The latest edition of Impact magazine has been mailed out. It is a recounting of the magnificent IAS evening aboard the Freewinds. Of course, it highlights “Mr. David Miscavige” though these days they don’t bother with identifying him in the 7 full page photoshopped pix featuring his new thin look.
The weight of the world seems to be resting upon his shoulders and it is showing.
This was a veritable shermanspeak orgy, and while I am not going to recount everything here, I am including his opening and closing statements for your reading pleasure (amazement?).
If you cannot read these, because I wanted to include the full spread, I have included at the end of the post the pages of text alone so you may revel in the full mesmerizing spectacle of the global obliteration/destruction/annihilation etc etc of psychiatry the english language.
Get a load of this woodchipped word salad:
… a Golden Age of Tech Phase II and the Bridge in place to mirror (mirror?) what LRH always intended, the center of our universe at Flag and a galaxy of Ideal Orgs radiating ever outward (they have not radiated “ever outward” since inception, same number just look nicer but reach less), a Continental Church for a grand empire (oh come on little Napoleon don’t you have ANY clue how un-pc you are?) of Australasia, and the worldwide pervasion (?) of LRH himself.
…the IAS as the last and irreducible element for salvaging a civilization. “Irreducible” element? Huh? There just has to be a modifier for every noun, even if it means nothing at all.
As such, and even if we are not particularly known in this or that capacity, it is somehow sensed that a subterranean groundswell is building as the engines of change revolve. Well, subterranean seems like a Freudian slip as nobody can see anything that they are reporting is happening. This whole sentence makes no sense at all.
Moreover, it’s the most non-discriminatory movement ever conceived, embracing everyone from cops and criminals, to presidents and paupers. Wow, there are a lot of less discriminatory movements I can think of. In fact they are VERY discriminatory. No “SPs”. No doubters. No media. no psychs. No “big pharma.” No FBI agents. No IRS. Though child molesters are welcome. The catholic church has less exclusions than scientology. And Facebook as a movement has them beaten hands down.
While even more than that, it cracks every form of suppression in the book because that’s the only way the light gets in. If anyone can understand this sentence, please let me know. “Because”? WTF?
Following the grand opening mangling of the english language, there are then little pieces about how the IAS (though it’s never really clear what the IAS does) is:
– ending electroshock in Italy (again),
– repelling the psycho-pharma vultures in Texas,
– bringing psychiatry back under the law in New Zealand (at least they spelled it right),
– “uplifting” Detroit,
– bringing the Dominican Republic back from the “moral abyss”,
– restoring peace in Plettenberg Bay South Africa (a well know vacation hot spot of crime),
– steering a generation of Israelis towards a drug free future,
– putting an end to drug trafficking in Mexico,
– delivering a nationwide “wake up call” to Japan about the dangers of drugs,
– ending inequality and the caste system in Nepal,
– changing the hearts and minds of Italian youth (?), and
– rescuing the Colombian Army from shame (really?).
I just read the headlines as I couldn’t keep my eyes open to read the shermanspeak drivel. I am sure there are many more doozies, introduced with a plethora of givens, needless to says, lests, as suches and moreovers, claiming massive global impact that nobody sees anywhere — even though you can find reports of every traffic accident in Bulgaria and PTA meeting in Brisbane if you search on the internet….
And to bring the evening’s celebration to a close, some final words of wisdom from Dear Leader — who interestingly is identified as “Chairman of the Board RTC” for the key fundraising pitch. Yhis used to be a no-no as he wants to avoid liability for IAS fundraising, so it was always just “Mr. David Miscavige (international man of mystery). It is especially surprising as this is the most forthright plea for money I have ever heard him utter. Usually he talks in terms of “your support of the IAS means x, y and z” — now he is talking about “meaningful contributions” and “a significant donation to the IAS.” Desperate times call for desperate measures when you are “involved in all mankind.” Though I do wonder if the tide of false materialism engulfing “whole populations” is a sly reference to his own ideal org program. Sort of like hidden messages embedded in video games or something. Miscavige preaching about “false materialism” is sort of like the pedophile priest preaching about love for children.
The cartoon says it all.
Spin, spin and more spin.
