We don’t know when, but it is going to be “released” at some point….
All those Briefing Course lectures are being gone through with a fine tooth comb to find everything that was ever said wrong by LRH and to add super new indexes using state-of-the-art golden age of indexing tech.
Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center and Ecclesiastical Leader of the Scientology(r) religion, Mr. David Miscavige is working day and night to go through and listen to every tape himself and personally create the index because he cannot trust anyone else to ensure this course is “100% standard tech” — not even L. Ron Hubbard.
None of the Briefing Course Graduates who have come before were REALLY “Dukes of the Auditor Elite” — they were all phonies. They could NOT be real Class 6es when there was so much wrong with the course that it had to be withdrawn from circulation after nearly 50 years.
But then again, maybe it’s NEVER going to happen. After all, Miscavige has been talking about OT IX and XX for more than 20 years. Nothing. Same with the “OEC” (not been available for at least 10 years now). Same with “Tech Vols” also no longer available. And Miscavige has nattered about the L’s for 20 years — that they are “totally out tech and squirrel” but he can’t “find the time” to “fix them” and of course, nobody else has the clean hands, IQ and selflessness needed to do the job.
Once David Miscavige finally gets what L. Ron Hubbard did “on source” he will have ushered in a truly golden age of David Miscavige, where he has assumed the full mantle of D/Founder for Foundation Hours and true successor of Hubbard in every respect. His word will be the word of God to all fundamentalist scientologists, and He will be revered by the remaining faithful as the new L. Ron Hubbard leading them to salvation and true spiritual freedom.
And why not? He has run scientology for longer than Hubbard and has persuaded his followers that he has also done so more successfully. They almost believe he is Source, but would still be taken aback if he overtly said so. But it’s where he is heading and if he pulls off redoing the BC, the OEC, the Tech Vols and the L’s and everyone accepts it, that will be precisely what he HAS accomplished. All “tech” will be “thanks to Miscavige.”
You have to admire his chutzpah. 25 years ago there was not a scientologist on planet earth who would have bought into the idea that anyone could EVER take the place of L. Ron Hubbard. And Miscavige is almost there.
Here is the latest email being sent out to everyone they can think of to “create excitement” about redoing the Briefing Course.
Get ready! It will no doubt be released with some other expensive products — a new set of properly edited BC lectures on original reel-to-reel magnetic tapes perhaps (to capture the true spirit of the lectures) and almost certainly the long awaited (he announced these at a Maiden Voyage about 15 years ago, including SHOWING the “pages” and “sample definitions”) Technical and Admin dictionaries at $250 each or a set for $600 and a newly “packaged” set of basic books. And if you think this is satire, remember this post and we will see how far off the mark it is if the “new” BC ever sees the light of day.
Are you going to be one of the first 500?
Fill out the survey below and let us know!
We’re tallying up to see who is ready for the Saint Hill Briefing Course or who is planning to do it when it is released. While we don’t have a release date as of yet, we are preparing to have 500 people ready to start it at ASHO immediately after it is released. We want to know if you are ready.
1. Since the Golden Age of Tech Phase II release, what steps have you completed on the training side of the Bridge?
2. Are you currently on Golden Age of Tech II Training? If so, what org are you training in?
3. What is your processing level?
4. Are you interested in doing the Briefing course at ASHO when it is released?
5. Do you have any questions regarding Golden Age of Tech II Training?
6. Do you need further information on ASHO’s Scholarship program?
Lynn Simington
Auditors Association In-Charge
R I C O Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization
How do the sheeple that worship l rot flubbardnot ask,guys this dude is litterally insulting LRHs intelligence and lifting himself to supreme source. Shouldn’t we over throw this guy he’s everything LRH said to watch out for.
Recreate the SHSBC ist the stupidest thing I have ever heard. There are 447 lectures in the package where LRH spoke day by day to his students .. what is to change about? It can not be anything .. I do not think that LRH has ever heard his lectures himself, so for what it should be recreated? He simply spoke out his ideas about what he has obeyed ..
I have studied the whole course (not with a suppervisor, but at home) .. I have read at the same time all bulletin etc and policy .. I have made up a database with all references so that I had the correct dates in time .. as everybody knows policy is not given in time order .. some policy is also given as a bulletin and reverse ..
The course is a long run .. if you look up also all other references at the same time .. but if you have done it .. you will have the mind of LRH in your hands .. his concept of handling men / people properly .. his concept, because if you study it only with yourself there is nobody who gives you a checkout in any way .. you believe what you believe or neglect it ..
It was a long run .. my analysis was that LRH did run from the beginning to the end only on SerFac .. which is the center of his whole work .. but this is my analysis .. and if the SHSBC becomes recreated it may be lost as the only thing which is importend to his works .. simply put out some words here and there and add something .. and you get another impression ..
Handling BTs do not fit together with LRHs SHSBC .. there is no idea about something like that. It is the GPM .. and this goes straight with the SerFac .. because if you touch the SerFac, you touch the GPM .. so LRH went down to ARC break .. which was for him below SerFac .. but this is not true .. only a regular ARC X is below, but a real one is above .. also if the SHSBC get changed .. the whole idea can be lost ..
