Scientology has come up with a new attack line — the “Mike Rinder Problem.” It is quite an honor to be singled out so specifically, especially as I am according to them merely a “bobblehead” (though a “wife-beating” one so that is apparently a bigger deal).
They shifted their attacks from Nancy Dubuc to Paul Buccieri in a deft strategic move. Their clever PR maneuvers are a sight to behold.
According to scientology, the “Mike Rinder Problem” is this:
“Like the classic wife beater that he is, Rinder digs in his heels and refuses to admit he injured his former wife Cathy during an incident in 2010 even though her medical reports, eyewitnesses and a paramedic report all confirm she was injured in the encounter. And her surgeon stated she will never recover. Rinder doesn’t care that she lives in pain every day due to the assault.”
They keep repeating the same lies over and over — though all the evidence is to the contrary and has been dispelled with documents many times.
A quick refresher: My ex-wife, daughter, brother, Jenny Linson, Guillaume Lesevre, Dave Bloomberg, Sue Wilhere and 2 Private Investigators followed me to the secluded parking lot of a doctor’s office in Clearwater (all those people live in California except my brother who lives in Australia so they all flew in for the occasion). As I was standing in the parking lot waiting for Christie, I happened to be talking on the phone with BBC reporter John Sweeney. As John Sweeney was recording my interview he recorded what happened when these 7 people ambushed me (the 2 PI’s stood in the background). As they approached me they began screaming in my face and surrounded me. I sought to walk away. I tried to walk back to my car to drive off. My ex-wife tried to prevent me from getting into the car and sought to stop the car door closing once I was in. Meanwhile my brother took the keys out of the ignition and threw them into the parking lot. John Sweeney and the doctor (who heard the commotion from inside her office) called 911.
Everyone except my ex-wife, daughter, brother and Sue Wilhere sped off in a hurry when they heard the Sheriff’s Office was on their way (hardly the actions of people who think they have witnessed a “wife-beating” by public enemy number one). They did not call the Sheriff. I asked John Sweeney and the doctor to do so. Had this been me beating a woman THEY would have called the police. Had what they claimed happened they would have rolled out video long before now (it is a certainty the PI’s and perhaps other undisclosed people in the 2 vehicles they came in were video’ing the entire incident so Miscavige could see what happened).
The Sheriffs interviewed me and the 4 remaining scientologists (if this was all about my assault, why did Linson, Bloomberg, Lesevre and the 2 PI’s disappear?). They concluded the graze on my ex-wife’s arm was “incidental contact” that occurred when I was trying to leave. The paramedics were called to attend to my ex-wife’s grazed arm. She claimed the pain was a 2 on a scale of 1-10 and refused to be taken to hospital. They saw no other damage than the abrasion.
Scientology now claims “her bones could be heard cracking” that “blood was spurting” and that she suffered “permanent neurological damage” and had to have “surgery from which she will never recover.” It’s amazing how this all materialized AFTER the incident and any INDEPENDENT evidence. And remarkable how this was NOT mentioned until I appeared in Going Clear many years later.
This has been documented at length — several times on the Scientology Money Project also on this blog (Mike Rinder “Lady Killer”).
They go on:
Rinder shows his hatred toward women by publicly trashing Cathy and their daughter, Taryn, who has courageously stood up for her mother and turned her passion into a larger crusade against domestic violence at
Apart from pointing out their lies, and expressing regret that I put my daughter into this position, I have never publicly (or privately) trashed either her or her mother. I understand the position they were and are in. It is sad to watch them being used.
Rather than apologize like a man with character would, Rinder instead arrogantly claims Cathy wasn’t hurt that badly, showing he believes there is an acceptable level of violence he should be permitted to inflict on a woman.
I have never said there was any acceptable level of violence to inflict on a woman, I simply pointed to the fact the over-the-top claims are not supported by the evidence.
But they take it another step, to claim “Rinder rides to the rescue of others in the closely-knit club of female abusers.” This because I have noted the policies of Hubbard and the uncanny timing of the accusations leveled against Paul Haggis. They conveniently forget the efforts I have made to get justice for the victims of Danny Masterson.
I wonder if Masterson is part of their “closely-knit club” (they really are SO absurd with their Shermanspeak) of female abusers? There is far more credible evidence supporting the allegations about him — and even an ongoing criminal investigation. They say not word one about him.
Apparently scientology is more worried about the legal resources available to Paul Buccieri, so they are more circumspect in their defamation of him, posing it as “questions”: “Perhaps it’s because Buccieri is too much of a coward and desperate to hang on to his job. Perhaps it’s because Buccieri’s own past includes involvement with a stunningly inappropriate “Jackass” episode at a high school in which male genitals were exposed to the crowd. Or maybe it’s because Buccieri hired two men to produce Rinder and Leah Remini’s show, Eli Holzman and Aaron Saidman, who mentored at the feet of Harvey Weinstein, considered by many to be the worst abuser of women ever in Hollywood.” Of course, scientology HATES guilt by association when it comes to them. They fight like crazy that Hubbard “mentored at the feet of Alesiter Crowley and Jack Parsons” or that “Charles Manson was a scientologist” but are happy to imply that Eli Holzman and Aaron Saidman are sexual predators because they worked in a firm with Harvey Weinstein at one time. Well, John Travolta starred in one of Weinstein’s big hits, Pulp Fiction, so that proves…? Actually, just like the claims about Eli and Aaron it proves absolutely fuck nothing. Earlier I did a blog post about Harvey Weinstein following Hubbard’s playbook Harvey Weinstein and Scientology — Separated at Birth?).
They even dragged out Marty Rathbun in his brown jacket again to claim that everything I say is “absolute unadulterated bullshit” because “I told him so.” Yeah, right. That’s exactly what I told him.
Funny about Marty — scientology still says he is a liar when anyone uses any of his numerous negative statements about Miscavige and scientology, but when he says something they like, they promote it like crazy? Which is it – liar or reliable source?
Wonder what happened to the Marty that wrote this back in the day?
“Mike Rinder is perhaps the strongest man I know.
“Mike Rinder was and is a better man than I.”
It’s still there on his blog in a post he titled Mike Rinder: The Antithesis of David Miscavige.
Make sense out of that?
Their video features the Mike Rinder “bobblehead” quite prominently — it is not a bad likeness, but the outfit isn’t too accurate (like they put my head on someone else’s body).
I think there are artisans who may be able to do a better job, we shall see:
As for the two most recent contributors to the show, it’s same old same old.
Paul Burkhardt is described as “a failed draftsman whose work was so bad he cost the Church $400,000,” and he “had to be removed from his position” because he was “perennially dishonest, sloppy and untrustworthy” and “could not be trusted with any job in the Church.” Isn’t it amazing that everyone is always a total incompetent, though he was on the job for a decade or more, and now outside of scientology he has an incredibly successful business designing green buildings. And as with everyone else they claim they “got rid of”, in fact he left of his own volition and they even sent someone from Gold to try to persuade him NOT to leave…
They brazenly use information from his confessionals: Burkhart’s history showed that he learned his unethical behavior at an early age. As a teenager he shot cars using BB guns, took countless illegal drugs, ran over a dog with a car and became involved with an underaged girl.
Wow — that’s all they could come up with? A veritable saint compared to L. Ron Hubbard. Or how about the whale Tom Cummins — much lauded in scientology circles and he was CONVICTED of drug dealing?
As for Bert Schippers “a failed litigant still bitter at having been shot down in court in an unsuccessful attempt to sue the Church.” True, his suit DID fail — scientology admitted they took all his money, but claimed his only recourse was to submit to scientology “justice procedures” to get his money back and the court ruled in their favor. Bert didn’t want to spend more money appealing forever. In fact, his lawsuit confirms everything he said on the show.
They also make the following statement:
In 2012, Schippers was pursuing with Rinder a bizarre billion-dollar plan that Rinder hoped would bankrupt the Church.
This is an interesting admission that scientology believes they have at least $1 billion dollars in money that people could demand be returned to them. The “scheme” was discussion with some lawyers about bringing a class-action lawsuit for return of funds to those who have been swindled by scientology. The class-action lawsuit was never filed for various reasons. I gave no money to scientology, just my life, so I would never have been part of this “scheme.”
As always, scientology deals in fiction, innuendo and half-truths.
Increasingly, the world sees them for what they are.
Regarding Marty Rathbun, the guy is a very smart but his old Scientology career highlights are just too deep for him to not get back into, which is the short reason I felt he fell back into somewhat doing Scientology’s, and mainly their lawyer Yingling I think is the person in his life that drew him back into line with them.
Marty was front row at the War Is Over event, and he was senior to the lawyers, and the lawyer(s) in his mind he knows are smarter than him, but Marty was their boss and tightest person.
I think he simply quit fighting, and took that secret settlement. Maybe he’ll write what that settlement was so it is posthumously revealed when he dies.
Leaving his old site intact, I think was part of his bargain.
He could at least leave and not deny his critic years, and thankfully a lot of historical commenting on his site and a lot of pretty in depth discussions happened there.
His dad went to Annapolis and was a grad there. Marty’s from pretty hefty background genetically.
