The full story is here.
Eddie is a long time scientologist who went Clear in the 90’s and the last recorded service is OT Preps in 2015. You can see some of his history detailed in the most recent article on him by Tony Ortega at The Underground Bunker.
This sad story begs some obvious questions:
Why did the tech fail so miserably in helping Eddie — someone who is more of a celebrity than a lot of the “celebrities” who are afforded special care and attention at the “Celebrity Centre.”
Is CCHR doing everything they can to get him out of the hands of the psychs, just like they did with Lisa McPherson? Let’s hope not…
How come CCHR and scientology are so silent when one of their own has been committed to a mental institution and has now been deemed by the SP psychs as “incompetent.”
What would scientology make him buy if he was handed over to them? They would figure out how to take his money — though he is now technically an illegal preclear. Probably sell him a retrain of the PTS/SP Course and TR’s and Objectives (“to get him into present time”).
Obviously, this is a story scientology wants kept under wraps. Their claims of being able to make happy, healthy people aren’t born out by reality. And specifically that they can teach people how to be successful in life, and become “working actors” at Celebrity Centre is in the immortal words of one of the early reviewers of Dianetics: “nothing but the bunk.”
I think the best thing to happen to Eddie is to keep him out of the clutches of Scientology and in a licensed mental health facility. That is what the judge ordered, so it is all to the good. I wonder if Scioentology smells Eddie’s money, and if he has signed those contract of adhesion that Jeffrey Augustine has written about so extensively. It is possible that Scientology might demand that Eddie check out of his treatment and sign up for a Scientology Introspection Rundown. If that were to happen I would hope the judge could quash that attempt on the basis that Eddie is currently a ward of the court.
Replying to Karl Woodrow:
I’m not sure what “mental institution” you visited, or when, or in what capacity – family, staff, friend, patient, inmate… But I seriously doubt that Eddie’s current care will be, as you write, “quite-a-bit” worse than I would imagine an introspection run-down would be.”
Anyone who has been exposed to accounts of people involuntarily subjected to Hubbard’s quack Introspection Rundown would quickly choose genuine government licensed mental health care over that quack “rundown” that Hubbard pulled out of his bum one drug-addled day. Unfortunately, Scientology bigwigs may have the power to actually go into a facility and remove the subject from licensed treatment, to put the cherch member under Scientology’s care – as authorized by one of the horrific contracts members must sign in order to qualify for Scientology services.
The most obvious account of a wrongful Introspection Rundown is the Lisa McPherson case, which is just too horrible for me to relate here. Another case is possibly the original use of the Introspection Rundown. It was on the Apollo, and our proprietor Mike was a newcomer to the ship. Mike was ordered to sit outside a locked door, behind which a man was screaming his lungs out. I think that went on for two weeks or so.
For decades mental health care in the US had been closely guided by State and Federal rules and regulations designed to insure the safe and humane treatment of patients. Any doctor or caregiver who does not closely follow those guidelines will likely have a complaint filed, followed soon after by a government intervention. For that reason I sincerely doubt Eddie is “in deep shit” if he currently is in a licensed mental health care facility. I have not been employed as an MHMR professional since 1994, but I’m sure the requirements are still rather strict today as they were back then, with lots of rules designed to prevent the kind of quackery that Hubbard proposed with his harmful Introspection Rundown.
In conclusion: Scientology drives you out of your mind!
Another casualty of life that Scientology could claim as one of their own, but never will help the poor fellow, no matter much how he trusted or donated to them. Disconnection has a multiple applications in Scientology. A Scientologist burglarizing a nursing home?? That’s sad.
It dawned on me Hubbard’s definition of ‘reality’ as agreement. Scientologists literally take that at face value and feel if they agree on something or command intention tells them to, well… it must be reality. When you really think about that, you’ll see just how insane it is to believe it trumps medicine (Dianetics cures cancer, arthritis, bad eyesight and all sorts of aliments, (which is does not). The only reason for accidents & mayhem happening is caused by a connection to a suppressive person etc etc. You can twist any piece of Scientology to make new crazy realities out of and into another version of complete gibberish.
What they must tell themselves why their Orgs are empty and why Miscavige can’t step foot into the sunshine are lost them in one of their own “realities.”
Scientology, truly is a make believe bubble that has nothing to do with much of anything, except despair, financial decimation and criminality at their highest levels of management.
A couple of more questions regarding this sad story:
Doesn’t “Eddie” seem to be a weak, broken, and rather pathetic person? He is currently incarcerated involuntarily in a mental institution. I have visited a couple of those places. Those environments were “quite-a-bit” worse than I would imagine an intropection run-down would be. In short, Eddie is in deep shit.
Possibly he has been in deep shit for much of his life. Obviously, Scientology hasn’t handled that. In fact the COS probably enabled his behavior tendencies by affording him special considerations as a “celebrity”.
It does NOT appear that he is in a sanatorium for celebrities.
