A lot of scientologists remember Guillaume Lesevre, though the COB has done his best to ensure he is forgotten.
Guillaume is the “Executive Director International” or ED Int. This is the position L. Ron Hubbard specifically created to “wear my hat” running scientology. In fact, Hubbard did an analysis of his inability to “turn over his hat” and wrote a policy about it which created this position.
Guillaume has been the “ED Int” since the early 80’s. I had the job of filling this position on direct orders of Hubbard and scoured the globe for the best executive — Guillaume had successfully run and expanded scientology in Europe for years.
He became one of the people I was closest to in my time in the Sea Org. He has two beautiful daughters who were at the Int children’s ranch with my children. He abandoned them many years ago. They were shipped off to Italy and grew up with their grandparents. Guillaume doesn’t even k now his two adorable grandchildren, and when one of daughters traveled to LA from Italy to meet him, he was chaperoned and forced to show her Miscavige event videos to “prove” how well things were going in scientology.
Now Guillaume has been abandoned. He was one of the early denizens of The Hole — he and I were perpetually in trouble and we were continuously on Miscavige’s shit-list. We were two of the first people assigned to The Hole before it even had a name.
But even while in The Hole, Miscavige would resurrect Guillaume to put on a tuxedo and appear at International events. For many years he was brought out to present the annual “birthday game awards” on March 13 as Miscavige considered it was beneath him to present awards to Org and Mission ED’s. (He prefers to have the whales kiss his ring, not lowly staff). But a few years ago, even that limited public role ceased and Guillaume he has not been seen in public since.
Funny, when he (and often me, Heber Jentzsch and Marc Yager) would be taken out of The Hole to do “Int Events” we would be escorted ON THE PLANE by Security Guards to ensure we didn’t “escape.” After all, we had all been declared Suppressive Persons, so could not possibly be trusted. Other than to go on stage in front of all scientologists in the world to brief them on the current party lines.
Guillaume, due to his popularity and recognition as a public figure in scientology was seen by Miscavige as a threat to his position. Thus, he was removed from the public eye. So too Heber Jentzsch and anyone else Miscavige thought a threat: Marc Yager, Norman Starkey, Ray Mithoff, Mark Ingber and even Janet Light (former head of IAS) and Russ Bellin (former head of CST). His wife Shelly fell into the same category.
They are all vanished. Nobody has taken their place. There is no new ED Int. No new President CSI. No new Senior C/S International. No new Watchdog Committee Chairman or CO CMO International.
Guillaume has now been “disappeared” so much that they no longer even maintain the pretense of him responding to “SO #1” letters (ED Int was also supposed to take over the “You Can Always Write to Ron” line and Hubbard encouraged ALL staff to write to ED Int and his “International Executives” in LRH ED 339R). Those International Executives have long since ceased to exist, as have the Watchdog Committee, though these two bodies were specifically created by Hubbard to “run scientology.”
Miscavige is all that remains to “run scientology” and he is doing a fine job of running it into the ground. His singular contribution has been the brilliant “ideal orgs” strategy which has resulted only in a soaring statistic of square feet of empty overpriced real estate.
What prompted this post was seeing the letter below…
Wonder why scientologists aren’t curious about where all the executives of scientology went?
They probably are — but they are simply afraid to ask. Nobody has the fucking rank to ask about things like this in scientology. It is just not done. Unless you want to be paying for the pleasure of being sec checked.
Just listening to Amy’s interview with Gary “Jackson” Morehead, they are talking about Marc Yager. So cruel! I am here because I wanted to see what Marc looked like and found this blog post. I understand Marc blew and has disappeared, has a SP person ever found him to see if he is alright?
No, he is not alright. He, along with many others are prisoners in the scientology world.
At the end of that video I figured it out in what they, Amy and Jackson, were saying. So very sad, I worry about him. Thank you for the reply.
Having well known Guillaume when I was Dir if Comm in 1978-79 Folo EU, I kept a very good memory of him and the Execs of that time.
I was checking his in-basket every day exchanging a knowing look and a half smile.
In 1980 Boots clatter in the corridors drove me out of the Sea Org.
I then went up the bridge to OT3 as public.
Finally I left the CoS and found some of the 1978 Folo EU’s staff in Bill Robertson Ron’s Org Grenchen, Switzerland in 2012. As well as a way out and up!
Bill Robertson was probably the first to take responsibility for the situation. And the Tech works
Hi Guys and Girls,
I read this blog and posts, and it occured to me that you are doing exactly what D.Misc. wants you to do: destroy the real scientology. You are just playing his game. What happens in the church and with these missing execs is very sad. But it’s no reason to unmock the subject of scientology which is not the same thing as the church.
It is possible to apply the real scientology in total independence and freedom. I am solo auditing since 5 years in the independence, and auditing some people to excellent results and improvements in life.
Look at the derivation of the word scientology. It comes from scio, knowledge, which comes fromm scindere, split, being able to tell differences. You are not making any difference between the church and the real philosophy and technology of scientology.
None of your posts will be able to remove the tremendous wins I have outside of the church, with pure unaltered scientology.
Please stop helping DM in his destructive enterprise. And look at the positive things that scientology has to offer. I am not talkig out of brainwash. I am talking out of sheer experience and observation.
I am sorry but that is not an adequate solution either. Perhaps you are getting and giving processing but that is hardly what’s going to keep Scientology going…
This dude COB an invented position, needs to be removed. Declared SP. Holed.
A group needs to infiltrate the church to do the jib. A sort if a 6 foot fence job. He is running a whole Black Scientology operation in the name or guise of the Scientology Philosophy. Go read on the PDC Lectures what LRH says about Black SCN. He makes it crystal clear that an atomic bomb is like child’s play by comparison. He describes how to spot Black Scientology (BS) when it comes and he says ‘“and don’t you think that it won’t’.
Katia, you could infiltrate as many people you like into the Sea Borg and you couldn’t remove DM. He IS legally in charge. How would you remove him? Scamologu IS black. DM didn’t make it a criminal scam. It ALWAYS has been one.
First of all Mr. Rinder, with all due respect to your lucky wife, you are one sexy silver fox. Next, has anyone ever questioned if COB may have hastened Hubbard’s demise? Just a thought..
That is my belief. The multitude of outpoints around and regarding the death of LRH point to that conclusion, or even to a vaster force or group behind him of which he is the merely the face.
Apply Investigation Tech to the facts you can get and you will see.
It is my understanding that DM and even LRH were both CIA agents. I know many will not digest this.
Ny one knows the current staanding of Guilliaume Leservre S per dec 2020?
You’ve got to be kidding!!!! LRH and DM, CIA agents is beyond the beyond of the fantasy one can possibly invent!!!!
I wonder if there’s a way to publish the list of missing, to get it to a wide audience? Billboards? Posts to go viral?
What happens to the elderly who get to a point where they cannot hold a post any more? Anyone know?
I knew Ann Fanner, (spelling), back in ASHO FDN Qual, mid 70s, a wonderful person, but back then she was getting on. I hope she was well taken care of.
I hate to burst your bubble Bob G, but the sad news is the elderly are not well taken care of. They are either off loaded to their family (if they haven’t disconnected from them earlier), or they are put in Medicaide or Medi-Cal run homes for the elderly who are on public assistance. (The church is big on having its slave labor get on public assistance so that the state rather than the church helps them.)
I remember a very sad event that happened at AOLA. I was getting audited from one of their old timers, a well known auditor whose name escapes me at the moment. We were getting ready for session one day, (hand cream, etc) and I asked him about his wife. I didn’t know it was a sensitive subject for him. He told me she was not on post any longer as she had health issues and that she lives in an apartment down the street. Somehow he conveyed that she couldn’t take care of herself and was alone most of the time. He abruptly said he would be back in a minute and left the room. I heard him go to the auditing room right next to ours, shut the door and sob loudly. The walls were thin and I could hear him crying and blowing his nose. He said he didn’t get to see her much, maybe some times on his lunch hour if he can get there and back fast enough. So the picture I got was that she was disabled, sick, and all alone in some cheap place and her own husband wasn’t give the OK to take care of her. He was needed to audit day and night to keep the stats up. It killed him knowing he couldn’t help her or see her much. He took some time to get himself together before coming in and delivering a session to me.
Thanks. I’m not surprised.
They get offloaded from the Sea Org through a process called a “Fitness Board”. Thanks for your years of service and there is the door. Oh by the way, pay your freeloader debt before enrolling in any Scientology services.