I can’t say I am a fan of the bobblehead either. Maybe it’s the photo but it lacks sharpness and detail. Speaking sharpness, I agree about the attire issue. You always wear nice suits on TV. When I think of websites that seek justice, I think of people who got murdered or wrongly imprisoned. Normal people file a civil lawsuit and press criminal charges.
I am referred to as the “Susie XXX Problem” and I wear the title with pride! Its not Scientology I’m fighting but a group that feels it’s Problems are my fault since I stood up for myself (and others) and refuse to back down. I’ve had death threats, property vandalized, harassed, threatened, followed and photographed but I go to their monthly meetings because I want them all to see I’m not afraid and will continue to stand my ground. I’ve made some changes to protect myself, family and property as best I can and have a great lawyer so I’ll be ok in the end. My thing only involced a few hundred people so it’s not that big of a deal and it’s not religion based but I’ve always seen parallels with how Scientology behaves. My legal battle should be resolved in the next year or so, hopefully COS will be facing an even bigger one in the same time frame. Wear your badge with honor Mike and I’m jealous you got a bobblehead (you should get some made and sell them!)
Scientology is abusing your ex-wife & daughter, not you.
If a small graze via incidental contact is considered spousal abuse, what is banishing your wife to a remote compound complete with armed guards and razor wire for a decade considered?
I am so thankful for the Mike Rinder Problem, and that noisy Troublemaker, too!
I realized some time ago that when they declare someone they are not punishing the person being declared. They are punishing everyone else he knew. Since they all have to disconnect; the threat of declare serves to keep them in line. They certainly have not stopped Mike and they have not stopped me. On the contrary, by being declared suppressive they have left us open to tell the truth. Since we have been declared, we have nothing to lose by continuing.
In my own case, since they have already pronounced me dead, they are incapable of doing anything else to me. I have not heard a single word of disparagement from them. They apparently cannot do so without admitting that I am still alive 20 YEARS after the self proclaimed only Right Arm Captain in the S.O. declared as fact to my then wife that I would be dead soon.
This is in violation of a Flag Order on how to be a good subordinate in which LRH says in part ” Petty Officer Jenks is handing that now , sir, when Jenks doesn’t even know about it yet!
They had 20 years now ( actually it will be 20 years on Mother’s Day which is in a couple of weeks and they still have not corrected their error by finishing me off.
I made a number of errors in Engineering on the ship but I always caught and corrected them before anyone found out about them. Their error in failing to finish me off is now spread all over the internet, yet still they fail to take action.
Yet in the beginning, shortly after I had left the Freewinds, all it would have taken was for someone from the ship to have given me an ” R-factor” that It would be the “Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of dynamics” for me to just climb into my coffin and close the lid. Had they given me that “R-factor” I would have done so.
Yet another foot bullet by the Co$. Does anybody take these things seriously?
I saw them for what they are as soon as I saw that bizarre sponsored tweet. Actual victims of abuse don’t sponsor targeted ads on twitter – but scientology does, in the name of people’s loved ones no less. Gross. Nothing they could ever accuse you of even comes close to that for which they are guilty.
Also, I’m wondering exactly how much of that billion dollars it cost DM to create that stunningly flattering bobblehead? Do those come with your SP declare?
Don’t ever let them make you feel like you have to defend yourself, Mike. To the uninitiated, their hate campaigns are awkward and more of a foot bullet than anything. After all, their smear campaign on you is the only reason I know anything about the awful things they’re doing! You and Leah are doing good work and little Davey is scared.
Also, what an honor, to be called “The antithesis of David Miscavige”. Even by Marty, who is apparently a bit of a flip-flopper. *Applause*
I also just noticed that today is apparently National Bobblehead Day. Happy National Bobblehead Day Mike! Only a few among us can celebrate with their own personalized bobblehead!
OMGGGGGG, little COB called you a bobblehead??? No, that can’t be… It must be a shoop. No, I think He really did. A bobblehead? Miscavige used to sound like an 8th grader, and now He sounds like a 2nd grader lol.
I guess if He were really serious he would have called you a big poopypants! That’s really bad!
LOL Gus! Good one.
Good job Mike! ?
Yep Mike, your a problem alright….. you know too much, you share your knowledge, and you won’t gi away. That makes you a big problem to Miscavige, poor baby. And that they had to drag out the rare brown coated weasel named Marty to give their point some validity is laughable. No person or group can be both victim and victimizer at the same time. Pick one folks.
The fact that they are getting more desperate to dispell the stories presented on Aftermath to the point of ignoringtheir own documented, but embarrassing history (LRH & Crowley/Parsons, the Northrup divorce/ coverup, use if drugs by LRH particularly at the end of his life, lying about his military career, etc) has show to me at least that they are running out of ways to discredit you and others. Great job!!!
BTW- l think you ahould sell the bobbleheads of you. It would be a greart fund raiser for Aftermatch.
Well, they are right. DM does have a Mike Rinder Problem. And a Leah Remini problem. And I am glad of it!
Wow. If all that information about Cathy’s “beating” was true what a perfect lawsuit for this litigious group. In this current culture wife beating would not be tolerated. They would win! Neurological damage? Witnesses? Medical reports? So why don’t they DO something about it? But they don’t because the witnesses and medical reports are not what they said. The whole incident was recorded for petes’ sake. The truth is her arm was grazed. There’s even a picture of it online somewhere even. The truth shall set you free. And a bobble head doll? How childish of a “church.” Although now the doll is a celebration of Mike’s power due to his high confront on the lies and abuse. Nobody cares what the parishioners believe or what they practice in their religion…it’s only the lies and abuse that are on topic. They never address that.
I like the bobble head doll, the out fit is a little: Mike Rinder, Deep Sea Fisherman. Silly way to try and annoy you “Hey, we made you into something they make actors and sports stars into that people collect” I’m sure we all live in terror of being made into one ourselves (despite the fact that people can and do buy their own custom bobble head doll likeness on Amazon!)
Anyway good article, they know how to lie they just don’t know how to do it well and when to avoid doubling down with things that are so easily disproven. I’ve actually been waiting for their press release blaming the recent stabbing in Australia on you, Leah or the show. I’m sure they want to find a way to make that claim.
Dave, do you still beat your wife?
No, I had her disappeared. I only beat the staff.
Taking Flak –
“antiaircraft fire, especially as experienced by the crews of combat airplanes at which the fire is directed.”
This usually happens when bombers are over the target area.
They are in the cross hairs and they know it. You are over the target area and the smart bombs are taking out their defenses.
Scientology public relation has been obliterated.
Tom Cruise won’t let press ask him about Scientology. Cruise is now in hiding as a Scientologist – maybe the tone scale applies here!
There is no positive press about Scientology anywhere on the planet
All press is scathing and reveals a family destroying thug cult
David Miscavige is in hiding – maybe the tone scale applies here
L Ron Hubbard is seen by all as a pathological liar and con man. He was also in hiding – maybe the tone scale applies here.
Oh yeah, these are inspirational traits for the most ethical group on earth.
Scientology is what happens when the opinion leader is a sociopath. David Miscavige was the perfect sequence to LRH. Truly a teacher student relationship.
The legacy of Hubbard is : Hiding, hate and hostility.
You said it better than I could have.
Always love your posts and this one was perfect (and oh soooo accurate)!
I’ve never commented here before, but I’ve been lurking for a long time. I listened to the full audio of that parking lot ambush after reading this post. It’s pretty clear from the facts that the CoS’s story is 100% bull.
I was struck in the audio by Mike’s brother, Andrew. Unlike the others, he doesn’t sound angry, he sounds desperate. I don’t know if that was what his actual attitude was, but that’s how it sounds to me.
For me, that really brings into sharp relief just how painful this must be for the entire family. It’s easy to get angry in the moment, like Cathy and Taryn seem to be, but it’s psychologically exhausting to stay that angry over years and years. I would have to think that all of them have had moments of doubt and regret for the decisions they’ve made. I can’t imagine what it is like for you, but at the same time, I can’t help but feel a great deal of sympathy for your family. They must be carrying a tremendous amount of pain as well.
Mike, I admire you for standing up for yourself in the face of this kind of overwhelming pressure. I’m sure it cannot be an easy task, taking on this psychotic organization, especially not with them essentially holding your family hostage. I hope that someday, you have the chance to reconnect with your family and that you can all find some measure of peace together.
Scientology foot bullet alert… way to go, you moronic assholes, bringing attention to an incident you claim harmed Mike Rinder’s ex-wife.
How fucking idiotic are you all?!? This is the funniest thing. If this is the best that scientology can do, then run far away all those who might be “interested”.
Have you scientologists forgotten there is a thing called Google? You are absurd and an embarrassment.
Please, do yourself a favor and Google this, “Mike Rinder and wife Cathy incident in 2010”. Your “church” is composed of liars and evil fucking weirdos.
Mike Rinder is not a wife-abuser… your COB, David Miscavige, on the other hand… well, again, use Google as a tool to open your fucking eyes.
Add to that, isn’t it extremely odd that we actually get to SEE Cathy……whereas NO ONE has SEEN or HEARD from Shelly M.….the wife of the infamous COB of COS.
