The announcement has gone out for the live “New Year’s” celebration…
On 17 December.
And remember — no children.
And absolutely NO photos or videos. We don’t want anyone to know about our amazing accomplishments. Or something like that. They are truly concerned that someone will sneak out shots or videos that have not been approved by the church. If this truly is “a detailed briefing on Scientology activities around the world, our monumental achievements in addressing planetary social situations, and an INCREDIBLE briefing about our coming year” – what could possibly be the problem with that good news leaking out on “unauthorized” channels?
They must be concerned that if someone who is not a bubble dweller gets their hands on the information they will look into it and find out it is a lie.
There can be no other reason.
This is the EXACT thing they whine about — “the media never covers our good works and tells the real story about what scientology is doing in the world.” Well, perhaps it is because the information is kept as a closely guarded state secret, never to be shown to the world?
Why not invite everyone to come to the event? Including media? Hell, your best spokesman (according to the church) is going to be summarizing the accomplishments of the year. What better way to inform the world of all the magnificent things you do? The President does not deliver the State of the Union address behind closed doors with no cameras allowed. This is the opportunity to present accomplishments for all to see? It is illogical not to allow anyone to witness this.
In fact, this is a question the media should be asking repeatedly. “We would like to attend and record your event, in order to hear all of what you have to say, and as you will not grant us one on one interviews, we could get a lot of information from attending the event and speaking with the happy scientologists in the audience. We assume they will only say positive things about scientology, so there is nothing for you to be concerned about.”
The fact that this is a laughable idea says everything you need to know about the secretive, controlling ways of scientology – especially when they claim with great butthurt “it is a lie we are secretive and closed, we are the most open organization on earth.”
Ah yes, the very thoughtful email to “SECURE MY ETERNITY,” Don’t waste your money on worthless wog holiday gifts. What would l do without the reminders. BAH HUMBUG CHERCH! YOU’RE DYING! Hey, PTS ‘s can’t do anything but donate. Your presence isn’t welcome, but your cash check or credit card is!
That was a funny one Mike. You’ll enjoy this 🙂
“Pre-event reception.” Suuurrrre. More like an early reg session.
According to the signage, Hollywood Boulevard is being closed down on Saturday. If you deploy your Tree Tech in time you can put in a personal appearance at your Test Center, yank a ribbon, and show it to the sheeple at the Shrine on December 17th — as the cherry on the Cow Patty that you plan to present.
Also, the IAS flyer says that they aced you out for the real party on December 31st.
What they don’t mention is the fact that you don’t get out of the building UNTIL 01/01/2017 unless you hand over money, preferably in large amounts. There will be large troughs, which will be loaded with rice and beans, scattered about the room surrounded by regges. Oh yes, the toilets will be pay to use as well.
I can’t go, I’m a potential trouble source. Doggone it!
Yo! I’ll give you a pass.
It would be an even HAPPIER new year WITHOUT the Church of Scientology. PERIOD! 🙂
Christmas in lower Slovobia ain’t fun!
Of course they know their attendance has been shrinking for years. Sooner or later the events have to be replaced with something else because these smaller and smaller gatherings are discouraging to those that do come…. Maybe this is the last event in that venue?
I am really surprised they still book it – they have a dismal showing compared to years ago. Perhaps that’s why the no cameras rule – it will dead agent their photo shopping.
New Years events were always the most boring of all the events. Unending blather of stupid false stats. I guess moving the date up takes away the convenient excuse we used to use that we had other plans for New Year’s Eve.
The church doesn’t really want public attention, they just want to appear to be promoting. The last thing they want is prying eyes, which is what they would get should they seriously promote their services.
They know any contact with the media to inform them of their “good works”, will result in difficult and embarrassing questions. They cannot escape from their past.
Seems to me that this event has only one real purpose which is to use the photos and the video to show at new year’s celebrations around the country and probably in other countries too. Kids can fool around and talk and that might make this presentation not as smooth as it could be. I’m surprised they aren’t charging except for food. This is my 2 cents.
