4 years ago, David Miscavige turned LA Org into the “model” ideal org by importing 200 Sea Org Members and turning it into a “Sea Org” org (specifically not the model for orgs around the world…)
This is supposed to be the shining example of what a Class V organization could be (if manned with 200 SO members)…
They have just sent out an announcement celebrating 4 years of model idealiness.
The idealiest org of all has 200 staff working a Sea Org schedule, 9am – 11pm 7 days a week and produces 665 “Clears and NED Case Completions” in 4 years..
Let’s just call this 600 Clears (who knows hw many NED case completions there are or how many of them go on to become Clear eventually on the “alternate route”?). Or 150 per year. Or 3 per week.
To Clear Los Angeles metro area population of 13 million in 10 years would require 1.3 million Clears each year.
That would require 8,665 MORE “Model Ideal Orgs” in the LA area. They consider this an “ideal city” because the 5 orgs in the area are all ideal. None of them produces even 10% of the Clears of this artificial “model” ideal org. There has not been any new org opened in LA since Inglewood and before that since the 1970’s…
More delusions of grandeur.
They pat themselves on the back for their “amazing accomplishments” that are in fact admissions of complete failure.
Scientology, the game where everyone claims to be winning, all the time. Despite overwhelming, irrefutable evidence to the contrary. And they are the ones who keep highlighting that overwhelming evidence, touting it as proof of their success. It is insane.
PeaceMaker – continued from below
In 1980 I wouldn’t have been able to afford $2,400 for the entire Academy package let alone $2,400 for each level. That was a long time ago and my exact timetrack ……………er …………. timeline is fuzzy about exactly what I did and when.
I bought the dianetics training course at the Salt Lake City mission sometime in the mid 1970s. A guess is that it cost about $500. I then went to ASHO and did a dianetic internship which would have been a separate cost.
Later on around 1980 when I was training and co-auditing on the scn grades the “Dianetic Drug Rundown” was released. It was deemed a priority and myself and my co-auditor were transferred onto it. I had previously attested to “Dianetics Completion” but the drug rundown addressed attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains associated with drug and alcohol use. The purification rundown or sweat program as it might have been called was not yet up and running so we escaped that. At some point on that rundown I attested to “Dianetic Clear” which put me in the “non interference zone” which meant no further auditing, go directly to the OT levels. Soon after that the price increases resumed and I split. So my scn experience is obviously a lot different than most other people commenting.
Here’s a thread on ESMB about the ever changing definition of “Clear” with an article David Mayo wrote about it in 1986 for anyone interested.
Richard, inflation from the 1970s to the 90s was about 280%, so your $500 would have been equivalent to at the time of that $1,400 on that later price list – closer to the $2,400 then charged. Also, average income in the mid-1970s was about $8,000 per year, so $500 would have been a pretty good chunk of that. Scientology was always relatively expensive, which is why even in the 1970s people were having to do things like sell their cars, and the more aggressive (and successful) missions were arranging for fraudulent loans, though of course that has all only gotten worse.
I appreciate the details and perspective, as my experience back around then was minimal. And, I’m still interested to know, did your Dianetics auditor training including Hubbard books and lectures?
I listened to taped lectures in the course rooms. Buying a tech dictionary and a course pack might have been required.
Oh My Gosh! Just look at Major Sweetie Pie – holding those cans. I feel a very easy opportunity coming to take a cheap shot at her. I am struggling mightily to refrain from doing that.
But really, has no one ever had a laugh at her expense and remarked on her holding those cans and wondering if anyone would like to ………. *censored* by Skyler because it was a foolilsh cheap shot.
Oh my Gosh! That is such a terrible and dirty cheap shot! I am now feeling highly conflicted. I feel like I must delete that foolish cheap shot. It is surely an affront to all of our lady comrades. After all, we are all of us in this very same fight. Surely it must be wrong to make stupid pre-pubescent jokes about – of all things – female anatomy. After all, just think about our mothers. Do we really want to disprespect our mothers like that. I feel better now for removing that.
Skyler gave us:
“Oh My Gosh! Just look at Major Sweetie Pie – holding those cans. I feel a very easy opportunity coming to take a cheap shot at her.”
Thanks for beating me to the ‘punch’ skyler. Now I don’t feel so bad noticing the cute bod…. AND who says sex don’t sell?
BUT WHY does it seem she’s thrusting those cans forward forcefully?
I guess as long as public thinks their getting some type of “win” they will continue down this road to now where…
Public aren’t so much worried about whether the world is getting cleared or at what rate, the “church” puts on a good show getting it’s members to think they are clearing the planet .
When somebody enrolls, consider he or she has fucked up for the duration of the universe—never permit an “open-minded” approach, because critical thinking leads to departure. If they’re going to quit, let them quit fast, but not before taking everything they’ve got, and I do mean everything. If they enrolled, they’re here on the same terms as the rest of you—get sick and die in the attempt. Never let them be half-assed about being Scientologists; make sure you own their entire ass.
