Today it seems more likely that those no longer in the church will recall the actual “LRH Birthday Game” than those who have suffered through years of David Miscavige’s propaganda by redefinition of terms.
Described in LRHED 339R and 339R-1 the real Birthday Game address the subject of the “gift” LRH wanted for his birthday from Scientology org staff. It was specifically NOT MEST. Addressed to staff, he talked about expanding production across all Divisions and even doing programs to accomplish this in each Department. He made an important point that staff should be well paid and this was one of the results of achieving St Hill size which is the ultimate objective of the game. And the other result of that of course was the Universe Corps that would be sent to all St Hill size orgs to move the staff through Clear and the OT Levels.
Nowadays, in the name of the “LRH Birthday Game” and even using some selected LRH quotes, David Miscavige and his band of squirrel managers have utterly subverted the entire subject. The “LRH Birthday Game” is now the “Miscavige Birthday Game”.
Today the game is reg money and buy MEST – the VERY THING LRH said he didnt want.
There is no longer mention of well paid staff and certainly the Universe Corps is a thing of the past (Miscavige’s shore story these days is that the “AO’s deliver it” which doesn’t work out too well when you are in Milano or Joburg…). More on this to come.
But it’s also been twisted into some sort of PUBLIC game. The way you win the Miscavige Birthday game apparently is by giving money to the “Ideal Org” program. And even that perversion is now spiraling into even deeper depravity with some orgs now “responsible” for other orgs that seem to be lost causes – even FSO is now supposedly responsible for Miami and Orlando, soon it will be Atlanta too… (more on this to come too).
Oh, and there is one other thing that is not mentioned in the LRH Birthday Game — “Ideal Orgs”.
That completely failed program is a product of Miscavige Master Planning ™ — taking the title of a single HCO Policy and using it to subvert scores of very clear policies forbidding exactly what is being done. And now, like the Blob, the “Ideal Orgs Campaign” has also taken over and stifled the LRH Birthday Game.
Here is Exhibit One of the David Miscavige Birthday Game. Why not throw away the pretense at this point and just call it what it is….
Mike, you are so right. They are giving LRH the ONE THING he said he didn’t want. Classic SP action: enforced unwanted havingness, and denied wanted havingness. That commendation is so obscene the writer ought to be arrested by the vice squad. I thought prostitution was illegal. Pimp Daddy Miscarriage strikes again.
As I’m reading through all of the comments on this article I was reminded of a reg cycle that happened a few years ago now. Some girl on the phone asking me for more money for a basics book package she was very interested in selling me.
Just as the question is asked, I pick up this strange intention, literally 2 seconds before the first word of her sentence even began. that’s when this terror of a gut feeling hits me. The kind of feeling you innately know through lifetimes of experience, that there IS something very wrong with this picture but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is. It’s kind of like standing in the entrance of a dark alleyway in the underbelly of the worst part of a city way after midnight, and you know it would probably be best just to walk around it instead. Yet here is this seductive beautiful girl trying to persuade you (successfully) down into the dark ally, telling you that your reactive mind is playing tricks on you, and you’re just making up the guy that’s at the bottom of this dark ally that will rob you of all your money and leach off you for rest of your life. Deny him this and he shall destroy you, your friends and you family.
I would like to thank you Mike for putting up all this information, contributing with so many others to help and bring out the truth about Corporate Scientology. And helping me find the reasons why there was something so wrong with my church which I stood by for so long under the wrong premises and making justifications for. Never again.
I am so disgusted by the commendation that I can’t even say another word on it.
An obvious point that deserves emphasis:
Here is an e-mail bragging about the most awesomest CLO in the history of Scientology, crushing the “competition” to give more money than everyone else worldwide. And WUS happens to have the biggest concentration of Scientologists on the planet. Yet they have exactly 11 people/families that have given money at the Humanitarian level this year, and some of those (Jensens, Cartwright, Baybak) are the most loyal ones out there. I’d estimate that there are about 8,000 Scientologists in this region, so there are at most 30 “Humanitarians” globally this year (not too many Eastern Europeans, Russians or Asians likely to cough up, I don’t think). I don’t have IAS donor lists handy, but I seem to recall in prior years the number of people at “Humanitarian” and above was many times larger. So this list of people doesn’t sound like expansion to me — it sounds like an organization on its last gasp.