I wonder what an $8.00 plate gets you that a $6.00 plate doesn’t ?
The $8 plate comes with a nifty sec check….
My god they can’t even get NEW YEARS EVE right. Its not DEC 17th. I hope they do a count down and a lead balloon drop on DLMDM. With all screaming Happy New Year.
25 December is a Wog holiday. It would be a crime to have their celebration on Christmas…
Arrive at 5.00 pm, relax, find your seats…but we open at 6.10 pm so you can sit down. Eh? Disjointed indeed and, if the event is going to be as disjointed as the invitations to relax then, you can imagine the painful experience.
Making all the sheeple dress up twice is just cruel. They’re having the ball another day. More parking, babysitters, dry cleaning aND the regs come out with the champagne toast to lift your wallet for one last tax deduction.
No children will be allowed in the main hall where COB is speaking. Instead, children will be taken into the annex and routed into the Sea Org Cadet Organization.
Oh, c’mon!!! Those kids are old enough to join the SO. Remember, they’re fully formed thetans in little bodies! I say put them to work!
They get to all play pin the signature on the SO contract! Woot woot!
Wonder at what age someone stops becoming a child for Miscavige? SO contract signing perhaps?
Yo Dave, just thinking….I see you’re really lookin’ dapper these days. The bouffant: EPIC! The starched suit and pocket hanky ala Louis Farakhan….very cult leader like. Just one suggestion and it’s really becoming quite the rage around these parts, very hipster kinda cool. You need to grow one of those Hitler moustaches. I think it would really just complete the whole look.
Shhhhh! Don’t give him any ideas!
Sea Org Slave: Will that be all your Midgetness? Can I get you anything else?
Midget: Just leave the bottle jerkoff and get the hell out of my face.
Sea Org Slave: Aye Aye Captain.
So in scientology world:
New Years comes before Christmas. Pass
Children aren’t allowed to celebrate New Years. Pass
You must dress up in your most uncomfortable attire to attend. Pass
Professional photographers will capture only those moments which are allowed. Pass
Sounds like almost as much fun as getting beat by David Miscavige. Is that an option at the event as well?
Sure. Just write a nice CSW and route it to the stage.
The secrecy thing is a strange paradox. I wonder how the COS would react if a major network offered to broadcast the event.
Well, for sure what was said would be RADICALLY different if Miscavige knew someone not in the bubble is going to be fact checking him.
Yeah, that’s what I figure. DM may be a sociopath, but he does know how to spin lies into PR to suit the occasion. It will never happen, but it’s amusing to imagine a COS event specifically geared for the general public and broadcast on mainstream media.
OH my, that’s quite the twist on, “what is true for you is true.”
What is true for Scientologists is what Miscavige says it is. What is true for the rest of the us is never what we says it is. His diminitiveness states emphatically that Scientology is the only solution for all of us, yet he doesn’t practice it and actively seeks out and punishes those that do. You can go really screwy following his thinking pattern, even when you know what he’ll do next. There is something decidedly unhealthy about over analyzing a nut case like Miscavige. He truly is the best example of why we have incarceration in our society, and he’s also the best example of the failings of the incarceration system in detecting who really needs it. Yep, something really lingering and offensive to the senses about having your attention directed towards Miscavige for too long or for extended periods.
I just finished reading Steve Cannes book, “Fair Game.” It was excellent with footnotes giving source for what he was quoting or saying. I want to thank Mike Rinder, Terry and Janis Gillham and Marty and many others for their interviews that went into the book. Steve’s reporting is top notch and I learned some things I never knew. He never got heavy handed or judgmental and let the reader draw his/her own conclusions. Great book.
Why bother with paying the money to rent out the Shrine? Why not have this at the SuMP? They’ve got soundstages there big enough to handle the crowd (and they can control the space to make it look more crowded than it is). They don’t have to pay to haul the gaudy set pieces from Gold to downtown LA (since all of the set erection is performed by Sea Borg, paying for that is no issue). They can control entrance (and, of course, exit) to the SuMP easier. They have the filming and editing facilities right on site to provide the Morgues with their copy of the “monumental event”. Or, they can use the money they saved to rent out satellite time to do a live broadcast to the Morgues. Last but certainly not least, they can justify forking out parishoners’ money on that white elephant, with lines thrown in here and there that their event is coming from THE VERY PLACE where L. Fraud “wrote movies”.