I can’t figure it out for the life of me….Mike Rinder ACCUSED of “wife beating”…..BUT lo and behold…the so called ECCLESIASTICAL LEADER OF THE PACK’S WIFE SHGELLY M on the other hand according to reports….HAS NOT BEEN SEEN in PUBLIC or HEARD from by her close or former close associates.
One would THINK as is the “norm” that someone who is the head of ANY religious organization is going to have his spouse standing at his SIDE, and if not at his side, maybe a few paces behind him to support him in his efforts to lead the church.
Not so with COS….for some unknown reason, the COB’S WIFE (photographs SHOW him wearing a wedding ring)….is nowhere around him. There are no reports that Shelly has been SICK (wow, Scientologist do NOT get sick, right)….no reports that she’s been BUSY doing “other things” where a photograph is shown of her doing “God’s (no…hmm Lron’s work)…..NOTHING.
Big WOOOP little man…WTF IS SHELLY?
Mike, as others have said you don’t need to waste your time with responding to their bullshit. I have a question for you though, I read this account recently of an incident where it was Norman Starkey’s birthday, DM got him a stripper. I think this was in 84 when LRH was off lines, were you present for this? Apparently it was a very uncomfortable scene.
No I was not there.
Hope Cathy survives the surgery. I once scratched my arm on a branch. Even though it was a light one, I was in intensive care for three months. It was touch and go, but somehow I survived. The psychological impact was devastating. It took three years of therapy before I could get back on my feet and resume a normal life. I still have nightmares about it.
Why waste your time responding to that POS David Miscavige’s slime drivel. No one cares about any of what they have to say. It’s just a sick and twisted cult and everyone knows it. Fuck’em. ?
I’d love to see some new bobbleheads in Mike’s online store: 1) David Miscavage bobblehead with him in a Napoleon Bonaparte style uniform. 2) Tom Cruise bobblehead with his ‘freedumb metal’ and his 8″ platform boots.
I would pay a hundred bucks for a DM bobblehead in his real uniform, you know, the one with the totemkopf ( Death’s Head for those of you non Deutschlanders) insignia along with the swastika and the double lightning bolt of the SS. If you could get jackboots with it I’d pay 125 bucks. That is the real uniform of those than ran the concentration camps. That is the only “Standard Tech” he is getting in.
I almost forgot. Don’t ask me how I knew that.
Bravo Mike. You’ve got DM pinned. Keep exposing. Thanks to you and Leah their methods are now obvious to us all and laughable. I mean “Bobblehead” – wtf? That’s a lashing with cooked spagettti and it is quite cute if you ask me!
Please hang in (and I know you do) for your kids and family still captive. They know the truth, even though they have to pretend otherwise. You are the hero – no matter what is regurgitated by their comedy writers. Thanks for your courage Mike. Respect and support from me.
Hey Mike, I’m sure you are tired to death of rehashing the ambush and your stand. But, you’ve got to defend yourself. So keep on truthing to their lying.
The way I see it there are 3 groups who see the vile foolishness they put out.
Group 1 The Clams. This is why they always write on a 5th or 6th grade level. They buy the falderal hook, line and sinker and believe their side has put you in your place. Hooray for our side.
Group 2 Curious Passerbys. This group knows you from TV and want to see who you are. (That’s why I found your blog.) The “hate-sites” are an attempt to get the 1st word in to undermine you. Fortunately their codswallop is written on a petty 7th grader level and an honest look quickly sees through their twaddle. It’s
for this ever changing group (and brave UTR’s) that your honest defense is constantly needed.
Group 3 The Aware. This group knows about Fair Game, knows about Dead Agenting and knows how to tell when $ci.. is lying -it’s lips are moving. This set doesn’t buy any of the $ci.. hokum and sees the piffle for what it is. Thanks to A&E, yourself and others this is by far the biggest group.
Even though it’s tiresome, you keep defending yourself with the truth. And hopefully you can sense the swelling support for you and the other truth revealers.
PS Is there any doubt that the ambush was video recorded and if you did take an axe to your ex they would produce the footage in a heartbeat? (What a load of horsefeathers.)
Mike is VERY fortunate that the whole thing is on voice tape, and that police reports were filed and pics taken. Actual physical proof is the only antidote to the Metoo movement at large. They can’t hurt him or Haggis because there is physical proof of the lies.
What a world. I’m reminded of Shakespeare in Much Ado About Nothing, when Beatrice laments a man has to only state a lie and a woman is ruined. Now it’s the other way around. It must be frightening to be a man these days.
Philip I don’t know where your from but your colorful language had me in stitches! Coddwallop, twaddle, hokum and piffle oh my! I need more!
I thought the same thing! I even had to look up folderol and learned a new word today.
Phillip please keep commenting – that was extremely well put while quite fun to read!
Hey, off topic, but any of you old timers remember RJ67 tape by Hubbard? Or any of the other RJ tapes?
Total bullocks, in the end, for no clears or OT’s.
I’m surprised we don’t have a DM2019 tape about ideal orgs, or many earlier, you know DM speaking into a taped recording and releasing it to the public just like dead L Ron did, for sale at a price.
Yo, DM, I’d like to hear a Ron’s Journal tape only in your new vision of scientology. I’d like to hear a DM journal.
RJ67 was the gold standard for pre-OT’s. Listened to it often trying to glean every drop. In the end, it was all in Hubbard’s head.
Gib – you would have to decode acronyms to read DM’s Journal.
In my opinion DM gets really frazzled over public protests he can see out his window. Wonder what a multifaceted approach would do to his nervous system? If Anonymous, Wise Beard man, etc could/would participate he would maybe run and bury his head in the sand. His ego wouldn’t allow anyone else to handle things in his absence. The sheep might be able to slip away.
Hold your head high, Mike. You are in a good and noble war.
I’d love to agree, but that button just keeps loading……
You can tell more about a man by who his enemy’s are, than his friends.
true, but then also birds of a feather flock together. Makes it hard for poor marty who sold out his flock of eagles for money and has to go back to the vultures from whence he came.
Mike; you have absolutely no reason to “defend” yourself or give us an accounting of your life in and out of Scientology. I don’t know how you manage to have the balanced life with Christie and your boys that you do have.
Thanks to the two of you and to Leah for continuing to push your findings and knowledge out to the public and make Scientology look to be the public embarrassment they are.
By constantly mentioning your name, they are encouraging their own members to watch Aftermath to satisfy their curiosity. In effect, they are increasing the ratings of your show.
They won’t watch it. At this point, the scientologists who remain are pretty much of the mindset that if reading something about the church of scientology or its Management, makes one feel like it is against the church then it is “entheta.” If they read it or even WANT to read it, it would mean they have overts (sins). So, to prove to themselves and the church that they don’t have overts in this area, they not only don’t read entheta, they don’t even WANT to read it – because they don’t have overts.
P.S. Oh Dear. Sorry. I forgot to add the link to the web site with all the Bobble Head dolls. Here it is:
I would love to make a firm pledge to buy a Mike Rinder and/or Leah Remini bobble head doll. But it’s difficult to do that without knowing how much they cost.
I Googled Walmart and found this page that shows bobble head dolls for sale for $17.99. But I would venture a guess that Mike and Leah (maybe working through A&E) could find a company to sell dolls for them (maybe for other A&E shows). But they can’t possibly match the volume of Walmart.
So, I will pledge $35 to buy a Mike Rinder Bobble Head doll and I sincerely hope they will be able to sell them for that amount (because that is double what Walmart sells them for and I figure that may be a reasonable starting figure).
Mike? Can you find out if there is any chance you might be able to sell them to us and if so, tell us how much they will cost? Of course, I realize I will have to pay extra for shipping and handling.
Let us hope we can sell a bunch and really piss off the Miserable Teeny Tiny Fuhrer!
P.S. I’m quite certain that even if it costs more than $35, I will want to buy one. I really do feel the need to know how much it will cost before I make the commitment to buy one.
Great idea! It would be a good fundraiser for the after math foundation! I would buy one of each and a couple of daveys (to have something to hit when I’m having a bad day).
Sorry, you can’t have that particular bobble head. No one is allowed to profit from someone’s image without their permission. I want a Mike, Leah, and Goliath the SP (declared) dog!
They’re already on it! Aaron Smith-Levin or Mark Headley inquired if they had something like that made, who’d be interested. So many people responded and based on Mike’s replies here, it sounds like they’re in the works.
How perfect?!!! DM thought of it as a degrading means to humiliate Mike (FLUNK!) & now we’ll run with the idea to support Aftermath Foundation and/or Mike and this blog. The CO$ has been some of the best PR for awareness of their evils in the history of PR! Lol
Announcement to come fairly soon. Including a bonus everyone is going to dnjoy straight from the devious mind of the comic genius and master of mechanical gadgets, Marc Headley…
I kind of like the bobble head. Could you and Leah sell these. Could be used to help new ex Scientologist.
Question. Whatever happened to John Allender?
Are you guys going to do a program on bullbaiting? That would make people’s head explode.