John — this is only the first page. There are two other pages of names…. I didnt want to bore everyone
I was amazed when I found out that IAS contributions is now a birthday game stat for orgs. Talk about a complete perversion of the original game!
Mike, this is a valuable article, thank you. What they are touting as “expansion” – what a travesty.
It boggles my mind that staffs don’t see it. Not all of them are youngsters indoctrinated from infancy, there are what I observe in my area as a handful of very well-trained staff not low on the Bridge who stay on year after year. How do they not see this? How have they yet not figured this out?
One theory I strongly entertain is that these staff DO see it but are keeping their heads down and pretending all is well, all is swell. If this theory is correct, boy, are their witholds getting missed! So much they can’t see, so much they can’t say. And they are good, helpful people too. Must be hell for them.
Thank you once more, Mike, for shining this light. I hope many of them are reading and keeping themselves De PTS ed until they have some viable excuse to route off staff, as there is just no way they can win anymore if they’re forwarding the RCS;s ‘purpose”.
The staff members *do* see it but they rationalize it by getting told … and saying to themselves … that all they have to do is work harder and longer. They’re convinced that all the other Ideal Orgs on the planet are producing just fine and expanding at 70x…the problem is just in *their* org, because the staff is PTS, the public are PTS, the public is criminal, and their little corner of the world would be right as rain if only the correct person was identified and declared or sec-checked to within an inch of bankruptcy.
And to a certain way of thinking, they’re right. If the staff wasn’t so gullible, if it didn’t believe the tripe poured out by Miscavige…if the staff wasn’t so PTS…the org would probably be doing better.
Clearing the planet with ideal MEST. Truly sickening.
Bunch of god damn squirrels!
Mike, You named it perfectly. It truly is The Miscavige Birthday Game. He did a slimy twist of policy to suit him and he does the same with the tech.
“PTS is a connection to an SP. That is true. But what may be overlooked is that persons of the middle class (which is a culture, not an income bracket, to which belong
all the puritan hypocritical mores of the cop and the get-a-job-be-a-moderate-pluggingsuccess) frown very terribly on anything that the least bit tries to make a better world.” HCOB 16 Apr 82, MORE ON PTS HANDLING, excerpted from an LRH despatch of 10 Aug 1973.
If you were to simply put in the culture of Ideal Morgues, the DM Vulture Culture, the IAS, the characteristics DM plugs constantly of the “ideal Scientologist”, into the above you’d have the current state of PTSness to a “class”.
The reversal of the aim of 339, LRH’s Birthday Game, to the one now pushed is so obnoxious, so repugnant to any sort of spiritual gains, to the actual intent and purpose of auditing, training and the playing of a BETTER game it’s hard to even read this gibbering alter-is put out publicly by this MEST being.
It’s a PTSness to the entire false culture he’s created.
Jim, you are entirely correct. Indeed, if you look at Scientologists, I believe you will find out they get sick more than anybody else. That is definitely a symptom of PTSness.
Darlin’. They get sick because they do not go to doctors …..
I was looking at the manifestations of problems, lots of problems, the hung up in Doubt, the maybe it’s good, maybe it’s bad, the can’t reach for Scientology without getting the IAS or some goofy Sec Check on whether you saw your dog having sex, the can’t withdraw from this nonsense or you can’t have Scientology or your friends or family. These are all of them problems and it is a fact, one does not make case gains over problems.
It’s a PTS to DM’s culture. Go to the FSO and try and make gains over the constant counter purposes of those there pushing you for this that and the other. You don’t act like you’re supposed to and pony up then you’ve got yourself a problem and there goes case gain for that cycle compounded by $1000/hour to try and figure a way out of this, when “this” IS the class, the culture, the environment that DM has brought about.
