The new LA Org Mag is being sent out. A special correspondent scanned and sent it to me. Portions of it appear below.
It is the hype mag for the new universe of scientology at LA Org — the org that “sets the standards for making planetary clearing a reality.” Even though they haven’t made a single clear.
Along with some other fine features, it provides a listing of the key execs and their experience.
Then it continues with many pages of apparently endless superlatives about the incredible services they are offering, as if they never offered them before when they were merely the “Model Ideal SH Size org.” Along the bottom of each of these pages are a bunch of “stats” — at least they are “stats” about the building and it’s potential delivery capacity (strange thing as the one thing that DIDN’T change was how big the building is?)
I wanted to record this here for the future as it will be interesting to see whether they actually come close to ANY of these “capacities.”
I wonder how many other Class V orgs are going to be done to “Sea Org standards”? By definition this is NOT a model. It cannot be duplicated anywhere. So typical — EVERYTHING has a weird twist to it. But none of the clubbed seals will notice, they will start parroting the line “Model Ideal Org to Sea Org standards” as if it makes sense.
Bu after this spread, the mag gets going for real.
And who is the first person featured? Not the new ED of the org, but the “RTC Representative for Training.”
This org has its own RTC Representatives?
And they get 3 pages of coverage to address the public of the org and there is exactly NOTHING from the ED.
How weird.
Perhaps it is an omen of things to come and all orgs will soon have RTC Reps to ensure the wishes of Dear Leader are fully complied with and anyone showing any signs of possibly doubting his magnificence are found and eradicated early.
She has some great lines in her little speech too.
“without Ideal Orgs it is impossible to deliver the tech to move one and all to Clear and OT….” (especially amusing in light of the fact that this “ideal, SH Size Org” produces NO clears — see below)
“Each member of this Sea Org executive team was hand selected. Everything about them had to be perfect.” Like the copy for a Harry and David catalog and their baskets of fruit.
Shermanspeak has trickled down.
Check out “The Buzz” section above — wow, someone in Thailand heard something was happening… and it is. And another guy from Egypt now has plans. It’s pretty buzzy.
From this page on there is a lot of fluff, but across the bottom of each page is this gray band with “stats.” I have excerpted them all below.
Near the end of the magazine are 2 pages of completions:
Now, these are obviously NOT completions in the model Sea Org Class V org, but they are completions from the Model Ideal St Hill Size LA Org. It tells you how long it takes them to round up some completions when the same person is listed as completing Academy Level 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. They made 7 Class IV auditors in a period of 6 months (that would be my guess).
But even more significant. This Model Ideal SH Size Org in the city with the greatest number of scientologists on earth has not made a SINGLE CLEAR.
As with everything in scientology, it is 95% hype accompanied by pictures and meaningless statistics.
23 year old ED SO veteran eh?
I bet she she ate a lot of rice and beans to get this far.
Just “23 year”, not “23 year old” – as in she’s been in the Sea Org 23 years. It also says she’s been an FLB exec for 16 years, in case that wasn’t a clue. I know they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel these days, but appointing 7 year olds to exec postings at Flag would be a bit extreme even for the Sea Org!
Ok Jenny – I was wondering the ‘policy’ on that. What does he do put out COB Issues or would he sign off as Estab Exec Int or some such?
217 Staff at these ratios would be 108.5 Tech, 72.3 Div 6s leaving 36.2 for the rest. Sheeesh. Not that LRH had is exact anyway but it was never strickly enforced. It depended on circumstance and current demand also. A few rules could be bent in the way of service. Leaving 36 staff to man Divs 7,1,2,3 and 5 seems off.
Besides no clears, there is no mention of an internship?
Orgs that can’t draw in people to train and audit can’t be models to other orgs, no matter how well uniformed and nice the settings of that org are.
Scientology’s products are well trained auditors and thoroughly audited pcs, enough so to generate those clients turning into FSMs who then get more newbies in for plenty of good auditing and training, etc.
They gotta deliver good auditing that does something for the people enough to make the people want to bring others in for that auditing, and has to be accessible and prices much much lower.
One good thing, Sea Org staff are cheap, and that’s really a smart move, so long as they actually deliver auditing that the public really values and benefits from.
If the auditing isn’t really benefiting the people and LA society, then “Sea Org standards” is totally irrelevant.
Miscavige so isn’t a tech person, not an auditor, doesn’t care really to get auditing done, so it’s all window dressing, over and over, and all show.
LA Org has it easy, they aren’t really given the responsibility to even talk about the crazy nutty exorcism part of Scientology. AOLA down the street aren’t allowed to talk, but that’s the Sea Org org that delivers the exorcism training.
LA org should have it easy, just deliver lots of affordable good auditing, and make it easy to train auditors who aren’t terrified by the RTC inhumane overseers.
217 staff with 2062 years experience – that’s less than 10 years per…..not a huge amount for an organisationt that has billion year contracts and has been around since the sixties.
Besides being an attempt to paper over the cracks, or perhaps just flood the cracks with new bodies, doesn’t this seem like a horrible move?
To replace everyone is one thing – but emasculating staff and/or public who are already disillusioned, or harbouring doubts has to be a sure-fire way to get those just shit-canned to head for the exit. Or at least start looking for a way out.
However, surely the biggest mistake is this very magazine: in print they basically say, “we’ve been fucking up for 30 years but *now* we realize we need our A-team on the field. And this is who they are…” They then go on to name the new talent together with photos of the draft picks.
This is a HUGE fuck up in my opinion.
Nothing will change the fact that the ship is going down. So David Miscavige’s executive harem’s lack of success will come down to;
1. One/some/all were SPs. But they were chosen by David Miscavige, so who’s the fool?
2. The system is still flawed. But David Miscavige tweaked and implemented the system – or that’s what he claims. So who’s the fool?
3. Once again, RTC has said they finally found the thing blocking expansion, only for it to turn out even worse than before. Either the Tech simply doesn’t work or David Miscavige is incompetent, a liar, the ultimate SP (or CICS), or *all three.* Again, who’s the fool?
There is no scenario where David Miscavige survives this.
This edition of the magazine is a foot-bullet par excellence.
I think the downfall of Miscavige was sealed when he flinched in Florida as a result of the Garcia suit. They claim fraud re : their donations, and IMO David Miscavige was forced to open the Super Power bulding to show the donations had a purpose. Soon after he flinched again in another court case by wheeling out the International Justice Chief (the position is laughable). As many a declared suppressive has said, it is simply impossible to get in touch with the IJC, because the position is, in-effective, non-existent.
Perhaps Miscavige thinks that he has to show off some of his execs in order to give the appearance to the outside world – not the sheeple still in – that the Church of Scoentology operates efficiently.
But it can’t and it won’t. The Ponzi well is almost dry. It will be interesting to see how the A-team looks in 6-months or a year. Will they still be there? Will they look far more run-down and exhausted? Will any of them blow?
Can Miscavige turn around and blame them for failure when now all responsibility truly lies with RTC, and ultimately him? Will the sheeple believe him again or will they remember what he did by canning all staff in less than a day and off-loading them?
Who’s the fool now? And who will be the fool then?
OK …. let me dig this ….. their org mag is freaking called “REALITY”!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ….. uhm yeah …. reality … HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
finally planetary clearing is a reality for real.
this is great news, as a dilettante it means I’m eventually going to get clear without having to make any effort.
thank goodness for COB’s tireless efforts to bring freedom to those who don’t even know they want it.
thank goodness someone realized they were the authority on everything and trained other people to be the authority on everything so that everyone else who doesn’t realize what degraded beings they are, have nothing to worry about, they eventually will go clear in spite of themselves.
Let’s see, if they can get the Gross Income (GI) up to $100,000 and you divide that up by 217 staff, it’s about $460. If we take a conservative work week (for Sea Org members) of 75 hours each, that’s about $6 per hour. Not very impressive for all these ideal super duper highly trained OT Sea Org members who get paid about $.60 per hour (if they are lucky). Watch out world!?!
The fact is that simply selling and delivering Scientology has not been viable for decades, for various reasons. That is why there are so many scams to get money for little, to no, goods or service to the public.
Scams like Ideal Real Estate, IAS War Chest, WTH Campaigns, etc, etc. L.A. Org is smoke and mirrors.
Miscavige doesn’t expect any real money or delivery to come out of the place. Scientology public need to believe there is an intention and effort to use Scientology to help people when the actual intention is to pick their pockets. Plain and simple.
That is pretty Spot on! Plain and simple!
Hard not to notice that you have been a Treas Sec, and have been around long enough to know the facts and figures!
OSD + Cooper = 2
3 – 2 = 1
So… one is still missing; and noone else applied yet.