Large print versions for the visually challenged (like me):
To answer your question re DM at St. Hill: I came across it in my research, don’t exactly know where from at this point. It must have been around the time he got trained as an auditor at St. Hill. Supposedly his auditor was Mariann Frank, who was still there in 75 but has passed away since.
Mike, As the Grammar Nazi I wish you would just go and knock on Sherman’s door and do what the Soup Nazi on Seinfield would do. Tell Sherman: “NO MORE GRAMMAR FOR YOU!” And no more “shermanspeak orgies.” Expel him from the word of grammar.
Sorry, I should have typed “world of grammar”. (Expel me please from the world of spelling).
The “worldwide pervasion of L. Ron Hubbard”? Time magazine included this warning in its 1991 article on “The Thriving Cult of Greed”:
“The group, which boasts 700 centers in 65 countries, threatens to become more insidious and pervasive than ever.”
Twenty-three years later, it’s pretty clear that only the church’s lawyers are thriving and, regardless of Miscavige’s wishful thinking and inside joke, there is no Hubbard pervasion in any city, county, state, country or planet.
I know from personal experience that lyers and cheaters and criminals are accepted within the church. They are even in good standing.
“While even more than that, it cracks every form of suppression in the book because that’s the only way the light gets in.” If anyone can understand this sentence, please let me know. “Because”? WTF?
My take-
It cracks down on the worst form of suppression in the book: unrestricted, unregulated free thought, because that IS the only way the light gets in.
I think many here will attest to that.
That’s satirical, btw. The IAS (IE. dickwad davie) can’t have the horribly suppressive act of free thought occurring on his watch, because OMFG people will start seeing the light.
Is it just me, or is the second photo of DM ( where he has that thousand-yard glassy-eyed stare in his eyes) make him look like a ventriloquist puppet?
Maybe it is the pencil neck that helps the effect that his head looks wobbly, but he DOES look gaunt and puppet-like….
Hmmm, could it be that DM’s handlers substituted an android for the real one to speak and gesture at the podium?
“We’ve replaced the Real David Miscavige with Folgers Crystals David Miscavige, let’s see if anyone notices the difference……….”
“While even more than that, it cracks every form of suppression in the book because that’s the only way the light gets in. ”
This is easy. He is referring to the oiliness table. Hey: “His Oiliness!” Kind of has a nice ring to it.
Dear Mike:
– putting an end to drug trafficking in Mexico,
How? Was the IAS responsible for Chapo Guzman arrest? With no shots whatsoever? Maybe by Tone 40 on the Mexican Marine squad? Then, DM is ending drug trafficking in Mexico, BUT why HIS OILINNESS doesn´t try to terminate drug distribution in the United States?
That would be a star high accomplisment!
Distribution of the Truth About Drugs booklets of course. Once those cartels sit down and learn about the dangers of marijuana they just drop the whole thing. I understand some of them have opened cupcake businesses.
Misblabage is a fucking whack job. If the remaining apostles don’t wake up to this hyperbole they never will.
There seems to be more than a grain a truth in this diagnosis (“fucking whack job”) of the person in question. LOL! Great choice of words – keep it coming!
NAA, The reason David Miscavige looks gaunt and pallid is because his
toilet seat is not Mink Lined !!! Upgrade your IAS Status Now,Now, Now.
Thank you for some good laughs, Mike.
“it is somehow sensed that a subterranean groundswell is building as the engines of change revolve.”
Ah now…that explains the earthquake we had in Joburg a couple of weeks back!
But seriously, Davie is not looking good. He looks gaunt and ill and as I have always considered him a vain person, I can’t believe this is a look he would choose for himself. Wonder if his many evil deeds have finally caught up with him….
Ya think?
Dorian Grey? Well, the closet door is well and truly opened and the actual portrait revealed publicly. And so it is. 🙂
>Also, I agree, Dave does not look good. What’s the haps? You think the Rathbun case is getting to him, or maybe it’s the Garcia case? How about the Narcanon suit(s); now that’s a doozy.
Could it be his smoking habit yielding the common outcome thereof – cancer?
Surely Dave understands that the Narconon situation is unlike anything since Hubbard’s death with the possible exception of Lisa McPherson. The latter was a single point. In five minutes I can point to 33 active lawsuits directed at Narconon and two others where Narconon is central to the litigation. Everyone who is enrolled at Narconon for now on is either a future staff member or a future plaintiff. The pool of potential plaintiffs still inside statutes of limitations must be in the hundreds. Several law firms already have the launch codes.