It’s really a no-brainer. What’s stopping them from doing this? Inertia (“We’ve always had it at the Shrine”)? Parking? Come on, Scientology. Why do I have to think this out for you?
You go to a lot of bother for Scios Espi. Your suggestion of adding logic to the actions of Miscavige will always fall on hard times.
But, some collect stamps and think it’s great. Me, I chase fish and spend a fortune and many hours trying to fool something with a brain about the size of a split pea. I fail more or less regularly but it doesn’t deter me and God help the fish I do catch! I do practice catch and release but not all the time! (Wonder why they call it ‘practice’ catch & release. How good a technique do you need for letting something go after you fooled it thinking it was about to have dinner, tortured it, ripped its mouth to shreds and scared the crap out of it do you have to get?
“…fooled it thinking it was about to have dinner, tortured it, ripped its mouth to shreds and scared the crap out of it…”
Yawn, that’s probably the best description of a CoS fundraiser that anyone’s come up with.
Like x-ray vision, reading between the lines tells you more than you need to know about the implosion.
They can no longer rent out the parking lot to provide free parking, nor give out free food, so the Shrine told them the only date available is the 17th of December; take it or LEAVE it.
Using the empty, out-of-production SuMP would blow Dave’s cover.
Ah HAH! Nailed it!!!
So glad they’re recording it! Hope to see it on YouTube soon!
Reminds me of Joseph Goebbels butting heads with Leni Riefenstahl in the Olympic Games. “Only state approved photos and film will be allowed.” That’s the time you know that they lie so much and have a very manipulated version of reality tailor made to produce more income and support from their collective flock. Sad Scientologists, who tout themselves as rebels going against the stream, refuse to actually look for themselves. I’d demand transparency or walk. Anyone not willing to be transparent is hiding something.
Rule #36, if you think you’re being played, you probably are.
Bet the children’s activities are fun – slaving in the kitchen, writing letters to people who bought Dianetics in the 1970s, polishing busts of LRH, etc.
And wouldn’t want any pesky candid photos of Slappy would we?
Nah, too much work having an SO slave to watch them. They’ll just throw ’em in the chain locker.
No children? Boo, it sounds like so much fun for the kiddos, 3 hours of sherman-speak, and they’ll be asleep for days. A bonus for the parents!
Miscavige doesn’t want a record of how many seats are empty. The Shrine Auditorium has been used for Scientology events for several decades. After years of unbridled Scientology expansion they still haven’t outgrown this venue’s 6,308 seating capacity!
I’m sure that they’ll have to turn away at least a million Scientologists from Southern California. Guess the other millions will see it replayed at the orgs. /sarc
The Shrine Auditorium calendar of events only shows two events for December. Both are electronic music dance parties. Bet they have a larger attendance. Scientology’s event isn’t even shown:
As a shriner, I can solve this problem easily. I’ll just have Al Malaikah Shrine elect me as potentate. Then me and my trusty divan (officers) will eject Miss Cabbage and his Scientology ilk once and for all!
Aw shucks… I’m in the wrong hemisphere!
I suppose the very least I can do is get all dressed up and go to the Scientology website holding my credit cards at the ready. That’ll make me feel like a team player.
Couldn’t help chuckling with your use of the word, ‘butthurt’ Mike. Descriptive of Scientology is it not?
In a dark, sort of twisted way, Miscavige must be feeling pretty elated. He’s lied, like, forever. Taken people’s money off them in obscene amounts and he still hasn’t been thrown in jail. That old saying must be sneaking up on him from the shadows. ‘Be careful what you wish for, you just must get it.’ The shrill of his insanity must be well and truly stuck on the high setting by now.