Disgusting is all I can say. Hang in there Mike, you are doing such a great job and you have SO many more friends than arsehole DM. This whole thing just makes me sick. The light is shining on the darkness and everyone can see it for what it is.
Exactly Lois! I hope you & your loved ones had a peaceful relaxing holiday season. I pray that your heart was filled with hope because of all that’s going on publicly and behind the scenes to stop this cult and get your family and so many others reunited!
Mike and Leah are doing the most incredible service by airing the true cult that Scientology really is. No true religion does anything but promote LOVE and UNIFICATION with family, friends and neighbors!! This cult is sickening and disturbing. Thank goodness for both you and Leah for exposing them. I am truly sorry that the two of you and thousands or hundreds of thousands more people have been innocent and blind to their pyramid scheme! God Bless everyone who has contributed to your show and those who have not yet had the fortune of getting out of Scientology.
And another loud Amen. Be quiet, davey. We don’t let the devil vote. :3
Ditto on the AMEN!
As we celebrated Christmas with most of our family, my heart hurt for Mike, Mary, Lois, Lori and SO many others for whom it’s a conflicting time as they miss their still-in loved ones.
Just remember when I did a M1 Word Clearing in about 1980 and the word “Religion” was cleared;
the word came from Re and Legiare, something like that. So the basic meaning was/is :
To Again Unite…
For me that was the “proof” that Scn would have us unite over all the 8 Dynamics.
A nice cognition it was!
Until a couple of years later…
“Wonder what happened to the Marty that wrote this back in the day?
“Mike Rinder is perhaps the strongest man I know.
“Mike Rinder was and is a better man than I.”
It’s still there on his blog in a post he titled Mike Rinder: The Antithesis of David Miscavige. Make sense out of that?”
Marty meant those words; and I’m sure he still does, and that’s the saddest part of this whole situation. I feel Pity toward Marty Rathbun; he’s truly a lost, tortured soul. He left $ primarily because he felt that he should’ve been #1, Not #2. He found the #1 position as Primary critic out here in Wog World, until his ‘best buddy’, Mike Rinder, defected and supplanted him. Poof! Back to
# 2. Then . . . . Louie Theroux comes at him with ‘My $ Movie’ and bullies him into taking a hard look at himself, For The Fist Time, Ever, and in one scene, threats are being made by the Rabid Runt Against Marty’s Son (and Marty declares, He will rue the day he threatened me (my son); He will rue the day). On top of that, Leah comes along with the Aftermath ‘scheme’, offers Mike the postion of chief advisor/resident expert on $, Over Him, which relegates Marty to #3 (if he’s still in the picture at all)! Well, what the!!!!! Is he going to stand for being #3? Hell, no ….He’s going back to being #2 again (OR SO HE THOUGHT!). This is his third time back ; it’s either ‘three times a charm’ Or, ‘three strikes, you’re out’. It ain’t over ‘til it’s over . . . . .
You’re right for sure. But there’s also the fact that deep is his….let’s say…heart, marty is really a true believer.
Love you and the show. That looks more like a Glenn Beck Bobblehead but it’s close to you. You should sell them. I would buy one!
Agreed! I even like the fisherman outfit, though really you could do with a bit of color around the face. Maybe a jaunty red scarf around the neck. :3
Mike & of course Leah, thank you and all who work with you for the work you are doing exposing the vile exploits of (I won’t call it a Church) the Cult of Scientology.
I have, for the past year, been having discussions, texting, phone calls, sitting down watching episodes of Aftermath etc, with my 22 year old Granddaughter who is at Uni in Melb, in an effort to try and inform her & therefore try to keep her safe.
She told me at Christmas how she now is getting groups of friends, and in turn their friends, to watch and have regular Bitch Sessions (haha her words not mine) about the abuses of Scientology. I’m so proud of our little rebel, she has a very passionate soul.
My point is that through educating the younger generation to the dangers of the manipulations and coersion tactics of this or any “Cult” may inturn deplete their efforts in bringing in new fodder, & will surely help to kill off the lifeblood (people paying mega $$$) and hopefully it will eventually be like pouring roundup onto a thriving plant, the roots will start to rot and the leaves will fall and blow (I know clever terminology, totally unintended though) away.
Keep fighting the good fight and please know that the message is getting out there.
Doesn’t David Miscavige realize that by making your ex wife post these ranting POW videos he is showing that scientology doesn’t work? The video now states she is “permanently damaged”. Wait. So scientology can’t fix her? What’s up with that? That makes scientology look as bad as it really is.
Of course if anyone listens to the recording of what really happened and reads the reports, the new expanded version now expounded by scientology is so laughable that if we’re the real world and not a multi-billion dollar scam empire with high dollar attorneys in their back pockets stating these allegations, they would have been cut off at the knees long ago.
Kathy, if you or your OSA handler read those: it didn’t go down like that, you know it. I hope some day you escape and get your life in order. Lying for scientology is no way to save your soul. It’s a journey down an increasingly dark road that becomes harder to justify the further you travel.
Mike keep being a problem for scientology, it’s just what the doctor ordered.
Here is an idea for consideration. Taking a page from the C of $ playbook, the IAS was created to build “a war chest” to be used to “defend Scn in court cases and other instances where the church is threatened by enemies.” And then the church forced everyone to contribute to the IAS.
Well why don’t we on the outside start our own war chest, the proceeds of donations (and no force or pressure will be used to get contributions) to be used to bring suits against DM and the church or to defend suits brought by them. That way Mike would have tons of money from our war chest to pay lawyers to do a libel and slander lawsuit against them. And hopefully DM would be deposed in said suit.
Love your blog and the show. I’m pretty sure anyone that has seen the show knows that this cult will stop at nothing to try and discredit you and Leah as well as anyone featured on the show. It’s really hard for me to wrap my head around the crazy shit that Miscavige has done.
I do have a couple of questions Mike, where does the cult stand with the IRS as of today with their tax exempt status? Pretty obvious to me, they are doing nothing for religion and everything for Miscavige. Has anyone heard anything out of Tom Cruise about his feelings on the cult since the show has aired? He seems to be a smart enough guy, surely he doesn’t still believe the babbling bull shit that comes out of Miscavige. Do they treat their celebrities different than members? Surely they don’t tell Cruise he can’t use the internet. Last question, any updates on Shelley? 2007 is a long time to not be seen or heard, this alone to me should send a huge red flag to the IRS & FBI that something is not right. Is Shelley’s name not on any of their filings with the IRS and why are they not investigating along with the FBI.
I know this is a lot of questions but I would love to know your thoughts. Thanks and keep up the good fight, you, Leah and all that have appeared on the show are true heroes in my eyes.
Joel McCauley
When I read “gets desperate” what comes to mind is that, in typical scientological fashion, the CofS and its propagandists are projecting their own anxieties (and issues) onto others. They indeed have a Mike Rinder – and Leah Remini, and Aftermath – problem, and a problem with the media in general and the checkout line tabloids in particular, and a problem with comedians and talk show hosts and much of the rest of Hollywood, and an ScnTV problem of their own (after enormous investment, no one watching, and no improvement in their bad public image)….
Where all those problems probably boil over, is when Miscavige, the so-called Slapping Pope of Scientology, takes it out on his underlings. But since his wife has been sent internal exile, that doesn’t count as domestic violence….
Speaking of projection, I wonder how many of those involved in the campaign of wildly trumped-up accusations against Mike Rinder, have themselves been the subjects of real abuse and even violence in Scientology – including at the hands of its leader?
I can’t find any Google info on Tom Cummins and a drug conviction.
Is there a link someplace?
You should not have to defend yourself time, and time again. The facts are out there. Hold your bobble-head high, and keep on fighting. We are behind you!
Mike, You are not a problem. You and Leah are the solution to exposing this CULT for what it is. I am not a scientologist and I never will be. I just want to thank you and Leah for all you are doing to stop these phonies (under the guise of a religion) from hurting, degrading and stealing from people. Thank you and keep up the great work.
Keep up the good work Mike. You and Leah are an ever-growing powerhouse that will eventually blow Miscavige’s house of cards to the doorstep of the IRS. if anyone wants to buy a David Miscavige bobblehead, start here.
I would def consider buying a Mister Cabbage Head doll. But only if I can stick pins in them that I can light on fire and then piss on the fire to put it out. What do you think the odds might be?
Would anyone happen to know any Voo Doo curses I could say when sticking the pins into the doll?
Ooh, that’s good (smiles an evil smile). In addition to the bobblehead, we should have faux voodoo davey dolls. Gots to stay away from the real stuff, though. Don’t let the midget cost you your soul.
You’re a fine man, Mike.
AMEN! I know you have guilt about your past, but you’re on a lighter path now.
Just keep going forward trying to slay the dragon.
This wife beater smear is truly one of the most over-the-top. exploitative, dishonest. cynical and disgusting fair game attempts I have ever seen (and I have seen A LOT of them).
Miscavige is cynically exploiting Cathy and Taryn, and the MeToo and other women’s movements. Itr is so typical of him and those he has under his thumb. And the story which was completely false to begin with is growing to mythical proportions (from “no I don’t need medical attention”, to “she will never recover”. What’s next for her? Gangrene? Paralysis? Death from the horrifying injuries suffered? How can she even stand to be part of such an egregious pack of lies? Cathy and Taryn must die a little bit each time they take part in this campaign. Deep down they know what they are doing and saying is wrong.