Looks like Narcogone.
Yep, the litigation against Narconon is pretty “pervasive.” There are at least thirty-three active lawsuits, plus a class action lawsuit on appeal, plus an ongoing grand jury investigation and probable investigatory national task force composed of federal and state law enforcement agencies. Every one of these cases and investigations is trying to follow the money. Many of the court pleadings document a pervasive trail of evidence leading back to the church, and its pervasive leader.
I choked so hard with a coughing spell on the “NON-DISCRIMATORY MOVEMENT” -quick, I need something
strong to counteract!
Once I recover (I hope) I will ask for an email or phone number so I can get in touch with those wonderful
people in that movement…..
“A meaningful IAS contribution … factually impacts thousands of generations to come” Uhm ….. FACTUALLY ….. it is a freaking FACT! What … the … FUCK????? (and these folks do something they laughingly describe as WORD clearing? Oh yeah)
Thank you for the large print!
Scientology, where child molesters are always welcome.
Don’t think I can give to IAS, as I hear it is davy’s piggy bank. He should hit up his bbf Tom Cruise.
I don’t know what to think of miscaviges word salad…
It’s all just window dressing.
Mike, and all the posters above, you need to take responsibility for making me laugh so hard that the tears are rolling down my face. Good thing I have my own office, I’d have some explaining to do otherwise. Dave always said he was a big bean (or was that being?) but beans that can cause flatulence big enough to explode the basement tunnels and power the Freewinds are in a class of bean all by themselves. Thank Goodness!
Once there were real scriptwriters involved with the events, rumour has it that Diana Hubbard and Steve Hall were once involved, but the turgid prose you quote above can only flow mellifluously from the pen of one superannuated wordsmith I know, and that is the incomparable Danny Sherman. Remember, he was supposed to do the LRH Biography For Real after all that kerfuffle from those SPs who found out some actual data about Ron’s life. Shermanspeak is all Dave has left to say. May he say it well and loudly as the ship slips into the deep for good.
OMG! “A tide of false materialism is engulfing whole populations.” Are you fucking kidding me Dave, with your $5000.00 shoes and lavish, extravagant, wasteful, greedy, out exchange lifestyle? He is the poster child for false materialism because he didn’t earn any of it. His lives on the generosity of LRH’s products, which he’s systematically destroyed, on criminal extortion of the last few people who think they can possibly make case gain and on the backs of decent staff living under duress. Your environmental foot print sucks Dave, your awareness is in the toilet and karma’s a bitch.
His suffering will be legendary, even in Hell.
Good quote, Cenobyte!!
The way Miscavige uses Shermanspeak is very interesting. It isn’t really directed to those he’s speaking to. It’s more of a “how can I put together these words so that they sound really clever”. When you hear good speakers, you actually feel like they’re talking TO you. Miscavige blocks this with his wall of “clever” words. Rather than an outflow to the crowd, it’s more of an inflow that just keeps piling up on himself. Very boring and insincere.
Agreed Overrun. I never felt he was talking to me, just a bad actor reciting platitudes to an imaginary audience. Sad.
Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. Anthem by Lenard Cohen Not an original thought. And also Scientology doesn’t even embrace the paupers they make.:)
I have to admire the moxie to blast evil materialism and beg for moar money all in the same breathless paragraph. And what the heck is “false materialism” anyway? (donning rusty sci translator helmet). Okay, I think I broke the code. It means any ime anyone tries to rob you of your last home, car and dime it’s a bad thing (false materialism), but every time Dave robs you of your last home, car and dime it’s a good thing (true materialism, a/k/a IAS).
Also, I’m not seeing the thin man in these pictures. I’m seeing gaunt. Makeup crew tried to make him look pretty but the result is “pretty gaunt”. Not a healthy look.
You see, thdne, the materialism Dave seeks is True Materialism. The Ideal Orgs and all of the luxuries Dave lives with are True Materialism.
What wogs work for in their lives (house, furniture, cars, baby clothes) are False Materialism.
IAS will handle that.