Very good, Scribe. That is exactly what my 23 years in the SO brought me.
Half a million people are born in LA County every 4 years. They’re going to have to pick up the pace or this planet is screwed. Ron, please hurry back.
“Well, the ONLY time the SPs howl is when Scientology is doing gangbusters. Everyone knows that ”
But… But: What’s happening when the SPs are howling with LAUGHTER?
Chris , from what I’ve seen/heard, things are SLOWER, not faster. First, there’s the ‘endless Basics’ they have to complete, then something like the pro TRs course(which I did about ’71) that must get DM’s *personal* sign-off (when he gets around to it), then videoed sessions to get “passed” on, then the auditor waiting around for the needle to “whistle dixie” and somehow getting the PC to the examiner with a sufficiently unkillable FN. I don’t think that’s going to happen QUICKLY, given that the TRs, etc, are all judged by the ONE ‘auditor’ who ever punched out a PC mid-session.
Clearly, DM has set everyone & everything up to fail, so he can swoop in and “fix” it finally, for all time.
In the 1970s auditor training was streamlined without roadblocks. Hubbard only sold training and processing*. The more trained auditors the more auditing could be sold which meant more money. Back then Elron probably figured lots more people would be coming in.
* The word “processing” still irks me. There IS a King’s English definition which fits, a series of steps, but it sounds like something that occurs in a sausage factory. Get some auditing and get your brain/mind “processed” haha
Richard, in the 1950s and 60s one of Hubbard’s money-makers was the lectures and congresses that he gave live that often costs thousands of dollars to attend, where he apparently talked off the cuff, saying things that were often made up or contradictory including outright lies, perhaps sometimes while drunk or on drugs. Those speeches were turned into tapes that followers ever since have had to pay to listen to, spending large amounts of time trying to make out, and make sense of, what he was saying. Is that really training and processing?
There are also a lot of courses, most notoriously PTS/SP, that arguably teach nothing of any practical use, and are thus even more obviously indoctrination rather than training.
PeaceMaker – True. It’s just a guess on my part but by the late 1970s there might have been as many as 100,000 followers worldwide in various stages of participation. There was no requirement to buy books or taped lectures and the bulk of the income came from selling training and auditing.
It’s speculation but maybe Hubbard worried the thing was getting TOO big and he would lose dictatorial control so around 1982 he jacked up the prices to slow things down and sent out the sea org police to get control over the missions.
It’s history and scientology today is what DM is offering complete with voluntary and mandatory donations, organization wide hard selling and the list goes on.
Another speculation is that Hubbard decided he had enough followers that he might as well get as much money out of them as fast as he could. You can never have too much money, even when you are heading to the Great Beyond – haha
Richard, what was happening, as confirmed by many inside sources, was that income was tanking as the baby boomers grew up and moved on to other things – except at a few of the missions that were getting innovative about their regging tactics, including “gang bang” pressure and setting up fraudulent loans (the predecessor to today’s credit card abuse). Hubbard also went the route of trying to “hard sell” and asset strip people, in order to “make money, make more money” out of a declining following.
Weren’t lectures part of courses, or required to move up the “bridge”? I didn’t get any further than having to listen to just a couple, but I assume that as an auditor it would have been part of your “training,” was that not the case?
If I have it right, here are some auditor training requirements from a 1990s price list I found – Scientology’s current listings show many more required books to read, did it used to be more minimal? It still seems to me as much indoctrination as functional training – plus materials that produce royalties through ASI:
Academy Level 0 Course $2,400
* Level 0 Lectures (on cassette) $240
* Self Analysis Book $18
[Full Set of Tech Volumes] $2,025
Academy Level I Course $2,400
* Level I Lectures (on cassette) $375
* Problems of Work Book $18
Academy Level II Course $2,400
* Level II Lectures (on cassette) $590
* Fundamentals of Thought Book $18
Academy Level III Course $2,400
* Level III Lectures (on cassette) $240
* Scientology 0-8 Book $18
Academy Level IV Course $2,400
* Level IV Lectures (on cassette) $240
* Handbook for Pre-Clears Book $40
* Advance Procedures & Axioms Book $40
PeaceMaker – I followed the 1970 Grade Chart which had dianetic auditing before scientology grades auditing. I was an interned dn auditor which qualified me to do several auditing procedures on paying customers and I had worked for about a year as a mission staff auditor.
Around 1980 I was at ASHO training and co auditing on the scn grades so I had obviously paid for the grades package and my case supervision was included in the package. Maybe around 1981 the monthly price increases resumed and I thought it was a ripoff and I split. After that I guess people got “slow boiled” to the ever increasing prices, a little bit here and a little bit there.
You seem to be a bit incredulous to the fact that scn was once affordable to a middle income person.