May I join you two? Pleeease… 😉
Just in case a GOLD-film-crew comes by and wants to shoot a clip with a full academy…
It’s a one in a bloody-life-time-chance to be part of it and as I am completely bold…
it’ll be easy to proove whether they photoshoop the academy photos or not… 😉
You know, when believing all your comments on this blog, the end seems near.
Very near.
So… isn’t it logical then to grab this last chance to finally get into one of those videoclips.?!?! 🙂
Bytheway – you DON’T have to twin up with me!!
I’ll go straight to Ethics and then to Qual.
Maybe I’ll even stop in Treasury and have a chat or will go to OSA and ask them about some OPs…
So… don’t worry about me.
I love those guys in HCO and QUAL!
They are the only Divisions that are somewhat “higher” on the orgboard.
Yepp! That’s true! It’s NOT DIV3 and NOT the IAS-office! NO!!!
It’s DIV1 – HCO (Establishment)
DIV5 – QUAL (Training & Correction)
HCO will be informed about some changes and get an SRA (soft/simple/slow-reality-adjustment)
on an individual basis. Depending on the answers there will be a different strategy.
QUAL will be asked to give it’s staff the “Ethics Repair List” first, so to be even more
capable and willing to help their fellow staffmembers in HCO and revitalize them.
Then HCO staff will get their turn of the “Ethics Repair List” to make LRH’s dream of 1978 finally come true:
“…We are going to do the Ethics-Repair-List.
There is nothing that can’t be undone or forgiven.
I am here to help you.
Is there any reason not to beginn?…”
And from there on, HCO and QUAL will work together to get the thing nicely untangled.
An amnesty (presumably a truel IDEAL AMNESTY) will be granted accordingly as well.
Ohhhh!!!! STOP!!!!! Forgot something!!!!!
The guys in Treasury will tell me, that they own NOTHING! No money there anymore!!!
So, please start to that cause! You don’t want to miss this chance, do you?
Click here:
PS: The slogan on the booklets?
Or you even may propose a new title… 😉
To repeat a prior observation I had made you can see the covert invalidation of a ‘normal; staff; meaning, the elite of SO is the one that has to take over because the prior hundreds of hours of work from former non-SO members didn’t expand the Org. They were practically useless and, of course, we have another Wrong WHY. This is headed for another disaster, of which there is 47X expansion of them.
The irony is is that if the SO had just left the Class V staff alone they would have boomed the Org.
Well, Foolproof, that is a real leap of faith. The 20 YEARS since it has been declared a SH Size org isnt enough time for them to “boom it”? In spite of man-ups, renovations, GAT, FART and everything else, this org has limped along like every other org on earth, incapable of continued expansion.
THere is not an org since the 50’s that has continued to grow. It is simply an unproven and proven unworkable system. There is absolutely no evidence that LA Org would “boom” ever. It has “boomed” at certain times for a year or two and then collapsed and that is the pattern of every org that has ever “boomed” (a lot havent even accomplished that).
You can believe as an article of faith that orgs will “boom” because it is written in policy — but there isn’t any evidence that this is in fact reality.
My point is Mike that if the Class V Orgs in general hadn’t had missions and other interferences arriving from Flag or FOLOs and which usually tore up and de-stabilized the Orgs then they at least had a good chance of booming. Most Class V staff were quite capable and willing to do so. They just got constantly interfered with.
Not my experience. Yes, they did get interfered with, that is the Flag-FOLO-Org “management” system with daily stat phone calls that is laid out in CBO’s and FO’s. But this is not a real why as it assumes the Flag and FOLOs were less trained, less dedicated and less competent than the Class V staff. You seem to have decided those people were all trying to destroy the orgs while the poor staff were trying to make them go. This only works as a hypothesis if you believe LRH was seeking to destroy the orgs with the management system he developed, implemented and policed personally for many, many years.
The truth is that there has never been any org — not even St Hill, or DC before it or Phoenix before that where there has been steady expansion. There is something more fundamentally awry than “they have been messed up by the Sea Org.”
Spot on Sylvia.
Wow… gee they do a good job on their 4 colour brochures.
As far as the content goes… well…
Sit back and watch as this is best example you’ll ever see of senior bypass (danger handling) at a monumental level. All the slick advertising and motivational potential won’t hide this one. And what a whopper it is too, they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. Since they haven’t named their action correctly and threw the tech out with the bathwater (locals) all the money in the world won’t get the public into that place – guaranteed! Raw public will be terrified by their dark uniforms and will have no reality at all with their lifestyle.
I trying to lay bets with myself how long this façade will last – got to give it 6 months, maybe 12 before the cracks are wide enough for the declares to start flowing in abundance.
Good one Dave! Never a dull moment with you is there? But got to give him one thing though, he’s trying to come up with ways of keeping the SO busy while their workload has dwindled to zip.
I’m curious where the reference of 1/3 staff designated for div VI comes from?
Saint Hill only had six div 6 staff. That was from the original Saint Hill Size references.
And LRH also says that an org this size should be a 1-1 admin to tech ratio.
With 71 staff in div VI and 108 in tech posts that adds up to 179, leaving only 38 slots left for ethics officers. I can’t see how they are going to keep their ethics in with only 2 ethics offers for each public they will have in their ideal org.
The Org-Board itself can imply that.
Well, nowadays a 7 Division Org-Board actually consists of 9(!) Divisions.
7 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6A ,6B ,6C
HES: 7,1,2
OES: 3,4,5
PES: 6A,6B,6C
Hope that clears it up.
Yes I thought that was weird (the 1/3 designated for Public Div) as well LDW. Something “not quite right” there I felt. Not that it really matters either way – after 2 days on a Basic Course the new public will be asked to donate their life savings and inheritances to IAS.
I think you’re being reasonable about the ratio and number of Ethics Officers to public though (joking)!
Yes, COB specifically says that because the 3 div sixes comprise 1/3 of the divs on the org board, that 1/3 of the staff and square feet of the building should be Div 6. Just one other fact that LRH apparently got wrong.
Is there any available data as to how many LA Org staff members let lose, decided to stay until the end of their contract? Did ANY ONE of them stay with this new crew of SO members?
Zepher, unfortunately, more than one decided to stay and join SO from LA Org staff. All young people. Some of the ones who joined SO were ones who previously said “NO” on joining. So given that they did a complete turn around (at least the two that I know of), it tells me the recruiters are really leaning hard on these kids to join. From an UTR friend who is in the know on LA Org, I was told that many of the young staff at LA org did sign SO contracts. Read it and weep.
Thanks Cindy,
Yeah, I didn’t think the non-SO staff would have been able to just stay as such. Those recruitment cycles must have been overwhelming…weep.
Anyone else notice that the “Snr C/S” is only a NED auditor? And no mention of her C/S class. But if she’s only a NED auditor, she can only be a NED C/S. UNLESS…they are playing around with words, and she was a previously trained Grad V C/S…and there IS no new GAT 2 Grad V course….and when they say “graduate of all GAT 2 specialist courses” that somehow includes the Grad V course and C/S courses. Who knows.
But what about the fact that there doesn’t seem to be a Class VI C/S or Class VIII C/S for the top Class V Ideal Org to Sea Org standards in the universe? Come on now. That’s some BS cocksucker standards right there!
She’s the SENIOR C/S, not just the Tech C/S. You’d think with a 230-man SO team firing in they could at least have found a previously trained Class VI to put in there, who’d also done all the GAT 2 updates, and at least CALL her a Class VI.
Maybe they are worried about setting a precedent of pre-GAT 2 auditors actually thinking they have a class.
(Huckleberry, hope to see you out of the Sea Org soon!)
There are no Class VIs or Class VIIIs at LA Org because those classes have not yet been “recompiled” under GAT II. We know for a fact that the SHSBC is being “recompiled.” It only makes sense that the Class VIIII course is also being “recompiled,” or soon will be. (To date, GAT II has been completed only for auditor training through Class V, plus the relevant specialty courses.)
In other words, the reason there are no Class VI or Class VIII Auditors at LA Org is that there are no GAT II Class VI or Class VIII Auditors yet anywhere in the world . This is because there are not yet any GAT II Class VI or Class VIII Auditor courses.
If Class V Org staff are going to be trained at this “Ideal Model Sea Org Org” then that will be the final nail in Class V Org’s coffins. There will be tranche after tranche of rabid, snarling out-of-ARC face-rippers who ignore HCO Policy (and reality) jetting back to their Orgs and really tearing up the place, literally. It started (as I recall) with the OEC/FEBC back in the 80s, could have been earlier instances though. God help LA public and the public of Orgs who foolishly send their staff to be trained by these people (of course they will have no choice though). I used to have to literally de-program Tech staff who came back from Flag or FOLO training to try and keep the show on the road that they were busily tearing up. Dealing with public is not one of their fortes. At least the poor staff in the Class V Orgs had had some experience of the scene. Ah! Well. We’ll see.
