A current staff member was asked about their pay. “It varies based on GI. Sometimes the check is so low we don’t bother to go pick it up and thus donate it back to the org. Our Chief Registrar, John Barber, recently regged a pc for his entire LRH library and we were all were ecstatic because we would get paid.”
Every staff member in the entire org, every post, is being taught Big League Sales Closing Techniques from the Les Dane book and how to reg money out of people.
Now, this is not just an “Ideal Org.” This is the MODEL Ideal Org. It is also a St Hill Size org.
Everything about these “Ideal Orgs” is a lie. Except the fact that expensive buildings have been purchased with money squeezed out of the local field.
This single stat — staff pay — is all the proof anyone needs that this doesnt work. With the price of books, courses and auditing, if there isnt enough money taken in in a week to support the staff then nothing is going right. 50 staff even earning $10/hour for a 40 hour week would only be $20,000 – or about 4 intensives (50 hours) of auditing in a week. Of course there are other costs, but the single largest cost outside of pay should be rent and they don’t have any. So add another $20,000 to cover their expenses and pay “management” and the math is simple. A 50 man org SHOULD be able to pay their staff if they deliver 100 hours a week, or 8 intensives. They are not even paying the staff $20 a week some weeks. And 100 hours a week sure isnt going to clear the planet and they are not even CLOSE.
You can extrapolate a lot from this one fact. And that is why one of the main criteria for a St Hill Size Org is that staff earn a wage that is in excess of what the norm would be on a similar position outside the church.
More proof that the massive, straight up and vertical expansion exists only in the illusory, or perhaps delusory world of Miscavige and his minions.
Pay the employees with invested money. With billions of dollars easy wheezy call your broker. It cost nothing. This could turn the loser orgs around but it will never happen. No rank-and-file ever got paid working in an any org. “Ah, but the emotional wogs they’re just stupid and won’t pick up on the desperation, odor and confusion of the staff. See we now have an elegant-looking ideal org that solves the problem. We got video”.
Over 20 years time a small employee fund could compound to provide at least the a living wage. Make it the purpose of fundraising the whales! Win-win. It works for employees in Europe depending on political opinion.
The bottom line is that nobody in the structures anywhere really gives a shit about the staff or public.
In my company customer retention is a big thing. In an org a customer is a necessary evil to its bank account.
I will NEVER NEVER NEVER take a new public to an org. For what? Financial suicide in an org that cannot sustain staff to deliver a service paid for in advance?
And I believe 99% of Scn’s that are still on-lines feel that way.
There is only one safe place to take new public to in South Africa and the less said the better, otherwise the parasites will start camping there. The last outpost…
+100 !
To All Above:
I am CGI. (Correctly & Guaranteed Informed.)
Thank you.
Good staff pay is one of the vfps of dept 21. So if there is no vfp, management (and Source) is missing in the Org. Straight up vertical off the rails…
To Carcha:
What is “CGI”?
A definitive non-scientologist complaint
Carcha, the acronym, ‘CGI’ in Scientology parlance, refers to Corrected Gross Income. It’s what’s left after an org pays certain operating expenses off the top of its weekly Gross Income.
What is “CGI”?
A definitive non-scientologist complaint:
The combinations of letters in the alphabet are such that specific meaning can be assigned to the distinct collections of symbols separated by spaces. Some of the meaning is contextual, increasing the specification. “It’s a big sea” in spoken English is not normally interpreted as “Something requiring a lot of looking,” and “a good read” is not good English. Acronyms reduce specification by a factor of 26 per letter. That gets to be a big number in a short while – dictionaries only deal with 26 letters – a “C” can represent any of hundreds of words, a “G” can be hundreds of words, an “I” can be hundreds of words. Please don’t use acronyms. Write in English. If you want to save time, then don’t waste it writing in gibberish acronyms.