I heard Ann Fanner was offloaded to a nursing home or old folks home near the AOLA base. Many ex SO there. And of course, the let Medi-Cal pay for it. But that was many years ago I heard that. Annie could be dead by now. She was a great person.
Mike, good article. Guillame is but a memory of Hubbards attempts to set up an effective system to keep the organization running somewhat smoothly with him off the lines.
Hubbard planted the seeds of his own failure by conditioning his followers to a dictatorship. And any wonder we have lost sight of many competent executives who for all intent purposes are dead.
The new myth of Davey Miscavige shows how brainwashed the remaining members are to trust this no talent pipsqueak..
As you say, he is truly incompetent and has no accomplishments other than his real estate investments. It is fast become public perception that scientologists are not to be trusted as the subscribe to such a toxic set of beliefs and march behind this tiny narcissistic despot.
Worse than incompetent, the tiny tyrant is easily the most destructive Super SP the cherch has ever known. Elron pilfered cherch coffers ad lib, but his tastes were relatively modest compared to lil davey, who has not only lived the life of a sultan at parishioners’ expense, but also squandered hundreds of millions on non-performing real estate assets instead of following Hubbard’s very explicit policies which directly prohibit such practices.
This high crime and mega-suppressive act, in combination with the diminutive despot’s complete unmocking of the cult’s top exec strata and the reorganization of the $cn org board’s fundamental structure to concentrate all power into his tiny hands, should make it crystal clear to every still-in $cilon that the leader of their cherch is evil in exactly the same way that all power-mad authoritarian despots are.
Where are the True $cientologists who are willing to face the objective evidence of exactly how incompetent, off-policy, downstat and evil their cherch’s absolute ruler actually is and then do something about it!!? You can’t really call yourself a real Scientologist if you’re not willing to take a stand and defend your own religion, can you?
It seems that among the many other horrible things that $cn will do to a person, it turns them all into spineless cowards who’re petrified about even having thoughts like these, much less of getting together to plot the overthrow of his misbegotten ass. They’re afraid of their own thoughts, which is exactly how the cult’s “prison of belief” is created in every member’s mind.
Wake up, all you Kool-aid besotted fools…take back your faith from the Super SP who is destroying it, and then do your best to reform it before it’s too late!
You forgot to mention Miscavige’s squirrelling (altering) the “Tech” with his Golden Age of Tech, a clear KSW violation from the head KSW enforcer. He’s the best/worst Scientologist ever (depending on one’s point of view).
The entire scientology serves the brainwash of the CIA and the best solution is to put it to the trash.
I can’t believe there are people commenting here who still don’t understand that no matter who their leader is, this org. is a CULT
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps
Forget History – and you will be forced to repeat it!
Thank you for the great comment, Python Swoope. Yes, those who forget history will be forced to repeat it.
I certainly hope if theirs questions of whether any of the Executives are mising or assumed dead saome one investigate’s Pretty shocking to hear this on Guillaume Lesevre he was my senior in Europe for a long time and I know how well he ran the European network orgs as CO Europe If any one gets to know please can you let us know , we tend to hear negative a lot and no results of any in investigations if any And is that Hole still there , or is DM getting rid of the whole shit altogether.
Has Shelly ever been found? Does anyone have an update? I’m worried she may be dead. Bless her heart. I hope not.
People like Lesevre, Heber, Shelley, etc etc etc spend decades constructing a prison that they indoctrinate others into agreeing is legitimate, and often using coercion and force in doing so … and then one day after helping to imprison others, they find that that this prison which they have helped mightily to build has grown cells around them as well. A very old story.
Spot on, Joe. Anything one justifies doing to others can easily be used on self. (I think that’s one version of the Law of Karma!)
Philosophy Alert:
Yes, true. But the good news for them CAN BE that they’re paying for their crimes THIS lifetime.
Now, if we only live once and that’s it, its over, well, then they (and we) pay and suffer this lifetime and then its all over and Miscavige doesn’t pay and gets off and then there’s nothing more, its over. He “wins”.
Now, on the OTHER hand, if it IS true that we live lifetime after lifetime, then Miscavige is really, really screwed.
And the operative word in this last sentence is “if”. Because I really don’t know.
I tend to BELIEVE that we live over and over again but I don’t really KNOW..
Point being, IF its true, then there’s life and hope and all that’s good as far as current and future existing scenes for any of us confronting and correcting in this lifetime what we did wrong in this lifetime.
If its true that we live again and again, anyone confronting the truth about themselves and others, is in good shape, I’d say, or well on the way to being in good shape!
Miscavige, though? Whew! I don’t have the words to depict how bad it is going to be for this being who goes by this name this lifetime.
End of philosophical musings. Please note frequent use of the word “if”.
Is this to suggest that when the Dwarfenfuhrer dies that he’ll come back as a piss ant in his next life?
Ha Ha!
Personally, I’d like him to come back for an infinity of lifetimes as a person who for whatever reason is ignored. The reasons should vary but whatever they are in any particular lifetime, I think this alone would be intolerable. Not punished, not treated unfairly, not abused, just kind of ignored. Its the worst punishment for a narcissist and I wish him an infinity of it.
Oooooh, yeah! The ultimate hell for the little sadistic dwarf!
Insightful Joe.
Joe, that’s a very good summation of exactly how deep the tragic irony of their imprisoned lives truly is…it’s Greek Tragedy-level deep!
I just hope that as the $cn Ship of Fools continues to take on water, and things get worse and worse for those inside, that more of these poor duped fools will wake up and get out while they still have enough time left to make amends for all the evil that they’ve had a hand in perpetrating and to re-unite with their families.
If Elron didn’t die the glorious and inspiring death of an ascended spiritual master, but instead, passed on as any other old, sick and demented mere mortal would, then staying in the cult to end up like he did is the cruelest ironies of them al.
Hi, Joe Pendleton,
Very right what you say in your comment. I like it a lot because it goes straihgt to the fact, so correctly. Thank you.
…….back in my staff days, when we declared someone SP we didn’t keep them around the org. It’s unheard of.
Just that one little bit of the Story of the Hole, the idea that y’all are declared and kept around – that is SO wildly unreal – that is SO FAR out of the realm of anything in hubbard’s policies – that that alone would make think that scn has truly been taken over by a power hungry lunatic who is no scientologist at all.
It’s so weird, how it’s just a big silly cult, it used to be everything.
I keep wondering how the still ins can possibly believe in a “leader” who has avoided ANY auditing since 1993? One who was removed from the Briefing Course for punching his pc? Who then “writes” new tech which is for anyone other than himself? That is one fine weasel!
they don’t know. I didn’t. I still don’t – in that I don’t have any actual information on what DM’s study schedule is, or what his case level is, etc. I don’t actually have the information of which you speak. But I do look at what I see.
I’m glad he’s there and destroying it. Gat I, GAT II, the basics and the push to sell them, the ideal org crap, all these things have changed scn from the friendly lying cult it was in the 70’s. I figure DM is just doing it in for us. So many have left, and now it’s just unrecognizable.
I don’t understand how the people who KNOW him are still in. But I stood and clapped and swallowed all the bullshit at all the events listed above.
I was thoroughly brainwashed and hungry for the promised exalted states.
It wasn’t him that got me out. None of that stuff. I was the biggest sucker of all. But I’m glad he’s there and ruining it so others finally come to their senses.

I agree
As pointed out earlier, to me it is a fact thàt DM is CIA agent. As well as LRH was one.
secretfornow, it happened with Hubbard’s knowledge. As far back as ~’82-’83 there were a couple of people on the RPF at Int who were declared. But yes, Hubbard was a power hungry lunatic.
I was referring to DM, but I won’t argue the point. The largest slice of hell is reserved for hubbard. He’s the biggest liar and the one who stole our lives. I have nothing but contempt for him now.
I don’t give a tin shit for what anyone else thinks. For me, now I have enough information to know that he knowingly lied in order to deceive and manipulate. Whether he believed his own nonsense at any point is immaterial. He was a liar and I was foolish enough to follow him. He stole too much to be forgiven, and I’m not wasting any more of my life on him. It feels good.
Fantastic the way you describe this con man Hubbard. Stil in this blog are people that would love to reform scientology and scientology org, din t this people have enough?
Mike, this is one of the most important posts you have done. This post needs to be repeated every six months for new readers. And please put it in blue letters on the side of your blog under the “Important Articles” so people can click on it. It is that important.