Couple of other points from reading through the speech report.
It says that Ms Bach referred to how this Ideal Org is realising LRHs vision for LA. Well he’s dead nearly 30 years so who’s been fucking around for that long not getting it done?
And secondly she says that the Ideal Org strategy is the most important strategy for expansion and in fact that without it is impossible to make clears or OTs. Ummmmmmmm? What the fuck?
So apparently LRH created all the tech etc all the achievements but was too what? Stupid? to figure out anyway to cause expansion? I mean if it’s impossible with Ideal orgs that means there is NO other way to do it and ALL other ways are wrong and inneffectual! So what does that make LRH?
Personally I always saw LRH as probably the worlds best con man but i always thought scientologists saw his as infallible yet more and more they themselves seem to be painting him as clueless with all the ‘new discoveries’ that will now ‘put everything right’. So it was all a big fuck up on the previous watch then? Source couldn’t tell what was on-source? Source didn’t know the best way to disseminate source?
The ONLY conclusion that can be drawn from all of this is apparently current exec strata view LRH as an idiot on how to spread his own word!!
But wait though their take seems to be failing even worse so….if he was an idiot what are they? Hmmmm
Ok so I’m no body language expert but that photo at the bottom of page 8 depicts to me a lot of very disinterested faces and quite a few looks of ‘impress me’. There’s quite a few challenging looks in there too.
If that’s the best photo of a crowd hearing fantastic ground breaking news then things are very bad!!
We had in munich org a Sea Org Mission.
One of those had been out on the street doing “Body Routing Sea Org Style” with his full Sea Org uniform.
After 5 or 10 minutes he came back. Someone hit him in the face that was not amused about this style.
DIV6 was CRAMMED with new people who wanted to find out and came in and did the OCA tests…
DIV4 – Academy was FULL and there is word, that one had no sitting place, when one wasn’t there
15″ earlier.
Munich – this century:
DIV4 … Nice list of SP declared oldtimers… sad.
Bytheway wasn’t their ED even a S.O. member and/or had a title of CO?
Seems to be the first attempt to get a Sea Org member to run a Class V org in Sea Org Style…
Ohhh! She was not IDEAL…!
Whatever… reminds one pretty easily of the biggest St. Hill Size Org at the time – Hamburg –
and of… WIEBKE HANSEN! 🙂 Is she still at Management?
*/ Cognition! */* Realization! /*
She used to be EXTREMLY qualified and “creational” in that respect…. soooo good indeed,
that it even took Managment quite a while to figure out, what she was really up to…
Embarrassingly enough they even had awarded her staff all those beautiful Birthday-Game-
Trophies and the golden St.-Size-Model on the black podest… and stats were CRAAAAPPP!
Yep! That assumption sounds valid. She must be the go-to-gal. 😉
Munich’s Qual Sec is really sitting between a rock and a hard place. Good at heart, but lonely…
Munich’s Snr C/S (Emil Kauer) is doing the best he can – and he admits openly, that he is doing
things that are not per Policy, but he has to keep on doing something.
He basically fell into apathy. What a pitty! He woke up already… not difficult, when so many
oldtimers and former friends got “suddenly” SP declared…
And let’s not talk about Berlin or Frankfurt or CC Duesseldorf or Hamburg for that matter…
PS: Perhaps everybody should simply be given an IDEAL amnesty…
/End of rant
PPS: You under the radar – pay attention of your local OSA/GO goons. They are usually up to s/t…
G. Stoffel,
Hmmm, I remember a staffmember from Munich with that name.:)
Jens Bogvad was the CO and he was SO and in 72 when I joined in August the org WAS being run SO style.
I clearly remember revolting and holding the door closed when someone tried to get yet ANOTHER double bunk bed into that one room on Lindwurmstrasse.
I also remember that very thin vegetable soup with sparse dots of something floating on top being served for lunch. Yuk = cave in!
Good to hear Emil Kauer woke up, finally! How long before he DOES something about it?
Good to see you here!
Hi G,
I have no problem with OSA as I do not have plans to go back.
As far as I remember you had been GO staff. If OSA after GO I forgot.
Just for info if you had not been around: especially in 83 there had been lots of SP declares in munich. More than 1000 staff and public (publics on major service went down from more than 2000 to around 800) Staff went down from more than 200 to a bit more than 100 from late 82 to early 84).
I appreciate the work that the Special Correspondents do. One observation I’ve drawn from their reporting is that scn public is in a sharp decline. The Special Correspondents help build the actual scene of what’s happening and prevent me from having to rely on hearsay and false stats from The Dwarf. I saw some of the yelling, heavy handed, no ethics gradient goings-on applied to public when I was on the BC, but I had no idea how this all came from the Tiny Tyrant until I started reading this blog. So, thanks Mike Rinder and keep the Special Correspondent data coming.
“Getting Ethics, Tech and Policy IN, IN, IN …”
Let’s see what LRH had to say to what’s happening right there in LA:
Now we’re putting in a lot of management, let us say, in that zone or area.
We try to manage that area. We’re trying to manage that area. We’re trying to
smooth it out. We’re trying to straighten it out. We’re trying to handle it,
and so forth. Well there’s another zone and area. And that is that its’ tech
And its’ tech is very hard out.
It is very out indeed.
Now, let me teach you something about tech in relationship to ethics.
Although we say this, when admin goes out tech goes out. Tech goes out,
ethics has gone out. The truth of the matter is, there is a tech ahead of that
ethics. So it’s actually, when tech goes out, ethics goes, it becomes
necessary, and if it isn’t put in then tech goes further out. And then admin
goes out like screaming crazy. So when you find an area or an auditor where
admin is thoroughly out, you know, right up the line from that, just one step
back of it, that tech is out—There’s something he doesn’t know about tech,
or there’s something tech—wise mucked up on his case, or he’s doing
something weird with tech, or he hasn’t got the word in some fashion or
another. And then right ahead of that you know that he has out ethics. And
then you, oddly enough, trace it back a little bit further and you will find that
tech was out. See, it’s actually a four point cycle, not just a three. It is very
true, it is very true that when admin is out tech is out, when tech is out
ethics is out. Do you understand? But it backs up one more. Tech had to be
out in the first place.
So where tech goes badly out, here’s another maxim here, and it’s an
important rule. When tech goes out ethics goes in heavily and hard. Now I
haven’t said you must put ethics in heavily and hard. Or that you should, or
anything. I’m just telling you. It’s a phenomenon. This is a phenomenon.
Like, when the sun comes up you can see the mountains. See? There’s no
more significance to it than that. When tech goes out ethics goes in hard. So
any area where you find ethics going in hard, you know tech has already
gone out. And then, if ethics doesn’t go in hard, why tech won’t come in.
So it goes out further, and with tech out then admin goes all to hell.
It’s just nothing but false reports and chicken scraps on old rolls of paper.
Now when you see ethics going in hard, you also know tech has been out.
And do you know that people will try to solve things with only ethics?
Ethics in, ethics in, ethics in, ethics in, ethics in.
They’re sort of stuck on the time track. See? Ethics in, ethics in,
where the hell’s the tech? Now unless tech followed that by going in, pointless.
Stupid even.
You can sort of hold the line somehow with ethics, ethics, ethics, ethics, ethics,
ethics, somehow hold the line, but eventually it all starts falling to pieces.
Because you haven’t moved through the cycle. You’ve now go to get tech in.
Sure, put the ethics in, put it in hard.
Shoot some people, hang some bodies to the local church. We don’t care what.
But get in the ethics, see? To hold the situation. See?
Oh yeah, get ethics in. You’re not going to get tech in unless you get some ethics in.
You can get it in hard, suddenly and shockingly, or you can get it in on a gradient.
It doesn’t much matter how you get it in. But you get ethics in.
You start assigning some conditions. And when things have gone this bad,
brother, it is not a condition of emergency.
It is not a condition of emergency because when tech goes out in an area you’re
liable to have even government flaps in that area. That’s how, that’s how bad it is.
So an organization which has out tech is attracting the lightning right down on the
back of Scientology, boy. And you never really have government flaps or
anything like this in areas where tech has stayed in. Because there’re too
many satisfied people, there’s too many friends. See? But when tech slips,
and it isn’t working anymore, then it doesn’t seem worth while.
When morale is bad in an organization tech had to go out in the first place.
If tech is out, if it’s invalidated, if it isn’t being done right, if it’s non—
standardized, if it’s shoved all over the place, then you can be absolutely
sure that morale will be going out because there is no reason for anybody to
be there.
Scientology, badly applied, is nothing to protect. And that’s why you have to
get tech in in a hurry. And the way you get tech in in a hurry, when it’s madly
out, is you put ethics in hard and follow it straight up with tech. Then you will
find the cycle will go on through, and admin follows in afterwards. And then
you have ethics, tech and admin are all in.