This one really was a laugh ?not even a free meal at $6 a head? For all the money they reg, that’s really laughably rude. I’d be willing to bet there is a magnificent buffet for whales in an invite only setting thats gonna cost way more than all of the other meals put together.
The new years’s event is a good measuring stick to measure the rate of implosion.for that year.Hope we get some feedback on the numbers.My prognosis 15-20% less shows than a year ago.What do you expect and why?
I like your numbers!
About….20% less of the old people that make up Scientology sounds about right but there are about 95% less of the new, young American people that used to make up the Scientology public (before the blow off)
Can you imagine how few young Americans are in this group? A 25 year old American joining the cult in the last couple years, with no parent or spouse in the cult?? Whew… who would that be?
No one…
My prediction: this is the LAST TIME they use the Shrine Aud for an event. I was there for the “War is Over” event, and it was pretty full. Last year’s event was held in the LA Org parking lot, and had maybe 1000 attendees. This one? Half full or half empty, that is the question. NO! 1/4 full maybe. And that will be after threatening Ethics and Inquisition (oops, I mean sec-checking) to anyone that doesn’t attend. UTR types will post photos from which the true numbers can estimated. They will be small numbers, like DM is a small number. And DM has a small member, in case you were wondering…. This event might be a good time for the FBI to grab the Dastardly Midget and ask some pointy questions like, “WHERE THE CUFK IS SHELLY!!?
Prepharation H (Hubbard): WHATEVER you put this stuff on, IT’S GONNA SHRINK!!!
The War Is Over event was at the LA Sports Arena, not the Shrine.
Just curious – were you there at that event? the videos make it seem like a really big deal.
Yes, I was there. Standing with Tom Cruise just out of camera view. It was a big deal. Largest event. Nothing has come close to it since despite the 63 expansion….
Wow, that’s a memory for sure.
If someone is telling me I can get little plates of food for $6 or $8 at an event, they damn well better not be telling me to dress in up a tux. What a bunch of foolish fucks.
“Foolish Fucks.” Instant classic! Way to go, hgc10!
What a silly first name – Foolish!
Yeah,but, it’s the last name that makes the point…
“There are activities for the children to do while you watch the event.”
Yea, like what? Julian can provide sec checking and O/W write up techniques for the young ones and Ed Parkin can present the rest with their See Ogre contracts? Sheesch ………… that is like leaving your kids in a shark tank!
The ‘activities’ for the children? Write a Knowledge Report on your parents! The child who writes the best KR wins a cookie!
The best KR will be judged to be the KR which brings in the greatest amount of money through parental sec checks
Nailed it.sigh
in the 1980’s & 90’s when my ids had to attend the events; the children’s activities were VCR tapes. Most of the older kids just ran around outside, unsupervised and bored. Maybe that is why my kids never joined the cult that their OT 8 “”father” and “Nana” belong to.
I used quotes because they never showed love or care to my children
Aw, come on now, there will be one person to watch all the rug rats, no matter how many of them there are. We wouldn’t want David Miscavige to have to actually be near one of them would we? He’s scared of them. (perhaps because they can see the emperor has no clothes?)
Well for sure there are a lot of areas He is short on Valerie!
A lot of areas…..tons of areas, infact. So many they’re uncountable…
INFORMATION CONTROL is how cults lead their sheep around.
Mat, for whatever reason I used my guys cell phone and called my X (Jack Kruchko) a few months ago. With-in weeks I was told he’d changed his phone number. All I said was Hi 🙂 How are you? 🙂 He then said “I can’t talk to you per policy” and hung up. INFORMATION CONTROL is right. I was remembering back in 1994 our TVs got taken away (again). We could sign them out to watch DVDs only on libs days. Then it was the lap tops ….. That was right when the early anti-scientology groups were getting lots of traffic and OSA sent out an e-mail to all scientologists to please go onto the groups and help attack the attack. The link was on Tony’s blog yesterday.