Instead of writing Mission Earth .. he were better to write a conclusion of scientology and his way .. if he had done it, he were never come to BTs .. because they exist not the way he desribes it .. there were never 76 planets around 27 stars .. and there were never 178 billion on one planet (excerpt ants or similiar beings) ..
As someone said in this thread: Why an OT hangs still on his body although a BT can be freed fast and very easy with LRH tech. Oh, it is simple, you have only put away the idea of such a being .. but you cannot put away the idea of yourself ..
Friend said, “but if you have done it .. you will have the mind of LRH in your hands” Great, you have the mind of sociopath who ruined the lives of countless people in your hands. You better use disinfectant soap after you pour acid on it.
John Locke @ literally in “my hands” is like understanding .. it does not say that I did agree and put his hands as my hands .. okay?
I liked LRH. Believe me, I did, and you have done it like me at earlier times too. I saw the use of his allegedly work was confused in lot of ways, and my best friends did promote LRH as the ultimate truth .. so I tried to find out what this man did really want .. so I heard him speaking .. long time .. I found he said it is yellow, green and red at the same time .. I used his own tech on him, and found taht he went down in a SerFac .. better to say, for my findings he went stuck in his SerFac .. everybody will become psychotic or sociopath if he hang up on a SerFac ..
In the current church you will find nobody who will ever try to handle that. It is not delivered for anyone. It is not so complicated, but the tech about is lost, and will not come back ..
It is not running around a star .. you may hear LRH in good days, he said creating a solution will create a problem. In older days he said that you need a stable datum for a problem (which is still true) but later he said that the stable datum as a solution will make your solution to a problem .. and so and so and so .. basically it is simple .. if you would run out all your solutions, you would find sometimes your basic problem .. then you would have your SerFac and also the generell ARC Break which you dramatize nearly always ..
LRH was surely on a good way to solve a lot of things .. but he lost his ways somewhere around his SerFac works .. find the lecture yourself where he did start to dramatize his SerFac .. and you will find that he did invent ethics tech after it .. and the Sea Org and a lot of other stuff .. unfortunately is all stuff from LRH true for all scientologists .. but not for me ..
Friend, LMAO – I know what a metaphor is. I used one in my reply to you. If you ever get a thorough education you will find that El con invented no useful data (ESPECIALLY ethics). He just regurgitated older data. He was a criminal sociopath only.
That says it in a nut shell, Dan. The odds that he won’t destroy the BC are 0.000000….to infinity. In other words, zero. I loved the BC. I learned so much about life and people.
And DM is now destroying it. Who would be surprised that he would be trying to do this? This has been his M.O. – destroy good things, especially Scientology.
He is a mad dog who wants to be L.Ron Hubbard SO BAD that he can taste it.
But I disagree with Mike in that I don’t think that he will actually succeed in pulling off his ultimate aim. I predict that there will come a point where even the deeply hypnotized will blink and say, “Hey, what the f— is going on here?! What am I involved in?” .
And, in the end, the applause he receives will be the sound of his own one hand clapping as he clutches a bottle of scotch in his other one.
The bc was fairly nonessential back in the 70’s, especially with the demise of the GPM running that Hubbard researched in the previous decade. It had become an expanded class 4 course prior to the switch to the date order checksheets. The date order version was supposed to give the student a history of the evolution of tech. What HGC or field auditor really needed that? The confidential 6 section on GPM running was useless, since you didn’t run any of it on R-6EW on up. So, it really should be relegated to an optional course on the bridge.
The class 7 course is only open to so auditors to learn to deliver power which was decimated by dianetic clears.
The class 8 course is similar since it’s two main topics A) standard tech is being delivered by any good grad V and B) ot 3 reviews are only done in the AO HGC – so isn’t applicable to the pro field auditor. So why learn it? That left co-auditing ot 4 – assuming you have a twin.
So what is the point of having those courses? Status. Bragging rights. It’s a wonder they’ve lasted as long as they have.
Group not part of church trial told June 3, 1992, Toronto Star
That sounds a lot like the “different and distinct” David Miscavige today, doesn’t it? 🙂
According to the fascinating and informative book “Guide to materials of Dianetics and Scientology”, published in 2009 by CSI, which lists every re-issued book, congress, clinical course and much more, starting on page 319, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course is due to be reissued in a new and improved format on CD. They were already working on the manuals and transcripts at the time. No date was announced however.
DLHDM plus auditor is greater than the pc’s bank account.
It is all just another scheme to get some ‘training’ money to ASHO. You might as well ask the faithful ‘who wants their eyes plucked out and be chained to a large rock where harpys will eat out your liver for all eternity. Not a lot of difference in that and a lifetime membership in the IAS.
OT8 is great has nailed the mindset of Niblet. He is the savior of clamatology. Just without the melted butter and hot sauce that make a real clambake.
Hi Zemooo, Thank you for this post.Love U Ann B.
Hi OTVIIIisGrrr8! What a great post! You have helped an ancient X SO mariner fill in the blanks about David Miscavige Action Chief.I do think I had a short comm letter reg cycle with him when & if he was @ the Delfean School.Probably spelled the name wrong, but did not care for him then & do not care for him @ all now.However I know he has $ to burn & thinks he is the be all & end all of the Universe & will fight dirty to keep all he has gotten no matter what.I would never turn my back to him.Ron your paranoid dreams of someone stealing your tech & changing it have been made manifest.But now that I no longer live in Ron’s SO World I say tough! Thank you for posting as you did.Best Ann B.
