A report from one of our European Special Correspondents:
Have you heard about dm´s new squirrel quickie “Exec” training (“Golden Age of Management and Exec Training”). 3 months in Idle LA Org, and you are “Golden Age of Management Exec”.
Take a look at this email from ED DK Day (After many years as a Senior C/S he is now “converted” t to ED):
From: [email protected]
Subject: Mikkel Jorck, ED Denmark Day, message to Scandinavia
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013Dear Friends,
I am right now at the end of some very fantastic training – “Golden Age of Management and Exec Training” here in Los Angeles.It has been the greatest Third Dynamic experience for me ever – the atmosphere and the spirit is 100% as if Ron personally has trained me.
This is what we always have been dreaming about!!!
I now have all the tools to create the biggest boom for Scientology in Denmark ever – I am so excited, I almost cannot sit still.
Saturday in AOSH EU, I will brief you all about it.
The Briefing will be like a SUPER POWER session on your 3rd Dynamic.
It is important to me that you, the best Scientologists in the world, get all the details.
I will go over the following:
1) The WHY which, when it gets handled, will create big, BOOMING orgs.
2) Data from the Flag Executive Briefing Course lectures, you never have heard before – and which will BOOM DK ORG!
3) The solution to FLOOD people in to our Division 6 – a solution, we can start right away, and which will give us more than 100 First Starts per week, when we open Nytorv.
4) The amazing programs that Int Management run in Los Angeles Org and which will bring tears in your eyes.
5) Plans that will change DK org forever.Spread the word and bring everybody, you know.
This is going to be historic, and I look very much forward to see all of you.
Ml, Mikkel
ED Denmark Day
Wow — NEW FEBC tech you have never heard before. It’s got to be some “lost” tape that explains Ideal Orgs!
freebeeing says
I well remember when our CL V org got it’s 2 OEC/FEBC grads back. The stats soared!
Public flooded into the org to see them. Let me give you some stellar stats to prove this.
Academy student went from an average 15 on weekends to 16.
HGC WDAH went from 30 to 25.
Div 6 students from 4 to 3
Fully hatted staff went from 20 to 22.
It was an amazing time let me tell you. I can’t wait for the new boom!
freebeeing says
“Bullshit ! The OEC and FEBC are the LRH way of making an executive. Nothing else.”
Ab-so-f’n-lutely! It has been firmly established by all the booms since 1971. The priceless super secret exec tech in the hands of countless execs that have been trained in the last 40 years clearly demonstrates the monumently genious of the FEBC, moreover combined with the super slick new paper used for the transcripts a never before level of mastery is accomplished.
I mean you really need to look at what all the FEBC grads for the last 40 years have produced! My god the booming, booming, booming, year after year, expansion beyond earth calculator capabilities in every org across the planet where a superlative FEBC grad has lent their master’s touch to creating statistical anomalies the like of which an E/O would blink at least twice at.
So I can’t wait to see the continued BOOMING that this 40 year released administrative laser beam tech will continue to blaze ever higher accomplishments for the annals of the history books.
Aquamarine says
Mark, your 10 words = very funny !
Bodil says
DK org has existed since 68-69. In the early 70s it was run by Mikkel’s parents, Peter and Gulle. They actually BOOMED the place. When I got there in 75 I fell in love with this group of happy, industrious, hopeful, idealistic people who were doing their share in clearing the planet. Whatever happened I don’t know, but I think Peter’s star shone a little too bright. I remember being told he could not be declared because he was too much of an opinion leader. Later on when Peter had been off staff for 15 years some dumb-ass Sea Org mission found him the WHO for DK not BOOMING and I think they had him do A-E. Bear that in mind when seeing what Mikkel does. He knows he has to play politics the right way having seem what his parents went through. Like so many before him he’s probably in the dilemma of knowing how much good the tech can do versus seeing the outpoints around him, the biggest being that after almost 45 years of existence it has less staff and public than it had in it’s two hey-days, early 70s when it was run by his parents and late 70s when it was run by Lis Astrupgaard and Jens Urhskov.
Jan says
Subject: Do you want to save money for food during your studying or auditing in Copenhagen this summer?