All the history coming out (my first was Amy’s book ~ Thanks again) helps so much to make sense out of those 20 years. So what if it’s 20 years later … it was so worth the ride out of there no matter the loses.
Here is the link for the e-mail May 7, 1994, from Elaine Siegel OSA INT
FROM THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL”.!topic/alt.religion.scientology/A–ceRxC26E
“the media never covers our good works and tells the real story about what scientology is doing in the world.”
Yo Dave,
Reality check good buddy ………………. ‘OH YES THEY DO!’ No good works and plenty of disaster news for families and friends!
BTW Dave, I have been impressed with the quality of the recent musings about your sordid little cult. Steve Cannane’s new book Fair Game and Leahs new A&E segment should provide you with a new onslaught of problems for Your statisticians to record.
How many paying cultites will be left on December 31st? Circle the wagons good buddy.
You keep on sticking around Oldcomer.Love your posts.Love yourcommitment to do right.Even if it means wrong for you.
It is Scientology’s chronic and social position on the tone scale. It was Ron’s and now DM.
But Ron’s also included wish for body death. DM is not there yet. Maybe he won’t wish that for himself because he doesn’t audit BTs.
Hey, isn’t that an interesting idea. DM’s mental health may not descend into the depths that Ron’s did because he doesn’t audit.
Square that one mind jockeys!
An aside:
I had a thought the other day about why Ron, in The Reapnsibility of Leaders, Bolivar, instructed his minions to not inform those in power, Ron, of any illegal activity.
Why would Ron put that idea in Bolivar?
First of all he in no uncertain terms supports murder and violence to protect power. That is not up for debate. It’s in writing. Say what you want to protect Ron. Ron chose murder and physical violence to make his point. (Pink legs anyone)
I will not go back and forth with Ron apologists on this point. They will simply say it was an analogy. Yeah, some analogy!
He could have chosen any number of historic heroes and symbols to make his point. He chose political military subterfuge to instruct his GO/OSA “willing hounds.”
So here is my theory why Ron instructs his army of protectors to keep their illegal activity secret from him.
Think his wife during Snow White. By by deary, thanks for the kids and the image of being a down to earth family man. Your usefulness has come to an end.
So there he is, praising the virtues of political murder and physical violence to protect power, thereby giving the wink and nod to his thought slaves to do violence OR illegal activity but insulating himself from the consequences.
That is a devious mind my friends. That ain’t the mindset of a Buddha. More like the mafia.
Think of the story of Paulette Cooper having a guy come to her door with a gun.
“Man’s best friend and mankind’s only hope”
Brian, the apologists are declining in their numbers. I know. I was one. Carry on Brian.
Thanks Robert!
Brian, that’s one of the Policy Letters I had to leave in Pending because I never fully understood it. I spent days at the local library trying to wrap my wits around it. 🙁 It’s so nice now to see it for what it is. And I don’t even have to read it again 🙂
You could not get it Cece because you are decent human being. Bolivar is basically is thug school.
Bolivar was a direct assault on our conscience. Daddy Messiah was giving the green light to nefarious criminal behavior.
No, of course not. None of that in Scientology’s history.
Responsibility of Leaders is an evil doctrine. It makes thugs out of decent people. Or completely resonates with already made thugs like DM. And makes them more thuggy.
I have a very important announcement this morning for my fellow SP’s!!!!!!!
On November 29th, coinciding with Leah Remini’s series on the abuses of $cientology I will have the great pleasure to announce the unveiling of GASP II (Golden Age of SP’s II).
Here’s a little taste to whet your appetites of what’s in store:
I am so there!
FULL BULLET??? What the hell is a full bullet?
A full bullet is a… a…..hmmmmmmmm. Got it! A full bullet is full of shit! Hey, I took a shot.
The Shrine! LMAO!!!!!
The “crowd” wouldn’t even fill the restroom stalls, much less the auditorium seating. Hopefully a bitter apostate will slip in and video it.
Well the rental and Union labor costs will be greatly reduced not being in ” the holiday season” and now they will have time to post produce for “dissemination” at Morgs around the world instead of working continuously from the events end until New Years Eve.