CGI is a widely used term meaning Computer Generated Imagery (sort of equivalent to “special effects”). It has nothing to do with Scientology (except Miscavige uses it to make it appear that orgs exist when they really dont).
Perhaps instead of assuming its Scientologese you should just check a dictionary next time. It’s faster than typing a comment.
You don’t expect people to spell out 3D or url do you?
Hello Mike, you don’t need to place this comment.
I think Carcha was asking for CGI as in corrected gross income (as used in the comments above).
Oh. I am sure you are right. I just apologized to Carcha. Silly me….
LOL! (You’re right, I did assume it was Scientologese “Corporate Gross Income” and I couldn’t find it in the Mgmt Tech Dict, so wanted to see if it was “GAT II new policy”. “Common Gateway Interface” and “Clinton Global Initiative” didn’t seem to fit.)
Oh, I am sorry George. I cannot see where your comment comes when I moderate it. Someone else ppointed out you were asking about CGI as in Corrected Gross Income (and I used that term somewhere….) OOps. My apologies.
This was my guess, Mike. While moderating in WordPress one does not easily see where the comments belong to (i.e. to which blog post or underneath what comment).
“It has nothing to do with Scientology (except Miscavige uses it to make it appear that orgs exist when they really don’t).”
Actually, It would seem this is one of the best definitions going, for CGI.
I know that as recently as last month one staff member at our local org was paid a grand total of….wait for it…
about $80. For the entire month. And that was an ‘upstat’ month.
Mike: I think you may have overlooked the exorbitant tithes being paid by orgs and missions that cut into the CGI and therefore trim the Staff Pay Sum to practically zero.
One of the first things I’d do if I were god was to make the Tithes paid by orgs and missions no more than ten percent. That is what the root word of TITHE is, after all: TENTH.
ASHO and AOLA both pay over 50% in “tithes” to Int Management, by the way. When I worked at a Mission in the ’80s, we paid 17%. or thereabouts.
No, I wasnt trying to explain how the finance system in orgs works, just taking a look at it how anyone running a business would. If you cannot operate successfully in a service industry with 50% of your income allocated to wages you are a fail. A HUGE point has been staff pay. In 2003 Miscavige announced a new “STAFF PAY” system that HE had worked out that SOLVED EVERYTHING (mostly by adding amounts to the staff pay sum for IAS donations and selling Mission Starter Packages). The only orgs that pay more than 15% “Payments to Flag” are the SO Orgs. Class V orgs also have Film Lease Payments and training bills that are paid to higher orgs.
The problem with staff pay is primarily the fact that it is pegged to 30% of CGI by LRH mandate. And also by LRH mandate are all the figures that come off the top to make the CGI figure, including ALL booksales at FULL PRICE even though the restock price is less than half. Though now booksales commission percentage sold by staff goes onto the staff pay sum, on the whole this is taking a lot of staff pay.
There are a LOT of things wrong. In my estimation this is one of the BIGGEST. You cannot run a successful organization if you cannot hire and keep good staff and their constant “game” (PTP) is trying to get enough money to eat.
If 50 staff cannot produce $40,000 per week and earn at least minimum wage then the entire system is a fail and it proves the “Ideal Orgs” has not solved a single thing.
This is the best explanation I have heard of and it also breaks my heart to read how the staff are ripped off while DM grows ever richer from the corruption and graft and stealing. The staff think they are doing holy work, they have a huge desire to help mankind, and they are actually slaves being human trafficked. “If 50 staff cannot produce $40,000 per week and earn at least minimum wage then the entire system is a fail and it proves the “Ideal Orgs” has not solved a single thing.” No truer words were ever spoken Mike.
I think LRH’s pay system can work BUT ONLY when the focus is on making clears and auditors; when the academy is jam packed and winning and when the HGC is full to the brim with winning pc’s,. When the focus is on income based on exchange, it is different. But in every single org there is a sick culture of money grabbing in advance and for WHAT?
I really enjoy watching dm’s house of cards collapse even while on vacation!!