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013
Dear Scientologist,
Do you want to save money for food during your studying or auditing in Copenhagen this summer?
This is the Summer offer!
For 3 hours of work in the Central Files of AOSH EU per day – you will get three meals of food per day, in Hotel Nordland.
The number of reservations are limited!
Contact us in the following e-mail address:
[email protected] for CF Officer.
jan says
The loyal dm Squirrels from DK Org.
Mikkel is number 2 from left in the back row.
Odd Thomas says
I’m not sure why as yet, but reading this guy’s version of a motivational letter, reminds me of a time when I watched an injured dog’s attempts at being normal. It was gamely limping along, obviously favoring an injured paw, looking at me, tail wagging, trying its best to engaged in play. Trying hard to be upbeat about the loss of mobility, and the pain it was obviously experiencing.
This ED is obviously in pain. You can feel it. If he were before, we’d see the forced smile, the insincere eyes, the lack of color in his skin. We’d see the false hope.
It’s pathetic really; all the hype and BS emanating from the RCS. It’s so forced and artificial, I am getting a physical reaction from it — like from too much sweetener in my tea. It’s making me wince, because we’re watching a once great group, crumble before our eyes. Resorting to lies and role playing to engage with readers and then delivering lines that a Director of a bad “B” movie, would have a hard time leaving in her film.
At least with the dog, I knew it was doing the best it could. It was sincerely trying to get better and remain positive. But with Mikkel — the suppressed perceptions shine through his little missive. There’s no hiding from the teeth-clenched-I’m-talking-shit grin that all RCS members are wearing these days.
Aquamarine says
Whenever Mike posts this sort of RCS rubbish, my reaction upon reading it is to alternate between irritation and impatience at the obvious BS and total pity for the lack of confront which underlies it.
Dave Fagen says
Wait a minute!
A WHY found, which, when handled, will create big, booming orgs?
But Scientology has been undergoing unprecedented expansion with over 10,000,000 members! There are big booming orgs everywhere. Why do we need a why that will create big, booming orgs when there is so much explosive growth going on already?!
Bela says
Dave…what is the problem here? You need to stop thinking for yourself and just applaud the great and historic news.
tony dephillips says
Great point Dave!!
Contrary facts.
They should just keep doing the usual since that has been winning so much for them!! I actually think they will keep doing the usual which is:
1. Coming up with wrong Why’s.
2. Enforcing wrong whys.
3. Continuing injustices and enforced punishment.
4. Continuing a program of heavy out-tech on the staff and public.
5. False PR and propaganda.
6.Ignoring the real whys that could lead to some positive change.
7. Suppressing open communication.
8. Enforcing disconnection and shutting down ARC in the organization.
Now THAT, is a winning program!!
sets guy says
Chris Mann says
“I almost cannot sit still”.
Sounds like fidgeting to me.
Scnethics says
Promise the boom! Then Disappoint! Repeat!
(maybe being lifted up and dropped enough times will shake the sheeple out of their trance)
sets guy says
in a few years the Golden Age of Execs II will take care of the failure of this one. Some hidden data will be found that will be THE REAL WHY THIS TIME! You watch.
Don Scahul says
I’m sorry, but I never liked Mikkel Jörck. He’s the kind of slick person who would do anything to cover up his ass. This Golden Age of Management training is those new shortened OEC courses that are called “the line hats” which are actually pretty good. I did most of them. In LA they get the execs throgh the Org Series and them “apprentice” them at Bridge publications. But no one promotes doing the OEC and FEBC anymore, because ” they will be re-released in a few years, in chronological sequence”. Bullshit ! The OEC and FEBC are the LRH way of making an executive. Nothing else.
Long gone says
I hope there’ll be a 6-month follow-up on the DK org now that the ED knows why it hasn’t been booming. That should make for an interesting retrospective.
Bela says
Oh boy…can hardly wait to hear what gem of a WHY Miscavige will have for Div 6s not booming…probably something along the line of “Someone forgot to plug in the FART equipment”.
Cat Daddy says
a little philosophical stirring in England
Alex Castillo says
What and incredible load of bullshit!!
