For those interested in who has been sent to take charge of the “most out ethics city on earth.” This is the full PR posed shot of the new kids in town.
Love those scarves and pocket hankies.
Given the variety of readers here, probably most will be identified….
Someone sent this to me and I just saw it, so am adding it here:
The new Execs were referred to as a “Crack Command Team”.
Also Execs at ASHO: Carlos Colon and Justin Blackburn.
Also at ASHO was Jessica … who is a 24 year Sea Org veteran.
At LA Org is D/ED Brooke Bruni (spelling?)
OES Alex Gibson, wife of new Tech Sec Martin Gibson (nice to keep a couple together).
PES is Roxanne Mele who was warmly welcomed back as a previous student at Delphi LA.
caption: Scientology is already fail and nothing can stop how fail it is. These brave and noble teens pledge their next 1 billion years to make the Sea Org fail even harder, in this sector of the galaxy… forever…
An ex SO buddy of mine, told he knew most of these people in the photo. Said they mostly only had experience in dealing with staff members. Goog effin luck!
Aren’t uniforms supposed to be…well…uniform? Not one of them looks tailored and according to previous comments, I’m not the first to notice. Why do some ladies have fancy scarves when others have plain ‘ol black cravates, or no neckwear at all? Besides, I don’t recall wide shirt collars on women being in fashion since the days when Dana Scully and Fox Mulder were chasing aliens and ghosts around on my television weekly.
I’ve been lurking here and on Tony O’s websites since I read Jenna Miscavige-Hill’s autobiography last summer and have been falling down the rabbit hole ever since. As a never-in, I appreciate the effort the exs have made to educate the public about all of the abuses perpetrated by this cult.
Thank you, Mike for your courage and determination in spreading the word about this dangerous organization. Please keep the heroic efforts up! I will be reading daily so that I too can celebrate with the rest of you when the downfall is complete.
Am a never-in; was wondering why all those on the right in the group picture are wearing black and appear to be a tad more tailored and alert, whilst those on the left are in navy and look exhausted and frumpy. What is the distinction? is it their job description, where they transferred from, or something other?
I follow these stories of you all and your courage and steadfast dedication to waking up society to the parasites in its midst. It is also a fascinating, unfolding story of how universal values can become perverted and individuals enslaved for the aggrandizement of the few.
My 60 year old hubby, never exposed to Scientology (I met him 20 years after I left), saw this tab in my browser this morning and said “are those people in charge of butt cracks or crack cocaine?” after he saw the picture. Yeah they make an excellent impression on outsiders.
I think it’s a move to extract more money from a public
that no longer exists. When the cash flow is zero,delivery is zero,
Sea Org heads will roll. That the sum end game of David Miscavige,
making others responsible for the condition you are in.
Before I even read Mike’s post or the comments I thought, wow what a motley crew this is. They look like they have been up all night. I’m sure they had. The uniforms are just awful. I guess the women don’t own or know how to use hair styling products or cosmetics. Scary looking bunch. Also, the new environment of East Hollywood is going to be an ice water dip. The neighborhood of the complex is not near as nice as the Flag neighborhood, it is dirty and smoggy and the homes nearby are pretty beat up. It is an area that you don’t walk by yourself at night, that’s for sure. Well, good luck to this worn out and sad looking bunch. And I don’t mean good luck or hope to boom LA Org. I mean good luck trying to be happy. They are going to need it.
“…sad looking bunch”. Indeed, Steph. I feel sorry for the women.
Its bad enough every night getting no or very little sleep with unceasing pressure to produce something that is not possible to produce, but to have carry on, day in and day out, with neither the time, money nor skills to make oneself look reasonably pulled together – that’s would have to be depressing. After the initial big boom which albeit briefly will have to occur so that Makemerich can trumpet it at an upcoming Event, after that little flurry of activity, not only will these women be not producing Scientology products but they’ll be told they’re failures AND they’ll have to walk around looking awful.
I do feel sorry for them and I hope they each take a turn, give Makemerich the virtual raspberry and blow.
Get yourselves free, gals! Ditch those dreadful duds, take a bubblebath, get a manicure, and come on over and have Mornings With Mike. We’d love to be in comm with you!
Pray that some of them heed your words Aquamarine.
