Miscavige is finally rolling out the “new” OEC. This is the next “big thing” that is now going to guarantee his “ideal orgs” actually expand.
It will be announced with great fanfare that Miscavige has “discovered” a new “why” for orgs not making it to St Hill Size. The “new” OEC will be presented by him as his brilliant solution. Just like the “ideal orgs” was a “solution” to the same problem almost 20 years ago “because they could not perform all the functions of an org” (supposedly because they didn’t have enough room) and like an auditing session couldn’t be delivered without an auditing room or an E-Meter an org couldn’t survive without a big, shiny building.
Since at least 2000 (ie more than 20 YEARS) Miscavige has been proclaiming that the OEC was an “overt product” because it was not correctly “compiled.” He has gone through numerous people on “OEC Projects” to get it “right” — I did this back in 2006 for a while. Hubbard didnt have any problem with it, but Miscavige in his infinite wisdom does. He believes that there are “packages” of policies that relate and when they are spread out over different volumes their importance is lost. So these packages must all be found and the policies grouped together.
No doubt, after 20 years of failed projects to get this done he stepped in to “do it himself” as the hero to save the day. A lot of blame and people trashed along the way, and what he ends up with is what others had proposed and he rejected earlier. This happens with virtually everything from books to systems to org space planning to designs to film shooting and on and on.
Stay tuned — at the next international event that is actually held in an auditorium, there will be a huge “release” that will be made to sound like an astonishing “breakthrough” to save the day. No mention will be made that if this IS in fact why orgs haven’t expanded, how come it’s taken 20 years to be resolved? Nor will anyone ask how come there is still no Briefing Course? No KTL? No LOC? The L’s are “squirrel” (according to Miscavige).
These people in SFO (and no doubt other orgs) are all excited. Now they can hang onto false hope for 6 months or a year “when the execs get back all will be great”…
None of these new “solutions” ever confront the reality that scientology has become a toxic brand that nobody wants to go near because of its abusive practices and Fair Gaming.
“In a new unit of time” may I share that “…The Latest Wrong Reasons Orgs Aren’t Expanding” gave me a much needed chuckle. Thank you, Mike 🙂
To paraphrase Elizabeth Browning, “Let Me Count The WHYs” and their accompanying programs ala COB from the time I started in Scn back in the mid-80s until the present. I probably have some items out of sequence.
* Saint Hill Size Orgs – All orgs must go SH size.
* The Golden Age of Tech l (Auditing certs cancelled, everyone had to retrain)
* GAT ll (Ditto)
* The BASICS!!!! (Oh, was THIS ever going to create Planetary Clearing In Our Lifetime but…um, no, so
To Continue:
* Redo TRs & Objectives & Student Hat (Or would that be part of GAT ll?)
* Cause Resurgence Rundown
* And now, the New OEC.
* And counting…
Who’s up for betting how many more REAL WHYs for the non-expansion of Scientology accompanied by new programs to handle them that Miscavige will find during his regime? I’ll wager 20 bucks on it being 3.
Oh, man! Talk about Missing Applicable Data! I left out Ideal Orgs! Which if I’m not mistaken would have come down the pike between GAT 1 and GAT 2.
Rhetorical Question Alert:
And speaking of Ideal Org/Morgues, I wonder how the fundraising for that has been going in the past year and a half?
I mean, no WONDER the Dwarf had to come up with another WHY!
The heavy duress indoctrination of Outer Org Training can result in the creation of absolute die-hards.
I was never on the RPF. But I rode its sister train, OOT when I was but a wee spalpeen.
You are beaten down, threatened, shamed for failure, hounded, and re-molded. Sent home in a uniform or a red lanyard. red and green ink in the veins.
I’d be curious if Mockingbird or Shelton have anything on this.
The tortures and rigors aside, it’s the RESULT of mind molding that is so deadly.
Amazing. Simply amazing, and yet, not amazing at all.
Each new “why” the Dwarf rolls out is like a new drug for the sheeple. They get high on this new explanation, this new program. They go mad. This…is IT. Finally. FINALLY! For real now! THIS is IT.
And the tiny orgs with their skeleton staffs go insane trying to implement COB’s solution. ORDERS from on high! Command Intention! What LRH ALWAYS wanted! This WILL BE the solution to org expansion and Planetary Clearing in our Lifetime! Never MIND everything in the past that somehow didn’t work. Its here NOW. This is IT.
Class V Staff will be reg’ged intensely to go off post and to Flag to train on this thing. Lives will be disrupted, many little orgs may not even have skeleton staff anymore. Pressure will be enormous for them and public to drop everything and train on this thing.
And it won’t work. But, like a drug, it will keep them energized and euphoric for a while. They’ll have hope again for a while. They’ll have a purpose for a while.
“Gotta make it go right to get this training”…”Disagree with the MEST Universe”…”The MEST Universe will NEVER give you permission to Go Free”…and blah blah blah.
Hope, they’ll have hope again. COB working his guts out has once more given them a new flavor of koolaid to drink. And they’ll drink deep as always. They’ll be high on hope. False hope of course but when you have no hope – when all you have left to cling to in Scientology are Miscavige’s lies – well, I suppose any hope, no matter how delusional, is preferable to confronting that its never going to happen. Sad.