Also, I agree, Dave does not look good. What’s the haps? You think the Rathbun case is getting to him, or maybe it’s the Garcia case? How about the Narcanon suit(s); now that’s a doozy.
Or maybe he’s finally getting wind about the thousands of people that hate him and are postulating his downfall. I bet he’s wondering if postulates actually work.
They do.
Naa. There’s an Aircraft Carrier for sale on E Bay.
That will be the next Home of technical perfection for David Miscavige.
Amen to that!
Hey! Did you all just feel that subterranean groundswell just now? Oh nevermind, I just farted
I’m so happy I didn’t get this copy of Impact, with all the guilt that used to go through me when I didn’t want to read it … even back in the ’80s. Being free from the obligation to “adhere” is so refreshing. Thanks for posting this lovely reminder of how free I really am.
Plus it makes really bad toilet paper. The glossy surface just doesn’t do the job.
creates a “subterranean groundswell.”
Creates subcutaneous ass swell.
Yeah, can’t even feed it to the worms, too glossy….
Makes a big impact when a ton of them are dropped in a dumpster from 500 feet.
I remember going to the toilet at FOLO years ago (as one does – remember going to the toilet at FOLO as it was always an “experience”) and being faced with the next piece of toilet paper (which wasn’t toilet paper of course but a cut up magazine) and which had a picture of LRH on it and I thought – “can’t do this” (so I found one with GO staff on it – LOL!) No, but my point is is that “faced” with the same problem today I would have no hesitation in “following through” with a picture of the chief salesman of the IAS or maybe better still a picture of the “adoring” crowd of lemmings clapping for 15 minutes. How times change! But I don’t want to use toilet humor here!
Mike – you truly are my hero.
I am an average guy living in Pittsburgh that has become engulfed with the Scientology saga. I find it interesting that your insight into the “true meanings” of the Napoleon complexed twerp have not fully taken the organization completely down. Will this insane dictator continue to operate because of the lack of outside information being suppressed to it’s core believers? What are Dave’s goals? Does he really believe in Scientology or just loves to be “out front” – enjoys being able to control thousands with whatever his will is for that moment ?
Thank you Michael.
This is a very complicated question that would require a lot more time and space than I have available to respond right now.
Simply put, it is my belief that Miscavige is a sociopath who has maneuvered himself into an ideal position to satisfy his sociopathic urges. He can control people at his whim, as only a cult/religious leader can. He thrives in the adulation. He lives very well, but this is not his motivation — he is driven by power and being able to control others.
Does he really believe in scientology is open to a lot of conjecture. But it doesnt really matter whether he does or he doesnt — it is a necessary element of maintaining power that he tell the world he does. More fervently than anyone else, anywhere, ever. It is what gives him credibility with the clubbed seals who revere him as the second coming of L. Ron Hubbard.
It is my personal opinion that he “believes,” especially those elements of scientology that make you superior to all “wogs” (and there are quite a lot of them). But I also think he is smart enough to recognize how much contradiction there is in scientology and that not everything is as perfect as it is pretended. But as I said, it doesnt matter. He HAS to “be” a fervent believer to keep his power.
Well put Mr. Rinder.
Well said Mike. I believe that is the weird combination of things in play. +1
Mike — I concur. The question then goes deeper … “how did he become a sociopath?” but we could actually say — who cares? He is.
True enough. Neuroscientist might say that because of his early childhood AND his severe asthma … he has become hard-wired into a narcissistic sociopathic personality. True PTSD.
Former lives? Was he a whole track SP? Who the hell REALLY knows.
Certainly I no longer do. The black – white certainty of old is gone, forever more — I really hope.
BUT I will say that — you are doing a great job Mike at continuing to keep a focus on the existing religion and church structure of scientology. Which will hopefully keep MOST newly inquiring minds far far far away.
The question I always ask myself is — although I did have gains, although it did help me from a very destructive path in my mid 20’s — would I recommend someone GO INTO a church of scientology. NEVER.
Would I recommend they get counseling from an independent. Not likely. And so it goes.