Alex- Flag trained OEC, FEBC, DSEC 1975
Graduated says
Here’s an eval of the RCS ilk for booming stats and expansion:
FART intros – 75
First Service Starts, New Names to CF and Bodies in the Shop – 3
FART intros are not converting to First Service Starts.
Orgs are not charging for FART Intros. (Omitted donations, Incorrectly Included “Free Service, Free Fall”)
Policies on free intros being used to stop
Local Org Execs who aren’t really on-board with Command Intention
1. Replace local Exec Council Execs with CMO Command Team.
2. Charge $10 per FART Intro and count them as FSS, NNCF and BIS!
sets guy says
🙂 The Golden Age of Real Whys!
Jane Doe says
What does FART stand for?
Mike Rinder says
Fully Automated Robot Television Div 6
Delphine says
I just seriously can’t believe that didn’t get caught by the acronym police at some point prior to widespread usage. 🙂 Or maybe I’m the only lady with a 12 year old boy brain around here. I can’t NOT snigger.
Carcha says
Friendly Atmosphere Religious Transfusion. That was what I thought. Otherwise, just like it, er, sounds.
Carcha says
They could have called it
Standard Query Uninterruptable Indigenous Recorded Response Entry Level
Zlice says
I was in LA Org in January of 2013. It was EMPTY, except for Sea Org staff. I asked where the public staff members were and was told the SO had taken it over. There was NOT ONE public doing a service. But, at least it doesn’t look like Romper Room anymore. Y’all remember the embarrassing decor that looked like a Totally 80s preschool or something? Cringe every time you walked through there! You’ve got a lot to be so excited you can’t sit still about, Denmark!
Robin says
Ha Ha…..Bawahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Now I get it Mike.
Golden Age of Execs as in GAE Gross Auditing Error.
A lil slow on the uptake sometimes 🙂
Pretty much every thing that’s been done since the coup took over has been a GAE.
Nice to see they’re calling a spade a spade albeit unintentionally.
GoVoluntary says
The bus has left the road, left the cliff edge far behind.
Meanwhile, aboard the bus:
“We are soaring!!
We live in such exciting times for our religion and are so lucky to have such a wonderful Leader!!
Ronnie Bell says
Perfect visual, GV. Spot on.
Foolproof says
It is no good training Execs into LRH policies etc. if it is simply ignored when the Exec gets back to his Org. It (really) started in the early 80s when DM took over – all HCO Policy went out the window and the sole qualification for an “Exec” was and remains would he/she kow-tow to the DM regime way of doing things despite violations of HCO PL and would he/she behave like a complete asshole in order to “get the job done” (of destroying the Org of course). Before that time it wasn’t that good either (from the Sea Org) but DM has poured coals on what was a small simmering fire before. Our “lower level” (?) Org staff would literally groan when we knew some Sea Org mission was being fired to or arrived in our Org as we knew it would just mean unending amounts of bother and destruction and usual violations of Policy. One example is the Moonlighting HCO PL – simply ripped up as being “other fish to fry” which (was one of the many factors) that simply then destroyed Class IV and then V Orgs as most of the staff “blew” (left) because they could not afford to contribute any longer. So now Class V Orgs are manned by a small motley crew of “hard chrome steel” (i.e. out-of-ARC assholes) and untrained Sea Org staff and they haven’t got a clue as they are running on DM’s (suppressive) “orders” and not policy. What a joke DM and his sycophants have become. You can almost “feel” the lies in most of their communications about “expansion”. Makes one want to spit! Actually DM and his gang of snarling sycophantic morons are a worse catastrophe for this universe than the OTIII incident! LRH would be turning in his grave if he had one. How we all let this criminal pyschopath take over we’ll never be able to fully explain but we can only try now to correct it.
threefeetback says
Hey Dan Koon, How about if you just make ‘Confront David Miscavige’ a final practical on the PTS/SP Course Checksheet?!!!
tony dephillips says
I can’t say how many times over my 30+ year career in Scientology that I have heard those lines amounting to ” This time we found the right why!!”, “Now we are going to boom!!”, etc. It never happened to me in those 30+ years.