Most of them look very young. The benefit of growing old is that you mellow out with what you know and what you don’t know. The older staff who hadn’t had their personalities crushed could look at the empty buildings and terrible stats and could at least say, “yeah, but it’s always been like that. We try, but nothing seems to work. Oh well, my contract is up in a year and I’m not going to re-up”. With contract staff at least there was a light at the end of the tunnel for those willing to look. But these young people, as enthusiastic as they are, are in for a very rude awakening. No matter what they do, no matter how focused and gung-ho they are, the org is going to be empty and I can’t imagine the yelling and frayed nerves they will experience for failing “command intention”.
Oh, and the clothes look uncomfortable. Couldn’t spare the 20 bucks a person for dry cleaning, Dave?
If this is the same brilliance that C/S ed Lisa Mc Pherson
and created “The Hole” There maybe a typo in this launch.
Instead of “Crack Command Team”, should read “Command Team on Crack”.
PS: OSA, if you’re lurking, did I get all this right? Also, while I have you here, are there any staff writer openings at Falsedom Magazine? Please let me know! I think it’d be fun, and I heard it pays well.
To further clarify:
There would be a tremendous gnashing of teeth on the Fringe of the Internet if word ever got out that LA Org were delivering LRH’s Standard Tech, actually making NEW Clears, NEW Releases, training NEW auditors, engaging in actual exchange and in any way providing in viable volume real help for people.
This would be TERRIBLE news for SPs such as myself!
You see, so long as Scientology orgs confine their activities to 1)crush regging, 2) outright ripping people off, 3) bankrupting people, 4) disconnecting families, 5) face-ripping staff, 6) imprisoning staff, 7) beating staff, and 8-20) See Attached For Full List of SP Approved Miscavology Abuses.
BUT- just let ANY Church of Scientolgy go back “on purpose” (I’m actually shuddering) to start producing any actual Scientology products, and WE SPs WOULD HOWL.
That’s a given!
In our own ways, each of us would go stark, staring mad!
Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun together would begin wrong targeting by strangling puppies, drowning kittens, driving on the wrong side of the road – stuff like that. (That sounds extreme but please keep in mind that both Marty and Mike are Suppressive Persons Platinum Plutocracious With Honors. There is no higher SP Status.*
Look, if only for the sake of our future 5th dynamic, security at LA Org MUST be made top priority with no leaks ever about how well they’ll be doing henceforth.
*Just under that is Chaos Merchant Meritorius/Meritorius With Honors. That would be Debbie Cook.
No worries Aqua, the “Clear” as the product was defined by El Wrong hisself has NEVER been produced in ANY or or Mission on this planet in entire history of Dianetics or Scn. I can produce in 2 seconds what has passed as a Clear in Scn..
Whoever taught them to fold pocket squares should be RPF’d for that shody work.
Thank GOD we now have a group to get planetary clearing going …. FOR REAL BABY!!!!!!!!!!
Major shake up, lets see the results.
The old timers are enjoying life in new
double wide’s provided by the Crypt keeper.
I can’t say that I would take advice or direction anyone in this group. Much too conservative for me.
Well then how ’bout liberal psycho like this?
Seriously though. These people don’t have enough info on the real world to be conservative, liberal or anything like that. They simply think and do as they are told. If DM told them to have wild orgies and take drugs they would do it. You are ascribing to them motives that they have no clue about.
Yeah… there’s that… but I wouldn’t take any advice from these gits b/c I’ve probably *forgotten* more Scientology than they’ve ever learned. Oh, sure, they’ve probably done their staff statuses and read the OEC volume relating to their post, but the Admin bullshit isn’t Scientology. I have to wonder if any of them could even tell their ARC triangle from their KRC triangle. SO staff never seem to apply either one, much less anything else to do with the subject they dedicated their lives to.
Are you SURE that they were referred to as a “Crack Command Team” and NOT, a “Command Team ON Crack”?
Let’s play, Guess the First 5 to be declared SP!
Hmmm, that crossed my mind too….
Well, I don’t think so but it sounds so good 🙂
DM is making moronic decisions because he is a true narcissist. He does not learn from mistakes. He does not listen to advice from anyone. He does not care if he fucks up. It is all about him all the time. By definition, whatever he does is right, even if the cult dwindles down to no one.
It’s interesting; mostly white, a possible Indian, one Asian. The demographic in Australia is hugely Taiwanese, yet here in the heart of Los Angeles, lotta white bread yet. I kinda thought we were catching on to the scam, maybe these are home grown second gen Scientologists.