This is good, dm proclaiming himself as source will accelerate the demise of the cult. However, all he’s really doing is coming out of the closet if he publically does this. Since the early 80s he’s led the way in his own indiscriminate, sociopathic but legally defendable way. If there was ever anything you could ever rely on in this debacle is that sheeple need to be led and no one even came close to stopping him, the SO backed him up to the ying yang and protected him. The destroyed lives, broken dreams & financial ruin of countless devotees bear testament of the unworkability of the public entity known as the ‘church of scientology’ – it’s about as workable as Beta cassettes.
The only self-determinism associated with the RCS is leaving it, the remainder wallow in baa baa baa.
If there was ever anything workable about a publically available scientology it was never ever allowed for distribution. Church policy also collapses under any public scrutiny because of its non-workability, no matter how good it may appear on paper it fails miserably in application. The mere fact no one “made it go right” to remove dm bears witness to that. Geeses, it’s written all through church policy the actions of its leaders are suppressive but the sheeple just go baa baa baa. Even before dm the corruption concerning money/power was entrenched. It takes usually less than 2 minutes discussion with any registrar to know where the real priorities lie with scientology, money! The help button is pushed relentlessly and by the time you realise you’re been lied to, they have all your money or they throw you out for dissention. Of course there are those that can’t get enough of being deluded and there are endless posts on this site and others discussing such.
One day dm will get what’s due to him, I just really hope it’s federal prison.
I really think you should start photo shopping David Miscavige’s head on to well known LRH poses . . . and also his head on top of the popes shoulders with miter on. And under the crown in place of Monty Python’s god’s face in The Life of Brian http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/mercynotsacrifice/files/2014/10/god-monty-python.jpg …. on to Michelangelo’s, The Creation of Adam, in the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Of course Miscavige’ is god and LRH is Adam (that’s a twofer) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Creaci%C3%B3n_de_Ad%C3%A1n_(Miguel_%C3%81ngel).jpg
etc. , etc. etc.
http://finance.yahoo.com/video/irs-fraud-inside-job-202729887.html David Miscavige is next. As sure as I am posting this comment you are going to see him under indictment in 2015.
Dream on
Let’s be clear about DM’s agenda: he is out to destroy Scientology utterly. He changed LRH’s definition of an F/N. He changed the tech film that showed instant reads, he has made the tech vols and OEC vols unavailable, he turned LRH’s solution to help staff members become more effective into a way to squeeze more blood from the stones that remain in good standing, he destroyed what there was of management with The Hole, and now, finally, he has cleared his schedule to get around to the SHSBC. I imagine that all that will remain once he is through will be the vitally important, cannot audit without them R2-12/3DXX lectures. He will for sure delete the lectures on auditing comm cycle, study tech, problems intensives, O/W theory (especially LRH’s statement that it doesn’t really hurt anybody to withhold!), service fac theory, etc., etc., etc. He has fucked up everything (and everyone) he has touched. What are the odds he won’t make hash of this as well?
Wow, Routine 3D Criss-Cross. I haven’t heard that term in ages. That’s a good thing 🙂
And Dan, all it would have taken to stop him is just a few Scientologists (one even?) saying “NO” and you know what? ….. No one could do it. None of the people who had checked out on over and over again and done an M9 on Keeping Scientology Working apparently could even come close to applying it, no matter how many times they did the student hat or wrote up their OWs. What a pitiful group of people. It is sort of a flow zero embarassment to me that I was an important member of this group for over 35 years.
This should remind all of us that when you have made the decision to let others control your every opinion AND action, you are no longer an independant being in any way whatsoever. This IS the mechanism of a cult, as difficult as this might be for any of us to confront. Those of us who were high toned or able enough left this group. The dregs of low responsibility and low causation have stayed and continued to empower it by their complete and unquestioning obedience to the lunacy such we see on this current post.
Dan, even your posts about entheta are theta – pure reason.
Dan, all that is true. AND, if El Con’s tech had REALLY made the able more able, there would have people to stop him at Int. Where all those SUPER highly trained and processed beings were. Except, it was all a crock and a little “SP” midget took over from all those OT’s…
Before he assumed the special 80 proof-and-nicotine-enhanced meat body he uses this lifetime, the Big Being who is being David Miscavige created the lesser being LRH.
David Miscavige then had LRH mock up a series of seemingly unfathomable and unsolvable problems that only David Miscavige could solve.
Creating LRH allowed David Miscavige to have a big game called “fixing Ron’s mistakes.”
David Miscavige actually created Scientology by creating LRH and allowing LRH to create an overt product that David Miscavige would have to solve all against all odds, thus proving that David Miscavige is a bigger being than LRH could ever be. Example: Ron lost tax exemption in 1967 because he couldn’t keep his hand out of the cookie jar. It took David Miscavige to regain tax exemption in 1993 and declare, “The War is Over!”
Looked at from an exterior point of view, David Miscavige is the true Source, Founder, and Creator of Scientology.
In biblical terms, LRH was DM’s John the Baptist.
Mr. Hubbard was a voice in the Tech Wilderness who prepared the way for the Savior David Miscavige.