On a possible good note, this latest “evolution” or wtf they call it will probably drive a few more people out. There’s nobody to replace them, and scientology will continue to shrink.
Yes, agreed! No doubt that after emerging from a year and a half of Covid, this new intense pressure will drive off more of them.
You can bet that at least 40 percent of them will not ever return to their own org after being recruited by flag, other 40 percent will leave the course because of whatever they call an out of ethics and other 20 percent because of no progress by no service delivered.
Anyway, 2 millions spent in Flag by SF Org till the new “why” is found and be ready to start all over again with the COB release and magnitude order to enroll and follow the Platinium Age of Admin in 2030 (AD85).
You are very optimistic with your CI. However, we all hope hard that the downfall will come very soon in our days.
In ’76, I participated in DM’s “internship” of OEC 2 soon after he dropped out of High School. As a quick check of every intern’s grasp of Division 2’s material, I asked one dead-simple question of anyone who would *touch* “my” Central Files as an intern: “What’s the primary purpose of Central Files?” I didn’t expect or want a verbatim answer, but he would have read the PL of that title within the prior week and the purpose was all in CAPS, like it might be IMPORTANT. Of the interns who came through CF’s impressive vault door — (seriously heavy and massive it was) — only ONE failed to confidently get the gist of it right: Davey Boy, the “Kid”. AND he argued with me as I read the purpose from a copy of the PL I had pasted to the wall for just that occasion.
I don’t doubt that he failed to understand most of the rest of the OEC as well. It would be ‘interesting’ to see what his re-organization of the OEC would reveal if he ever allows it to be completed and released.
Of COURSE, he’s come up with yet another WRONG “why”. Of COURSE the newest OOTs are doomed to return to their home orgs and utterly FAIL to revitalize them. The original policies hamstrung the Orgs while Ron was alive; Dwarfenführer’s alteration of them wouldn’t improve their effectiveness. The alterations are just another source of cognitive dissonance between his statements and KSW which has driven scns away from the tattered remnants of what used to be called scientology and I’m sure this newest anti-KSW example will drive even more paying customers away. Only the strong ( RICHEST) survive now, and some of the whales are edging around the fringes, more ready to bolt than ever before. He might make a bunch of bucks on this latest scam and stat-push, but it’s just another nail in the coffin of what he’s carved out of what once was scientology.No need for a fork to test its done-ness, scientology’s crumbling to pieces under its own weight.
Very interesting anecdote about DM flubbing and ARGUING about LRH’s in caps purpose of Central Files, Jere! Very interesting, indeed.
When I think of what Miscavige has done to the tech – the admin tech with his squirrel Ideal Morgues and IAS fundraising , the auditing tech in particular his 3 swing FN, I shudder, literally. I shall be eternally grateful for having never gone to Flag – because over the years I either had not the funds, or if I did have enough money I didn’t have coverage for my business.
I did throw (for me substantial) money down the twin rat holes of Ideal Morgues and IAS – but the last auditing I received was in the mid 90s before the first GAT. I know how lucky I am to have escaped GAT 1 and 2 and OMG the 3 swing FN. My heart goes out to anyone subjected to that!
For you to have witnessed up close the future head of Scientology and head of RTC’s fundamental and abysmal misunderstandings of the tech – wow. Words fail me.
Wow this brings back memories. I lost so many auditors who went to Flag to be trained. They hot recruited out from under us. I once went for what was supposed to be ten days ten days ended up being there 3 months for a 5 day Course with internship. They just needed auditors and stats. I had kids so I was totally freaked out wanting to come home. I hated it there. You really are bottom of the totem pole. When an OOT.
300 years of staff experience averages to 30 years per staff. Average age of staff recruit is usually early 20’s – 30’s. These are old scn at the least maybe even geriatric or golden-agers!
Looks like a ploy to keep sucker-staff stuck in for lack of new recruits.
Or a ploy to rip off the younger OOT to join the dwindling SO while training at Flag.
One wonders how they’ve survived an average of 30 years on staff “pay”😇
OOT barracks might be a slight step up in accommodations, and “all” they have to do is study under the oppression of the Course Sup watching like a hawk for the least “bad indicators”, like exhaustion and malnourishment.
It is always a word, comma or period and make believe that it comes from the source without alterations but they take advantage of the opportunity to sell you the whole set again, it is something that all the orgs, groups, ethics baits and affiliates of Wise are going to have to acquire whether they like it or not.
It has never worked and now less, things if they ever seemed to work was when it came to releasing a product despite everything and in an honest way, there was some common sense, compassion, empathy and understanding, today we only live on donations for anything before any service, threats and the subsequent fear of having a low stat before the product itself for the week.
I remember the OEC from before and it was the same, they only changed a few pages and added PLs issued after the death of the source, but since 5000 sets at 4k each represent 20 million for New Era Publications, another 20 million of the hand of a few parishioners for something that costs 100 dollars of ink and paper to publish or to be able to see on the web why not have 20 million and people busy from top to bottom, trying to sell them.