If you are a Nerd or a bit smart you will get this:
So, these are the guys and dolls who are about to PUT ETHICS IN on the slack ass, dilettant public in PAC?
Once that’s accomplished they will proceed to put ethics in on the ten million folks in and around the PAC base?
Then they’ll put ethics in on the 30 million or so in California?
I think I’ll place a wager, with good odds, they don’t come anywhere near a done on target one before they bite the dust.
When these guys start to try and communicate with real people in the real world who ARE reading the internet and know what’s happening, they are going to be completely overwhelmed. I truly hope they don’t suffer too much.
Although I strongly suspect that extremely heavy security will be foremost on the agenda for this amazing, new and improved, straight-up-and-verticled Ideal Morgue. And we can’t blame them. After all, if the SPs would go mad and attack Scientology if they were to find out all about the marvelous expansion and huge effects that LA Org will be creating, beginning now, and into all eternity.
Thank you for relaying your observations on the differences between Pac and Flag, Alex O. I’m on the edge of my seat for any possible next installment of this Ideal Sit. Caeksabakin’, Cornzapoppin’.
The predominantly black, Hispanic, and Armenian population of East Hollywood should feel very comfortable with the ethnic diversity portrayed in this photo. These 20 executives embody the true meaning of the phrase “Global Village”, with lineages spanning the 7 continents from England and Scotland all the way to Germany, Norway, and the Netherlands. Anglos AND Saxons are accounted for in roughly equal proportion.
Even ages run the gamut, from the very young in their low twenties all the way up to the middle-aged and elderly in their high twenties and beyond.
Finally, in lockstep with the times, some are straight, while others are heterosexual.
This latest command team should hold extraordinary appeal to the literally tens of young, white, non-gay people who inhabit this neighborhood.
Is it me or, are the number of major incidents of insanity within the church increasing in frequency?
Kinda like how the closer to the center of the swirling water in the toilet bowl you get, the faster it goes…
Suggestion to DM. You have SO members making furniture. Have them make cloths and do hair. City College in LA has sewing classes. Send some SO members to beauty school or at least send some to the hair dresser. There is at least two (or more different colors of “uniforms”).
Okay, so we still can’t tell who the new CO AOLA is. Sandra Colon is supposed to be the new CO ASHO and she’s 3rd from the left, top row…3 removed from Jason Hemphill. We see Heather to the right of Jason, who is supposed to be CO LA ORG.
Jason and Heather look HOOOOORRRRRIBLE. Heather used to be an attractive person. She is barely recognizable in this photo. Jason looks like the Joker, doesn’t look genuinely happy, and used to be a naturally happy guy. Carlos doesn’t look glad to be there at all.
Most of these guys have spent the last 20 YEARS in a place they call home, and which they believe as perfect as any Sea Org base could be. They have been shipped out overnight to a cont where they have no friends and no respect, and in some cases, no spouse. For many of them their family probably moved to Clearwater long ago to be close to them. Now that’s gone. These guys are NOT happy to be there, that’s for sure.
PAC is a BITCH. The staff there to NOT “snap to” the way they do at Flag. PAC is where all the Int & Flag rejects are sent…and so they tend to be really crusty and pessimistic. They do NOT have the same respect for their execs that FLB staff do. There is no real PAC camaraderie like there is at Flag. Mainly because Vicki Shantz (CO CLO) is a cold robotic douche bag with ZERO charisma. The CO CMO PAC is invisible. If Jason, who has been a Deputy Captain FSO for maybe 15 years, has to answer in any way to Vicki Shantz…he’ll probably end up pulling a Ray Rice and punching her in the face.
Speaking of Vicki…this whole evolution is one huge bypass of her, so her days have to be numbered.
I think also that for the most part this “command team” DOES NOT REALIZE they are being set up to fail. Unless any of them have experience at INT (which is unlikely; that would probably out-qual them for any command teams these days) they DO NOT UNDERSTAND that the craziness they see around them comes from the top. Even thought all these people “grew up” with Debbie Cook…I guarantee they all believe she just went PTS / Crim due to overts and not for a second do they suspect she was torpedoed by DM.