Now if you find ethics is having to stiffen up, if you’re getting more ethics
than you would normally predict, and if ethics is stiffening up beyond
anything that anybody thought was necessary, then you know very well that
tech has slipped, and slipped badly, and that the reports that you are getting
must be; and it follows true. It isn’t just a reasonability; it must be that the
technical reports you are getting are false reports.
Now you can correct that up in numerous ways.
A lecture given on 9 October 1968
You could study it on a course… I think it was called Class VIII… 😉
Dear LRH BT,
I can follow what you’ve written, I’ve spent years in the Sea Org and 10 years out conversing and thinking of these Hubbard laid out logical principles.
To cap the “get tech in” under ethics, fits what Dianetics and Scientology also are fundamentally supposed to accomplish. The Scientology/Hubbard offering is the tech to make the world better.
Hubbard’s use of Sea Org ethics to get tech in is the temp handling.
The RPF is an example of supposedly using the tech to get that person’s underlying aberration causing them their outethics.
And finally, most sad and most important, is LRH’s failure to get OT 7 tech successfully used, he failed on his own Solo NOTs application to rid himself of the body thetan(s) troubling him to the end, per Sarge Stephen Pfauth who LRH confided in at the final months of LRH’s life (as told in the final pages of Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear….” and also more fully detailed in Marty Rathbun’s “Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior” 3rd book, Chapter 24 “Meanwhile Back at the Ranch”.
LRH admitted he failed to Sarge. LRH’s OT running program, for which today’s Cause Resurgence Rundown is the human form of this same “OT objective” process, LRH claimed to Sarge that LRH would go out and do the circling of some distant star, and this is an admission that for some reason LRH was incapable of ridding himself of that troublesome body thetan that LRH kept thinking was troubling him, and which LRH failed to exorcise using LRH’s own OT 7 Solo NOTs.
So tech that LRH developed failed LRH, and he said he was going to go circle a star and do the OT running program, to reboost his thetan, and supposedly one can conjecture if this is all true, that he will be picking up, somewhere, trying to perfect his tech so he CAN deal with all these troublesome body thetans that even the great LRH failed to deal with in this last lifetime of his.
That’s the tech failure scene for LRH.
Mike, I have an enormous respect for you, but especially in an area you may not recognize as deserving this.
I’m talking about your (is that a stainless steel lined?) gut!
I’m in constant awe, as to just how you manage to stomach this deluge of rancid, putrified drivel that pours unceasingly from the DMented Dick-tator’s Deluded Devotees.
Your tolerance level, is seriously deserving of a controlled research investigation, imho.
(for a healthy participation fee, (for your time of course!) 🙂
Kidding aside, You do an outstanding job of this, (exposure) and manage to pull it off without any hint of snideness, or cruelty, but rather delivering ‘the facts’ via bone fides.
As you once said to Collette on Dublin TV. “I guess I’m still the unofficial spokesperson for scientology !” 🙂
Mike, quick question…what is the difference between the money that goes to Planetary Dissem, and the money that goes uplines from orgs’ FPs, or to the IAS, the royalty payments to Gold?
I know conceptually how the IAS money is different, but on an execution basis….what is the difference between the monies?
Why is planetary dissem different?
JJ — there is no difference. It is just significances assigned to income that makes it attractive to certain people to hand over their cash.
IAS money is kept in “IAS Reserves” which are technically not under the control CSI (“Sea Org Reserves”) and the “Int Reserves Committee” which is chaired by the WDC Chairman/CO CMO Int (in theory this is the highest authority in the hierarchical church — RTC and CST do not count in that fiction). All other money that is collected, from org FPs or “planetary dissemination” or “ideal orgs” comes in to accounts that are controlled and managed by the Int Finance Office and their expenditure is authorized by the Int Reserves Committee.
But in reality, these days this is all a sham.
Money spent from IAS or “Sea Org Reserves” is dictated by Dear Leader. He controls what is and isn’t spent.
When the L.A. Model Ideal Org crashes, as it surely will, I expect there will be major briefing where the details of some nefarious, complex conspiracy to destroy “Mans only hope for this planet” will be unveiled to the remaining true believers. Who or what will Scientology blame for it’s next failure? What will the story be?
Never has the phrase, “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” been more apropos, than when describing Scientology.
How does anybody buy this shit! You need an Ideal Bldg. to deliver a product? There is NO logic in that statement! I could personally train an auditor and deliver better counseling to a new person in my garage than LA Org will do. GUARANTEED. Nowadays it’s bass-ackwards. Too much emphasis on the meter, on the building and less and less on just handling the guy in front of you with ARC and kindness.
… “A MODEL TO SEA ORG STANDARDS” … If that’s the case, then for sure it is doomed! The “higher up” you go in the echelon of staff (Mission, Class V Org., SO Org, Flag, Freewinds) the more fucked up it is. The best service I got was at my first mission. A little ole dumpy mission.
It’s not only me as I have talked personally to many and read many accounts of parishioners who arrived at Flag excited to be at the “Mecca of Technical Perfection” only to discover that the ratio to gaining anything new and enlightening to having their previous delivered “bridge” invalidated and undone is way out of balance. This doesn’t even go into the hounded-for-money aspect.
When I first heard of RTC I thought these would be the most ARCful, In-Tech, light-hearted people on the planet. From my personal experience the opposite it true and I personally believe now that the reason for this is because the closer you get to David Miscavige in rank and file the darker and more hardcore nasty you get.
Exactly, Mare. The mission we began at was fun and easy going in the early 1970’s. This isn’t going to end well. The Exec crew look very young. They will be wearing black boiler suits before long. The ED has been an exec for 23 years? She looks 25. With no new public, this whole shebang will be done faster than I previously thought. These youngsters will grow old and be done with it when their bodies start breaking down around 45 years old, especially considering the no exercise, lack of sleep and stress. I just hope it happens in my lifetime so I can feel like they at least have a chance to experience real life for their golden years. Despite my contempt for what they are doing, I do feel sympathy for these young people.
Ok, she is a 23 year SO veteran, with 16 years experience. My comment stands ! Poor kid.
If she’s been in Sea Org for 23 years, she joine when she was 7-10 years ld at the oldest. But but but they swear in the Laura DeCrescenzo case they didn’t hire anyone before age 16, so she’s at least 39. Yeah right. Well I hope Laura’s lawyers use this nice promo as evidence in her case because all of these long time Sea Org members appear to be under 30, so they started between the ages of 5-12. It’s hard when you lie all the time to remember which ones matter.
The ED Heather Hof (or Wolfe now) joined when she was 14 or 15 years old. She is in fact 38 years old right now. The picture is photoshopped.
Look at that picture:
That’s more close to reality, not very pretty anymore…
Looks like they got the wrinkles and improper fits in the uniforms photoshopped out.
On one page it says: “…the Sea Org sets the standards for policiy, ethcis and tech for the planet ..”. That statement is full of irony, at least for me. My question to the Sea Org would be: How come then that you are not able to get rid of a sociopath (read: madman) as COB? Or is such a personality and in this case the person of Mascavige also an ideal standard for world leaders? I hope not …
Sorry for some typing errors.
This whole combining day and foundation and replacing staff with SO members really upset me. Regular staff members were good enough for LRH in the Class V orgs. It’s amazing how the promo can put a spin on this to make it acceptable to loyal Scientologists. Ron also had no trouble with Clears being made in non-ideal orgs and certainly he never planned on these huge expensive monstrosities. But now apparently not a Clear can be made till the MEST is in place. DollarMorgue, your final sentence is so spot on.
You nailed it, Jenni! It is now all about STUFF. Like buildings. No Clearing. That’s so last century…
Remember the famous quote regarding ‘clear’ from Jason Beghe…
Heck, remember all the people that hubbard trotted out as being ‘clear’, then had to back-pedal on, declare (or caused him to leave town himself ahead of the tar and feathers).
Regardless of the real estate, there’s no such thing. Now, it just costs them more before they figure it out.
The point that strikes me the most was the description of the original staff’s reaction to the news that they were all going to be replaced. A group of people is basically being told they are worthless and going to be thrown away and they cheer? The two comments from un-named staff members sound completely faked. And of course one of the comments has that stupid reference to something being everything. Jezuz.
It is no accident it is called the words ‘ideal’ and ‘model’ are mentioned so often in this promo piece.
Pasadena, Valley and OC staff watch out, you are in bus-able range of Sea Org berthing.
The shrinking empire has excess Sea Org members everywhere, they have to be send somewhere. Flag can easily spare another 250-400.
This is.what is called “downsizing”, just as always the spin the CO$ puts on it is mind blowing.