I am even open to it happening now. It actually would be great if it happened, that Scientology expanded like wild fire. You know why?? It would mean that they were delivering the tech in such a way that people were happy with the results and winning. So I don’t resist the RCS expanding like wild fire, I just know it won’t happen unless they make wholesale changes and that is unlikely as long as the evil dwarf is in charge. He doesn’t know how to make people happy.
Christine says
I took some Div 6 courses, 2012, at LA Org and the ‘outer Org Trainees” NEVER ever TALKED to me. What’s up with that. This is a ‘role model’ ? I don’t think so.
Marc Headley says
There is an easy way to spot lies or B.S. in any Scientology Expansion news from these guys.
It very simple. If you can see ANY of the following words anywhere in the speech, handout, email or phone call, there is a 99.99% chance it is total bullshit. The list is only 10 words long, but any of these 10 things are not real in Scientology and if they mention them you know you are being played.
7. COB
9. WHY
Mike Rinder says
Jane Doe says
Can I add another word to the list? “Moreover” When you see that and “inasmuchas” and “a groundswell” and other such words, make way for Shermanspeak!
tony dephillips says
Good one Marc.
Those must be on someone’s key work list…
Anette Iren says
True! 😉
GoVoluntary says
Apt enough I guess:
Gross Auditing Error on the 3rd dynamic.
Richard Lloyd says
Oh fear gawds sake already. When will this puke inducing garbage stop. There’s always a new why new this new that. These people deserve everything that’s coming to them. And to think I believed this bullshit years ago.
Dave Fagen says
The ED of my org did not just a 3-month training program but a full OEC and FEBC with a long-term apprenticeship in the LA org. She is a tough and competent person with a high level of ability to confront people.
Just one problem. She bought Miscavige’s squirrel programs – emphasis on raising money far outweighing any weak push for training and establishment, the Ideal Org program, substituting small theory courses for auditor training and counting them as major Paid Completions stats, constantly taking staff off their posts for fund-raising, etc.
Not to single her out, we all bought in.
So all this admin training only to go back to your org and do so much of the opposite of what is taught in those courses.
What is this WHY that has been found, which, when it gets handled, will create BIG, BOOMING ORGS?
Is the WHY the fact that for the past 30 years, the church has been led by an SP who convinced everyone to do the opposite of what the basic policies teach in the OEC course?
Dave, aka “Soap”
SirRalliart says
Damn, I was told I was the Who and the Why behind Cincinnati’s failure. A new Why?? Don’t take that away from me!
What about all of the people that bought into that lie about me single-handedly destroying an organization? All of that disconnection and “de-friending”. Since they are never wrong, I guess the Why was mis-stated or something.
dave fagen says
Hey Mike, Good to hear from you. How are you doing?
PS: Since you left, Cincinnati has gone St Hill Size five times over.
Jose Chung says
Holy smokes ! Right when it couldn’t get any worse !
Voldemort is going to have take the Bull by the tail and face the situation !
GoVoluntary says
Steve Poore says
“Boom Denmark”? The Expansion Formula includes Removing Distractions. Did Mikkel learn on DM’s super duper “Golden Age of Admin” course how to remove the biggest baddest distraction, the one distraction above all others that is only becoming more distracting by the day to dear leaders evil grand plans? THE INTERNET! oh well, maybe that will be covered in The Golden Age of Admin II.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
How old is the FEBC? And now the data are found to boom the DK Org? Isn’t that admitting negligence for decades?
In all the nonsense he is writing there is a little nugget of truth:
“… programs that Int Management run ….will bring tears in your eyes.”
May it be from laughter or pain, tears have been the results of those programs, so much is sure.
Hallie Jane says
Hyperbole much?
Steve Poore says
this crap only appeals to THE MOST ASLEEP of those left in the dying Church of Miscavige!
Steve Poore says
every time one of these brainwashed sheeples opens his mouth, its just more confirmation with all their Enemy Line forwardings and contradictions of little HIM big head’s lines, that they’re loosing on all fronts. The WHY indeed!