They think DM is giving them a task because he trusts them. In reality DM is demanding they solve an unsolvable problem. These guys have NO IDEA the true state of SCN PR in the world (i.e, Los Angeles). I feel sorry for them.
These guys just experienced the opening of one the most gorgeous building sin SCN (The SP building). Now they are being shipped away to shit-hole alley. That cannot feel like a reward.
The food at PAC is terrible compared to Flag. Flag is actually profitable, in a big way. PAC is usually NOT profitable. The PAC berthing is much worse. Everyone has private showers at Flag. PAC is the opposite. At Flag you at least get to travel in buses to different buildings…walk around some of the local streets if you want…maybe get an iota of “space”. The berthing buildings have spaces to run / play / exercise if one is so inclined. At PAC it’s just wake up, walk down the stairs, eat, walk down the hall, work, walk down the hall, eat, walk upstairs, go to bed. It’s numbing.
One more thing…these guys are in for the Sea Org culture shock of a lifetime….
At FLAG, the “estates org” (Flag Crew) is JUNIOR to the Flag Service Org. Not in any really important way…but it’s just a junior org. You don’t have the guy who mows the lawn demanding that the Flag Exec call him “Sir”….
BUT… PAC this is totally reversed. The Estates Org (PAC Base Crew) is a division of the CLO. And all the Service Orgs are junior to the CLO. And the CLO staff members MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THAT.
When I was the C/S at ASHO and then the Qual Sec at AO…the lady who cleaned the toilets (former Int Staff) would address the crew sometimes at muster, and the Captain would introduce her by name. She would CORRECT the Captain in front of the whole crew and say “I’m a CLO staff member, so it’s ‘Mr. ____’ or ‘Sir'” (GROAN!)
And in the mess hall…if you get backflash from the steward, you’re supposed to vote -7 for service. Well, when I would vote -7, I would receive a KR from the exec over the galley (ex-int staff as well) saying that since the stewards were CLO staff members, it was not possible to “backflash” a lowly Service Org staff member.
OH BOY! This kind of stuff created a LOT of HE&R among the PAC orgs. Service Org staff are scum.
This whole command team are used to Service Org staff being top of the pile. So there’s that.
Alright, I’m done ranting for now. This whole shit show is going to get very interesting. There will be BLOWS left and right.
Nice rant. Having spend time at both CW and PAC, I have to disagree the food at Flag was horrific, pure horseshit. Food was better at PAC. Agree berthing is better at CW. The staff at CW are more robotic, PAC staff a bit more real.. Keep in mind I am referring to the 80s and 90’s.
Wow Alex Ortiz, that is a fabulous insight as to what’s going on. Thanks for taking the time to explain what’s going on…
Fascinating Alex, thanks for filling that in. As a never SO person, I had no idea.
Wow Alex,
I CONSTANTLY got into trouble with that ‘SIR’ crap! I bet on THAT point they changed the RPF issues because of me. I just COULDN’T call any a-hole that was supposed to be senior to me ‘Sir’. In the revised issues this was then no longer required.
On the other hand, what I am STILL utterly ashamed off is that I WAS willing to call DM ‘Sir’!
Ah well, a few more things to unravel here…
Gio Nguyen looks like the eldest in the group – bottom row, second to last on the right.
Interesting that he’s Vietnamese and comes from CMO -finance. I know plenty of Vietnamese people and they are all Buddhist with the exception of an occasional Catholic. Never met one in the Sea Org though.
I count 14 women and 6 men. Is there a significance to this? Does the army of Miscavige consists mainly of women/girls?
They will be booming LA Org. No doubt about that.
Problem is, the boom will be caused by a further implosion and the following handling in its second coming.
I like the guy in the upper row center though. That smile reminds me of the Joker from Batman.
And yes most look like cheap polyester jackets and pants lazily draped over a dresser. And if you look close you can read it on some faces of the demotes. “I have to smile, but really holy shit what am I doing here?”
the jackets in the picture have some interesting creases. not sure what to make of them.
are they from sitting a long time, were they folded up or are they just ill fitted?
Someone just emailed this to me, so I am including here for anyone who is interested:
Starting the top row left side:
Carlos Colon, Solange Podva (Deputy Captain AO), Sandra Colon (D/FCCI PO for Basics) , Jessica Baxter (FR FSO) ,_______, Jason Hemphill (D/FCCI PO for Training) , Heather Wolfe (Snr I&R FLB) , Brook Brunning (D/FCCI PO for AO O/O), _____ (used to be an Exec in Div 6 FSO & IRU Trainee), ______ was also in Div 6, and Pilar Kellman (Security Esto FLB).