To Jane Doe, AOLA purchased it’s portion of the Complex (Sunset & Berendo. Back then the org paid from it’s income from sales & delivery (old way :))Yes, we had to then pay ‘rent’. When I queried this my senior in finance told me it was because the ownership was held by one corp and aola being a different corp would have to pay to show something legal. I thought it was BS then and was sent to many a sec-check and of course finally kicked out because I wrote so many KRs probably 🙂
My copies added to 16 feet high stack 77-96.
Cece, you go, girl!
Hey Dave, This time YOU are the TOAD. Also, this time you are NOT the one slowly increasing the temperature.
To borrow one of your favorite phrases: “Squash ’em like a bug.” Uh….who did YOU borrow that phrase from? How is that footsteps strategy working out for you?
The lack of staff pay might be my #1 peeve re: the corp. church. When I was on staff in the mid 70’s, early 80’s, I really thought I was sucking it up, temporarily, in order for Scn. to get on it’s feet financially. It was the reason I left staff, as my health was declining and I had children to consider. I enjoyed auditing and wanted to continue. The fact that, to this day, the staff are still expected to somehow, miraculously, handle their basic needs and work 100 hour work weeks, for nothing, is so incredibly bizarre to me. It is insane. i worked 10 years to become a very competent auditor, did OT levels and gained a lot from both. Then, I was supposed to suspend my OT abilities and awareness, of 8 dynamics, and the need to participate and thrive on all 8, and somehow, “make it go right” to maintain myself and my children with no money. In other words, work to achieve these desirable gains, abilities, and expansion, then, when achieved, ignore and neglect them, for the good of the group. It is truly ludicrous and I refused to do it. It either coerces people into the SO, because, if they want to work with the tech, they get food/housing, or, a spouse or parent supports the person, camouflaging the hole. It perpetuates the cycle, of new, young, inexperienced people having to be genned in. This practice has created the situation of continuous turnover in the tech area, which directly effects the wins and gains of people. To have many highly trained and experienced tech staff, that can swiftly achieve the maximum wins and gains for everyone, would be the only PR that Scn would ever need. Look at the incredible generosity, of the Scngts of those early years, that has resulted in the fat coffers of the RCS. I don’t know all the facts and details of what created or continued this can’t have on the well being of staff. For me, it is THE why for the failure to thrive, of the class V orgs. NO exchange.
Even back in the 70’s staff pay wasn’t so great. Here is my YEARLY income when I was full time on staff (before the time of day/foundation staff)
1976 $874.00
1977 $217.00
1978 $- (no income)
1979 $800.00
years 80 to 83 I had to moonlight to support my family.
After 83 I quit staff and started making a real living.
Great job in court Mike, you are one hard working man.
My first week’s pay on staff in November of 1970 was a little over $3. This was at the biggest Org in the world at that time. Our org continued to boom in the first few years of the 70s, fueled by the many missions within 200 miles and also by the “regulars” in our HGC (so busy that I had to be pulled from post to audit some of them). Despite the boom, in 1974, we once went eight freaking weeks WITHOUT PAY AT ALL (apparently to correct some financial mismanagement ). Rarely did my pay EVER reach $30 in a week. I had to moonlight on weekends selling T shirts, window washing, being a busboy and a freaking dish washer at restaurants – an auditor! For a while I had to use food stamps as well.
Where did all the money go? Not to “the most valuable beings on the planet” who were saving this sector of the universe. You can read Kate Bornstein’s account in her book of how she discovered LRH’s own personal Swiss Bank accounts when she was making deposits to them personally in Switzerland as a Sea Org money courier..
Same old, same old …. this was story in Scientology through boom days and is still the story in the current “end times of Scientology.” The money goes to the top, not to the producers (all this happening in my org while LRH was issuing his PLs on exchange and VFPs – ha ha ha – misdirection folks, misdirection).