Richard, I thought that Dianetic auditing training was parallel to the early grades, and so would have included the same lectures and books – was there really none of that?
I remember that Scientology was in some ways more affordable back then – though it was still a good bit of money for the time, and even now there’s lower level stuff that can be done fairly cheaply, which is all many can actually afford even though the push and all the publicity goes toward “clear” and the OT levels.
You certainly figured it out and split at about the right time, and I also think that being in what must have been a fairly nice mission, you had a better experience of it than even a lot of other people in other places.
Richard, El Con jacked up the prices and took control of the Missions because HE wanted more money. It was as simple as that. He could never have enough money, gold and jewels. He was insane.
The single most important “Org” in all of scamology was ASI. THAT was because it drove CSI to sell LRH royalty works above ALL other things. The worked through a Corporate liaison to CSI to ensure Hubtard’s extreme enrichment. Missions selling works that paid royalties or buying them from BPI was far more important than selling auditing.
Wynski – Okay. You know more about it than me. Hubbard CLAIMED he lived on his royalties but when he died he was worth tens of millions of dollars and I doubt it all came from royalties. To me it seems obvious that in one way or another he was skimming from his cherch.
“Hubbard CLAIMED he lived on his royalties but when he died he was worth tens of millions of dollars and I doubt it all came from royalties. To me it seems obvious that in one way or another he was skimming from his church.”
To me, as well, but he didn’t have to RECEIVE the money, just control it. At the end, I don’t believe he ‘owned’ much more than that bus, but he had the exclusive use of many things. It’s a difference that makes no difference except in a courtroom — other than the court of public relations. DM has about the same situation if he wants, but insists on being *PAID* upwards of $100k / year, last I saw. Other than St Hill and a couple of villas in N. Africa& southern Europe, and a few places in the US after Flag was established, Tubby seemed to live frugally — other than the numerous servants he commanded.
The claim as I remember it was that he lived on his sci-fi royalties, because he’d supposedly been successful at that back when he was known in the genre. But he never really made much money at that – much was just sold for the infamous penny a word – except when followers were pushed to buy more expensive copies of his later works.
Part of the later royalty scam was that Scientology orgs, and I think missions as well, were shaken down for supposed past-due royalties for Hubbard’s “work,” for tens of millions of dollars that really represented accumulated cash and assets that he wanted to find a justification grab. That’s the sort of thing that caused Scientology to lose its tax exemption originally, because Hubbard was benefiting personally.
Also, if I recall, people who did Scientology’s finances – I think perhaps including Homer Schomer, who later became a famous indie – also said that at the time Hubbard was claiming to draw no pay from Scientology, he was actually even getting regular paychecks, in addition to those amounts he was getting behind the scenes.
Yes Richard I do a lot more than you do. Do you know how much product from GOLD, all royalty producing, orgs, missions, students around the world were forced to purchase? Why illegally skim when you can legally force people to buy your royalty producing products?
“Today is my 70th Birthday……NOTHING on this planet has EVER been “cleared” of anything….nor will it EVER be……”
Well, I AGREE with your sentiment, even having attested to ‘clear’ 40 ears ago — the beginning of the end for me, but All of us here, AFAICT, are CLEAR of DM’s cult and unlikely to darken its doorways again except to gaze in in disbelief and humor much like we’d glance at an ‘ant farm’ (which isn’t so bad a simile, now that I think a bit.
Thank you Jere! As a “never in” having been “introduced” to COS mostly due to the Aftermath Series & some readings I had done after fellow then former high school graduate friends got involved w2ith various “cult religions”…..well all I can say is that I am beyond THRILLED that you GOT OUT & made a wonderful life for yourself.
I KNOW it could not have been easy. I knew a then fellow employee who left the J.W.’s & his parents siblings friends & church mates actually “defellowshipped” from him…..shunned him forever.
Mind you, this was a long while ago….he was heart broken but had to face the reality that is how things would go. They died several years back…he made a brief appearance at the funeral his STILL INVOLVED siblings arranged after reading about their passing in the local newspaper…..wow…so sad.
Hello Balletlady. I cannot resist this opportunity to wish you a Happy Birthday.
As a matter of fact, I feel a strong urge to ask you about your name. Were you ever trained as a Ballet Dancer? If so, is there any video around that would show you dancing some ballet?
If so, would you feel comfortable with pointing us to see it? I think you might be able to “black out” your face so that people could not identify you. It would be dangerous to post personal video of yourself until The Scam is thoroughly destroyed and scattered to the winds. I wouldn’t want you to open up yourself to that kind of risk – identity theft, etc.
But, if you can feel secure in posting some video that has been appropriately cleansed, I’m certain that it would be a real treat to see you perform – providing you are comfortable with that.
Dressed up in their Good Ship Lollipop costumes working 14 hours a day 7 days a week to … CLEAR THE PLANET.