DM has erased people like Guillome, Heber, Shelley, Starkey, Mitoff, Shelley etc, just taken them out of history. So most of the new SO members and public don’t even know these names. If they do recognize a name, they think, “Oh that was before my time” and dismiss it.
This is how despots and dictators and sociopaths like Kim Jong-Un and David Miscavige secure their position and control. They rid themselves of anyone they consider a threat to their rise and control. They just disappear people.
From what I hear and read about the Hold and Int prison, the conditions are worse than murderers in prison get. And at least in prison you are up for parole at some point in time, or your sentence is over at some point in time. Not so for those unlucky souls in the Hole. Lesevere could even be dead and no one was told, just like what happened with Annie Broeker/ Tidman.
secret, Miscavige operates like the Mafia. “Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer”.
Actually, that’s an insult – to the Mafia. They’re far more ethical than Miscavige. Operating like the Mafia would be a good goal for Little Boots.
Thank you for this, Mike.
As a boots on the ground CL V staff for so long, I had a real fondness for Guillaume. He was hell to listen to – his accent was hard for me – but he seemed a good guy. Kind of like someone you’d want as an Uncle.
(I can still hear his tangley words vividly in my head, “sell and deliver”
Having the same execs in place for some years was calming and reassuring, after the Bill Franks era, the GO, Mission debacle, etc. I also really liked you, Yager, and Mithoff, and I had the brass balls to keep mentioning how I missed them when filling out the stupid After Event Surveys for some years.
Your post is feeling a bit like a salute and eulogy to the goodness in the guy.
I really like that.
I agree. Most of those screaming dooshy execs were horrible, but Guillaume, Ray Mithoff, Mike Rinder were alright. I won’t include Marc Yager though in the alright group, he was more screaming and dooshy.
The IRS agreement was specifically based on the separate corporations and that RTC was not involved in management.
Great pains were taken by the attornies in underscoring that the CSI executive strata was THE management body.
I wonder if this could be the thin edge of the wedge to get the IRS to review the agreement?
Sure nomnom. All you have to do is prove it to the IRS. Legal level of proof.
Dear IRS,
Please visit The Hole at Int / Gold Base.
P.W. Dilettante
I remember Guillaume quite well, he made a speech at least 12 years ago probably at the Marriot hotel at the Champs Elysées. What a pity that such good intelligent, idealistic people who gave their lives for a cause, end up in such a degrading way.
MIke – will this be addressed as part of the A&E Series with you and Leah? This is powerful stuff that needs to be brought out into the open.
The end can’t come soon enough.
Great post Mike. However sad it is to think of the people at INT, such as the ones I know, like Yeager, Ingber, Norman, Lois’ sister and others are trapped there until they die, it does make me SO happy I got out of INT some 35 years ago.
Lois and my 2 sisters (Gale and DeDe that DM kicked out) and I, got out in ’82 or so and our lives have been great ever since.
If DM hadn’t kicked us all out, I could still be there eating slop in the hole, saluting DMs effing dog and kissing his ass.
Thanks DM!
Guillame Lesevre does not look well in this picture. No one ever does that lives in “The Hole” and is let out to serve the church, until they finally manage to leave the church, then their lives improve. That is very sad.
it’s really gross to hear the backstory. I was sitting in these audiences watching these guys, glad to “see them again” and listen. The NY’s event for 2000 was the first event where it was just DM on stage, that was really odd, and after more following events I was really wondering where everyone went.
It’s horrific.
We sit there and have no idea of what has been happening to them. We sit there believing the lies to whatever degree we can muster, never knowing just how fake it all is.
(you think this guy is an SP, but it’s ok to put him on stage to address planet-wide scios?)
Scientology is all bullshit, but this type of stuff isn’t even scientology.
If regular scios knew of all this I think it would cause many to seriously question management – which could then lead to the road out.
It IS….very sad.
An interesting point will be this
1)WHO will handle all the money when the organization falls….
2(WHERE will all the money be funneled to
3) how will the person even BEGIN to figure out exact how much money there really is??
4) What will happen to all those renovated or partially renovated buildings….will they be sold at “tax sales”.?
5) IF money is to be “distributed” to current members and those who have “blown”….just HOW will that money be divided up?
6) IF money from the organization is going to be distributed to members and former members….what about the ones who “died will still in”…will their heirs be given money”
7) Will any money hidden overseas ever be found
8) Will “personal possession” of a certain COB be put up for sale & that money distributed?
I am getting a headache just THINKING about all of this. No wonder certain government agencies are dragging their feet on getting a resolution to this.
Where will all of the money be funneled to? They have huge amounts of cash in Swiss (or Lux) bank accounts. How does one find them and account for them and how do they know they even have a portion of the money in various vaults?
Regarding your comment, “I am getting a headache just THINKING about all of this. No wonder certain government agencies are dragging their feet on getting a resolution to this.”
The good news is that there are plenty of lawyers who would love to step up and take a chance at carving up the remains of the dead scientology beast. And all these hidden bank accounts in tax haven banana republics aren’t quite what they used to be.
A sweet class action lawsuit and criminal prosecutions are the only future for the walking dead leviathan that was conjured up from the sick malignant mind of LRH and then run into the rocks by the incompetent David Miscavige.
Oh, and as for the Hole, it only represents the cowardice of the creepy little Miscavige, threatened by any person who stands next to him. What a petty little man. He will be remembered as a cowering little paranoid infant.
“The good news is that there are plenty of lawyers who would love to step up and take a chance at carving up the remains of the dead scientology beast.”
Would they EVER.
I would think a number of firms are watching very carefully, salivating to for the opportunity to start emptying those deeeeep cult pockets. Especially now, with all this media coverage thanks to Leah and Mike.
And – think of it – how fitting , how gloriously fitting it will be for the vulture cult that lived by the its lawsuits to be in the end picked dry by lawsuits.
Yes, some major law firms have to be salivating.
You go, guys!
The Trustee appointed by the Courts to untangle Bernie Madoff’s financial web did a pretty good job of locating all of the money.
One good shot will be to use the ‘Aftermath Season 2’ groundswell to get 40,000 online signatures to Petition the White House to order a review of Dave’s cult by the IRS and the Justice Department. US Law requires a public response to such a Petition. Properly done, this could actually focus broad public attention on Dave’s cult, to replace public burn out on the front page Russian cray cray.
GREAT IDEA! Someone knowledgeable Please Start the Petition……and post the url on every web site you can think of!
I love it in theory but don’t hold out much hope that the Trump White House, with its pandering to the evangelical Christian Right would have the stones to go up against the cult.
Scientology’s lawyers would go into high gear decrying religious discrimination and blaring their grievances to the media. Plus the cult is endlessly rich, and endlessly litigious, far more even more than Trump. In my opinion, he would understand the cult’s legal playbook very well because he’s been playing the same games all his life which is why I think he’d avoid any problems with Scientology. It just wouldn’t be politically expedient for him.
Trump is secretly a Scientologist
Trump is secretly a human being.
But we’d better get off this subject before we offend any well meaning people here who think highly of our President and believe in him.
I dunno. The evangelical right that supports Trump sees Scientology and other religions it doesn’t agree with as cults so an attack on the cult by him would probably garner a lot of support.
From long experience, the religious right are terrified of scientology becoming a target of the IRS and losing their exemption. They fear that if they come for scientology first it will be them next. In their eyes it starts a slippery slope. You can guarantee there is enormous pressure from the religious right NOT to do anything about scientology, even though they may have a natural hatred for them.
That explains all the recent cosying up to the Louis Farrakhan and the nation of Islam.
However, I think that Joe Q. Public is starting to associate the word “scientology” with the words “cult” and “scam”, and maybe even the word “criminal”.
All we can do is keep the pressure on. I love the idea of a 40,000 name petition.
What is very weird and odd is that its being said they are missing or even assumed dead why haven’t family come forward .Surely to god wouldn’t one outside wish to confirm where their son’s or daughters are , how they are ? and yet no announcement of a search of this has been reported , or if a request for a well being has been requested by family members to the authorities.
If this had been done from start perhaps D M wouldn’t have gotten away with his abuse as much as he has, if authorities were informed , or asked to check status of some one,by family and relatives and not go by assumptions. Although it appears these days the authorities even are influenced its a Big do not know,. Having said that if theirs leaks from in side to out happening which appears so surely theirs a way to get investigated.Or what is missing ?
Well, we won’t know if we don’t try. I love the idea of the 40,000 signature petition. That could not be ignored.