A change in policy to get (make) sheeple attend (no excuses for “Holiday Season Arrangements). Be there or visit the MAA.
Expansion? Not hardly (attendence has been falling for years)
GTBO, I see how that makes sense!
If they lose anymore members, the restroom stalls will be hosting future shows….
Floor Seating: 3,044 seats
Balcony Seating: 3,256 seats
Used to be full20years ago if I remembercorrectly.Now they only use the floor seating.
anyone have 2015,2014 attendance data?
xenu’s son, at one time ~30 years ago they filled the bottom but never both the top and bottom.
Absolutely! The reason that they don’t want anyone to record the event is that, once pics of all those empty seats hit the internet, it tends to undermine the cult’s efforts to portray the event’s attendance as being “standing room only” by creating several thousand virtual $cilons to fill those empty seats. They’ve been busted out on this little deceit more than once already, but they’re kind of stuck with this strategy because to go to a smaller venue that they could fill would be to tacitly admit that $cn was shrinking, even in a region with one of the highest population on earth where the most $cilons in the world make their home.
Because the truth is very much like water in its predilection to leak out wherever it can, we’re sure to get the real story about what epic, monumental and earth-shattering achievements the cult’s lying about having achieved in the past year, and lots of lies about future bogus achievements that their planning. And, with a little luck, some brave witness to the truth will get us a few shots of this premiere cult event of the year!
Personally, I can’t wait to see what new Nazi-themed backdrop will be unveiled! I’ve always wondered whether or not lil davey the savage is consciously aware of how thematically consistent his tastes in monumental event backdrops that feature so many elements of Third Reich imagery and symbolism are? Does he have a secret collection of Nazi regalia and dress his dogs up in their own specially-made little SS uniforms on special occasions?
Beautifully formulated.
You’re wrong, xenu’s son! I say it’s formulated beautifully…
Stay as late as you like, our regges offices are open 24/7.
‘You need to bring cash, (they don’t take cards)’. Said no reg, ever.
…our regres’ office are open 24/7….for the next billion years.
Dear Dave,
Monumental huh?
Ha Ha Ha HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa HaHa Ha!
You’re so funny!
I went to one of these live events when I was on the BC. It wasn’t amazing. Thought it would never end.
I hated those events too Joe…..except for the part where we got to stand every 3 minutes and applaud and cheer like a bunch of trained seals.
Free? In Scientology? Hahahahahaha…………!
Don’t say they never give you anything free. Free coffee!
It’s only because they don’t want you to fall asleep while they hammer you for your last nickel until dawn.
Free coffee comes with a huge price tag. You only get to drink the coffee while talking to a reg.
Free coffee would be out exchange…..
Mike sez:
“This is the EXACT thing they whine about — “the media never covers our good works and tells the real story about what scientology is doing in the world.” Well, perhaps it is because the information is kept as a closely guarded state secret, never to be shown to the world?”
Well, no need to whine anymore. With the SuMP up and running they should be able to broadcast this to the entire world and not have to depend on Merchants of Chaos to cover their good works. But for some reason, no matter how much I fiddle with the rabbit ears on my TV, it just can’t seem to pick up their signal. Anybody else having any luck?
Rabbit ears won’t work as you need the special codes which will be released with GAT 3 on COB’s birthday. I am now accepting advance payments. Word is that this will be the greatest release in the history of mankind so you don’t want to miss out as demand is HUGE!!! If you purchase now, the cost is only $10,000.00. After November 15, prices go up. Have Mike give you my email so you can send me your credit card info and be one of the lucky ones who was smart enough to buy early. This is SO amazing!!!
Yeah but is it EPIC and MONUMENTAL?
And that makes all the difference in the world…
Ms. B Haven, I thought that a sump was where you collected all the dirty water and then pumped it to disposal. 😉
Rabbit ears do not work. Use sheep ears.
I think they’re transmitting over telex. You need to get with the tech Ms. B. Haven.
Telex is so bitchin’…
What a laugh getter!