Yup!, and all income flows upward first, all the way up to Davey’s accounts before a small fraction drips down to the staff doing the work of production and sales. It’s been 45 years since I got my OECs. Are they really that expensive? I couldn’t have paid $4k for them back then. I’m sure not gonna pay that much for that useless garbage now. I wouldn’t touch them at any price
I bet Miscavige’s new WHY is incorrect! I was involved in Scientology/SO management for years, and the most productive period I experienced was in the Los Angeles Organization in 1966 and 1967. I was the Tech Sec and C/S, and I audited the staff on Power Processing in the evenings. My point is the advisory and executive councils ran the LA Org strictly according to the policies covering their duties in “old” OEC Vol 7. There was no demand for stats, no product officers rushing around issuing random orders, no network interference, no ethics conditions flying around. Yet the stats went up steadily all year, division by division. I often reflect back to that time and realize that the more complicated Hubbard made the Bridge and management, the less workable it all became. The basics worked.
I’d love to ask you further questions along your answers:
a) IN that 66=67 time slot, with less oversight “top down” micro management and less statistics reporting, do you think there is a bureaucratic “why” for this, for instance if you “have stable terminals” and let them get on with it, that’s generally better? (This is how Missions/Franchises always have been allowed to run themselves more freely, and in hindsight this seems significantly better.).
b). I’d love to run you thru year by year, the key LRH orders and policies, year by year, til you left, someday. Can I call you? For instance remember the Power Of Choice LRH orders to be implemented at Flag Land Base on certain specific staff?
I believe that employees should be given the complete ‘how-to’ for their jobs and be allowed to get on with it. Hubbard made this policy in the ’60s. Real companies run this way. Hubbard got caught by his lies and ended up micromanaging his technical ‘Bridge’ as well. By promising stages of nirvana early on (Grade EPs, Clear, etc.) and failing, he kept delving further and deeper, and ended up with tons of rundowns, and masses of organizational fixes, none of which ended up doing anything. By the way, I stay away from the Scientology lingo because I find it induces the cult’s unwanted mindset. As to a ‘why,’ who knows. I’m not interested in finding one, smile. I’m happy to be done with the cult. I also stay away from the Scientology lingo because it induces Hubbard’s mindset. Feel free to call me. Afternoons are best.
I loved when you were Supercargo Flag Service Org. You were to me a standout leader I much admired.
People who’d been in the real “top management” ranks doing daily interaction, or Commodore’s Aides and even the D/Commodore’s even higher position you held earlier, knowing of your history close to the Hubbard’s, and anyone who did Commodore’s Staff Aide duty, or even Kerry Gleason who received just scads of LRH orders and attention in Kerry’s CO FB years, there is just so much details and history water under the bridge to your era of the movement.
My phone number is the same, can I call you sometime Hana?
Hi there, Chuck, it’s good to be in touch again. Call me anytime, afternoons are best. I’m sure you know I live in Florida now, so we may have a time difference. Hugs
I would really like to read “old” OEC Vol 7. Maybe I can buy it cheaply on the Internet. I’ve always been curious about the original Green Vols. I bought the ones that came out in the early 90s I think. These, I believe, had already been revised.
Buy the original set or as close as you can to it.
So, Tiny Fists has officially declared himself Source. Well, that should only hasten the demise of this bastard organisation.
Aquamarine – I have the original full green (and red) set from when I did the OEC on Flag in 1970-71 and would be happy to give them to you. It’s jarring to see how Tiny Fists re-wrote the LRH issues and conveniently left out full paragraphs.
Hana – I just wanted to thank you for something you did for me in 1971. We’ve never met, you wouldn’t remember it and it probably was just one task of a thousand given to you by LRH that you did that day. But please know, you executed an action that changed my life and really helped me when I needed it.
WWAW – add another “W{ for Wow! The original Greens AND Reds…wow.
Absolutely, yes, I’d love to have them. I’ve been so curious about certain things. Certain questions in my own mind, long unanswered. Yes!
Now, If I’m not mistaken I believe we’ve already been E connected…? If so, you’ll know. If not, please tell me here and I’ll get you my information on the back channel asap. Thank you 🙂
There’s a couple of the original sets for sale on eBay…..
Thank you, Mal Evans.
Why would you want to spend your time on reading LRH invented materials trash? I would burn it to ashes. Trust me, it is hardly revised. Nothing new except it’s binding. The core is LRH. Move on.
Thanks, O. I have my reasons. Anybody is free to read anything, for any reason. You sound very angry, btw. As for moving on, I already have. Respectfully, it might be you who needs to move on.
Edit: “Need”, not “needs”. Apologies from a Born Again Grammar Nazi. I’ll always blame it on Student Hat and KTL 🙂
Hana, ’66-7 would have been about the peak of the baby boom youth phenomenon, and the counter-culture movement with its “seekers”. Every business and organization that served young people saw their statistics going up every year, because the number of people in that demographic was larger every year – until the end of the 60s and early 70s when the peak of the boom passed, and Scientology’s numbers also went into decline.
I think credit is due to decent, dedicated people like you who were trying to help others – at a point that there was also just a lot of interest in self improvement, human potential, consciousness expansion, spirituality, and so on. But Hubbard, like other gurus and their groups of that era, was also just riding the crest of a demographic and sociological wave that was inevitably about to crash.