Mr. Hubbard baptized David in the Cine Unit at Gold and thereafter made him Action Chief. And what is an Action Chief except the center and locus of all power and action in this universe? Thus, COB is the cosmic and transcendent divine thetan who caustively manifested from the Theta universe in order to sell those Scientology goods and services he had personally edited, corrected, and reissued as the Golden Age of the Tech Phases I and II. Note: COB reserves the right to issue GAT Phases III-CXX at his sole discretion.
In his role as the Heaven-sent FSM to all of humanity, then, David Miscavige has fulfilled the ancient Buddhist prophecy which states that the reincarnated Buddha would come from Hemet wearing custom shoes and resplendent tuxedos and bow ties and be endlessly applauded and acclaimed by the IAS masses. So it was written and so it has come to pass.
Laughter! 2FF!
And the people were filled with joy, happy to relieve themselves of that nasty low toned habit of thinking.
Swaddled and comforted in the fine raiment of delusions, their boring uneventful lives were now filled to the brim with believing in things that don’t exist.
Hallelujah Hallelujah!!
And the leaders of Scientology called it good.
Yea, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of zombie reges , bodies in pawn and 4th Invaders we will fear no untruth, for untruth is our God.
Sounds about right OTVIIIisGrrr8!. Anyone who believes in Zenu could buy this crap too.
I don’t think I have read a better explanation
As usual, thanks for the update and very insightful analysis. Does Dave ever remove his cranium from his rectum to come up for air? Is the great leader at risk of going completely brain dead?
Brilliant 🙂
The snake sheds its skin and becomes anew.
Hi OSD,Love your posts today really made me laugh.To follow up on the starving dogs lapping it up as regards the spaceship,once we had lapped it all up back we would all go for more! Always Ann B.
Yep, Ann B, I will say this for the cult, they’ve got brainwashing down pat. I’m surprised North Korea doesn’t look into it.
You can fool some of the kool aid drinkers some of the… Heck, you can fool all of them all of the time.
True that, John. “Hey Clams! OT XI & OT X are just riiiiiiight around the corner!
(sounds of manacle cheering and clapping for hours on end…)
“Are you going to be one of the first 500?”
LOL! These violently insane crooks will be lucky to find 5 suckers dumb enough to fall for this fraud.
Firstly Mike, this was the funniest post I have ever read. I laughed til I cried.
Secondly, you really hit the nail on the head and summarized it all in a very neat package. If I had the time I would publish this post in a book, hardcover, make it the entire book, and call it, “The REAL scandal of Scientology”.
David Miscavige has WAY out created Paulette Cooper with the out P.R. flaps, and the ability to make a dollar off a Scientology Organization and the backs of the “volunteers”.
Forefront of the “out PR” is David Miscavige’s spending habits like a water faucet that can’t be turned off.
10K a week of member’s donations for a stalker for his Daddy?
5 Million for for a former movie star’s estate(Larry Hagman) in California? What? Was he a fan? For a Narconon when there are 20 some odd law suits against the name?
5 million for a piece of land for a Narconon and he bought it without checking zoning first?
If he were working for any other organization as an executive he would have been canned and even back sued for damages!
So true, Oracle, but you gotta remember that He did none of these things. These were all caused by others to land on His Plate. Even if they are all in the new hole, or old hole, shipped off somewhere or passed away, they are still causing him all this trouble. So he’ll just keep on doing what he’s doing. Charming, sweet, charismatic person.
David Miscavige appears to be testing the waters. This means he is aiming for scientology to exist in the future and is trying to find ways to pull it off. He’s trying to find out what sells. This puts a damper on the imminent bailing theory. Maybe bailing is a last resort and he’d much rather see if it’s possible to salvage his place in the history books by turning scientology around into a successful business again. I suppose you can’t fault a man for dreaming big. It’s safe to say he’s mighty desperate and it makes sense that a man whose world is collapsing around him, would want to keep himself busy as a bee with some kind of great project (in addition to keeping himself well-fueled, if you know what I mean).
The bell curve model that charts the declining market for commodities once highly desired like the hula hoop, shows scientology to be at that point where on a roller coaster you’re about to take that FAST and exciting plunge down down down. Too late to stop it and certainly too late to reverse it, scientology is now in the hands of at least two natural laws: gravity and karma. A rewritten Briefing Course is like David Miscavige presenting with fan fare and trumpets, a differently colored hula hoop to retailers who can’t even give the things away any more.
It’s probably common knowledge but the Tech Vols have been removed from the orgs. It’s hard for me to imagine being in a courseroom without the Tech Vols but whatever. I kept my old set for the purpose of posterity. Recently, I’ve had a couple of people tell me to not get rid of them, and if I ever decide to, to please let them know first. These are younger generation Scientologists who trained in the last 10 years and who had never bought a set of Tech Vols. They like the idea of an old set. A vacuum has been created by removing the source materials. Some decent money should be made by re-releasing them, even with the drop of membership. They will be forced onto the public that every Scientologist should have a set, like everything else is. The Tech Vols are expensive too. David L.H.D. Miscavige knows what he’s doing; it’s been working with the public for a very long time.
Ha ha D M…”We Stand Tall” sure wasn’t written for you.
Observant, you didn’t hear? Seriously? Where have you been, my friend? Under a rock?