First Mike – Well done on today’s court case. Very nice win!
Again, with regards to the Ideal Org P/L:
“The staff would be well paid because they were productive.”
“The PR area control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it.”
Coverage of the Garcia case by Tony Ortega was great today. Mike is now
Mike “You don’t want me to tell you?” Rinder. (That’s an abbreviation of what he asked the Co$ lead attorney, Wally Pope, with reference to highly confidential e-mails containing very top-secret privileged legal attorney-client privileged critical unfairly helpful clarifying and outrageously prejudicial truthful data which must be excluded from the court, and anyone who has even heard it must also be excluded.)
Probably had classified info in them about how to flip shrimp on a Barbie, how to spot irukandji in the water (or read signs saying “NO SWIMMING”) and other arcane lore of ritual magic and necromancy. Maybe an explanation of what USCOHB!!!! means.
Mike. You were AWESOME is court today!!! Way to get DM’s name on the record! Epic.
All the staff at my local Ideal Org either moonlight or are supported by their families.
LOTS of comm about the upcoming briefing now that the ED and Snr C/S are back from their conferences at Flag. I might go to any briefing they give the public and then report on it.
Just want to mention how heartless the church is: the Senior C/S is a young dad and his wife was past her due date for their second baby and despite that he was expected to go to Flag. Yes, baby was born while he was gone. Argh!
BTW, props to you for your day in court. Glued to Tony’s live blogging. Great outcome!
Time to celebrate, right? You deserve it.
Baby was born while he was gone. Heartless is right and I know this is absolutely true. I’ve seen this SO MANY times. Nothing else matters and it’s all being done for a scam.
Mike, you’ve nailed it to the wall with this one. I blew Miami Org back in 1987 primarily for 2 reasons. 1. Even back then the staff pay was so low that I got totally fed up with being physically hungry 24/7, and you can believe I wasn’t wasting the little I got every week. 2. During the time I was on staff, not one single staff member got auditing that they didn’t pay for themselves regardless of their stats. And of course, if you dared to mention either circumstance, you ended up in Ethics with no workable outcome. I continually asked myself how it was that if this administrative policy is perfect, then why isn’t it being followed? And if it was being followed, then why is it completely obvious that there isn’t a legitimate business on this planet that could sustain itself for very long by operating in this manner. Observe for yourself, and think for yourself. A lesson I have never forgotten.
But you can’t deny DM is not a stupid criminal, he’s a genius at criminality. He pays no rent because our donations paid for the buildings. His brainwashed “staff” work for no exchange, so the orgs are there at almost zero expense. These depraved DB’s slaving for him produce close to nothing but the orgs still stand there “open for business.”
There is an apparency of Scientology activity and you are right, delusions and lies are all DM is creating. The collapse is happening in slow motion as long as he can keep the orgs “working” for free.
The orgs have been split into ‘Day’ and ‘Foundation’ so the staff can permanently moonlight and scrape a living outside of Scientology. Pitiful and disgraceful.
Yet undeniably perfect application of KSW, Keeping Scientology Withering… er… Whimpering… or… was it Wilting?
The time I have been on staff in an org book sales money never did go onto staff pay. Only sales for auditing and training. And on that sales there had been many deductions. The FSM and Registrar commissions, Sea org reserves and many more. I cannot remember it precisely. But I thing from the gross income minus book sales money only 5% or so went on staff pay. So management never did intend to pay staff well. Never in the history of orgs from 76 to present time. This can also be called abberation on money.
All staff trained by Les Dane? All staff transferred to begging posts. Les Dane never taught people how to beg. They don’t even have a hat pack for beggars! WHY?
Organized begging is one of the most visible forms of human trafficking—and it’s largely financed and enabled by good-hearted people who just want to help.
In India, roughly 60,000 children disappear each year, according to official statistics. (Some human rights groups estimate that the actual number is much higher than that.) Many of these children are kidnapped and forced to work as beggars for organized, mafia-like criminal groups.