It appears to me that there were several reasons for the development of management complexity, but one was trying to find ways to re-create that peak, failing to understand and take into account that it was largely an externally driven phenomenon, beyond Hubbard’s control at the time and not amenable to replication. People who got into the business of horse buggy whips manufactured with hand labor in the 1890s, ended up in a similar situation a couple of decades later when assembly lines were churning out cars.
Great observation! Thank you so much for posting. Being in Scientology at the time, my memory is restricted–no TV, no media, no nothing but Scientology–to cult events. After I left in 1984, I became aware of all that history for the first time. Your observation is spot on and if anyone is interested in drilling down to find a reason or reasons, your information should be included.
Right, lovely Hana. But they’re not you who can apply policy without flogging the staff unnecessarily. You were a joy to work with, m’lady.
Speaking of San Francisco: I just happened to watch Joe Rogan’s “Triggered” stand-up gig in SF (on Netflix). He was riffing on scientology (with a special mention for SF scn). His conclusion was along the lines of: “I don’t care if you join a cult. But, at least join a nice one!”
His audience was clearly getting it. He brought the house down. And therein lies the problem for the cult: Not only are they the laughing stock of many a quip. But too many people KNOW that they are nasty business. For all of its delusions, even the cult seems to get that as they are advertising their wares either anonymously or through front groups. Their brand is shot! For contrast, imagine Coke or Apple having to remove their logos to move a few units every so often.
As discussed yesterday, governments may be fed up with the fraud. They may take action–or not, They may even sometimes over-reach in an effort to protect their citizens from what amounts to organized crime. But NOTHING beats education. Informed people will not fall for any of this, regardless of what new program is put into place to polish a turd.
Taking shots at scn seems to be acceptable. It’s a constant running theme in Netflix series, The Kominsky Method where a character is a scn and portrayed as a brain washed, greedy opportunist who is the butt of jokes.
What I found amazing is that the writers of the show actually used the term scn rather than making up
a pseudonym for the cult to avoid potential litigation.
I’ve been wondering what major defanging (which is so hard, since Hubbard authored and never rescinded so many key, deep fangs of Scientology), that trying to fix Scientology is futile, and splinter Scientologists is factually the only sensible course (but it’s all quackery to me, I never could get into the therapy core practices of Scientology and the exorcism to me just is so problematic attributing one’s problems to the leaking problems of souls that infest one’s body, is too much for me to think that will work or that it is even really real, at best Scientology is psycho-therapeutic for mainly the human interaction good willed practitioner’s good intent to the recipient of the pseudo-therapy and exorcism, it’s placebo psycho-therapeutic best case scenario.
And the downside to official Scientology are the Hubbard fangs in the Hubbard un-changeable staff policies that abuse the members and get them locked into abusing each other.
All that is left, is quit Scientology, and do some of the psycho-therapeutic/exorcism placebo beneficial stuff one on one, and in the end it’s the human compassion one on one that does any good.
The “cult” bureaucracy, like Hana said, the more that bureaucracy and administrative operational procedures and oversight occurred, it messes with the humanity that the staffers and followers themselves were lending to each other’s real benefit, when that was let to run to everyone’s benefit.
Chuck Beatty
ex Sea Org 1975 to 2003
PS: Quitting and choosing another human activity for positive influence in one’s life, like Rogan says. Choose another (fill in the blank).
scientology’s “brand” is entirely too well known. most people know it for what it is instead of what scn would LIKE to be known for.
BTW: Ls had a re-release of sorts at GAT II release. DM’s personal opinions aside, he milked the cash cow fairytale.
There were a dozen new class12’s or so, ready to deliver them. The big fat “whys” had been found, GAT II training solved the problem of “NO NEW CLASS XIIs TRAINED SINCE LRHs”, and there was a new price per intensives.
Regular intensives went from $8,750.00 each to 5 grand each and L’s went from 10 or 12 grand an intensive to 8 grand an intensive (iirc)
Lots of rahrah on new delivery of L’s by new auditors. Supposed thanks to the poor bastards holding the fort 40 years.
Knowing other L’s pc’s at the time before the change, watching your class 12 fall asleep while auditing was not unheard of. In fact, it was fairly common occurrence then. Although I did have very young auditors fall asleep while receiving auditing at flag as well. At the time, I just experienced it without complaint, like a good scientologist.
These San Francisco executives are in for a VERY rude awakening. Flag treats outer org trainees (OOTs) about as bad as an old car that’s 30 miles away from falling apart.
Their schedule alone will be grueling. Most OOTs are put on a 9 am to 10 pm schedule every day. If their org isn’t paying room and board, these OOTs will find themselves doing grunt work that SO members don’t want to do. Or as Scientology calls it, work study, to keep that “exchange” in, because living in an old motel converted into bunk bed dormitories is so glamorous!
Their time at Flag could be extended for any reason, they could get pressed into service for yet another short-staffed org, or SO recruiters will try to get their hands on them. Or any combination of the three.
From what I hear, many OOTs come back from Flag demoralized and/or burned out. Some of them even blow. Hope these San Francisco execs know what’s waiting for them!
YEs, and a bunch of them in the past were sent to new “ideal orgs” to man them up for their ribbon yanking with orders to “replace themselves” which never happened. OOT’s are definitely the low men on the totem pole at Flag…
At Flag, if an OOT is near a door when ANYONE approaches, the OOT must open and hold open the door for that person.
new awful pecking orders at each level of involvement.