He’s an SP. He prevents case gain, and today he’s put in place a “class” , a society that ITSELF, is suppressive.
Here here James!
Oh dear, anyone spot the typo?
Interesting article Mike.
DM takes his idea and taints it with the greeonwhite or redonwhite to give it a hint of legitimacy.
Having lived with the greenonwhite tech for a long time and whilst looking in to figure out what the hell was going on in the church, I saw an article on Marty’s blog by Don Schaul. Class V Auditor & Case Supervisor, Fully Hatted Qualifications Secretary, Hubbard Data Series Evaluator, Ex Malmo Ideal Org, which ended any mystery for me about what DM and his gang of yahoos were up to. Here is a favour through a report he wrote on squirrel use of Esto tech (A set of policies covering the principles of establishing of organizations):
“A report written by me concerning the misapplication of the EstO Tech. Note: There has been a long debate on this subject with the CMO Int Missionaires, terminals from CLO EU, etc. I have been Crammed on the subject, and was literally told in Cramming by the CTO EU Cram Off: “That is how it is being done today. I understand it’s not per the policy but there’s nothing much you can do about it”.”
In essence, and to save you finding and reading this report right now, he says that Esto Series 16 is grossly misapplied by Int and CLO staff. This policy has 16 situations listed that may apply to the person you are helping in an organization. You go down the list and find the one that applies to the person and ‘handle’ them by using the data concerning that situation.
Each of the 16 situations is very different, one to another. They definitely do NOT apply all to one person at one time. For example one situation would be “you have no head of the division”. Another would be “He has study time but does not study” and so on. One situation for one person that you take up and handle.
What was happening in Malmo org was ALL situations were worked and handled as a list on each person. When this was too slow, they twinned them up to do ALL situations on each other.
This is so bone-headed it is hard to imagine it canhappen. AND it is pushed down, top down.
This means, here is one small example of a TOTAL absence of understanding of the tech. Nothing. Zero.
LRH would “turn in his grave” I swear.
This is true for LRH Birthday game, Ideal Orgs, IAS, Golden Age of Tech, Straight up and Vertical, One-size-fits-all CSing and study programs. Everyone must do the Basics. Stop all auditor training and so on.
We have a church management that has completely and utterly lost the plot. The untrained and unaudited management is playing havoc with a beautiful tech that was once available in the church structures.
How much idiocy and how much malice is involved, seems apparent when viewing the result of all of this.
Mike, it is VITAL to keep these articles flowing.
Many, many people out there are reading this. Not yet out. Not yet announced, but learning and leaving.
What class auditor is Miscavige? Has he taken the Organization Executive Course, or any other Scn management courses? What are his formal Scn qualifications? Does any of this matter to the people handing over tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, even tens of millions? Or to anyone?
I bet Tiny Fists is furious that an SO issue arrives onto the net just 9 days after publishing!
Yes, this phrase, amongts others, is true: ‘David Miscavige and his band of squirrel managers’.
At FSO, towards the early 2000s there were several Sea Org Staff being trained so they coulod go to the next wining Saint Hill size Org and deliver auditing to the staff up to Clear but…of course there is a but… they were completing one step of their training and almost ready to fire when a squirrel management order came down telling them they need more “requirrments” before they could fire to the winning Saint Hill Org. To make the story short two years went by and the “team” was still there doing “training”. So besides the insanity of the finances there is the false PR and lies involved on how the “staff gets cared by “managment”…
Does the sickness ever stop??
All those donors are really responsible for Scientology not doing well. They apparently think they are big Humanitarians but instead they are “enablers” of one the biggest psychos that ever walked the Earth.
It is quite shocking how apparently “smart” and “able” people can allow this to happen.
One of them is about to get hit with law suit for an unpaid debt. Glad the donations to the Church have been so well publicized. How do you donate millions to the Church and not honor contract agreements?
I assume Oracle that you are referring to something specific.
Regarding FSO the reason why I think he use FSO to be responsible is because of MONEY, he knows that from FSO he can make around $ 2,000,000 USD a week.