Bottom left row:
Matt Wolfe (Chf MAA AO), Valerie Siegel (Snr HCO FLB), _____(Jessica??) Ritche (HAS FSO), _______, Bonnie McGlurg (Qual word clearer AO), Alex(andra) Gibson (Snr Intern Sup FSO), Delia Catt (D/Snr C/S Training & IRU), Martin Gibson, Gio Nugyn (Finance inspector CMO CW& IRU), Adrian Catt (Deputy Tech Sec AO& IRU). \
(IRU stands for “Int Readiness Unit” — people who were nominated to go to Int to fill all the missing posts there created by Miscavige busting virtually everyone)
Either way is a disaster. How come Flag can afford to send D/CO and other high execs to a lower org? In the past, any removal from Flag, even if you were sent to AOLA, or similar, was a demotion and vise versa; if you were sent to Flag from ANY Org, it was considered a promotion.
I can guarantee you that these terminals were told they are being sent because they are trusted, the best, et al.
On the other hand, if they can spare them is because Flag actually doesn’t need them at all, meaning, Flag is emptying out if they can afford to send out about 230 staff members, no matter the wrong why, sorry, the reason. It is really a “bad indicator” to say the least.
Slivia – it’s called Musical Chairs or even Doing a Quicksilver. After all – it’s policy not to follow policy!
And another comment from Facebook:
From my recollection these are in the back row left to right: Carlos Colon, Solange Podva, Sandra Colon, Jessica, ?, Jason Hemphill, Heather Wolfe, Brooke Bruning, Roxanne Mele, ?, Pillar Klell.
Front row left to right: Matt Wolfe, Val Segal, Alon Ritchie, Sandra, ?, ?, ?, ?, Yao, Adrian Catt
Might be some Colinic irrigation occurring in the next few months when the stats are failing. But I don’t want to J&D. Ha!
Typo: “Colonic” not “colinic” (the joke falls flat without that).
Excellent picture (sarcasm), they hid the woman with the white socks behind the first row.
Yeah, those uniforms look badly made, uncomfortable and just pain ugly. And as for the shoes….shudder…it would seem it is all designed to make woman look as unattractive as possible. Someone needs to tell “his hole-iness” that nowadays it is ok for woman in business to look feminine and even flash some lace and cleavage! That whole masculine look died a couple of decades ago.
They don’t exactly exude the warm fuzzies, do they?
Pump the brakes now. The only one allowed to show any titty is Jenny Linson… DM’s face. Ask Shelly.
… and where the hell is Shelly, anyway??? 😉
Draco, you’re funny. LA Org’s Cold Chrome Steelers flashing some La Perla while face-ripping the public and one another.
Sounds like an Ideal Plan to recover an ARC-broken field of male Scientologists.
With no trouble Makemerich could find Lost Tech on Ideal Lingerie for SO females.
Of course, La Perla is expensive, but its what LRH always wanted, so, let the fundraising begin!
I think this would draw quite a crowd and the men would be generous.
Ultimately, stats at LA Org would go out the roof, and Planetary Clearing would become a reality!
Take a bow, Draco. You just handled the hell out of LA Org!
I’d donate to bring the stunning RTC girls of 30 years ago back again! I used to love those uniforms and perfect coiffure etc! They dominated and ordered me about totally! LOL!
😀 Sorry ’bout that…
Over half will leave the cult and most of that will be declared within what, 5 years?
I suppose this is what the officers of the Titanic would have looked like in fancy suits with modern photography.
PAC is now all lies and betrayal. A Trogan horse of failure – tragic…
I can recognize Matt Wolfe, left bottom corner who was the Flag AO Staff MAA. Also the Flag AO Deputy Captain, Solange Padva, it looks like she gained some weight, as her jacket is too tight, upper corner second from the left. Just to her left, he was the FSM I/C. I wonder what happened to their spouse, these were all married SO members.
I don’t recognize anyone. You would think they would at least let the crack execs bush their hair and wear uniforms of the same color or style. No fake tone 40 in this group, no fake enthusiasm, just a fake 1.1. In the entire group, I don’t think there’s a single one of them old enough to have been alive before David Miscavige took over so they have no clue what a real C/S or Briefing Course is. Just what David Miscavige wants.
