Remember when the LRH Birthday Game was about giving LRH the birthday gift he wanted? Org Expansion…
Well, like a lot of other things in Miscavige Corporate Scientology, there's a new sheriff in town and the organization is being modeled in his image. Of course, there is no grand announcement that "the old birthday game is no more" it's more subtle. Like "Command Intention" morphed from "LRH intention" to "COB intention" and Miscavige gradually assumed the role of "finder of lost tech" to "refiner of tech" to "improver of tech" to "inventor of tech." The old Birthday Game has been vanishing from view. "St Hill Size Orgs" is "old terminology", the Universe Corps is but a fond memory. Today, Ideal Orgs are everything.
And this new promo piece is taking the next step into the full evolution into the David Miscavige Birthday Game. And that means it's now about what he wants for his birthday on 30 April. And that means MONEY!!
So, these days, you "win" the birthday game by getting the most number of "Humanitarians" (the euphemism for "big donators to Ideal Org buildings"). The Imagery of cups and "Birthday Game" is the same, but the message is now different. "Ideal Orgs" which is entirely a Miscavige invented program to invest in real estate, hiding behind the cover of an LRHED and PL that bear no resemblance to the Miscavige program, is now the catchphrase. It's positioned to look like its "on Source" and "with LRH" and in fact it is ONLY forwarding "Command (COB) Intention."
How dare he use an LRH Quote in that promotion! Made me think of that Dire Straits song. “Money for Nothing and your chicks for free.” I don’t know if he gets chicks for free, but he certainly has people working day and night for almost nothing.
Yeah there WERE periods of years when we worked FOR NOTHING. No pay for years not all at once but in periods. There was actually a period when there were no allowance for a year. I guess we needed those few bucks to go into the IAS coffer as well huh?
Hear Hear! Let’s all give a big round of applause to Pimp Daddy Miscavige. King of the pimps.
30th April is just a week away. But what can anyone give to a man who takes everything he wants?
Hmmmm — a swift kick in the nuts comes to mind….
Maybe we can get something appropriate to his status organized especially for the 30th. 🙂
Groan. I think I see where this whole thing is going. Within a few years orgs will become centers for the highest income-producing activities in the world. It’s already only about the money. So of course it will need to become about how to get the most money fastest, and the most effective methods of that is… Div 6 will be where special IAS entertainers will do pole dancing to get their thongs stuffed with cash ($20s and higher only please). Div 2 will house the casino with one-arm bandits augmenting the two-arm IAS bandits. Roulette, black jack tables, poker. Div 4 will be where the whores and man-whores are, since most staff have been prostituting themselves for Pimp Daddy Miscavige for so long, making the jump to being a real whore is no jump at all. Div 5 will be where they can get their drugs — prescription drugs, street drugs and move up to the next highest IAS Status Completion at the same time. Div 1 will just continue doing what it has done for many years — running the human trafficking operation, chasing anyone down who try to escape, applying the mind control techniques, etc. There we go! The Ideal Orgs of tomorrow, not really that far away from where they are right now.
Of course every Ideal Org will need to have a liquor license. Maybe THAT’s why DM is moving all of the orgs out of the traffic areas into the outskirts of town and industrial parks? Draft beer in a Dixie cup: $9. Small mixed drinks: $17.
Pole dancing?? It truly is ideal 🙂
I would actually visit one! Hahaha
Wow, that is truly pathetic. The Birthday Game is supposed to be about org expansion based on real stats and now it’s just fundraising stats.
Mike, this has been years in the making. When COB was in Joburg back in 2003 he already said the Birthday game, as it stands (back then), is shit.
The ‘How Big Was Old St. Hill’ booklets used to be a staff mainstay. Everyone had their own copy and all staff knew that’s what they should be focusing on.
When I was on service at Tampa Org a few years ago, in passing I mentioned that booklet to a young staff member. They looked at me blankly. That staff member had no clue what I was talking about. I felt compelled to check with other staff and even asked the LRH Comm. She confirmed that staff didn’t have ‘How Big was Old St Hill’ booklets any longer and that the focus was on all ‘Ideal Orgs.’