I am not “techno savvy”….but if someone on the blog IS….how about an “on line petition….on this blog and on the Underground Bunker too. When Aftermath #2 runs it’s course and more light is shed on the truth, so many more people will indeed be more than willing to sign along with ALL of us. Got to keep pounding away to get anywhere.
Yes, lawyers would fight to the death to get a piece of the action, but of course, as is the standard practice…there would be millions spent on “legal fees” just to begin to DIG into where all this money is. Money in Swiss bank accounts and hidden away in secret underground vault sin numerous places is a good start……but hard to track down.
Then again, his OWN lawyers……will THEY get their normal % for defending the organization and it’s head honcho?
Deep pocket’s minions who might not want to spend years in a federal prison away from what they think is the “protection of the Lord & Master” DM….will begin to sing like canaries once they see what it is going to be like on the OUTSIDE of “the organization” where “Big Bubba” might be their long time cell mate.
There is nothing I’d like than to see more the tiny one squirm in his seat…I can hear him now… “I plead the 5th”……”I have no idea what those OTHERS did with the money”…….he will blame all but himself, but even his lawyers won’t be able to protect him.
Again, HOW will the money that is recovered be distributed? THAT is a grave concern since some former members have passed away, those still in, born in, or blown. Who gets how much or who “suffered the most”…..i.e. “more given for someone elderly, someone very ill, someone with a decades long suffering while living under the care of the organization.
I would love to be on THAT Jury!
BTW, thank you all for the comments & insight, going shopping this week end to stock up on supplies to snack on for Wednesday night!
I’ve suggested before and I’ll do it again that even if someone wants to trash all their scn books they should save all their receipts for any type of payments to the CoS. You never know – you might get lucky.
Be sure that if there are billions to be had, there will be hundreds fighting for the job of dealing with it. And the IRS will be on hand ALL THE WAY!!!
I think this whole thing of the FBI not going in there blows. How would anybody know if there was someone who wanted out. With no way out and no way of telling anyone without ramifications, some may be suffering in silence. I think the FBI should go in and talk to each of them one on one with maybe an FBI agent and another friendly face of someone who could let them know they would be taken care of til they get on their feet and see who wants to go and if they want to stay, then so be it.
Am I deluded? What if there is ONE they find that says, “Yes, I want to go.” It’s worth trying.
I can tell you that in 1997ish, when the German TV show hired helicopter flew over the Happy Valley RPF camp, I certainly considered just such an escape, had that instead been FBI raiding, or police, or prosecutors asking for any members who wished OUT, but felt they needed outside assistance.
There were times, end of 1996, through the summer of 1997, had there been a raid on the Int RPF at Happy Valley, there were continually times I was contemplating blowing, and had there been a raid, I would have cooperated with police or FBI.
The moments when an RPFer feels like blowing, would be the exact person for the outside police or FBI to contact, and those exact moments come and go, and it is only to a few people, normally those who wish to blow/escape the place, who need that outside assistance and backup, to help them safely smoothly just abruptly leave, and take your gear. If you blow/escape, sometimes you leave without all your gear, but many have figured out how to get their gear out in advance, and then make their escape after they’ve moved their gear out first.
It all depends on the instances.
A book of the escapes, and interview the escaped members, would they have cooperated had the FBI showed up, or the police showed up? It would take a bunch of interviewing of all the people ever under pressure who wished to escape suddenly, and some of whom were under lock and key even. The exact circumstances that one is under lock and key against one’s will, sometimes one agrees to being locked up, the time I was locked up, I agreed to it, LOL. It’s sick. So also, you have to “raid” when there are people under lock and key who are willing to cooperate with the police/FBI, and those subset of people, I know I’ve can name two names off the top of my head, who may have cooperated, but then again, those under lock and key don’t want to get their Sea Org colleagues in “trouble”, I know I didn’t, and that’s why I didn’t in the end, make a big fuss, and took the slow route or routing out, which totaled for me 21 months total, spread over two times I was in the “routing out” category RPFer. IN the end, I just patiently wasted a lot of time waiting for the official authorization paperwork to leave.
A careful survey of how many people feel in hindsight they’d have cooperated, if the FBI had raided at just the right moment, would they have cooperated. There were a few times when I can say I would have cooperated, IF the police or FBI did raid and needed members to step forward and rat out the confinement that may have been illegal.
Sadly after the Warren Jeffs FLDS fiasco where all those women & children were forcibly removed from the compound against their will who made the decision to want to voluntarily return to the ONLY life they’ve ever know, left a lot of egg on the faces of the powers that be. The government is going to be extremely careful before it willingly sticks it’s neck out again to upset the apple cart to try to find “people trapped inside the cult” who want OUT. .
Some of the young women from FLDS have escaped with help from the outside from former members, unlike the members of this organization who are forced to “blow” of purposely get pregnant refuse the noted abortion policy because they want out of Sea Org.. Like “the organization” when an FLDS female tries to escape on her own, she is captured & brought back & her family is punished, maybe split up to live with “another husband” as if they are animal chattel. After all, the young girls keep the older men “in”.
Yes indeed, Warren & some of his accomplices were imprisoned for their “crimes” against children which include molestations of boys and girls & rape &.by the “rule of their religious indoctrination”….girls 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old to marry men in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s etc by whom some of them had children.
The teen boys were forced to leave the compound with barely the clothes on their back in order cut down on the competition of men who would be available” to marry off the young girls to. Without money, education or real work experience, many of these young boys turned to drugs, alcohol & self prostitution.
What will happen to the young ones in “the organization” who were born in or brought in at an early age & have little to no education & limited job training. Those who can’t read, write or speak properly because all they know is the inside nomenclature of COS Speak? It’s so hard to imagine how they’d “fit in” with today’s society, add to that their being indoctrinated into hating psychology/psychiatry/psychiatric medications…Wow….a head spinner.
It would take years of planning & an almost para military type abrupt infiltration to hit every single location all at the SAME time to try & even begin to find those who really want out, but then again….WANTING out might mean leaving one’s family who wish to STAY behind as you leave.
If the “rescue group” were to hit only one location, the word would spread like wild fire & you damned well know that the tiny dictator one would move people around as fast as he could in order to retain as many people as possible.
It’s going to take greater minds than mine to figure this one out. There is always hope, & Aftermath #1 & #2 is sure setting the world on fire.
Good comment. All very true, Balletlady.
Thank you “Aqua” as you know I am a “never in” but I sure have read quite a bit on COS and on FLDS and other organizations.
It is always the children who pay for the crimes of the adults. The children have no say in what happens to them since they don’t have the mental or emotional mature capacity to make adult decision. They can be easily taken advantage of, molested, raped, sodomized because an adult or older teen is physically STRONGER than them.
Add to that the guilt trip placed upon children to “share their bodies” as in “well, I am always nice to you….I took you to the movies, bought you toys, books, clothes, ice cream/candy….Now it’s time for YOU to be NICE to ME”…..
Sorry, enough said….I spent so much time defending & working with children….someone has to DO SOMETHING.
I hope some day Pat Broeker will surface and reveal what went on before LRH died, as well as what went on afterwards.
I’d be fascinated to hear his witness testimony
Chickens ends up with a head shorter.
A David Mayo could have made it in $cientology.
I would like an original of this KSW Newsletter. I used to have one but
it went missing along with some other documents. It was published around
spring of 1986. It has a photograph of the lawyers, Earle Cooley, John
Peterson (deceased) and Joe Yanny (no longer representing Scn) with their
hands raised in victory.
Rev. David Mayo
“So many have fallen, yet so far left to go … ”
How could a David Mayo have made it against a David Fist in fur4y?
Janet Light has been out of both the hole and the cherch for years under her married name. Her youngest son and ex-husbands are still involved with the Co$ however.
Is it possible to please update your article Mike? Thank you.
YEs, I am aware she is out of the SO. Though she has been completely gagged. She was gotten out of the way and remains out of the way living in Santa Barbara (?) knowing the abuses that have occurred to her and her husband and many others, and saying and doing nothing about it…
So she took money in order to keep quiet?
Don’t know. Could be threat of disconnection from her son still in the SO…
Janet has a lot to answer for.
Does anyone know what happened to Mace Kingsley Ranch in New Mexico? My public Scientologist husband sent my daughter there per recommendation by someone at the Orange County Org. This was in the summer of 1998. She had an eating disorder and they thought this was going to “CURE” her. She wasn’t opposed to Scientology before she went there, but after being treated like she was in the RPF… and after meeting lots of kids who had Sea Org parents… who HATED Scientology and who were constantly trying to escape… she became a staunch ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST. They showed her an anti-Scientology book and filled her in on the horrible life they had being raised as a child of Sea Org parents. The Ranch treated all the kids very poorly. They wouldn’t let her call home – write letters, except once – but they censored her call. It was horrible. I finally sensed something was wrong and I went to get her – before her time was up there.