Valerie – that was very funny – “have no clue what a real C/S or Briefing Course is.” What’s horrible is, it is not even probably true but definitely true.
Yeah I wasn’t intentionally making a joke. I supervised the Briefing Course at ASHO in the late 70s. It’s sad that it’s funny.
They look unhealthy, sleep deprived, and like stiff robot zombies. Not just saying that to be funny. Honestly.
For such a diverse city, that team looks really, really… white and female. The men look like bookmarks. 🙂
The gender ratio seems to match the OTC attendee lists we see here, too. Mostly female. Anybody hazard a guess?
what’s with the pant suits? Do scions pledge androgyny?
They don’t pledge androgyny but there is an undercurrent of such and it shows in the current dress uniform.
Men and women are not allowed to procreate in the SO and forget about dating or sexual relations outside of marriage. Gender is only a body, GE -Genetic Entity thing. The Leader has a serious block on the 2nd Dynamic – Marriage, Sex and the Family Unit and abhors the idea of men and women being sexual beings. It is probably quite disgusting to him. He has no 2nd Dynamic to speak of for himself and there is a reason for this.
Gary: suspect when all is revealed you will find he has an active but kinky sex life like a lot of televangelists who pound the pulpit to tell their parishioners, and their wives, about the purity of marriage and the evils of sex but secretly break all their own “rules” of sexual behaviour.
I’m going to half agree, but as a never-in, you might trump me with experience I’ve not had access to. Regarding the 2D and Dave, I’ve frequently thought that familial or sexual satisfaction might be one of those things that he withholds from his people as he considers them unworthy. I’m sure he enjoys a nice, no-reciprocation “servicing” fairly frequently (hence the constant presence of Lou), but this isn’t anything he’s going to let the CICS underlings enjoy. This idea fits well with the rapid, yet not all at once, revocation of family time for SO members. If he was truly just a dumbass and removing hindrances to work time without regard to the morale effects, he would have busted up the families in one swift stroke. He had the power to do that. Instead, he took a little bite, then brought down the hammer later- which suggests a more malicious intent than getting people back to work. In the case of 2D considerations, it seems logical to me that he considers scotch and blowjobs on the same level- good enough for him- way to good for anyone else.
Really LMAOOOOOOO, Not exactly: They pledge asexuality and dubious second dynamic ethics instead.
Hingle Mc C (sorry for posting here, there’s no reply button)
If you care to spot DM on the chart of Human Evaluation in Science of Survival you will get the answer as to what kind of sexual activity DM favors. Not very attractive…
As far as the gradual increase of restrictions on the 2D in the S.O. is concerned, the secret of
successful suppressive domination IS the little step by little step procedure, barely noticable. It is the GRADIENTS.
That is, if one cares to take a good look, how the freedoms of US citizens have been eroded.
Same thing you know, like the creation of ‘Freedom of Speech corners’ instead of Freedom of Speech by itself.
When done so gradually there are no revolts or only few, easily subdued. One thinks ah well, I can live with a bit less of that and the knot just keeps getting tigher and thigher around one’s neck until it is too late to do something about it.
The S.O. members didn’t revolt or go on strike when the parent time got cancelled. ‘Price of Freedom’ was NOT applied.
Lordy, I think my daughter is quite a bit older than any of them. Having left 30+ years ago, all of these would have been, at best, 10 years old or less, many as yet unborn. I do not envy them their duds. 🙂 Definitely True Believers. I feel compassion for what’s coming in their lives.
Only 21? I thought it was supposed to be a lot more than that.
This is the “Command Team” — there are another 200 in the “peon team” filling in the lower ranks…
Well, they can’t look any worse than their seniors, aka Pac on Crack
Yes, Heather Hoff, in the center above, long blond hair. She dutifully disconnected from her mother when this one left staff at Flag early 90s. Heather got posted as Dir. of Inspections and Reports at FLB shortly later and, as the time went by, she turned from a friendly caring individual, into a ‘tough, harsh, ruthless’ Ethics terminal.
Oh, and did they slept with their uniforms? The look out of shape, wrinkled and not very professional for such an “Ideal Team”. Maybe they should find and Ideal seamstress.