This is just another bit of evidence that David Miscavige is the biggest chickenshit baby ever. He reminds of a kid that lived next door when I was growing up. The kid was a chronic bully and liar. Caught him pysically bullying my little sister (she was like 6 years old, he was about 8), pulled him away from her and sent him packing, and the next thing I know his father is coming after me for beating him up (which I didn’t do, I just removed him from our vicinity). David Miscavige is exactly that kid.
There’s only three groups of people this bullshit is aimed at.
Firstly, those people who know NOTHING at all about scn. They see all the bad news which is then countered with all the spun BS. They have no context and are unable to make any decision about truth or untruth. This is just fake news intended to confuse and obfuscate the situation. They turn away and carry on with their lives.
Secondly, those people who are in the bubble. When i was in i was SO sensitive to any criticism of scn that i would do anything, absolutely anything, to try and deny what i heard. So when i would hear this sort of shite it gave me what i needed. I could go back to being a good scientologist.
The third group (actually a subset of the first) is legal. They have to, by law to listen to both sides. Scn shouts so loudly and pays top dollar for the most expensive suits it scares the beejesus out of anyone who would even contemplate suing.
keep on, keeping on, Mike (and Leah).
It’s gut-wrenching to see Marty continue to sell out like this. His blog was such a spell-breaker. I often wonder whether Louis Theroux’s “My Scientology Movie” was a catalyst in some way; whether he began to resent his own guilt – or that he was never absolved of it by so many.
It’s interesting (and, in hindsight, prophetic) that the movie’s soundtrack includes Wagner’s Tannhäuser Overture, which is based, in part, on the German legend:
“Noble Tannhäuser, a German knight, had traveled through many lands. He even visited the beautiful women of the Mountain of Lady Venus, hoping to see what great miracles occurred there. After sojourning there for a while, with joy and contentment, his conscience finally directed him to return to the world, and he asked to take leave.
“Lady Venus, however, tempted him with whatever it might take to make him change his mind. She offered him one of her comrades for a wife, pointing out her red lips that never ceased smiling.
“Tannhäuser answered that he desired no woman other than the one he was now thinking of, nor did he want to burn forever in hell. He was not interested in the red lips. He did not want to stay here any longer, for to do so would destroy his life.
“Then the she-devil tried to lure him into her room, tempting him with love, but the noble night cursed her loudly, calling upon the Heavenly Virgin to help him escape.
“Filled with remorse, he set forth toward Rome in order to confess his sins to Pope Urban, and thus do penance to save his soul. However, after he confessed that he had remained an entire year with Lady Venus in her mountain, the Pope said: “Not until leaves begin to grow on this dry stick that I am holding in my hand, will your sins will be forgiven!”
“Tannhäuser said: “Had I but had only one more year to live, I would have shown remorse and done penance such that God would have taken mercy on me.” Grieving that the Pope had cursed him, he left the city and returned to the demonic mountain, intending to stay there forever and ever. Lady Venus welcomed him as one welcomes a long absent lover.
“Three days later leaves began to grow on the stick, and the Pope sent messengers throughout the country, attempting to discover where Tannhäuser had gone. But it was too late. He was inside the mountain and had chosen a lover.
“There he will remain until Judgment Day, at which time God may send him to a different place. And a priest should never discourage a sinner but should forgive all who present themselves with remorse and penance.”
Ref: Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, “Der Tannhäuser,” Deutsche Sagen (Berlin: in der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung, 1816). (Translated and edited by D. L. Ashliman).
A medieval (written in Middle High German) poem that the the Grimms based their tale on concludes that for denying absolution to Tannhäuser, “Pope Urban was damned eternally too.” A little tougher ending!
Interesting! Then maybe we are all “damned” for not absolving Marty of his sins. Or maybe, as no doubt some would argue, he didn’t show enough remorse and penance.
Or perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.
Ann Watson and Silvia both have hit on my points, so this is just a summary.
Looking down through their (David Miscavige’s dictated) operatic failure we can find key words to decipher where DM’s head is stuck (besides up his a**)
(1) ‘Beater’… well, who should know more about beating than tiny fists himself. Is he projecting that his tiny fists could impose permanent injury from his tiny fist flailing?
(2) “Permanent neurological damage” If DM continues to demand Mikes’ ex-wife to lie, lie, and lie some more she will eventually have brain damage from the internal dissonance. (Aside: I did not think DM could handle big words like ‘neurological’. Can he use it in a sentence?)
(3) Trashing family”… well “where’s shelly???
(4) ‘Acceptable violence‘..Again, projecting much David?
(5) “Close-knit female abusers:…mmm, let’s see who fits this category: Hubbard, Miscavige, Cruise, Masterson,??? Yeah, they are closely knit.
(6) ‘Billion dollars’ Now, who do we know that is obsessed with a ‘billion dollars? Mmmm
WE are left with the admission by David Miscavige in print that Mike Rinder IS his problem. A problem of magnitude for DM. And, I hope, a problem of long duration that eventually brings about the down fall of DM hisself
Keep it up. The shows are illuminating and honest. Everyone who appears is incredibly brave. No one who has watched or read a book about Scientology believes a thing they say. For those who are considering joining Scientology I believe that a huge deterrent would be that everything you tell them in your sessions can be used against you if you decide to leave. And this is besides the ridiculous set ups that they obviously used on you and others. Over 30 years ago when I was in my 20’s and on my first trip to New York I was approached on the street across from the Scientology building and the dianetics book was held up for me to see. The person said ,
Have you heard of LRHubbard? I said yes, he was a science fiction writer and my brother had some of his books. He then asked if I had time to take a free personality test. I absolutely loved personality tests psychology and I considered it for about 15 seconds. Then I determined that I really didn’t have the time. I was there to discover New York and had limited time. I said no and said I would take the book though as i liked science fiction. The person said that I would have to buy it and I turned away to go on with my adventure. When I watch you and Leah and others on the show I have often thought, there but for the Grace of God go I. I was an idealist, and I am not sure but there is a chance they could have reeled me in. I truly did not realize how this could have changed my life and thankfully I made the right decision. If I had been exposed to a show like the one you and Leah produce I would have at least been armed with the Other Side to Scientology. I had no opinion about Scientology then but I do now. It took some time. I truly hope that everyone can be exposed to your show to be truly informed if they are ever given the Scientology sales pitch. It may be too late for most of the people in this sham religion/cult, but its not too late to reach those who might be reeled in by Scientology fishers for more members. Keep up the good work. Anyone who has seen the show knows Scientology tactics and they do not believe a thing Scientology says and repeats again and again. I will celebrate when everyone is informed of the truth because that means no one will be joining and this religion invented by a science fiction writer who used A similar playbook as his buddy Crowley will slowly whither away and be a foot note in history. Good job Mike . I can not imagine what you and Leah and the other survivors of Scientology still have to go through after leaving the organization. I can’t call it a church as the tactics they use against all of you have nothing in common with any church I have ever known. They are like the Mafia in some ways. I feel for all those still trapped inside and particularly for those who have family members still inside. Keep up the good work. You are on the side of right and light. Keep the spotlight on them! until everyone sees all that they are.
God bless.
I think the most important question is, where can I get one of those bobbleheads? Seriously. If you made them for you and Leah, I’d buy one of each and put them on the dashboard of my car.
Domestic violence isn’t something I take lightly. When I’d first started reading the blogs I listened to the call w/John Sweeney. Then when this was being rehashed and Jeffrey Augustine posted the reports from that day (including her signed, confirmed refusal for requiring any medical assistance after it was offered repeatedly!) and relistened to the recording.
What happened that day was SO blatant and such a clear attempt at triggering you (Mike) to react, yet you kept your cool as much as possible even after having your person, vehicle & keys assaulted by people most of us would consider those we’d feel safe around. She never said “ouch” or vocalized anything about being hurt, instead she ranted about being “his WIFE” and about attempts at contact w/your son (“Leave him/us alone…” I often go out of my way to stalk then chase someone down, assault them, etc. when I want to be “left alone” DOH!).
I’m very thankful you’ve addressed this publicly (yet again), though you shouldn’t have to – it’s all public info – because media will grab onto salacious details as click bait then people will assume because someone says “It’s all in the report” that they don’t need to look themselves before forming a judgment. To all who are curious/concerned, it IS all in the report and clear that Mike was stalked then assaulted by a large group including his ex-wife, daughter and brother.
Sorry for the verbose rant, but this is such a twisted WRONG thing to even say, let alone perpetuate, twist and continue to pile on lie after exaggeration. It’s disgusting that countless women who have been abused yet brave enough to speak out for the cause are being used and jumped into this heinous attempt at smearing someone. And it’s sad that Mike’s family members are deluded and used for this purpose. At some point they’ll have to face the emotional consequences of their active participation and I can’t fathom the conflict of feelings Mike must have in these attacks coming from his daughter.
