So much excitement over nothing…
I mentioned this earlier — Miscavige is promoting that the “Golden Age of Admin” includes a “new org board.” And now, of course, the sheeple are parroting him — announcing a “new Class V Organising Board.” But if you read on, you will see it is not in fact “new” but VERY old. “Restored to pure LRH.”
This is the FEBC Org Board from 1968. It was subsequently modified numerous times, while Hubbard was still running the organizations and he did not continue with the “FEBC Org Board.”
What is so remarkable is that when Miscavige released the “new, 100% on source” OEC Volumes in 1991, it contained the “100% on Source” Org Board — in every Volume. And then when the new “this time it’s 100% on Source” OEC Volume 0 (the Basic Staff Hat) was released in 1999 it was even more on-Sourcier.
Miscavige’s latest cure-all, the “Golden Age of Admin” is now going to solve all problems with his “new” old Org Board.
Of course, as you can see below, there is now a blanket order for all staff to study this dreck. Just like the Basic books. Just like Key to Life. Life Orientation Course. etc etc
And no surprise — it is an avalanche of “cognitions” and “wins” about how this all NOW makes sense…
Will any of these people ever wake up to the insanity, or will they just continue to skip happily down the cognitive dissonance road to nowhere?
Sloane says
Wow! That all makes sense. I better get back in there. Now I can see how easier it will be for me to get up the Bridge! Wins never before possible! Got any more “restored” LRH?
OMG says
Hubtard for some reason LOVED org charts where there were FAR too many chiefs (executives) to far too few Indians (people actually working to produce something). The whole management structure followed this. There were two sources of income (FSO & then AOLA) supporting a MASSIVE exec hierarchy. CLO’s local CMOs, with FB and CMO IXU above those. Then Gold, Exec strata and CMO Int above that. And RTC. ALL of those with thousands of people who really didn’t contribute were living high on the hog compared to the service org staff.
Aquamarine says
Money flows up but never down. I’m not a finance person but back when I was in, on one or another of my many courses I studied about “flows” and how harmful and unworkable “one way flows” are. I forget now what course it was. Point being: No matter what kind of a flow it is, a flow is a flow and there should be SOMETHING flowing BACK, says Hubbard. Money GOING UP ALWAYS and NEVER being flowed back down, nothing in the way of support or goods or services being “flowed” back down sounds like what Hubbard called a One Way Flow, which he said violated the Communications Formula, and which he condemned as dangerous, harmful, unworkable, etc. – in brief its “out-tech” and I’m looking at you,Dwarf.!
OMG says
Actually Hubtard set up the one way flow I’m talking about. He enforced it with policy. Miss Cabbage had nothing to do with it.
Aquamarine says
Hubbard set that up! Created this stuck flow and made it Policy. Wow. Thanks for setting me straight. That about equals the Birthday Game for unworkability.
OMG says
Aqua, I’ll give you a fun quiz. (with the real answer)
So CMO International is the TOP of the scamology church management structure. The head of it is the CO CMO Int. So if YOU were looking to give the very top manager of all orgs a stat in scientology what would YOU assign?
Probably something like number of OTs & classed auditors made internationally? Sounds rational for the post right?
Well, Hubtard when writing policy for that level could manifest his true self because it is all super secret and hidden. The stat SHOULD align with the VFP’s right? (per Hubtard policy).
Drum roll…. The stat to measure the total VFPs of all scamology orgs was…
The Amount of cash in the SO Reserves .
The orgs could all be shut down and as long as that cash kept coming in (no matter the means or source) the person running ALL of camology would be upstat per Hubtard.
Mike Rinder says
True, that was the stat of the CO CMO Int/WDC Chairman. Hubbard’s personal stat was HIS revenue…
OMG says
Of course it was Mike.
I SHOULD have known that was Hubbards personal stat. But, still have PTSD to this day and have to monitor crap that creeps into my thinking to this day.
[email protected] says
Oh My God!!!!
(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
Seriously, now – I am gob-SMACKED.
HUBBARD created this stat?
But but but… CASH is NOT a PRODUCT. Cash is an EXCHANGE FOR a PRODUCT. How the hell can money – no matter the scope of activites for which the money is received in exchange – how the hell can money in a bank account be of itself a VFP? By definition VFPs are goods or services that are exchangable…OK, forgive me while I agather my wits to mentally processing this.
OK, I got it, and this is totally f**ked!
No WONDER DM finds it perfectly alright to not deliver auditing and training!
No wonder he claims monumental. worldwide expansion of Scientology while delivering nothing except large tin trophies and “status”s conferred upon the sheeple. (Actually, strictly speaking, THESE would be the VFPs. “Number of Tin Trophies Delivered” and “Number of Status’s Conferred” etc. Its hilarious!