By claiming that without Ideal Orgs it is impossible to move one and all to Clear and OT, RTC has essentially comm ev’ed L. Ron Hubbard for overt products and officially superseded him as the leading authority in all things scientology – hence the shift in emphasis away from scientology administration to RTC posts. However, one wonders at the wisdom of this choice in light of the recent NAFC law suit vs Narcanon and David Miscavige as the “chairman” of the “board” of RTC on copyright infringement.
Scientologists: the biggest joker and degrader in your midst is so subtle, you don’t even get it.
The looks and body language of the people in the audience speak volumes.
They all look like they’re having a collective WTF moment…
This is getting very interesting now.
That’s the only kind of moment left in the cult these days.
WTF moment–hilarious!
The image I get from the pictures of the public is one of feigned politeness whilst thinking “this is not quite the scene I joined a few decades back and actually it’s rather weird but it’s all that’s left and if I say otherwise I will be jumped upon”. There is no real gung-ho “I’m with the group” pictured here on the faces of the public. They are grinning and bearing it.
Yes, and the more unbearable it gets, the harder it will be to grin.
But MJ, they are in the presence of “everything about them is perfect” people. They are awe struck and speechless.
Thought bubble: “I didn’t sign up for this, but I’ve invested so much money and maybe it’ll get better now that these top guys are here. I must be out-ethics for having such thoughts. I really need to go to the bathroom. Damn, the door is blocked. I wonder how much longer this briefing will last.”
Are the people in the audience among the “clubbed seals”? I am under the impression that many of them are.
They wouldn’t be there if they weren’t.
What Coop said. They have given away their self determination and are not allowed to “think for themselves.” The cult does all for them now. But, I will say, those folks didn’t look to enthusiastic. Actually, they look like they were beaten down…
All I could think while looking at this promo was – “wow, they let the girls get professional hair and makeup for the first time in how long.” I hope they appreciated that small nod to making them look like human beings for the professional photo shoot for the brochure. It’s the only time they will see a hairbrush or makeup until they are paraded out for something that the COB deems important.
This shiny brochure got me thinking about the not so shiny underbelly they are hiding.
I was thinking things like: I wonder if they got to brush their teeth. This may sound snide, but seriously it’s not. I didn’t have toothpaste for over 6 months at one point when I was in Sea Org — it wasn’t deemed a necessity and when you’re making so little, the choice is soap, shampoo, laundry detergent or toothpaste, a shirt, shoes, socks — makeup becomes a non-issue because the cost is so prohibitive compared to what you make.
Seriously, look at the price of a tube of mascara. Compare that to $50.00 per week (if someone actually gets full pay – which is not common). Besides the fact that makeup is frowned on, would you be willing to spend more than 10% of a week’s pay on a tube of mascara? . Let’s see, this week, soap, that will last me a month if no one steals it, next week, if we get paid, I will go for shampoo (if I can figure out where to hide it better so it doesn’t get stolen again) then I really need shoes since the ones I am wearing have holes so I guess I need to save for 3-6 weeks to buy a pair of shoes, but I better get a pair of socks first, and the two pairs of underwear I own are wearing thin, I better think about replacing them soon, and the bra I bought a year ago is shot, I guess I had better reserve a weeks’ pay for a new one.
Then you get to work and after 10 hours, you spend 2-3% of your week’s pay on a cup of vending machine coffee because you can’t stay awake any longer then what do you do? Aaaah the good old days.
I wish one whale (Nancy Cartwright, are you listening?) would think for 20 minutes about what their money is being spent on and actually look at those people in the photos when they see them in person to see the deterioration (if they are actually still in the Org by the time they go in) and try to square that with “saving the planet”. How can a planet be saved when the people who are working the hardest to “save the planet” are enslaved?
Your comment really resonated with me. I remember many times when at PAC noticing the details you just mentioned. One time I noticed all the female staff had the same style bras ( you could see the basic design through their shirts) and I got to wondering if maybe someone had donated a bunch to them. Shoes were often worn down to nothing.
I had a young SO member come into a waiting room to find someone who could fix a tear in his pants and sew on a button. He was so afraid of not having a proper uniform and this was his only pair of uniform pants. He couldn’t have been more than 13. I happened to have a sewing kit and I did the repairs. He was wearing sweat pants and kept looking around in case he got found out. I look back and wish now I could have found out where his family lived and really helped him out by helping him leave.
A young SO member stayed with us for a few weeks and regularly took food and toiletries and even some cash laying out. I don’t think he even knew anymore it was “wrong” to do that because he had so little and no way to get more. We tried hard to make his stay comfortable. Poor guy, he was so young and on some “all-important mission”. He ate any meal in about five minutes. That’s what you get used to on staff. I wonder how he is now and if he can relax and have a regular meal.
BTW, I knew Joanna Bach for several years before she went for training at Flag. She was in a program to train young auditors and many of them were recruited from that into the SO. She was a class mate of my children. She couldn’t have been more than 14 or 15 when she went into the SO. Her sister, Sara was in, too. Not sure if she is still in. Her brother, Ryder, is a professional musician in So Cal.
I really am amazed she is the RTC rep for training. She was always one of the smartest kids I knew and genuinely sweet. Hate to think she has that cold as ice demeanor now.
There’s so much wrong with the “church” but one of the hardest for me is the kidnapping, brainwashing and mental and physical torture of so many kids who had no way to know better and who are now sucked in, maybe for the rest of their lives. I notice Joanna uses her maiden name and most married staff take their husband’s name. It is possible she has never married. Just so sad to see such a promising life wasted.
It is very sad to see the kids of scientologists I knew. I too recognize the Bachs and
D. Ansalem.
And Gray Von Audelung, student hat. WTF.
Its interesting you picked up the list of completions must cover a substantial period of time – I spotted that too. A PC went from Happiness R/D to Grade IV Expanded – all on the same list – this did not happen in one week – that’s for sure.
But what was especially interesting is that this person’s name does not appear ANYWHERE on the training completions – no academy levels, no basics or even extension courses. This means they are NOT an Ideal Org. LRH clearly states that 50% of the gains come from studying – they are obviously allowing what I term “professional PC’s” – going up the bridge exclusively on the one side of the Grade chart only.
This is contrary to the way it was instructed to be done by LRH. If you weren’t studying, you weren’t entitled to auditing, and you also were barred from attending his congresses! That’s exactly how and why all the old timers were classed auditors – even if they were at the lower end of the bridge, they could audit.
Another outpoint – 70 Div6 personnel and not one Life Improvement Course completion? Or was there another list for these?
Well… Say what you will but Dave’s cult is evolving… Or devolving… Or something…
These women look to be in their 20s and 30s (unless they achieved some spectacular results with make-up and lighting). It’s sad to see they claim to have been in the Sea Org for decades. The refusal by authorities to address the blantantly-out-in-the-open child slavery is frustating.
It is really fun to read these magazine articles and promo pieces these days.
When I was on staff and prior to that public, and after staff a “hidden public”, I’d read that stuff and scratch my head and spin myself to make sense of it.
It’s so much easier to see the errors and outpoints and just chuckle.
“…..Ten’s of Thousands.” ? yeah, right.
I think this Sea Org coup of LA Org is great. Think about it, DM really doesn’t have many more cards left to play. I mean, if the super-duper, awe-inspiring SEA ORG can’t make it go right, well…geez, where do you go from there? What excuses could you possibly put forth to explain that?
And if the new command team even remotely succeeds in turning things around, all this tells me that the ONLY way Scn orgs CAN work is if it is manned by communistic slave labor headed by a fascist dictator. Hey, that’s cool too. That means that Class V org staff from around the world can just resign and walk
away. I mean, really, why even bother if not “qualified” to be part of the labor camp?
On a another note, all this idealness, super-standard, model this, model that, nonsense is the product of an insane perfectionist. It will NEVER be RIGHT, because that is not the product. DM appears to be insanely fixated on FIXING things. In order to do that it must always be broken, some how, some way.
I give it three months, then we should start to see the first round of RPF assignments. Then from there it will just be personnel churn. Fortunately, there are finite number of Sea Org members. They can’t all be sent to the RPF…or can they? 🙂
Short answer …………yes.
Dave will have to single hand the rest. No worries though ……. there will only be three public left to service.
Wait …… OSD says he is the only one on course today. Down to one! Hell, I better head on down and route on myself so he’ll have a twin.
That’s the Coop we all know and love! Yep!!! Come on down, pal! They looked all over for a twin for me and couldn’t find one. I asked about his Dwarfness, but, all I got was stone cold silence. It seems these freaks can’t take a joke! Oh, bring beer when you come down to the org! I ALWAYS do better with slight buzz…
“… insanely fixated on FIXING things. In order to do that it must always be broken,”
I was instantly reminded of a time when I ran Marketing at an Internet start-up. The boss routinely reviewed all marketing materials and made corrections. I found out later that the guy I had hired to write copy started planting grammar and diction mistakes into the documents to give the boss something to do and distract him from mucking around with important content.