Regarding the LRH Birthday…people buy his bs….basically..but one day for sure I can tell you…people will open the eyes…
I sometimes wonder if the people who continue to play with Dave are simply into the MEST and self-aggrandizement to the extent that they don’t really have any spiritual goals and possibly never had any to begin with.
The MEST is real to them. Big, ostentatious buildings equals success equals happiness. Their whole game reminds me more of Lord of the Flies than anything else.
Les, I don’t think so. I think they are DESPERATE to handle their spiritual cases. They will sacrifice every bit of self-determinism on every single dynamic in their fevered agitation to not lose their “eternity.” At the point where they lose almost all of the Code of Honor (and at the same time think they are keeping their ‘ethics in”), they are truly lost.. But I guess the case can be made that if they think they feel good and are playing a righteous game ….. Heck, who am I to tell someone else how to live their life if they think they have to do it to survive as a spiritual being. Just don’t burn me at the stake as a condition of your salvation, or abuse children.
Les, from knowing 2 of the people on the list of donors I think you are very very correct.
These 2 people are the coldest people I think I ever met. MEST is everything. Which
also goes along with Logan’s view of middle class PTS’ness.
Sorry if some of you don’t want to face this, but in what he does, Miscavige is a freakin’ fuckin’ GENIUS. First, he fully GOT the idea that a leader has to be a vision maker, a game maker and “that any game is better than no game.” In the early 70s, as staff at my org were being paid virtually nothing (in a packed org, which in itself is another story), our solution to get into affluence was “to find a way to get more people into Scientology, specifically our org.” It never freakin’ occured to any of us there was another way to make money in a SCIENTOLOGY organization. We were always focused on results/production and promotion/PR. Miscavige first came up with the IAS and did that on a real gradient. I had to be regged HARD to cough up the extra money to go lifetime in 1987. Then a few years later, the UNBELIEVABLE amount of 40 G’s was asked for to be a patron. I couldn’t believe people would or could do it. Now of course, a patron is kind of a small fry (though I hit my top at sponser, sorry, dave, I hid my money from you, all the time in my IRA and CDs, still got it invested, getting income). He then came up with all the rest of all the statuses, set up a HUGE FSM program so that guys like Michael Roberts and Becker could spend all their time stealing for him and getting money themselves.
THEN when that racket was well on its way, the Super Power building thing started, then of course the ABSOLUTE SUPER GENIUS Ideal Org thing (and I am neither being sarcastic nor ironic here). It IS an act of genius because 1) gets tons of moolah in from local Scientologists for their area towards something they can actually SEE eventually and feel pride in as some of the buildings are indeed historic and beautiful 2) makes the CoS itself richer as all the real estate is turned over to the corporate church and the local orgs have to still pay a monthly 3) provides the baseline of a game towards “unprecedented expansion” WHICH DOES NOT INVOLVE GETTING NEW PEOPLE INTO SCIENTOLOGY OR TRAINING OR AUDITING ANYONE. Uhm …. folks …. that’s pretty darn good … taking in HUNDREDS of millions of dollars a year and NOT HAVING TO PROVIDE ANY EXCHANGE WHATSOEVER. That’s a genius businessman.
And as I noted on this blog last week, get ready for the Super Power hundreds of millions more to roll in. Miscavige has milked the building for decades now and just when it starts to wind down, he will start taking advance payments for Super Power and every OT 7 or 8 who is now hoping that THIS will finally handle their cases, will start coughing up even more, and the intensives money and accomodations money could hit a billion over the next five years (all while church membership dips worldwide to 20,000). And yes, I’ll repeat something else I said, that when this all starts to peter out in 5 plus years, SOMETHING called OT9 will be announced, there will be a 5 – 10 year building cycle and then eventually in 15 years from now, SOMETHING will be offered as OT9 (probably an “old” OT level that not too many living people by then will have had) and APs will start to roll in.