Now I understand the underlying insanity. Its baked IN. Miscavige not only gets away with doing this, he’s ON POLICY doing it! LOL!
Too nutty – too funny. I am chuckling away here…Thanks for “enlightening me” OMG and Mike 🙂
OMG says
Aqua, now you can see that Miss Cabbage streamlined Hubbard’s operation by just creating a money grabbing machine without all those pesky auditors, sup’s, PCs and students. Cut right to the heart of the matter.
His stats were better than Hubbard’s back when Ron ran the show personally.
Aquamarine says
Man oh man that is exactly what the little Evil One did! Right to the heart of the matter by convincing these jerks that they’ll “go free”, attain Native State and clear the damned planet with their Straight Donos. And they’re so guilty for not joining staff or the Sea Org (I’m projecting possibly; I know I felt guilty back in the day) that they throw money at him and get these ridiculous tin trophies and Who Cares Bullshit Status’s conferred upon them in return, their consciences assuaged.
What a con job!
I absolutely do see it now but I’m still in a state of semi shock at what I’m seeing!
Karl W Woodrow says
What the staff doesn’t realize is that Miscavenge is actually an agent of “The Borg” as described in the Star Trek series…They don’t understand that it’s a Borg Org Board!!! A Borg Org Board!!!!
Miscavige wants to assimilate you into his “Borg” 🫣
He doesn’t want to free you.
He is a sociopath and does not have the ability to actually be altruistic. 😊
Aquamarine says
Oh, brother, yet another!
Another piece of old tech repackaged as tech newly uncovered, pure Hubbard in all his purity tech that had been buried for decades by suppressives, and now, finally it is being made available for study and use JUST the way Hubbard always intended.
And this release will now enable Planetary Clearing to occur on a massive scale.
More vital LRH Lost Tech courtesy of Tiny Fists at only 10X the cost of what it was when it was uncovered 30 years ago, and 20 X the cost of what it cost 50 years ago.
Of course it must be purchased immediately! The time is now!
PeaceMaker says
And, Aqua, a 1-10% change in the “tech” is supposed to produce 10X-100x better results. Magical thinking, alright….
Aquamarine says
Magical thinking indeed.
And yet they BELIEVE!
How unfailingly, how loyally and touchingly they BELIEVE!
But then, at this point, after all the years they’ve spent living with blinders on, what do they have left to believe in, really, except Miscavige’s false promises?
His lies are all they have.
Aquamarine says
Rhetorical Question Alert:
That woman’s smile is forced and kind of creepy, isn’t it? And the mock surprise or whatever of the other woman…I ask you, when they promote this stuff, why do these people believe it necessary to mug for the camera so exaggeratedly? If they believe deeply in the efficacy of these materials, then, in their promo photos, why can’t they just be themselves in a friendly, uptone way ?
LoosingMyReligion says
Aqua, from what I remember in scn/$O, I had to always be happy “tone 40”, otherwise mine were ‘bad indicators’ towards good news. In fact, sometimes I was so caught up that they had to somehow stop me because I had compulsive attacks of writing successes non-stop for days. Just kidding. As you well know, if you’re there and you’re not VGIs (very good indicators), it would be seen as not fully endoctrinated yet.
Aquamarine says
I know. As a public, it was so boring and at times irritating, when after an event, we’d be surveyed, usually by non-uniformed Sea Org personnel, about what we “liked best” and of course we’d have to lie – or at least, I would have to lie, because what I liked best about the event was that it was now finally OVER and the emotion I was actually experiencingwas relief that I would soon be leaving.
LoosingMyReligion says
Aqua, laughing, so funny but true. The worst part was when there was a new release and then we had to sell it without letting anyone go. A nightmare for everyone staff and public. It felt like creating a hostage situation. “Watch out! Two are escaping through the window!”
Aquamarine says
Lying was stressful, remembering all the past lies I told about enjoying events was stressful, and even more stressful was knowing before an event that I’d have to show up again and lie some more. In those days I felt sorry for the Class V Staff, I knew they were continually under pressure, and I blamed the Sea Org members for making their lives hell. I thought the Sea Org members were the problem. “If only they’d stay away, everything would be so much better if they weren’t around”. Of course I was ignorant and uninformed and wrong. If the pressure the Cl V staff were under was 10lbs, the pressure on the Sea Org members would be 50 lbs. But I had no knowledge of what Sea Org life was really like back then, so my (silent) condemnation of them was harsh and unfair. All of my sympathy and empathy went for the staff back in those days. Well I have since been educated on that score. To any ex Sea Org members here, reading this, and in general, out into the ether: I am sorry, truly.