But at COS, there’s no need invent brokenness. They’ve swimming in it.
Actually, your username is so appropriate here. ‘Statpush’ is exactly what is and will be happening at LA Org for the next long while. It’s what LA Org has been the best at for decades, and I really don’t see that changing with an all-SO staff. It didn’t change when there was an all SO executive team and it’s really the only way to get those stats up, up, up.
Mike mentioned the same people completing all of the Academy levels (and some also Student Hat, etc.), so this list of completions might be over a long period of time.
I have another theory based on past experience with this org and what I see with these completions. One little stat push they used to do was that, when students would complete Level IV, they would go to Qual and have to test each level before going on the internship. The result would always lead to either a retread or retrain and these could often be completed very quickly. The retreads and retrains were counted as full completions, padding student points, student comps, VSD, and PDC to name a few.
For example, Oscar Camarena is listed as having completed levels 0, 1, 2, and 4, and Jessica Pantermuehl completed 0, 1, and 4. How else would they have skipped levels? Might be a mistake, but they would want the list to be as full as possible so it seems unlikely to me they would leave names out of each level.
Also, the name John Barber jumped out at me on the Purif comps. He was staff at LA Day for a long time. I wonder how many of these Purif comps are former staff, long-time public, and children being gotten to do the Purif over. I’m guessing maybe a handful are actually new people.
OMG! I hadn’t taken the time to read the names yet. Poor John Barber (and trust me I never thought those words would come out of my mouth). He was a pitbull reg at Salt Lake Mission then Salt Lake Org in the ’70s and 80’s. I was on the purif with him when it was first released. I wonder how many times he’s re-re-done it.
Valerie, Can you contact me privately? Ask Mike for my email address and he’ll give it to you or give me your email address?
Robin C, John Barber is an old timer (in his 60’s or 70’s) and has probably done the Purif 3 times or more now. I read the names and as I said earlier they are all old timers, or staff, or young kids of old timers. There are no to few new people.
Hey Cindy! Easy on that ‘old timers’ stuff! I’m one of them! Why, I remember this one time when…..ummmmm, when I….ahhhhh, crap! I forgot! Tough being an Old Surfer Dude!
You’re funny, OSD!
Just think, when the cult folds, we’ll all sing, “Hey Ho the church is dead, the wicked church, the wicked old church. Hey Ho the wicked church is dead!” (to the tune of the song from the Wizard of Oz.
Perfect comment Statpush, +1.
The names on this completion list – Wow. Get off the hamster wheel. Wake up people.
“Nothing from the ED… ” that’s because the only thing the ED (Heather Wolfe prior Hof) has done for the last 10 years or so is: write SP Declares, get Comm Ev’s approved, Justice pushed through on staff & public, staffs assigned to the RPF … etc.
What she has ever been successful at was: “slapping people into shape with ethics” – that’s why she was chosen. Getting ethics in “with a ton of bricks” – that’s what she did with the staff in Flag so effectively – most of the staff there were afraid of her.
Her new playground being the LA area: I’d be surprised if she survives more than a couple of months as the ED.
At least they did a better job with her hair & make-up than in the other pictures – or some Photoshopping …
I’ll keep watching!
“It’s by the book, the usual.” She doesn’t exactly exude warm and fuzzy does she.
she has survived for over 10 years in a place, where you throw people under the bus just to buy yourself a few more days on post, or just to survive the next flap.
So you can bet that she is pretty good at it. Don’t think it will work in the LA field though.
Things don’t go smooth and she’ll do her “ethics thing”, find somebody to take the fall – she’ll be good to put on a show of “don’t fuck with HCO” but that won’t get any public to pay for their next service or make the IAS quota.
So she’ll just have to keep on throwing people under the bus, ’til she herself becomes the target of CMO or RTC and she’ll feel the other side of what she has been dishing out so emphatically.
They would have much more success if DM took 50 org staff of mission staff with experience.
Most SO member have no clue about delivering auditing, supervising and taking care of students, handling other staff about difficulties they may have on post or in life (not just with the “no case on post” SRA).
They only “good” at “running” org which mainly means screaming at staff member forcing them to comply to some stupid program target that distract them fromdoing their job.
Since you dont make a wog into a scientologist by screaming at him, but using lot of ARC good communication, understanding and compation, these guys have no chance to succeed.
So true. Add some compassionate Class 8s to that mission staff disseminator troup and that’s all it would take.
Sincere Div 6 front lines people, their personalities alone sell newbies of the hope that Scientology will deliver what they want.
Class 8s to deliver that Life Repair that smoothly handles the person’s biggest upsets in life, and that hooks newbies who think all future auditing will be as good, and it keeps them remembering their Life Repair as a pleasure moment/period in their lives for the rest of their Scientology careers.
Yea Mission staff freer atmosphere, stripped down setup, and Class 8s to deliver auditing, compassionate and “auditor of the year” caliber people delivering Scientology attract newbies and keep newbies interested so long as there’s continued delivery of whatever works for those newbies who turn into FSMs, etc.
Dave approved the same kind of fantastic promo for the Yokels that hit the road from LA org.
Garbage in,garbage out.
What is the gender split in the Sea Org as a whole, and does it increase with rank or post?
No, females are more qualified as they masturbate less (often) ….. 🙂
I have no idea if that is true. But it is good for a laugh anyway.
Hey George! How do they get away with it when they’re put on the meter and sec checked?
They are doing it Ideal.
(Slap to my forehead!) Of course! It was right there in front of me! IDEAL MASTURBATION. Thanks Schorsch! That set me straight. .
Dear Science Doc,
In the 1980s when I was a visitor at the Int Base, I’d say at the very tippy top, like the Exec Strata, the male numbers slightly outvoted the female. In the WDC area, it was slightly more female.
Remember that the ousted sisters, Dede and her sister Reisdorf, both were CO CMO Ints, then John Nelson, and since then probably mainly male CO CMO Ints.
Exec Strata I think has always been slightly more male, but there always is a woman large percentage in Exec Strata.
CO Flag Service Org has included prominent long term women, Debbie Cook obviously, and before Debbie there was earlier Fran Harris (Broeker when Fran was married earlier to Pat way back).
It would take a year by year breakdown but there is quite overall in my opinion allowance of women leader exec positions on Scientology staffs and the Sea Org compared to real world women’s leadership roles.
My impression during my years was women got top head positions. In LRH Comm network, mainly women heads. Maggie Butterworth was an early head of LRH Comm Network.
Jan Kember head of the GO for however long.
Mary Sue Hubbard in fact given clout to boot by Hubbard, the old tried and true Hubbard policy “Simon Bolivar” policy pretty much gave real power to women, and those were Mary Sue’s marching orders straight from Ron.
Surfer dude …ideal masturbation is simply a goal … never to be attained except maybe momentarily … but always to be worked toward.
Yes, it is indeed a hard job for some.
The Przybylski’s are on here – doing training. Both were SO crew at Flag over 30 years ago and if I remember correctly, Toni was a Flag trained auditor then. They aren’t the only names I recognize. In 30-40 years they are back at the start – no further than where they were. Perhaps that is because in scientology there really is no where to “go”. I wish all of them the best on their hamster wheel adventure, and hope many decide to get off the circular ride to nowhere.
Toni (Fuses) Przybylski did some of my bullbaiting on my Flag Hard TRs Course in 1976, sheesh! I’ve known her and Dan as acquaintances since then-ish. Toni was Qual Sec of the old CW original Int Training Org, she was tech for a long many years, and also was the tech person at CST when Dan was CO there. Isn’t Tony currently tech at AOLA?
The arch path of Sea Org long timers is finally quit, pay off their discounted freeloader debts and be good boys and girls public in either CW or LA area.
It brings to mind so many other ex Sea Org who make that transition and turn into properly kowtowed subservient know their Ps and Qs Scientology parishioners after their years as Sea Org members.
Other highlight Scientologists that used to be kind of big in the Sea Org, quit, became public, or were still somewhat living off their status and fame and hard won to their minds accomplishments in the movement, was Barry Watson, Commander Barry Watson, in the LA area.
One thing I noticed is that the accumulated status and reputation one received as a Scientologist, awards or IAS Medals one got, or the positive side of their accomplishments clings to their minds and keeps them feeling they are deserving members of this group.
That sociological angle that keeps long term people feeling deserving respect and share in this group for their parts of official Scientology despite all the glaring lack of history in the minds of these newer generation Scientologists who have NO avenue to hear the history and full scene behind the scenes of their movement’s history.