Now that the midget has become “source,” The new is: We Stand Small!
Weeeee stand small
Not going back. It’s all just shit
Weeee stand small!
Like our leader does when he’s beating staff!
Hey la de da, hey la de we stand smaaaaaaaal
Hi Newcomer. No reply button with your post but I loved it!XO Ann B.
GATIII – The beatings will continue until morale improves.
And the scary thing, NOLAGirl, is, you’re absolutely right. He manages by fear, intimidation and beatings. He’d make a great middle east dictator. Saddam Houssin had nothing on DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE.
It’s too bad (for him) he doesn’t have Saddam around anymore. He might have had a place he could hide out when the inevitable happens. 😀
Might want to stay on the FleaBag after Maiden Garbage Dave, this year isn’t looking like it’s going to get any better for you.
One day soon all pre-Miscavige BC certs and VI internship certs will be collector items.
Put ’em on Ebay so some OSA bot can pay stupid amounts of money to get them out of
circulation. And don’t forget VIII certs the OSA boys will pay top dollar for those.
I’m not totally sarcastic here….there are indeed OSA bots paying large amounts of money
for “collectable” Scn material they want out of the hands of heretics.
I still think Miscavige would maximize his money if he required all BT’s be run on Quad Grades.
His redo of the BC might not sell as well as he thinks. He would be better off to declare the Basics as
the “New BC” add a few BC tapes and resell the a new package requiring all to redo the basics. He should
include the new $5000 meter as part of the “New BC” packaging. Then people will have done the “New BC”, and have a new meter to try to figure out how the two go together.
yes my 2D at the time threw out all my old Basic books and red vols that I had purchased without me knowing about it. She replaced them with the new set. I had some old Basic books still in drawers so I compared them and what a waste of time and money. Basically some were word for word but the Hubbard background and Mary sue references were all deleted in the back. I showed this to her and being the koolaid drinker as she is would not even listen to me. that was telling for sure:(
Hi Pete2’There was not a reply on your earlier post.Interesting what you wrote about your perspective on saluting Ron & the roped off office.I love reading the experiences on this blog they all come together to spell out what really goes on.In my case with The SO the Office was never roped off, I had to clean both Day’s & Fdn’s when I stood quarter master duty.What a mess I would make of phone calls on this gigantic PBX console circa 1950.Our CO would say if Ann is running the switch board I might as well send smoke signals.But Ron was still very much alive when I was in & the word was that he could “drop in” @ any time so the offices had to be pristine & perfect @ all times.Yes I did tons of saluting but then he was The Admiral & when one is a SO slave member, you do not think you make it go right & do!I had every book Ron ever wrote in the SO including all the red & green volumes but when you blow the SO best not to leave with a truck load of books because my dear beings of the GOI would literally have killed me sooner rather than later.Take Care.Ann B.
Actually they might be valuable as archiving references for religion and history students/researchers etc. I know my old copy of Dianetics proved valuable when I was discussing a point about Scientology with someone when (I think it was ) Tommy told a bald faced lie on CNN about COS and homosexuality. Newer books don’t seem to have it, but mine did 😀 — I’ve kept a lot of those books.
Too bad about all those wins, skills, and accomplishments the old SHSBC grads had. They don’t count now. You’re back to square one. Kind of alarming, isn’t it?
Well, Robin, it’s what dictators do. And that little shit for brains dwarf is definitely a dictator. And a coward too…
When I was on staff at the Honolulu Mission, we were told the Ron’s spaceship could hold 10,000 people. Did we eat that up? Like starving dogs…
Hi Robin, Totally agree with you.All the still ins will believe that Ron excuse me David Miscavige will come zipping back to Earth in the old very asbestos ridden space ship Tne Morgue gather all the True Believers up & off they will speed to his home planet! Space Opera Indeed.XO Ann B.
Hi Mike,And the worst thing is once upon a SO time I really really belived we would go with him life after life for 1 billion years.Frightening Ann.XO Always
Almost sounds like an acid trip I once had, Ann B.
Yes Robin, back to square one. It’s the recurring theme of ‘The Bridge To Total Freedom.’
David Miscavige slapped his PC on auditor internship, never finished.
The COB is not tech trained whatsoever.
So what will the the GAT class 6’s do besides punching the crap out public with brass knuckles for increased status money.
Killing the BC is another nail in the Scientology coffin.
Miscavige is desperate, he will try anything.
Since make believe is part of Scientology’s actual system of thinking, Miscavige has the upper hand.
Anyone who can believe that:
Their thoughts and feelings are space aliens
Psyches are from the planet Farsec etc……….
Will believe anything.
In Scientology make believe is accepted as truth. How many past life Christs, past life Mozarts, “I was with Ron in a past life” type people are created with Scientology?
The needle goes blip and the hypnotic command gets laid in. I was Jesus, I was Mozart etc.
This is the power DM has. He has willing victims willing to believe the most outrageous delusions.
L Ron Hubbard primed Scientologists to be susceptible to hypnotic commands of the most outrageous type.
When you can easily assume that Farsec, BTs, bodies in pawn, Venusian implant stations etc are gospel truth, it is not far fetched in the least for DM to claim anything he wants.
I knew and OT 3 that thought she was dating L Ron Hubbard in the body of another person.