According to UNICEF, Human Rights Watch, and the U.S. State Department, these children aren’t allowed to keep their earnings or go to school, and are often starved so that they will look gaunt and cry, thereby eliciting more sympathy—and donations—from tourists. This is exactly what is happening to the Sea Org Staff!
And it’s not just India. According to one U.S. State Department report, a man in Shenzhen, China, can earn as much as $40,000 per year by forcing enslaved children to beg. David Miscavige earns much more with his beggars!
The imperative to not give money or gifts to beggars doesn’t mean we have to turn our backs on them. Donate to responsible NGOs, and look for creative new ways to be kind to beggars that won’t disrupt familial dynamics, encourage long-term poverty, undercut local businesses, or abet human trafficking.
Begging has been restricted or prohibited at various times and for various reasons, typically revolving around a desire to preserve public order or to induce people to work rather than to beg for economic or moral reasons.
Various European Poor Laws prohibited or regulated begging from the Renaissance to modern times, with varying levels of effectiveness and enforcement.
“Aggressive panhandling” has been specifically prohibited by law in various jurisdictions in the United States and Canada, typically defined as persistent or intimidating begging.
David has all staff now being coerced into aggressive panhandling.
Keep in mind, these “Ideal Orgs” are buildings purchased by the blood squeezed out of local public… and are NOT owned by the local Orgs.
The properties are owned by International Management, CST I believe.
So, when the whole thing goes bust, Davey can walk away with a fortune and move to Bolivia. That day is looking closer and closer.
I say let him go – to Bolivia, anywhere. Just let him GO.
How in the name of Peter and Mary do you have the time to make a posting today with all you’ve got going on? I’ll have a pint of what you’re having.
But yes, it isn’t just crass and stupid management, it is IMHO, unspeakably cruel to use Org staff and their willingness to put their shoulders to the wheel, and then make sure they don’t get paid even close to what they need to live on. And to insult to injury they will be called “dilettantes” or worse for moonlighting. And just to rub even more salt into the wound Universe Corps is but a dim and distant memory. And BTW, as a sales professional, BLS is a piss-poor template for any salesperson to follow. It encourages sales gimmicks and “getting the deal” at the expense of service and servicing the customer’s needs.
Way to go in Tampa today, Mike!
Woo Hoo! What a win for the Garcias today!
Hi Mike.
I’m loving this brief but hard-hitting article. Five years ago on my own initiative I did a Multiple Sit Eval for the shrinking of my then org and the Why underlying all the other Whys for the various sits, etc. – the fundamental Why was insufficient staff pay. Fast flow hiring can’t be done because people need to live, and most people are not independently wealthy or willing to moonlight to pay their bills. Provide a decent living wage and orgs would be flooded with applicants, and then the best, brightest/most dedicated/hardworking etc. etc. could be kept on board. Over the years I saw many people not make it on staff because they just couldn’t keep up with their bills. These were dediciated, caring people who wanted to help. Sad.
Over the years I saw many people not make it on staff because they just couldn’t keep up with their bills. These were dediciated, caring people who wanted to help.
I was one of those people, in my early twenties. Being on org staff was the best job I’d ever had up to that point, but the hard reality of life’s economics forced me to leave. I simply could not work a full time job to pay my bills, and put in over 40 hours a week on staff, and expect to have any sort of relationship with my young wife and baby.
Many times in later years, I’d feel the urge to join again, only to be stopped by that one unsolvable issue.
Staff below the bread line. They will never be able to afford their levels. How do they even survive in L.A.? It isn’t exactly cheap.
I guess one reason this church cannot indulge in charity is they are sorely in need of it themselves.
Very sad. I wish for them they soon find their way to a happier and more successful life.
Hm. “Big League Sales Closing Techniques from the Les Dane book.” The rest was sad but this seems almost sleazy.