THIS is WHY… why this cult and it’s twisted decimation of individuals and families MUST be exposed and addressed!
Hello Mike, I made a post to your blog under the thread, “The Mike Rinder Problem”. In the past, any time I made a post, it only took a minute or two for that post to appear. But it did not appear for at least 10 minutes or so and I finally decided to post it a 2nd time and ask you to please delete the copy if you saw two identical posts.
I’m sorry to bother you with this MIke.
Where can I buy a Mike Rinder bobble head?
In due course…
Ooh, deep joy!
Sign me up! Oh, and I definitely want a Goliath bobble head, as well.
Saving my pennies!!!
Does it come with Miscavige’s half shot-off foot?
No, just his half-assed comments.
Oh, goodie! ***hops around excitedly. trips and falls, but is still excited***
Is Mike Graves still in the church?
Should not be called a church!! So far from it. Real Christians pray for people. Haven’t heard any of that.
So obviously a cult. Thanks for telling the truth!!
There is a genuine argument that can be made for still calling Scientology a church despite all its abuses. This is how Tony Ortega puts it:
“Is Scientology a cult?
We find “cult” to be a completely meaningless word. At other websites, discussions about Scientology end up devolving into endless argument about words like “cult” or “religion.” At the Bunker, we call Scientology a church because that’s what Scientologists call it and because we’re more interested in what Scientology does than what it says about itself. Here’s how we answered this question in March 2015 when it was asked by Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani on HuffPost Live…”
Regardless of their crazy stories and attacks, we all know everything they say is just plain bullshit!
I am fairly certain the criminals who run The Scam would indeed see Mike Rinder as a problem. I sure would love it if they saw me in the same way. It would be an honor to be seen in the same light as Mike Rinder.
The reason I believe they see Mike as a problem is because they realize that if Mike and Leah continue to do what they are doing – namely to shine a bright light on all the abuses and misery caused by this “criminal conspiracy”, eventually, it will mean that one whole Hell of a lot of misery (aka Justice) will be delivered to the doorstep of the Tiny Fuhrer.
I just worry because it seems to me that Mike & Leah have not yet found the answer to put an end to The Scam. I don’t know what that key may be. But if I ever figure it out, I will certainly tell everyone exactly what it is.
I recently re-watched most of the first three seasons and I came away with the feeling that several people have said the most important thing for all of we enemies of Scamatology to do, is to continue to shine a light on all of the harm and abuses this scam perpetrates. The hope is that one day someone at the FBI or the IRS or some high level governmental office will decide, “Enough is Enough! We will not stand by and watch while these criminals continue to destroy families and cause all this enormous damage to innocent people.
I’ve been thinking about how the Civil Rights movement finally was able to turn the corner and cause big changes to happen. We still do not have a perfect system with respect to Civil Rights. But there was a moment when a big change occurred. I think it had something to do with people travelling to Washington D.C. and holding huge marches that made the front page of all the papers and embarrassed all the politicians to finally get up of their B-hinds and act!
What am I trying to say? I suppose it is this: What Mike and Leah are doing is fantastic. Those of us who are doing comparitively very little, cannot possibly complain about what they are doing.
I recall a previous episode where Leah & Mike were talking with Paul Haggis and Leah was on the verge of tears when she said words to the effect, “I saw Paul at some event and I said to him, “Hey Paul! Why are you acting so weird?” Leah went on to say, I was not acting in a heroic way. I am ashamed to admit that I acted towards Paul in a cowardly way.
I want to say this to Leah, “I strongly disagree that you acted in a cowardly way. You acted in the bravest way that any of the people who were still in the scam acted towards Paul. And – Leah! – if you don’t believe that, then please So, please believe this: When you showed the world how you felt and admitted that you felt cowardly, that was an extremely brave thing to do. You did that on National Television and IMO, it was one of the bravest things I ever saw.
Leah has the heart of a lion. If I could give her a nickname, it would be, “The Lady with the heart of a Lion!’.
But, returning to the point I was trying to make, I believe we all are missing something. There is something we can do that no one has yet realized. I believe it will come out of this social media network support group in which so many of us are participating and I believe it has something to do with what Aaron or Mike said in a previous episode about how unbelievable it is that so many people in that support group have come forward and said, “I don’t care if you have a High School diploma or not. If you want out of “The Scam” but you are afraid that you don’t have anything (no job, no money, no place to stay, etc.), I will give you a job. I will give you a place to stay.
I believe there is something that falls out of that statement that will provide the answer to what we can do to end The Scam. There is something we can do using the support group that will finally end this criminal conspiracy.
OK. This is only my opinion. Only a guess about what the answer may be. But I believe we need to find the key to finally put an end to this scam. As Mike says, “Something can be done about it”. Mike and Leah are on the right track. But I think we are still missing the important key. Missing something we can do involving the Social Media Support Group that will finally drive the nail into the coffin of The Scam.
Can anyone guess what it is we can do?
I’m quite serious. I strongly believe there is something we can do that would hasten the demise of this scam. But I don’t know what it is and I don’t think anyone has yet discovered just what that key may be. Can anyone here venture a guess just what that it could be?
I desperately want to see the end of this scam. If there is a way to provide this world with a happy ending, I don’t believe it has anything to do with “clearing the planet”. Instead, I believe it’s about the FBI marching the Tiny Fuhrer off in handcuffs into a penitentiary for life. That would be the way to provide this world with the happy ending that so many of us are longing for.
Skyler, I think you’re right that the key is to keep pushing the IRS to revoke the 501C3 status, that of a religion. Showing how it is all just a business helps. Showing how they just buy buildings in order to be in compliance with one of the rules that your money can’t sit there just earning interest and instead has to be used to better the world or better your congregation. That is also why they do photo ops at every disaster, all for PR for the IRS.
Can the IRS or other entity raid these so called Ideal orgs to prove that they actually serve no one? Can the government or IRS not require independent verification of actual services to less fortunate? Isn’t there some kind of checks and balances built into the system of non profit status that can police this kind of abuse? If not… why are we as citizens not demanding such?
I believe the key is, as always, to verify and demand accountability from everyone that we grant this kind of tax waiver.
There have always been and always will be evil men who find ways around the rules. It takes courageous people like Leah, Mike et al AND all of us to stand up and say NO MORE! No more will a cult, or entity or religion or whatever… use and abuse my tax laws!… use vulnerable people and families to serve themselves and their pockets.
I am sorry for all trapped in this cult. For the families and people so severely affected. Thank you Leah and Mike. Keep up thr great work
Bravo! … standing up now …. “NO MORE!”
What a beautiful rallying cry.
“Leah has the heart of a lion”. Yes, indeed she does. She is a lovely, caring person with a kind heart that scamatology could not kill no matter how hard it tried.
My son and I were together when we heard that she had left the cult. We looked at each other and both said, “She’s going to be the one to bring it all down”. She’s certainly not doing it alone, but she and Mike are leading the way. You are both brave heroes.
Years ago I read Dianetics, the only part that I can remember from that whole mind numbingly boring book was lrh talking about women trying to self abort with knitting needles. That really upset me and because of him writing that, I always had the impression (because of lrh writing about that) that lrh had no respect for women and that, he himself abused women. Well, he most certainly did emotionally abuse women. Long story short, because I read the twisted writings of Dianetics, I could never respect the author – ever.
So, to call our favourite “problem” a woman abuser by scn, is pretty much the kettle calling the pot black. Attack the attacker, I guess – doesn’t matter what “they” are guilty of – just make sure to lie about another to deflect their own guilt from the public.
All anyone needs to know is this:
“Scientology says one thing…but DOES the OPPOSITE.” –Brian Sheen
Mike, seriously no one is buying this bullshit anymore, we all know that you’re a great guy with a huge but damaged heart! I pray that your older kids will get out too! You did anything is possible!
Hey Mike. This is the first time I am finally commenting on your blog. Sometimes I get so frustrated when you have to write such a detailed defense and all these explanations in response to the ridiculous accusations that DM, the cult, and your family make against you. I’ve watched it go on since you’ve been in the public eye. I have cried for you many, many times. I have wondered why does he even need to respond to such obvious lies? It’s just what they do…But today I realized how people who have never been in Scientology really don’t know how all this destruction of enemies to the group is policy and it goes on all the time. It’s accepted and fully justified. Lying about critics of Scientology is not at all considered unethical and is in fact encouraged when necessary.
So why explain this? Because it’s so unbelievable that any “church” would do such things! I’m sure many people out there think DM is a nut case and Scientology is obviously lying about what they do to its members, especially since so many people have left and corroborated what happens inside, but I guess we have to STILL explain to the public that, NO, we did not beat our wives, or molest children, or screw a dog, or whatever else they will fabricate. But isn’t it so obvious by now? I guess not?
By the way “the Mike Rinder problem” reminds me a lot of “the Jewish problem.” Why hasn’t anyone pointed that out? Now that they are part of the Nation of Islam, I’m not surprised.