I’m afraid the “tough, harsh, ruthless” was part of her nature, waiting to pounce. I suspect she’s going to receive some tough, harsh, ruthless in her near future.
Yes, some of the pants are too long on the women and some of the jackets are wrinkly. The reason for this is that Miscavige is too cheap to spend a little extra on proper fitting and tailoring. Flunk on him for that.
I feel bad for these people already. You know that the stats at LA Org and AHSO are not going to go up and they will be blamed for it. Look at their faces and see their heads on a pike.
The most recent spin I heard last night is that the Sea Org took over LA Org because the public staff would come and go on their contracts, thus the stats would go up and down. So replacing public with SO will take care of that. Think again, DM; you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
DM fucks up again. The point of having LA Org be the model org was so that trainees on the FEBC could see EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO DO / HANDLE WHEN THEY GOT BACK TO THEIR ORGS.
The fact that management couldn’t make LA Org work with NON-Sea Org staff just PROVES that no other org can actually make it!!
Sooooo stupid! LA is one of the biggest cities in the world, and they Org couldn’t be successful.
He’s literally given every other Class V org in the world an excuse why they cannot succeed, even with new giant renovated buildings. “The staff turnover every 5 years is just too much to handle”
Hmmmm…I wonder why that wasn’t a problem for all the booming missions in the 60’s and 70’s.
What a MORON DM is.
True dat. All of it.
” The fact that management couldn’t make LA Org work with NON-Sea Org staff just PROVES that no other org can actually make it!! ”
And for an encore, we will shortly be able to show that even when staffed by ‘the best of the best’ NO ORG CAN ACTUALLY MAKE IT!
Yo Dave,
Let’s use a bit of your out tech here and do some why finding. Why is it you cannot get new public into your Ideal Fleecing Orgs? Go ahead and list it out. If you don’t have the item ‘because I am a fucking criminal’ on the list is will not likely F/N. Once you add that item, wait for it, wait for one more swing and take your win ….. thats your item good buddy. Now you know what to fix.
I can refer you to another criminal organization called Criminon. You might want to check it out and see if you can do some rehab work and possibly an amends program. Cheers.
Staffs fluctuate in numbers because HCOs don’t recruit and train (or these days who wants to join staff and be berated and screamed at for 5 years?). So these SO people saying this are ignoring all the policies on recruitment in OEC Vol. 1. And of course the policies on how to treat staff. So then they musical chair 250 SO staff into the Org! Arbitrary after arbitrary.
Silvia, I thought the same thing. Their uniforms are quite ill-fitting. The material may be of good quality but the uniforms look like they’re polyester off the rack from KMart due to improper fits.
That’s probably because only the Lil Admiral Himself is allowed to have form-fitting, properly tailored clothing….
LOL, Gary J. I can recall when female SO wore traditional women’s suits – jackets and straight pencil skirts reaching just below the knee, and tan or beige pantyhose – never any bare legs, and low-heeled pumps. A very conservative look, to be sure, but if the jacket hung properly from the shoulders without gaping and the skirt fit well around the hips and so forth, it was an attractive outfit, IMO.
Her name used to be Petzold & she was one of the care takers of Lisa McPherson.
As a teenager she was a Board IC in the Flag AO & used to be a lively & funny little girl back then.
As the years went by, she moved up the Org Board and became the Senior Dir I&R of the Flag Land Base and held that post for a good 10 years or so.
All the liveliness was gone & replaced by a continuous dedicated glare of “I’m the toughest bitch in town” throwing people under the bus in the name of “backing up Command Intention” ever since … The staff in Flag were scared of her.
She must be in her late 30ies by now, if my calculations are right.
She’ll have a hard time as the ED of an Org – having ruined so many lives of public & staff alike.
We can give a “that’s it” for this “new” Org then!
My husband was Heather Hoff’s senior in CMOCW Flag twenty plus years ago – actually both were kids at the time, teenagers. Anyway my husband confirms Heather was a doll, a very sweet girl and she was often used as a missionarie because she wasn’t considered “tough enough” back then. He said she had no chance, she was a lost girl who the SO got a hold of when she was 13. Heather is just another person who had their caring nature and inclination to be kind viciously stomped out by the SO.