Anyone joining the cult with the idea that they’re going to be helping humankind advance on the planet must find this something of a comedown, I should imagine. Physical and financial deprivation can be tolerated, in some circumstances, if you’re part of a team, you’re all in it together, and you’re sacrificing for some higher purpose. Going for the “big close” doesn’t sound like much of a purpose. It sounds tawdry and depressing.
Mike can you clear up this possible false info for me? I heard from more than one source, that although the OTC and the public pay for the Ideal Orgs through donations, and that is how the building is bought and renovated, I heard that even though the building is owned outright, that it isn’t owned by the people that paid the money and instead CST is on the title, or the church in some other entity it created is on the title. That is the first thing I want to ask about?
The second thing I want to ask about is this: Even once the building is owned outright with no mortgage on it, I heard that the organization then has to pay rent money to the Church of Scn to rent the building from them. Is this true? So if they have to then rent it back, then that is an ongoing expense that keeps staff poor. Help clear me up on these two things please.
Jane Doe,
Every word, every bit you said is TRUE. The International Landlord
will leave a lump of coal in your stocking at Christmas, naughty girl.
Sorry, Jose, the public records, at least in Phoenix, don’t support the claim that it’s “every bit true”.
Acquisition of buildings for Idle Orgs is its own scam, carefully shrouded in double-speak and dummy corporations.
A reader of POSSIBLY HELPFUL ADVICE was also a real estate executive in the Phoenix area and researched how the church came to acquire the Phoenix Idle Org building.
I covered what was unearthed in these articles:
In the case of the Phoenix Org, the building is NOT documented as being the property of CSI or Building Management Services. The deed says it’s owned by the Church of Scientology of Arizona, Inc.
If there’s a “rent” arrangement, such as an increase in the standard tithes, which is used to pay back CSI or IAS or someone, it’s not clear from the public records. And it wouldn’t be.
Apparently it was transferred to BMI a week later.
Scientology’s Newly Purchased “Ideal Org” Building in Phoenix Will Become a Recruiting Tool — Once the Last of Its Tenants Gets Kicked Out October 13, 2011, Ray Stern, Phoenix New Times
How do we know this? I have heard conflicting data on this point. I would love verification on this as well.
Jane Doe, my local Ideal Morgue is owned by the C of S of its city, per public title records, not by a trust or other entity. The rumor that orgs have to pay rent to CSI may be CSI’s ideal scene, but it’s not happening when they can’t even afford their ginormous electric bills to light and cool their huge empty buildings.
As for the weekly FP breakdown, there are many expenses that come off the GI before CGI is calculated. So, it goes like this: GI minus all booksales, FSM commissions, sales tax, bounced checks, credit card fees, and refunds equals CGI (corrected gross income) from which expenses can be paid. Of this, 17% + goes to management, 14% to promo, 30% to staff pay, 15% to legal and reserves, and what’s left is the expense sum for the org to pay its utilities, rent, admin supplies, event expenses, etc. So, on a week when the GI is $10,000, the CGI is likely to be $7,000 at best. Assuming the staff pay is not cut to pay some past due bill, the salary sum would be $2100.
And trust me, the pay is often cut to ward off a screaming creditor or contribute to DM’s next flashy event. I have no inside info on LA Org’s GI, but my guess is that they make 10K or so most weeks. For a staff of 50, the average pay would be $42 each, more for execs, much less for lower ranks. And that’s a week when there’s full 30% pay.
Also, in past years, the staff member who had enough initiative to sell books or CDs would earn 15% commission. But sometime in the past decade that changed to a socialist system of all commissions going into the staff salary, so that no individual got rewarded. Perhaps that was put in when the Basics insanity started; I don’t really know, but I do know that it sounds like DM’s thinking to make everyone a bookseller and put all their commissions into a pot so that no one got more than another, even if their production warranted it.