SadStateOfAffairs says
Miscavige couldn’t apply the Data Series is if it came up and bit him on the ass. There is no one WHY that will create big booming orgs. The management pattern was and is supposed to be individual org evals that address specific situation(s) existing in that org at that time, plus, there can be international Situations and Whys as well, but no one international Situation evaluated to a Why is going to create big booming orgs all over earth. Plus, execs in orgs are themselves supposed to be Data Series trained and able to find whys in their org as part of their routine executive duties. And one thing David Miscavige certainly cannot is show humility, when per the Data Series, “Humility is the heart of review.” Institutional Scientology today is one big jumble of Wrong Whys, and Situations for which Whys have not even been looked for, not to mention the Wrong personal Whys shoved up the behinds of staff continuously to cave them in.
iHateDuplicity says
Exactly. The use of the Data Series and the Int Management Eval Corps were pushed out of existence as one of the earliest actions when Dwarf MIdget started taking over and bypassing Int and middle-level management in the mid-90s. In reflecting on this now, I am absolutely positive that it’s because anyone who was trained and experienced in spotting illogics, i.e. Data Series trained, would have to be the first to be gotten out of there so they wouldn’t blow the whistle on what Dwarf Midget was doing to the orgs and management structure. I know this might be stating the obvious to some old-timers, but I don’t think anything that has happened with the utter disestablishment of all levels of Scientology management has been an accident. So to now call this cut-rate training the “Golden Age of Management” is the most blatant and callous deceit ever perpetrated on the well-intentioned executives who are desperately trying to actually make a go of things at the local org level. The general public won’t know or care much about any of this, but the org staffs are desperate for real Whys that will help them expand their orgs. They literally have no idea that Dwarf Midget has very carefully made sure no org evaluations or right Whys can ever be found by anyone other than him, and we know the result of his “evaluations”.
Jane Doe says
Excellent analysis ihateduplicity. You are spot on in that. And any Data Series Evaluators or OEC FEBC grads who could also have done it were carefully weeded out, declared, RPFed, etc. That’s why there is no more Sr. Management anymore. They’re all in the hole broken and brainwashed and unable to even think of escape. So utterly sad.
Paul J says
The only WHY that could possibly answer the 5 points Mikkel is going to make is that DM and everyone close to him have left Scientology never to return again and that management has been handed over to sane and competent Independent Scientologists who haven’t been corrupted by DM’s insanity. You might think I’m joking, but that really is the only possible correct answer.
Carcha says
Aquamarine says
The only workable handling for why the Church of Scientology is shrinking would start with its doing the Treason Formula and work up from there. The church’s member shrinkage is directly due to the fact of no new people coming in, which is due to the fact that these targeted, potential “Div 6-ers” won’t go near the Church with a 10 foot pole, as they consider the Church of Scientology at best a fringe religion with a wacky, alien – creation theory, and at worst a ruthless, highly litigious, greedy cult.
Silvia says
So, he writes: “1) The WHY which, when it gets handled, will create big, BOOMING orgs.”
Well, having had the precedent WHY of the GAT where no further auditors were trained, where the tech was altered and the pre OTs abused, we have-since ages ago- concluded that the Devil Moron’s (DM) WHY of the “blind leading the blind” was a wrong WHY, it did not open the door to any handling but, rather, collapsed the auditors, the tech and the pre OTs’ lives.
If he has another wrong WHY (and very like he does) for this quicky Exec training we can expect further collapse of orgs and staff. ..
Richard Kaminski says
“The Briefing will be like a SUPER POWER session on your 3rd Dynamic.” And that’s just the Briefing!
sets guy says
Now this brings tears to my eyes. 🙂
tony dephillips says
Sam Domingo says
Musical chairs by any other name.
plainoldthetan says
So your little briefings when you get back to EU better deliver.
I also love how the WHY for non-expansion (>gasp!< he admits something that's contrary to Miscavige-speak!) is coming ANY DAY NOW.
I'll hurry up and wait.
The last time I was in LA Org I was able to find a parking place. Unlike 1995 when I had to park in Wendy's parking lot and pray I didn't get towed. The emptiness of LA Org did, in fact, bring tears to my eyes.
Jane Doe says
Same here for me, Mikkel. I remember the 80’s and 90’s when you couldn’t find parking. And now, lots of it. When I did a Div 6 crs there a year or so ago, there were 3 people in the room, me, an old timer who was not a new person, and one staff member who was ordered to do the seminar, and one other guy who was might have been on staff or might have been a newbie.