These old timers can’t tell the full truth to their kids of what went on, simply put. They don’t have the language and Scientology thus is institutionalizing a big forgetter mechanism on their newer members so they don’t know their history.
Toni was most recently a NOTS auditor at AOLA, but then she routed out about a year or so ago. Unfortunately, she is still on the kool-aid.
Chuck you are spot-on on the old timers. I will add they are still judging others that are not like them as regraded beings.
Dear Good Old Boy,
Some, can think of a prominent ex famous Apollo vet, ex FSO exec, who laments his downsides for which he felt he had to quit the Sea Org, he personally thought the bad thoughts about himself, humbly, to his credit (other than I believe the Hubbard condemnatory lineup of invalidative stuff is bogus and nowhere near as humane as human history’s greatest novelists have written which is to me why Hubbard is so far from being a great humanity inspector, Hubbard is far below the great writers who’ve looked at humans and written about life), at least this ex FSO exec was humble, a trait that was his, not learned from being a Sea Org member.
The somewhat famous public, he’s Jeff Pomerantz, Jeff’s surprisingly candidly self critical, also amazingly humble, I saw, at times.
So there are just so many exceptions to people who are themselves first, and then they shoehorn themselves into the “beingness” as best or as bad as they can, of LRH’s compartmenting roles and attitudes that LRH says people have to display.
The “you know everything, quit kidding yourself” attitude that Sea Org members just have to prod themselves deeply and recall from their past lives whatever it is that they need to do and behave to manage the tough situations they are in in life, what does LRH call it, “necessity level”, well that’s better described without attaching the “past lives” false idea that everyone “knows it all already, they all just need to recall it” to it.
I found, once I started reading the “Great Books” and saw how in depth the great classic writers in human history wrote so much better about their characters in their novels, that it gave me “more cognitions” than I’d ever had in my own auditing and better more fuller realizations about people and their motives in life compared to ANY communication I’d ever read in anyone’s Success Stories.
So that for me far better in the space of the time to read one really classic novel, gained me MORE “case gain” than ALL of my Grades auditing! And it gave me the language that I never got while stuck in Scientology!
People I think have to get all the way out and start reading and absorbing the smarter minds in the rest of the world and from world history, to see how shallow and limiting Scientology is.
Great material.
Dan Przbylski, former long term Sea Org member, he used to be Flag Bu staff long ago, then either the first or second Commanding Officer of CST (Archives) in the early 1980s, then forget what he did then he joined the RPF same time I was on it in the late 1990s or early 2000s. Then I think he graduated the RPF in the early 2000s, apparantly worked at AOLA in the Tech Folder area or Call In I heard, and now, Dan’s completed the Upper Indoc Course at the new LA Org!
Prorgress, although Dan’s an amazing guy.
Oh yea, Dan was Commanding Officer of the Happy Valley (Castille Canyon) Ranch, rather than be ON the RPF as a demoted member, he was CO Ranch, we called him “Mr. P”. Back when Andre Tabayoyan’s son was also Sea Org ranch staff executive.
It takes looking through all the names to come upon a name of some of the older timer Scientologists and old Sea Org vets.
Dan P, hope he gets out someday, he’s got a load of history in his head, he was years during the whole setup of Archives.
Thanks Mike for this excellent material, and so glad so many people leak material to you to share for up to the minute history.
Anyways the big news to me is Dan the former Commanding Officer and original officer of CST has completed the Upper Indoc Course, woo hoo!
Excuse me, Dan Przbylski completed the Pro TRs Course, finally, again, after all these years, something I know he’s been meaning to do! After a 30 year plus Sea Org career, doing the Pro TRs again is just the ticket for one’s future!
Chuck, I don’t always agree with what you say about LRH – in fact, I frequently don’t agree, but I have to say, you have the most amazing memory! Also, thanks for the way you help SOs leaving the cult.
Dear Aqua,
Yea, of course there might be amongst LRH’s vast body of writings and lectures some theoretical principles that are useful, his style of selling his wisdom and the setups of orgs that sell auditing and training (and self help courses) is simple enough and ought to be a useful business model, housed under the mantle of “church” and religiously protected in the countries this has been managed.
Maybe lower grades therapy commands packaged as they are in similar topics/themes to address various “charged” aspects of a person’s life, all seems logical.
How to prefect these org/”church” setups to do this auditing therapy of these packaged commands that focus on communication, problems, transgressions, life upsetting changes, fixed ideas, trauma moments, and then delving into the mystical past lives that not everyone will believe in, and then further at the advanced churches getting into the whole lot of exorcism due to the science fiction like Xenu tragedy genocide Wall of Fire incident, well it’s altogether a big problem to sell the whole shebang.
No matter who attempts to follow all of the leftover writings and plans of LRH’s particularly, it’s a tough sell.
Not only are the names repeated for the academy completions (levels),
I see some names of people I did the BC with IN THE
1970’s! Come On Man!
Potpie . . . off topic, but,did I read you correctly? You mentioned the other day the Class VIII from St. Louis from the 70’s passed away? He was a good friend back then and I’d like to know. Never able to find anything about him on the Internet. THX
If you are talking about Rudy Czak all I can tell you is he passed
away several years ago in Alaska. I have no other data than that.
Yes, thanks PP.
This will be fascinating to watch. They will absolutely “export” all of the successes of this Sea Org Org to all the rest of the Class 5 orgs. Each will be made very wrong for not “succeeding” as LA Org has. Remember how all the Class 5 orgs had to duplicate the tremendous success of Buffalo. Let’s see…Buffalo is dead. hmmmm
More make wrong will occur…more staff will leave…LA org too will fail…this is all inevitable.
I know Dallas Ideal Org had a Why Finding SO Mission go in there and the Why was not enough Div 6 personnel. Man up Div 6! Go ahead! I’d like to see what happens from there.
Good looking bunches of young women. Makes ya wonder (with sadness) how long they’ll be able to keep those exciting smiles…
Agree, they are attractive. I hope that they get out while they are still young enough to make something of their lives.
Count on it. This latest move is so audacious, when it fails, half of those 217 staff will be out within two years.
Yes, I thought Heather Wolfe seemed quite nice (and attractive), until I read later on down here how she operates. Seems the (unwritten?) post quals for being ED/CO these days is how much face-ripping and injustices per minute one can achieve.
The pictures for the magazine are photoshopped, just look at prior pictures on this site, where they didn’t do the photoshopping routine. Also: you don’t lose 40 pounds and have perfect skin in 2 weeks!
Foolproof, if you ever get a chance look for yourself, and post what you see. I’d be curious to know…
Schlomi – did you mean Heather Wolfe and the 40 pounds? As to the photoshopping they probably do do so, but then which organization doesn’t these days? To be honest Schlomi I am not that bothered about it (whether they photoshop or not) (apart from when they dishonestly increase the supposed numbers of students or staff). I just see an attractive blonde and feel compelled to go and join her Org and be dominated brutally by her, being face-ripped daily for not writing my letters and achieving my outlandish quotas. Joking of course – ha!
By the way, I also have something (as mentioned below) against the staff’s shoes – they are obviously not hand-made in Bond St. London as COB’s shoes are – they are the ugliest shoes possible. They may be comfortable (?) but as to “style” – well! The ladies trouser suits also are rather er, well, not quite right. Anyway, that’s enough “fashion” statements!
Yes, Heather looks nice photoshopped, but look at this picture:
She looks like a whitch! therrible hair, horrific make-up and fat.
By the way: The guy in the front-row all the way on the left, is her husband – Mat Wolfe.
In real life that’s more close to it. Just imagine her getting your ethics in face to face…
I remember her giving briefings as the Snr Dir I&R to the entire Flag Base, that she will get their ethics in. (With a lot of “bass” in her voice and maybe a bit high on testosterone)
A total turn-of to any decent human being…
Piretty picture book. Is any of it true?
Silly me – I thought it was the LRH Commemorative Hall in Clearwater that was going to “make planetary clearing a reality.”
Well, actually it is the Planetary Dissemination Complex in LA. No, it’s the Ideal CLO in Europe. Wait, its actually the 4th Dynamic Salvage Campaigns. No, its Valley ideal org. Correction, Silicon Valley ideal org. Oh wait, it’s really getting books into libraries. Or maybe it’s the IAS?
In fact, it is whatever I am talking about today.
And not a single one of them is having ANY impact on anything other than seal wallets.
I am still trying to get passed the shoes those Sea Org gals are wearing…got to be the most unsexy, unflattering, just plain hideous shoes I have EVER seen on a female. Shudder. This, folks, is how glorious leader will kill the “2D” in the Sea Org!
OMG, I totally agree. I noticed them immediately – awful.
“In fact, its whatever I am talking about today”.