The general public is wise to Scientology and its same old, same old dishonest tactics. The ever increasing number of movies, TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, blogs, word of mouth, etc exposes Scientology for the criminal and dishonest organization that it is. The public know exactly what to expect from Scientology and they aren’t buying it any more. Scientology’s “solution” is to try to exaggerate the lies even more to the point of being ridiculous. There is a no win cycle for Scientology. Increased exposure of the criminality, leads to increased lies and dishonesty, which leads to more exposure, which leads to ….. Scientology keeps wiggling itself deeper and deeper into the bullshit.
From: LRH
To: DM
Re: Rinder problem
Dave – from a cursory, exteriorized look at your folders, it is quite apparent your Grade 1 is unflat. I suggest you have Marty Rathbun take you in immediately to remedy this situation so you can be more effective in your handling of Rinder, et al.
TM: 48 hrs.
My daughter is the funniest drama queen: I just poked her in the arm when I walked past and after a few moments she flung herself on the floor and roared for a while then bounced up on to one knee and announced “aaaaaand scene!”.
And STILL it wasn’t as dramatic as Scientology’s ever burgeoning allegations about you, Mike. It’s like they are in competition with False Allegations Past. I almost can’t wait for False Allegations Future which will see you pushing snowmen over and snickering like Mutley as the children wail 🙂
I would totally buy a Mike Rinder bobble head, and I think you should get one for yourself. Kind of like Dwight on the office. I think they just set you up a great business venture. Let me know when I can order.
PS Keep up the great work. I love to read their responses. I wonder when they will realize it makes them look that much crazier?
It should wear a t-shirt that reads, Resist Cults
Great post.
More and more people are seeing Scientology for what it is, a vile, lying hate group. I’m sorry for all those who are still trapped inside.
Keep up the excellent work Mike. We’re loving the show. It’s having a huge impact.
Hello Phil. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your summary of “The Scam” but it seems to me you may be just a tiny bit off the mark. You said that TS is a vile, lying hate group.
That is most certainly true. But IMHO, the single most important attribute that identifies them is “money”. In order to understand them or to find a way to combat them, one has to look at them from the viewpoint of “money” because that is what they are all about and all they really care about. Surely that must be the way we will the key to finally destroy them.
From the highest level down to the lowest, they are all about grabbing as much money as they can. It’s all they really care about and in order to best understand them, one really needs to examine their operation from that POV. In the latest episode of “Aftermath”, Mike stated TS (The Scam) had a “lightbulb moment” about getting more money using The Ideal Org and that is the perfect way to describe them and analyze them.
In the past I have experienced 2 or 3 “lightbulb moments” when I was running a small business that was failing. I had been worrying about going bankrupt for a few days. Then, one morning I woke up and suddenly this idea popped into my brain. It was a great “lightbulb moment”. I thought of a way to restructure my approach and I instantly transformed my business from a tiny operation into something that became hugely successful.
Forgive me for being so presumptuous, but I believe that is exactly what Leah & Mike (more importantly what we all) need to experience in order to transform the struggle against The Scam and hasten its inevitable demise.
Please forgive me if I seem to be “blaming” Leah and Mike. IMO, this is something I believe we all share. Any one of us can have this “lightbulb moment” and I believe we all need to discuss this with each other using the Social Network support groups until one of us has the needed “lightbulb moment” that will enable us to finally put an end to TS (The Scam).
That is perhaps the greatest attributes of The Internet and The Social Network Support Group. Any one of us can have this “lightbulb moment” and the more of us that participate in the Social Media Network Support Group and discuss this with each other, the greater are the odds that one of us will have that inspiration that will enable Leah and Mike to finally destroy their criminal conspiracy.
I got very excited hearing Mike and Leah describe the notion of the Social Media Network Support Group. Seems to me that is our greatest weapon in the fight against these Criminals. We can talk with each other and share our ideas and sooner or later, one of us will come up with the “lightbulb” moment and the idea we need to drive the final nail into their coffin – exactly where it deserves to be nailed.
I cheer for all of us. One of thse days, I sure do hope it will happen.
I don’t disagree. Scientology is all about the money. They are also a hate group, etc.
Hey Phil,
I apologize if I came across as saying you were at all wrong. Quite the contrary. I was just trying to add the concept that in order to fight against these criminals, one of the best ways is to examine how they operate from the financial perspective. Once people understand (and I surely do not understand that) how they get the money to come in and prevent the money to go out), the way to fight against them will likely come from being able to attack their sources of income.
I surely did not mean to imply you were wrong. They most certainly are a Hate Group and I should have worded my post better. I’m sorry.
Never in here with a question.
If your ex got some wound for whatever reason, wouldn’t she – by Scientology doctrine – have “pulled it in”?
Just asking… 😉
Now THAT is an excellent point! She obviously pulled it in.
And Mike, how infuriating would it be to DM if you started making a little side hustle with taking their attempt to make fun of you with a bobblehead, and sold them. I’m sure there are a lot of people who would buy one. Even have part of the money go to Aftermath Foundation. Did they have the rights to use your likeness?
A most excellent point. Go Mike! Sue the bastard for using your likeness without permission.
Plus, I would love to buy one of those dolls. But I would prefer one of Leah (hope you don’t mind). I have had a tremendous crush on Leah ever since I first saw her on TV.
Any chance I could buy a bobble head doll with Leah’s likeness? If not, I’ll buy one with your likeness – providing you can find a way to ship it out of the country. You know where I live.
Badafuco, great idea! We could sell the bobbleheads and put a portion of the sales over to Aftermath Foundation to help others escape and the rest of the money can go to Mike. After it is his head that is bobbling.
For all we know DM will have her arm broken and then paste pictures of the break as proof. And, yes the still-ins are so deluded that they would do it!
Oh, this is so infuriating! These disgusting, false allegations are a slap in the faces of real victims of domestic abuse. I shouldn’t let it anger me because it’s par for the course with Scientology but their behaviour is grotesque.
It amazes me that the idiots still in Scientology really think that by lying, abusing people, stalking and publishing such BS reports is a answer to disagreenents. It only solidifies what kind of organization it is and that it’s a CULT, not a religion. Such shameful behavior for anyone in the human race, let alone a so-called religion. Keep annoying them, they just keep hanging themselves and we can sit back and watch. Proof is in their behavior and responses. Period. Keep up the fight!
Scientology’s brand has been forever destroyed. The world is now aware of the dirty deeds of this money grubbing criminal cult. There’s really nothing they can do to turn it around so they’re lashing out. You’re living in their heads rent free Mike! Keep up the great work!
Just rename OSA “foot bullet Inc.”
Another insane OSA operative and Rathbun pal, Alanzo, is now claiming that Mike is directing OSA Int in the cover up of Danny Masterson’s rape of a girl. And criticizes Leah for not covering that on Aftermath.
Wait….what?? Seriously?
Wow, Alonzo is even more rabidly insane than Marty and FP put together. What a blithering idiot.
Seriously Kath. Just go to google and search: danny rinder
And it’ll show you the diatribe.
I went to the alanzo site, and my brain exploded. Ka-fking-boom. What an angry, twisted, self-delusional person. Never again. Like approaching a dead animal beside the roadway, one is better off turning their head and simply not looking. Life is too short to smell every turd the Internet produces.
You are saying that ‘alanzo’ is really David Miscavige?
I believe Alanzo and Stoolpoop along with Scientology TV are planning on submitting footage for America’s Funniest Videos.
Mike, since the LAPD and the DA are NOT moving forward on the Danny Masterson case to either charge or drop charges against him, I think enough time has gone by that by default they lost their right to have Aftermath show put the Masterson debacle under wraps for a while. No, it is time to bypass them and cover the whole sordid mess on the next Leah show for the world to see. Of course you would have to be careful not to say Masterson for sure did it, but you could focus on how several charges were brought and the DA has done nothing to investigate Danny and charge him. And contrast it to Weinstein who was arrested almost immediately by a DA who was not afraid to act.
With all due respect to Rinder, the COS’ problem is so much bigger than that. He’s just the tip of an iceberg that will surely sink Scn’s titanic ship. And just like an iceberg floating in the North Atlantic at night, the Church doesn’t see it. And they dare not look. They can’t afford the luxury of an accurate perspective of the toxic reputation they alone have created. A massive icy collision is only a matter of when.
Mike, You are Brave. You are Strong. You are a Warrior Survivor and You Are Loved. When a Rathbun bobble head loses it’s head, your Bobble Head will wear the victor’s crown!????
Okay, I finally was able to see some of what scientology has been putting out there.
I have been keeping up with both your blog and Tony Ortaga’s Blog, especially after each episode of “The Aftermath” has aired to find out what scientoloy’s response to the show was.
What I was having problems with was where all the adverse info was spewing forth from scientology on the web, but I finally found it…yeh(NOT).
I’ve spent the last couple of days watching, when I can stomach it, the videos and written (if you can really call it that) gobbly gook on the freedum mag web site.
I have, for the past few years, been reading both of your’s and Tony’s blog, I have read, several times, the Truth Rundown, and, at one point, was also reading Marty’s blog.
Here’s is what I have discovered in all of this, everyone who has spoken out against scientology is a lying sleez bag, or a thief, fraud, sexual (fill in the blank) or just a low life. It is a consistent theme.
