trump University!
Comical gifts!
Merchants of criminality, merchants of bankruptcy, merchants who destroy families, merchants of slavery, merchants of evil: all of these describe scientology.
I don’t live too far from this place in St. Louis. Not a Scientologist but I thought I might go by and check the place out and see if they try and indoctrinate me. Good luck with cleaning up St. Louis; it’s a mess. Imo’s makes great pizza, though…
Fred, let us know what you see.
Hi Fred, It is good to meet you,Glad to know the pizza is good & not chef boyardee at luke warm temperature! I could not recall having pizza @ Asho F but then I think someone had a toaster oven at the Hollywood Inn & that is what was offered.Along with those cockroaches!Always
And I’m sure that Hector Boiardi is spinning in his grave right now knowing that his pizza was used as starvation rations by the Sea Org.
Hi alcoboy, I am sure he is spinning too,but those cockroaches were always hungry! Yuck!XO
Did they eat you or the pizza?
I’m still waiting for the brick with my name on it from early 70’s. A flag rep used this gimmick to get donations for the new org in Coral Gables. I was so impressed with this older female rep, but it just never happened and another little red flag endured.
The “dinner with a staff member of your choice” sounds decidedly dodgy to me, whats next for the big donators – ‘sleep with a staff member of your choice’?
The staff member will probably have to pay for the dinner too.
Which means they’ll pull a dine and dash, and leave you holding the check.
Hi Gimpy, Sleeping with the staff member of your choice and dinner too?What could be more fulfilling than that?Oh I forgot donating to the IAS.What fun! XO
Hey gang: we just finished dinner, the waiter is bringing a doggie bag for the leftover gooey butter cake, and Louis, my dinner companion has just offered to spring for a Holiday Inn. Now look, its not like we have anything to say to one another (yes, OSD, he is 1 of those 6, alright) and there’s no chemistry, and we’ve only known each other for 2 hours, but gee whiz, he IS a St. Louis Staff Member, after all, and this could be considered the opportunity of a lifetime…
PS: Absolutely NO offense intended to a wonderful city. I visited St. Louis back in the day. Lovely time, place and people.
Scientology – it really is a precise science of bamboozling!
Scientology – the New Merchants of Chaos and fear!
What is sad is Scientology is doing EVERYTHING listed on the fraud fund raiser begging letter – human trafficking and criminal conning.