Kat: You make good points, but with the wrong time: It’s not that those things WILL happen, but that they HAVE, except that the Munchkin’s® machinations give the ILLUSION that parts of DM’s cult are ‘alive’ and “well” when nothing could be further from the truth. In truth, he’s in pure desperation mode because ALL of his BRILLIANT marketing moves have completely fallen flat and he has to find ever more-inventive ways to seemingly prop up the collapsing house of cards. It’s all smoke and mirrors, of course, but he doesn’t have the EXPERIENCE in the confidence game to do it as adroitly as Tubby seemed to.
Gus: re-doing ‘clear’!???, and I suppose with that criminally squirreled redefinition of an F/N. too. What a simply LOVELY way to invalidate case gain and the ‘tek’, too. AND, there aren’t many sheep standing in line waiting to get shorn yet again. Too many of them are out ‘here’ looking in and laughing… or crying … bur they’re not *there*, in any case(so to speak).
The constant people shuffle will eventually have to fail. The cult is not bringing in many new people, and they are losing people. Eventually the maths will show the truth. The battle to recruit staff seems to be ongoing at every one of the orgs, and there don’t seem to be enough of them to fill any one single org to the point that it is adequately ‘staffed’, Although there is likely not enough public to need any more staff on board. Its the final flush where the cult is watching the water in the toilet swirl ever closer to its ultimate conclusion.
A bit more bad press may end up being the final straw. Although the lawsuit will take years to be heard in court, the cult suffers every time a new story breaks that is high profile. You cant stop public from reading the news, and eventually they will start to wonder why so many scandals are rocking their cult.
Tick-tock Miscavige.
Tick-tock indeed. You have a great way with words, Kat.
I want to tell you that I think you are very fortunate to have come into this struggle just when you did. It seems to me that there is a very good chance this scam is on it’s last legs now. It is always possible to make a big mistake about predicting that. But I just get this wonderful feeling in the air that people are truly feeling a big sense of destruction in the air.
Seems to me that all the great work that Mike & Lean (and many others) have recently contributed is now paying off. So many of the public are now aware of the destructive nature of this batshit crazy cult.
We all could be wrong. But it sure does feel like this crazy cult is on its death legs now and that is so well deserved. It’s been a very long time coming and it’s been so well deserved!
I’ve been running all around the Net today singing the praises of Mike & Leah’s TV show as well as all our other heroes …… such as Mary Kahn, Valerie Haney, Tony Ortega, John Sweeny …. Oh now! I knew it was a mistake to start this list because it is just too big to list all the heroes (who are usually also victims). Paulette Cooper. Amy Scobee. Marc Headley and his wonderful wife Claire. Aaron Smith-Levin. Lawrence Wright. Alex Gibney. Ray Jeffrey. Paul Haggis.
Oh darn! I knew it was bound to be a mistake to try and list all the heroes of the struggle to kill The Scam. But I couldn’t stop until I got to Paul Haggis. He is one of my big personal heroes.
Skyler, you missed Aaron’s SP … DOG! as another loving victim of DM’s batshit-crazy cult.
Today is my 70th Birthday……NOTHING on this planet has EVER been “cleared” of anything….nor will it EVER be……
It’s a pipe dream, induced by constant badgering & brain washing that “this will ever work”. There are too many OTHER religions who worship & believe in other deities & other ways of life. NO GROUP of people is ever going to agree on the SAME THING.
Set yourselves freed & get on with a REAL life…you CAN DO IT
Yes indeed! Excellent post Balletlady. I sure do hope you won’t mind if I jump in here to give a plug to The Aftermath Foundation.
For anyone who is trying to escape this scam or who is experiencing difficulties, in case you may not know, there is a foundation dedicated to helping people who want to escape this cult. You can find it on the Net by searching for “The Aftermath Foundation”. It’s easy to find. They offer help to people who want to leave this cult and that help is offered by the people who are best qualified to help. They are people who have been inside this crazy cult and who have left and so they know what they are talking about. They offer all kinds of help – including advice and some people to talk with and help you through what can be a very difficult experience.
To me David Miscavige is a coward. If he ever had to go one on one without his toadies and his immoral team of attorneys, just you and a moderator, anyone here who has been in this cult, those who know the inner workings inside and out, especially now that you have broken free, he would run. Or cry, or pee his pants. (that was a very long sentence)
If you don’t have a reactive mind. You can’t go Clear. Only when you buy the idea of a reactive mind, Scientology can help you. Make up your mind i would say 🙂
excellent point
aha “statistics”!!!
About 8 or so years ago I added up the “NPI” (New People In) statistic reported by Milano Org since its inception and realized that, according to them, the entire population of Milan had been through the org. Apparently the city of Milan never noticed.
The “management” of scientology floats through existence on rose colored, billowing clouds of total BS.