As you have pointed out more times then I can count, if that were the case, why did these people attain such high rank or remain so long within the confines of scientology??
Thru out my journey into scientology via your blogs and Tony’s, I have struggled with several mind boggling questions: How could you not see what was happening to you and why did you stay with all of the abuse going on around you and too you, and how could people be so raped of their financial security…how??why?? Some of those questions have been answered by the show, some by you and Leah, and some by a lot of the survivors you have had the show…but there I times when I am watching the show that I want to scream out…”How could you let this happen to you…HOW??? (I am a “never in” BTW)
Well…I finally put a lot of it together after viewing those troll videos.
I worked in a prison system for 18 years, 12 of them at a women’s prison. I dealt with a lot of abused women in that time and had a hard time understanding why they allowed what happened to them to happen to them. The answers to that question is complex, but several of the answers were simple; they were isolated (scientologist can’t go in the internet, are deprived of everyday news and are basically in a bubble of scientology only information), they were psychologically beaten down (you gotta give money to saving the planet, forget your own self survival…you can thank Regarded Being for that particular insight Mike) along with a hidden language that only scientologist know, the purf rundown, being, student hat etc. and finally, that they were worthless human beings (in scientology, basically if you leave the church, you will die a slow painful death, not help mankind, and basically be evil).
I will close with this, I think that the way to stop scientology in its’ tracks is to starve it of it’s funds…I know, that is really going to be a task and how it’s done is beyond my pay grade, but it’s an idea.
Sorry I’ve go on so long, but I have wanted to say this for awhile now, and to let you and Leah know that you are having an impact on people like myself that were aware of sceintology’s evils before the show, but are now even more aware of how disgusting sceintology really is.
Just thought you’d like to know.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
That is a great observation(s). That an ‘outsider’ sees through the smoke speaks well of your perceptions.
Wow, for a ‘never-in’ you’ve hit it out of the park.
Mike You Are Such A Problem for dm and the enablers of a Cult of Lies! It Stinks and Stinks that Scientology keeps up the Attack Never Defend tired old tattered dragging of their poor Thetans about your evil misdeeds! The part about Scientology’s “ whatever surgeon” saying your exam Will never recover from her experience according to her with you is such transparent BS! You are Brave Strong and True and you are Loved!! Support & Love Always, plus I would have a billion + bobble heads of you over Zero of cob & Rat Rathbun???
I would love to see that cult completly closed down, right down to the middion in the Philippines that destroyed a family member. Keep up the good work Mike and Leah. I will be living in the Philippines from this May onward. I will watch your site everyday and continue to inform others.
The “Mike Rinder Problem”
Mike, you are the “Mike Rinder Problem” for David Miscavige since the first day you escaped into London. From that day on the “Mike Rinder Problem” was growing steadily. Dave must hate it so much that you are free and successful and that he can’t control you, and that he failed utterly to silence you and to “destroy you utterly” as much as he tried.
Well, David Miscavige, the “Mike Rinder Problem” won’t go away. The ridiculous attacks, exaggerations, and lies won’t handle it but just make it worse as the people can see through your scheming. You pulled the “Mike Rinder Problem” in. Maybe you shouldn’t have treated him so badly (and all the other people).
Suddenly I’m not getting notifications for the blog or the comments. For 2 days. I’m not sure if I can post. Strange.
Ann — updated to the latest WordPress version. There are still some hiccups. Lost some plugins. including links to Twitter and FB on posts and various other things. Patience while we sort it out is appreciated.
You’re a PAIN IN THE ASS alright…that I agree with 100
YOU are that itch that won’t go away no matter how much you scratch it. You ARE that horribly bothersome itch that CANNOT be reached, no matter how much the body is twisted into any position…that ITCH gets stronger and stronger & causes great discomfort because that itch is out of reach.
That insect bite who’s name is Michael John Rinder has caused great discomfort to COS, no matter how much nattering they do…they can’t shut you OR Leah Remini up. No matter how much insect repellent or lotion they use….that ITCH keeps festering with each & every episode exposing the damage done to others.
That parking lot confrontation was caused by your former wife….it was set into motion by HER & her cohorts who sought to discredit & PUBLICLY embarrass you. John Sweeney was recording a taped interview with you…the entire confrontation was HEARD by many of us.
We could clearly hear your former wife screaming at you at the top of her lungs, hurling insults left & right in order to “get to you”, hoping you would physically attack her. Your brother removed the keys from YOUR car, preventing you from leaving he area in order to insure the encounter would go on and on, which it did.
If THEY were innocent, why did they leave immediately when the Police/Sheriff were on their way. Why didn’t they hang around and “press charges”? IF there was so called “wife abuse” why didn’t Kathy go to the hospital & have it all LEGALLY documented? IF you are going to accuse someone of physical attack on your person, one would think that the accuser would LOVE to see you “handcuffed” & placed in the back of a Police car & carted off to jail.
Well, now…..”they” are not at all happy because this encounter has only made THEM look worse….as each new episode reveals itself, with every interviewed person telling their own personal story, with ALL the PRINTED Lron documents/statements revealed…with the “donation scenarios” & the claims of “Declarations of S.P’s” & disconnections go on and on……that ITCH IS GETTING STRONGER & MORE ANNOYING & POWERFUL.
Keep up the good work Mike & Leah
I’ve said it before; I’ll say it again. Another ‘Bull’s Eye’. You are hitting the Scumbag where he lives. Keep up the good work!
It seems they are super upset with you Mr. Rinder.
They have tunnel vision though: so many people are leaving, so many people are standing up to tell the TRUTH and it is provable.
Since I have been on the inside myself I know what they are doing is according to policy letters (they cannot actually THINK) which they will be punished if they do not follow. Anyone that has been “in” knows the penalties are too gruesome to confront to alter or non-comply with the “Church” or its “Policies”.
I hate that you have to experience this BS.
I gave them money. I have the paperwork to prove it and I want it back. Who can I call!?!?!
Well, I know I should be used the church’s bullshit by now but, Wow! Just Wow! It really is too bad that it costs too much in money, time and the comforts of life to deal with suing the church for libel or slander but if I were a multimillionaire I would. This church lies about everybody that speaks out against them, makes fellow members turn on each other and gets into the heads of family and friends to disconnect from loved ones (all the while claiming they do not enforce disconnection) – and all based on slander or libel.
The fact of the matter is that the public, the possible future scientologists that the cult hopes for, regards normal churches and their clergy to be forgiving, helpful, caring, turning the other cheek, understanding and giving chance upon chance to be a better human.
With scientology’s behavior, the reality is that all the public sees is scientology vehemently attacking anyone who does not agree with them, and with the aim and hope of permanently crippling that person out of existence, including the ripping apart of families.
Obviously NOT a church.
These actions are only producing CONTINUAL GROSS OUT-PR for scientology to a laughable level.
Keep it up, Tiny Shoes. You are doing a fabulous job. And regarding your claims against all those horrible people on your attack websites, I only have one question for you: “Similars of your own?”
Yeah, buddy! I love the “Mike Rinder Problem”! I hope scientology and the Tiny Boots acquire many, many more “Mike Rinder Problems”. I hope the “Mike Rinder Problem” keeps crawling all over Slappy’s small but tyrannical ass. We need gobs more of the steeled cojones “Mike Rinder Problem”. LARGA VIDA the “Mike Rinder Problem” Amigos!!
Mike – yawn – SOP for Scientology.
Thanks to you, Leah and even Turncoat Marty Rathbun – it is abundantly clear that the billion dollar corporation disguised as a church hides behind the religious cloak so they can commit crimes daily
Scientology has been found out. Thank you and please continue. Marty – we left the door open for you too but just a crack.
No one believes Scientology – they lie.
The World knows now that $cientology is a scam and it will die down to a few hundred die hards that will keep Scientology working only in their minds.
The rest of the World IS and will be eternally FREE thanks to brave souls such as you.
Keep up the good work.
Isn’t this interesting? All the tirade about Mike Rinder?
Mike, a man known by many, a caring husband and father, a humane person that honestly helps many others.
Yet, I wonder if whoever wrote all that rant was looking himself at the mirror when dictated what to say. Yes, Miscavige. This individual does hit women and men alike. It also leaves me wondering if all the false phrases about a wife being incapacitated originate from his own experience of having beaten others, including women.
The church sacred scriptures call it the “Criminal Mind”: he accuses others of what he himself is doing.
Psychology calls it Projection.
But whatever the term me and many others smile every time we think about Mike Rinder. He DOES care.
Mike, at what point is it worth suing the $cieno Overlords for their slander and libel? I think that threshold has been reached. I’d donate to a Go Fund Me if you want to start the ball rolling.
Being the official Antithesis of David Miscavige is quite a laudable position. Bobbling or not…
We could sell Mike Bobbleheads to raise money for his legal fund.
Does everyone get a bobblehead? I’m thinking, if there is one for Marty Rathbun, the head wouldn’t so much bobble as spin endlessly.
In Survivor and Big Brother, they call them “Flip Floppers”. I would prefer to see him get a “Wobble Head” instead of a “Bobble Head”. But a head that spins endlessly would be hard to beat.
Good one, Jen!