I read recently about a Scientologist and her husband who claimed they blew up a space ship with their minds. This space ship was going to blow up Washington DC but they saved the day.
DM has Altitude Instruction per Ron’s writing of the same title.
Believing in delusion as reality is Scientology’s standard fare. The ground work for mindless susceptibility is laid in stone.
If you can believe your thoughts are space aliens you can believe in most anything.
No wonder criticism is seen as evil in Scientology. A thinking person with rationality still in tact is the devil to a true believer.
Yes, reason is destructive to make believe.
“The truth though fought, always in the end prevails” L Ron Hubbard
Very well said Brian. What makes L Ron so compelling is that you want to believe there is a system to achieve the wondrous abilities he blathers on about with such authority. It is only when you stand back and say “Ok where is the evidence for this? Who has achieved this – show them to me” that the lie becomes apparent. When I was “in” I used to think disdainfully of the critics who always pointed out that L ron started life as a fiction writer, now I realise that it was almost all fiction. A lot of what worked (some study tech) was probably not his work anyway – there are plenty of first hand accounts of how he took others ideas and said they were his.
Indeed Gimpy.
And isn’t it interesting that BTs get to be free from the body but the “OT” gets to stay stuck in it.
So Nots auditors are freeing countless beings who can now zip around the universe but the Nots auditor is cemented to his form.
If anyone disagrees with me, the test of exterior with full perception is a simple test.
There will be no one to take it. Because L Ron Hubbard has claimed “needing proof is an aberration.”
The scientific road to freedom disses proof:
Agree to this and get a cert for Mind Fuck 101
“And isn’t it interesting that BTs get to be free from the body but the ‘OT” get to stay stuck in it.”
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Damn, but I wish I had heard that line when I was in, Brian. But, of course, I didn’t. So go ahead and send me my cert for Mind Fuck 101. Send it along with a gallon of Kool-Ade while your at it.
Brilliant post!
Send me your address and I’ll send you your Mind Fuck cert. I’ll make one for myself as well.
I will work on a logo and try not to make it x rated.
Abilities gained as represented by Mind Fuck 101:
1) Blowing up evil space ships with your mind
2) able to be Mozart even though 150 people claim to be him
3) able to time date 1 gazillion years, 11.2765 months, 14.6804 days, 27.54 minutes and 2 seconds but forgot what you had for breakfast yesterday.
4) ability to force a stare and send nervous energy to others and call it ethics presence.
5) claiming to be Ron’s BFF in another life
6) claiming to own a body in pawn that really knows how to dance to Dub Step
Wow, Brian! When you talk about that way…Where do I sign up! Oh, wait. My bad. I remember now. I was a cult member…
Oh Brian! I want on too! But can we add…..able to disconnect from loving moms, dads, children and/or friends without hesitating and call it Integrity!
Charles and Ana Berner originally created Study Tech for Ron.
He stole it from them.
They stole it from others, though.
They went on to form their own cult.
BRAVO Brian, I’m very impressed by your word smith. Your the Newton of anti pseudo science.
He may be positioning himself to be source but does it mean what it once did? Perhaps to insiders, I suppose, but I don’t think the public ever reviled Scientology as much as they do today. Most of my friends think it’s a joke. They aren’t generally aware of the damage it does, but it has a much higher profile than in days gone by and it’s almost universally negative.
He will be known as the Source of the Smell. It’s an Ideal Stench of course, only to be found in proximity to all things Ideally $cientology.
I once heard that the Ideal Stench reminds one of rotting human flesh. I wonder what kind of Ideal Stench they have in the Hole (which does not exist)…
Mike aren’t you glad you no longer have to shovel this shit……the golden age of this, the phase 3 of that…..what a load.
At this point, how mant die hard Hubbard followers could there be? There can’t be.that people left who actually ever met him.
All DM has to do to keep up appearances is to show a certain amount of reverence (for now) to LRH…then he can do what he wants to the tech. Sure a few people may question things….they will be promptly declared and made examples…..question me and you are out!
I don’t see today’s current whales as big Hubbard men….they are all DM toadies…. DMT makes sure his whales get the correct amount of love and attention (in the shape of giant trophies) and all is well in the universe.
The real question should be. “Will you be one of the first 500 to ask why LRH is being marginalized and bastardized? ”
If the blow back is too great, DM can simply claim he was testing everyone…….were they really a ‘loyal officer’ to LRH?
This just makes me respect even more those who have blown, fled, escaped or just walked out the door.
I am curious what happens when a whale gets loose……like a Packer…..is it all hands on deck, major love bombing? Or are the ‘responsible’ (anyone within eyeshot) parties sent to the RPF?
” I am curious what happens when a whale gets loose …”
Dave sends out little boats with funny looking people in them with these little packs full of pictures. The harpoons are kept hidden until they close enough to threaten with a sec check.
The problem is, most of the boats have capsized …………………
Soon “people” will be completing the new briefing course in as little as three weeks.
Yea, Tiny Fists will take out most of the tapes and condense it into what is necessary to audit the Life Repair, The Grades and repair lists. That would be brilliant. 🙂
Yes, David “Answer up pc or I’ll bust your chops again!” Miscavige has managed to take out any compassion, understanding and judgement in the subject. And McCarren we really don’t need LR when we have Sec checks! And who needs grades! Just surrender your crimes or get another whacking! And if your auditor isn’t tuff enough we will bring in 3 or more to help you cough them up!