Hi Mick. So nice to hear from you old friend. 🙂
Try as they may they can’t hide the truth by not reporting all their stats like they used to. 665 clears in 4 years? That’s about 141 a year? That’s maybe 2-3 a week! And how many are re-do’s? How many are even still there taking courses now? How many were staff? And those YELP reports someone gave the link to in the comments? Wow. Those ratings and comments really show how the majority of passersby see them and their facade of helping people for free. Nothing is free. Most of those clears and the staff are fairly innocent, sincere followers of policy with high hopes of making the world a better place. The cognitive dissonance must be making them crazy.
Yeah, I read those Yelp reviews, too; quite revealing. They can’t even do “aggressive sales” right – annoying and insulting thier would-be “customers.”
I know right!!! I think they get indoctrinated to think “wogs” are beneath them so it’s ok to insult them like that. Not smart!
Rosemarie, your wording got me thinking: Are those distinct sets of people? The ad said 665 clears and NED completions. IIRC, the EP of NED was a Dianetic ‘Clear’, which certainly seemed to be the case back in ’78. I wonder if the NED EP has been quickied to make the sheep feel like they’d REALLY WON something other than a worthless sheet of paper. — which seems to be the “prize” DM gives out for anything.
I have the same questions as you do in your reply above. I was a flag trained ned auditor/cs back in the 70’s but now?? I don’t know. There are others who came out since 2012 or so maybe they know after all that GAT 2 etc? I saw wins on dianetics, like… maybe 30% of the people who came and went had big wins but I always noticed “most” of those wins didn’t “last.” The headaches returned, the somatics returned, they still suffered etc. Just buy more hours! Get them to the reg! The money angle! Bothered me a lot!
I heard from a still in that some of the auditors are co-uditing each other to Clear because there aren’t enough paying pcs. Last time I was at Flag there were few to no pcs in the waiting lounge for auditing, and I was the only pc my auditor had on his lines.
Thank you for letting us know what the PC waiting Room looked like from your perspective. It sounds even worse than when I was there about 7 years ago. They kept trying to get me to go in at times that were inconvenient because it was me and one other person.
They cared not about what was convenient for me. And stunned perfectly happy to ARCX me while trying to force me into a very inconvenient for me schedule.
There were less people in the waiting Room then I remembered in years past.
A disturbing trend on my last 2 visits was the fact that they were allowing reges from IAS and other organizations to freely roam the OT/PC waiting area.
When I complained that this was disturbing and in no way relaxing, I was basically told that the pc waiting area was for the convenience of the auditors in being able to find their PC’s quickly or some such krapp.
When I got good and upset, suddenly they were all about, what can we do to make you feel better? Blah blah blah, but I’m sure I burned some of my hard earned and paid for hours on rudiments that they pushed out.
It makes total sense to me that you were the only one there on your auditor’s lineup.
You can’t treat people like krapp and give them lousy service and threatened them and fail to deliver forever.
Tick tock.
Clearly not Clear, Your experiences match mine. They were so desperate for money 7 and 8 years ago, that now it must be ne plus ultra desperate and using desperate measures. Hey, if they ARCX you, it’s a way to rack up WDAH (well done auditing hours) and burn through your intensives and make you buy more. It’s all about them, the money, their stats. It is not ever about the pc and making them having wins and erasing their case. That hasn’t been that way ever since DM took over.
That’s a fact Cindy. I used to ‘make it go right’ and try to stay uptone while being treated poorly. I thought I was failing and being a victim if I let the treatment ‘get me down.’
I look at what happened numerous visits to Flag. I put up with so much unpleasant 8Cing, so much unwanted control, unwanted advice given with an evaluative awfulness, and tried hard not to be mad about it. Being a victim was overt number 1.
I have had to unspool my drummed in since 18 years old programming, to not complain even in my head when I’m treated badly.
I now set boundaries.
That is a big statement, because an indoctrinated Scilon tells personal things when asked, that are none of anyone’s beezwax, and doesn’t push back when a senior asks for too much. And allows unjust things to happen.
No more.
It makes a certain strange sense in Scientology’s slave labor economy, that as paying clients disappear there could be a burst of seeming activity from staff trying to keep busy.
Cindy, that’s ALWAYS been the case: never enough paying PCs to keep the auditors busy, auditors co-auditing because that’s the ONLY way they’re going to get auditing, themselves, OR be able to get hours in the chair & experience; There are other reasons, but the first couple are sufficient for my purposes.
Well said, Jere.
I’ll bet most of those “clears” are re-do’s too. You know, they went “clear” before, but now they had to go “GAT clear.” I personally know a couple of OT’s who were told they didn’t really go clear and had to re-do it.
Good point. Particularly at LA’s central org, re-dos could be a lot of their business, I’m guessing because they’d get people seeking to do more advanced services at AOLA or Flag.
I was at big blue for two weeks in 1990. I recall one of the young ladies who was trying to recruit me to join staff saying that they are trying to clear Los Angeles. I gather it’s safe to say they haven’t made much progress in the intervening years?