(PS — I didn’t stay away long — it’s too crazy anywhere else — this is, at least, crazy amongst friends 🙂 — unless you have experienced scientology in any form – Sea Org, etc., other people “in the world” no matter how kind or wise haven’t a CLUE what we are “up against” – in de-contructing our thought patterns. IMHO
DM’s first auditor at St. Hill found him “unauditable” when DM was 16. The auditing was stopped for him “to grow up”. That gives a clue as to him being a real 2 1/2 percenter, sociopath, psychopath, take your pick.
GReta, where does that data come from? He was not at St Hill when he was 16?
Greta (and Mike): I read that he raged at a Class 12 who attempted to audit him and got her busted and assigned to the Decks or whatever. About 97.5% of people would be very pleased to receive auditing from a Class 12.
I wish these stories contained specifics. BTW, some of the nicest people I know are Class XII’s. Some of the most idiotic, big-headed, incompetents I have known were Class XII’s. Same with OT VIII’s. Same with Grade O’s. The status conferred in scientology doesn’t equate to competence or being a “cut above” the rest. I tend to prickle at the very concept of “He is a Class VIII…. She is on NOTs…. They are Patrons….” as an automatic bestowing of competence/goodness. JUst my note, I am no defender of Miscavige.
When I first read it I thought it said “The Final Component for Global Sewage”
That would explain the “subterranean groundswell”.
We need a good sewer system the get rid of the crap he puts out. And I am not talking about the sewage that the Freewinds puts out which they can just dump on the islands, along with all the asbestos. What he needs is Federal Prison.
Nah, they won’t have him. The thought is that he’d set a bad example for the rest of the inmates.
“What he needs is Federal Prison.” Yea, in Turkey.
The perfect Thanksgiving!
“Subterranean groundswell” usually connects to earth tremors and earth quakes. Some of that in a
literary sense would be awesome for the Co$, the IAS and dear leader.
Hey Dave,
Have you gone vegan, to remedy your heartbreak over Shelly?
“As such, and even if we are not particularly known in this or that capacity, it is somehow sensed that a subterranean groundswell is building as the engines of change revolve.”
Seems like he is acknowledging that there is never any good press. It has possibly gotten back to him that
parishioners bring up that point to OSA, like I remember myself saying to Kathy True and M. Powell a few years ago. I did point out to them that all these great works are not known outside of SCN.
Seems like that paragraph is directed to that. Pretty obtuse though. It is “somehow sensed…” Not sure how and by whom.
At least he is aware that “we are not particularly known…”
My favorite is “a Noah’s ark, and carries the whole planet.” Seriously?
Inadvertently implying IAS is like an ant, carrying some big boulder!
Archie Bunkerism meets put-on big wordism.
Mike, Just curious. Does Miscavige understand the words coming out of his mouth? 🙂
Yes, he is very literate. BUT, he also knows his audience don’t listen carefully and “know” what he means (everything is great, we are expanding like never before and we are saving this sector of the universe) regardless of what he says.
But I must say, he seems to have become enamored with this style that Sherman pushes. The sort of pseudo-intellectual polar opposite of “plainspoken” or “straightforward” — not sure what the best word to describe it is. It’s like he is writing magazine articles for a highbrow intellectual magazine, but is too stupid to realize he is too stupid to be pretending to know how to do it.
Mike, “irreducible element” is an element that can’t be reduced. Eventually you get another big bang universe, which destroys any other universe that exists. So Miscavige is trying to tell one and all who will listen how the IAS will salvage a civilization. Get it?
However, “subterranean groundswell?” Someone tell me what that means. Sounds way underground or maybe in the bowels of something.
Love your “too stupid to realize he is too stupid.” Well said.
This might help him return to plainspeak.
not sure what the best word to describe it is
Plain and simple ….. Bullshit!
I am continually amazed at the continual blasting of the Dwarfs Big League Sales pitch on how “WE ARE THE IAS”!
It makes me want to stick my finger …, my whole hand. down my throat. He should just come out and say what he really wants, “I WANT YOU ALL TO FILL MY POCKETS WITH WHEEL BARROW SIZE CONTRIBUTIONS TO MY PERSONAL SLUSH FUND!”
Call a spade a spade.
That’s just not Davey’s way.
Yes, you need a lot of stomach to swallow the blurted and altered words of a liar; while reading some of it, it reminded me of some mexican politicians that talk a looooooot and, practically, say nothing.
I wonder how the audience at the Freewinds managed to stay awake during this massive spurt of lies.