OOTs arriving home completed from Flag are welcomed like Sully on the Hudson. So very few ever make it through and back. Gaunt, pale, and always relieved to be returning home. They’ve come from bottom of the poop pile to top of the shit stack at home.
High expectations all round, and a fresh new 5 contract around your neck.
rah rah
translation:”OOT” is Outer Org Trainee, IIRC; it’s been 40 years since I particularly cared. But I do recall that they were one of Flag’s cash cows.
Amazingly, the still-in diehards that are involved with the cos will be so excited!! They know that the “braintrust” of the mother choich have figured out the why behind lack of expansion.
It wasn’t the AMA
It wasn’t the APA
It wasn’t the FBI
It wasn’t semicolons
It wasn’t the blind leading the blind
It wasn’t the IRS
It wasn’t the twelve families
It wasn’t lack of reads
It wasn’t bad TRs
It is still that they didn’t have it right. Again.
And nobody there sees that little tidbit.
The scientologist is the last to know about scientology.
In Martin Gardners 1950s book “Fads and Fallacies…” places the “why” on the crank crackpot pseudo-science subject founder’s head.
Scientology is on Hubbard’s head and why all of Hubbard’s operation fails is due to the simple reason of the core quackery of the practices of Scientology which no amount of Hubbard’s administrative sprucing up orders (and all that this new repeating era of Flag Exec Training) goes to longer range waste.
It’s the story of why you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
Hubbard set his bureaucratic Scientology operation ever striving and failing, and the long runway to realising one’s failing, and one’s blamed for the failure, and as you point out, they never see all the way back, which outsiders like Martin Gardner wrote about, the founders of these quackery subjects are the core problem.
You can’t make a new earth based on crackpot crank quackery subjects, put out by cranks like Hubbard.
“Fads and Fallacies….” Martin Gardner
– Chuck Beatty
1977 to 1983 (off and on OEC FEBC Course Supervisor at Flag Clearwater).
So this will be the 3rd or 4th revised OEC Vols?
I look forward to the list someone will make of the policies that have been left out.
What a waste of time. I really feel sorry for those deluded SO members.
I’d love to see the count of how many of them get sold. 5,000 sets?
isn’t it wild?
in the late 1990’s they were talking about this new set of OECs and the new three dictionaries, Admin, Tech, and Hard to Find. (Lronnie’s bullshit definitions)
Various SO at PAC were involved and lots of chatter. New OECs were coming soon, a follow up to GAT I.
yaawwwwwwwwwwn. I’m not the only one who’s been asleep.
It was important to have nice bookshelves in all the orgs first, I guess……
It was such a big deal to me to have all the tech….. not that I could understand most of it.
All baggage.
It is amazing isn’t it, Mike? Miscavige keeps on finding holes in Hubbards work – and the only Hubbardian tech he seems to be able to deploy is the art of obfuscation and of blaming others for missing everything.
I keep meaning to ask – what news of Guillaume? I just wish he would get himself out.
Great post, Mike. Still need to get a chance to have a beer sometime!
He is still being kept out of sight at Gold. So sad.
Yes, when I come back to Colorado we will make it a date!
That’s disappointing to hear, Mike. Dammit. I wish there was some way to talk with him at least to let him know that he has friends who are willing to welcome him.
We will have a pint at the Abbey Tavern!!!
Mick, it seems to me that Hubbard was always finding holes in his own work, at least tacitly – which he patched with releases of new, and sometimes updated (addressing shortcomings often blamed on others) ‘tech’ that was supposed to be the latest and greatest thing that would finally fix the problems that had been encountered, and deliver what had been promised from the beginning. I think Miscavige riffs on that with his “new releases”, which is about all he can do given the KSW legacy of ‘source’ and his own limits.
Good to see you here.
Good points! I always thought that Hubbard stepped from one ad hoc hypothesis to the next like a frog jumping across a pond using lilypads dealing with one problem and then dealing with the fall out from that solution with another ad hoc hypothesis.
I expect that Miscavige is waiting for the opportune time to announce that Hubbard was overrun by SP attacks and had gone into their valence at some point – he might blame SOLO Nots as the point where Hubbard was “defeated” . The advantage of that would be that he would then be freed up to add more stuff while claiming to be preserving Hubbards dream.
It is good to visit here – Mike is a great resource and he does a great public service.
I did the Vol 0 course and liked it. We had to memorize the whole Scientology org board – all the Divisions, all the Departments, etc., and recite the whole thing from memory to a pass without a single flub. That was one of the practical drills. I didn’t think I could do it but I had a very good very patient and supportive Sup and he stayed with me and somehow I managed it. Now I know why I was lacking in confidence though. All those semicolons. But now COB will be handling that. Dear COB; he thinks of everything.
Chuck Beatty will remember Al and Himself having the 10th floor students chines school the awareness levels on the orgboard !
I can still do that!!!!
I Chinese schooled the org board(s), all their revisions, thousands of times, and I’ve cleared virtually every key word in the whole durned OEC FEBC course, and graded thousands of student “Essays” and paperwork drills.