Roger From Switzerland Thought says
4) The amazing programs that Int Management run in Los Angeles Org and which will bring tears in your eyes.
100 First starts per week ?
sets guy says
There is a Golden Age of Toilet paper in LA org. Must see.
Dan351 says
I just checked with someone in LA Day Div 6. He most likely meant 100 first service starts per “year”.
LA Day gets about 75 new people in per week. Mostly they are routed to the FART intro line, which doesn’t lead to first service starts.
There are currently few to no new people on basic courses at LA org.
KFrancis says
People don’t need to be herded like cattle into another line with glossy ads to look at. They get that at McDonalds when they stop for coffee. They get that at Crispy Cream when they stop for donut.
What they need is a live communication from anyone, anyone at all. Who will take a minute and listen to what they have on their mind? If they can come to feel a bit of trust in you they will kick open their personal Pandora’s Box and reveal what is haunting their lives. They would love to have help with it.
Glossy electronic screens don’t listen or understand or have time to take a minute and have a cup of coffee with you. They don’t provide a shoulder to cry on.
People are alive, electronic screens no matter how pretty are dead.
Steve Poore says
singanddanceall says
If he was Senior C/S,
then this is the why according to Ron:
Hapexamendios says
Perhaps Miscavige went so far as to take LRH recordings and break them into syllable sized chunks so he can reassemble them as he pleases to produce “lost” LRH lectures that back up his squirreling.
Stephanie says
Don’t give Miss Management any ideas – LOL! The Cult of Scientology better get some raw meat into those Idle Morgues because the members just have to be getting suspicious by now – right? I mean, how much can they take. I was in about 4-5 years – I only had one “this is going to BOOM the Orgs” – the Basics came out and I was too new to know any better. I was hip by the time the ACC’s came out and did not buy them nor was I interested….but the Golden Age of Tech II and this stuff – the natives have to be getting restless!!
I can see it now – come to LA Idle Morgue and get trained in – The Golden Age of Bookselling, The Golden Age of Assists, The Golden Age of Volunteer Minister-ing, The Golden Age of C/Sing, The Golden Age of How to Pay Bills When you Don’t Have!!
Sinar says
This has got to be a joke. GAG ME with a golden age of Idleness! Gains from the unreleased superpower he never experienced indeed and practicing lies issued by Scn Inc already.
MasterMariner says
He says they found the WHY, which, WHEN IT GETS HANDLED, WILL bring booming orgs. I thought the orgs were already booming. Has the public been LIED to.
Anette Iren says
The Orgs are booming worldwide except in Denmark.
Graduated says
LOL! In other words, “The Orgs are booming worldwide except in [YOUR AREA].”
Vertsurblanc says
Now we need some feedback from those in LA where this man from EU was trained. I understand LA is not doing well? Did this guy not notice?
It is like your great article about Pretoria and Joburg orgs. Joburg went Saint Hill size, then Ideal then re-ideal and went in its heyday from 100 staff down to around 30 today.
He does not see it?
Dear Leader is not trained. He is clueless. An admin tech palooka of note. If you try and make green-on-white, gold, technically speaking, it will turn brown……..:)
What he is saying sounds very enthusiastic and is part of the “how to make new indies” process being run so well by the church. Many will go to his meeting. Get stuck in, see it fall on its ass and then start wondering, and looking one day, and maybe we get a few more to join our ranks.
I look forward to the converts.
statpush says
We must not make the mistake of assuming all the data we have is correct and/or complete.
Personally, I find it easier to believe the bad news than the good. Maybe that is because of the disparity between what I’ve been told in the past and the actual reality. That any information emanating from church lines was exaggerated or embellished. Especially with heavy use of modifiers – “Greatest”, “Amazing”, “Incredible”, “Best ever”, “Booming”, I automatically become suspicious.
Maybe someone on the ground can give us the low-down on the scene at LA Org?
Susan says
1) “The WHY which, when it gets handled, will create big, BOOMING orgs.” I’ve lost track how many “whys” the church has come out with to create big, booming orgs. Enough already.