My Mom is OT, did Super Powers and all 3 L’s. She is sick with Lyme’s disease and some other ailments. I don’t understand what it will take for her to see that Scientology makes you sick – not better. I am afraid she is crazy on top of it. Scientology ruined her life and mine. I hate Scientology. I apprecaite this blog and all of the people that spoke out. I am watching the show on A&E. Wow! Wow! Wow!
I am thirsting for more episodes of Mike and Leah’s wonderful show. I have little idea how the TV industry works behind the scenes. I would guess many people are now struggling to bring us another season. But there seems to be some problem(s) with producing one. Some people think the problem is that The Scam has been threatening some kind of Legal Action or other of their common threats.
I think most people are remaining silent for fear of upsetting the apple cart – so to speak.
But I think there are a great many people who appreciate this show like you do and who remain hopeful we will see another season.
I hope you are looking around for a good lawyer so that you will be able to sue these bastards who caused your mother so much pain and suffering.
Best of luck to you. I hope your mother is compensated many dollars. That is the best way to teach these kinds of sleazeball criminals they will have to pay damages for cheating people and lying to them in order to enrich themselves. Dirty crooks ruin this life for all of us.
Welcome to the group, Dover! I hope that one day your mother sees the light and leaves.
In late 1968, there were 10 – 15 attested Clears a week in Los Angeles alone. These were Dn or Class 4 auditors who had done power, solo R6EW, and the CC materials to the satisfaction of the AO Qual sec. That rate could not continue, BUT the persons who did all of that was assuredly a different being than the robo-Borgs of today.
Back then we had to do-the-do. Now you gives your assets (and ass) and the pope waves his tiny wand. All they have is a big piece of paper and dodo on their faces.
[Disclaimer: This is NOT a Freezone commercial]
Although any stat the COS tries to throw at us deserves scrutiny, let’s approach this from a different angle. What were the exact procedures used to achieve these case “completions?” Mock the tech if you like, but the COS GAT methods are simplified, watered down versions of the auditing processes used in the pre-DM age. I trained on both, and the new procedures reminded me of McDonald’s automated system of food preparation. A MacD employee these days doesn’t even have to know what a French fry is. Just press the button and presto.
The COS may be making Clears, but so what. Today’s PCs aren’t doing much more than getting their hand stamped “Clear.” It may not seem like a significant difference, but I think it is. And it comes down to money. Today’s PCs can complete an auditing level faster, with fewer personnel who have been quickly trained. Same cost, quicker and cheaper results. At the very least, the COS is getting their PCs nowhere a lot faster now.
The only relevance to that Chris is that the CoS is doing less work now than before. However, the “work” is equally useless as is was in the past. Delivering a scam fast is actually better than delivering it slowly. Less spend on “auditing” hours for the same result.
What Wynski said!
I mean…how would you like your scientology turd? Fresh and steaming?
Freeze-dried? Blended? Dehydrated and served as a powder? Divided into tiny pebbles or all in one lump? On a platter or in a bowl? On the ship or in The Hole? At the break of day or in the dead of night? Just squeeze and grunt, and make it go right…but know in the end, it’s still useless shite!
In the name of The Flubbard, The Homunculus, and the OSA Skanks,
Mark I believe you said you were at FCDC. I was told that both Tom and Liz Clapp were clears? I recall being unimpressed if they were examples of clears.
Chris Shugart, best comment of the day/ week/ year. Having done Pre GAT and GAT, I agree that what you say is correct and the McDonald’s automation analogy is spot on. “Same cost, quicker and cheaper results.”
Also let’s not forget that LA Org had already reached St Hill size many years before/ decades they sent the SO in to make them St Hill Size again. That tells me they made the target and then slumped and got smaller after it. So they keep trying to pump it up to reach statuses they already reached and lost years ago.
Chris. Good observation. What is also true for those still in, is they have to take the word of the materials currently presented. The actual technical bulletins are not available.
I was chatting to a still in recently, and he really believes the tech is great. When going over why I have ‘reservations’ I pointed out that there are NO policy letters available, NO bulletins available, NO Class VI course material and no Class VIII material. What he has access to is what is presented in slick new binders. No source, to use his words. He looked at me for a long time, said nothing, and after a while we changed the subject.
He knows how I feel, but fastidiously avoids certain subjects or views. If I let rip with both barrels, it would cost him thousands in sec-checks. So he skirts some areas. That’s our dance at the moment.
Didn’t standards come and go even under Hubbard? There was the infamous era of “quickie clears,” presumably in part because they were trying to get people to do more expensive services after that.
I also wonder if what is going on now with clears would fit with my theory that Miscavige is deliberately backing off on the delivery of auditing to avoid “flaps.” It’s almost certainly the case, for instance, that if they back off on the sort of techniques that can produce “exteriorization” disassociation, they’ll have fewer “flaps” with people going “PTS Type II” psychotic, since psychologically disassociation is one step short of psychosis and trying to achieve the one is likely to push some people into the other.