I just got a flash of David Miscavige sternly lecturing the CICS at Int Base:
“You all need to M-9 the following fact: ‘Planetary Clearing will be accomplished in our lifetime, and it will occur solely by whatever org, program, area or building I happen to have my attention on at any given time.’ “
Wait! You forgot about the game preserve purchased for Narconon in Africa! Hundreds of acres of wildlife – 8 different species of antelope, buck zebra, a colony of giraffes…
The Ideal CLO Europe will have a dining room which is a “Viking Valhalla”. Hall of the Dead. Hmm, Dave’s really stretching it but he’s selling this stuff to the public as the next most important step EVER!
He keeps thinking up new ways to spend other people’s money and make himself richer.
Wait…what? You mean LRH Commemorative Hall is NOT going to make planetary clearing a reality??? All of my stable data is now shot to hell. I don’t even know who I am anymore…
Have you thought about doing a Life Repair at LA Org?
I’m already on course at L.A. Org! Thanks for the heads up, Coop! It is a little strange, though, as I’m the only one on course. They assured me that by early evening, 500 students will be on course.
OSD, LOL “I don’t even know who I am anymore”. Hmmm, I reached that stage a few dozen years ago. I thought it had to do with being a million years old.
You’ve done the impossible and made an Advance Mag entertaining.
Is it me or do a lot of those people in the audience look rather worried? I know I would be, the phone calls and harassment to “increase your schedule”, “attend this briefing”, “donate, donate, donate” are all going to increase exponentially.
I thought several people in the audience looked very skeptical. They’d better practice their Pie Face, or they’re going to be summoned to Ethics.
Another thing: median age looks to be about 55-60. Same people since 1972.
You have summed it.
It will be interesting to see WHEN the next “I wish it would be”-REALITY-“what I write”-mag is going to be issued and what their completion list will be.
Right now their completion list says: We are a book (bible) reading club.
My predict: this org in particular (and the PAC orgs combined) is going to become the stumbling block for David Miscavige. To much visibility combined with too much hype and false promises makes the hype and false promises …. well, visible.
When no new people are coming in it will have to
force these SO members to go out and get them,
(in the 70’s Orange county org had a very successful
way of doing this) but with the current bad PR and
the Internet it will be like pulling teeth. It will most
likely be a slaughterhouse with blame shame etc
and lower conditions plus RPFs left right and center.
O/W write-ups, confessionals, rollbacks and ulcers.
These guys are in for their last ride to hell.
Making the biblical hell look like heaven. A close friend told me Lucifer has a sense of humor. I’m not so sure about Miscavige.
correct – and inevitable
From Widipedia: “In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values”
In Scientology there is NO cognitive dissonance. Everything is exactly as stated by command intention and and if you happen to see anything even vaguely like cognitive dissonance, you are to report yourself immediately to ETHICS for the appropriate programming.
Your skill in the fine art of of self-determined thought stopping and vision blurring will be honed to an ideal art form. You will never see the “rest of the story” because you will be able to not-is facts in a split second and thereby prevent yourself from entering the doubt-zone and risking your eternity.
I wonder how many of these oh-so-ideal executives act like Jenny De Vocht behind closed doors?
Sea Org Standards = SOS = HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
” You will never see the “rest of the story” because you will be able to not-is facts in a split second and thereby prevent yourself from entering the doubt-zone and risking your eternity.”
………………and your bank account.
” I wonder how many of these oh-so-ideal executives act like Jenny De Vocht behind closed doors?”
You don’t make it as an exec if you don’t act that way. And you can only graduate to the HGB building if you demonstrate competence in being a face ripper. Demonsrate understanding and compassion = RPF. Fail to change your behavior = RPF ot the RPF …… or ………….. have a consultation with one of Dave’s personal aides!
According to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy adventure walk-through, in order to be able to carry two contradictory things, you first have to enter your brain and remove the common sense particle.
Don’t forget the towel…
And now to observe the Ideal Sea Org Collapse.
Yo dave,
Bettter get those carotid arteries serviced and ready for some major blood flow……you will need it good buddy!
Hey Coop! Can we have beer and hot dogs while we observe? You know, sort of make a picnic out of it?
What great fun! Perhaps a Corona with lime and a toast to our favorite cult for great entertainment.
OSD, I thought it was popcorn and caek for collapses. Beer and hotdog is for wins.
Valerie, popcorn and caek is ok, but, to really have a good time, Coop and I need beer. About a case should do. And bullhorns too! You just gotta have bullhorns so they can hear us. Plus, we’ll be wearing DAVID MISCAVAGE masks too! Now that All Hallows Eve is this Friday, we need to get into the Halloween mood. Those DAVID MISCAVAGE masks will scare the shit out of anyone! C’mon and join us, Valerie! Be the SP you were meant to be!
This is exactly why we are putting OSD in charge of the party. He KNOWS how to party. Where can we get the masks made. I definately want to place my order NOW! I even have some cash left after the GREAT EXTRACTION.
All declared SPs need to order their DM mask NOW. In keeping with the cult practices we learned so well, this one of a kind, never before issued mask can be yours for a one time $5000.00 donation. Proceeds go to the eternal freedom foundation and are NOT tax deductable. Make the check out to yourself.
Hey OSD,
On second thought, forget the mask. I want a plaque like the one Gay Ribisi apparently chucked onto the street. (See Tony’s Blog today – hillarious!)
OK OSD, you’ve sold me, just add some popcorn and caek to the list, cases and cases of the finest beer, NO SCOTCH IN SIGHT, and I want a David Miscavige mask sans makeup just like the one in the picture header from yesterday’s post.
I was a surfer once when I lived on Malibu beach, I used to come home and body surf after work, since I have so much more body to surf with now I should be able to float well (as long as someone doesn’t mistake me for a whale and try to push me further out to sea). Problem is, it’s hard to schedule a date, will it be tomorrow or next week? I’m hoping tomorrow. I’ll make my reservations now.
I’ll use my OT Powerz for that postulate. It seems like the best use I’ve had for them EVAH.
Hey Coop! Yeah, I read that on Tony’s Blog! Trouble is a brewin’ in the Ribisi family! Would love to get my hands on those cheap status plaques.
Hey Valerie! So…you’re surfer girl! Awesome! I’ve been surfing in Huntington Beach since 1966 and Hawai’i since 1968. My family was rooted in the islands from 1890 until 7 years ago.
And, I’m sure your body surfing skills are still great! AND…you are not a whale! You hear me??? All of my surf buddies are in their early to late 60s now. At my age, I don’t paddle out in surf over 6 feet now. Hawai’i was a different as I was much, much younger back then. Ten to twelve foot waves was no problem back then. At my age, I realized I’m actually mortal! But we all still have fun. BTW, I’ve had a band for about a decade now. We’re called “Catalina Eddy.” We only play here in Huntington Beach. Our next show is at the Marlin Bar on 22 Nov.
I won’t tie up Mike’s blog with reminisces, but I must say I have great memories of the first time I got eaten by a killer wave on Sandy Beach in Hawai’i. And Catalina Eddy, Huntington Beach, hmmm do you know Russ Meadows of the Apollo Stars fame since you’re in Huntington Beach? I sure miss that dude. Now THAT was a Class XII with integrity (and a mean bass player too).
Huntington Beach is a 860 mile commute for me. I just got back from North Carolina visiting grandchild no 17, so not going anywhere for a month or two.
Yep, Sandy Beach was one of my favorites. By chance did you ever get the chance to body surf Makapu’u Point? Some very, very tough waves there.
I do remember Russ Meadows! Is he still around?
Last I heard of Russ Meadows, CLXII and Bass Player to the Stars, he had a cabinet shop in Citrus Heights, CA. Does anyone know where he is? He would add some spice to this blog if he was willing to speak up.
Again, the gender skew seems to be expanding as well.
I thought all those seaorg chicks were supposed to be called “Mr.”
Those chicks were all Ms. No 2D going on there. Is it equivalent to being a nun?
In fairness, a married woman can use ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Ms.’ as an appropriate title….but I catch your drift. Some nuns like to say they are married to Christ…..I guess these gals are married to Dave. He really does have to do everything himself…..
Chee Chalker – that was hilarious!
I think the pic of staff is photo shopped. Notice on the right and left 1/3 of the pic there is space between people but the ones in the middle are all squished together. I say photoshopped. Also I read through several of the completions. I saw old timers re-doing their Bridge, FSM’s redoing it, staff members redoing it, and children of old timers doing it. I didn’t see many new names at all. It is the same old same old people just redoing their Bridges again. There are no new people doing any of these services. The mag must have had to wait many months to get enough completions to put on there to make it look like a lot. They compressed time to make it look like these completions happened all at once in a short amount of time when that is not the case.
Agreed. Andrea kluge is OT 8 and redoing the purif
And Raphael Jiminez did three academy levels. Where they quickied or is this a 6 month long list