I have to wonder if the new Briefing Course will be part of GAT 3.
As usual, no release date. In the real world where I work for a living, there is no valid project or task that does not have a due date.
That’s because the cult don’t need no stinkin’ due dates! That’s wog shit…
Actually, this little DM move, I’m in favor of. From what I’m told, the Saint Hell Stupid Bullshit Course is loaded with irrelevancies, digressions, redundancies, and blind alleys. Get rid of those, and you can cut the course time by more than half, and still have virtually all of the meat on the bone. That would actually be the rational thing to do, and it’s long overdue. Of course, DM hates auditors, so expect the result to be an absolute nightmare. The question becomes why he’s even editing the SHSBC instead of letting it vanish into history like KTL/LOC. The way the Bridge is designed these days, Class VI through VIII auditors aren’t even necessary. Maybe someone with more inside knowledge than me can answer this.
I’m also in favor of any move that gets DM closer to being Source. First of all, it will alienate even more people. Second, if the cult survives long enough, DM’s successor can do the same, and if that person’s a reformer type, lead a revolution from above that would get rid of the abuses. Yeah, really wishful thinking, but it’s rare that I think a positive thing, so luxuriate in my positivity while it’s there.
Bask in it Espiando! I think it is time for David Miscavige of “Let him Die” fame to announce he has been channeling Hubbard for a while now. And that he actually is Hubbard. He took over the body of DM awhile back and DLHDM is now working on his Target Two. They are going to tag team!
I am sure the sheeple will believe it. They believe most everything these days that comes out of the mouth of DM or his Sea Ogre comrades.
A friend of mine recently said to me that he/she was pretty confident that David Miscavige is in communication with LRH and that Hubbard knows exactly what is happening in the church these days. He/she was 100% serious about that statement.
Well, Bela, I had a SO member tell me (seriously) that he thinks David Miscavige channels LRH. (I told him that was mixing practices.)
Hi Raindog, You are on the money today with your post.A tag team with those two what a scary concept! XO Ann B.
Ew, that’s a tough one Bela.
There are people who are at varying levels of delusion. I know a few who will dutifully do the “new” BC or the updates, if updates are still an option this time around. They won’t be thrilled about it but they will PR it, and it will be all about showing oneself being a Good Scientologist who’s ethics are in and hands are clean. Deluding self and creating delusion for others: status quo.
David Miscavige channeling LRH? No, I think it’s the other way round. On Target 2 there will be an HCOPL with the title Y.S.C.O.H.B.
Miscarriage should get rid of all those ugly LRH pictures, spot saluting him at events and get rid of those offices in ever org. When I joined scientology I would not even have known about LRH if these items were disposed of. I thought it was the stupidest thing to have an empty roped off office (creepy) and also stand up and salute a dead ugly guy every five minutes.
Your all WRONG! I, the great and holy Old Surfer Dude channels LRH! You see, there was a time he really wanted to chuck it all and become a surf bum. And who can blame him! We live the life. And to top it off I…..(Oh, hi sir! It’s not bad today. Up to 5 feet. Yeah, the water temp is high 60s. Of course I’ve still got your surfboard! What did think I would do with it? Throw it out??? Thank you, sir, that was indeed funny. Ok, I’ll be expecting you, fatso, ahhhhhhh, I mean SIR! Yeah, yeah, that’s what I meant.)
Personally, I luxuriate in your posts whether they are positive or negative. They are always honest.
Hope you are doing well. 🙂
wow just watched going clear props to you people who have left that cult feel bad for the people still in it that David Misshitface is a real piece of work Scientology is really a cult with a label of Church poor people are mislead by the anti-Christ David M. watch the movie people do research about what you are in and who you pray to Zeno or some weird name like that, some fake god get real also L Ron Hubbard was insane and it showed in his interviews I don’t see how so many weak minded people can believe in people like L Ron Hubbard or David MisShitface wow don’t be fooled or mislead think with your own mind you have the power its up too you people. watch Going Clear it will open you up to the fucked up world of Scientology and its Weird Science fiction based beliefs.
LHD hates auditors because he couldn’t be one, not after what happened at Saint Hill.
Like many other disturbed people, he hates anything and everything that he is not.
Effective Leader
Effective Spokesperson
I think you’re right, EClipse-Girl, and that all of these redos are David Miscavige running can’t-haves on auditors and anyone wanting to audit.
He knows he could never be one and so no-one else can either.
It must kill him inside; not because he really wants to audit or be audited, but because of the “status”, because of the way LRH constantly lauded, validated, praised auditors.
He knows the Founder would have held him in contempt for never getting back on his levels.
It must really eat away at him, poor schmuck.
The BC was often for those who wanted to be field auditors. But today how successful is that career path?
About as successful as a career in player piano repair.
1.) None. I’ve already done the Metering Course 3 times; through Class IV, twice; The Student Hat 3 times; The Briefing Course and the Class 6 Certainty Course. (2.) No; I’m sick of redoing courses. (3.) Through New OT VIII, including the L’s. (4.) No. I’ve already done it – twice. (5.) I was told that the Class 6 Certainty Course was what LRH intended and he was already dead. So, how is it that David Miscavige NOW has it down as to what LRH intended? (6.) Will you honor the Briefing Course I paid for back in the 70’s and paid for again in the Certainty Course? Do I have to pay for it again?