Their kool-aid was spiked with uppers.
They were downers!
Speaking sideways.
Wow!! “Their kool-aid was spiked with uppers”? That mix could get really out of hand. Ot in a second?
More like AZ – Animated Zombie.
Dave could learn from the French for a change. They’re masters at beating around the bush. Talking up a storm without saying anything and definitely NOT answering any questions one might have asked.
Greatest language to bullshit, impossible to read when applied to science.
Yo Dave, get a new twist from another ghost writer for a change. Maybe one of those many, many veteran members of the French Resistance!
“While even more than that, it cracks every form of suppression in the book because that’s the only way the light gets in.”
Yo Dave,
Well if it is that frickin good why don’t you use it on your own bitter defrocked apostates for christs sake. Get a product you loser! Yep, I’m still here waiting for some more of your light to get in along with an ever increasing number of Ex Cult members who have also BTW …………..SEEN THE LIGHT. No, not your frickin light … (it is way to dim and getting dimmer) ….. THE fricken LIGHT. You will know it when you see it good buddy.
To all you dim and dimmer kool aid consumers ……..WAKE THE FUCK UP! Come on out from under your rock and check out the light of day!
CJK – I love it when you write these love notes to DM and OSA. You crack me up every friggin time.
You and OSD give me a daily dose of giggles I hope to get invited to his beach party shindig so I can meet you all. (YO Dave that shindig is soon, it’s to celebrate your DEMISE).
“a Golden Age of Tech Phase II and the Bridge in place to mirror (mirror?) what LRH always intended,”
Mirror: verb trans. To reflect in the manner of a mirror, BACKWARDS. (my emphases)
Word has it that McDonald’s will be coming out with a new Chicken McSavage in the spring. Apparently it’s super spicy and requires extra large drinks to counteract the resultant heat attacks. According to spokesperson Amy Mendelssohn, ‘It’s our nod to a certain cult that our customers enjoy poking fun at, and should additionally boost our soft drink sales.”
COB spins to the rescue!
pervasion er spination
The Vacation Hot Spot of CRIME is
between David Miscaviges EARS
can the IAS do something about that ?
‘One inherits tomorrow what he died out of yesterday’ ?!?
Easy to see where the language-mangle tech originated!!! Fuck me that’s a horrendous sentence!! Another attempt at ‘wisdom’ from LRH ending up more like a Homer Simpson d’oh headslap!!
Ok, Mike. I will take a stab at this while I’m waiting for my laundry to finish the spin cycle.
DM says: “While even more than that, it cracks every form of suppression in the book because that’s the only way the light gets in.”
“While even more than that” ….the word “that” meaning the fact that the IAS is non-discriminatory movement.
“it cracks every form of suppression…” …… the word “it” meaning the IAS (the bank account disguised as a non-discriminatory movement)
“that’s the only way the light gets in” ….. the word “that’s” meaning the action of cracking every form of suppression…… the only way the light gets in.
This implies the light getting in to the cracks will make the suppression go away or be reduced, I guess.
So to reword the sentence:
While even more important than the fact that the IAS is a non discriminatory movement, the IAS shines the light on every form of suppression by putting cracks into the forms of suppression and therefore exposing it to light………which makes the suppression go away.
How the IAS, which as I said before, is just a bank account, shines lights through cracks is not clear.
I think this is more like woodchipped word VOMIT !
How’d I do? That was painful to dissect. Back to laundry now.
P.S. DM looks like an old dried up mannequin. Almost human.
Well, my hearty congratulations and thanks for your brilliance. You madam are a far smarter person than me. Our own Miscavige/Sherman Rosetta Stone 🙂
Thanks for that !
OR … Sherman has been listening to a LOT of Leonard Cohen … the Anthem to be exact wherein Leonard says “there’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
This particular line has been picked up by MOST “new age” thought …
Just a crack will allow the light to flood into the darkness. OR a little candle in pitch blackness on the flat plains, can be seen 10 miles.
Etc. And blah blah blah.
I like Steph’s analysis of:
“While even more than that, it cracks every form of suppression in the book because that’s the only way the light gets in.”
DM could have reworded it as simply as:
“That cracks suppression by letting the light in.”