It did not cure her eating disorder AT ALL. It’s a long story as to why I let my husband (now my ex-husband) follow through with this in the first place. I kick myself for it.
BTW: Scientology is the reason why we are divorced.
See upcoming episode of The Aftermath on this very subject…
It’s a shame that we don’t have any kind of music memorialization for these people like Sting and U2 did with the “disappeared” in Argentina back in the 80s (“They Dance Alone” and “Mothers Of The Disappeared”, respectively).
Or maybe we do.
Yeah, we make fun of the “We Stand Tall” video all the time here. The song is a flaming bag of shit, and the outfits are straight out of Up With People (sorry, Mike, you didn’t escape that one). But the video does feature a whole bunch of Scientology Disappeared. It’s proof positive that these people were there, and that they existed, and in a way, it’s immortalized them. And the video is in the wild, with no way for Davey to control it (and thank you, Saturday Night Live, for giving it a new lease on life). It’s like Heber’s appearances on Donahue back in the day, a reminder that he had the most important title in the cult (to outsiders, anyway) and that he was out in front representing Scientology.
Davey can’t throw them down the memory hole. He doesn’t have a Winston Smith that can excise their record and pretend they don’t exist. We have proof that they did, and we have the memories of people on the inside, now out, who remember them, many of whom have posted here in this thread. The Internet has destroyed the Toxic Dwarf’s ability to do a 1984/Stalin Propaganda Machine and eliminate, quietly and without sorrow, the people he desperately wants the world to forget.
Every “Where’s Heber?” and “Where’s Shelly?” sign at a protest is a dagger right into his heart. It’s a reminder that he wasn’t always the dog with the big nuts. And he must hate that more than anything else. Bringing Marty back on side (if he did that) isn’t much comfort to him. All his rivals must be eliminated for him to be secure. He won’t be able to sleep at night without a bottle of Macallan until that happens. And it can’t, not with those reminders out there on the Internet and the memories of the people who remember the Disappeared.
So, live on, “We Stand Tall”. If only for that reason.
“Reach out your hand and follow me!
I have the code, the code to the key!
The key to the secret……………..”
Okay, I’ll stop singing.
There’s also Rena Weinberg, who in her day was a beautiful redheaded South African Jewish woman and the head of ABLE. She was in the hole with Mike Rinder a decade ago and hasn’t been seen since.
Her husband Brian Weinberg I’ve seen photos this year, 2017, of him in LA near the HGB, he must still be in The Way to Happiness Fdn, he used to be one of the top execs in it, and I’m bet he still is, since he is around the HGB recently still, dressed in civies with tie, like normal. I wonder though about Rena, I wonder if she’d be at Int still, or what?
With so many “disappeared” and aging executives secreted away at Int,I was under the mistaken impression that people would show up on the SS Death Index when they died so at least we would be able to track them.
However, I got a text from my cousin this weekend. She has been looking for her oldest sister who had fallen off the radar to tell her that another of her sisters died in March. She finally tracked down her sister’s boyfriend only to discover that her oldest sister died in November of 2014. Her boyfriend allegedly reported the death “to the authorities” but neglected to inform the family. (I will refrain from discussing my opinion of that man). My deceased cousin does not appear on the social security death index.
I started researching the Social Security Death Index and found that there is no law requiring you to report people to it unless that person is applying for survivor benefits, although a simple “wog” law would not be enough to deter a dedicated scientologist from “accidentially forgetting” to obey it. The deal is you only have report a deceased person to Social Security in order to process the application for survivor benefits.
That really made my stomach sink. It also made me wonder who is receiving Annie’s survivor benefits.
Valerie, what religion ‘disappeares’ its members. Oh, silly me! We’re talking about a cult. Cults ‘disappeares’ their own.
What benefits. Annie I doubt paid into the SS system, did she?
Mary, the SS system is a Ponzi scheme. You don’t need to pay in to collect.
Valerie, I believe that anyone who was given a social security number during his or her lifetime by law has to be reported as deceased immediately.
@aqua My cousin had a SSN she still doesn’t appear there.
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell from my research I did over the last 4 days for my cousin, the law states that social security must be notified immediately in the case of people receiving benefits so those benefits cease or in the case of someone desiring to receive benefits.
I was unable to locate a law in the Social Security code or on lexis or any case precedent that requires that you report the death of anyone and everyone with a social security number.
Got it on all, Valerie. Ok, here’s what else I read on the internet (somewhere): that SS does not – after being notified of a death and removing that SS # from that deceased person – need to ITSELF post the death of that person on their Social Security Death Index. I read – again, I forget where – that there’s this new law that death don’t become public record for 3 years. Now, I’m a little hazy on this but I believe I read it on Ancestry.Com, or one of those “trace your relatives” websites a few years ago when I was informally researching my family on my father’s side.
Valerie, you may have by now seen my earlier comment, that Scientology has, I believe, previously sent people overseas for cheaper medical treatment, and also for purposes of exile and punishment; I know that that State Department processing of deaths of citizens abroad is limited in scope, and that’s assuming a death is even reported to them, so a death in another country might not only not show up the SSDI but would not be in any US records.
Congrats ,Mike and Leigh, Ive only just watched it , shit it hits home hard ‘,, your such a great team,sort of got the x factor,
I too have decided to do something about it,
But can’t tell you ,( as I will have to kill you ), But my strategy has been working well for the last year,.
and I’m amazed how far Ive got
Looking forward to Round 2
Mike, there are videos on YouTube where Lesevre and you are speaking at the 2004 IAS event. Was this the last event you and Lesevre were speaking?
Probably the last one, not sure…
The LRH birthday event in March of 2013 was the last time Guillame was seen in public. My letter to COB asking about him was. March 1, 2013. After that I kept my eye out for him. That was the last time I saw him.Then I was Dead Filed for asking.
That’s messed up. A letter asking about Guillaume is considered to be entheta.
I suppose season 2 of Aftermath is finished filming, but this would be a great item to present to the public. A problem, however, would be presenting all these people by name would border on invasion of privacy and maybe cause distress to non scn family members. It might be presented in a more general way.
It sure would! I’d love to see the stories of these Disappeared execs being told from the perspective of their never-in and ex-cultist family members who’ve been disconnected from them for years, or only had minimal, infrequent and supervised visits with them, just like the puppet Int ED, Lesevre, who isn’t even trotted out in public for events anymore.
There’s a whole list of long-time $ea Orgy exec staff who’ve been disappeared from view, based solely on the tiny tyrant’s unilateral orders. No one has the rank inside the corporate cherch anymore to do anything but STFU and do exactly as ordered or be crushed and made a quick example of.
There’s just one diminutive, barely literate psychopathic man-boy who’s ultimately responsible for all this evil emanating out of $cn and for the total destruction of the cult’s top management executive structure, and that fact couldn’t be any more obvious if he had horns and a tail.
Does anyone made a complete list of missed people from int management?
I can relate. Being a Scn for over 30 years, I wrote to COB asking about Guillame, who was MIA, and no longer on the stationery letterhead. I was immediately Dead Filed and kicked out of Flag. That was shocking to me,but what really surprised me was how none of the Clearwater OT8s would back me up. At that point I saw how spineless these OT8s were. They were in complete fear of Miscavaige, and that’s when I saw the light, and left.
Good for you, Joetheta! Feels pretty great, doesn’t it?
Congrats my friend! You did the Walking Away Rundown perfectly.
Yes! Well done, joetheta! Now you gotta go to qual and write a success story!
Also known as the “OUT” cognition; followed by Graduation from the cult with up to a PHD equivalent on the subjects of undue influence, cognitive dissonance and other special studies, depending on one’s personal trajectory into and out of the cult.
That’s amazing, Joetheta.
Guillaume is (well was) a good friend of mine we worked well together in Europe and I thought that his being made ED Int was going to be the start of something very special, Alas for fond hopes eh? Always hoped i might be in a position to help him out at some point but unless he stands up – not likely to happen. Guillaume is a genuinely good man and I miss my friend.
Hello Mick! Hope you are feeling good. So nice to see you here.
Yes. Guillaume is a genuinely nice guy when you peel back the layers of indoctrination and invalidation.
Yup am doing OK Mike, hope you are too!