This led to me asking about whether staff were still striving for St Hill Size. And of course, the answer was that using the goals laid out in the St HIll Size booklet was staledated because what was St Hill Size for one org wouldn’t be the same as for another org. Those numbers (such as 200 staff or 200 Acad students) were now considered arbitrary and you had to look at the make/break point of orgs from a standpoint of viability for that individual org. And, it was important to realize that because orgs weren’t making it to St Hill Size quickly enough, it was arbitraries must be on the line, which were preventing the release of OT IX and X, so COB had re-examined that situation in order to ensure we could all get up the Bridge without slows or stops. Blah, blah, blah. Between the LRH Comm, ED and D/ED I heard a ton of justifications re why ‘St Hill Size’ had been completely redefined.
I think you would get a similar response if you asked people what was Standard Tech. Now, they only know Golden Age of Tech.
Susan, wow…your post made me pause and think about that…and, sadly, I think I agree with you.
I have had instances of conversations with various staff members over the last several years, and I have referred to Standard Tech and Standard Admin. It seems to fall on deaf ears as tho it’s not about that anymore. It’s all about Ideal Orgs…yet, they don’t even know that the hell that really is, per policy anyway.
Absolutely Susan. In the very late ’90’s, an AOSH tech tour came to our org. There were two GAT sups watching me sup. They corrected me after a meter check I did on a student, pulling out the applicable GAT drill binder “the reference.” I pulled out the HCOB as the reference and showed them that my method for meter checking was covered there. Their response was, “The drill IS the reference.” The completely ignored the actual HCOB.
Yes, the speciousness of the reasoning knows no bounds.
“We all agree on this “reality”, and of course LRH says that “Reality exists by agreement”, and, hey, there’s all this agreement about it so it must be true because so many of us have agreed, and anyone who cannot agree must have overts and witholds which prevent them from seeing how true and workable and amazing this Ideal Org Program is and will be if we all just continue to pull together and agree, so there’s nothing to be learned from anyone who doesn’t agree, because they’re blinded by their O/Ws which they need to keep justifying, so best to stay away from them as they’re just trying to stop because they can’t stand the idea of a Cleared Planet, you know, it just drives SP’s wild to think that that the good guys are winning, and these SPs certainly are attacking us like crazy which is proof positive right there that we really are winning so all of us enlightened beings know that we need to keep our shoulders to the wheel and just keep agreeing and doing whatever COB says, and, in fact, thinking this all thru like this has been really helpful because our group purpose has just been re-fueled by all the proof that’s out there that we are doing the right thing, and now we are even more unstoppable and resolute in our purpose and determined to agree, and there you go.”
XCV — yes, propaganda by redefinition of words is the name of the game in the RCS these days….
I agree, and have noticed before how creation of propaganda through semantic redefinition is all the rage.
Talk about becoming what you resist. Yikes.
“… so COB had re-examined that situation…”
That, in a nutshell, is why the “church” is in its death throes.
When the members are drinking the cool-aid and following a psychopath their vision gets blurred and the only thing they see is give good old Davey what he wants.