I’m not trying to be a pessimist here. Really I almost MARVEL at this, not only Miscavige’s genius in the conception,planning and execution of his money schemes, but at the willingness of most Scientologists to bankrupt themselves in their desperation to be in the group. As I said, I always had a money limit I set for myself over 35 plus years in Scientology. I would spend to that limit and then absolutely not even consider going higher (and would never touch my reserves or go deeply in debt). But, I stand in awe of the money making ability of the Church of Scientology, money in, nothing back. WOW!
Miscavige is a sickening sort of brilliant criminal genius. The planetary elite, who are continually working out ways to redistribute wealth from producers into their offshore accounts would surely give the Miscavige schemes and scams very high marks. But the Miscavige perversion of Scientology is not a viable long run operating basis for any organization. Any organization that consistently delivers no or overt products will eventually sicken and die. Part of the Miscavige criminal genius is that he has, albeit falsely, linked the Ideal Org, Superpower and IAS scams as somehow essential to the real products Scientology was and is supposed to be delivering according to LRH, i.e. books and materials, training and auditing. He has duped, pressured and intimidated the Scientology public into believing that divesting themselves of their assets for no exchange is somehow essential to Scientology being able to make its actual intended products available. Yes, it has worked increasingly well for going on thirty years, but thirty years is not a long time in terms of survival of business or organization and the long term survival potential of the Church is diminishing because of it. From an economics perspective, the Church operating/financial basis is a classic bubble. It all looks very impressive and affluent until one day it pops and collapses swiftly and painfully.
Sad, we’ll see. I think it is simply more likely that the CoS will die out eventually because of attrition, as the older guys die offf (though it could take 50 years to complete the cycle because of next generation Scientologists being born over the next 10 years).
But I will differ with you slightly over the overt product thing being the key. Yes, you and I probably agree on what an overt product is in Scientology. BUT … in RELIGION? Who knows what the duped will think is just GREAT or necessary to their “eternity.” Look at the Catholic Church (and its step children churches). They’ve done pretty well for themselves, considering th 1,000 plus years they kept Europe in total stupidity, not to mention the Crusades, Inquisition, Wars, etc. Very nice “products” but the sheeple thought they were “valuable”.
A very senior cop once told me that in real life there are no criminals like professor Moriarty. Every criminal is basically stupid. Even the most notorious “white Collar Criminals” are stupid. dm is no exception. He is surrounding himself with synchopats who are telling him what he wants to know. He therefore keep making stupid mistakes. Look at Debbie Cook, Mike, and Marty. His mistakes are bringing him down.
Joe, you are right. His gradient approach or, as I call it sneaky, applied to Scientology as a whole. He no longer has to move so slowly as he now “has”his prey.
It’s like boiling a frog. Do it nice and slow and they never hop out.
How are you Ingrid?
I’m not sure about that frog thing, but it sounds good…
Wow, Brilliant posts Mike R and Joe Pendleton. In a way you have to admire how good DM is at being bad and pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. And it is very sad that the flock eat it up and come back for more. A version of self-flagellation.
Highly commended! David’s stable! I mean, Iceberg Grimm’s stable!
These are the true humanitarians, the ones bringing in the scratch! These are the pillars of Scientology.
So! What industries are propping up the CofS? Computer Software. That’s interesting. Lighting Controls. Cool! Hollywood voice over talent. Far out!
What industry are the Fabos and Baybacks in? Wouldn’t it be best to just move their companies into the existing buildings and work out of the C of S? That’s what’s bringing in the scratch. Hasn’t anyone spoken to Iceberg about “Lean Management”? Those Scientology “consumers” are getting to be dev t and expensive!
Iceburg Grimm!! I love it. Dm is just a slimy pimp, tha’s fo-sho.
He’s urban legend now. Let’s show a little respect.
As a former Universe Corp Auditor (1989-97) who all I wanted to do is make OTs for CLV Org staff, this news sickens me. LRHED 339R was yes about a birthday game. Silly as it sounds it was all about just expansion. Scn has obviously ditched this, long ago.
In the Miscavige game the Humanitarian jockeys are the Silver, Gold and Ideal Civilization Builders!