To this day, I think only some of the drills let the student wander mentally deeply, and I’m sure, students were contemplating the day they’d quit this Hubbard operation eventually, which almost all fo them have quit it, thankfully.
I will bet if your interview all students of the Hubbard staff writings, and try to get them to remember their momentary doubt thoughts they had as they did the training and exercises, each had a long string of doubts they either squelched or relabelled in some way so their doubts didn’t bother them.
“How Could It Be That Way” drilling by Al Baker was his specialty, and later I loved using that Hubbard technique, but it’s essentially blotting out the students’ legitimate doubts about all that whacky Hubbard material.
KSW is so fundamentally wrong, it squelches out all sensible counter ideas about Hubbard’s bad ideas.
Hubbard’s administrative and course room methods are in sum total mental conditioning thought control.
The one stopgap idea was the “If it’s not true for you, then it’s not true.”
At least one could privately hold that view against the Hubbard ideas one didn’t really honestly think were true.
It’s a real long drawn out mental quagmire of Hubbard’s self bolstering ideas, pointing always back to Hubbard’s ideas being the best ideas on earth.
The org board and drilling of the framework for the orgs, seems benign enough.
But the admin is a deflection off the “tech” and the “tech” is quackery, so no amount of admin is going to fix the sow’s ear nature of Hubbard’s “tech” which will never turn into a silk purse.
I hated the Chinese Schooling we did on the RPF of all the “Manifestations of the Missed Withhold” other than I remember chatting with John Aczel and enjoying our tiny windown of chatting while we RPFers all waited to begin the Chinese Schooling in the PAC Complex “main building” basement RPF Co-Audit Course Room. (The OSA staffers on the PAC RPF honestly were the most liberal decent ones there, oddly, I wish more ex OSA staff who were RPFed from OSA Int would speak out.).
Happy Father’s Day to ALL the Biological dads, adoptive dads, step dads, grand dads, great grand dads, Uncles, brothers, male cousins who “Pinch hit” as dads & women who ARE the substitute dad in a child’s life. YOU are one of the most important persons in a child’s life.
Thank You!
…and besides all that, I’ve heard many stories of staff from other Orgs that come in to train and THAT is a slice of hell in itself. The horrible accomos, the Training all day, white glove at night, their 2 month Tech Estimate turns into a year…or more.
A year of hell at Flag…. This whole thing will be a cluster f—.
The KTL/LOC courses were the best courses ever offered by $cientology. The accidental EP of those courses was people leaving $cientology and getting on with their lives.
That is why they will never come back until Darth Midget croaks or is in prison.
James Hollingsworth,
So correct.
Life Orientation Course ends the student with their “Hat In Life” choosing. Which endless members chose to leave Sea Org, blow, escape, and just quit Scientology.
LOC was like doing a sensible Doubt Formula, and quit Scientology. It caused endless turmoil for that reason.
I gave those years, and the results of KTL and LOC a lot of thought. I’d been part during the later part of the 1970s at the Flag admin outer org trainees course rooms, with the piloting of chunks of both LOC and KTL, our trainees being guinea pigs, and me doing one on one the piloting in many cases on each student. (FDS, CRMU finding, Debug Tech, I sidechecked each and every person’s Conds and Exchange by Dynamics which is another one of those exercises that can launch a person to quit Scientology due to them realising the “exchange” they are doing is hapless hopeless).
There is just so much deep criss crossing wrong in Hubbard’s decades long throwing sticky “tech” at the wall and seeing what sticks or not.
It’s a futile long drawn out quackery outfit with heavy handed bureaucracy and militaristic control and penalties that “keep it together” at least long enough to give the apparency of legitimate worthwhile positive activity.
It’s just organised and straitjacketed quackery sales and delivery.
LOC let some spring loose.
The Doubt Formula also let lots of people spring loose too, if you really did a good job of getting your head straight.
The PTS Rundown also, lets lots of people choose joining the “SP” groups again in society, and the PTS Rundown and the Doubt Formula and LOC do let one get out of the Hubbard nuttery running in circles (Cause Resurgence Rundown no less).
I loved KTL and LOC and yes, the EP of each of these courses is not conducive to fashioning a person into an obedient koolaid drinker! Ah, the irony, the irony! Who knew? These 2 courses, topped off with Data Series ended up furnishing me with the tools to LEAVE Scientology. Its called self-determinism. A way of operating given a great deal of lip service by Miscavige but in fact no one can be self determined and stay in the Church of Scientology as it exists today. Just try thinking for yourself and you’ll be out on your keester reading and posting on this blog in no time :
Around and around the Mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel…….
LRH came up with the Running Program, aka “Cause Resurgence Rundown” for that one!
And Hubbard told Sarge at Creston, which is why it is truly vital info for all well informed Scientologists who know of the theory Hubbard wrote about the “Cause Resurgence Rundown” (the “OT” theory behind it) which is that in ancient space civilizations, “OT” bodiless thetans who were part of advanced space civilisations had to have some fixup casewise, and what they did was the “OT” version of the “Running Program” which was to causatively do LARGE circles around stars, as the OT version of the human running in circles around a pole or tree, as was piloted by the RPF in the late 1970s.