It’s a plausible theory, PM. But I see another factor. While the so called “Tech” may be as bogus as the nose on Michael Jackson’s face, it’s still the case that the establishment and delivery of auditing and training is logistically complex. If you look at Div 4 and 5 of the org board you’ll see what I mean. And as you implied, auditing can get bogged down in Div I, if Ethics and Security get thrown into the mix. All of this requires skilled staff to function properly, something I’m willing to bet they seriously lack. Scn has money, but they don’t have adequate manpower. So I can’t help but wonder what the heck they’re actually turning out of their technical divisions.
I remember about 3 years before this shipment of 200 SO members to LA, the Sea Org recruiters at Flag were telling potential recruits (like my son) that they HAD TO HAVE way more new Sea Org members in order to man and open the Super Power Bldg. What BS. The Super Power Bldg opened in 2014 and the Ideal Los Angeles Org was in 2015. So they took 200 Sea Org and I think most were from Flag and shipped them to Los Angeles. The church of scientology – the church of deceit and lies. I wonder with all the empty bldgs why recruitment for staff or Sea Org needs to be done at all.
Signs of success. When we are losing we are winning!
Scientology – the opposite result of what is promised.
Freedom is Slavery
War is Peace
Not knowing is cause over MEST
Chasing a carrot on a stick is “the Bridge to Freedom” however, there are never any carrots – just the illusion of one and reaching levels of delusion and let’s pretend.
Well, the ONLY time the SPs howl is when Scientology is doing gangbusters. Everyone knows that 🙂
Really, is there a more perfect explanation for horrible publicity?
“Its because we’re doing so WELL”.
I’ll say it again: UTRs excepted, the Still In are the Brain Dead. Mental retardation should their primary goal, as such would be a realistic, gradient step UP from their current operating state.
Wynski said: “Signs of success. When we are losing we are winning!”
This crazy scam blurts out the most outrageous bullshit and expects people will believe it. Examples:
“When we are losing we are winning!”
“When we are doing nothing, we are winning!”
“When we are dead, we are winning!”
“When we take away all your old age annuities, we are winning!”
“When we take away all your savings plans, we are winning!”
“When you are insolvent, we are winning!”
“When you are bankrupt, we are winning!”
“When we away your family, we are winning!”
“When we destroy all your relationships, we are winning!”
“When you are dead, we are winning!”
“When you are dead, we are happy because we think that means you can no longer sue us!”
I strongly suggest that if you have any money at all when you die, you should put something in your will authorizing your estate to sue the bastards so your loved ones may be able to get damages for all the wrongdoing they have done to you.
Skyler, your humor is appreciated, but what you wrote is far truer than you perhaps realize.
Scientology, the organization, REWARDS people for being ignorant and not getting educated, for getting repeatedly divorced, for ignoring your family so as to devote your time and energy to the church, for turning your back on your family and friends, for being financially irresponsible in order to donate, for stiffing and lying to creditors in order to donate, for going bankrupt in order to donate, for incurring tax liens in order to donate, for having your house foreclosed on in order to donate, and, in general, for having no goal or purpose in your life other than the total devotion of your of time, energy, or money, to David Miscavige.
All of the above outpoints that would classify a person as a loser in the real world are, in Scientology, pluspoints.
In the cult, its not uncommon for Still Ins to actually boast about these things, and yes, I am serious.
Very interesting Aqua. You are correct, by the way. I never realized just how true that was.
I wonder how much of that came from ripping off other orgs in the area and even around the country, taking their PCs and leaving all the local orgs even more idle and morgue-like than ever – plus from bringing in people from across the country and around the world in the vast areas where Scientology has no operational presence, or has even lost the missions that once served members. I’m sure that if we could see Scientology’s actual overall stats – which are of course kept carefully hidden to hide inconvenient truths – it would be obvious that clears and NED completions are tanking, and LA is just grabbing a larger slice of a shrinking pie, which has really been the story of Scientology in the last 4 or 5 decades, ever since the baby boom went bust.
Also, if they’d actually cleared their staff, that could account for up to a third of the total.
Hubbard degraded the state of “Clear” to the point that it means nothing. When I was in, people wanted to attest to the state of Clear because it meant less money had to be spent for the higher levels. If you look at all the steps after clear to OT VIII, it is like trying to cross a Cat 5 Hurricane. So to attest to clear is meaningless. All you need to do it is a brief period of happiness. These 600 people are motivated to make up personal happiness stories to get the clear cert. Hubbard could “Clear” everyone in the world and it would be useless. The real problem with Scientology is that there are too many worthless steps until you get to the real OTVIII. Hubbard said it his whole life. He said to John McMaster, one of the first British “Clears”. Hubbard was always trying to get people to abandon Christianity (Love of Neighbor) and revert to actions of Lucifer. So simple. Scientology is pure Lucifer.