LoosingMyReligion says
Aqua, I can assure you that anyone who’s reading this first of all is glad to be out from that loop of insanity.
Aquamarine says
Thanks but at times I cringe with regret at what was my own bad attitude toward these Sea Org members. I thought THEY were the abusERS; that their hard-assed intolerance etc., was actually a PERSONALITY TYPE they all shared, a sort of fascistic love of dominating others, which was what they mostly all shared in common or so I thought (especially the young ones) which was why – and get this – which, I believed, was WHY they joined the Sea Org in the first place. Yes, I actually believed that! I was quite convinced!
I had no idea how abused, how ill treated, now suppressed they were., very possibly how literally hungry and tired – exhausted possibly – they were, at these events.
I mean, I never, ever saw them EATING anything at these things (not that the food was that great by the way but still) and then them not letting us leave, literally blocking us from leaving the room – I fiercely disliked and resented them (unexpressed resentment) and because I harbored these feelings I was almost always TOTALLY covertly hostile to (most of) them, and went out of my way to NOT buy anything from ANY of them EVER if I could possibly avoid doing so. I would buy but quite deliberately not from any of them, ever.
It was all wrong; I had no idea what I was dealing with and I was completely judgemental of them (inside) and on the outside, well, I dished out my own brand of polite contempt to them and enjoyed that they almost never understood it. In brief, I was horrid and hateful (inside).
If I could I would apologize to them, not for leaving (NO WAY!) but for misunderstanding them totally and judging them so unfairly.
Of course, none of them would talk to me anyway but I completely understand their reasoning. Instead, if I could I would say, “Remember how courteously contemptuous of you I was when I talked to you, when you would reg me at events, when you would not allow me to leave before promising to buy something? Well, the reason I was like that with you, is because I had no idea of what your life in the Sea Org really was. I thought that you and almost all Sea Org members, particularly the very young SO members, were by nature, Nazis. And its not true, you’re just incredibly suppressed, and you live in fear, and mostly your whole life is just one punishment after another, with intervals of dread of the next one in between. I didn’t know, and for whatever its worth, if I had known, even though I still wouldn’t have liked your mocked up cold chrome steel thing, still it wouldn’t have bothered me anywhere near as much, possibly it wouldn’t have even bothered me at al, l and I know I would have been kinder, if I had known the truth.” That’s what I would say to any stil in Sea Org member today if I had the chance.
To any of them I would say this, even to Mike’s cruel brainwashed brat Taryn. She knows not what she does. They know not what they do. Its very, very sad. I am not angry with any of them any more. They are simply so far gone. The synthetic personality is so hardened, its like thick hardened solid clay around who they really are, as people…well, I should stop now. its just really sad.
LoosingMyReligion says
Aqua, I understood perfectly, believe me. It’s possible that if one of them, who is now out, would in turn be sorry for how they behaved. Scn is just manipulation in 360 degrees, there’s nothing spiritual about it. They were manipulated to manipulate others, and this was happening on all “flows” (shame to use scn to explain, but it’s quicker).
The other thing is that everyone has their own path of awareness in life, always different from others, and regardless of everything, if you can maintain a foundation of coherence amidst all the manipulations and pressures, then it will be fine at the right moment.
Sometimes we look back and aren’t happy with certain things done or said, but at that moment, it was thought to be the only right thing to do. With the awareness now gained, one can understand and calmly forgive oneself if needed.
Aquamarine says
Loosing, thanks for your kind, sensible and comforting words, which just made me realize, just as I cringe at my memories, some of these Sea Org members by now may well be EX Sea Org members who now themselves inwardly cringe at their own former speech and behavior and attitude to me and to others, due to having shed their cult shackles and living in the real world for a while. If this is the case, I wish them no ill will, truly, none at all. Ignorance and false information generated both their incorrect and unfair attitude towards me and mine of them. We were each of us in our own roles, dismayingly uninformed about one another. They didn’t know who I was and I didn’t know who they were. They didn’t dislike me; they didn’t know me. They disliked who they were told I was. I didn’t dislike them; I disliked whom I believed they were. No breakthrough to the real them and the real me ever occurred. Its really that simple. So for my part, the animosity I felt is gone. I’d love to talk to one of them today, in or out. Thanks again, Loosing 🙂 And thanks, Mike, for letting us (me) go on like this. Free therapy! I’m going to have to send Aftermath another check 🙂
LoosingMyReligion says
Reading about the Nicole’s success, it seems that the problem was related to misplaced or incorrect Valuable Final Products (VFPs). However, most organizations have few staff members who don’t even cover the highest positions, and many are part-time, all trying to make ends meet with some stats and paying the rent and electricity bills as a true “VFP”. Will it change with the new org board? I don’t think so.