It does appear that he is a fragile, damaged human being who is in trouble. Isn’t this the most important thing here?
Scn usually seems to “work” if there is total participation and surrender on the part of people to whatever hubbard said.
Otherwise it seems not to work at all.
Maybe Eddie just hadn’t totally convinced himself of everything, and hadn’t become a dedicated scientologist. And so scn didn’t “work”. Simple
Anyhow scn doesn’t works even for scn itself.
Link to original article:
The cult will no doubt have some sort of justification for Eddie’s situation. Here are a few that I can think of right off the top of me head in no particular order
1) Eddie went Clear and then didn’t immediately proceed to OT III and was stuck in the Non-Interference Zone. His OT III case kicked in causing him to go bat shit crazy.
2) Eddie was Out Ethics all along.
3) Eddie was an illegal PC from the start and should have never received any auditing.
4) Eddie was connected to an SP and therefore PTS.
5) Eddie was a dog case, degraded being, no case gain, etc. etc.
6) Eddie was out KSW. The Tech works 100% of the time on 100% of the people when applied 100% correctly. Therefore Eddie was not applying KSW to his life. It’s Eddie’s fault.
7) Eddie is responsible for his condition, not Scientology.
8) Eddie was probably doing other practices.
9) Eddie had MUs.
10) Eddie has Evil Purposes.
11) Eddie had other fish to fry.
13) Eddie has done LSD and didn’t complete his Purification Rundown to get rid of that shit.
14) Eddie falsely attested to his auditing actions.
12) Eddie who? (maybe this should have been #1)
What about the Introspection Rundown? I don’t know much about it, but usually it was brought out and used when a case went psychotic. In that R/D no one is to talk to the person and you keep them alone in a room. Is this what was done on Lisa McPherson? Why not tried on Eddy?
My understanding is that ever since Lisa McPherson they don’t deliver the introspection RD, I’ve never heard of it being delivered or attempted.
The problem with the Introspection Rundown is that it costs big bucks and I don’t believe that poor Eddie had a pot to piss in. In scientology, no cash = no services. Having no cash keeps Eddie from having to endure this highly researched ‘tech’ that guarantees results. This ‘process’ as well as any other ‘process’ in scientology aptly has the word Rundown at the end. Why? After completing the almost unbearable repletion of stupid auditing commands, one certainly feels rundown. The only release (relief) is finally finishing up the ordeal with a ‘cognition’, f/n and VGIs’ and somehow “volunteering” a success story. Rundown is the perfect descriptor for progress up the Bridge to Total Freedom.
Eddie may not be acting currently but he still gets royalties every time Grease is shown or any of the other movies he did. He also did a lot of voiceover for animate movies and there are royalties for that too. He might not have been as destitute as you would think.
Alex. I will pick item #12, for $1000 please
Correct jim rowles!!! I’ll be sure and let the reg at your Ideal Org know that you have some new found cash available to donate.
Very astute Ms B. One of the most amusing things I find about Scn is that those who have the most comprehensive understanding of the subject are those who are no longer in it. I used to know a lot of smart people who knew the admin and tech backwards and forwards. To their credit, they’ve been out for years. It’s enough to make you go “hmmm. . .”
If indeed it is dementia/altzheimers then the ‘tech’ ain’t gonna do a thing for Eddie. Scientology is the last thing Eddie would need/want at this stage. 24/7 care is the only thing now. May he be cared for by people who care.
The last time I checked, Reality was unreal to a Scientologist.
Hubbard thought if someone was recoiling against having a past lives history, they were in denial.
“Thank you for listening” Hubbard song lyrics pretty much show Hubbard’s obstinance and calling of the Hubbard views as “fact.”
Hubbard was a soul man, thought us humans were really transmigrating souls, each of us hopping into and out of new human bodies, lifetime after lifetime, plus we humans are infested up the kazoo with surplus souls which leak their bad karma mental bad stuff onto our minds. We’re all this messed up soul that is in denial about our own past lives, and we are in super denial that we are infested with additional souls leaking superbad karma onto us on top.
And Scientology’s gonna fix us humans one by one, first doing the Scientology lower steps of soul rejuvenation pseudo-therapy to “Clear” us. And then Hubbard’s upper Scientology secret OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism will strip off the surplus souls and their leaking superbad karma.
And that was supposed to replace psychiatry.
Scientology got slapped bad for the Lisa McPherson death and Scientology’s incompetence leading to her death.
Scientology’s quackery is not working, and ought be totally skipped and the only thing the public should learn, is the simplified Scientology story including the exorcism levels of Scientology and the Xenu theory why Scientology believes humanity’s problem is Xenu’s dumping body-thetans (the super bad karma drenched surplus souls) onto earth that infest and supposedly mess up humans.
If the public knew the Scientology alternative quackery beliefs, then that ends the discussion for why Scientology will never rightfully replace psychiatry and psychology.