I am still surprised at Guillaume rolling over like he has done – one of the things we “bonded” over was knock down drag out arguments in the exec meetings at FOLO EU. I never saw him back down from anyone back then.
The wedding rings that Nancy and I wear were a present from Guillaume and Vanella. Just wish there was something useful I could do to get him out of that place.
and, by the way – great blog and great work on A&E.
Could his daughters demand a welfare check – maybe accompanied by the local congressional rep?
Mike, let’s do a bit of prospective, what would happen if Miscavige suddenly died of an hard attack?
What would occur in the church. Probably those dissapeared people would reappear. Would it be like after the death of Stalin? Demiscavigation.
You know, FG, that’s a very good point. What would happen to the church if Miscavige were to suddenly pass away? Is there a line of succession to handle this? Who steps in and becomes the next COB RTC? Would a sudden Miscavige death create a power vacuum? Would there be a reorganization of top management? Maybe Mike could shed some light on this.
It’s mad,all this scientologists don’t ask questions. I know so many scientologist who knew Guillaume, Heber etc.. and now they don’t ask. I don’t understand. I had a friend I told him about 2012 that it was strange that none of these people appear. And he said “They certainly are on secret misson”.
How to be “reasonable”. It’s the number one ability in scientology now. To some point, its beaking my heart.
FG If I knew my financial future and possibility my ability to see my family depended on my believing everything was all hunky dory, I would probably be able to convince myself there was nothing wrong as well.
“It’s mad,all this scientologists don’t ask questions.”
Yes but then again it has ALWAYS been that way with scamologists. NOT asking questions of Hubbard as he presented huge lie after huge blatant lie since day one.
They are conditioned to not ask questions about obvious problems/lies.
Dave’s got a way about him
Don’t know what it is
Just know I can do without him
Well, according to Marty and his handful of psycho followers, no one has the “rank” outside of CoB to ask where these people are.
According to Marty in My Scientology Movie, Miscavige knows “I hold the key”.
Thanks for an excellent article, Mike. I wonder what lie the cult tells the older sheeple who ask about Gillaume..
And there are many more MIA (disappeared, not missing due to a blow) as well. At least two other CO OSA Ints (Kurt Wieland, Vernonique Bromberg), former ED’s ABLE Int, CO’s Wise Int, Presidents of ABLE and SMI Int, CO’s ILO, other OSA Int staff called up to Int never to be seen again. And plenty of other Int Staff and Execs.
How do they get away with this shit? How do people disappear and no one in law enforcement tries to find them? I get that COS buys there way into and out of everything, but for human beings to fall off the face of the earth and no one wants answers…wtf? I’m sure those people were moved across state lines (if they are alive), does COS own the fucking FBI, too? Pathetic.
LOL, Sharon, they don’t really disappear. If the police check they find a person who says they are fine. Because they WANT to stay in prision.
Exactly right Wynski.
Remove all potential threats to your power, whether those threats are real or imaginary, even if that means that you, as the “Ecclesiastical Leader”, have to go off policy according to your own “religious laws” as encoded by the founder. The characteristics of a paranoid dictator with delusions of grandeur. Kim Jong Un would approve. I suppose the only positive…is at least he doesn’t kill anyone (at least not directly).
Well, that’s kinda the Scientology definition of a Suppressive Person – , someone who has to “kill” everyone so he can be “safe”.
Oh I don’t know about that, Mick Roberts. His fingerprints and stamp are all over the dead Lisa McPherson.
SOMEONE has the fucking rank!!
Yeah. It’s Miscavige.
I don’t have much good to say about ED Int. Thus I will say nothing at all.
He could be condescending, to say the least, but his job duties were difficult for him to be a “show” position, and he leaned heavily on Jens Urskov when he was operating at his best. My impression and from the old despatching that we did on staff, I wrote back and forth to Vanella way back when she was D/ED Int and got some sensible comm from her. The Exec Strata history, why even it, during the earliest period when Guillaume brought all his CLO EU top people with him into the Exec Strata I recall them in summer of 1983 set up in the first floor of Del Sol building (which is just uphill slightly from the Hole, and today Del Sol I guess is the Gold Base auditing rooms mainly, and Exec Strata, whatever was left of it, went into the Hole trailers prior to those trailers becoming just the Hole). Anyways the whole sub history of Exec Strata, from Bill Franks, first ED Int, to Kerry Gleason, second ED Int, and then I think Guillaume was third ED Int and Guillaume came into Exec Strata with Anna Kirsten and Jens Urskov, Vanella and possibly another one or two EU people, and then the first Exec Ints I remember included Real Laplaine, and his wife Suzy Laplaine who lasted somewhat long in Exec Strata. Oh yea, Guillaume’s Secretary/Communicator lady was a long term support person for Guillaume.
When I had to get Guilliaume to review the 90-100 submissions for the routing forms, his pure policy knowledge was mediocre, from a Course Supervisor’s viewpoint which I had of him. Jens was pretty good, but in terms of really history, could the Exec Strata ever do what is laid out in the advices from LRH for their jobs, and in LRH ED 339R and 339R-1 issues, and all relevant strat planning policies and coordinating committee policies of 1982 vintage which were supposed to be the final mold for “top management” with WDC/CMO Int doing what they had to do, I don’t know if even the setup really gave ED Int enough authority.
There is one LRH advice to Guillaume from LRH, which gave ED Int the latitude to do a tiny bit of wiggle room to “handle artitraries” and the advice had to do with Hiring Staff. LRH commented, joking, I paraphrase
“…I guess you didn’t realize you have the authority to remove any arbitraries on hiring, did you…..” type of comment.
I have spent and wasted way too much time in hindsight on the Exec Strata “think tank” job of the movement, I had long believed that the Exec Strata DID have the responsibility to change and fix the “arbitraries” as the “think tank” that they were supposed to be.
It’s never happened.
Howdy Chuck!!
Some of the additional EU Names Jean-Michel Wargniez (used to be senior CS Paris way back) became IMPR – in a “it’s a small world ” moment much later I was working for Quark Inc and handling registration disks and got to process two from the CofS International with JMW as the registered user. Tommy Gustavsson became GIEI though I was taken aback when i heard about that – he had been a good reg in Stockholm but had done nothing of note while at FOLO EU. Kerstin and Roman Giessauer (Roman was ED Vienna and Kerstin had been a Div 6 person in Stockholm) Mariette and Billy Lindstein both from Malmo – Mariette was PES and Billy was CO.
The Int Exec thing was doomed from its inception IMHO.
Hi Mick,
Yea, I was so hoping that Exec Strata would be “it” to fix the movement.
But it’s all delusion to me today.
The whole thing is a failure to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear fable. It can’t be done.
Thank you Mike! This was very interesting. Sure hope some light appears about these folks.
For fears?
Thank you for this post, Mike. And a big congrats on the success and awards the show is getting! When the sh*t hit the fan for me in the Church back in 2007 i found my self alone one day and suddenly the question came to my mind. Where is everybody??? There were so many execs that used to speak at events…where are they???? It suddenly came to my awareness. At which point, I ‘nervously-LOL” googled “Where is Ray Mithoff? And I was on the road to freedom. They seem to be stuck in their prison. Would love to see them be able to live the rest of their lives in freedom and with their families.
You just needed to make one quick and simple Google search like that one to open up the cult exit door wide enough to see the truth waiting for you on the other side of the door!
I love it that, nowadays, your first step toward freedom only requires some way to connect up with the internet!
For the osa cubs listening in, I’d just like to strongly suggest that you DO NOT google “L. Ron Hubbard’s second wife”. Not because you don’t deserve to know the truth about $cn’s founder, but because it’s sure to put your young and foolish ass in a sling to know such things.
There’s a lot more which could be said here in a similar vein, but the only really important thing for you to know is that you need to GET OUT OF THE CULT NOW because it’s just going to get worse for those who are still in from here on out. If you’re not a high-caste $cilon (e.g., rich and/or a celeb), then your life is going to get progressively more miserable within the cult the longer you stay; it just can’t go any other way. So, NOW is always the best time to put the cult in your rearview mirror for good!
I couldn’t have said it any better, Harpoona. Great comment, and I sure hope the OSA and other scientologists read your comments and really try to think for themselves.
LRH would have used Google as a tool in his day if it had been available, so why don’t scientologists use the tools at their disposal to search the truth?