The dot connecting ironies of Hubbard’s theory quackery is mind boggling.
quit fast. And never join Scientology. (And it is in KSW number 1 this allowance by Hubbard to literally “…quit fast…..”
“[All together] they bring over 300 years of staff experience”
Might I remind them, that would be over 300 years of unsuccessful staff experience. To paraphrase Hubbard – there is a state lower than blindness – that’s being blind but imagining one sees all sorts of things. Or in “wog” words, knowing things that aren’t so.
And, BTW, wasn’t Key to Life supposed to fix all those problems?
So true that $ci has been exposed for its disconnection, fair game, etc. that it is toxic in the US. For all the negative even criminal things it has done and does there are never any positive stories of good deeds that it has performed. $ci does nothing to help its fellow man.
They do help in their volunteer ministry services however how much they help is unknown by most non scientoliegists. The organisation is very quick to give stats and figures on so many aspects of their operations but suprisingly never reports on how much they assist in their volunteer ministry endeavors. Ie they never say how many people were sent to disaster relief sites, how long they were there for, how much was spent on handouts of food and water etc. My pesimistic self says that this is because the amount of help they want to report is substantial however as it is minimal they hold back because neutral parties can confirm if the exagerations are correct.
The report given from Scientoliegist opponents is that they basically hand out a bit of water, take a photo or two, get somebody to say what a great job they have done and then leave. Ild like to hear the organisations side of the story- my guess would be that they would overhype their efforts and claim that they are the biggest and best voluntary organization in the universe.
It(scn) DOES help ONE “man”; the little one at the top.
Those execs have over 300 years of experience between them and STILL haven’t figured out how to get stats up and they think a course will help????? The depth of stupidity is STAGGERING.
People stay away from scamology BECAUSE IT DOESN’T WORK and people who use it tend to die like flies.
300 years experience doing the same wrong things.
Of COURSE doing more of the same damn thing once again will make it ALL go right. 😇
That’s one definition of insanity, remember.
The ol’ “combined experience” schtick is utterly meaningless. Experience is gained consecutively, not concurrently. All that phrase does is put an impressive-sounding gloss over a dung heap – a perfect metaphor for Miscavige. 100 schmucks with 1 year experience each would have “100 years of combined experience.” I’d rather work with one schmuck who has ten years of experience.
No Briefing Course and no Class VIII Course. What does Miscavige say is the reason for no BC and VIII Auditor Course?
IIRC, the SHSBC was deemed by his own self to be “squirrel”; said the tiny tyrant who couldn’t complete the Academy levels, class IV,
Thanks, Jere. And I guess Miscavige should know if the SHSBC is squirrel as he is the biggest tiny squirrel of them all.
Not pertaining to the subject but Happy Father’s Day, Mike and all other Dads here in the group.
A brand new “why” from DM. Finally!
It was since the golden age of tech, the various Ignw bulletins about to read and reread and the idle orgs that something was missing.
I can’t wait to read how he formulated the “why” and if as in the previous ones instead of being conclusive it makes you ask ‘yes sure, but why?’ – a sign that it was not the true why.
So much of the OEC green policy volumes is business like, and not the type of business practices of a tax exempt non profit group acceptable to the IRS.
I wonder if the new OEC green policy books will have edited out all of the older OEC green volumes editions which contain the Hubbard policy writings which violate the IRS non profit exemption rules?
I was posted as Asst OEC Course Supervisor in 1977 under Al Baker the Chief Course Sup, and Linda McCarthy then Director of Training, with Greg Wilhere our then boss in the Flag Bu.
It was the Flag Bu Exec College back then. The OEC Checksheet has undergone constant change over the decades we in the course room used it.
In 1982 I quickly revised it, and submitted the OEC full checksheet, in my spare time, I was still Course Supervising, and I did the revision after hours. I’d been an OEC Course Sup since 1977, and daily used it with student trainees, then at Clearwater first up on the 10th floor ballroom of the Fort Harrison, and then over in the Clearwater Building. (In 1982 the OEC and FEBC courses were transported over to the Int Training School situated under Exec Strata in PAC in the AOLA building for a time, then later ITS disbanded and then Int Training Org “reformed” over in the Main Building, and Int Training Org was reformed at that time. Then in 1988 Int Training Org moved from Main Building of the complex to the newly renovated HGB building where Flag Bureaux moved also, and the HGB became “upper middle management” or “senior FOLO” whichever Hubbard label one used. Further then the HGB management hierarchy which was always senior to the Cont areas, it had become since 1977-79, the old Apollo era “top management” had been divided into the Int Base actual “top management” and then lower middle management of the “Senior FOLO” echelon.
Anyways, Int Training Org was only briefly under Exec Strata, and then returned to being under the HGB level of middle management.
And today, if the Flag Exec Training is in Clearwater, that’s kind of a good thing. since then if the exec trainees will be given any quackery pseudo-therapy to help their “cases” they can get it better at Flag in Clearwater.
The OEC Checksheet is problematic like almost every aspect of Scientology is problematic, due to the key policies of this OEC course being written by L. Ron Hubbard.
No amount of corrective manuscript work will repair the flaw in the policies that Hubbard has instilled in them.