One last question:
Am I nuts?
Hi McCarran, No you are not nuts you are highly intelligent & so right to have gotten off the cos tread mill.More like take all the $ & grind you up mill.XO Ann B.
Perhaps you were but not anymore! Your new cert should read ………..
Yo Dave,
Safe to say you won’t be kicking this can down the road any more. Better try your own!
I prefer chocolate chip cookies (with nuts, of course).
Another Cert for MCarran:
Hi McCarran, I love chocolate chip cookies with nuts too. At least I can make the nuts disappear, not like in The SO days when I had to look at them listen to them & become one myself.XO Ann B.
McCaran, I have come across 6 OT 8 completions that now think it’s all bunk. What is your take as an OT 8 completion?
That’s where you find out you were, in fact, making it up.
McCarran, sounds suspiciously like the “Clear Cog”.
McCaran, what is the difference then between the Clear cog and OT8 cog besides bazillion dollars?
Has Total Cause Over all life been achieved?
No Mary, you are not crazy; you took your toys and left the playground. On that day you began to regain your sanity.
It’s amazing that the still ins and UTRs are willing to play this game. It is also very easy for someone who has never done the briefing course to cancel people’s certs, they have not put in the time and so it’s all meaningless to them. How does this untrained and unsuccessful man become the arbiter of the so called ‘standard tech’?
You can expect to see the ‘New BC Auditor Tech’ rolled out by Dave which he piloted in the UK as I recall:
PC not answering the unanswerable question ……………..auditor leaps over the table and beats the crap out of PC until morale improves! Tell PC if no F/N at examiner then expect more of the same!
Yo Dave,
Yo show em Big Fella!!!!!!!
Because he’s untrained and unsuccessful. Plus, incompetence is the very last to recognize it’s own deficient prowess. The Emperor is blind, deaf, and naked. But that’s okay, ‘cos in his mind, he’s dazzlingly BRILLIANT in his splendid and glorious stupidity!
True Dat Newcomer! I hear he’s been piloting it up at Int! The recipients have written raving success stories about it.
I think you are about as crazy as those people who still own a record collection because it sounds better than CDs. DLHDM is the official keeper and editor of “source”. SCN is being reshaped in his image. And of course he has an IQ of 210 and has read everybook in the universe. So he is qualified to change things. And his new GAT II conveniently extend the copyrights of Hubbards hybrid works as well.
Another question. Who was a better painter Rembrandt or Andy Worhal?
Just because something is revamped doesn’t make it better.
I think both painters were the men of their times, artistically, with different message and style of expression.
However, whatever DLHDM puts out is the same old message, with ‘con-artistic’ methods being the only points of difference…
My point regarding the artists had to do with DLHDMs attitude that if its revamped or modern it is better technically and with better results. IMHO let Andy try to duplicate Rembrandts work and let Rembrandt duplicate Andys work and see who creates a masterpiece and communicates more powerfully. I don’t think there is any contest.
Andy Worhaj was not a real painter ,, he was much more a printer ,,
You’re only nuts if you really think the C of S is going to honor the BC you paid for. And the tech and admin dictionaries will most likely never be released – the glossaries have taken their place. LRH’s bio will never be released as a biography tells the story of a man’s life and they don’t even want to acknowledge that Mary Sue existed, let alone previous wives. Instead they’ll just come out with more of the Ron series. It is beyond incredible that “still ins” especially old timers can accept the merging of ASHO & LA Org Day and Foundation and replacing LA Org staff with SO staff. Or that everything done in the “old days” was wrong. One of DM’s favorite phrases is “Make no mistake.” I didn’t. I left.
Hi Jenni, Thankyou for your great post.I used to write to Mary Sue when I wrote Ron on the SO1 line.What was done to her after Ron departed with breast cancer that she had is terrible.I cannot say if she always believed up to the end of her life & beyond but sharing the same disease with her I know what happened to her was not right.But that’s the cos way.When they are done with you into the trash you go! Take Care Ann B.
The Mad Scientist working selflessly in his laboratory, fixing all that is wrong with the universe.
My burning question has naught to do with the BC, DM, etc but
WHERE do you get your graphics from? Brilliant.
Oh, no!
That graphic makes it plain for the world to see: The End Is Nigh. As you can see, Old LRH was in truth a Dalek driven by a suspiciously creepy Miscavige-like octopoid.
Where’s the Doctor when you need him?
(cue Dr Who theme music)
Mike, your take on things is brilliant, not to mention the satire and humour. I get a lift every day from you blog!
On a serious note, this is all so unbelievable, words simply cannot describe it. The sheer audacicty, as you say, the chutzpah! And all this trouble for 30 to 40k still-ins, to keep the money rolling in.
I haven’t heard of any IAS events (fundraising events) in my area (South Africa) lately. Wonder why? Miscavige reeling from all the hits coming his way?
No further word about Idle Morgue fundraising either. I’m sure the koolaiders, as much as they are punch drunk, are relieved. There’re not too many whales left in SA, most have been declared!