So, in Mike’s article, he states that the staff were so happy that a reg sold a guy a full book package because they could get paid that week. That tells me that there is usually no, or very little, staff pay amount on any given week from the CGI, as the funds are being used for emergencies.
Thank you for the breakdown of it all. Very enlightening.
Wrong WHY – the staff doesn’t get paid as there is not enough income.
Wrong Target – the staff, instead of doing the usual to get service delivered, get hatted on how to reg.
Falsehood-the Org. is Ideal and is expanding.
They are simply having other fish to fry and, as a consequence, the Church is shrinking as the minutes go by…tick..tock..
Wow. John Barber is still there? These guys have to be masochistic to stay year after year, losing nearly every Thursday.
LAD was nearly always pretty empty even after it was first declared St. Hill size by John Woodruff back in the day.
‘St. Hill size’ is a reference we see somewhat often; what exactly does it mean? I assume it is a reference to the St Hill facility in Britain and thought it might mean something in terms of numbers of ‘parishioners’?
Here’s my $0.02 worth: When people say “Saint Hill Sized”, they are referring to “The Size of Old Saint Hill”. In the ’80s when the push was on to “get all orgs Saint Hill Sized”, the church issued 2 booklets with information about what constituted “Saint Hill Sized”.
The term Old Saint Hill has been defined thusly:
the original Class VI organization, located in East Grinstead,
Sussex, England, where L. Ron Hubbard taught the original Saint Hill
Special Briefing Course from 1961 to 1965. The term old applies to
the organization as it existed at that time. —OEC – Ron’s Journal 38
Hope that helps
It’s like De ja Vu all over again ( a Yogi Berra Quote)
I was offloaded from staff for applying Standard LRH Tech
and going CLEAR. To get back in good graces with the “Church”
I gave the S.F. Org $10,000 because they could not make payroll
( I was R factored as the why for my donation) Long story short I finally OD’d
on the Kool aid when I bought 50 hours of auditing and was threaten with being beaten up physically because of that by a CCHR fundraiser. Flag never delivered a millisecond of auditing ( HA !). It was a lose, lose situation and lose some more if you don’t like it.
Staff member: ” I’m hungry ! ”
Senior: “drink lots of water ”
True story I lost 30 pounds on staff … Twice!
The slave labor of staff, the lack of time off, adequate food, sufficient sleep and medical care, is outrageous. The Cof$ is very, very wealthy and could afford to pay staff. But that’s how cults roll. Keep the followers starved, poor, sick, sleep-deprived and facing huge penalties for leaving.
As far as the Scientology Hard Sell, this is deeply criticized by sales professionals. It’s entirely unethical to “plough-in” a prospect to get a sale, never mind to have total disregard for whether or not the person can afford or needs the product or service.
“Plough-in” means you that hammer the person about whatever you can discover is their biggest sorrow or humiliation in life so they feel like a loser, hopeless, helpless and will hand over their $$.
“Keep the followers starved, poor, sick, sleep-deprived and facing huge penalties for leaving.” = Enslaved.
The purpose of rice and beans is to starve you of proteïne so you can not think straight(Or have a defected brain apparatus to percieve the MEST-universe with if you will) It makes you kind of a zombie.
Well I’m sorry that DMs plans are not working out. Now how, how, how to help our fellow man out of the trap we were in? 1st of all, I believe I was in ‘the trap’ because I needed the lesson. If this is true for me then it is likely true for them. This is their lesson. And I will do for them the same as was done for me. I will provide true data how ever I can. When the student is ready the teacher will come. These hardworking caring well intentioned staff will leave when they are ready. All we can do is what is being done – keep putting truth out here for them to see when they each are ready.
Love the picture! Thanks for the post Mike.
A couple years ago I worked at a Co$ mission. Come tax time, I brought my W-2 in along with all the other paperwork. For the year it stated a gross income of $0.12 – taxes withheld $0.03 = net income $0.09. You should have seem the look on our tax accountant’s face.
Priceless – in so many ways!