I do feel so badly for these people. They have given their life to their Church and are still not good enough. On perpetual punishment because “he” is paranoid. And there is no one like Leah who will file a missing person’s report although judging from what you said about the LAPD it would not do any good and probably the Clearwater Police Dept. is not much better. No one should be allowed to fade away without anyone missing them, without someone telling them that they are loved. Buried in an unmarked grave or turned into ashes without anyone knowing. How cruel.
The families deserve to know. Missing? Cling to hope? Or – grieve the loss. The Missing of Scientology is one of the most inhumane, cold blooded atrocities the COS has committed.
Even in in Stalin’s Soviet Union, when he was throwing millions into the gulag (including those like Solzhytzen who fought to defend “the fatherland”), he didn’t keep prisoners incommunicado. The families “outside” knew where their family members were. Not sure of they could send letters, but at least they knew the status. Miscavige has done Stalin one bettter.
Mike, Thank You for this most informative & important post. As I went through the list of names regarding the ” missing executives “wow Marc Yager and Guillaume Lesever,”I had a hard time with names from the past but when I saw them I remembered. For all those who have ” disappeared ” I did get tearful wondering where they all are. dm is the worst type of a tyrant who lies about Scientology as easily as he draws breath and his real estate shell game in the name of religion is totally insane and very very cruel. May the Freewinds go to her rest and may the Cult Implode.?
Mike, you could feel sorry for Dave if he wasn’t so destructive. He has literally alienated everyone who could help him. By trying to go it alone, he has made himself the micromanager in charge, which never works out well. Even if the micromanager is a screaming genius, he still can’t really do it all. That’s why organizations were invented.
You don’t mention Ray Mithoff, Senior Case Supervisor International. Not a manager, but in charge of the “technology” and its application around the world. The one who was supposed to figure out Operating Thetan 9 and 10. He also used to speak at the events.
Now we have Dave trying to do it all with his tiny cadre of trusted sycophants. The only ones he tolerates in his inner circle are the yes-men. In this kind of echo chamber, his pronouncements seem very profound to him. Nobody says no, nobody brings up the flaws in his reasoning, nobody reins him in. So the firearm is firmly trained at the lower extremities. The foot-bullets will keep on coming,
All to the good. We can follow Napoleon’s advice and not interfere with our enemy when he is making a mistake.
It just hurts my heart to see folks like Heber and Guillaume and the others basically imprisoned for decades. This can’t be legal. Even though I know an attempt to rescue them would fail because they would say they were OK, in fear of the consequences of defying Dave. But it has gone on so long – isn’t it a form of elder abuse at this stage?
“.. a form of elder abuse..?” I believe so.
YEs it most definitely IS elder abuse.
This is too insane for words. How Scientology gets away with it without being investigated by the FBI is mind-boggling. After all these years, do these people who have vanished believe they have nowhere to go? What could possibly be keeping them from bolting?
What could possibly be keeping them from bolting?
A prison of the mind
Truer words were never spoken. Scientology does indeed uses member’s mind’s against them. Chilling, really…
@kengullette, I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. A friend of mine and I were discussing scientology and he asked me why I stayed so long, the words that fell out of my mouth are the most honest and unvarnished truth about my whole experience “they fuck with your head”.
Yes, I remember Guillaume Lesevre very well, but not with such fondness I’m afraid.
I can still recall the chill that went down my spine the moment I read his alarming orders to all SO members – ‘No Sea Org Member shall be permitted to become pregnant, and if they do, they will be shipped out to a Class IV Org and left there indefinitely…’ (paraphrased of course). This must have been around 1986. My husband and I had a one year old little girl who we were just managing to see for our daily one hour ‘family time’ visits. We had both been long time hard working dedicated scnists and so members, but this new ‘ED Int Order’ stank big time.
As these things go, I became pregnant again. We thought naively that this new ‘policy’ from ED Int could never be implemented as it was surely against several LRH policies, not demoting upstat staff without a comm ev for one! As the months went on, we were told what Class IV org we would be shipped out to, but we tried to resist. Even a great and highly respected executive tried to intervene on my husband’s behalf by petitioning ED Int himself (he needed my husband’s expertise on the projects he was supervising) but the response was a big fat NO. We were to be shipped out of the Sea Org to work in a Class IV org – as a Sea Org Member – to be punished for doing what married couples do – have children.
We even had a little commodore’s messenger knock on the door of our tiny room (not large enough to have a double bed in) waking us up at 2 in the morning to demand to know why I had not had an abortion! Imagine that, at 6 months pregnant, I am being interrogated at my berthing door at 2 in the morning as to why I had not had an abortion? It was appalling. Luckily my husband stood up to him and said ‘It’s in Dianetics not to have an abortion – look it up!’ and the kid went away and we weren’t bothered by him again.
So, Guillaume Lesevre has never been a star in my book, for me it was the beginning of the end of Scn for me forever. It was the first really huge ‘off policy-policy’ I saw being pushed down our throats (there were others, but this one was the biggest for me) and it changed my life. Ultimately it changed my life for the better because I’m now out and will never go back, but at the time it caused untold trauma to me and my family. The silver lining is my kids never grew up in the oppressive suppressive Sea Org environment, and I am eternally grateful for that.
The sad thing is execs like Guillaume Lesevre enforcing hideous off policy, anti-second dynamic orders such as this was just the tip of the iceberg. They have now sunk like the titanic in the poison that they were once a part of creating, with captain miscarriage at the helm brandishing his flag like the maniac that he always was.
So you know, that order was in his name but not his origination. He had two children in the Sea Org.
Thanks Mike – I did wonder…. who’s to say what sort of crimes were forced on others to enforce. I remember he had children of his own, so I could never understand how he could be so cruel.
Part 2…
Moreover (a word miscarriage incessantly uses, have you noticed?) …. Moreover, once I had been shipped off to our assigned Class IV org about 2 or 3 months after the birth of our son, my husband was ‘detained’ back at his post under the guise of ‘looking for a replacement’. Of course I had no replacement but was shipped out anyway, and once I was out of sight from the Sea Org (a young mother with two babies is never to be seen in a sea org org!), there was no longer any ‘need’ or ‘rush’ to send my husband out with me….
So there I was stuck out in a Class IV org with a 2 year old and a 3 month old baby, on my own, with no support and only the good graces of the existing staff who gave me a room with a mattress on the floor – where I lived with my two babies, waiting for my husband to join me.
After months on end, my husband had had enough of being separated from his family with no one at his end allowing him to go! (Talk about a double standard). So he routed out of the S.O. Finally, he was able to join us, and luckily NOT as a Class IV org staff member, because without his getting a job we would have starved and been homeless. The small amount of money the Class IV org made was mostly sent as mandatory payments to Management (to support execs like Guillaume Lesevre) and paying the rent or electricity bill for the org was a priority over paying any of their staff.
So as sad as it is for anyone to not have their children in their lives, I cannot honestly feel a lot of pity for the man who played a big part in enforcing this sort of separation and break up of families. I am sad for him, but I am much sadder for all the thousands of honest hard working sea org members who either had abortions to avoid the hardship of being banished from the group they’ve given years of service to, or had their families ripped in half, simply because they dared to have a baby. It’s INSANE!
Thank you for telling us about what you went through despite how dark and miserable it must have been and how personal it was. I hope you and your family have recovered from the damage they do to people whom they have manoeuvred into such a vulnerable and dependent position. Again, thank you.
What a terrible story. They just don’t care about little inconsequential things like families or babies, you are just supposed to not let such inconsequential things as babies get between you and what is truly important – continuing to work for the church for free.
Protesting the forced abortions in the SO was one of the last straws that got me kicked out. What a disgusting act, I couldn’t believe that anyone would do that to their own teammate. My wife’s cousin had been coerced into several while on staff at ASHO in the 90s before finally routing out and keeping one. In the CofS, you’re not bad for forcing your juniors to kill their babies – that gets an “upstat” of reduced childcare costs and more free labor for CofS hip hip hurray!
In CofS, you’re bad for ~protesting~ forcing women to have abortions against their will. How dare you low life DB staff member have “CI” to “command intention”!
If I got it right Ron tried to pass on command of the ship. He did not let go when he was still sane, and thus able to see how things ran without him. The palace coup left one man standing (you can just barely see miscavige’s head after the lawn is mowed) .
Pretty much leaves a empty void when he leaves, and a rudderless ship ends up on the reefs or broached. I’m so glad you left ship and set a new course.
I’m going to bring up here something that has occurred to me recently while pondering the fate of former major figures like this, that I have mentioned before.