Yawn says
The Church of never-ending diversionary tactics.
Apparently, there’s no limit to which they can polish a turd. Their Bridge goes nowhere, but now their admin is being chrome plated (again) as it too continues to circle the drain.
Didn’t Hubbard say rather profoundly in 1965, “we have for some time past the point of uniformly workable technology?”
Doh! you silly people of Scientology, don’t you get it? What you have and what you are doing right here & right now is the workable bit of Scientology! It’s what people pay for over and over again. It doesn’t get any better than what you are already doing with it! 55 years of practicing getting the same result over & over again is the standard bit & you still don’t appreciate you’ve already obtained the best of what the Church of Scientology has to offer – a very expensive but gigantic word salad.
Tori James Art says
What a scam everything in Scientology is. Reselling the same useless LRH technology to more people. There is nothing new about anything that they are doing. They probably just retitle it and say it’s new.
GL says
“…how the Board is USED to create unprecedented growth!” says gushing Nicole, who by the way looks comparatively sane compared to the nutcase in the first photo.
Yes Nicole, Little Ribbon Demento’s bank accouts will get ever larger.
LoosingMyReligion says
Sure that the cognitions would have occurred regardless of whichever org board they had chosen. What a pity.
With the urgency they claim to have in clearing the planet after more than 70 years, they are still trying to give birth to an org board that is the right one.
Now DM has finally solved the primary reason why orgs are becoming mummified. Cool.
Then good study order, cognitions, success stories and such big wins that one can’t sleep for days!
rosemarie Tropf says
most staff seem young so a lot is new to them. giving them new org boards new redos of old books is like a rush of dopamine for staff. oh wow. something new! now life will be better! this time it really will work. been there!!! ugh.
Dr. Strabismus of Utrecht says
Ah, the Org Board, which Hubbard likely plagiarised from one of his Dad’s old Navy manuals. Fine if you want to run a battleship in 1918, but worse than useless for anything else.
Tori James Art says
It’s sad how these people don’t see what is going on. I mean I understand how they don’t see the truth they are indoctrinated. These people are being scamed into something that is giving them fake happiness they are givingso much money to a huge lie. Scientology isn’t really making them happy or successful. The “tech” LRH won’t help them. It’s only when they start to see the truth and once they leave. Is when they start being happy and succeeding. The Aftermath Foundation is a huge help getting people out of Scientology. I know I will help many more in the future.
Dupe-lie-cated says
“This new one makes SO.MUCH.MORE.SENSE. As with anything LRH did, it’s just logical, simple and POWERFUL.”
Sounds like dm’s version:
“DOESN’T.MAKE.ANY SENSE. As with anything dm does, is illogical, confusing, and impotent.”
ValR says
The blessed org board where there are 7 people on staff and 150 positions to fill so most positions contain no name under them or the same name over and over with the initials HFA (held from above) after them?
The org board’s sole purpose is to know who to pin the blame on when something goes wrong, and something always dies.
Chris Shugart says
That picture is precious. The lady gritting her teeth looks as if the photographer just said, ” Hold up the booklet and pretend that you like your job.”
And someone is going to say this eventually, so I may as well. Drawing up a new org board is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Any CEO knows that good organizations are built on good people delivering a good service or product that lots of people want. It’s kind of tragic that all the Scios believe that describes them.
LoosingMyReligion says
“Drawing up a new org board is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”
I’m still laughing.
Newcomer says
I’d say hands down the “cognitive dissonance road to nowhere” will be unanimous!!!
Yo Dave,
Why change anything now good buddy? Yer cherch is the next Key Bridge Debacle.
Aquamarine says
“I’d say hands down the ‘cognitive dissonance road to nowhere'” will be unanimous!!!”
Quite right, and its org board will finally be posted just as LRH always intended.
Denny Owen says
Yet another prime example of the massive gobbledigook that is scientology. I checked in with ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, and asked for some input based on the suggestion that Scientology could be considered a religious equivalent of a Rube Goldberg machine. Enjoy the conversation…
Newcomer says
Looks like Chat GPT took a lesson from ole El Con himself in preparing a very long winded answer to a very simple question. In all fairness, you did ask for a conversation!
My long answer is …….. YES.
Yo Dave,
Whaddayasay ya ole grifter??? Got any long winded dissertations to share as you rearrange yer deck chairs on the barge?