(Delete the bloated “while even more than that.” Delete the generalization of “every form of.” Delete the wordy “in the book” as it is not necessary. Reword the “because” clause because it is unclear due to “that” not having a clear referent.)
A good thing about DM’s version is that it avoids Latinate words (which tend to be longer and slow down understanding). The only Latin-based word I see right off is “suppression.”
If he went more Latin/Greek and less Germanic he might have gotten:
“Superseding those considerations, the approach demolishes the entire panoply of suppressive activities described in the literature since, predictably, that’s the unique way illumination acquires entrance.” (DM’s version wouldn’t pass in an English class, but I guess he could have done worse!)
Oh, I love it ! I love the English language and your analysis is awesome.
Looking more and more like a Thunderbird puppet to me. Or perhaps Chucky.
.. further .. because we are involved in all Mankind .. I am not involved, no one around me is involved, but he and the whole IAS members are involved .. what knows DM about Noah .. the original story of Noah is quite a while ago .. ad it is written as a help of god ..
Dave was referring to Noah Cross from the movie Chinatown. Everyone needs a good role model.
Do they say anything about Narconon.
No, Narconon is a no-no nowadays. Steered a wide berth around ANY mention, it’s all about the “Truth About Drugs” on the “drug front.”
But then again, who wants to hear that “it is YOUR support of the IAS that makes it possible for Narconon to be repeatedly sued, killing its clients, defrauding insurance companies and falsely representing its credentials….
Yep, doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Mike — so true and yet unsettling. In a way, for me at least, the Narconon loop has been closed. I started my staff career at Narconon US in 1973. It was actually a great place to work. Its nascent purpose drew in people from all walks of life – desperate people who needed help. No pretense, no great facilities – hell, it took great effort to keep the plumbing working. but we got results. People’s lives were turned around. The staff got thanked – not mugged for ripping clients off, like they are getting today.
Two years ago I spoke on the phone with one of the local LA heads of Narconon – Larry Trahant – who was talking with me about working there as the Dir Reg. He spoke of six figure annual incomes ($100,000 to $200,000) being made by the regges. He was haughty, arrogant and made it clear at the end of the conversation that Narconon didn’t need me, I needed Narconon. For a guy whose first Narconon paycheck was 50 cents, I couldn’t understand how any staff member anywhere in the SCN universe could make six figures. Now I know how.
Ripping off insurance companies — well it’s good to know that the Church remains au courant with the mores of certain sectors of our economy. 🙂 Good on you DM.
Thanks Mike
There was a time.
Mike, what are you a sadist, expecting me to read this drivel? Golly and gee whiz!
A wise old man once enunciated the following statement that perfectly describes the slaughtered speech impediments of Mr. David McSabotage. “The paucity of your words is only exceeded by the flatulence of its content.”
Or: the liquidity of his shit is only exceeded by its persistent and unrelenting stench, heretofore a mere theoretical odiriferous assault that gurgled and rumbled a message of nascent violence in the nether regions of his lower intestinal tract before its unmitigated funk, evil, and sadistic pulchritude was spewed on the slavering, slaving, masochistic horde, which ecstatically bathed in the foul stream exploding out of his mouth, er, ass…when not eagerly lapping it up and/or finger-painting with it, between gulps of kool-aid….There, ta da! Do I get the speech-writing gig for Slappy now?
“As such, and even if we are not particularly known in this or that capacity, it is somehow sensed that a subterranean groundswell is building as the engines of change revolve.”
The picture I got here is that the rice and beans fed to the RPFers in the bilge has finally reached the make-break point such that the volume of methane emitted is sufficient to turn the Freewinds engines. A groundswell of monumental proportions.
When the big beings in the SO make it to the RPF, you get big beans. And yes, it’s an absolute gas.
“such that the volume of methane emitted is sufficient to turn the Freewinds engines.”
LOL! …..and His mouth.
That’s pretty funny, LDW!
It will be most interesting when the RPF’s RPF tunnels under LRH Way explode. Rats and black boiler suits and old moldy documents everywhere!
Way too funny LDW
I am still laughing and finding it hard to type..
I believe the “meaningful contributions” and “significant donation” bits started some years ago. Code for “You better give us a lot”.
I heard it from an MAA in 2009.
And hand over your kids to the Sea Org…