But Hubbard even got that wrong. In the Occult, which Hubbard could not understand, Lucifer evolves into the destructive being. This is where Hubbard went wrong. He did not understand that the end product of Lucifer is delusion. Or maybe he did understand and just wanted everyone in hell.
LMAO!!!! George how could Hubtard “degrade” something he made up out of whole cloth that did exist? Are you feeling ok?
I just remember from my seventeen years in that Hubbard from 1972-1989 said that the entire population was lower in understanding every year and that is why he kept adding more steps. I do not understand your comment. What do you mean by “made up out of whole cloth that did exist. ” I feel fine by the way.
750 idiot sevens coudn’t clear the planet. Maybe a few handle it or maybe the money is gone?
An insane charade indeed.
It also hurts to see how the public and staff are manipulated and made to continue to act all these cult falsehoods. In there minds they believe ‘they are helping’, in reality they are being betrayed.
Is not fair.
This is what some happy clampers say on Yelp.
Some very honest reviews. Too bad you have throw the mOrg even one star to post.
One person claims to be on life improvement courses for two years! Wow!
Their PR advertising materials just grow more ridiculous each passing day. When this scam finally does crash and burn, one way or another, I expect that Alex Gibney – or some other documentary film maker – will have a field day writing and directing a film that tells the life story of This Scam.
If done in the right hands, won’t that be a marvellous film? I know of several other stories that document similar organizations. Films that document the rise and fall of other scams.
These films can be marvellous epics that show how these orgs began with a terrible struggle and had to overcome many initial barriers. In most cases, those initial barriers were put in their way for a very good reason. Those reasons often include the fact these orgs were nothing more than criminal enterprises that existed for just a single purpose – to lie cheat and steal as much money as possible from innocent victims who had worked for most of their entire lives and whose heads were turned by stories of how these orgs were created to make this world a better place and create a heaven, right here on earth.
Today, most of us can see through the terrible bullshit that is the hallmark of these orgs. But at the time, the lies they told about the reason for their existence were not very difficult to believe and many people were happy to sign up for their eternal reward and fork over their hard earned life savings to con men like L. Ron. Tub of Guts and other similar criminal gas bags.
I very much look forward to seeing what Alex will do in the way of eviscerating these monsters. It should be possible for such a film to win him another Academy Award.
I especially look forward to hearing how Alex will document the tragedy that struck down Lisa McPherson and the story of what this so-called cherch did to Shelly. I won’t even mind if The Monster is serving a Life sentence in the penitentiary and so he never gets to see the film made about how he mismanaged and ultimately blew his big opportunity to increase the presence of this scam.
IMHO, it took a real fool to run this scam into the ground. At the time he “inherited” it and made himself the big boss, it was a creepy criminal org, but it was making a huge amount of money. But the way in which he ran things caused it to run right into the ground.
It would be laughable if not for all the suffering and human tragedy he caused all the people who gave him their money in return for some promised salvation and wound up with nothing but pain and suffering and bankruptcy.
So well said, Skyler.
It does take a “special touch” to take something making that much money with people that dedicated and sold out for it and effectively (almost literally) stomping out the fire in so many, so quickly.
The IRS win was his one big claim and that def helped bring in a TON of cash for a bit, but it’s been followed by a series of decisions so disastrous for the long term viability of co$ (thanks for that, tiny manchild!) it’s no wonder he keeps dusting off and hauling out videos, etc. of that one “win”.
This actor, Bruce Greenwood, could play Miscavige. Maybe it’s just me, but I think the resemblance is pretty amazing.
Bruce Greenwood played one of the lawyers or Union reps (I forget which) in the film “Flight” and he was great.
I’m guessing that many of you have seen the film “Flight (2012)” starring Denzel Washington. Denzel is one of my most favorite actors and he has been in some films that were little known but truly amazing. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000243
I would like to seriously recommend to you that you see Flight if you have not seen it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1907668/characters/nm0339304?ref_=tt_cl_t15
Also, here are a few of Denzel’s other films that you may well never have heard of but I think you may enjoy them as much as I did. I loved them.
Remember the Titans 2000 (a football movie)
Out of Time 2003 (one of my very favorites)
Inside Man 2006 (very intriguing film about the “perfect” robbery)
Deja Vu 2006 – my personal favorite Denzel movie – it’s great.
Flight 2012 (the first 30 minutes is some of the best film making I’ve ever seen)
He does look like Miscavige, kIC.
Back in the day, Al Pacino would have done him brilliantly, I think. Pacino would have been my choice. Alas, he’s far too old now.
Aqua —
Yep, Pacino would have killed that part!
Doubt all 200 are still there.
How many of the 600 plus came online in the last 4 years?
Would be surprised if it is even 5% or 30 people
Maybe someone on the forum can share some personal insight into LA Continental.