Its pathetic
You there, lurking in the shadows. Come on out and take a stand. Personal Integrity. Apply it. Let the world hear your voice. Be free. — Mike
When Scientologists ask about the New World Corp teams coming to orgs, they are told, "Oh the AO's handle that now". In other words if you already got your org to Saint Hill Size back before the FART Div 6 pattern (Fully Automated Robot TV) destroyed public inflow, then you DON'T get a team in your org to work with your staff on a day to day basis to get them up the Bridge. You get to send wealthy staff who can afford long vacations thousands of miles to the nearest AO and they can get free auditing and training there, as long as they don't mind waiting until all the paying public are done for the day and all the quotas are made. Yup, you too can leave your family and job and wait on the doorstep of AOLA or ASHO Anzo for 3 or 4 weeks trying to get in session and no I am not exaggerating. LRH's dream was busy active orgs where productive staff members were going up the Bridge to full OT right there where they live. DM's dream is huge grandiose mausoleum's kept completely empty and built on the stripped bones of local Scientologists, while the few remaining living Scientologists are working 3 jobs to pay off their loans. Mausoleums which are entirely devoid of staff or public, or any form of life what-so-ever, but do have state of the video systems so he can watch TV each time he comes to "re-open" the "new church of scientology". DM makes me want to barf when I think about what he has done. Kool Aide drinking Scientologists make me want to barf when I think about them helping and supporting him in his effort to bury real Scientology and replace it with the DeMon Worship Cult. Every person who is not standing up and saying NO is actively supporting DM with their silence. The evidence is out there and has been for years now. It is in front of every Scientoogists eyes. They CHOSE silence.
Dear RM, while I agree with you wholeheartedly there is a slight problem of people inside seeing anything. Inform yourself a bit more about that then you can make an educated opinion known. I knew NOTHING until I got out and even after that for about a year or so. There are a lot of hard working and honest individuals in there.
Perhaps someone needs to point something out to Miscavige. When you & the church you run is being accused of being too concerned with & focused on money, it might not be a good idea to hold a contest (ie., birthday game) where the Org. that gives the most money to the church wins the game. Maybe it’s just me, but it kind of feeds into the idea that the corporate church of $cientology, is really focused on getting it’s members to give the church money. Being a church, perhaps the game could be about how many new members each Org could attract, however that may expose the truth about the supposed ‘straight up/vertical grow’. Maybe the contest could be about which Org can produce the most ‘clears’, however that would again expose the whole ‘lack of new members problem’ David is trying to suppress. When a church defines a ‘humanitarian’ as someone who has donated thousands of dollars to the church, it kind of sends the message that only the wealthy can be humanitarians. It reminds me of when Miscavige gave Tom Cruise the ‘Medal of Valor’ & referred to him as the “most dedicated scientologist I know”. Again, I’m not an expert on Scientology, however I’m thinking that the Sea Org members who devote their lives to serving the church (or in some cases Miscavige & Cruise themselves) working 100+ hrs/week, for $0-$50/week, living in cramped quarters, eating rice & beans 3x day, never seeing their families, getting 3-4 days off a year (maybe) & constantly living in fear that not meeting your stats (or some other infraction) will get you a long stint on the RPF are really the most dedicated scientologist. Furthermore, Tom never has to worry that his BFF David will punch him, throw him into the hole or make him play musical chairs. Plus, Tom gets to use Sea Org members for free labour & potential dating pool. Again I don’t understand how all these current members simply can’t see COB for who & what he truly is.
Thank you very much. I was shocked myself even as I was making his “Medal of Valor”
Absolutely right observation.
When is DM’s birthday?
He doesn’t have one. He was spawned, not born…
His birthday is on wikipedia I think. Im on my slow phone or I would ck for you.
30 April
This really is surreal. It’s like a Twilight Zone Episode. Dianetics and Scientology: get the charge off cases so people can fully realize their potential. They become Free, Happy Beings and we find that they are Good. Therefore you can extrapolate and see that we can eventually achieve The Aims of Scientology, A World Without Insanity, Criminals or War. So the priority should be making Auditors and Auditing People. Miscavige’s priority is buying buildings. With the basics, he created a barrier to the swift making of Auditors. And with his squirreling of the technology: floating needles, 6 month checks, whatever he is doing with the Grades as they are different at Flag, the redo of purifs and objectives, endless objectives, the non-clear R Factors…He has barred the way to freedom.
LRH said we are The Free People. But, with the threat of Disconnection the Church of Scientology is a piece of the Soviet Union sitting in the middle of the Free World.