Like Jenny Linson (who was married to Tom DeVotch’s when my husband knew her and ended up a few years back alongside Mark and Marty’s ex-wives as the leader of the screaming harpies brigade, aka one of the “CNN wives”) was also an incredibly sweet and funny girl years ago. My husband didn’t even recognize her at first when she reappeared on CNN, not because of her physical appearance but her total transformation of personality and demeanor. She was no longer the young woman he knew 20 years ago, her natural personality had been utterly destroyed.
The aim of the SO is to totally supplant an individual’s personality and transform them into a heartless robot that will unthinkingly carry out CI and ruthlessly destroy anyone who gets in their way. If they do not adopt this “cold, chrome steel” persona bullshit then they will be not survive for long in the SO and will not move up the ladder.
Of course, nothing pulls in the whales and the raw public like people’s who’s entire goal in life is to be an emotionless piece of cold chrome, order following, steel. What a VFP, I”m sure raw public and members in LA will be lining up to emulate such people, the personification of WTH.
SunnyV, based on what you’ve described as training in the SO, I’m going to draw a parallel of with how dog are trained.
Dogs are effectively trained with lots of praise, some punishment, and your voice tone, which should be warm and approving with use of its name when it does the right thing, and your voice lower and sterner without use of its name when correcting or reprimanding it for doing the wrong thing.
Here’s how attack dogs are trained, and I saw it done: Many years ago for business reasons I was in a small store after hours with the owner. As we were talking a rottweiler (spelling?) from someplace in the store, wagging its tail. I love dogs and unless they’re obviously hostile or baring teeth, snarling or something, I’m not afraid of them, and they usually sense this affinity of mine and come to me. So this dog was coming to me in a friendly way and I petted him a little, and all of a sudden the owner took something, I forget what it was, and WHACKED that dog on its head, and it CRINGED from him.
I IMMEDIATELY said something to the effect that it was TOTALLY ok that his dog was there, I was NOT afraid, it was fine, etc. etc. (I mean, I felt so badly for this dog! It wanted to be say hello to me, that’s all!) So I immediately began to babble all this, to which the owner replied, “NO. It is not OK. We are training him to be a guard dog. We have a safe with valuables in it here. He is not to be friendly with ANYONE except myself and my partner.”
That’s how its done with dogs, to make them into attack or guard dogs, apparently. Punish the friendliness they’re born with, as puppies. Keep whacking them whenever they show affinity, to undesignated people. Praise and reward hostility, whack the affinity out of them.
Perhaps in the SO its not that different. Just speculating, because I don’t know.
Why don’t you ask Dave about his pooch?
Mike and everyone, just a shout out of apology here for all of tonite’s typos and other errors. I’m either too lazy to edit, or my blood sugar is low. Probably both. I’ll never achieve Grammar Nazi status now.
The SO is a criminal organization.
IMHO, LRH’s biggest fuckups were the SO, and his goddamned messengers. The goddamned messengers were the biggest fuckup, actually.
No old guard in that group. They all look younger than Miscavige which makes them all his disciples.
I was struck by the fact that most are young. Not a middle aged one among them. Where are the old timer very experienced SO members? Gone to SO heaven? Or slipped out the back, Jack?
“Or slipped out the back, Jack?”
Or made a new plan, Stan…time for MJ to give a nod to Simon & Garfunkel with a new parody: “Fifty Ways To Leave The SO.”
You tell ’em to get fucked, Chuck
Go for your dream, Gene
Stop being a slave to Dave
Just get yourself free
Live with the truth Ruth
Forget all of their “good” news
Just key-out your head Fred
And get yourself free
+100 Strike the the band man….
Applause, MJ! Thanks 🙂
Can’t resist a heartfelt request. 😉
Couldn’t resist. Mary Freeman added some more. haha
Slip out the back, Jack.
Get a new plan, Stan.
tell ‘em to get fucked, Chuck
Go for your dream, Gene
Stop being a slave to Dave
Just get yourself free
Live with the truth Ruth
Forget all of their “good” news
Just key-out your head Fred
And get yourself free
Break all the rules, Jules
Flip ’em the bird, Herb
Bypass the Board, Gord,
Step on the gas, Cass
And go totally free.
Are you going to walk out of there?
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Remember friends and people who care
You could be a good friend of mine
There’s a couple of middle agers in there. Lady in top row, second from left. Asian man in front row, second from right
The impromptu brunch shot smokes DM’s LA crack team shot.