I suspect that at some point we will find out that at least one of the missing former prominent execs has actually been dead for quite a while. It’s possible that they will have turned out to have died overseas, where their death would more likely have gone unnoticed – and that Scientology may claim that they had “blown,” and knew nothing about their demise.
How (or how else) would Scientology handle the inevitable death, and any announcement about it, of one of these formerly well-known figures who have been turned into Orwellian “unpersons”? Surely, at a minumum every effort will be made to ensure that they don’t die (or don’t appear to have) on a Scientology facility, resulting in outside authorities having to be called; and yet I expect Scientology would do everything possible to avoid any of these figures ending up in a hospital, where awkward questions might be asked, deathbed confessions might occur, and family and next of kin would be contacted. This has to be one of the many nightmare scenarios that Miscavige has to contend with, that could spin out of control.
Look up Annie Tidman/Broeker
Mike, thanks, I had her example in mind, though I wasn’t sure how illustrative it would be to cite. She is an example of Scientology moving someone sick off base (if not out of the country), with minders, to die in secret; but she wasn’t one of the well-known people who must still be in the back of the minds of long-term members as well as Scientology watchers, whose ongoing absence raises questions and whose death might be an issue needing announcement, like the executives you cited in the OP.
The real question to me, is how they would handle – or hide – a formerly well-known figure like Heber Jentzsch dying. But I suppose with each passing year it becomes less of an issue, as the memories fade and long-term members “blow” Scientology, and those old enough to remember even pass on themselves.
Scn-ists and ex Scn-ists are a vanishing breed. We are a rather unique tiny group.
…and yet it ticks along. I’d say one more major executive blowing and that will be it, but there are no more major executives. The frame of mind of those left in (I mean truly “in.;” not Under The Radar) is something I can’t even imagine right now. These people must NEED/WANT to be owned.
Wendell Reynolds was the Asst Guardian for Finance before he became the head of the Int Finance Police. I’ve seen no mention of him since the mid 80s so guess he is just another name that has been wiped from the record. He was pretty Hitleresque when he served under a friend of mine and knowing Miscavige suspect the two could have easily bonded like brothers. Can you fill in the blanks on Wendell a little Mike? Did you see him in the Hole too?
Yes, he was in the Hole. He was LITERALLY waiting for LRH to return to prove him right and that HE, not Miscavige should be in charge.
Nutty as a fruitcake.
Wendell was in the Guardian’s Office Finance Bureau but most remember him in the later role of Int. Finance Dictator, the overlord of the Finance Police.
The Finance Police were a kind of cross between Fascists and the Mafia.
I met Wendell once, and some of those guys tried to recruit me into the Finance Police.
This outfit were so diametrically opposed to any reason I had for being in Scientology that I refused right off. Of course, there were consequences.
I wouldn’t put Wendell or any of those Finance Police guys in charge of cleaning out a cow barn!
That is sad about Wendell, didn’t know he thought that he thought LRH would come back and vindicate HIM, over DM, as leader. Was that really serious, or just one of those group confession revealing on Wendell from one Wendell’s North Korean style exaggerated transgressions to please Miscavige with some juicy looking transgression that he knew Miscavige would gloat exposing to the group when Miscavige was demeaning people at group meetings? I suspect Wendell has for decades been admitting more and more delusional transgressions, and really rather than call HIM the culprit, he’d be likely someone that were an outside lawyer and psych team get hold of Wendell and sue the hell out of Miscavige and Scientology for this mental brainwashing damage DONE to Wendell who has lived the entire HELL of the Miscavige years!
I liked Wendell, when back at Clearwater, he was A/G Finance Flag, when Ann Beatty was FBO and then CS-3, and Wendell’s wife then, was maid of honor at my wedding to Ann Halblom Beatty.
Ellen Reynolds, divorced but I don’t think she ever remarried.
I’d say Wendell’s got a “case” of being brainwashed, and made seriously mental, by Scientology, and being screwed by auditing, Miscavige, and the insane ethics pressures of his career, and misdeeds he’s likely thought the greatest good, he’s committed.
Wendell was a Cornell grad, he’s a smart guy.
Here, Here, Chuck. I liked him, too. When I went to Portland in ’85 Wendell was at the sign-in desk. He stuck out his hand with a big smile, remembering me from USLO 1970, tho I was a new SO member then, a nobody. Not a word more needed to be spoken.
Mike, it’s interesting to hear those sort of confirmations of the hardcore old-timers who actually expect Hubbard to return. I think a lot of people don’t get that sort of thinking, and how it impacts individual decision-making, and maybe even some strategic decisions.
Wendell was my senior in ’82-’83 in the Int Fin Office i/c of book, etc sales worldwide. I was the first person to hold the post. Just before that, I was co-director of the Dianetics book campaign, posted at Bridge, along with a woman named Debbie, not certain of her last name. I recall interfacing (reporting to) meeting with Fran Harris at ASI. Don’t recall DM in any meetings. Don’t recall meeting or working with Jeff Hawkins. I’ve digressed. After successful rollout of Dianetics book campaign (I recall being up and on post for over 72 hours straight at the end) I was sent as a missionaire to missions on the west coast, accompanied by members of the Int Finance Police (the gestapo/SS/mafia all rolled into one) . My role was to silently provide ethics presence – similar to executive presence – in full dress uniform as a Lt. Commander. I especially recall the missionholder at Davis, CA, how he was sec checked, threatened, intimidated and extorted to write a check that he didn’t owe. The Int Fin Police tried to hand me the check. I didn’t reach out to take it, and dismissed him from the room. The missionholder fearfully asked me not to recruit any of his staff. I took his hand, looked into his tear-filled eyes, promised him I wouldn’t (and I didn’t) and told him that I was very sorry for what had just transpired, and that I would be writing a KR to ED INT (GL), which I did.
This resulted in my being sent to Flag. They lied and said I was going for training. Nope, locked alone in a room for months under guard, sec checks, you know the drill. Succeeded in getting myself fitness boarded out as a PTS Type III. I wasn’t, but I’d seen someone else that really was mentally ill – schizophrenia, I’m sure – get fitness boarded out for that reason, and I knew it would work. After all of the organizational and individual insanity I had witnessed, including so-called “OTs”, the criminality, corruption, suppression, intimidation, disappeared execs and the whole atmosphere of fear, I realized that the “tech” was total BS and psychologically damaging and the “Church” was a dangerous cult with evil lunatics (including Wendall) at the helm with the sole objective of funneling great sums of money to a few at the top at the expense of the brainwashed and enslaved staff and SO and the deluded and defrauded public. I actually told the sec check auditor and C/S that. That was when they very quickly routed me out, as I demanded. I couldn’t leave, remember, I was locked up under guard and they would not let me leave. They illegally imprisoned me and psychologically tortured me for months. I was afraid that if I didn’t convince them to route me out, I was in real danger of actually physically never making it out alive. I was never even declared an SP, for some reason, and was never issued a freeloader bill. They wouldn’t pay for my airfare back to LA, but I had my own money.
Another title to this article could be The Missing Executed of Scientology.
How many sites have underground vaults? Besides NM and WY?
Mike – I think the big shake-up is coming. Then it will be time to rescue everybody who’s been stuffed into corners.
Shake up? The only shake up will be if DM pulls the plug and liquidates the Church or it gets turned into a For Profit entity. Even then it will just continue by paying taxes on “profits” which will be negligible anyway.. There will be no shake up from within.
I agree, Wynski. It would have to be a shake-up from without.
Mike & Spike, I’ve got a lot of torches & pitchforks we can use.
Awesome, Old Surfer Dude, LOL!!
Reading others’ comments, I’m thinking it’d be a good/nice thing to make contingency plans to help denizens of “the hole” when they’re finally released, things like transportation to their home area, financial aid, job assistance, and any other help we can offer(and they can accept).
In fact, as I think a bit, that sort of thing might be useful to ANYone escaping $CN. Of course, unless we find some whales of our own, we’d probably want to leverage our efforts by hooking into government or NGO institutions that could do the job as their normal duties. Many of us who escaped had family or friends who helped; it seems most now in have been forced to disconnect from all of the normal support systems. Personally, I’d support such an effort as I could, but that’s not been much more than thought lately
I’m game for this help flow/plan. I think its a great idea, sincerely, but with one exception. Don’t ask me to put up Jan Eastgate. I will not have bedroom for her. But wait – I just thought of something …I know an attic she can hang upside down in.
I think they’re all dead, David Miscavige is a scary psychopath, He creeps me out, he’s definitely got that Napoleonic complex!