Well done to all who are keeping their eyes on the mountain. Liberty, spiritual and physical is always worth fighting for. Slavery, quite often comes to us insidiously and therefore can take time to spot. We need to get better at spotting it faster. I think all of us who have come through this Church Cycle have learned a lot in that direction.
>> “…. international org game….”
I can see here only european orgs. Are all other orgs already closed ?
>> St Petersburg, 6 Huminatarians.
St . Petersburg is a poor russian city where average people have to live from $ 700,–/month with prices like in the west:
Anybody knows how many of the (crimimal) russian oligarchs already have joined the criminal cult ?
Yes “uncover”. Good observation. They are the only ones that can afford it.
A wild guess would be at least six. 🙂
A very minor detail worth noting, which I haven’t seen before: They use the language “status completions” when they talk about how great things are going in Europe. That’s a very clever running together of the “status” concept from the IAS and the “course completions” from “classic” Scientology. So they’re very subtly conflating two concepts, donating money on the one hand and doing Scientology on the other. The result is that this implies that giving money IS doing Scientology. Eventually, if you repeat this often enough, it will stick in people’s minds, especially the brainwashed few still left. That’s a lot more clever brainwashing than the usual not-so-subtle Miscavige approach. I wonder if somebody new is writing his material. Perhaps I’m reading too much into this and it’s an accidental word choice, but I’m not so sure.
JP — As usual, your keen observational skills are on display.
I am not sure this is much more subtle than any of the other “propaganda by redefinition of words” which is the title and subject of a Hubbard policy letter. This is done by constant repetition, just as you say.
Miscavige is actually quite adept at this — perhaps not as apparent to someone who has never been a Scientologist. He has redefined many terms and concepts in Scientology to align with what HE wants to achieve. Thus, “Command Intention” which was originally a euphemism for “LRH intention” or “LRH orders” has over a couple of decades been morphed into “Miscavige intention.” But the implication remains for the dedicated/brainwashed followers that this also equates to “what LRH wants.”
He has also cleverly repositioned himself in a slow, methodical campaign from being “the person who announced the death of LRH” to “the one who is carrying out LRH’s wishes” to “the guy who knows what LRH’s intention was” to “the one anointed by LRH as his successor” to “the finder of lost LRH tech” to “the refiner of LRH tech” to “the arbiter of what is LRH tech.” This last is relatively unimportant to outsiders who don’t give a damn whether its LRH or Miscavige or one of the Three Stooges. But it is massively significant to those who still hand over their cash. If he outright announced “I am the new LRH” he would have had a revolt on his hands and been abandoned. Whether outsiders agree or not, one of the things that holds the church together is the belief by its members that they are followin the teachings of Hubbard. Miscavige has very cleverly managed to convince them that because he says something it means it is what LRH wanted, even though it may in fact be diametrically opposed to waht Hubbard said. It really is quite a feat.
This is a long winded response to agree with your observation, but add to it that on the BIG and really important things, its a long and relatively subtle approach.
Mike: Since you know him as well as you do, do you think DM would love to take that final step and declare himself (no pun intended) as Hubbard’s successor as Source? He does have a model in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, where the President of the church is accepted as the current prophet of Mormonism. If so, how could he get away with it? Or is he willing to accept the role of St. Paul in Christianity, believing that he’d be as honored by future generations of Scientologists as Paul is among Christians?
“If he outright announced “I am the new LRH” he would have had a revolt on his hands and been abandoned.”
I’m not so sure. Those left have bought into such ridiculous outpoints – gradually over time and ever more blatant – that I reckon a high percentage would kind of shrug their shoulders and say “well, if DM says it is so…” and carry on. The Titanic has already sunk and they are the Kate and Leo left clinging to the wreckage. If they let go they would drown, they believe. So they will swallow whatever they have to swallow – metaphorically of course. Anyone who believes that maxing out their credit card equates to winning the Birthday game will believe DM when he says the moon really is made of green cheese and he is the new LRH.
OMG! Unbelievable. An official “game” of how much money we can get from you! Please,please wake up!!!