The paperwork corrective actions even when every tiniest detail of Hubbard’s policies and administrative bureaucratic and theoretical principles are applied can fix Hubbard’s inherent flows he’s written into stone into the policies of the OEC Course.
Scientology Keeping Scientology Working policy drives the leader(s) of Scientology to solve their Hubbard instilled problems with other Hubbard faulty solutions administratively. Picking away at faulty edited original Hubbard policies and the policy books (the OEC green volumes are simply the Scientology today’s Ideal Org staff members’ “policy books”) won’t solve even the best interpretation of Hubbard’s iron clad policies for the movement’s operation.
it’s just a futile long drawn out subject flawed so deeply, even all of Hubbard’s self fixing solutions cannot fix it.
Chuck Beatty
OEC/FEBC Course Sup on and off over the 1977 to 1982 time slot in Sea Org (Clearwater and LA/HGB)
“Going Clear…” by Lawrence Wright really needs to be read by ex’s, especially the final Epilogue chapter.
remember you and Al and Linda with great affection, Chuck. You were a great team.
I loved it too. It was my Sea Org best years. Rhyming slang you!
Also, if only Jon Horwich would be interviewed, or write his memoirs/stories, Jon had his hand in just significant chunks of history from the Apollo days up to when Jon was at Int Base.
There is just a whole huge chunk of history I get reminded could be told and some old Apollo vets lived vast streams of special projects all based on Hubbard’s daily, weekly, monthly orders.
Mick, you may know, in that time slot of 1977-78 LRH was “on the lines” and wrote voluminous traffic to the Flag Land Base, it’s guided Flag in Clearwater, and also the then Flag units that due to LRH orders were repositioned elsewhere, those units still have that time period’s LRH orders in their “Hat Packs” giving LRH’s intent for those units, and many times the LRH orders contained more strategic and policy level input from LRH, which often turned into bits of later written policies.
The details of LRH’s output, and then the seeming ligher atmosphere, I mean there was LRH input even into the students’ schedule, and LRH had given Jon Horwich huge leeway how to run the OEC FEBC, plus LRH ordered Jon to write all the Flag Orders for running the FEBC, there is such staggering amount of bureaucratic and administrative details LRH would get into.
I’ve lamented, over and over, over the years, swinging from the extreme of listing out in many of my postings over the years, all the tiny sub niche of Apollo era Flag Orders and other LRH orders issues, that guided the sub units of the Apollo “top management” era.
Anyways I wish we could get Jon Horwich to allow himself be interviewed.
Jon Horwich himself did immense work on the OEC Checksheet, and his mind truly to me was one of the greatest at trying to dig into the OEC policies and try modernise it.
But the other swing to the pendulum of LRH’s administrative output writings, are that in the end, the subject, the therapy and exorcism practices of Scientology, are the core of the Scientology subject, and no amount of administrative sprucing up really dents the “tech” flaws.
Preach Brother Mike, preach!! Miscavige will just dangle the carrot and the minions will swallow it up. As for the ‘Ls’, that is the best brain programming thing the $cienoverse has going for it. Dumping them would let too many re-groove their brains in a non-Lron approved method.
Miscavige is always the solution to any problem he creates.
The pattern of Miscavige is so obviously wrong that the passing years highlight it. Met Miscavige on the Freewinds in 1988. Offered him Computer data base help and suggestions for a better OT VIII. He would not talk to me. Miscavige has been stuck inside his own head for at least forty years. The OEC project is just one more example of his stupidity.
George, respectfully – you think he’s stupid? I would have to disagree with that assessment of Miscavige. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing. I think he knows precisely the con he is pulling, at any given time, and that whichever one he happens to be pulling has been well planned, carefully planned and thought out. But that’s just me. I don’t think he’s bumbling and clueless. He may not be intelligent , but I do believe him to be extremely calculating and cunning.
To explain a lttle further about my viewpoint, I think Miscavige is very narrow minded. That has been my experience with him. He probably is cunning but I think in a narrow way. Srupid might be wrong.
I get it. Well, in fairness, being cunning in a narrow way CAN be stupid as well. In his case it works for him. He cares only for maintaining his power and control, and everything he does or doesn’t do is for this purpose. His followers are totally brainwashed and so operating in this narrow way doesn’t backfire on him to any great degree.
When OSA-people will read the above, will any of them actaully see the truth in it or are they to brainwashed?
OSA, imho, is too brainwashed.
otherwise its operatives couldn’t read what’s posted on these scn-watchers’ sites and still do their jobs.
Agree. Beyond brainwashed. Brain washed away a long time ago. Maybe no more brain to wash.
Hubbard always suggested looking down the chain of command to find an SP. He didn’t want scientologists looking up (at him). And so now they never will, no matter who’s in charge.
That Hub’s reference to “the boy who would be electing himself ‘the new order'” has since been deleted is clearly of no concern.
Not yet, anyway. I’d hate the one whose job it is to read this to be the last one standing. If they used all that purpose and energy to effect change within rather than to silence and destroy without they might have some success in reversing the church’s dwindling stats. But they can’t, so they won’t. And on and on it goes.
O/T. Christian Scientologist Joy Villa is promoting Scientology front-group The Way To Happiness.
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If you asked the most blood soaked member of the SS-Totenkopfverbande they would say they were right.