Ronn says
Big booming lies……… endless reverberating – regurgitation.
jeff says
Except the correct “Why”. Look in the mirror lately Dave?
cre8tivewmn says
When exactly would an org “boom”? I thought they were generally quiet places…
Anette Iren says
Mikkel Jörck, OT 8, former Senior C/S, now ED of DK Org Day, telling the audience of national TV channel, TV2 Danmark, that the entire Scientology Bridge costs DKK 350,000 (equals USD 60,000):
Anette Iren says
Statement at 16:16 into the video.
Hapexamendios says
$60,000? That just covers 1 years worth of OTVII “refreshers” doesn’t it?
Christine says
Sometimes 🙂
Anette Iren says
Mikkel, if you read or hear this, I’m sorry to whistleblow on you. I used to admire you as a rather cool guy. Loved your wife as well! She was one of my favorite auditors. The organisation you’re running is part of a network of suppressive organisations extorting goodhearted members. The closer to the top management the worse it gets. It’s painful to realize the truth, especially when you’re deeply involved. But the freedom outside is like no other. It’s never to late.
Jan says
Mikkel will never read this.
He is one of dm´s most loyal brainwashed officers.
Anette Iren says
Joe Pendleton says
“There are no absolutes, except for Flag auditing”- LRH *
*stated on numerous Flag promos of the late 70s – 80s
Jan says
Outpoints, outpoints, outpoints.
The interviewer would like to see the e-meter demonstrated.
No pinch test.
Lies about using Ron’s study tech in a scn school.
Lies about how much it costs to get up the Bridge.
The interviewer became Enemy at the end of the program.
Upset, ARC broken.
He was “handled” with glee attitude and non-confront.
iHateDuplicity says
I am confused. I thought that DM has been stating for years that the OEC and FEBC needed to be re-done, practically from scratch, because they were put together all wrong. Having the policies sorted by relevant divisions was totally wrong and what was needed was to have them sorted by time and product line. This was YEARS ago that he started talking about this, with of course no follow up since it was just briefings to staff and not public and there’s no money involved in getting it done. Some CMO execs put together “lines packs” to cover TE line, Resign Line, CF/Procurement Lines, Financial Planning and such, and somehow there was an HCO pack put together just covering the evolution of HCOs. So now these little mini packs are being used to train execs and somehow this is considered the “Golden Age of Management and Execs”. Are you kidding me? That’s like giving someone a history lesson on the US Government and saying you are ready to run the country. Actual OEC/FEBC were degraded out of existence years ago. And people wonder why no one recognizes the gross alterations of policy that go on in orgs these days. How about because no one is actually shown or trained on any of the policies? Should I be surprised? Absolutely not. More of the same from Dwarf Midget.
sets guy says
Exactly. Who said this Golden Age just like the others has anything to do with Policy? He cancelled LRH Policy many years ago. it just isn’t fancy enough. Also doesn’t include incarcerating and degrading your staff so it had to go…
Hallie Jane says
Good info IHD. It’s a classic quicky tacktic substituting full conceptual understanding with something that just gets you by. There’s that duplicity again…..pretended hatting. Nice handle!
John P. says
On urging from Chuck Beatty, I sat down to read the Green Volumes from the standpoint of an expert on corporate strategy and modern management consulting. It was beyond awful; I managed to get through most of Volume 0. Most of what is written there was wrong when it was written 40 or 50 years ago; almost all of it is laughable today.
The project you describe, of putting the policy notes together in a different order, sounds just a little bit like saving the Titanic by putting the deck chairs in little semi-circular “conversation groups” instead of in long rows along the Promenade deck.
gato rojo says
Poor Mikkel–he and all his fellow trainees are set up for a sure lose. Wonder what that Why is. Wrong whys only produce more failure. Sigh…..
sets guy says
hahahaha, good luck with that. let’s export the most successful straight up and vertical exec training everywhere. It is just sooooo successful at home isn’t it? 🙂
Sindy Fagen says
Hilarious. I thought the title was the “Golden Age of Exes” It’s that too. It’s a renaissance.
Ronn says
lol Sindy
Michelle says
Hehe I thought the same thing when I first read it.